the answar for splash screen it works on jasjar - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

heyyyyyyyy i have just finished my jasjar and it realy worked it was dead for 14 days her is wt i did i was searching for an answar for splash screen i tried mtty and her is the way
first disconect ur active synic and put ur jasjar at bootloder screen then open mtty( if set 14 0 didn't work and task 28 didnt work 2 try this task 2855aa then ) it will work then your screen will be total black and no hard rest or even soft rest will work don't panic just take the battry of the jas and let it out for 15 min then put it back 2 the device then charge it for 10 min or more as u like then try boot loder way (light+power+rest) it will be back at boot lod screen put any rom you wish and it will be back again best luck all
i don't know if it works with any other device so best luck


BA - SX66 Variant won't load - stuck in Splash or Bootloader

Got a little problem, maybe big =(
Basically the phone one day decided not to work
i can get only two screens
either the start-up splash screen displaying CINGLAR and the firmware stuff on the bottom corner
if i enter bootloader mode, i get SERIAL 2.07 and nothing else
i have tried hard reset, take out the battery for ever, even flash
hard reset does nothing, soft does nothing
take out the battery does nothing
the phone won't charge through the cradle or charger, i can only charge the battery alone using the cradle
as for flashing it won't flash in the cingular splash screen or the bootloader screen, it doesn't change from SERIAL to USB when connected, thus the computer can't send anything to it
what can i do ?????
Do you have an SDIO card in the top slot? That can cause problems with the bootloader accepting the image from the PC.
nope only have the original DEMO SD plastic
any one what could be wrong ?
had same problem
dont know if you are doing the wm5.0 hard reset or teh old style hard reset that we used to on wm2003se. its teh notes button, camera, power and soft reset button. clear registry and the storage and then it should work. it did for me.
tried your reset steps boots the bootloader =(
Re: BA - SX66 Variant won't load - stuck in Splash or Bootlo
evilgabbie said:
if i enter bootloader mode, i get SERIAL 2.07 and nothing else
what can i do ?????
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BigDamHero said:
If you got bootloader mode then you should be able to upgrade your rom to whatever you like.
Step by step insturctions are on WIKKI. The page for upgrading to the most recent ROM for the Blue Angel that IS NOT WM2005 is here:
If your device is in bootloader mode just put it in the cradle (activsync won't start but don't worry about that) and start the upgrade!
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When you get to the Bootloader screen, probably you are home free. Just use the abouve link to resolve you problem.
BootLoader Loop Issue - SX66 Siemens
I am having a similar issue , where i am unable to hard reset or soft reset ,If I place SX66 (SIEMENS) in cradle it appears to charge after charge is complete , it will go to bootloader menu.
I have downloaded the MTTY , and would to know the settings required for USB , is selected from dropdown what is the optimal choice to make.
Im not seeing the cmd line " CMD> " in using MTTY.
I was gonna use com ports but dont know the settings to set:
data bits
stop bits
flow control
local echo
had exactly the same problem, follow these steps for hard reset
my phone came good after (running wm6)


