Active Battery Icon in Settings: Updated with CAB - HTC Excalibur

Here's a little mortscript package I put together so that the icon displayed in the battery page of settings panel will be active and change with battery percentage remaining.
Just install the cab and then goto program files\battery and run either battery.mscr or battery.exe. This is only one time to get it started, then it should run updates itself and restart itself after a reboot so you can forget about it. Note: if you get a message about the battery file isn't associated with an application, then run the mortscript.exe first and then the battery file.
I only included the rainbow battery images in the cab. The zip files are other battery images packs. To change image packs, download one of the zips and copy the images folder within it over your current program files\battery\images folder. If you want to save the rainbow images, rename the images folder before copying the new images folder over it.

Nice.. I ve always wanted to do this but I never had the time... I ve got some nice PNGs for you to use with about 10 increments
Question though.... do you have to open up some other application that takes the focus away from the homescreen in order to see the battery icon changes.... or not ?

No other app needed, just run the battery.exe one time and forget about it. It only updates and replaces the icon that is already located on the battery/settings panel. This way the icon changes with the percentage more or less shown on the panel. And since the name of the icon in the reg never changes after being set the first time on installation, as you rewrite the icon, no homescreen reload is needed. It just updates automatically. The icon battery packs I got from my ipod touch, which is set up as 17 images for about every 6 percent change.
I just wrote this today so if it doesn't work let me know or feel free to fix and post changes. If you have more icon packs, go ahead and post them. If they're not 17 images, then we would have to slightly modify the script.

nice work man, looking forward to see it!

Great job, Showaco. Will install it and let you know. Keep up the good work.

showaco said:
No other app needed, just run the battery.exe one time and forget about it. It only updates and replaces the icon that is already located on the battery/settings panel. This way the icon changes with the percentage more or less shown on the panel. And since the name of the icon in the reg never changes after being set the first time on installation, as you rewrite the icon, no homescreen reload is needed. It just updates automatically. The icon battery packs I got from my ipod touch, which is set up as 17 images for about every 6 percent change.
I just wrote this today so if it doesn't work let me know or feel free to fix and post changes. If you have more icon packs, go ahead and post them. If they're not 17 images, then we would have to slightly modify the script.
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You didn't understand me at all. What I'm asking is... does the icon on the homescreen update in REALTIME or is a homescreen "refresh" needed. Let's say you're on the settings page with the battery icon... Let's also say your script replaces the icon with something else RIGHT NOW. Now.. does the icon change in front of your eyes, or will you need to go away from page, or open up another window that covers the homescreen and go back.. to see the new icon ?

I haven't actually sat and watched it when update was running. But I know a homescreen refresh is not needed. I think, and if anyone knows for sure then chime in, that when the icon changes, if you were actually on the battery page, that it would not update in front of your eyes. But if you were on a different panel and the update runs, then you moved to that panel, that the updated icon would be there. I don't think its necessary to go to an app and then back but I will try to check it out and get back to you.

The way my weather app works is, the icon only changes after another app's window gets on top of the homescreen (even if just for a brief second). I'll %100 sure the settings panel will exhibit the same behaviour. Not putting your application down or anything, this is all because I was just curious if you found a way to refresh a static icon in real time...
Do you intend to make a cab for it... etc ?

Ok, I checked out the icon updating by connecting to activesync and writing over the icon while I watched screen.
If you are on the battery page during updating of icon, it doesn't show. If you change pages or panels and back again, then the new icon is there.
If you are anywhere else on the homescreen when update occurs, then the new icon will be there when you look.
There is no need to leave homescreen and come back(like opening an app) and there is no need to reload homescreen for update.
So for clarification, if you're watching the battery icon waiting for the big icon changing show, it ain't gonna happen.
But if you are anywhere else but the battery page, the update happens without your knowledge and it will be there when you look at your battery page. And if you are on the battery page during update, the icon won't change in front of your eyes but it you look a page left or right, a panel up or down, and then look again, it would be updated.
Is that what you mean?
This is only meant as an enhancement to the current battery page, not a replacement.

