Activesync not working (always connecting..) - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

My activesync just stopped to work since some day, it is just keeping connecting, but never succeed. I've tried to reinstall activesync several times but no luck. Now the version is 4.5, and my rom is a custom made one from the forum (xplode_7.00 6.10.00.WWE). I don't have a clue as it just suddenly stopped to work. Some thing that may be useful for troubleshooting:
1. when connected to pc (winxp), no device showed under " USB controller" in device manager, instead a "windows mobile based device #16" showed up under "Network adapter"
2. When just hooked, a connecting icon will show up at connectivity status(top of the screen) for about one second, then replaced to "two arrows with a cross ".
3. I have Rogers blocked my data service... could that be a reason? (seems not quite likely)
That's all what I could think about so far. I've looked through posts regarding similar issues but still could find a solution. I appreciate any input/insight.
Another question, does any one know how to have the youtube app working with wifi. It just showed " Error, Connection problem. Failed to initialize...."
Thanks a lot

your data service theoretically could be the issue, but since you said it worked before, and your device manager says #16, i guess, this will help you:
i don't know if you use the cradle with a pc or maybe a usb cable that is not permanently connected, but it seems, the driver is just installed many times now, so try the following to clean that up:
1. disconnect the cable/cradle
2. on the pc, right click "my computer" or "computer" (depending on whether you use xp or vista/7), and click 'properties'
3. go to the advanced system settings
4. click "environment variables"
5. make a new variable by clicking the upper "New" button
5.1 the name must be "DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES" without ""
5.2 the value must be "1" without ""
5.3 close all open windows with OK
6. restart the pc
7. start the device manager again, e.g. by right clicking "my computer" or computer and clicking "manage"
8. click "View" and then "Show hidden devices"
9. now you see a lot of new greyed out devices, all devices that were ever connected to the pc.
10. now you can start cleaning up:
10.1 go to "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
10.2 all the greyed out entries named "Unknown device", "USB Mass Storage device", "USB root hub" can be right-clicked and uninstalled, but just the greyed out ones!
10.3 go to the tree "Portable devices" and uninstall anything like BlueAngel, PocketPc and stuff like that.
10.4 go to the tree "mobile devices" and uninstall them all.
10.5 close the device manager
11. connect the cable and the device again.
12. since all the old drivers are uninstalled, it will start searching for new hardware and then connect the device again. if you are in fact using xp and the driver is not found disconnect the device again, uninstall active sync, restart the pc and re-install it. it brings the driver and on the next connect, the "new" hardware will be found.
ok, it seems like a lot of work, but it will seriously speed up all your usb connections, because all the dead links and drivers are cleaned up. if, for any reason, this was not the solution to your problem, at least enjoy the faster usb, you're welome
in that very case, you should use pimbackup from my thread in my signature (the "read first" one) and make a backup of all your pim data and perform a hard reset, that could also help.
btw. when you are in my thread already, there is also a youtube app there, that works extremely well with wi-fi and is a lot faster than the official one.

Thank you very much for this detailed procedure. I've tried it through, but still no luck. I'll see if I could find solution before "a necessary hard reset". One odd thing is I didn't see any "blueangel related item" under Portable devices, and I even don't have "mobile devices" tree..
I also downloaded youtubeplay. I will give it a try later. Also, isn't myphone usable through wifi either?
Thanks a lot for the help.

