WM65 rearranging items in Start Menu (all Programs list)? - Windows Mobile Software Development

Apologies if this is addressed already somewhere. I searched for "rearrange" and did not see something which looked like what I'm asking.
I would like a tool (or failing that, just the registry or file magic) to rearrange Start menu (all Programs list) items in WM65. I'm running a Dutty Holy Grail ROM on my Topaz, withOUT HTC Sense.
The only rearranging option I see is "Move to Top" and "Move Down" when right-clicking on items in the Start menu, and that's sort of like a Rubik's cube - possible to get right, but waaaay too much work :-}
Thanks for your suggestions,

Since build like month or month a half back you should be able to "right click" and move it just where you want.

This is what you're looking for!

Not a sorter, a way to manually set icons/programs in whatever order *I* want
the "Start Menu Sorter" app is not at all what I'm looking for. It only does a sort (alphabetic?) of its own design.
What I'm looking for - sorry if I wasn't clear before - is something to allow me to rearrange the icons in the Start / Programs folder in any way that I want to. Ideally this would be a drag-and-drop interface, but frankly a Registry key or System file which identifies the order in which all of the registered programs appears would be okay, as it isn't the sort of thing I expect to edit often.
Any other ideas please?

Try this one http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=68864. This gives you full access, havent tried it myself, but going to today (if I can find the time). Looks like it may still be in Beta, but better than what we currently have!

This might also help.

reSTART seems to do the trick!
The reSTART applet does seem to do the trick, thanks.
The JSPA applet I had already tried - it actually does not seem to have any way to move menu items around, though when I read the web pages about it I also got the impression that it was supposed to do so.


Reordering start menu challenge

I've been wondering for awhile now why out of all the programs for the dash why there isn't one out there for reordering the entire start menu. I know jeyo personalizer can reorder the first 7 but come on, they have everything else except for this that I'm aware of. Anyone know of a program that can do this? If not maybe someone on here would be up to the challenge. Just a thought i know I'm not capable of doing it but wanted to throw it out there.
stats555 said:
I've been wondering for awhile now why out of all the programs for the dash why there isn't one out there for reordering the entire start menu. I know jeyo personalizer can reorder the first 7 but come on, they have everything else except for this that I'm aware of. Anyone know of a program that can do this? If not maybe someone on here would be up to the challenge. Just a thought i know I'm not capable of doing it but wanted to throw it out there.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
reordering so that its not alphabetical? is that what you mean? Or just moving the wm standard stuff from the first page or 2, so that you can have your fave apps up front?
Easiest way is renaming the items in windows\start menu. The system ones that are listed first should be renamed so that they will move out of the way, and then rename the ones you want to be first so that they show up on first page. Here's a screenshot of my first page after the recent programs page. The screen shot shows a "!" infront of the names but a simple space will make them move to the front of the line instead of "!"
Thats a good idea thanks! Yeah i was basically trying to reorder the whole thing based on my most used programs on down. I use the list menu option.

TouchFlo3D All Programs list not sorted properly

Hi All,
I got my TP2 at the weekend, and am very impressed - I've moved across from my Palm Treo 650, and am pleasantly surprised by how good WM6.1 is.
I have one problem - while fiddling at the weekend, I turned off TouchFlo3d and while it was off I installed a couple of apps (iSilo and eReader). When I reenabled TF3D, these two apps appeared at the bottom of the "All Programs" list in TF3D, rather than being in alphabetical order. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling them with TF3D running, but they won't budge from the bottom of the list.
Before I hard reset and start again from scratch, is there a config file or a registry setting I can manually hack to put these in their rightful place in the menu order?
Many thanks in advance,
PS Has anyone else noticed that you can use the magnet in the supplied pouch to fool the keyboard slide switch? With the TP2 asleep, touch the USB port on the bottom against the HTC logo on the flap of the case - best thing is to put the case flat on the desk, and then lower the TP2 vertically towards it. Watch as the TP2 comes on and rotates its display...
Locate the program. Then copy the program by: tap-holding the program and selecting copy.
Then you go to the following map: windows/startmenu.
Then past Shortcut there by tap-holding again and choose: paste shortcut.
Sorry - that doesn't fix it. The shortcuts are already present in Windows\Start Menu, so pasting them in again has no effect. The problem is the order in which the programs are displayed in the All Programs menu, which I suspect is controlled by a registry setting or a config file somewhere.
The last programs start with a small letter, the rest starts with a capitol.
Just change the first letter in a capitol, and it will sort correctly.
Ah - that sounds very promising! I'll give it a try...
That totally did the trick! Thanks!
I had the same question, thanks for posting this!
double listing in All Programs
I had the same problem (eWallet - changed to EWallet and it sorted properly).
I have another problem though. While moving things in my Start Menu into folders, I ended up with Abode Reader listed twice in the All Programs menu. How can I remedy this?
You guys are great - thanks for all the help!