OrganicM said:
Do you intend to make a cab for it... etc ?
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Let's try it a day and see if its working. Then, if you get time, could you make a cab for it? I just threw this together today while I was bored at work, and finished writing it after work, so I really haven't tried it out to much. If you got any ideas just throw them in, because I would like to hear them.

Ok, now that I've used it for a day, I have a couple of things to improve upon but overall seems to work fine for me. Has anyone else had time to try it, did it work for you or not?

Dude, I love this
This is great
Nice work, man. I think this is exactly the kind of new addition we all need to out WM6.1. Thanks.

Nice script, but it is necessary to add command RunOnPowerOn("\My Documents\battery\battery.exe")

I was just looking for something like this the other day. I have a set of battery icons from the iphone that I wanted to use, how would i go about making the changes? Or would it be easier just to send them to you?

** oops **

i installed this on a Q9c and it seems to work with the exception of the icons being pinched. Looks like they were resized width-wise to fit in the same area alloted to the original icon area. Is there a way to fix this? Also, can we add an icon for when the battery is being charged?

Battery.exe does not run... it gives me a message saying that its not associated with any program. Also where do i find the runonstartup command?

ThePaleAle, Mortscript installed?

ThePaleAle said:
Battery.exe does not run... it gives me a message saying that its not associated with any program. Also where do i find the runonstartup command?
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you need latest mortscript to run, version 4.11b7, and can find it here:
For a run on startup, there's two ways to do it.
1: Add a link to battery.exe in windows\startup or,
2; add a line into battery.mscr: RunOnPowerOn("\file location\battery.exe)

awesome guys mortscript worked great


Weather for CHome... Take 2!