myphone should also work fine via wi-fi, maybe you should check your connection status there as well, i could imagine one situation, where no change at all could also screw that up. if you have an incredibly bad connection or your dhcp encountered a conflict, you might get stuck with an APIPA ip address, something like 169.254.x.x, your wi-fi shows up as connected but there will be no data transfer. in that case, assign a manual ip address or check on your access point or router.
if all other programs work, except for those two, you should think about a hard reset. by the way, if you are a person, that does not like hard resets because of all the programs you need to install and set up again afterwards, you should think about trying spb backup, which can create full backups of your system state before a hard reset. it's pretty neat and due to the fact, that you make a hard reset afterwards, you can use the free trial version.
little warning though:
- never plan on restoring a backup on another rom! this app backs up your complete system, including registry and stuff, and that can vary from rom to rom, after you restored a backup from another rom or device, your device will behave odd, if it will even start, and you probably have to re-flash the rom.
- if you are hard resetting because you screwed up something software or registry related, don't hard reset and restore the backup, the screw-up will be restored as well only make backups of running systems and for last minute backups of pim data, use pim backup.
oh, and with the "portable devices" tree, my bluangel probably shows up there, alongside with card readers and usb flash drives, because i am using windows 7. the mobile devices tree might also have a different name, something like windows ce devices or something like that, basicly you were to delete everything with a pda icon at least, especially that "windows mobile based device #16" and its 15 possible predecessors, so that windows could search the device again.
in a very last attempt to determine whether it is the device to blame or the pc/active sync, you could also try connecting it to another pc. if it is actually just your pc, maybe you don't have to make a hard reset after all. you know, if you get that wi-fi issue out of the way...

Chef_Tony said:
myphone should also work fine via wi-fi, maybe you should check your connection status there as well, i could imagine one situation, where no change at all could also screw that up. if you have an incredibly bad connection or your dhcp encountered a conflict, you might get stuck with an APIPA ip address, something like 169.254.x.x, your wi-fi shows up as connected but there will be no data transfer. in that case, assign a manual ip address or check on your access point or router.
if all other programs work, except for those two, you should think about a hard reset. by the way, if you are a person, that does not like hard resets because of all the programs you need to install and set up again afterwards, you should think about trying spb backup, which can create full backups of your system state before a hard reset. it's pretty neat and due to the fact, that you make a hard reset afterwards, you can use the free trial version.
little warning though:
- never plan on restoring a backup on another rom! this app backs up your complete system, including registry and stuff, and that can vary from rom to rom, after you restored a backup from another rom or device, your device will behave odd, if it will even start, and you probably have to re-flash the rom.
- if you are hard resetting because you screwed up something software or registry related, don't hard reset and restore the backup, the screw-up will be restored as well only make backups of running systems and for last minute backups of pim data, use pim backup.
oh, and with the "portable devices" tree, my bluangel probably shows up there, alongside with card readers and usb flash drives, because i am using windows 7. the mobile devices tree might also have a different name, something like windows ce devices or something like that, basicly you were to delete everything with a pda icon at least, especially that "windows mobile based device #16" and its 15 possible predecessors, so that windows could search the device again.
in a very last attempt to determine whether it is the device to blame or the pc/active sync, you could also try connecting it to another pc. if it is actually just your pc, maybe you don't have to make a hard reset after all. you know, if you get that wi-fi issue out of the way...
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This is why history is important... you learn from it
Here is an extract from xplode's thread (first post)
R7 Release (this does not mean that this is windows mobile 7)
Rapidshare: R7 ROM
Ziddu: R7 ROM
[highlight]Known bug with it , does not want to sync ... (or maybe it is my pc error i will look into this, but now it is 4 AM and i am going to bed[/highlight]
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I have a simpler solution.... get PIM backup to save any important things out of your phone, flash a newer rom . Remember, xplode's latest version was 7.1 and not 7... and that is for a very special reason... bugs (activesync being one of them). More than likely, you will have to either HR or change roms. I would personally go with the latter since I am gonna have to reinstall everything anyways.
BTW, Chef.... awesome guide!

yeah, i remembered that xplode had some sync issues with some past roms, but i always thought that it if it hit you, sync wouldn't work at all but it seems to have worked before, which is why i didn't blame the rom first. that usb driver issue is trouble though, it could have been the solution this time, since it isn't i will use this to link on, the next time it might be
but i agree, in this case, changing the rom should clear all issues.

