Bluetooth to Micro sd? - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Hello everyone. I have just recently updated/flashed/done something to my phone to the Artemis Touch 4.02. Great rom so i have seen, no complaints with it. (Unsure what the proccess is actualy called.)
Only setback i have is that files i recive by bluetooth go straight to my main memory. What i would like to do is to have it go straight to my micro sd card, and to have a progress bar showing me the status.
I have tried a few programs.
DrYAR Bluetooth manager 1.5: Does what i need, but seems to be a little unstable. Sometimes freezes or will not connect to most phones.
DrYAR Bluetooth manager 1.6: Works great, only problem, if constently asks for every bit of the file you recive. So if its set to auto recive, theres alot of beeping going on.
DrYAR Bluetooth manager 2.0: I have seen this version somewhere, but i cant seem to download it
BT Tools: Dosnt seem to have many options.
Enable A2DP:Not sure where i got this from, but i had it from when i had a MDA Compact II. Worked for what i needed then. Dosnt seem to work on this one.
Broadcom Bluetooth Manager:Looks fantastic, many options to mess around with, but it just wount run on my device. Says there is not enogh memory to turn on bluetooth.
Is there any way i might make the first or last options work well, or is there another app i can try? So far it is a pain to move them over. I would like to keep the internal memory as free as possible.
Any more information you want do let me know.
PS Sorry for any spelling errors.

Is no one able to reply?

How about moBlue, works well on my Artemis and Diamond

Dosnt seem to work well on mine, still wants to use the windows version. Or sometimes the phone/whatever just doesnt connect

Well, I use moBlu as well on my Artemis & it works well. For it to work, you need to launch it before receiving a transfer via Bluetooth. You can set it up in its settings to make your phone discoverable when you launch the app & disconnect bluetooth when app is closed. And in the filters you will find 2-3 default filters, just select the "*.*" filter & set the location to a folder on your card. You can delete the other two filters or edit them & also add more if you want. They are file extension filters so if any file you are receiving matches them the filter will be applied & your file will be automatically stored in that specified filter folder.


How to send file via Bluetooth with Blue Angel?

Like the subject says really. Can anyone please tell me how to send a file via Bluetooth (not a contact, just a normal type of file i.e. image or whatever). My Bluetooth File Transfer Service is enabled.
I've searched the forums, but can't find anything so I'm sure it's just me and I must be missing something blindly obvious?
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Whoops that was from me if anyone wants to know who's being stupid :-(
File Explorer -> Click and Hold on file you want to send -> Select "Beam File" and then wait for the list of Bluetooth Devices to appear below the Infrared Section.
Alternatively use Resco File Explorer which has a specific Beam via Bluetooth option and (to me) seems quicker and more reliable (At least to startup).
Erm nope?
"Beam" via File Explorer makes no effort to open a Bluetooth connection (I've got a wireless video sender next to me and everything anything tries to do ANYTHING with Bluetooth it interferes like crazy with the picture)
Also tried Resco and that only has a "Send via Infrared" option. I see no Bluetooth option :-(
This is with an O2 XDA IIs running their software :-( (Although no O2 customisations)
I have GOT to sort my cookies out. Yes above was me again... I think that's 3 posts today I've done as a guest. DOH :-(
Then I'm at a loss as I can do it with both!
I am using Resco v5.12 and the menu item is under Send To > Bluetooth Recipient... if that is of any help.
That's freaky. I see you're not using the standard O2 rom's though. Perhaps something to do with that. I just backed up, did a hard reset and tried again, but still no joy :-(
Is "cooking" my ROM hard/bad? I've seen all the files/documentation on WIKI etc, but mostly just worried about WHICH I should install on it :-(
Could be, can't remember now, had so many variants of CE Rom and Ext ROM I have lost track!
We have spent a long time putting together a "Wiki" for the Blue Angel for upgrades etc and I have had no problems yet (I would say it has improved the responsiveness of my device and I no longer have any real issues with Bluetooth, audio or WiFi).
Have a play, you can always go back.
To send a file via bluetooth on Blueangel, first you have to turn on your BT
then open the Bt manager > press on new > choose "Browse files on a remote device > select "All devices"> The BT scan for the online Bt devices> Select lets say "Nokia 7650"> press next >now discovering the device>pair it>a window will appear showing you the files> select the file you want, et voila... :wink:
I also had the problem of not having any option to send files via bluetooth when using the inbuilt file explorer. Consequently, I installed the trial version of Resco Explorer. After using it for a day, I uninstalled it. Imagine my surprise that when I now open my inbuilt File Explorer, I get the option for Send via Bluetooth. I don't know if it's related to Resco or not, but it's worth a try? Just install the Resco Trial Version to ur PDA2K and then uninstall it.
The answer is in this thread:

Bluetooth Explorer creates PROBLEMS for TomTom!!!