Alright. Completely redesigned from the ground up... CHome Weather 2 !
This will install two shortcuts in your Start Menu. A "Weather Update" shortcut, which you can use to update manually, as well as "Weather Options" shortcut.
Steps to take to make this work:
1) Install one of the cabs below. Pick the "Slim" version if you want thinner panels, like in the screenshots.
2) It should ask to reboot ! (turn phone off and on.. etc). If it doesn't... reboot manually!
3) Go to your Start Menu and find "Weather Options". Set your Zip / Location Code to your zip code if you're in the US or a "location code" if you're anywhere else. More info on finding your specific code is here . Set the "Fahrenheit / Celsius" option to either "F" or "C" (without the quotes!). Specify how often you would like to autoupdate the weather information in minutes in option 3. Specify whether you would like the application to attempt to connect your default GPRS connection first, before updating. Finally you can turnoff the autoupdate feature with the last option (7).
4) Now it might be a good idea to go to Start and find "Update Weather" and run it.
5) The cab should set your homescreen to "Sliding Panel Top Bar + Weather!" automatically. If it doesn't, you need to do it manually to see the weather plugin. If you top icons disappear then you might have to use the regular "Sliding Panel + Weather!" theme.
Please let me know what bugs you find.
The first couple of thumbnails show the "Collapsed" state of the plugin, where it shows only the city and the current temp.
If you want your system font to look like the one in the thumbnails (calibri), download the .cab attached, install and reboot.
- Ver 1.7 More bug fixes. Hopefully this is a solid release. Options panel redesigned and touched up.
- Ver 1.6a A few bugs fixes. Removed internet connection checking routine as it obviously doesn't work for everybody. A few cosmetic changes.
- Ver 1.6 Added another homescreen theme as an option, that doesn't use the color topbar icons. Pick "Sliding Panel + Weather!" to use it. Added illi's potrait orientation .cpr file to the regular testui version cab. Added AutoUpdate on/off in the options panel (scroll down to see it). Reboot after changing that option. More bugfixes...
- Ver 1.5b. Bug fixes.
- Ver 1.5. Last update reflects time on Yahoo's servers in both layouts. More options added to options panel.
- Ver 1.04 A few updates. More options. Switch between two layouts. Bug fixes... etc
- Ver 1.03 Celsius bug squashed. Now the country code shows up after the city name for people outside the US.
- Ver 1.02 New logic in update script. Update percentage counter added. Forecast for tomorrow in the bottom line with hi and low values and hi and low values for the current day at the top, after the city name. Yahoo icon pack added, in case you prefer those.
- Ver 1.01. Added last update time as a second line under the current temp. Added dropshadow icons created by KWOODALL! Thanks for the beautiful icons! 5/11 10:52AM
As a side note, the second line display is dependant on the font used on the device, so it might not align properly on some device. Let me know when it doesn't and I'll update the script to work on your device. Or better yet, just download the Calibri font mod cab below and be happy. Thank you.
Link to Yahoo icon pack (install AFTER you install one of the cabs below, if you want the Yahoo icons): Yahoo icon pack
Please use the attached "" to unlock your device if you're getting permission errors trying to install my weather cabs. Thanks.
I am getting an empty variable error after running weather update.
mystix said:
I am getting an empty variable error after running weather update.
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Me too. Weather panel is not included? I don't see a weather panel and Start/Settings/Home Screen settings does not show the "Sliding Panel Media Top Bar + Weather!" homescreen.
same error here
edit. i think i figured out the problem. Mis named two files, he got them flip-flopped. Go to program files/nrg/chomeweather and locate the weather.mscr file. It needs to be renamed SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml and placed in the application data/home folder.//// but b-4 doing that you need to find the SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml already in the application data/home folder and put it somewhere so it doesnt get overwritten. Then after youve moved the first file,relocate the SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml file you relocated and rename it Weather.mscr and place it in program files/nrg/chomeweather . then try the update
update: the vibrate thing when you update the weather is kinda funky. you can take it out of the weather.mscr if you dont like it. Just do your edit via notepad on your pc and replace it into its original directory on your phone that it came from.... also dont forget to soft reset your phone after installing this .cab
message deleted by poster.
It worked on Tornado too
Just to let you know that it worked on Tornado too
Maybe putting it together with the CClock will be an option.
Yah I like it but for some reason it seems to slow down my phone even when I kill every application I was running. Is there a reason for this?
