Artemis reliability - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Have I been unlucky?
Bought my P3300 SIM free in April, and all was well until July, then the screen developed a fault, so I returned it to HTC who replaced screen and main board - this caused major problems at Tom Tom, as the machine ID changed and just as I got that sorted the phone started to crash with increasing regularity, so I sent it back again, and new main board was provided... same old problems with Tom Tom (trick is to phone them, email etc, gets ignored)...
and another... and so on until...
Eventually they agreed to replace the phone entirely, though to be fair, the final one they actually replaced hadn't mis-behaved... New one came with WM6, and was prone to crashing, but I suspected it may be non-compatible apps, so I gradually removed applications - but it still tended to go blank, and then flatten the battery. Eventually it went blank and wouldn't switch on at all.
I sent it back just after xmas, and got an email today to say its been water damaged, and its dead and they can't repair it and won't replace it.
In the few weeks I had this phone its never been out of the house / car, and nothing has been spilt on it, nor has it been dropped in my tea... the external water sensitive label is ok, but (they claim) the internal one is showing water ingress. its not insured, so I now have a £450 ornament that I've had less than 6 months use out of. Have I been unlucky?

JemHayward said:
Have I been unlucky?
Bought my P3300 SIM free in April, and all was well until July, then the screen developed a fault, so I returned it to HTC who replaced screen and main board - this caused major problems at Tom Tom, as the machine ID changed and just as I got that sorted the phone started to crash with increasing regularity, so I sent it back again, and new main board was provided... same old problems with Tom Tom (trick is to phone them, email etc, gets ignored)...
and another... and so on until...
Eventually they agreed to replace the phone entirely, though to be fair, the final one they actually replaced hadn't mis-behaved... New one came with WM6, and was prone to crashing, but I suspected it may be non-compatible apps, so I gradually removed applications - but it still tended to go blank, and then flatten the battery. Eventually it went blank and wouldn't switch on at all.
I sent it back just after xmas, and got an email today to say its been water damaged, and its dead and they can't repair it and won't replace it.
In the few weeks I had this phone its never been out of the house / car, and nothing has been spilt on it, nor has it been dropped in my tea... the external water sensitive label is ok, but (they claim) the internal one is showing water ingress. its not insured, so I now have a £450 ornament that I've had less than 6 months use out of. Have I been unlucky?
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very. i've had my MDACIII for over a year now, and never had any problems. I dont paticularly look after it, its covered in dents and scratches from drunk nights out... i use it in the rain too, so its been wet a few times. Never had to send it back, and only had to do a hard reset once (too much randomly installing/uninstalling software)
Hope u have better luck next time!

Sorry to hear about your phone. It's strange because one of the main reasons I bought the Artemis was because of it's reliability. I had been searching the forums for months and couldn't find many if any failures like this. However, the other phones I was considering did have these kinds of problems quite commonly (Trinity & Eten X500). I've had my phone since Sept and I haven't had any problems with it.

JemHayward said:
Have I been unlucky?
Bought my P3300 SIM free in April, and all was well until July, then the screen developed a fault, so I returned it to HTC who replaced screen and main board - this caused major problems at Tom Tom, as the machine ID changed and just as I got that sorted the phone started to crash with increasing regularity, so I sent it back again, and new main board was provided... same old problems with Tom Tom (trick is to phone them, email etc, gets ignored)...
and another... and so on until...
Eventually they agreed to replace the phone entirely, though to be fair, the final one they actually replaced hadn't mis-behaved... New one came with WM6, and was prone to crashing, but I suspected it may be non-compatible apps, so I gradually removed applications - but it still tended to go blank, and then flatten the battery. Eventually it went blank and wouldn't switch on at all.
I sent it back just after xmas, and got an email today to say its been water damaged, and its dead and they can't repair it and won't replace it.
In the few weeks I had this phone its never been out of the house / car, and nothing has been spilt on it, nor has it been dropped in my tea... the external water sensitive label is ok, but (they claim) the internal one is showing water ingress. its not insured, so I now have a £450 ornament that I've had less than 6 months use out of. Have I been unlucky?
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hey JemHayward
ok let me help you out here, looks like there playing a little dirty with you here, first your phone has constant problems, so many repairs then you get a replacement ( the replacement is not a new phone but its a reconditioned phone) its a old phone repaired with new covers ( cool hey)
and now they say it has water damage ( but the water indicator on the outside is good) thats enough info for me.
if your phone had been by water BOTH indicators would show up.
please write a letter ( not a e-mail) and make sure you also make an appointment with your lawer and get him to put a signature on it too. send the mail recorded delivery and sit back and wait.
there is no possible way they can tell you that your warrenty is void.
if you do not hear from them within 2 weeks of the letter being received then your lawer will take it over for you.
i will be watching over this one and will be smiling once your new phone is on the way.
good luck.

