TouchFlo3D All Programs list not sorted properly - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi All,
I got my TP2 at the weekend, and am very impressed - I've moved across from my Palm Treo 650, and am pleasantly surprised by how good WM6.1 is.
I have one problem - while fiddling at the weekend, I turned off TouchFlo3d and while it was off I installed a couple of apps (iSilo and eReader). When I reenabled TF3D, these two apps appeared at the bottom of the "All Programs" list in TF3D, rather than being in alphabetical order. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling them with TF3D running, but they won't budge from the bottom of the list.
Before I hard reset and start again from scratch, is there a config file or a registry setting I can manually hack to put these in their rightful place in the menu order?
Many thanks in advance,
PS Has anyone else noticed that you can use the magnet in the supplied pouch to fool the keyboard slide switch? With the TP2 asleep, touch the USB port on the bottom against the HTC logo on the flap of the case - best thing is to put the case flat on the desk, and then lower the TP2 vertically towards it. Watch as the TP2 comes on and rotates its display...

Locate the program. Then copy the program by: tap-holding the program and selecting copy.
Then you go to the following map: windows/startmenu.
Then past Shortcut there by tap-holding again and choose: paste shortcut.

Sorry - that doesn't fix it. The shortcuts are already present in Windows\Start Menu, so pasting them in again has no effect. The problem is the order in which the programs are displayed in the All Programs menu, which I suspect is controlled by a registry setting or a config file somewhere.

The last programs start with a small letter, the rest starts with a capitol.
Just change the first letter in a capitol, and it will sort correctly.

Ah - that sounds very promising! I'll give it a try...

That totally did the trick! Thanks!

I had the same question, thanks for posting this!

double listing in All Programs
I had the same problem (eWallet - changed to EWallet and it sorted properly).
I have another problem though. While moving things in my Start Menu into folders, I ended up with Abode Reader listed twice in the All Programs menu. How can I remedy this?
You guys are great - thanks for all the help!


Today Screen Entries for some Apps in Black 2.0

I love Black 2.0 and hate to start a new thread on my little micro-problem, but also I don't want to clutter up the main Black 2.0 thread, so here goes...
I have a couple of utilities that I've re-installed but do not have the chance for the app to show up on the Settings->Control Panel->Today screen. One example is PocketAlarm. Another one is SPB Backup.
To give a specific example, I did go into PocketAlarm and select "Enable Today Plugin" on the config screen. Still, nothing shows up in the Control Panel to enable it.
I'm fairly new to Windows Mobile (as if you couldn't tell), so if I'm missing something, any help would be appreciated.
try going to start, settings, today, Items tab and see if they appear in there and make sure they are ticked
I had similar prob with PhoneAlarm (most current beta). It was installed and could see it in the Remove Programs in Settings/System tab. but no show on the today screen or the Items tab.
What I did was remove it using Remove Programs and re-installed it. Everything turned out fine after that.
Let us know if this helped.