Working like a charm now
pudgedaddy said:
Here. If my steps are too confusing, I've repackaged the .cab. One with and the other without the auto-updater
the second one is the one without the auto-updater.
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I installed your cab and rebooted and worked even remembering my city and celsius but when I tried to open start menu would stay on chome. I rebooted again (remember its Windoze) and working well. thanks for all of your hard work OrganicM and you too pudgedaddy
OOPS now start menu wont open again (stays on chome but says recent programs all programs menu but wont go into start menu
Yeah, I noticed that too on the Kavana ROM.
daleksic said:
Yeah, I noticed that too on the Kavana ROM.
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Thats why use Rickys Rom, much better. Kavana gets props for starting this and Ricky gets props for finalizing the rom.
Damn! I thought I got most of the bugs out before I uploaded that cab. Now I look like a fool. lol !
OKay, aside from the obvious crap... how does it all work ?
pudgedaddy said:
same error here
edit. i think i figured out the problem. Mis named two files, he got them flip-flopped. Go to program files/nrg/chomeweather and locate the weather.mscr file. It needs to be renamed SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml and placed in the application data/home folder.//// but b-4 doing that you need to find the SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml already in the application data/home folder and put it somewhere so it doesnt get overwritten. Then after youve moved the first file,relocate the SlidingPanelMediatopbar.home.xml file you relocated and rename it Weather.mscr and place it in program files/nrg/chomeweather . then try the update
update: the vibrate thing when you update the weather is kinda funky. you can take it out of the weather.mscr if you dont like it. Just do your edit via notepad on your pc and replace it into its original directory on your phone that it came from.... also dont forget to soft reset your phone after installing this .cab
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It's odd that *I* would that intentionally isn't it ? LOL Well I didn't, I guess my cab packaging software went haywire. I reuploaded the cab in the first post.
The only bug i see is that it will not initialize a data connection to update the weather info. I already have to have a data connection started b-4 it will update. So i have to open a program like PIE or Opera, get the data connection started, end that application then do the update. kinda of a pain in the butt, but hey my weather slide hasnt gone away yet, so i guees that's good
Alright, this is the kind of feedback I want. I will look into that, as I have an always on data connection on my phone. Thanks.
Same here with the Data Connection, but as soon as I initialized my data connection and went to UPDATE WEATHER, it refreshed my home screen, put it back to the default "Green" color and the Weather panel was gone....? What gives with that?
That's strange. It must be facadehelper.exe misbehaving. What theme and background were you running before ?
All of your stuff Organic! I love your themes, add-ons, all that stuff! This is everything I have installed:
Chome LCD Mod
NRG Battmeter
NRG Sliding Panel Favorites
But this is where it get's confusing, cause I have switch Slim CHome everytime you put a new one out, so first I had the original "NRG SlimChome" then "NRG Slim Chome 2" and I just installed "NRG SlimChome II No border" now.
With all the confusion of these and not being able to "uninstall" them or whatever, I've been thinking about flashing my ROM and startin' from scratch again, but I don't want to have to do that.
The PudgeDaddy Fix
jdoggraz said:
Thats why use Rickys Rom, much better. Kavana gets props for starting this and Ricky gets props for finalizing the rom.
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Yeah, jdoggraz you are correct, that why I'm using Ricky's version 14 6.1 ROM, I personally belived version 14 is the best 6.1 ROM for the Excalibur. Now I have 27 slide slots, that includes The PudgeDaddy Weather Fix, plus the weather radar and MSNDirect News, Weather, stock report Entertainment and Sports and lots of other stuff. To The PudgeDaddy, your Weather Fix works like a charm and to NRG thanks for all your hard work.......!
Reeg said:
All of your stuff Organic! I love your themes, add-ons, all that stuff! This is everything I have installed:
Chome LCD Mod
NRG Battmeter
NRG Sliding Panel Favorites
But this is where it get's confusing, cause I have switch Slim CHome everytime you put a new one out, so first I had the original "NRG SlimChome" then "NRG Slim Chome 2" and I just installed "NRG SlimChome II No border" now.
With all the confusion of these and not being able to "uninstall" them or whatever, I've been thinking about flashing my ROM and startin' from scratch again, but I don't want to have to do that.
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I know, I wrote too many modifications lately. I'd say, start clean... There's no saying what you got in there now! haha
Which ROM should I use? Am I best off with Kavana's or Ricky's for your mods?

