Hi All,
I have been experiencing an issue that relates to extended VGA themes. Mostly, I use the ext themes available form developers such as Spb, who pioneered these themes. On all my 2003SE devices they works just fine. However, on the JasJar I have experienced the following:
1) Installation:
If the device is in default landscape mode, selecting any theme OTHER THAN the ROM themes from the today settings will not change the theme, even though the device seems to go through the process. Returning to the today screen proves this. If the device is in portrait mode however, the theme (ROM or 3rd party) installs properly!!
The only thing that lacks is the theme specific today indicators (part of ext themes VGA & QVGA) It simply displays the stock standard indicators that come with the Spb PocketPlus 3.0 installation. I have been utterly unsuccessful getting them to display the selected theme's indicators. Has anyone had this experience with TSK files?
Please let me know your thoughts.
I don't have any problem with Jasjar themes, even in ROM or 3rd parties. I rely that themes in ROM (I-mate_Swoosh.tsk and i-mate_Grass.tsk) are too big, >2.2MB/each and there are 2 other big gif files: stwater.gif and tdywater.gif 1.2MB each. Of course, you can not delete these files but you can overwrite them. So to save your storage, you can copy them to PC, using ThemeMakerPro and any photo editor to edit them (reduce resolution deepth to 8BPP, 256 colors) and then copy overwrite them into \windows directory on your device. I'm sure that you can save 4-5MB and the theme image quality does not change.
Another tip, you can change default background picture of your phone pad to your own picture by creating 2 bmp file (640x376 and 480x536, 256 colors), rename to Bkgnd_Land.bmp and Bkgnd_Port.bmp and then copy overwrite to \windows.
Do you miss knowing which letters are on which numbers, like when dialing a number from a business? Like, "Call Now! 1-800-YES-YEAH" Here's the fix for Kavana/Ricky/HTC based ROMs.
This is a mod of Surreal Networks Alpha-Numeric Display patch (grey), without the T-Mobile Branding:
Now, with correct spelling. (Hey it was late!)
place in the Windows folder
browse to it with resco explorer
rename to ms_mobile.gif, confirm
May require rebooting. You are welcome to modify this, make into a .cab or desktop installer.
UPDATE April 4: Newest version, no branding, simpler install, and works on both the in-call and dialer screens here! Or jump to page three for preview.
UPDATE April 18: One Point Zero release here:
Thanks, that's great. Although, you spelled Excalibur wrong...
Thanks a ton! This is a great help!
Nice but I was wondering how the hell to get the panel AFTER you make a call to show the numbers on Kavana's 6.1. Like automated service tells you to put in your name or whatnot on the dialpad....
dialpad cab minus excalibur branding
attached is the same dialpad without the Excalibur branding.
install cab, reboot, enjoy.
thanks to Ben Hirashima for the cab
MountainDrew said:
Thanks, that's great. Although, you spelled Excalibur wrong...
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Now, I am analyzing how to make a slicker package from Ben's example.
Yianaki said:
Nice but I was wondering how the hell to get the panel AFTER you make a call to show the numbers on Kavana's 6.1. Like automated service tells you to put in your name or whatnot on the dialpad....
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Not sure. I will look into it. I suppose it could be added to the top of whatever image is in the "next" screen?
So it's only in one colour, and it might not match your blues, but I'll share the one I made for my phone if any of you like it.
I made one too
Windows standard colors
Here are original ones for each of the default colors and Segoe text. No Branding. Included one in grey, too!
Anyone else having a problem with the automatic alpha-num installers with a cooked ROM?
I like the one with T-mobile Branding. It makes the rom feel more official. (Extracted from the Surreal Networks CAB)
ygb said:
I like the one with T-mobile Branding. It makes the rom feel more official. (Extracted from the Surreal Networks CAB)
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I am working on a complete suite of not T-Mobile Branding, trying to figure out the splash screens at the moment. I just cant dig the pink T; Ive tried! Been cruising the other forums for clues...