I've written a letter.... so far no reply, but last time it took them a month to reply, then again, it's better than e-mail, they don't seem to reply to that at all. The status at the repair centre is "on-hold" whatever that means.
I've just discovered its not insured.

JemHayward said:
I've written a letter.... so far no reply, but last time it took them a month to reply, then again, it's better than e-mail, they don't seem to reply to that at all. The status at the repair centre is "on-hold" whatever that means.
I've just discovered its not insured.
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at least the letter is sent, its just funny how they say its water damage and the first line of defence (water indicator) is not showing.
just keep the pressure on at them, and then you can always ask compensation because of the amount of time you have been without a phone in fully working order
give em hell.

It's amazingly difficult to "give them hell" when they take ages to reply to letters and their phone system is inpenetrable... very nice lady who's english is poor takes ten minutes collecting your name, address and full details, then says no-one available we'll phone back, and of course, they don't... email is ignored. I may try driving to their offices and banging on the door.


Help - Screen alignment drifting is driving me mad

I received my o2 XDAiis 2 weeks ago and have been plagued with what appears to be screen alighment problems. It is almost as if the program was designed for a bigger screen.
when I touch any of the items on the right hand side of the screen the correct function is selected but as I select itmes moving towards the left of the screen they move progressively out of synch.
For example: on the phone if i touch 'talk' the phone will correctly dial however if i touch 4, i notice that 6 depresses. when the pda does this it becomes impossible to operate. To receive a call , i have to touch an imaginary area half a cm to the left of the 'receive' button.
as you can imagine i have real fun trying to get my 'start' menu. when i touch it i sometimes get the connectivity or even the volume popup display.
Hard reboot does work but not always first time. besides why should i have to reboot 3-4 time a day?
at this stage i know why there is the slide out keyboard, it is a feature so that you can use your phone, without it i would have an expensive paperweight.
Any ideas on what it might be will be gratefully accepted.
i have the same problem. and i got mine around three weeks ago.
the fix is i re-align the screen like three - four times a day. if that does not work (because sometimes the misalignment is so bad, i can't access the menu) i do soft reset.
i am starting to believe that XDA IIs is the crappiest electronic device ever built. Makes me regret that i chose it over Ericsson 910i.
Ring up the people you bought it from, tell them it's faulty and get them to send you a replacement.
I did that and then read the last post. It seems that in early feb, a batch of defective screens was used resulting in about 4k defective units sold with the problem, mine was one. Just as well I did not trash my siemens s55.piece of plastic cr*p
thanks for the comments etc. I was thinking it was something I was doing
exact same thing happening with me as well plus that the touch screen stops responding for hours at least once in a day thats why i have to allign the screen several times a day.
BLoddy gadgets all this money and still no service.
Okay so there are faulty screens that got sold, 4k of them, and I suspect I have one. But has o2 announced how they plan to deal with this?
i went back to the store and got a full cash refund. i suggest that you all do the same. helps to make a point that if companies sell defective products, they will lose money in the end. now i am using SE P910i, 300$ cheaper. bye-bye o2
I had the same problem with mine (XDAIIs from HongKong - bought 1 week ago)
It really got me SICKKK .. Then I upgraded my device with the newest upgrade from the O2 UK page, due to another BIG PROBLEM ... and finally this problem DISAPPEARED!!!
Check my post here it will maybe HELP you out, too ;-)
Have a nice week!
Touch Screen not responding
I'm having the very same problem. :evil:
Started off as a drifting problem, but now the touch screen is like dead longer responding...!!
Hopefully there is the keyboard and the various buttons, but it's far from being practical!!
By the way this is my second one, the first one has been returned immediately, it didn't even pass the initialization test!!!
This one is 2 weeks old!!!
Hardware or software???