Chome Weather

This is an app that will add and update, in real time, a new panel on your sliding panels theme called "Weather".
It will install two shortcuts in your Start Menu. A "Weather Update" shortcut, which you can use to update manually, as well as a "Weather Options" shortcut.
Steps to take to make this work:
1) Install one of the cabs below. Pick the "Slim" version if you want thinner panels, like in the screenshots. Pick the Slim Background option to also get a background in the panel according to the current weather condition.
2) It should ask to reboot ! (turn phone off and on.. etc). If it doesn't... reboot manually!
3) Go to your Start Menu and find "Weather Options". Set your Zip / Location Code to your zip code if you're in the US or a "location code" if you're anywhere else. More info on finding your specific code is here . Set the "Fahrenheit / Celsius" option to either "F" or "C" (without the quotes!). Specify how often you would like to autoupdate the weather information in minutes in option 3. Specify whether you would like the application to attempt to connect your default GPRS connection first, before updating. Finally you can turnoff the autoupdate feature with the last option (7).
4) Now it might be a good idea to go to Start and find "Update Weather" and run it.
5) The cab should set your homescreen to "Sliding Panel Top Bar + Weather!" automatically. If it doesn't, you need to do it manually to see the weather plugin. If you top icons disappear then you might have to use the regular "Sliding Panel + Weather!" theme.
If you want your system font to look like the one in the thumbnails (calibri), download the .cab attached, install and reboot.
Please use the attached "" to unlock your device if you're getting permission errors trying to install my weather cabs. Thanks.
For now, I just released the SLIM version. Haven't had the time to create the cpr file for the regular version yet, but you'll have it tomorrow.
Pick one of the cabs below to install different icons, as seen in the pictures. Install the icon cabs, AFTER you install the main weather cab.
For people that still don't know how to manually update: you go to your start meny and find "Weather Update" and run it. Clicking the middle button on the keyboard, while having the weather slide activated will NOT do anything!
This will most likely enable ALL the panels installed on your phone, so use this utility to get rid of the ones you don't want displayed.
1) First picture. Layout #1, 7 degree icons.
2) Second pictures. Layout #2, 7 degree icons.
3) 3rd picture. Layout #3, 7 degree icons.
4) 4th picture. Layout #3, default icons.
5) 5th picture. Layout #3, Yahoo icons. (MY own preferred layout )
6) 6th picture. Layout #3, Yahoo icons, again.
7) 7th picture, Layout #1, default icons, NO background option!
8) 8th picture, Layout #2, default icons, NO background option!
This is the "addons" post.
P.S. Zip file uploaded for people that prefer installing this manually. Install the Calibri font mod cab, if you want your system font to look like the font in the screenshots above.
- Spil Icons added. 5/21/08
- Added "NRG Power Key..... .cab This will add three options to the menu that comes up when you hit the power key on the side of your Excalibur. "Power off", "Reboot" and "Weather Update". I hope they're self explanatory Have fun.
- Novaweather icons added. 5/17/08 7:36AM
Your Master Piece
Awesome, beautiful.............!
Nice work man good job.
Ummm I tried it and it gets stuck at like 10%... Seems like there is a bug or something the 1.7 worked fine but this one gets stuck for some reason.
jdoggraz said:
Ummm I tried it and it gets stuck at like 10%... Seems like there is a bug or something the 1.7 worked fine but this one gets stuck for some reason.
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Never mind I found out the problem I need to put Y for connection first.
Hell Yeah
Looks good, can't wait to put it on my phone with the regualar (fat) interface. Thanks for spending your time working into the wee hours of the morning to get this up and running.
this project is interesting and I am following it since begin but why I have toshow on my home the actual weather and actual temeperature? I guess is better to put 3 small weather icons in the slide showing the weather in the next days... no? Or first icon for the actual day forecast and then the following days...
this may sound like a silly question but will this take away any of my current panels????
not to sound like a unappreciating ass, (your doing amazing work), but i agree with Iannik next thing you work on should be a forcast type thing, like a fizz weather type thing with 5 days or something like that.
ok, so this is a very noob question, but i have to be running 6.1 to use this homescreen, correct? i installed it before on my 6.0 dash, and it did nothing...
Do you still have the latest (working) version using CWelcomeCenter? While working on my new CHome Configurator utility, I might figure out a way to update the plugin without reloading the whole homescreen. If it does work, you will be able to add forecast data into multiple panel and have the manual update process directly from the panel.
evolarius said:
ok, so this is a very noob question, but i have to be running 6.1 to use this homescreen, correct? i installed it before on my 6.0 dash, and it did nothing...
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Yeah, I think this .cab only works with sliding panels (which are only available in WM6.1). I may be wrong.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Yeah, I think this .cab only works with sliding panels (which are only available in WM6.1). I may be wrong.
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thanks for the info...
LCD Font
Org, do you plan on releasing ver. 1.8 with an LCD system font?
Yes. All that is coming today. I didnd't have time to do all the regular versions last night, so I decided to at least release the slim version for you guys to try. I will get the "Fat" version out today with LCD and not, as well as a SLIM LCD version! Maybe even the IPhone layout if I'm happy with it.... hehe
p.s. I'm also working on a standalone CWelcomeCenter version based on the latest 1.8 code (which I've cleaned up a lot). We will also have forecast data with the current testui version, plus a welcomecenter panel underneath with forecast for a few days!
OrganicM said:
Yes. All that is coming today. I didnd't have time to do all the regular versions last night, so I decided to at least release the slim version for you guys to try. I will get the "Fat" version out today with LCD and not, as well as a SLIM LCD version! Maybe even the IPhone layout if I'm happy with it.... hehe
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The iPhone version looks...awesome. I like how the center weather icon overlaps the panel--just a tad. Other people might find that a bug, but I actually like it.
LCD Front
This time use Kavana's Clock with the Staple Center scoreboard look, LA Lakers clock..............!
How!? How do you just keep killin' it O!? Great work dude!
i will offer a few options fo the lcd font