O2 standard Apps

Does anyone know where I can download and install the standard O2 apps that are installed as part of the WM5 customization after a hard reset?
I've just upgraded my Orbit to WM6 and am missing these as they were really useful. I'm not intrested in other apps as I know these O2 ones worked fine and didn't drain the battery etc etc.
The 3 I'm after are,
1) Running Apps for the Today screen
2) Battery Meter
3) Memory usage Meter
4) O2 task manager shortcut Icon
These will be the ones I'm after, all shown on this review just before half way down the page in the screen shots.
Meters allows you to show up to three level meters for Battery, Memory, and Storage card. Each meter can be tapped on to show; a plain bar, the bar with percentage, or bar with Mb free.
Running Apps displays a simple line of icons indicating which programs are currently running in the background, tapping the icon switches to that program.
Shortcuts allows for up to five shortcuts to be configured for launching, tapping on the icon launches the program.
Task Manager - this is activated via the 'O2 bubble' which resides in the bottom bar of the today screen. A single tap on it brings up a brushed metal pop-up which displays the running applications and an options menu. The 'X' next to the listed applications allows each application to be terminated manually when required. Options allows you to select which O2 Custom Today applets are usable on the Today screen, as well as allowing you to define the shortcuts for the Shortcut applet.
They are all in the 'Items' menu of the 'Today' setup in preferences. You need to turn on Meters, Profiles and Shortcuts.
Thanks for the reply and they woudl be if I was still running my O2 ROM and it had run the customization to install them after a hard reset but I've upgraded to BEBE's WM6 ROM which doesn't have any of the O2 utils loaded.
Anyone else on where I can get these? Would anyone with an O2 Orbit ROM be able to pull the customization CAB install files out of their ROM somehow for me?
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
Decaf said:
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
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Can you upload these files somewhere?
I just checked the ftp site and they are already there...
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Artemis/Extended_ROMs/
Big thanks to Mark for that and the email. All loaded on and the meters runnings apps and O2 bubble task manager are all there and I'm almost back to where I was on WM5..
However SPB Time fails to wake up the phone from a screen saver locked state with sound, sure it'll flash up the screen with snooze or dismiss red and green buttons but no sound errm kinda makes it useless as an Alarm Clock and as I'm sure all the rest of you out there do I really rely on my phone as an Alarm.. I've been late 2 days in a row now because of this, no joke so.. errm kinda critical for me to get fixed..
Any ideas people. I've even un installed the paid for version I had and installed the latest version (trial) from their site
At the risk of sounding stupid, I've just downloaded the zip file for the extended roms. I've unzipped it and gathered from the config file that I should place the cab files in specific locations... My question is, is there a (semi)automatic way of installing it? If not, should I follow the paths found in the config file? Also, there are a few files missing, ie the bmp files, do I need them? Lastly, what about the config.txt the file... where is that to be placed?
Sorry for the barrage of questions Noob here, just want to make sure I understand this the right way!
Thanks for all the help!
PS. 1st post, great site btw!!

MyFaves icon went red-X

I'm sorry to do this. I'm just burnt out on searching today. The icon on my MyFaves panel (the five circles icon) decided to go AWOL today. All the icons appear to be intact in the Windows directory. What do I have to edit to get rid of the damned red "X"?
Only thing I've done differently was update CHome Configurator and CHome Weather. I'm not blaming them since they really don't deal with the icon. I just can't think of anything else I've done.
Go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFaves and edit the iconpaths location to where your pic is. The first pic in iconpaths is when your window is active and the second pic location is when your window is inactive. Your pic is probably in your \Windows directory. Hope this helps