Indeed clicking as much as one time on "Bluetooth Explorer" will cause TomTom not to function properly any more (maps/voices not found etc.).
I have learnt that the hard way!!!
Many members of this forum speculated that the Artemis SD card housing is somehow related to TT's maps to vanish.... NOT TRUE!!!
After a hard reset I have tested that TT was fully functional and I have (intentionally... just to find out) clicked on Bluetooth Explorer and BINGO the TT6.1 maps&voices are GONE!!!
If some of the forum experts would happen to read this and would feel like giving instructions to disable Bluetooth Explorer it would be very helpful.... this will surely avoid SEVERAL hard resets to many people.
I have read that one should go to Settings/Connections then select the FTP tab and uncheck "Enable Bluetooth Explorer" but this is not to be found on my ARTEMIS (P3300)... Let's see if somebody will find a moment to share his/her wisdom with the rookies and shed some lights on this annoying problem.
On my Orbit you do the following to disable the Bluetooth Explorer
Settings / Connections / Bluetooth / FTP (tab)
Then select or de-select Bluetooth Explorer.
I appreciate your kind reply Patrick but as you can read in my thread this path (Settings / Connections / Bluetooth / FTP (tab)) is not available in the Artemis/HTC P3300.... Anybody else?
Do you have a comms manager? If so you can access the ftp option of the bluetooth settings from here.
TomTom and Bluetooth explorer both work on my xda orbit.
herghost, what version of TomTom are you running?
I m unable to have Bluetooth Explorer enabled on my Orbit, and get TomTom to find the maps. I am running ver 6.02
perfect, i wasnt able to make tomtom recognize maps on orbit(on universal it works w/o probs) i switched bt expl. off and it works. thx
Guys, there is no doubt. TT (mine is version 6.1) and BT Explorer are NOT going to work together! I am glad to hear that phsnake could get his orbit to resume TT functions.... And (also) I found out that my old rom (the one originally shipped with the P3300) had the path (Settings / Connections / Bluetooth / FTP) to disable BT Explorer (as Patrick_UK explained) ... but the one I am using now does not offer the chance to enable/disable BTE.... any registry master would be kind enough to offer his/her expertise to make this possible? I am not so keen on editing the REG unless I know exactly what has to be done
rom wwe
rom date 11-06-06
radio 02.69.90
ext. rom
SiperX:I'll try today to find reg solution, i cannot promise anything, but i'll do reg export with btexpl. switched on, then with switched off and compare reg.files. hopefully i'll find the right one key.
Phsnake, this sounds like a great idea! Thanks in advance!!! I really hope that you can succeed and give me support in this matter.
By the way where did you find the rom (ROM: DOPOD IPL: 1.25.0001 SPL:1.27.0000 GSM: 2.69.90 OS: WWE) you are running now? It sounds lke the right one for my T-Mobile Artemis.
so i compared the regs and diff follows:
i guess all U need 2 do is change "EnableClient" from 1 to 0. try it and let us know. (i can disable it thru bt settings). or remove above posted reg entries.
ROM:its standard dopod shipped(the latest one) should be on
Thanks man! The registry editing you suggested worked and the BT Expl. is now OFF and TT finds the maps again!!!
But the option to enable/disable the BT Expl. (via BT settings as you say) is still not available any chance you could send me a screenshot of your reg for both [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\BluetoothFolder] and [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Active\68]?
For your Dopod rom, could you please give me a precise link where I can download it? I could not find it at
Thanks a lot
yes i know that wont allow u to switch off btexpl. thru bt control panel.
Here are regentries U requested, but i dont think it'll help. but try.
Thanks again!
BTW, the same file (ARTE_DOPODAU_12570702_026990_WWE_SHIP.exe) was available at XDA too.... I have tested it a few weeks ago it and -being an AU (Australian rom) my sim (Dutch T-Mobile) did not get registered as the operator is apparently not quoted .... strange that you can use it in Scotland.
For regs I will see what I manage to put together and will let you know... Great (and prompt) support was very appreciated...
Hi again,
I have flashed once more the ARTE_DOPODAU_12570702_026990_WWE_SHIP.exe onto my Artemis and I have (FINALLY) noticed that the SIM does register and I am able to use the phone (incoming & outgoing calls).
The only problem is that every time I reboot I get a notification from the "NETWORK WIZARD" which says "your current operator (20416) is not supported. You should obtain an update from your device vendor".... Any idea how I can get this nag off my back?
try to check \windows\startup
I have deleted (& made a copy for backup) these 5 files:
from the Windows folder of my Artemis.
After rebooting the Network Wizard notification does NO LONGER pops up!!!! So I would say "Problem solved", right?
I am glad that -thanks to the recent communications we exchanged- you "inspired" me to give one more try to the Dopod rom and I finally seem to have found what I wanted.
Only one final point: In other roms if you click on the phone signal bar you get the option to turn on/off the flight mode and if you click on the icon on the right of the phone signal bar you culd turn on/off the WiFi... in this rom you get a small (blue) Comm Manager link to follow in order to enable/disable these functions.... did you find any faster ways to activate WiFi or Flight mode? May be they can be added to the voice commands?
u can use phonealarm-some skins supports one click wifi, gprs,btooth switch,
I saw phonealarm but I have decided to spend the end of the weekend configuring my newly installed rom (immediately after I will make a Sprite backup) and along the way try to think of something to keep to a minimum the amount of additional SW installed. What do you think if I use "tray launch", would that allow me to make the necessary shortcuts?
By the way (with previous roms) I kept my Artemis overclocked at 240 Mhz and it was pretty stable, did you test any higher frequency on the Dopod rom?