Chome Weather 2.0 - "The fun continues..."

The other thread was getting a little large, plus we have a new version out.
Here's Chome Weather 2.0 with a 10 day forecast. Download the cab and enjoy, more detailed instructions to follow.
1) Install the cab in the link at the bottom of the post.
2) It should ask to reboot ! Press "Ok"
3) Go to your Start Menu and find "Weather Options", or go down to the Settings slide on your homescreen and the second slide will be the CHome Weather options slide.
Set your Zip / Location Code to your zip code if you're in the US or a "location code" if you're anywhere else (ex: ROXX003 for Bucharest). More info on finding your specific code is here . Set the "Fahrenheit / Celsius" option to either "F" or "C" (without the quotes!). This will only affect the reading of the current conditions panels, not the text descriptions in the forecast panels. Those will always be in Fahrenheit.
Specify how often you would like to autoupdate the weather information, in minutes in option #3. It's set to 60 by default and I would not recommend seting it any lower, as that's how often Yahoo updates the information on their servers anyway.
Specify whether you would like the application to attempt to connect your default GPRS connection first, before updating. If you have a constant data connection on, leave this on "N". Finally you can turn off the autoupdate feature with the last option #7.
4) Now it might be a good idea to go to Start and find "Update Weather" and run it to update the weather data! Alternatively you can click the center button while you're on any of the forecast panels.
5) The cab should set your Home Screen to "Sliding Panel Top Bar + Weather!" automatically. If your top icons disappear then you might have to use the regular "Sliding Panel + Weather!" theme.
6) Enjoy and report any bugs you might encounter, please.
New features:
- Regular sized icons for the forecast panels, they do not affect other "welcomecenter" based panels.
- Revised layouts to ensure correct wrapping
- HomeScreen update feature. No need to reboot to see forecast or layout changes. This option is turned off by default because it doesn't work for everybody. If you turn it on and you see problems with your phone's radio turning off, phone becoming very slow etc... turn it off. (it's option #10)
- Added new panel to the Settings panel at the bottom for easy access to the weather updates and settings.
- "Spil icons" are default for forecast and regular panels.
Screenshot descriptions:
1- IPhone Layout (this is the default layout)
2- Forecast Panels screenshot
3- Slim Panels Layout with the background options enabled
4- HTC Slim Layout while updating
5- HTC Slim Layout in normal mode
6- The HomeScreen with the weather plugin in its "condensed" state at the bottom, showing current conditions
7- Regular Panel Layouy with no background.
8- IPhone Slim Layout
Download link >
Vox Version >
Look at post #3 to complete the installation for Vox phones. (or any other phones that will not install the regular version)
Current Version: 2.0.3
Changes to 2.0.3:
- completely redesigned Options panel. Hopefully things will be easier to get around. Now it tell you what the current layout used is.
- Fixed HTC Layout (5) text not wrapping down issue.
- Added option NOT to check for internet connection before connecting.
- Options panel keeps track of what layout you're running.
- added blue, purple, WM7 style or original glass panel selection to options panel.
- updated portrait CPRs.
- forecast panels should now display "N/A" icons when a forecast is not available instead of a red x.
- ability to choose between european("rest of the world pretty much...) or american style dates on the forecast panels.
If you like this application and feel the need to support my work, here's a link to donate to me via PayPal.
PayPal Donate
This is the "addons" post.
Added "NRG Power Key..... .cab This will add three options to the menu that comes up when you hit the power key on the side of your Excalibur. "Power off", "Reboot" and "Weather Update". I hope they're self explanatory Have fun.
Download the Calibri font mod if you want your system font to look like the one in the screenshots.