(just in case I wasn't clear, here's a capture)
I gotta get off this thing for the night.
the iconpaths key has the value "4605;4604".
What does that translate to?
beartard said:
the iconpaths key has the value "4605;4604".
What does that translate to?
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Do you have the My Fav icons in your windows folder?
if yes, then change the link in the iconpaths to the MAIN "my fav" icon in both reg address'
In the brozeres.dll, the picture files for iconpaths are predefined (meaning they are preloaded, so you don't have to do jack to have your screen be complete).
You can change their paths to whatever you want and that image will replace what the bronzeres.dll days that iconpath should be.
So if you want your active icon to be a color image of My faves icon , and your inactive to be a black and white image of the same, then it would look something like this:
Just make sure whatever image you replace IS located in the place you entered in your registry. It's that easy. Takes like 5 minutes, just type in location drop pics in location (if not already there) and reboot or run your weather update and reload homescreen (might have to change layout, not sure about that). That's it.
I owe you a beer.
One day, my friend.
Oh sure he gets the beer but i dont?
Fine next time ill write a page long way of fixing your issue. lol
Hell, get us all together and the first round's on me.
A clue, perhaps?
beartard said:
I'm sorry to do this. I'm just burnt out on searching today. The icon on my MyFaves panel (the five circles icon) decided to go AWOL today. All the icons appear to be intact in the Windows directory. What do I have to edit to get rid of the damned red "X"?
Only thing I've done differently was update CHome Configurator and CHome Weather. I'm not blaming them since they really don't deal with the icon. I just can't think of anything else I've done.
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Okay, the MyFaves pics on the collapsed panel are now X's on my phone.
The pics/icons in the expanded panel are fine.
I believe I have found a clue:
Thinking it might reset the collapsed MyFaves pics/icons panel, I
thought I would change the home screen to something else, reboot, then
change it back and reboot again.
But the home screen layout wouldn't change! So I scrolled through the
home screen settings and discovered duplicate fields on the settings
page for "Home screen layout" and a couple of other fields.
If I changed the layout in the second occurrence (or both occurrences) of
the "Home screen layout" field then the change would occur, but not if
I changed it only in the first occurrence of the field.
Oddly enough, sometime over the weekend the duplicate fields
disappeared but collapsed My Faves panel still displays the X's
rather than miniature pics/icons MOST of the time. Occasionally a
single mini-pic will appear, not always the same one.
Obviously something about the Home Screen settings has become
Here's where maybe XDA developers can help. I'm thinking that the various
home screen layouts must be templates into which a user's unique
settings are imported.
For example, you and I (and everyone else) have identical templates
for, say, the "T-Mobile default" layout. Our unique settings (My
Faves people and icons/pics, Weather app city, etc) are properties imported into the template before (or as) it is displayed in the panel. If someone could find out what file(s) comprise the "T-Mobile default" template, someone
might be able to either tell us how to fix the corruption or post the uncorrupted template file(s) copied from another Dash phone.
Now, while online with my Dash to Tmo this past weekend through Web2Go
I came across a support screen that listed support for "missing
MyFaves app". Unfortunately that link led nowhere (dead). Now I can't even find the page, but obviously T-mo does recognize a missing MyFaves app as an issue, so it may be possible to restore our missing icons/pics to the collapsed MyFaves panel by reinstalling the MyFaves app.
I'm not sure this is relevant, but this occurred after a couple of aborted attempts to install Opera, then Mini Opera. Eventually I got Mini Opera installed.
Distinguished XDA developers, I know many of you think the MyFaves app is useless but some people like having it, so any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated!