This is based on my experience with two Exec and other JASJAR..both had same problem...this is how I solved :
-Put yr device in bootloader Mode
-Disable USB in Active Sync
-Now connect woth USB cable and open mtty utility
-Select the "WESUSB... " port
-You shall see a blank white Enter to get "USB>"
-Then type ( as BUzz has informed) set 14 0
(here I wud like to inform that after doing the above I did not get success so I typed set 14 10,then set 14 9 for two three times)
-Then I ran the ROM Upgrade directly(After enbabling the USB)
-I then followed the procedure as informed on the COngratulations Screen that is hold the two "-" buttons and soft reset and then pressed 0
-I got them back to normal..
I hope this helps to all my friends...Pls feel free..pls do not trouble our Buzz..he might be busy in inventing something more to our devices
could you please clarify this statement
(here I wud like to inform that after doing the above I did not get success so I typed set 14 10,then set 14 9 for two three times)
in particular the bit "for two three times"
I meant that after typing set 14 0 did not help so in frsutration I thoight of typing something more like set 14 10, set 14 9 set 14 20 also...then I did the flashing again...I got the success...
my msn : [email protected] pls add me...I am normally on line 07.30 to 09.30 IST and 22.00 onwards IST(Indian Std Time).I can help u out
great info. I suggest the following as well:
- If after upgrading and reset, still see Serial 1.0, UpGRADE THE RADIO, and reset again (for mor info search for "MDA PRO is alive"). It will work.
- And, as Dherrero said to me, Dont' worry! there is almost always a solution for your problem (99%).
Same problem, still can't get Jasjar working
Hi -
My Jasjar is now sitting endlessly at the blue imate boot screen, showing the new ROM version numbers. Help!
I've tried "hdubli"s suggestions, but to no avail (although i still have no idea what "set 14 0" was meant to do, or what i was meant to see on screen afterwards!) I also tried "set 14 10", "set 14 9", "set 14 20"...
I've tried reflashing down to the older ROM version, then back to the latest ROM(several times now).
I've tried the following update:
I'm re-applying the imate official rom now, as i don't know what the above version one is.
But it's still hanging at the blue startup screen...
- It seems to be ROM version independent
- what else is there that i can flash? could the bootloader be corrupt or something?
- iMate online support walked me through reapplying from bootloader, and removing the battery, but that was all they could offer. THen referred me to a 'local service agent'.... but that could take days...
Can anyone help?
Re: Same problem, still can't get Jasjar working
mcackay said:
Hi -
My Jasjar is now sitting endlessly at the blue imate boot screen, showing the new ROM version numbers. Help!
I've tried "hdubli"s suggestions, but to no avail (although i still have no idea what "set 14 0" was meant to do, or what i was meant to see on screen afterwards!) I also tried "set 14 10", "set 14 9", "set 14 20"...
I've tried reflashing down to the older ROM version, then back to the latest ROM(several times now).
I've tried the following update:
I'm re-applying the imate official rom now, as i don't know what the above version one is.
But it's still hanging at the blue startup screen...
- It seems to be ROM version independent
- what else is there that i can flash? could the bootloader be corrupt or something?
- iMate online support walked me through reapplying from bootloader, and removing the battery, but that was all they could offer. THen referred me to a 'local service agent'.... but that could take days...
Can anyone help?
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Hi all,
I have been following almost every thread of this forum for the past week or so, && this is the first time i have come across another person who is suffering from the same problem... Hi Mcackay... I have the EXACT same problem... I have been given some suggestions which i shall try soon... If anything atall works i shall let you know bro... && please inform me if you find any solution...
May be this will help further
If one has tried to update Atom/Wizard ROm...will certainly notice that the upgrade process doesn't start unless the battery is > this is the biggest clue.
Those who want to upgrade make sure that their battery is more than one will face the problem.
So those huys who are already in problems...shd try to get their friend's battery which is fully charged and then do the ROM Update..
This will certainly solve their problems.
I installed the new ROM but every time it just said 'congratulations all done etc.....' and I could not get out of bootloader mode.
I did a hard reset to get the white screen and then had the choice of X or 0, but both put me back at the grey screen (where it is just possible to read USB and serial 1.0).
After doing this 5 or 6 times, I found the old radio 1.06 upgrade and ran that, and on completion it allowed the universal to start up AND the ROM files that I had sucessfully installed (see above) were there.
Only problem is I now have 1.06 radio and not 1.09, but i can do an upgrade for just that later.
i cannot make it start i have tried to write in mtty set 14 0 , set 14 9, set 14 20 but nothing.also i ave triedto install almost all rom but everytime stucks in the blue i mate image,any ideas please???
angeln20 said:
i cannot make it start i have tried to write in mtty set 14 0 , set 14 9, set 14 20 but nothing.also i ave triedto install almost all rom but everytime stucks in the blue i mate image,any ideas please???