I finally fixed the problem in a way like what egzthunder1 suggested... And now I am trying out wm6.5. Here is what I've been through
1. Spb backuped my PIMs. Restored to my previous backups ( which I am sure worked well with Activesync )... Sync still not working.
2. Hard reset, sync works. Restored to any previous backups... sync not working
So I decided to flash a rom, now that I have to hard reset it anyway. So, I HRed the phone, restored PIM, and synced with my PC and MS' myphone account, downloaded a new WM6.5 rom, and flashed the phone...
bling..everything works now
I don't think it's old ROM's fault for not ActiveSync, it must be something I did to the system which is weirdly not restore-able. Anyway, starting over is always an effective solution, just takes a lot of time to get everything back to work again.
Thank you guys for great guides and insights.

java218 said:
I finally fixed the problem in a way like what egzthunder1 suggested... And now I am trying out wm6.5. Here is what I've been through
1. Spb backuped my PIMs. Restored to my previous backups ( which I am sure worked well with Activesync )... Sync still not working.
2. Hard reset, sync works. Restored to any previous backups... sync not working
So I decided to flash a rom, now that I have to hard reset it anyway. So, I HRed the phone, restored PIM, and synced with my PC and MS' myphone account, downloaded a new WM6.5 rom, and flashed the phone...
bling..everything works now
I don't think it's old ROM's fault for not ActiveSync, it must be something I did to the system which is weirdly not restore-able. Anyway, starting over is always an effective solution, just takes a lot of time to get everything back to work again.
Thank you guys for great guides and insights.
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There are things that get backed up with 3rd party software (such as Sprite Backup), which will mess things up in the device. It is usually recommended not to use these softwares to back your things up. Instead, you should always try to either use AS, or try PIM Backup, which for some reason doesn't mess things up.
Glad it worked out

same issue with ELF0 100 i can't figure out :-(


Bizarre ActiveSync Error

I have a Siemens SX66 from Cingular running Mobile 2003 and a laptop running XP SP2, Outlook 2003, and ActiveSync 3.8 and I can't get them to sync. The PC's ActiveSync shows the "Looking for Changes" message and then it shows a quick "Syncronization Error" message and then it goes to "Not Connected". I have been diagnosing this for several weeks with no solution in sight. I have an old IPAQ that syncs just fine with this PC. I have taken the SX66 to two other PC's, both with fresh images and new installs of ActiveSync and get the same thing. I have hard reset the handheld and soft reset it several times. I have switched from the cradle to a direct cable so I could try the serial port. I have checked all of my pst files with scanpst to resolve any errors that existed. It seems a few other people have had an issue that was similar and it seems to have magically resolved itself but mine just keeps hanging around. :evil:
I'm just wondering, does it sync okay via wifi? Have you installed any applications that adds to the sync process? Have you tried USB sync from a fresh Hard reset? And last, have you tries older/newer ROM or radio ROM (read wiki for how-to)?
My unit was an SOB when I first got it. Trial and error fixed it and it didn't happen in less than a week.
Have you tried deleting the partnership & then creating a new one?
I have tried to hard reset it several times. I've tried to start the whole process before and after I reloaded saved data to see if my local data was corrupt. I've deleted the partnership. I've uninstalled ActiveSync and reinstalled. I've tried to sync via USB, serial, bluetooth, and infrared. I've also tried the outlook repair tools (inside outlook and the pst report tool outside of it) on the PC. I've even taken it to a totally different PC with a fresh local version of Outlook. Siemens tried to tell me that its because I'm using Outlook 2003 and ActiveSync 3.8 doesn't work with that but that isn't true according to Microsoft's web site. I can't get ActiveSync to work so I can't install any software on it or upgrade/downgrade the ROM. I am running the latest and greatest ROM on the device.
Interestingly, if I set up the partnership as a guest partnership, I can explore the device just fine from my PC so I know that ActiveSync has a good link established.
To me, it looks like the whole ActiveSync chain gets connected and then it tries to read from Outlook on the PC and on the handheld. One or the other of those two things or the exchange of change information down the ActiveSync pipe is what breaks things but there are no diagnostics anywhere to tell me why or what to do about it.
Try to go into AS --> Options and untick all the option in the main box. That will will cause it not to sync with oulook. Maybe there is something in oulook that is keeping it from syncing.
Good suggestion but I've tried that (I just tried it again with a new partnership on a new PC to be sure). It doesn't give me the "Looking for Changes" message but it gives me the "Synchronization Error" message and then goes to "Not Connected". Keep the suggestions coming as something has to make this work.
You have just about tried to sync at the lowest basic level. It the above doesn't work, barrow another sync cable or take the unit to a shop and have them try to sync it with there cable and pc. You have figure out the problem
1. The USB cable/pins
2. The unit itself
3. Your PC or lappy (i doubt it though)
4. while you are there, ask them to test out activesync via wifi if they can
Delete AC from your PC- Reboot - Install AC on your PC, sync will most likely work again.
Had the same problem my self.
Thanks for the suggestion but I've tried that several times already. In fact, I have started from a fresh image on a different PC and get the same issue. Is there a way to do the same thing on the handheld without ActiveSync working? I'd like to remove its ActiveSync and freshen it but I don't know how I'd get a new copy installed since it won't sync.
Don't know how to just Install AC on your BA.
I Would try to Reflash the device with
1) The same Rom -> If it diddn't help
2) A Different Rom
I finally got it to work although I can't believe the solution. If you've gotten this far in the thread I hope that you have an SD card in the phone because that was the whole problem for me. I don't know how it works but if I have my SD card inserted when I connect the phone to the PC, it will error out every time. If I don't have the card in when I connect, it works just fine. Obviously, this appears to be a problem for Siemens to resolve but simply removing the card (as foolish as that sounds) may get you through this issue. Thanks for the assists and I hope that this solution helps someone.

