ERROR 294 while trying to upgrade to WM6 - P3600 ROM Development

i tried to upgrade to WM6 after installing hard SPL 1.20.
ive got the message:
error 294: invalid vender ID
what can be the problem?

you must use update no id and u can find here.
overwrite the .exe in your folder and try again.
i hope it's usefull. Robert


MDA Pro update with qtek rom is not posible???

when i start the update with the qtek rom, my notebook says: " The Rom image that you are trying to use is not designed to work on your device. Please check the vender Web site and download the correct Rom update" can anybody help me??
all the time i became error 120 i used the method with MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe, but it not works, wat can i do?
Is that the Country ID error? The 120?
If it is, right after you get the error, run it again at once, it should go thru


i had been trying to change the firmware of my s200 from a 2.9 to a 2.13 in the spanish version.
The problem comes when the process starts to instaling with a bar, then my ActiveSync gets unconnect and the program prompt a message like this "INVALID VENDER ID".
I know there is a Cross-vender firmware in the 2.15 version, but it is english.
Do you know how to jump throught this problem for my device using the spanish version?

connection error 260

while i upgrade to wm06 i get this error.
spl : 1.04
rom version :1.25...
please help me
I have got same inf when use RUU, but my spl is 1.01.
what shall we do
ipl :1.01
radio :1.07
rom version : 1.25.207
now i cannot install wm06 tom my xda trion also htc hermes.
i dont know why i get this error. the usb is allways connected to laptop. and it is not deffect.
please help us friends.....
and i cannot succees bootloadermode by pressing power + ok and then stylus
why dont it go ?
and now it is ok. at the end i use wm06.
my steps was so.
if you start wm06 you get this message. go on insitalling on breck up.
ms corporation suggest to abort it.
you klick on "installirung fortsetzen" then you get an other error massege
error 264 when you get this error massage make a soft reset your hermes.
and i said before you are now on WM06.

Hotfix to enhance the internal GPS capability: Installation fails

when i try to update my TP2 with the hotfix from here I get an error message saying
PS: Contrary to what is stated on the HTC home page I have of course NOT
copied the exe file to the device, but started it from my Vista desktop.
HTC should take more care of their instructions
Refer to this thread:
Sorry and thanks.

error 300 artemis

hi at all
my artemis schows me an error 300
please help me has anyone a solution for my problem
This error message will appear when you use the incorrect RUU version to upgrade.
i have the right rom for my artemis
even when i want to cid unlock my artemis it shows me the same error.
i had the 6.5 m2d rom on it.
sounds daft but try reinstalling activesync?
it doesen´t help
i´v tried everything
but nochting helps.