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Hi buddy... Am facing the same problem for the past 15 days... My JASJAR has been stuck on the blue imate splashscreen mode... I too have tried flashing the device with all possible ROMS but to no use... One thing that we can conclude is that the problem is ROM independent... Lets work on this together.. There are other 2-3 people on this forum who are facing this same problem... Lets put our heads together && work out a solution... If there is any success at my end, i will update you asap.. PLEASE do the same...
Almost the same problem I have
Almost the same problem I have with MDA Compact II Now the device is dead the screen blinks. somebody told me that there is a software that works on dos mode and reset all to bring it boot loader & and so there is a bottun inside the device to to clear every thing. But I don't know how???
I also have the same problem stuck on 2nd splash screen
This all started when I used the official imate Jasjar ROM upgrade from the clubimate site (since I have an imate Jasjar). I've come a long way in understanding how to manually upgrade the ROM and have tried numerous ROMs, radios, etc. and still won't go past the splash screen. I'm hoping I we can figure it out today.
no luck yet.i cannot to something and i am afraid that the battery will empty.....
I'm hopefull - I'm online with imate support
I keep on getting disonnected from their support, but so far they said "its just and error but i will help you to fix it so please me the IMEI number" so I gave him my IMEI number and he's supposed to email me the fix. We'll see ..... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
morphosin said:
angeln20 said:
i cannot make it start i have tried to write in mtty set 14 0 , set 14 9, set 14 20 but nothing.also i ave triedto install almost all rom but everytime stucks in the blue i mate image,any ideas please???
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Hi buddy... Am facing the same problem for the past 15 days... My JASJAR has been stuck on the blue imate splashscreen mode... I too have tried flashing the device with all possible ROMS but to no use... One thing that we can conclude is that the problem is ROM independent... Lets work on this together.. There are other 2-3 people on this forum who are facing this same problem... Lets put our heads together && work out a solution... If there is any success at my end, i will update you asap.. PLEASE do the same...
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i agree this, i also got problem with my exec,
some of thread told us use mtty set 14 0, or just falsh single rom such llike radio rom or nk.nbf, tied many time, tried may ways of reset, boot options, other version and kinds of roms, still no work for me,
I did solve the problem with 3 Unis by what I hv explained above...I think it is Flash Chip related issue...after upgrade it is just not getting a kind of trigger to load the OS..This time I am really struggling with morphosin's is lying at my place for past 2 days...but no luck so far.
I hv also tried following mtty commands and the results are as explained
task 28
DOC_format failed
task 0
task 7 0/1
made the Uni did not lock/unlock the ROM
rtask 0/1/3/4
In all these cases it did reset the radio...also had the Radio ROM run but still no effect on booting
May be buzz can help now as increasing number of people are getting this
I also think of some kind of Super CID in new ROMs which need to be unlocked before doing the upgrade..
thanks but many of my friends are helped by your post,too.
Also one of my friend, receovered by useing command with PlatformBuilder from PC, he reported me like that.
Asukal said:
thanks but many of my friends are helped by your post,too.
Also one of my friend, receovered by useing command with PlatformBuilder from PC, he reported me like that.
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Hi Asukal...
Can you please elaborate the "platform builder recovery method"... I think thats the only thing left to do now...
FYI ... still working with imate technical support
I've made some progress with imate technical support, but still no solution. So far it's the standard bootloader - USB - Load the ROM response. I'm hoping they'll email me back today with a real answer. I'll keep you all posted.
hdubli said:
This is based on my experience with two Exec and other JASJAR..both had same problem...this is how I solved :
-Put yr device in bootloader Mode
-Disable USB in Active Sync
-Now connect woth USB cable and open mtty utility
-Select the "WESUSB... " port
-You shall see a blank white Enter to get "USB>"
-Then type ( as BUzz has informed) set 14 0
(here I wud like to inform that after doing the above I did not get success so I typed set 14 10,then set 14 9 for two three times)
-Then I ran the ROM Upgrade directly(After enbabling the USB)
-I then followed the procedure as informed on the COngratulations Screen that is hold the two "-" buttons and soft reset and then pressed 0
-I got them back to normal..
I hope this helps to all my friends...Pls feel free..pls do not trouble our Buzz..he might be busy in inventing something more to our devices
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I also have been stuck in bootloader mode for days, but by following the above it sorts it every time.
I am using mtty v1.42 and simply select USB get the USB> prompt then type SET 14 0 then return. I then see HTCUSB> and close the program
I then cold boot and I am back in business. This is 100% repaeatable
Hope this helps