Updating JASJAR

Hi all,
I have been trying to check out the forum here, to try and solve my problem, I literally bought my JASJAR today, and it was giving some wierd behaviour. In an attempt to reload the software (I prefere to reload the entire ROM), something went wrong, now all thats on my screen is "USB" and a lil lower down "v1.01".
ActiveSync obviously not connecting now bcos the OS is not on the JASJAR no more, in my device manager is a "Microsoft USB Sync" under my mobile devices.
I downloaded what I am guessing is WM6, 'JASJAR_WWE_20106_20301_11300_wwe_ship' from another thread in this forum, tried to load that but cant communicate with device cos no activesync.
I have tried the different reset options, like the 2 function keys and the reset on the back, I push 0 to clear, and then it jus goes back to the USB v1.01 thing.
I am running windows vista home basic, with the Windows Mobile Device Center, it synced perfectly with this software, communicated properly with the update tool, until my device reset and activsync lost connection, then i was stuffed.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like it is your first time with the upgrade. What you are seeing on the screen is the bootloader, which is what we use for flashing new ROMs.
ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center (how come you have both on Vista?) will therefore not respond. This is fine, because we use a different program to load the new ROMs.
If you look at the folder you downloaded, chances are that there should be a program called "ROMUpgradeUt" or something similar. Provided that you have not changed anything in the folder, you should be able to flash the new ROM by simply following the instructions in the program.
You can also read this link for more information:
Here is an instruction guide on ROM upgrading:
how come you have both on Vista?
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I have both, I recently moved to Vista, and am used to calling it activesync and not WMDC.
Thanks, will have a look
Ok, well I have got it up and running again, only problem now is activsync keeps freezing when I try and sync the device...any ideas?
I landed up using my work computer, which has XP on it, and then used MTTY and that connected fine, on Vista it simply didnt wanna work.
I ran the utility for those 'stuck on serial/usb', and that fixed it. Now I would like to load up WM6, but it keeps getting communication failures.
Thanks for the help guys....I got it working...running on WM6 now...whoo!!