Disable the quicklinks?

Just testing out the manila 2.1, and was wondering whether there was any way to disable the quicklinks?
Had a quick look around, but couldn't see anything, so hopefully someone knows
What are these "quicklinks"? Are you referring to the locked items in the HTC Start Menu? (ie, Home, People, Contacts, Settings?) If so, you can find out how to delete them in the following sticky thread.
No, I was talking about the Manilla 2.5, where on the home page, you have the option to add programs which can be run straight off the home page. It's kind of like on the programmes tab, how it has the little + button to add the programme, but it's directly on the home page...
Haven't found a way to disable it, but found a way to stop it from showing the + etc, which I guess will do for me...
To do it, extract the attached file to \Windows on the pda, and restart the phone. This will make them available (so click in the rough area if you wanted to add a programme), but won't show anything there if you've not added a programme to it...

In search of tweaks...

Please, can anyone help?
I just recieved a new Verizon Touch Pro 2 and am trying to find the tweaks to set it up the way I would like. Frankly, I have spent hours looking and have not been able to find everything. Yes, this is cheesy and weak, but I am just burned out.
I am looking for some help on how to:
1. Change the 'Start' menu to use small fonts and work more like the standard Start menu (I do not use the Touchflo interface)
2. Disable word complete when using the keyboard. My ham hands keep messing things up.
3. Unlock the top of the screen so touching the battery icon takes me to power settings, touching the connection icon will let me disconnect data or start the connection manager and touching the volumn will bring up a volumn control. I really dislike having that area just open notifications.
4. Is there some decent, free theme generator out there? I was pretty happy with the one I had on the Omnia 1, but the TP2 seems to be pretty locked down for Touchflo.
I am sure there are more things, but hopefully getting these key things accomplished will remotivate me to try and go and find everything else myself.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe if I am feeling up to it this weekend I will play with my old Samsung and see what use I can make of it. Until I brick it, most likely. I am thinking about learning to create my own ROMS, and seeing if I can create one with no phone functionality at all. Useless? Probably. But something ingteresting to do on these long winter weekends.
1. TF3D2 Tweak. This has this option. (Pretty sure that's the right link, if it isn't then Google is your friend)
2. When your is displayed, mid-left there is XT9 and ABC, make sure that ABC is highlighted.
The others I'm not too sure about. Let me know if this helps.
3. go to HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\ in your registry.
Change the "flags" entry to 4 instead of 0, and it should go back to the default windows mobile notifications (any value other than 0 worked for me to switch back to the old style, but I saw another post that suggested "4").
I would also like to apply that change to unlock the top bar but am getting an "Access Denied" message when I attempt to change it.. Using mobregedit to do it.. what should I do?

Youtube on programs list?

I remember with my TP i had to do it with a config program but havent seen one that offers that option for the TP2.
Anybody know of a cab or config program to do this?
Just in case it isnt clear I'm trying to get the youtube app to pop up as something I can add to my programs tab on TF3D or even would settle for putting it on the start menu.
Thanks in advance
It should be in multimedia. You can re-arrange the start menu from file explorer (root/windows/start menu) or with something like ReStart. I wasn't able to find anything by looking, but i've seen a couple posts about making a custom tab for sense.

