how to remove or change icons? - P3300, MDA Compact III General

on the lawer part of the today screen i have 7 small icons, i cant find the way to remove or change them. is there any way to do it?

Go into registry and delete the Launchentry which contains the value "TrayAp.exe" >>> HKLM\Init\Launch92
alternate, hardreset your device and break the automatically install. put the needed files manually to your mda ( except the unliked SP_Tray117_1100.CAB )

thanks alot bmod.

This is great (I've never used those icons and they take up space) but I also use photo Contacts Pro and this put's it's own little icon in I can lose the O2, the battery status and the conection manager icon, but I can't get rid of the photocontacts icon.
so for me there's no point in changing this in the registry

infact I tried this and as I knew photo contacts put it's own icon in there (thought it might remove them all). Tried to reverse the registry change, but now all I have is the O2 icon, not the battery indicator or the connections manager icon...anyone know how to get them back??


O2 standard Apps

Does anyone know where I can download and install the standard O2 apps that are installed as part of the WM5 customization after a hard reset?
I've just upgraded my Orbit to WM6 and am missing these as they were really useful. I'm not intrested in other apps as I know these O2 ones worked fine and didn't drain the battery etc etc.
The 3 I'm after are,
1) Running Apps for the Today screen
2) Battery Meter
3) Memory usage Meter
4) O2 task manager shortcut Icon
These will be the ones I'm after, all shown on this review just before half way down the page in the screen shots.
Meters allows you to show up to three level meters for Battery, Memory, and Storage card. Each meter can be tapped on to show; a plain bar, the bar with percentage, or bar with Mb free.
Running Apps displays a simple line of icons indicating which programs are currently running in the background, tapping the icon switches to that program.
Shortcuts allows for up to five shortcuts to be configured for launching, tapping on the icon launches the program.
Task Manager - this is activated via the 'O2 bubble' which resides in the bottom bar of the today screen. A single tap on it brings up a brushed metal pop-up which displays the running applications and an options menu. The 'X' next to the listed applications allows each application to be terminated manually when required. Options allows you to select which O2 Custom Today applets are usable on the Today screen, as well as allowing you to define the shortcuts for the Shortcut applet.
They are all in the 'Items' menu of the 'Today' setup in preferences. You need to turn on Meters, Profiles and Shortcuts.
Thanks for the reply and they woudl be if I was still running my O2 ROM and it had run the customization to install them after a hard reset but I've upgraded to BEBE's WM6 ROM which doesn't have any of the O2 utils loaded.
Anyone else on where I can get these? Would anyone with an O2 Orbit ROM be able to pull the customization CAB install files out of their ROM somehow for me?
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
Decaf said:
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
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Can you upload these files somewhere?
I just checked the ftp site and they are already there...
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Artemis/Extended_ROMs/
Big thanks to Mark for that and the email. All loaded on and the meters runnings apps and O2 bubble task manager are all there and I'm almost back to where I was on WM5..
However SPB Time fails to wake up the phone from a screen saver locked state with sound, sure it'll flash up the screen with snooze or dismiss red and green buttons but no sound errm kinda makes it useless as an Alarm Clock and as I'm sure all the rest of you out there do I really rely on my phone as an Alarm.. I've been late 2 days in a row now because of this, no joke so.. errm kinda critical for me to get fixed..
Any ideas people. I've even un installed the paid for version I had and installed the latest version (trial) from their site
At the risk of sounding stupid, I've just downloaded the zip file for the extended roms. I've unzipped it and gathered from the config file that I should place the cab files in specific locations... My question is, is there a (semi)automatic way of installing it? If not, should I follow the paths found in the config file? Also, there are a few files missing, ie the bmp files, do I need them? Lastly, what about the config.txt the file... where is that to be placed?
Sorry for the barrage of questions Noob here, just want to make sure I understand this the right way!
Thanks for all the help!
PS. 1st post, great site btw!!