Windows Vista, WM6, and Tethering

Ok I searched on the forums hard for this one so forgive me if this has already been answered. I see to find people with Windows Mobile 6 and Windows XP or people with Windows Vista but Windows Mobile 5.
Since I'm running Vista, I use Windows Mobile Device Center instead of ActiveSync. The functionality of the program is fine, so I have no complaints. However, to upgrade ROMs or anything...I use an XP Machine as it seems Vista seems to think the device disconnects upon the loading of the bootloader. I've read somewhere in the forums that there is a driver update to fix that, but after applying...WMDC doesn't work I'd save the trouble and use a machine that has XP running instead until a better fix comes along.
My 8525 came stock with a program called Wireless Modem as of ROM 1.34.502.1 shipped, which seems to have been replaced by Internet Sharing.
The Wireless Modem application worked fine after setting up the modem with the Vista driver also found in the forums. I also tested the bluetooth connection and set that up to tether as well and it worked fine.
I finally decided to upgrade after days of reading and I tried to use the Wireless Modem feature. I noticed it wasn't there and tried to use Internet Sharing. The layouts are similar...but when I hook up the phone under USB, my computer doesn't even recognize it as a new device (modem) as I did uninstall the last driver.
When connected via Bluetooth, it recognized the device and installed the driver as Windows Mobile-based device support by default. Under services, only Active Sync is only opposed to before when I had Dial-Up networking available. When I set up a PAN, the computer and device are connected together, however I do get the same problem as some others with a connection that is limited or local only. So the tethering is unsuccessful.
I recently upgraded my Cingular 8525 to WM6BE v1.2 (Cingular Edition)...which I can't seem to find in the threads anymore. I'm also running Radio I don't think that would affect anthing. I reverted back to my shipped ROM to check for alternate settings that might have helped...then I was going to revert back to WM6BE v1.2 Cingular...then I realized I accidently deleted that custom ROM and I couldn't find it anymore. I was stuck putting on the WM6BE v1.2 on the sticky thread after which forced me to reinstall the data settings/keyboard fix from the cab files. Haven't had problems with them but I did like that customized ROM for Cingular a little better considering I really like "clean" ROMs.
Anyway, I'm attempted to connect via MEdia Net AND Cingular GPRS settings provided by the Cingular Data Settings cab floating around the forums. It works fine it just seems like the problem is getting Vista to recognize the device as a modem, or at least having modem capabilities.
I guess thats as detailed as I can get right now. Hopefully someone can help now ^_^
You are right. I tried updating rom on Vista's Windows mobile Device and end up damaging my xda2i. The device displays "USB" when connected to cradle and "Serial v1. 01" when not. Do you have a solution apart from upgrading?
Solution on Vista
Hello Guys, I'm running vista too and I bothered 2 hours before getting it done.
So this is one of the "Step-By-Step Instruction Guides".
0. Extract the attached file into a directory of your choice
1. Disconnect your Device
2. Goto Settings > Connections and choose "USB To PC"
3. Uncheck the option there
4. Reconnect your Device
5. Goto your DeviceManager and search for "HTC USB Sync", double click it and choose Drivers
6. Click on the "Update Driver"-Button and choose search on the computer
7. Click "Choose a driver from list..."
8. Click the button to the right (Open from Media)
9. Choose any INF File from the extracted ones.
10. You're done, upgrade your ROM.
11. To Rollback drivers, use the "Automatic Update" instead of Manually selecting (it will choose the newest ones)
12. Recheck the option of step 2 unless you're planning to use the slow variant.
Have Phun and Good Luck
Have I understand right? With this tweak We will be able to applied ROM upgrades to our HERMES from windows VISTA?
I did already update my ROM in this way.
Please use HardSPL or something equal to be sure the risk is at a minimum.
And I can not be held responsible for any damage to your Hermes or your Brain
But as I said, for me it worked perfectly, remember to Restore the new Drivers or the Mobile Device Center will not work.
Hmm I don't think you people understand what I was asking...
I already know about that method to update with Vista...I actually tried it yesterday and for some reason it didn't work so I just use an XP Machine for now...but I was just asking merely about TETHERING.
I already have the ROMs of my choice loaded on my device.
In simpler words: How do I go about tethering (Running Internet Sharing) when my computer does not recognize the device as a modem...through USB or Bluetooth.
I'm running WM6BE v1.2 and Windows Vista Ultimate.
Maybe its Wm6BE, but I have used all the other roms (xda live, des, lsvw) and all I do is plug in the usb, start internet sharing and it connects no problem. Have to start internet sharing before wmdc starts. Internet Sharing works great, better than wireless modem. I was not able to use the WM6be due to problems with sbp pocket plus. I am currently using XDA live .30 and Vista Ultimate.
Does the technique in the post above work??
Also once that procedure is carried out can rom updates and RUU programs be used exactly the same as on XP??
If anyone is available to do some screenshots for me for an updated GUIDE, please PM me (i dont use or have a copy of vista )
I enjoy the community so I think I'll do my best to contribute to it. When I get the chance, I'll try to make a guide with screenshots on using Windows Vista and loading WM6.
I'm going to try to switch to LVSW build with his new update today and I'll see how that works out.