Can GPS get a silent fix?

When I get in the car and turn on bluetooth, a script starts to run in conjuction with my car stereo for handsfree and audio etc.
I would like to add a command to the script that switches on GPS straight away and gets a fix in the background so that if I get lost or stuck in traffic I can run TomTom and the fix will have already been established thus enabling me to navigate to where I need to be more efficiently?
Is there such a way of doing this?
the simplest idea I have is to run a 3rd party app such as gpsgate when your script runs.
I did think about using a 3rd party app but wondered if the trinity is capable of getting a fix just by enabling GPS and not running any other app?
The problem is that using A2DP is quite CPU greedy. Running another app will just add to it. Incidently, I've read posts where people are quoting percentages of CPU used by certain programs, how is this done?
interested as well
Let me know if you get a way to do this... I would be interested as well.
If you'd like to have a GPS fix all the time (even when you push the power button for 'stand by') you will have to modify the radio rom..
But for in-windows usage you could install a program with a virtual COM port that redirects the GPS data.. (so, when your batch file is ran this program will open and connect to the GPS port.. it wil create another COM port and when tomtom connects it will have a fix instantly)
I use gpsgate, not only does it give me a fix all the time when I set it to run on softreset, it can send your position to googlemaps so people can track you if you want and other nifty stuff.
Floriz said:
If you'd like to have a GPS fix all the time (even when you push the power button for 'stand by') you will have to modify the radio rom..
But for in-windows usage you could install a program with a virtual COM port that redirects the GPS data.. (so, when your batch file is ran this program will open and connect to the GPS port.. it wil create another COM port and when tomtom connects it will have a fix instantly)
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I downloaded a little app called ODGPS (900KB cab file and free) It took a while playing around with the settings to get a fix but once the fix was there I opened TomTom and it knew where I was almost instantly.
I stumbled across a website yesterday with links to other sites of free gps software. (where I found ODGPS)
My plan is to test a number of programs from here to establish a) how much memory they use and b) how quick they get a fix.
Once I have found a small enough app with a fairly quick fix I shall implement it into my script. Now if someone could just tell me how I monitor the CPU usuage of each app?
How memory hungry is gpsgate?
neomagik said:
I downloaded a little app called ODGPS (900KB cab file and free) It took a while playing around with the settings to get a fix but once the fix was there I opened TomTom and it knew where I was almost instantly.
I stumbled across a website yesterday with links to other sites of free gps software. (where I found ODGPS)
My plan is to test a number of programs from here to establish a) how much memory they use and b) how quick they get a fix.
Once I have found a small enough app with a fairly quick fix I shall implement it into my script. Now if someone could just tell me how I monitor the CPU usuage of each app?
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you can use "BatteryStatus", very small today-plugin that shows you the energiedrain... more cpu = more energiedrain
I'm getting closer to having this working:-
ODGPS is not ideal because it seems to freeze the phone after a while. It also makes a funny tapping noise every 2 or 3 minutes and for some reason and I can't disable it.
I'm now experimenting with NoniGPSPlot, a very small program that runs easily in the background. You can save a track of your journey too and view it on google earth.
Once it's established a fix, TomTom will fix almost instantly.
I've integrated it into my script so that it opens and minimizes as soon as I switch to 'car' profile. My phone then detects my stereo and connects to it for handsfree profile, then for wireless stereo.
What would be cool is if I can get it to display a message telling me that a fix has been established and likewise when the fix is lost. The trouble is I can't find what registry change takes place once it has a fix.
neomagik said:
I'm getting closer to having this working:-
ODGPS is not ideal because it seems to freeze the phone after a while. It also makes a funny tapping noise every 2 or 3 minutes and for some reason and I can't disable it.