It seems that the Ben dialpad works on the in-call screen, but I cant simulate the behavior if i uninstall his cab and manually it the reg. What keys do others use to change background on the in-call screen? IT really needs some livening up anyway.
Profezza said:
It seems that the Ben dialpad works on the in-call screen, but I cant simulate the behavior if i uninstall his cab and manually it the reg. What keys do others use to change background on the in-call screen? IT really needs some livening up anyway.
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Just one key...but it has to point to a file that exists. So if you've extracted the .gif file from the .cab / make sure you drop the .gif file in the windows directory and note what the .gif filename is as thats what you're going to put in the regitry entry...also make sure you soft-reset otherwise it won't change until then.
And as far as the in call screen is concerned ... look for a file in \windows directory named cprogback_land.png for your in-call screen
Here's the one that i use: It looks good with technology's another blue color scheme .......Just rename the extention from .jpeg to .png if you want to use it
nice tip! thanks!
pudgedaddy said:
...And as far as the in call screen is concerned ...
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It appears that that file is hard-coded, so there is no way to mod the reg with the installer, but it looks like windows mobile's .cab-install system will back things up alright from a file replacement approach. So, a single installer for both is do-able.
Interestingly, the image I am overwriting is called Carrierlogo.gif, not cprogback_land.png. Are there two potential images retrieved for the call screen, one in the fore and one in the back? I wonder what I could do with that info...
Or, maybe it is named differently in different source roms with the same purpose. Will text that next.
boom, got it
So, I think i this is how the in-call graphics work:
It appears that the call screen does indeed call up two images (not including a contact thumb, if applicable) The background is hardwired as "cprogback_land.png". Also, instead of having the carrier text string at the top, it can have an image across the top, which is hardwired as "carrierlogo.gif". Nothing can be done, as far as I can tell, to change the pointers to other files, so overwrites are the only method of changing.
If the graphic is put inside the background image itself, it can be the full width of the screen, like any background, and likewise any height (up to 213) But the in-call screen is a bit busy.The top 24 pixels (after the window top) are reserved for the carrier branding text string (or image), followed by 2 blank rows of pixels and a horizontal rule at row 27. The next 88 pixels (the middle area is a call status area followed by another rule at row 116, and pressed digits fill the bottom area.
However, if the graphic (.gif only) is in the foreground, it can be any size and proportion, but if it is taller than 24 pixels, or wider than 311 pixels, it will be (UPDATED) scooted over four pixels and cropped to fit a box of those dimensions at the top. If it is smaller, it will be top-, then left-aligned. Either way, if it is there, it replaces the carrier text string, rather than having to be designed around it. One thing to keep in mind, if using this method is that it has to be 10 pixels narrower than the image that might be used on the dialer screen, or it will "shrink" when you switch screens, if you want them to "match".
If anything is unclear, or anyone has any details to add, or corrections to make, please let me know! Thanks
pudgedaddy said:
Just one key...but it has to point to a file that exists. So if you've extracted the .gif file from the .cab / make sure you drop the .gif file in the windows directory and note what the .gif filename is as thats what you're going to put in the regitry entry...also make sure you soft-reset otherwise it won't change until then.
And as far as the in call screen is concerned ... look for a file in \windows directory named cprogback_land.png for your in-call screen
Here's the one that i use: It looks good with technology's another blue color scheme .......Just rename the extention from .jpeg to .png if you want to use it
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Thanks a lot pudgedaddy we definitely needed better visuals for the call in screen. Does anyone else have any other variations of screens like this laying around?
killswitch said:
...Does anyone else have any other variations of screens like this laying around?
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One could be made by renaming any wallpaper that would work on the home screen.