I REALLY like the one custom build someone made (I forgot who) with the Cingular connection settings defaulted from the Cingular Shipped ROMs...I wish I can find those files again.
It seems like the people developing the new Cingular data connection cab files are really working hard at getting the default settings as if they just bought their phoes straight from Cingular.
I'll let you know how LVSW goes with Internet Sharing and Windows Vista
sonixwarrior said:
Hello Guys, I'm running vista too and I bothered 2 hours before getting it done.
So this is one of the "Step-By-Step Instruction Guides".
0. Extract the attached file into a directory of your choice
1. Disconnect your Device
2. Goto Settings > Connections and choose "USB To PC"
3. Uncheck the option there
4. Reconnect your Device
5. Goto your DeviceManager and search for "HTC USB Sync", double click it and choose Drivers
6. Click on the "Update Driver"-Button and choose search on the computer
7. Click "Choose a driver from list..."
8. Click the button to the right (Open from Media)
9. Choose any INF File from the extracted ones.
10. You're done, upgrade your ROM.
11. To Rollback drivers, use the "Automatic Update" instead of Manually selecting (it will choose the newest ones)
12. Recheck the option of step 2 unless you're planning to use the slow variant.
Have Phun and Good Luck
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Also, I've seen this guide posted twice...yours missing one step where I was supposed to "End WMDC.exe Process in Task Manager"
I still can't get Vista to run you run the RUU with your device in Bootloader? I think I even tried that once and and still couldn't get it to work with the older Driver.
Not exactly sure what I'm missing or doing wrong...but its definitely after I install the driver. It acts as if I didn't install it at all, even if I check in drive details and its all correct in there.
i tried the method above for upgrading in vista and it didnt work for me...
what am i missing?
Where is it stopping?
Because I did it once, it has to work.
Where is it stopping? - At the bootloader (LSD-Screen with psychedelic colors ?) - or before ?
I will do an upgrade in the afternoon again and this time i will record ALL of my steps.
Hopefully I'll find the recept for the cake.
Yea it gets to the bootloader screen and I'm stuck as if I never loaded the AS4.5 drivers.
Sorry, too less time today for a screenshot-decorated guide.
I just upgraded my device again (only to proove it does work).
So here is again a guide, which differs to the first one.
I guess there are two ways to do this...
- Search my previous post and download the
- Extract it into a directory...
- You'll need your device and it has to be connected, too
The first approach:
Change the Serial-Driver
- On the device click Start > Settings, choose "Connections" there and click on "USB to PC"
- uncheck the item for "Enhanced..." there
- Click on OK.
- Now goto your Device Manager.
- Search an Item named "HTC USB Sync".
- Right-click it and choose "Update Driver".
- Choose the second option, then select to choose manually
- Select the directory where the zip has been extracted to and choose any inf file.
Start the Update-Tool
- After the driver-update you need to set the device back to RNDIS-Mode (follow Step 1 and recheck the option)
- Verify that you're running the correct drivers for the RNDIS-Device, the date in the device-manager has to be around January, 17th 2007.
- Start the ROM-Upgrade.
- It should work now.
For me it did not really work to switch from RNDIS to USB-Serial drivers in my localized (thanks bepe for the great work!) german WM6.
So if you have a problem with the first method use this one.
- Start your Device-Manager, we have to be very fast.
- Start the ROM-Upgrade as you've probably done before
- If the bootloader starts up, you'll notice a device/dettached,device/attached sound, this is your sign, goto to you Device-Manager.
- Search for the Entry "HTC USB Sync".
- Update drivers like it's written above.
- If it won't work and the upgrade tool dies with "cannot connect", don't worry. Reset your device (soft) and try again, this time you should not need to update the drivers.
I'm using XP and a USB cable. USed to work OK before upgrading to WM6 Black but now I get Error 797 on the PC saying modem not found or busy!
mrvanx said:
Does the technique in the post above work??
Also once that procedure is carried out can rom updates and RUU programs be used exactly the same as on XP??
If anyone is available to do some screenshots for me for an updated GUIDE, please PM me (i dont use or have a copy of vista )
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Take a look here
For Vista guide with screen shots, so far i've only flashed HardSPLv4 from inside Vista, but it worked i'm still plucking up enough courage to do a full flash of WM6
I do this (for Hard-SPL, don't know for other):
I have made what it was written on modaco (, but
1) I was not in bootloader.
2) While active sync try to connect (but it does not succeed because they are not its driver) I've stopped WMDC.EXE and now hermes is connected.
3) NOW I do a flash.
If there is something that is not clear you say it to me.
My method also works (for me)
Can somebody confirm that my method works for vista?
I'm based also to your method, but it would be more complete to integrate it with the method on modaco.
It seems that most people didn't get the point of this thread...weird considering I put TETHERING in the subject line. However, it is nice to see people trying to help others with Vista to flash. I have the same problem myself but access to machines with XP nullify my real need for flashing on Vista for now.
I'm about to reinstall LVSW's latest ROM set for the billionth time and I'll try out tethering on that. It seems that people who were on WM6BE were having a hard time with Internet Sharing. I'll load a new rom and let you know how it goes.