Dash Got Wet... help?

My Dash recently got wet (it was my 21st birthday), and now I have some (major) issues.
For a while it wouldn't turn on, at all. Then, after taking everything out (battery and sim card) and letting it sit for a few days, then recharging the batteries, my Dash turns on as soon as I put the battery in (rather than waiting for me to push the on/off button).
Then all my alarms from the past 2 weeks start to go off. As soon as I push ANY button, the Dash shuts down. End of story.
Is my beloved Dash completely FUBAR?
Thanks in advance,
Magic 8 Ball says: Signs point to yes
My opinion.
Remove the battery from it for 3 days.
Open it up (the phone)
Air dry the whole phone for the same amount of days.
proceed to assemble the phone back, insert the battery back.
Clear Storage command and hopefully it will set everything back to normal.
Cross your fingers.
Most likely its dead if that is happening. Probably fried some of the circuits on the board. If it is still under warrenty, you can try calling customer service and just tell them it stopped working. Don't offer up any information as to the cause.. This worked when i broke my screen.
"Customer service? Yes. My screen no longer works... Ok, we will replace it"
However, you may get dinged with a replacement fee of $100 (t-mobile) if they find that it was not the fault of the actual hardware. However, this is usually far cheaper then buying the phone again.
Interesting tho, my dash survived being fully emursed in a bucket of water. Never turned off, and still have never had any further issues. I still laff at it, i wish I coulda seen my face as I watched it sink to the bottom.
I would just call customer service and see what they say from there.
If you tell customer service what actually happened, you will have to buy a new phone. That is something I know they won't cover. Be vague and unsure of why its doing what it is doing and most likely you will be taken care of.
Thanks guys. I'll let you know how this goes (crossing fingers... but not expecting much)

Is this fraudelent or not?

Hi guys, I'm currently on my second one x as first was faulty.
This handset is also faulty and I have a replacement due on Tuesday. I booked the replacement within minutes of getting the handset as the same issues occurred (graphical corruption on most screens, like a garbled cartridge game lol. Also signal dropping not reconnecting)
Annoyingly, my gf handed the phone to me in town today, we fumbled and dropped the thing (headbutting each other in the process, not graceful lol) and now there are several minor scratches on the screen. Not immediately noticeable but you'd see em if you looked for em.
So, in a longwinded way my question is thus. Is it fraudulent to continue with the replacement? I'm hoping they'd right the phone off as a manufacturer fault anyways without much of a check, I'm only on day 9 of my conteact so replacements are easy at this point. Bit fearful they'd just charge for a repair though. Can't afford that,..
What say you fellow xda members, Is this wrong or fine considering the handset was unquestionably faulty on arrival?
Just send it back again, mine has that graphical corruption u r on about, but very rarely happens, it usually on the browser, I'm gonna wait for my SLOW o2 network provider to push the updates out before I decide to send back, just incase that fixes it
Sent from my phone using my fingers
Thanks. Do you think they'll care the screen is now scratched? That's my worry.
I'm with three if that helps.
No aslong as there is no real bad damage, they know its hardware/software problem and the condition of the phone shouldn't mattter
Sent from my phone using my fingers

What do repair companies look for to see if warranty is void on phones?