I am working on a png one that blends seamlessly with a floating .gif dialpad right now. Must test it out tho'
Here is a trio of images to bring a consistent and mellow dialpad feature to BOTH the dial and incall screens.
i wanted to create my own background-theme, and this thread was very helpful:
(you need the Background4AllTabs "5c9aa261_manila" & "4a087e41_manila" from NisseDILLIGAF)
the problem was, i had a circle in the picture, and every time it was stretched or squashed, wrong aspect ratio, not fitting well. so i did a little research myself - pixelcounting fun.
1. crop your original-pic (maybe 800x480) to 700x480 (the real background size, 50 px from the top and 50 px from bottom)
2. create an new empty 512x512 file
3. resize your 700x480-pic to 512x460, squash squash squash (!)
4. paste it in the empty 512x512 on the left side(!) leaving an empty unused bar of 52px on the right side
5. do all steps from the link above to convert it for manila
nothing stretched or squashed anymore. full circles.
FINAL note:
this method works only for NisseDILLIGAF's *5c9aa261_manila* that came from the diamond. it works, but it also has the blackhole problem.
bbonzz's method (look below) works for (blackhole solution).
both have no problems with nocurtains-mod. baah, too much confusion about the manila files...
Actually the background is 480x636 (image 1), because of the top curtain hole in background4alltabs.
So, to keep the aspect ratio, what you have to do is more simple:
1) cut you 480x800 (image 2) to 480x636 (image 3) keeping 52 px from bottom (bottom bar) and 112 from top (top bar+top curtain)
2) stretch to 460x512 (image 4)
3) add a 52px transparent (or whatever: black, white... It will be invisible anyway) canvas to the right (image 5)
voilà, you have a pic for Manila Editor, and once installed on Blackstone, Manila will resize it back to the original 480x636, without distortion and without shifting a single pixel. You can verify this by using the original 480x800 as background for the home tab (image 1): switching tabs, you'll notice the image is still the same: no movements, no distortions.
do you guys have a problem with a black hole at the top of the background in sound settings on the settings tab ?
check this!
hi bbonzz,
i tried your version and it does not match. check the attachment.
manila stretched the logo and it ended up as an egg.
the best way is to compare the original (800x480) as homescreen-background against the manila version background in the other tabs. that was the game i was playing. after several try&errors i found it. the mapping-coordinates for the manila-background in my tf3d background4alltabs is 700x480. 50px less reserved for the top-taskbar and 50px less reserved for the softbutton-bar at the bottom.
manila stretches the left space of the 512x512 texture (512x460) to 700x480 perfectly and the aspect ratio of the original is back.
by the way, the black hole is still a problem, but doesn't bother me.
maybe it depends on which 5b9aa261 are you using: on my HD (with the "corrected and not the original 5b9aa261), using the same try&error way, i have the perfect fit with the 480x636 thing, as you see in the screenshot. Later i'll try with your attachment
ok, i forgot to mention that "nocurtains" is installed on my hd. maybe thats the reason why you got 636 px instead of 700 px.
Hi sir AlecDelorean and other member can you make me a 4a087e41_manila with my attach file, thanks advanced...
please test this
hi p_elmenzo,
do yo have the 2 files from background4alltabs already installed?
if yes, here you go. don't forget to backup you original manila files.
don't blame me if something goes wrong
and please compare your original pic as background for the homescreen against the new background in the other tabs. if anything moves, or looking stretched, send me a screenshot.
Thank you very much AlecDelorean...
Grazie Mille AlecDelorean...
Hi, again AlecDelorean i have a small problem when i change my tab the background image has change maybe the pixel of the image.
i know, its a problem of the image-compression/conversion in manila-editor. when i have time, i add a little grain in photoshop to trick the compression-algorithm.