I'm now experimenting with NoniGPSPlot, a very small program that runs easily in the background. You can save a track of your journey too and view it on google earth.
Once it's established a fix, TomTom will fix almost instantly.
I've integrated it into my script so that it opens and minimizes as soon as I switch to 'car' profile. My phone then detects my stereo and connects to it for handsfree profile, then for wireless stereo.
What would be cool is if I can get it to display a message telling me that a fix has been established and likewise when the fix is lost. The trouble is I can't find what registry change takes place once it has a fix.
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Wow this sounds great !!! I have just bought an A2DP capable car radio and I would love to being able to do exactly this. Can you share your script when its finished??
Kind regards
neomagik said:
I've read posts where people are quoting percentages of CPU used by certain programs, how is this done?
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Task Manager
availible here:,27,15027
@ rdkay>
Which stereo do you have? The script I have written is specifically for the Pioneer DEH P75BT
I've just used ssnap to create 2 snapshots of my registry, the 1st with a gps fix, and the 2nd without. When comparing the files using ExamDiff there is no obvious change that takes place.
Does anybody know of a GPS program that creates or changes registry entries once a fix is established?
neomagik said:
@ rdkay>
Which stereo do you have? The script I have written is specifically for the Pioneer DEH P75BT
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slightly off topic - apologies -
how do you find the DEHP75BT at registering and automatically recognising your phone?
I have a DEHP55BT (think it was the first BT radio available for under £200) and had loads of trouble with registration (had to use 'connect
wait') and unless I manually switch on BT on phone (mUn's WM6 SE) or manually tell the pioneer to connect nothing happens.
Also, when callers call me I cannot hear their voices through the speakers, but it's ok when I call them - do you have this problem?
neomagik said:
I've just used ssnap to create 2 snapshots of my registry, the 1st with a gps fix, and the 2nd without. When comparing the files using ExamDiff there is no obvious change that takes place.
Does anybody know of a GPS program that creates or changes registry entries once a fix is established?
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GPSGate changes the colour of its icon that resides in the system tray (red -no gps data, yellow - gps data but no fix, Green - Fixed). Not sure if this is controlled by a registry setting but may be worth a look. GPSGate also lets you use more than one GPS app at once and allows you to delegate COM ports for output.
@ debully>
There is a very simple fix to enable the Pioneer to recognise and connect to your phone. You see the Pioneer is searching for a phone or a Smartphone, the Trinity identifies itself as a PPC and so the Pioneer ignores it.
The Class of Device or CoD must be changed so that the Trinity identifies itself as either a phone or Smartphone.
If you change the Dword Data value in.... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Bluetooth\SYS\COD"
to 5374476 (decimal) and set bluetooth to discoverable in your Trin, you should find that it connects automatically.
It took me 8 months to find this out.
PS. I don't have the problem with not hearing the callers.
wow - thanks dude. Your a star!
To understand what you are dealing with in getting a "fix" you need to understand how the system works. When started for the first time in 2 hours (or whatever it's been programmed for) the gps does a cold start and needs to download almanac data from the sat's in order to determine their trajectories which is needed to calculate a fix. Once that data has been pulled, it's valid for a certain amount of time (about 2 hours if I'm remembering correctly). So, although no registry keys are going to change, the easy way to deal with this is to keep your own timestamp, and make sure to ping the gps with a fix request every 2 hours or so in order to keep it ready for a warm/quick start...
@ Shadowmite>
Thanks for the info, I've read similar information about cold/warm starts. A couple of questions though...
1) I can deal with the timestamp but how do I "ping" the gps with a fix request?
2) If I do ping a request every 2 hours and I'm indoors and can't get a fix, will it go back to needing a cold start?

Is there a working BT FTP Explorer for Touch HD / Blackstone ?