I have a HTC one X, got the black screen of death. I assumed it was a loose connection as the phone is sometimes dropped. I found a forum online mentioning that its the motherboard thats faulty.
I had the phone fixed by HTC after the LED screen was shattered, this cost me around 140 quid. They sent me a refurbished phone, I noticed the screen flickered under certain colours but assumed it was a driver issue. I updated the phone and found 2 updates and seemed fine after that.
Then few days back I put my phone down for couple hrs and come back to it to find the screen is black. Apparently is the video driver shorting or something.
HTC basically gave me faulty phone, thats how i see it, just wondering if I was to send it off what do they look for to see if the case has been opened. Hopefully I can seal it back and they might not notice?
I wanted to fix it myself initially, because I have data on my phone thats not backed up.
Also is the motherboard replacement under warranty or?
If you open the phone, i would assume they can see its been opened before. This can be done in many ways. Some screws show signs of having been removed, and scratches on the top of the screws also indicates this.. Then there are the "warrenty if void" stickers across places you need to breach.
Do you plan on opening up the phone? From what you write you have not yet opened the (faulty) phone you got from them, as a replacement? If they gave you a faulty phone, they did not fix the issue with it (you still have issues), and then i believe it should be straight forward to return it. Simply telling them what you write here (got it, noticed wierd stuff, updated it and then it seemed fine, but now its dead). The phone never REALLY worked, after you got it back (refurbished = phone returned to HTC that they send out to other customers as "NEW" while its in fact "CLEANED AND AS-GOOD-AS-NEW" - right?)
My advice would be to NOT OPEN the phone, start by having them replace it. If THAT fails, you can resort to opening it yourself.
Kind Regards
The problem was I was kinda impatient, and assumed it was a loose connection. Also I have data on the phone and was convinced I could fix it myself (have done other phones). I know when you send the phone off they get wiped before any work is done on them.
I have opened it, there was one screw at the top of the phone with a void print on it. I didn't scuff the screw and was put back in the exact same place.
There was no void stickers or tags to move, the only thing was the battery was stuck down to the base of the phone. It's now loose, i was hoping if i just stick that back and send it off they won't notice anything. There's no marks inside or outside of the phone, look new still.
AW: What do repair companies look for to see if warranty is void on phones?
Well I think there is no way to get a new phone, because you bought a refurbished phone. There is a warranty on refurbished phones, but I'm pretty sure that its nearly impossible to proof that it was their fault or already damaged when you got it.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
I bought the phone brand new from a phone company (in store), since then I've had the phone fixed 3 times. Twice was my fault, but the other fault was the touch screen buttons on the bottom of the phone. They were no longer responsive.
I basically shattered the LED screen, sent it off to HTC, paid 140 quid for repair and sent me this crappy refurbished phone back. This one had the flickering issues and eventually fried the motherboard. Something about shorting the video driver i read in another xda thread.

HTC 10 touch screen problem

Hey all. I have a problem here with my HTC 10. I purchased it as soon as it came out through Verizon. It's rooted, unlocked bootloader and running ViperROM. Besides the terrible WIFI range, the phone has been flawless.
Here's the problem: as of a couple days ago, when I tap the screen near the top, theres no response...unless I zoom in. For example, Craigslist. I buy/sell stuff on there. When I tap in the search bar at top of screen, nothing happens unless i pinch zoom, then it responds just fine. It's not just Craigslist, it's other sites too. Is there a calibration app that fixes the issue? I tried an app called Touchscreen Calibration by RedPi apps. My phone passed all the tests!?
Is there a different app you'd recommend?
Would a faulty digitizer be the most likely culprit if it is indeed a hardware problem?
The other side of my delimma is the battery life is horrid now. There's a local repair shop near my house, they claim they can replace my battery for $65.00. They said it would take a couple days to special order the battery, I pay 1/2 up front and tge other half when part comes in and they install it.
They claim it takes about a 1/2 hour to install it while you wait. I made it clear that this is an HTC 10, which from what I've read, is a NIGHTMARE to work on. I was assured that they have worked on this model and have no problem doing it. I've researched the company and it has a ton of good reviews. The few negative reviews seem to be regarding longer times than quoted to get parts.
The following input would be great:
#1 Any thoughts on my screen issue?
#2 A decent Calibration app?
#3 Thoughts on a pro shop working on this phone/Price quoted.
#4 Maybe have them install a new digitizer since the phone will be open already?
Sorry for the long post!
Thanks for any input.
Just an update if anyone is interested. I had the repair place order me a new battery earlier this week. They called this morning to say the battery came in. Went up there this afternoon and waited for repair. Took 1.5 hours. The guy installed new battery but damaged the LCD. It's not destroyed, but has a couple bad spots. It still functions so it's not a huge deal. The guy owned the damage, apologized and is ordering me a new LCD at no cost. He said it happened when seperating the screen. He said HTC's are a ***** and it sometimes happens.
I'm glad I didnt attempt it, even the professional had a tough time!