Ok Thanks a lot...
here you go again
ok, did some tests. i don't know much about the converting process of the manila editor, but it seems it reduces a lot of bandwidth of the colorspace combined with very rude compression. so by example - gradients loose a lot of quality, instead of other more colorful pictures where the difference of every neighbor pixel is higher. maybe its the 3d-texture method htc is using, they try to save as much memory as they can. an interesting thing to notice (compare your screenshots with the original pic), there is an converting-process included in tf3d by itself, but only for the homescreen, when you choose an own picture for the homescreen background - tf3d crops it, adds grain and compression.
enable your background of the homescreen back to standard, because the manila-background is the background4alltabs now and you can't see the difference anymore if you switch from homescreen-tab to the others.
Hi, AlecDelorean do you have the original file of 4a087e41_manila and 5c9aa261_manila? thanks a lot.
tired of messing around with the backgrounds?
you need only one. 4a087e41_manila is a new image file for background4alltabs, 5c9aa261_manila is a script that was changed.
Hey AlecDelorean, can you do this for me as well.. Thanks!
I have just one question...
HOW do i get rid of the black curtain on top of the screen??
please please please say me how!!!
In nearest future we wont use this method. A real background for all pages done.
mun_rus said:
In nearest future we wont use this method. A real background for all pages done.
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Our saviour is back! Hope your feeling well now..
@ ArchonX
ArchonX said:
I have just one question...
HOW do i get rid of the black curtain on top of the screen??
please please please say me how!!!
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hey ArchonX,
this is the version of NoCurtains that is working for me:
wanted to know if the WM6.5 allows you to use full res and quality wallpaper?
not like on the regular HD wallpaper that shows only 512X512...
tnx =]
WM 6.5 allows you to use full screen images and they are crystal clear.
liav12 said:
wanted to know if the WM6.5 allows you to use full res and quality wallpaper?
not like on the regular HD wallpaper that shows only 512X512...
tnx =]
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It's not WinMo that's causing the problem with Touch HD background wallpapers, it's Touch Flo 3D.
So, if you would disable TF3D you could probably get nice quality with WinMo 6.1.
I have been digging around this issue and I do have a solution to get full resolution wallpapers with TF3D. Unfortunately, this process now requires a lot of messing around with Manila files, so it might not be for everyone. But I'm thinking about publishing my custom Manila wallpaper files, which basically require simply copy+paste into Windows directory and then restarting TF3D.
Rozenthal said:
It's not WinMo that's causing the problem with Touch HD background wallpapers, it's Touch Flo 3D.
So, if you would disable TF3D you could probably get nice quality with WinMo 6.1.
I have been digging around this issue and I do have a solution to get full resolution wallpapers with TF3D. Unfortunately, this process now requires a lot of messing around with Manila files, so it might not be for everyone. But I'm thinking about publishing my custom Manila wallpaper files, which basically require simply copy+paste into Windows directory and then restarting TF3D.
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That would be great.
I hate how the quality is degraded once you set the Wallpaper.
There is so much difference in quality when viewing a picture in "albums" as opposed to the home screen wallpaper.
I wonder why TF3D lowers the resolution on the home screen.
Please publish a solution. thanks
bigjee said:
That would be great.
I hate how the quality is degraded once you set the Wallpaper.
There is so much difference in quality when viewing a picture in "albums" as opposed to the home screen wallpaper.
I wonder why TF3D lowers the resolution on the home screen.
Please publish a solution. thanks
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I actually started a thread in General > Dev and Hacking about this very issue. It didn't get a lot of attention from people with Touch HD's, but none the less, I managed to get down to the bottom of the mysterious TF3D behavior and I can see that the info from that thread got to the people working on visual enhancements for Touch HD.
Basically, it's insanely stupid solution some lazy HTC programmer implemented.
Imagine that TF3D can display images that have maximum size of 512x512. Now imagine you have screen size that's 480x696 pixels (this is how big the wallpapers are). See the problem? The maximum image you can use is 184 pixels short to cover the whole screen.
And then you get a genius idea to use two 512x512 images to cover the screen area and allow full resolution wallpapers to be used. So you take the default HTC wallpaper, split it in two parts, align them perfectly on the screen so it looks as if they're one image - and problem solved!