Stucked at splash screen not bootloader

My Uni got stucked at splash screen i.e the blue O2 screen (not bootloader).
The story was like this:
Just before it happened, I was trying to enter the bootloader to flash my ROM, i dont know how i did it but somehow there was some charactors on my screen, some settings.. My curiousity lead me to play around with the settings, I couldnt remember what did i do, I just press the up and down button and the settings changed. Feeling bad that it might ruin my precious Uni, I quickly soft reset it. And then BOOM! I cant start it anymore. It just stucked at the blue O2 splash screen.
Pls pls anyone know how to get back to the setting screen again? I guess it was some button combination to get into that screen. Does anyone know what is the combination?
try this tools
-disconnect USB cable
-disable USB connection in desktop ActiveSync
-connect USB cable
-start mtty
-create new connection and select USB from ports
press enter to see USB prompt in mtty:
type (dont copy&paste):
task 28
and press enter
If the result is the following then you are out of luck:
DOC_format failed!
indra9110 said:
try this tools
If the result is the following then you are out of luck:
DOC_format failed!
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It says exactly like that! Can anyone help?
try hard resetting ur phone.
keep the two minus buttons pressed and they with the pen click the reset button.
friend, hard reseting, flashing, mtty, took off battery, i've done all that.. nothing works.
satanisme said:
friend, hard reseting, flashing, mtty, took off battery, i've done all that.. nothing works.
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Forget it. You have a defective internal flashdisk. The only option is to return it to the vendor/manufacturer and have it repaired under warranty.
believe Wiz words, because i had the same problem !!TWO!! times in three months.
next time i will smash the Uni against a wall
Shoot! 2 times in 3 months? What did you do dude?
I'm so sad coz I'm currently in Malaysia and the unit is from UK. I asked the O2 service center over here and they said they dont have the jurisdiction to repair it. Even opening up the Uni will temper the warranty. What a bull! Now I have to find a way to send my Uni to UK quick since the warranty is gonna void in 2 months time.
I'm stuck at the screen, DOPOD ENJOY MOBILITY,
R 1.1100
G 42.45.P8
D 1.30.111.WWE
when run the mtty, ask for com port, not USB able to be selected.
regards, yan
possible solution
Hi guys,
There is a tip from Dubli for those who stuck on splash screen:
1. Get mtty
2. Connect to USB, press enter
3. Type task 32, enter
4. Type 28, enter
5. Flash CE Rom only
6. Hard Reset
Make sure to type task 32 first before task 28 coz task 28 alone wont work.
Pls try this and tell me the outcome. I cant try this coz i just sent my uni to UK just now.
Stuck on Splash screen ..please help urgent
hi guys,
I have a Xda Exec phone
I'm stuck at the screen,
R 1.09.00
G 42.42.P8
D 1.30.107.WWE
I have tried using the procedure
1. Get mtty
2. Connect to USB, press enter
3. Type task 32, enter
4. Type 28, enter
5. Flash CE Rom only (here is where i am stuck ? what does it mean to flash rom ?)
6. Hard Reset
What do i do ? Please help

For All Those Who Stuck In The Boot Screen - Try Mamaich Method !!!