New Battery Icon and clean 3G for Majik and others

I ripped this from orange rom, it puts a better battery icon in the title as pictured, it also has the clean 3G icon included.
As i ran this on Majik I did not need the reg change to remove the clock on the task bar, but you will need to do this if you have the clock and not the battery icon as per Majik.
Change: ShowTitleBarClock dword=0
copy phcanOverbmp.dll to your windows folder with something like resco explorer.
Then run the and soft reset.
I have not had any other side affects fith using this on black Majik or LVSW roms
problem with Dialer background
just did what you wrote but i lost my dialer background.
any idea how to fix this?
the buttons are black but the background changed to white
neorder said:
just did what you wrote but i lost my dialer background.
any idea how to fix this?
the buttons are black but the background changed to white
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The cab file messes up the dialer - you will have to do some registry editing to fix it...
or just install the cab below which fixes it
rabdo said:
The cab file messes up the dialer - you will have to do some registry editing to fix it...
or just install the cab below which fixes it
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I got white screen when make a call after installed. ?????
Not noticed any white screen but i am using the video dialer, thanks for the fix rabdo but that fixed only the first screen and not the seccond in call screen.
To fix the prob install the attached - soft reset ( touch dialer cab ), then re copy the .dll over to windows folder and soft reset.
Do this and the dialer will be fixed and you will have the new battery and clean 3G.
I will look into making a cab of the the first post and exclude the dialer problem alltogether.
the.drone said:
I ripped this from orange rom, it puts a better battery icon in the title as pictured, it also has the clean 3G icon included.
As i ran this on Majik I did not need the reg change to remove the clock on the task bar, but you will need to do this if you have the clock and not the battery icon as per Majik.
Change: ShowTitleBarClock dword=0
copy phcanOverbmp.dll to your windows folder with something like resco explorer.
Then run the and soft reset.
I have not had any other side affects fith using this on black Majik or LVSW roms
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i posted this up for fix ages ago, pls read this link: if you can do it with these files it will work!!
PLEASE READ THIS, I know what the problem is but i havent get the right skills to fix it, if you can, use the files on the link i have given and this will work!!
yep also tried the fix you where looking at, I edited the dll to contain both icon sets but when installed it just would not work ( even used the orange dll and as soon as i edit an icon then reinstall the dll it wouldnt use the new icons, maybe the dll editor is no good ).
I pulled the one of orange rom which has both icon sets already, then the problem is that it would use the dll for the 3g but not for battery without running the cab from the extended rom. this is where i have now run into the dialer problem, tempery fix is above but will attempt to fix it properly

ATT 8525 WM6 systray

Does anyone know how to remove the systray from the bottom of the screen?
I got the comm & battery icon removed but would like to remove the rest of the systray.
AFAIK, there is no way to actually remove the systray other than removing all the icons on it. So, if you have a program which is hard-coded to show an icon on the systray, then you might be SOL.
If I am wrong, and there is in fact a way to remove it, please someone tell me.
I already had all the icon remove from the systray, I a hoping to get rid of the systray all together so more desktop space are available for additional program icon.