bloody phone!!!

just as you get one thing working correctly...something else f***s up!!
just went to check some mails and now my GPRS settings don't work.
I've not changed anything, or messed with's just stopped working.
followed the instructions on the t-mobile website...but still no GPRS connection. Just nothing happens..doesn't even try to conect and tell that I have a username or password incorrect..just does nothing but tell me that the current connection cannot be used for your request.
Can anyone let me know where I can find step by step instructions to get this set up?
many thanks
even worse...if I try to access anything while connected by wifi....the same message!!
the current connection cannot be used for your request!!...
Just about had enough and thought about a hard rset....better back yo first though right?....and now active snyc wont recognise my device....could it get any worse???
Hmm is this a HTC Artemis or T-Mobile MDA Compact III? if its the later the hardware is not fitted for WiFi so that option won't work.
When my device is playing up in this way (which it does at least once a week) I simply soft reste the device by poking the stylus in the reset hole. Being a soft reset it doesn't wipe any data or settings - I wold start with a soft reset and see what happens next - Mike
You could try deleting your connections and the installing a tmob connection cab which shoudn't be too hard to find on this site.
This is one particular bug I,ve not yet had the pleasure of, but I can appreciate what a pain it is.
Do you have a backup that works?
well...I'm having a nightmare!!!!!!!
hard reset the phone (nothing seemed to be going my way)
someone on here told me that I could save a copy of pim.vol and then replace this back onto my machine and I would have all my contacts back....sadly not..if you try to copy this file back you just get a sharing violation!! I'll be making a comment about this in the post where it was suggested!!
so, might have to spnd the next few hours adding my contacts back in. try to fix the sync problem I upgraded to 4.5 (as suggested by the MS website) ....that screwed my PC up well and proper!!...everytime I tried to connect my PC usage went to 100% and nothing worked!!
so had to search for my original CD and go back to 4.2 which seems to be ok now.
I do have a back up that I made a few days ago...just a little concerned that it will put back all the issues I had in the first place, as I'm not sure when I lost my connection stuff.
what a complete nightmare tody!!
try to restore, at least you will get you contacts back which I am sure though I can't point you at it, there are other ways of backing up.
Just finished restoring my backup from a few days ago.
Got my contacts back which was one of the main things.
then had to set up a new connection with active sync (now called PC2, how do I delete PC1???)
anyway..everything is back to normal..including my GPRS and wifi working...
happy man now...
Just open AS on your PC, click file and you will see an option to delete a partnership.