I have really a strange issue. I am unable to "beam" the images from Touch HD to Bluetooth enabled PC using Bluetooth. I tested against two PCs and it never worked. The activesync works ok. But i don't want to use activesync... as it's a bit of overkill - i am looking for a out of a box solution that will possibly work with every pc everywhere... last time i ended up with mailing the images by email =))
Both sides have bluetooth enabled in visible mode, i am using either resco or wm file explorer beam function, then the list of visible bluetooth devices appears, but when i select the PC it always fails. =((
I remember there was some issue of "too much services pc provided", but i am unable to remove services provided by the pc i have no use for as FAX for example. On both PCs there's bluetooth stack by Widcomm, once branded for IBM and once for HP.
I have a PC with integrated bluetooth module and a Microsoft driver. If I right click on the Bluetooth icon in the system tray (lower right near clock), I can select "receive a file" which brings up a little wizard that waits for you to beam your picture. Maybe your Bluetooth device also has this software. I use ActiveSync for several pictures because in the long run it's quicker.
PGMMA, yes, but this is about widcomm driver... not ms... =(
Activesync is OK, but won't work on a PC without Activesync - i had an issue, when i want to send a image/file to a friend. No luck. The Bluetooth Stack Tray icon gets green for a sec, then white again with no message what so ever.
The other computer now requires pairing all the time, but i am sure i can handle that later. =)
Well i tested dryar 1.6 (i was unable to find the version 2.0 which should be on without a luck, but was able to make at least part of the bluetooth ftp explorer working (
i can share my files on cell phone, but i am unable to browse others after installing this file (couldn't enable the explorer in the ftp tab), when i click the icon in programs nothing happens.
anyone has a bt explorer fully compatible with blackstone / touch hd?
tried all versions from here, but simply \windows\btftpclient.exe won't start =(
identically problem
There is NO working BT Explorer client for the Touch HD. I called HTC 2 weeks ago about this issue. They said that it's not supported with the current ROM, but they did say that they are building a new ROM to be released shortly & it WILL have BT Explorer support.
Vampire2800 said:
There is NO working BT Explorer client for the Touch HD. I called HTC 2 weeks ago about this issue. They said that it's not supported with the current ROM, but they did say that they are building a new ROM to be released shortly & it WILL have BT Explorer support.
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I did attach the BT explorer that I using.
BT Explorer
Hi, So could you tell me did they fixed the problem, becouse my Bluetooth Explorer on HTC HD wouldn't start. I mark strat using BT but after click ok it's still unchecked !!! so finally is it solved this or not becouse it's a really disapointed accourding the price of this device.
Vampire2800 said:
There is NO working BT Explorer client for the Touch HD. I called HTC 2 weeks ago about this issue. They said that it's not supported with the current ROM, but they did say that they are building a new ROM to be released shortly & it WILL have BT Explorer support.
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gpaunescu said:
I did attach the BT explorer that I using.
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It didn't work here? I got only the wait cursor for 2 seconds and nothing else...
SOLVED!! with help of kwbr,releasing his t8282 kitchen, btftp version is 1.2.37656.91, searching internet ,i find cab, it's simply to find :
thank you kwbr

TouchPro-2 compatible w Ford Sync?

Anyone doing this yet,
I'm up for a phone on Vz and am considering this phone.
Coming from a Treo-650
(Any easy migration utilities?)
Yes, currently using it on my Mercury Mountaineer. Works Great!
Great, Are you using it for both music and phone or phone only?
phone only so far. I can get audio steaming to work yet.
Does it work for you to hold down the phone button on the steering wheel to hang up calls? I've got a Ford Fusion and the Verizon TP2 and while I can initiate calls with voice commands etc, I can't seem to hang up the phone using the cars controls. I always have to get the phone outta my pocket and hit the end call button manually (big pain in the butt).
Just checked the sync website and no new updates available =(
Any ideas?
I have the touch screen nav package, so I end the call using that. Did you try holding down the button for 2 seconds? Sometimes a quick press and release does different things than a hold then release.
Fixes to use your Tilt 2 on Ford Sync with phone and music
My wife and I just got a Tilt 2 a few days ago. First of all both our phones have the latest system updates as of March 2010. We both are running Windows Mobile 6.5. You can find any updates at the HTC website if you need them. I ran into issues connecting to sync with the Tilt 2 myself but my wife's phone did not but did ask for a code. I finally got it fixed. I'm sharing my experiences with anyone else who wants Sync to work with their phone.
Tip 1 - Sync asking for unlock code
My previous Windows Mobile 6.5 device idn't require this but this fixes the problem on the Tilt 2 but it does disable your lock code. To workaround this issue disable your lock code a the following place
Enter your unlock code and press "Unlock"
Uncheck "Prompt if phone unused for" option
Select the Ok button on the top right
Tip 2 - If the vehicle is not seeing your Tilt 2 or is not staying connected to it.
Slide over to your "Settings" on your phone.
Select "Communications"
Select "Bluetooth" and don't touch the off slider to the right.
On the box that comes up select the top left tab that looks like gears.
Select "Discoverable"
Change the setting to "Always Visible" and select "Done"
Tip 3 - If your Tilt 2 is not connecting at all are rarely connecting to Sync.
You may have corrupted a system file like me.
Reset the phone back to factory go to the following to fix syncing an call issues.
Back up all of my documents and contacts with Microsoft MyPhone and made sure that my apps that I didn't get from the marketplace were saved on my computer. If you're tech savvy you can use another backup utility but just don't back up the system files and settings.
Browse to Start->Settings->System->Clear Storage
Sign back into Windows Marketplace to have it reinstall your programs.
Reinstall Microsoft MyPhone from the Windows Marketplace and sign it to have it restore your contacts and other documents.
Follow the two steps in Tips 1 and 2 to get the best experience possible
Tip 4 - Playing music off your Tilt 2 on Ford Sync while using your phone
First of all the Tilt 2 will not let you stream your music to the Sync via Bluetooth. It will say it is not supported but I think it gets confused because it doesn't want to be a phone and music player at the same time but rest assured there is a workaround.
Let your phone with the Sync via regular Bluetooth first.
Plug in the USB cable that comes with your phone into the USB jack on the sync
When the phone asks what it is connected to DO NOT CHOOSE ACTIVESYNC but instead choose "Disk Drive".
That's it! Your music be browsed and played directly via the Sync voice commands and you can still get phone calls without problems.
Don't forget to make sure to close those programs completely when your don't to avoid out of memory errors. Just press and hold the X instead of just pressing it. This will close the program. Either that or use something like cleanRAM to do it for you.
Enjoy your Tilt 2 and your Ford Sync.
SYNC problems still exist
Well folks I am sad to report that my Sync problems have returned. I thought my previous post had the solution but Clearing the Memory only fixes the problem temporarily. You can find the related experience at the AT&T forums and search for Tilt 2 and Ford Sync. Sorry I can't post links yet. It looks like the issue with the SYNC at least for some may be the Radio ROM. I'm trying out the latest Radio ROM and will report back my results. Crossing my fingers here.
Also my solution of choosing Disk drive when hooking up the Ford Sync has one problem. If you are like me and changed WinMo to use the SD card for temporary storage when you choose this option Windows looses its temporary storage and becomes unstable sometimes. So you have a choice. Use Blooth Audio Streaming and lose the functions of voice control of music or use the USB cable and be sure not to use your SD card for Temp Files. At least this has been my experience.
Possible progress on communcation problem
cr_buck said:
Well folks I am sad to report that my Sync problems have returned. I thought my previous post had the solution but Clearing the Memory only fixes the problem temporarily. You can find the related experience at the AT&T forums and search for Tilt 2 and Ford Sync. Sorry I can't post links yet. It looks like the issue with the SYNC at least for some may be the Radio ROM. I'm trying out the latest Radio ROM and will report back my results. Crossing my fingers here.
Also my solution of choosing Disk drive when hooking up the Ford Sync has one problem. If you are like me and changed WinMo to use the SD card for temporary storage when you choose this option Windows looses its temporary storage and becomes unstable sometimes. So you have a choice. Use Blooth Audio Streaming and lose the functions of voice control of music or use the USB cable and be sure not to use your SD card for Temp Files. At least this has been my experience.
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I just wanted to update everyone on a possible fix for Bluetooth on the Tilt 2. I changed out the Radio ROM to to from the stock AT&T version. For the past two days I have been using a simple password to lock my phone and every time I have entered the vehicle my Sync system has picked it up without fail and has yet to ask me to unlock my device. It just works. What seems to be even better at this point is I don't have to have my phone broadcasting for it to work and even the Bluetooth audio connects. If I choose Bluetooth Audio on my truck it connects to the phone and starts it playing. Now if I could only have it browse the music via sync with Bluetooth Audio I would be on cloud nine but I don't think that can happen. I think that is set in the Sync the Bluetooth Audio can only have limited controls.