New Touch Pro2 Owner with a couple of questions

Hi guys-
this is really a great forum - thanks for the great work! Excellent help for a TP2 newbie.
Touch Pro2 impressions: I just upgraded (vzw) from my ancient (and yet incredibly reliable) Motorola Q, and this thing is truly awesome. I used a Touch Pro almost a year ago, and returned it because it felt sluggish and a bit buggy. I think the 2 is a major improvement. Very responsive, great phone and speakerphone, great wifi and bluetooth and gps, great keyboard (but no tab key?), better battery, surprisingly inexpensive.
Questions that I couldn't find answers to in previous threads:
1. Reminders: I see that the calendar reminders do not allow any option for changing the snooze time - it is just 5 minutes. Weird, as my WinMo 5 Q would let me choose a range of time, from 5 minutes up to a week, as I recall. This is disappointing. But even more disappointing is that when it is attached via usb to my pc, synched, and a reminder pops up in Outlook (2003), I can snooze on the PC, but that snooze does not synch with the TP2. Any ideas or suggestions? This is actually very frustrating.
2. Calendar: I have seen screen shots of the day view that has weather, even for future dates. I don't have that - anyone know how to enable?
thanks in advance for any help!
This worked for me to get the snooze options back:
Start a registry editor and navigate to key:
Change the value of CustomUIDLL from NotificationLayout.dll to NotificationLayoutNew.dll
Just add New, it won't find that .dll and starts the old interface, with the snooze option.
Don't forget, after the registry change, turn the TP2 off and back on to activate.
Regarding your question about the weather forcast in the calendar day-view, you need to set your city in the World Clock screen (ie, tap the large clock on the Home tab).
There's a great hack (cRaCKwHoRe's Snooze Options) which gives you the snooze options back.
Also worth looking at are "InboxExtender", (allow read all, delete al options) and "Smaberg X1 Powerbutton 12 icons actionscreen" (12 options on holding the power button down)
You guys rule!
@itm - reg fix works great - thanks
@ohyeahar - that's it, thanks
@en_croute - I will try it as soon as i get some time, sounds useful, thanks
Weather not shown on current date
ohyeahar said:
Regarding your question about the weather forcast in the calendar day-view, you need to set your city in the World Clock screen (ie, tap the large clock on the Home tab).
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I just noticed that the current weather is not shown for me either.
I do have a city selected. In the "day" view on the calendar is just shows the single appointment I have. If I change to yesterday. I do see a weather picture. I went to the TF3D weather tab.. it was initially blank.. it updated and showed the current weather. I went back to the calendar view.. still nothing for "today". Only yesterday. Any ideas?
What is a good registry editor?
Never used one before and I need to find one so I can get my battery icon back after doing .
d1hamby said:
Never used one before and I need to find one so I can get my battery icon back after doing .
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PHM_Regedit or Total Commander are the two most recommended ones here.
PHM is a little easier to navigate/use (mostly due to visual elements), but Total Commander also has a full set of file-explorer functions that PHM does not. Both are free.
Thank you so much sirphunkee. I was beginning to think nobody talked to newbies on this forum. I'll definetly be looking both of these up.
Okay I looked at both of them and downloaded the PHM_Regedit. Now I can't figure out if I should use MyMobiler to drag the Zipped cab file over or if I should unzip it first? When I unzipped it it did not look like a cab file. Does this work on a Sprint phone? Some of the cabs don't work on a Sprint phone. I'd hate to do another hard reset to get it to work like it is.
d1hamby said:
Okay I looked at both of them and downloaded the PHM_Regedit. Now I can't figure out if I should use MyMobiler to drag the Zipped cab file over or if I should unzip it first? When I unzipped it it did not look like a cab file. Does this work on a Sprint phone? Some of the cabs don't work on a Sprint phone. I'd hate to do another hard reset to get it to work like it is.
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Hey there, no problem...we were all new here at one point, and asking the same types of questions
I'm not sure what source you downloaded it from, so I'm not entirely sure how it might have been packaged, but I would have guessed it should have just been a regular .cab file inside of a .zip. Either way, you can just download and use the cab I've attached here, I can confirm this one works just fine.
You can use MyMobiler to drag the cab over to your phone (it drops it in your "my documents" folder by default), and it will start the install automatically for you. Once you have it installed, you'll just find the icon to run it in your regular list of programs. And yes, it will work just fine on the CDMA (Sprint/Verizon) versions of the's specific to what type of processor your phone has, not what type of radio.
Now, if you're not entirely familiar with registry editing, it's a good idea to read up on it a's very simple to do, but also very simple to create issues by doing the wrong thing. Also, it's always a good idea to create a backup of your registry (PHM can do that for you, just store it the backup on your SD card for safe keeping), in case anything goes wrong, you can just revert back to the working version

WM65 rearranging items in Start Menu (all Programs list)?

Apologies if this is addressed already somewhere. I searched for "rearrange" and did not see something which looked like what I'm asking.
I would like a tool (or failing that, just the registry or file magic) to rearrange Start menu (all Programs list) items in WM65. I'm running a Dutty Holy Grail ROM on my Topaz, withOUT HTC Sense.
The only rearranging option I see is "Move to Top" and "Move Down" when right-clicking on items in the Start menu, and that's sort of like a Rubik's cube - possible to get right, but waaaay too much work :-}
Thanks for your suggestions,
Since build like month or month a half back you should be able to "right click" and move it just where you want.
This is what you're looking for!
Not a sorter, a way to manually set icons/programs in whatever order *I* want
the "Start Menu Sorter" app is not at all what I'm looking for. It only does a sort (alphabetic?) of its own design.
What I'm looking for - sorry if I wasn't clear before - is something to allow me to rearrange the icons in the Start / Programs folder in any way that I want to. Ideally this would be a drag-and-drop interface, but frankly a Registry key or System file which identifies the order in which all of the registered programs appears would be okay, as it isn't the sort of thing I expect to edit often.
Any other ideas please?
Try this one This gives you full access, havent tried it myself, but going to today (if I can find the time). Looks like it may still be in Beta, but better than what we currently have!
This might also help.
reSTART seems to do the trick!
The reSTART applet does seem to do the trick, thanks.
The JSPA applet I had already tried - it actually does not seem to have any way to move menu items around, though when I read the web pages about it I also got the impression that it was supposed to do so.