[Help] A Myriad of Problems

Disclaimer: I am extremely illiterate when it comes to Android terminology, so you will most likely have to talk to me like I'm a child. I will try to explain my problems as best as I can, and will of course answer any questions. I also might over-explain, so I apologize for any length/redundancy issues.
Phone: XPERIA Play R800at, Android 2.3.3, Rooted with su and rom manager
My previous Play's touch screen stopped working, so the warranty granted me this new one. It's only two or three weeks old. The first problem I noticed was that I tried and could not delete anything off of my SD card. I tried formatting it a number of times, both in-phone (In Settings, as well as ES File Manager) and on Windows (both default formatter and a specific SD card formatter), but it would always revert back to what it's previous state would be. After researching a bit, I concluded it's probably faulty or failing, so I've ordered a new one that should get here within the week.
The second problem rose out of the first, I'm sure: My computer now doesn't recognize the sd card anymore. In SMC or MTP mode, it will not pop up on my computer and could not be recognized in PC Companion. On phone, the usual options you get in the notification bar (*dis*connect phone, etc.) do not show up. When connecting, the MTP USB Device driver attempts to install, but never succeeds. This is with USB debugging off and on, and every permutation I could think of.
Now, the most recent problem has been that the Home button doesn't work and there is no lock screen. Using the Terminal Emulator, I've attempted the popular fix (su -> echo -n ON > /efs/imei/keystr -> sync -> reboot) but I get the message /efs/imei/keystr directory nonexistent. I've factory reset my phone a number of times, reset settings, gone into recovery mode and reset things there, as well as caches, but all to no avail.
This could probably easily be remedied by just reflashing Android, or an older version or something, I'm sure, but given that my SD card is currently unreachable, I was wondering if anyone would know of a way I can fix these problems, or at least one of them. Thanks in advance.
If I've left anything out, please tell me and I will expound as best I can.
Other notes that might be of importance:
- It seems my *system* or whatever it would be is read-only, which seems like it could definitely be a problem. How do I fix this or do I even need to?
- I don't have the Setup Guide on my phone; I saw a thread that posited that this was a cause of the no lock screen problem.
Thanks again.
Driver install issue
I'm not sure how to fix all of your problems. However, I have the same issue with my MTP drivers not installing when I connect the device. I've tried installing with various tools and the standard sony ericsson software. I believe I have the problem with the driver sorted out. I noticed that the drivers are, for some unknown reason, attempting to install to a TEMP folder. I would assume they are then being dumped from the TEMP folder after only a few seconds because when I install the driver it continues to ask me to install even when I click "finished."
You might try making sure the drivers are installing to the proper location if you haven't already. That might help with some of the issues.
On the same topic, do you know where the drivers are SUPPOSED to go in Windows XP? I'm fairly new to all of this stuff so I'm not sure exactly which folder in C:/WINDOWS the MTP driver for the Experia Play is supposed to go.
I hope this helps!