Active Battery Icon in Settings: Updated with CAB

Here's a little mortscript package I put together so that the icon displayed in the battery page of settings panel will be active and change with battery percentage remaining.
Just install the cab and then goto program files\battery and run either battery.mscr or battery.exe. This is only one time to get it started, then it should run updates itself and restart itself after a reboot so you can forget about it. Note: if you get a message about the battery file isn't associated with an application, then run the mortscript.exe first and then the battery file.
I only included the rainbow battery images in the cab. The zip files are other battery images packs. To change image packs, download one of the zips and copy the images folder within it over your current program files\battery\images folder. If you want to save the rainbow images, rename the images folder before copying the new images folder over it.
Nice.. I ve always wanted to do this but I never had the time... I ve got some nice PNGs for you to use with about 10 increments
Question though.... do you have to open up some other application that takes the focus away from the homescreen in order to see the battery icon changes.... or not ?
No other app needed, just run the battery.exe one time and forget about it. It only updates and replaces the icon that is already located on the battery/settings panel. This way the icon changes with the percentage more or less shown on the panel. And since the name of the icon in the reg never changes after being set the first time on installation, as you rewrite the icon, no homescreen reload is needed. It just updates automatically. The icon battery packs I got from my ipod touch, which is set up as 17 images for about every 6 percent change.
I just wrote this today so if it doesn't work let me know or feel free to fix and post changes. If you have more icon packs, go ahead and post them. If they're not 17 images, then we would have to slightly modify the script.
nice work man, looking forward to see it!
Great job, Showaco. Will install it and let you know. Keep up the good work.
showaco said:
No other app needed, just run the battery.exe one time and forget about it. It only updates and replaces the icon that is already located on the battery/settings panel. This way the icon changes with the percentage more or less shown on the panel. And since the name of the icon in the reg never changes after being set the first time on installation, as you rewrite the icon, no homescreen reload is needed. It just updates automatically. The icon battery packs I got from my ipod touch, which is set up as 17 images for about every 6 percent change.
I just wrote this today so if it doesn't work let me know or feel free to fix and post changes. If you have more icon packs, go ahead and post them. If they're not 17 images, then we would have to slightly modify the script.
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You didn't understand me at all. What I'm asking is... does the icon on the homescreen update in REALTIME or is a homescreen "refresh" needed. Let's say you're on the settings page with the battery icon... Let's also say your script replaces the icon with something else RIGHT NOW. Now.. does the icon change in front of your eyes, or will you need to go away from page, or open up another window that covers the homescreen and go back.. to see the new icon ?
I haven't actually sat and watched it when update was running. But I know a homescreen refresh is not needed. I think, and if anyone knows for sure then chime in, that when the icon changes, if you were actually on the battery page, that it would not update in front of your eyes. But if you were on a different panel and the update runs, then you moved to that panel, that the updated icon would be there. I don't think its necessary to go to an app and then back but I will try to check it out and get back to you.
The way my weather app works is, the icon only changes after another app's window gets on top of the homescreen (even if just for a brief second). I'll %100 sure the settings panel will exhibit the same behaviour. Not putting your application down or anything, this is all because I was just curious if you found a way to refresh a static icon in real time...
Do you intend to make a cab for it... etc ?
Ok, I checked out the icon updating by connecting to activesync and writing over the icon while I watched screen.
If you are on the battery page during updating of icon, it doesn't show. If you change pages or panels and back again, then the new icon is there.
If you are anywhere else on the homescreen when update occurs, then the new icon will be there when you look.
There is no need to leave homescreen and come back(like opening an app) and there is no need to reload homescreen for update.
So for clarification, if you're watching the battery icon waiting for the big icon changing show, it ain't gonna happen.
But if you are anywhere else but the battery page, the update happens without your knowledge and it will be there when you look at your battery page. And if you are on the battery page during update, the icon won't change in front of your eyes but it you look a page left or right, a panel up or down, and then look again, it would be updated.
Is that what you mean?
This is only meant as an enhancement to the current battery page, not a replacement.
OrganicM said:
Do you intend to make a cab for it... etc ?
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Let's try it a day and see if its working. Then, if you get time, could you make a cab for it? I just threw this together today while I was bored at work, and finished writing it after work, so I really haven't tried it out to much. If you got any ideas just throw them in, because I would like to hear them.
Ok, now that I've used it for a day, I have a couple of things to improve upon but overall seems to work fine for me. Has anyone else had time to try it, did it work for you or not?
Dude, I love this
This is great
Nice work, man. I think this is exactly the kind of new addition we all need to out WM6.1. Thanks.
Nice script, but it is necessary to add command RunOnPowerOn("\My Documents\battery\battery.exe")
I was just looking for something like this the other day. I have a set of battery icons from the iphone that I wanted to use, how would i go about making the changes? Or would it be easier just to send them to you?
** oops **
i installed this on a Q9c and it seems to work with the exception of the icons being pinched. Looks like they were resized width-wise to fit in the same area alloted to the original icon area. Is there a way to fix this? Also, can we add an icon for when the battery is being charged?
Battery.exe does not run... it gives me a message saying that its not associated with any program. Also where do i find the runonstartup command?
ThePaleAle, Mortscript installed?
ThePaleAle said:
Battery.exe does not run... it gives me a message saying that its not associated with any program. Also where do i find the runonstartup command?
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you need latest mortscript to run, version 4.11b7, and can find it here:
For a run on startup, there's two ways to do it.
1: Add a link to battery.exe in windows\startup or,
2; add a line into battery.mscr: RunOnPowerOn("\file location\battery.exe)
awesome guys mortscript worked great

[Urgent Help] lost all the icons in W10M while using Transform beta app

While selecting material icon pack my phone restarted and when it started all the icons had gone... Including battery network, wifi... What to do friends.. I dont wanna reset my phone, i will loose everything ?
I thought that tap Applied font*to restore is easy to understand ;O)
This happens because the icons font maybe changed.
You can edit the registry to turn back:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\Segoe MDL2 Assets (TrueType)
to "segmdl2.ttf" (with no quotes).
Yeah i figured it out.. Now i change my fonts and icons manually.. I think it is the safest way to do it..