Before 1 month my UNIVERSAL stuck on boot screen and like every one I'll start to test everything - including TASK 28 command to return him back but without succsess. Before 2 days some one put a thread about formating DOC and I remembered that I was try to format my DOC and after few weeks my Universal was stuck so MAMAICH wrote this:
mamaich said:
if you can enter bootloader - use "task 28 55aa", this would restore DOC to its original layout.
If you cannot - contact service center.
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After this .... gues what .... EVERYTHIG run back to normal again
I will repeat myself:
Thank you very very very MUCH !!!
Thank you again !!!
Hope this work to most of you
Oh My God !!!!! My Jasjar Recovered !!!!!!!
Thanks Alot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is this task28 55aa? cus im in the bootloader screen but i cant get anything else to work
Step by Step :
get the tools at attachment , as mamaich told, you have to use it in bootloader mode , (Power + Light Bulb + Reset)
1. Stop Activesync USB connection
2. Uni : Reboot Bootloader then Connect USB
3. PC : Run mtty1.42.exe
4. Choose USB in "Port" (Reconnect if can't find/reconglize USB and try remove sim and sd card)
5. type : task 28 55aa
6. Press Enter
7. Cause DOC reformatted, so there's no rom in DOC ,try reflash any rom that you like .
For task 28 55aa in mtty success , will show the message (attachment )
i can only choose from COM1, COM2, and COM3, it doesnt find usb, and ive try reconnecting in
i find you must kill the wcescomm, wcesmgr and rapimgr exe's using task manager before you get the 'usb' option in mtty (kills activesync)
rite got a window come up in the progam
typed "task 28 55aa"
next line came as "USB>"
so is that it done? cus i aint seen anything else happen?
afaik, thats it
now reset back into the bootloader again and load a (whole, inc radio) ROM
stupid question here, but the update i installed earlier effed it up, so where can i get one that def works, and how do i install it on lol, im think
If you want to make sure it works i suggest getting the latest rom from your carrier (orange? -
then you can upgrade (if you want to) to other, perhaps custom roms and a later radio ROM.
i got o2 rom im trying to install but it says it can only do it thru activesync, but that wont find my xda, any ideas how to bypass that?
thats because you killed activesync in the last process, start it again (from the start menu) and the upgrade should work
restarted my laptop and still activesync wont reckonise my xda, any other ideas? (its still boot loader mode, if i do a normal reset the screen just loads red and scrambled)
start the update process while in bootloader mode, you don't need activesync at all.
yeh i got the rom to install on it, went to soft restart it like it said, press 0 to conitinue, and wat a suprise a red, green and blue scrambled fuzzy screen, any ideas where to go now?
have you installed the rom yet? if not you need to reset it into bootloader mode ( and then start the rom upgrade.
yeh i reset it in bootloader mode, and i installed the new rom from the o2 website, but it didnt work, so i need a rom that either puts it back to original 02 settings or rom that at least allows me to get a workin screen up again
what was wrong with the o2 one you had?
i went to sell my phone, so i wanted to clear the data permanently, but i thought id put an update on it to add to its features aswell, but the update effed it up big style, and now i cant sell a broken phone
someone add to wiki.


hi there not sure if my phone is a universal but looks like the pic in the front. anyway i was installin WM6 and when install getdata or sumfink it just went to this blank sceen which says serial v2.01. what do i do nothing works ive tried soft/hard rest nuthin! HELP!!!!!!!
jackador said:
hi there not sure if my phone is a universal but looks like the pic in the front. anyway i was installin WM6 and when install getdata or sumfink it just went to this blank sceen which says serial v2.01. what do i do nothing works ive tried soft/hard rest nuthin! HELP!!!!!!!
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Remove the battery for 15 minutes or so then re-insert it and try to restart your machine. Note: hard reset requires you to hold down the two - (dash) keys and press the reset button. Some folk (perhaps not you) think that pressing the reset button with the stylus is a hard reset, but that is just a soft one. Good Luck.
you are in the boot loader mode ... read the topic with title :
all of you stuck in bootloader... goodluck.