Well, not quite. Yes, it will work for default background image, but what about custom wallpapers? Well, they were too lazy to make an automatized script that would split the images in two and align them on the screen.
Instead, they opt for a more convenient solution in form of taking custom wallpapers, shrinking them down into a single 512x512 box and then stretching this downsampled image back to 480x696 area.
And that's whats causing all these problems.
If you want a temporary solution, create 512x512 image - I bet it will look sharper then your 480x800 image.
A true solution is to cheat TF3D and import manually FOUR separate images that together form portrait and landscape wallpapers.
This can be done, and I will explain it in a separate post here when I get some free time. At the moment I'm too busy with FingerKeyboard
Wow, Rozenthal! That would be very interesting! It´s almost a dream I have: to see a quite sharp image on my TF3D Home screen.
A lot of people would be very glad with you if you teach us how to do this.
Thanks a lot in advance
It's not a dream I have it on my screen now...
The problem is in the fact that changing skins cannot be done through Settings tab. It requires editing the appropriate Manila files by using a Manila graphic editor on your PC. Also, this is something that will require at least moderate knowledge of some good graphic editing software (read: Photoshop), because you need to manually prepare split png files for portrait and landscape.
Then you take these files, load them into Manila files, compress them into a special TF3D graphic format, copy them to Windows directory overwriting the old files, turn off TF3D and then pick "Use default wallpaper" in your Settings / Wallpaper tab.
So, it's major pain in the a$$, and it's not something you would be doing on the road, or every day. But, as I said - it CAN be done.
The way I see it, we could probably get some users here to team up, learn the procedure and then simply offer zip-ed Manila files that other people can download and copy into Windows folder. That part is easy, it can be done by anyone. Preparing the wallpapers, however, isn't that simple.
Anyway, I will try to make a tutorial on how to do all this tomorrow.
In the mean time, you can check the thread I mentioned earlier. Altough, be warned that some of the final conclusion posts from that thread were lost during last sunday hack attack on XDA.
Is there any way to change the background in TF3D from AT&Ts logo to anything else? I can change the home page, and the lock screen without TF3D enabled, but as soon as I enable it again and go to any tab in TF3D the AT&T logo is there. What can I do about this, without changing ROMs?
Search for TF3D or manila 3D themes, download the one you like and install it on your T2
Cjaiceman said:
Is there any way to change the background in TF3D from AT&Ts logo to anything else? I can change the home page, and the lock screen without TF3D enabled, but as soon as I enable it again and go to any tab in TF3D the AT&T logo is there. What can I do about this, without changing ROMs?
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The following files in \Windows are the TF3D background images (Top/Buttom Portrait & Left/Right landscape).
These are 3D Polygon Textures. You need a program such as CFC GUI to edit those images. Under the "TF3dv2" menu select "Create background". Choice either Portrait or Landscape WVGA from the drop down & click "Load". Choose the image you want (Must be a PNG, It helps to create the Image you want & crop it to the correct size ahead of time, WVGA Portrait = 480 Wide x 696 Tall in Pixels/Landscape = 804 Wide x 377 Tall). Uncheck the "CFC" Check Box & Click Save. It'll save the files in the folder you choose during the initial setup. It'll create 2 _manila files for each Portrait or Landscape. Copy these to your SD Card & then use Total Commander or Rosco Explorer to copy them into \Windows overwriting the originals. Restart TF3D to see the change.
EDIT: There's a scrollbar on the right side of the BG creation window. Use this to adjust brightness. You'll notice the images are a lot brighter then the BG's I made. I darkened it so the text would show better. In my first attempt, the BG was too bright & the white text became hard to read in certain places.
Search for HDWall, it works good and does what you want I think. I also had to run one of the Manila cabs (HQWallpaper patch or something) that was included in one of the folders with HDWall.
Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions.