Battery gets charged but AS does NOT find the phone - P3300, MDA Compact III ROM Development

i've got a rather stupid problem.
first of all, i got the orig. O2 XDA Orbit WM6 rom on this toy
so no weird, tuned firmware or anything unknown..
i wanted to sync my artemis with my "old" computer (new is a mac.. doenst work verry well) runing XP home SP2. It worked for months perfectly, worked with WiMo5 and 6. It actually DID work!
Normaly i use the USB for syncing, then i got lazy a few weeks ago and changed it to BT. I had quite a fight to get i work but in the end it worked fine and wireless...
Then i did not sync it for about a month. And today i wanted to sync it again.
BT Dongle wasn't anywhere to find so i plugged in the USB. The Display "light up" so everything is normal... Active Sync starts to turn (the icon in the Systray, next to the clock). After a few minutes AS wrote that there is no connection. I re-plugged the USB. No change. I uninstalled AS and installed the latest version directly from MS's homepage. No change!
I tried it with BT. The BT on my computer recognized a artemis. wow! great! AS starts and my BT Connection-software tells me "connection cancled". Damn!
I changed the Computer. No running a Win Vista HomePremium 32bit, plugged the phone in, it recognieses some thing (4 i think it was...)
But i can't find the phone. No problem, so i thought. I downloaded from MS the Mobile Device Center. unplugged an plugg it in again - no change!
Somehow my phone is not recognized as phone for AS.
The Battery is charged now so, some things work and some thinks not.
I need the sync! Win XP oder Vista doesn't matter. But how the hell i get this thing to work again?!
I deleted now all "connections" in AS on the Computer an on the Artemis.
So actually it should tell me that i have to configure what to sync. but it doesn't!
Anybody an idea what might be wrong?

Do you charge ur Artemis in a car? its a common problem that having your phone on charge whilst starting the engine causes the USB control board to get damaged, so you can still charge, but the USB connection doesnt work for Syncing.
Needs a new USB board if this is the case, which is covered by warrenty, or can be repaired for around £20 (phone repair shops).

i often charge my phonein the car.
it never made any problems - until now!
i should contact my provider (o2) and make them repair my phone?!

yeh, as long as your phone is under a year old, O2 will repair for free (under warrenty)

first of all - dont be so pessimistic, make a backup/hard reset and check again.
It is a usual problem( at least, for me) if you use your pda to sync with several computers via diff ways.

Had a similar problem with a faulty connector on an Xda IIi which was 3 months old and had lots of trouble getting it repaired under warranty.
The problem is that they send it off to a repair depot who analyse the fault and then come back to you a couple of weeks later saying it's your fault and that they will not repair it under warranty i.e. you've got to pay.
A couple of letters and a call to Customer Retentions did the trick though

when it *first* happened to mine, i sent mine off to T-Mobile in a bag that they sent me, and 2 days later is was back again, fixed!
i've got to say that T-Mobile seem to have good servicing, not that the products should need repairing in the first place!

Have you tried a different cable?
I have one cable that only allows me to charge (must be damaged somehow) but all the others work fine with it.

i tried 4 cabels!
i wrote an email to o2 --> no answer yet
hard reset will be next thing to do. normal reset is done, no change!
but mayB o2 will simply give me a new one
i wouldn't mind

try, as well, to delete all partnerships, on pc and pda as well

I get that problem randomly also.
I've had it happen on 2 different computers, Win 2k Pro, Win XP Pro, Active Sync 4.2, Active Sync 4.5, WM5, WM6...
The best solution for any problems with any combination I had was REBOOT THE COMPUTER.
Worked every time.

they are delted.
no change
o2 wrote an email:
un-check the "hook" in settings - connections - usb2pc
hard rest should help
well as far as i know, i checkt the usb2pc thing, un-checked, checked it again... i tried quiet a lot. so this won't help
hard reset will be done as soon as i find out how to save all the sms, mms from the phone... anybody an idea?

to save your messages?
about sms - "jeyo mobile companion" will surely help you
mms? try sktools - i saw there backup of pocket outlook folders.

thank you.. jeyo helped

has anyone repaired his device usb already.Could you post where is the best place and cost to repair XDA Orbit's USB.
Thank You

First time I connected my phone to the PC, ActiveSync didn't work. Same simptoms, battery was charging, but no connection from AS. Turned out "DHCP Client" service was stopped in Windows. Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. See if the status of that service is "Started". It is by default.

Hi, thanks for your suggestion.all the system services are ok.I have orbit 2 and syncs like a charm.the orbit 1 unfortunately lost that ability due to a car charging problems as described above.I need to send it for repair but don't know where and how much that would cost me.

MY GOD.... you mean it's a KNOWN fact the car charger ruins your artemis...
does this happen with 5V 1amp charger
or with a normal "usb" charger 5V 0.5amp....?!
both for car use.

car charging shouldnt be a problem if you plug it in AFTER you started the car (dont blame me though). when starting the car, there seem to be some possibility of high current peaks that can damage your device. i guess it also depends on the car...

I am not a very tech person but what I read in this forum is showing that exactly when you start the engine and your artemis is pluged in to the charger this thing happens.
I did hard reset, tryed 3 diferent usb cables and still no reacton.It is definately a hardware problem Mr Samov.


Seiko Smartpad and XDA

Has anybody managed to get the smartpad 2E working with xda?
i got it working with the xda2 with out a problem
I have a Seiko InkLink, which works fine with the PCA over USB, but I can't get the infra-red clip-on to work with the XDA2.
I've gone to connections and made sure that "Receive Incoming Beams" was checked, and I've fooled around with changing the COM ports (which one is it supposed to be?), but aside from that, can't think what else to do. Anyone any ideas?
Oh, and another thing.
When I run the InkLink software, the XDA soft-resets itself after a few minutes. If I don't run the InkLink software, it runs fine, so I strongly suspect the software isn't quite right.
This is all on the XDA2. I haven't tried with XDA1. Maybe its a WM2003 thing?
i have the same problem. it works with the desktop but not the xda2.
The ir lights up on the device that clips to the top of the A4pad and the light changes speed when I write but nothing appears on the XDA2 screen. I have tried running the test program but I get a message stating the IR port (i assume it means the XDA2 port) is being used by another program but I dont have anything else running in the background.
receive beam is turned on - i have tried it both on and off. My XDA2 has reset itself a couple of times since installing the software - so i have given up and removed it.
i wonder if there is another program installed that is effecting things.
any clues ?
There is something screwy about the irda on the xda1 and the xda2, if you install tomtom2 on the ipaq and look for the ports available, you see the com ports and also generic infrared port, I have an infrared adaptor which allows me to use gps on ipaq 1910 which doesnt have a serial port, however trying to do the same with xda, all thats offered is infrared port, choose that and the machine locks. I wonder if other pda's besides xda1 and 2 allocate the irda to a virtual port. I have asked about this numerous times here on the forum and scoured the web but to no avail.
After various teething problems, it now works flawlessly on my XDA2, and I'm really very impressed.
I've no idea why InkLink was resetting my machine, but I think maybe it was because I had the wrong port selected and it was just picking up rubbish from an unconnected port. Still shouldn't crash, but anyway, it works if you connect to the right port.
Also, I think the batteries they supply with it only last 5 minutes. Having replaced them, my troubles seem to be over.
Only fault is the general hassle factor of the IR clip. If there was a bluetooth version, it would be so much better (provided the bluetooth worked!)
onepieceman said:
After various teething problems, it now works flawlessly on my XDA2, and I'm really very impressed.
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I'm dying to know how you made it work?
I don't think I did anything specific.
I think the most likely thing was I finally selected the correct COM port. You need to select COM1, and this won't be available if you have something else using that port (such as the "receive beams" application, but maybe you have something else). Just to confirm, "receive beams" must be OFF!
Also, make sure your batteries are OK.
I suggest you get it working first with the InkLink connected via USB to your PC. If that works, then you can be sure that the pen and the InkLink clip work OK. That will then leave the IrDA transmitter, its battery, and the PocketPC hardware/software/config as sources of potential trouble. I can vouch for the software working on an XDA2, so that should just leave the IrDA transmitter and its battery.
Oh, just forgot, I did download the latest version of InkLink from the Seiko site. My version is 3.3, while it came supplied with 3.2. Don't know if it makes a difference, but worth a try. Also, make sure you select InkLink as your hardware. I believe it defaults to SmartPad.
Can't think of anything else you need to do. You certainly don't need to do anything weird.

O2 XDAIIs Bluetooth problem

OK new to this forum, but please assist if possible - I have an XDAIIs which I have combined with a Bluetooth GPS unit and Bluetooth headset, I am runing the latest ROM from the O2 web site and the following occurs:
with TomTom vs3 the headset will pair but fails to connect, with TomTom vs5 the headset set will pair and connect, but when I terminate a call on the road using the TT vs5 the GPS disconnects at the same time. I have tried TomTom vs 3 with the GPS driver rolled back to vs2.06 which was the concerted opinion of but that to did not work. I have tried setting the XDA up for a wired conection but that to fails to work - does anyone have a TomTom nav working reliably with this device when it is combined with a Bluetooth headset, any help much appreciated as I am now considering returing the unit as not fit for the purpose it was sold to me - in anticipation many thanks Mike
I have had the same problem with TTN3 and headsets not working. The GPS pairing was not the issue. Removing TTN3 restored the link, but for some reason headsets will no longerconnect automatically.
I have tried soft and hard resets, and updated the bluetooth drivers to build 3900, but still the headsets will not connect automatically, only manually..
I have exchanged a few e-mails with the guru's at TomTom who now thick this may be a bug, but no resolution yet...
OK try this for good measure, I loaded up TomTom vs5 again yesterday, and connected up a wired GPS unit through the serial port (remove cross from check box marked "receive incoming beams" in the Ir port settings tab - in order to use serial GPS) and it works the Bluetooth headset is fine and doesn’t mess up the GPS - However before you rush out and purchase TT5 please read on. Last night I undertook a trip from Blackpool to the centre of Liverpool, approx 55 miles and about one hour in duration. The XDA required soft resetting no less than 16 times on the way there - not easy when driving !! When I got there I needed to use it as a phone and got the no noise in headset problem - note I was not using the bluetooth at this point it was back to a "normal phone" (occurs on my unit at least three times per day) - another soft reset. One other observation with the XDAIIs was its inability to charge up properly when running in the car cradle I set off with 85% in the main battery, a hour later it was down to 35% even though it was showing charging, way too many bugs in this unit for me to consider putting up with it any longer, one month on from purchasing it is going back to the shop and I don't want it repaired, or swapped for another one - I am going to go back to a standard phone that will work, I am sure under the trading standards the unit would be viewed as unable to perform the function for which it was sold - its a shame I like the design of the unit, and the functionality without having to carry around a plethora of kit, chargers, holders etc. but I will return back to my trustworthy ipaq-4700, in twelve months I have never hard reset, the XDA has had over twelve hard resets in the one month of ownership - regards all - Mike
OK appologies for the rant and rave, yesterday I took the unit back to the O2 shop who really did not want to know anything about the problems - "you only have 14 days - take it up with customer support" - which I did, first lesson if you have any problem with a new O2 unit get it back in the 14 day period. Customer support were most helpful and aventually agreed to replace the handset with an identical machine at the local shop, which proved easy (shame about 40 min on the phone but at least I got somewhere) second lesson use the support system it really does work. thirdly the shop assistant manager informed me O2 are no longer selling the XDAIIs with the TomTom package due to neumerous problems - that says something in its self. Loaded the new unit up with TT5 and used it today for navigation (3 hours), no problems with charging, GPS or phone usage all day, if this remains the case I will be a happy customer, perhaps I had indeed been supplied a faulty handset, time will tell - Mike
sinclox, if you need more advice on this one please e-mail me on [email protected]
I am sure you can get it to work - I am most impressed with my unit once the bugs were ironed out - let me know _mike
Thanks for the offer, currently I am waiting for TTN5 upgrade to arrive until them I am unable to register TTN3 due to the TT upgrade process and so can't use TTN on the XDA.
I have dumped the O2 active interface in favour of Wisbar 2 and the XDA hasn,t locked up since.
Have you any clues as to how to get the bluetooth connection working automatically again with headsets? :?
Send me an e-mail to address previously posted on this link - Mike

Can't connect with activesync anymore

I've got a weird problem with my MDA compact III (T-mobile Netherlands, original ROM).
For some reason I don't know the active sync doesn't seem to identify the phone anymore.
I know there are a lot of problems with active sync and I've read and searched a lot of those threads but I can't solve my problem.
Active sync always ends up with the message that there is no phone connected whereas it is.
I tried different versions of active sync and different PC's (WIN XP SP2), deleted partnerships both on the phone as well as in active sync, I changed the name of the phone which it uses to identify on connection.
No matter what I tried, nothing could solve this.
The only way for me to exchange data at this moment is using wm5torage and using CAB's to install.
Please help!!
PS: A hard reset is not an option since I need to continue with the tools and files that are currently in the ROM.
Thanks in advance
mauce said:
I've got a weird problem with my MDA compact III (T-mobile Netherlands, original ROM).
For some reason I don't know the active sync doesn't seem to identify the phone anymore.
I know there are a lot of problems with active sync and I've read and searched a lot of those threads but I can't solve my problem.
Active sync always ends up with the message that there is no phone connected whereas it is.
I tried different versions of active sync and different PC's (WIN XP SP2), deleted partnerships both on the phone as well as in active sync, I changed the name of the phone which it uses to identify on connection.
No matter what I tried, nothing could solve this.
The only way for me to exchange data at this moment is using wm5torage and using CAB's to install.
Please help!!
PS: A hard reset is not an option since I need to continue with the tools and files that are currently in the ROM.
Thanks in advance
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Ok ... I have seen your problem many times and yes there are many other threads on it . But lets see since im woke if I canhelp you crack this little apple . 1st what you mean by you can't hard reset you need to continue wuith tools . 2nd when the phone is connected to your computer does it charge ? Do you see it connect in the device manager ? 3rd of you plug your phone to the charger does it charge as well.
Now if these question are yes then 1st I would say reboot your computer and soift reset phone ... If that doesnt solve the problem then we will goto next step.
I have a similar problem :
facts :
1. the usb cable charge the battery correctly.
2. The Headphones and mic are working well.
3. No data connection ( both activesync and WM5Storage )
4. Back from long journey using as navigator so the car holder and the car charger my have damaged the data pins ?
5. Reinstalled activesync on the PC , tried different PC, tried different Usb Cable, soft resetted an hard resetted the device but no success.
Please give me some suggestions before going to repairing service.
maurizio.n said:
I have a similar problem :
facts :
1. the usb cable charge the battery correctly.
2. The Headphones and mic are working well.
3. No data connection ( both activesync and WM5Storage )
4. Back from long journey using as navigator so the car holder and the car charger my have damaged the data pins ?
5. Reinstalled activesync on the PC , tried different PC, tried different Usb Cable, soft resetted an hard resetted the device but no success.
Please give me some suggestions before going to repairing service.
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Sounds as if all is working . And what ever you were trying on the phone has an adverse effect ? What are these tools that are keepimng you from hard resetting ? I believe there is another program for connecting to this cell let me rack my brains while I think ...
Ok ... I have seen your problem many times and yes there are many other threads on it . But lets see since im woke if I canhelp you crack this little apple . 1st what you mean by you can't hard reset you need to continue wuith tools . 2nd when the phone is connected to your computer does it charge ? Do you see it connect in the device manager ? 3rd of you plug your phone to the charger does it charge as well.
Now if these question are yes then 1st I would say reboot your computer and soift reset phone ... If that doesnt solve the problem then we will goto next step.
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Many thanks for taking you time to read my explanation.
Let me give you some answers:
1.) The reason for me is that in case of a hardreset I need to install all applications again. Actually I've been doing a hard reset and then afterwards restored a backup I created with spb backup. Unfortunately the problem was still there.
2.) Yes the phone charges when connected through USB (so it's not the connector that is faulty I guess).
The device manager I need to checkout didn't lok at that yet.
When I connect using wm5torage I can see the SD card in the explorer.
3.) The phone charges when connected to the charger.
So I guess the answer is yes to all your questions.
If you have more questions to be able to help me please let me know.
I'd like to tackle this problem.
Thanks in advance
I have a similar Problem:
1. Usb data cable charge the battery correctly
2. Headphones with mic are working well.
3. no activesync connection.
4. no wm5torage connection
5. tried different PC , different data cable ( the one than comes with PS3 ) , hard resetted the device but no success.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance
I believe it is safe to say your present software is the issue and have you tried sktools for dong the back up .
maurizio.n said:
I have a similar Problem:
1. Usb data cable charge the battery correctly
2. Headphones with mic are working well.
3. no activesync connection.
4. no wm5torage connection
5. tried different PC , different data cable ( the one than comes with PS3 ) , hard resetted the device but no success.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance
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Well maybe if we find a solution to first guy yours may work as well...
Well maybe if we find a solution to first guy yours may work as well...
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i don't think so because i have no wm5torage connections so in my case i think is an hardware issue like data pins damaged ....
1 other thought ... A simple fix whichh may work . goto comm manager on your phone and click activeSync and see if that helps .
maurizio.n said:
i don't think so because i have no wm5torage connections so in my case i think is an hardware issue like data pins damaged ....
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Did you jam the charger in the phone at anytime or did the phone drop while connected to charger . Just being connected for long periods of time dont hurt as I have ran my phone for over 24 hours connected to power while playing the radio thru the phone.
Unfortunately none of the suggestions worked for me.
It's not related to dropping the phone or taking hardware damage by faulty use or something.
This I know for sure since I own this phone only for a couple of weeks and didn't harm it in any way.
My conclusion also was that it must be software related, that's why I started this thread anyway.
Therefore I'm looking for suggestions/hints on the software side (most probably the problem would be on the phone and not on the PC, but what is it?........)
mauce said:
Unfortunately none of the suggestions worked for me.
It's not related to dropping the phone or taking hardware damage by faulty use or something.
This I know for sure since I own this phone only for a couple of weeks and didn't harm it in any way.
My conclusion also was that it must be software related, that's why I started this thread anyway.
Therefore I'm looking for suggestions/hints on the software side (most probably the problem would be on the phone and not on the PC, but what is it?........)
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Ok .. Lets chase the possible software issues . What rom are you running and what have you installed ?
1 last note before I go take a power nap . You can check your activesync setting on the phone . goto => Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC. Change the mode of the box next to Enable advance Network functionality. click ok .. Now try to connect ... The box is suppose to have a check in it but sometimes there are other reasons why it doesnt worj the defaukt way . I hope I have been of some assistance to you.
Similar issue
I had this same issue recently I thought it may be due to upgrading to activsync 4.5.
But it seemed not to make much difference when I attempted to work it on another pc using activsync.
The problem only occured after I had been using pocket mechanic to delete files and free up dead registry files.
I didn't want to do a hard reset straight away so instead I restored an older backup from before the issue started & since then the problem has been resolved.
So I guess the question is do you have an older backup than the one you have tried if so try it & see. Other than that a hard reset may well sort the issue?
Hope this helps, and serves as a warning to others don't delete certain reg keys even if a program (pocket mechanic) stated them to be empty or redundant unless you have a backup to restore when things go wrong!
JC#79 said:
I had this same issue recently I thought it may be due to upgrading to activsync 4.5.
But it seemed not to make much difference when I attempted to work it on another pc using activsync.
The problem only occured after I had been using pocket mechanic to delete files and free up dead registry files.
I didn't want to do a hard reset straight away so instead I restored an older backup from before the issue started & since then the problem has been resolved.
So I guess the question is do you have an older backup than the one you have tried if so try it & see. Other than that a hard reset may well sort the issue?
Hope this helps, and serves as a warning to others don't delete certain reg keys even if a program (pocket mechanic) stated them to be empty or redundant unless you have a backup to restore when things go wrong!
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Yeah a backup is a good idea but most dont do that . And yeah some cleaners do remove more than they should.
Ok .. Lets chase the possible software issues . What rom are you running and what have you installed ?
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I'm running the official T-Mobile Netherlands ROM
My installed progs are:
anton tomov pocket mechanic
MASPware benzineverbruik
Google Maps
Microsoft .NET CF 2.0
Shannon and Keane pGCalSync
Pocket e-sword
Microsoft SQLCE 2.0
HudsonMobile Phonedashboard
I-mate WMP Today
MGSH Magicall
Scrary Bear Software Check Notifications
Noisette Software CedeFTP
BuildXPDA Bandwidth Calculator
Dinarsoft MemMaid
SPB GPRS monitor
Chi-Tai Dang BatteryStatus TD-plugin
Illium Software eWallet
Resco Today Plugin
Resco Registry Add-in
Resco FTP add-in
Resco Explorer
Microsoft Remote Display Control
Conduits Pocket IP
Thunder WM5torage
Tomtomt Navigator v6.020.7980
PC Counselor Tweaks2k2 .NET
Nyxbul Software Contacts Backup
SPB Backup APCp CalSyncUm
Modaco nodata
SBSH.Net Phoneweaver
Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX oggsynccab
Mike Simpson Chardguru
Backmann Software Printboy
Shape Services IMPlus
HTC X-button 1.5
Spb Diary
LSDsl EasySetOwner
Daniel Herrero Bandswitch
Vicsoft ClearTemp
Acpecto Software Wififofum
Please advice...
mauce said:
I'm running the official T-Mobile Netherlands ROM
My installed progs are:
anton tomov pocket mechanic
MASPware benzineverbruik
Google Maps
Microsoft .NET CF 2.0
Shannon and Keane pGCalSync
Pocket e-sword
Microsoft SQLCE 2.0
HudsonMobile Phonedashboard
I-mate WMP Today
MGSH Magicall
Scrary Bear Software Check Notifications
Noisette Software CedeFTP
BuildXPDA Bandwidth Calculator
Dinarsoft MemMaid
SPB GPRS monitor
Chi-Tai Dang BatteryStatus TD-plugin
Illium Software eWallet
Resco Today Plugin
Resco Registry Add-in
Resco FTP add-in
Resco Explorer
Microsoft Remote Display Control
Conduits Pocket IP
Thunder WM5torage
Tomtomt Navigator v6.020.7980
PC Counselor Tweaks2k2 .NET
Nyxbul Software Contacts Backup
SPB Backup APCp CalSyncUm
Modaco nodata
SBSH.Net Phoneweaver
Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX oggsynccab
Mike Simpson Chardguru
Backmann Software Printboy
Shape Services IMPlus
HTC X-button 1.5
Spb Diary
LSDsl EasySetOwner
Daniel Herrero Bandswitch
Vicsoft ClearTemp
Acpecto Software Wififofum
Please advice...
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Almost every program you named I have installed various times . And I know from experience quiet a few of them clash . Biggest example is the anton tomov pocket mechanic and PC Counselor Tweaks2k2 .NET. Both of those running with the resco stuff is utter ciaos.
Hell this is complicated...
I have the same problem although my mda compact III (T-Mobile) is pretty new! Would it help to
a) install activesync 4.5 (I currently use 4.2)
b) to debrand it
Hope there is a simple solution... and many thanks in advance for it!!!
I had a similar problem, are you guys using a firewall? if so you may need to open a port or what I do is temporarily deactivate my firewall when I connect my orbit to my pc.
Hope that helps.

Blue Angel Sync!!

Recently i bought a blue angel which later i found out that it had sync problems connecting to the pc. Anyone out there can help or got the service manual for this phone? Greatly appreciate for your time. Other things working fine, wifi, bluetooth, gprs.
specifically... what do you mean about "sync problems"? MS active sync? cable sync?
can you elaborate on that? so that we can isolate the problems...
okie, i m having problem with the pda i think, when i plug it in, it will say usb device not recognized. when my frenz used his pda(exactly same) it doesnt have sync problems. so anyone out there can help out? i think i need the service manual to change the sync port. my pda can charging though .. just cant sync. really fed up with it.
FeiJi said:
okie, i m having problem with the pda i think, when i plug it in, it will say usb device not recognized. when my frenz used his pda(exactly same) it doesnt have sync problems. so anyone out there can help out? i think i need the service manual to change the sync port. my pda can charging though .. just cant sync. really fed up with it.
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Are you using the same cable between the two phones? I had mine do this as well, turned out to be a bad cable.
Is this being done on WM 2003, 5 or 6? If it's not 2003, who made the ROM?
As for changing the sync port, there isn't much to change on the phone side beyond enabling RNDIS and using the serial connection or bluetooth.
Also, what OS is this on?
Need to be specific.
and if the cable's fine...
check your BA PC I/O connector(where you plug your cable) on the unit itself, it might be the one causing the problem.
my BA has a little bit of chipping on the thin PCB holder for the connectors, so the copperwires are sticking out. and im praying to god that the rest of the holder "hold" itself.
i m using the original rom wm2003se, which if my phone cant sync, means i cant upgrade. that's the most fed up part. i send to the phone technician n they say need to take days for checking up da problems. i m using win xp on my pc. the cable was the same of coz.
Any idea of flashing without synchrosing?

Waiting for network WM6.1 & AS 4.5

Hey all,
Some people around who have the same problem...
When I undock my device from my pc (USB cable) it all goes fine for some hours, after that, my connection is freezing... (the 3G connected icon is still on my device, but no connection anymore) .
The only thing I can do is reboot the device and again after a few hours, the same again. It only happens wireless, that means when i'am connecting my device to the pc when it stuck, well he is working normal.
Now, I already tried to add a regkey DnsCacheEnabled, but no result. I want to clear this out, cause this is not real funny
I wanted to make sure it is not on my exchange, so if anyone has a proper working exchange server, can I have a demo account for some days to test it out.
If some people are having the same issue, please contact me, so we can find a solution.
Thanks again all,