The Yahoo, Spil, Novaweather and 7Degree icon sets are alternative icons sets for your Forecast and Regular and Slim Panel layouts
Also using this post to keep a list of TO DO's since I always forget:
- Better autoupdate logic. *DONE*
(got rid of "weathertimer.mscr" and using the phone's notification queue... will beta test this over the next couple of days)
- Checking whether on a call, when going to update the weather info. If on a call, exit and run 10 minutes after... and so on... *DONE*
- Make option menu that lets the user chose how many pages of forecast info they can see.
- Move PNGs to storage card. Create two separate cab's for installation. Maine program and Icon packs
- Add second or third panel with more "current weather information" details. *IN PROGRESS*
Files needs to complete the VOX installation are attached. Install the Vox cab above, then unzip Vox and drop all the files in it in the \windows directory on your device. Install weathertimer.mscr in \windows\startup.
OrganicM said:
The other thread was getting a little large, plus we have a new version out.
Here's Chome Weather 2.0 with a 10 day forecast. Download the cab and enjoy, more detailed instructions to follow. To list some new features:
- Regular sized icons for the forecast panels, they do not affect other "welcomecenter" based panels (too much ).
- Revised layout to ensure correct wrapping
- HomeScreen update feature. No need to reboot to see forecast or layout changes. This option is turned off by default, so you need to go to Options, and turn it on. (it's #10)
- Added new panel to the Settings panel at the bottom for easy access to the weather updates and settings.
- "Spil icons" are default for forecast and regular panels.
Download link >
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Final version? wooot!!
Edit: i just installed the update....its way better than the beta, of course, the only problem im still having are the icons.... the CLinks icons are still oversized and still have no idea where to edit them ... any help would be appreciated
Compared it to accurate also.
This is KICK ASS
installing cab file now... didnt have the first version, dont know why. i live in virginia beach, va and its supposed to be one of the most climate changing places in the us... ill let you know how it turns out.... judging by your pics and everyone elses responses its gonna be tits
Good Job just one question.. when i go to the weather thing on my home screen i have 1/10 options to scroll thru what do they all represent? theres no dates or anything... can you explain?
Hi Org,
It looks and works great, even my distorted icons are back to normal, a biggggg thanks for all your efforts and your patience with all of us demanding more stuff..........
Whoa...okay. Just disregard this whole post guys. Let this be a lesson to you--work with your program for at least 15-20 minutes before reporting bugs. I feel ridiculous for not dabbling with this before crying wolf! My bad, Org!
axv91 said:
Final version? wooot!!
Edit: i just installed the update....its way better than the beta, of course, the only problem im still having are the icons.... the CLinks icons are still oversized and still have no idea where to edit them ... any help would be appreciated
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You can edit the size of the icons in the .cpr files. Look in program files\NRG\chomeweather\cprs and edit the cpr that you are using(they're all in there). Doesn't make sense that clinks is oversized and weather is smaller, if that is case, can you upload copy of your current cpr that you are using(in windows\home.cpr.xml I think)? I would like to see something before you edit it. And after you edit, goto weather options and rechoose your layout to activate new cpr.
yea... umm.... not sayin its a bad thing, but my color icon bar at the top went back to black and white, and it wont show saturday and sunday, then skips from tuesday to saturday of next week... maybe i did something wrong?? but i could see the setup option text either... all in all i like it
turned the autoupdate off... maybe im just havin problems with it... im usin ricky's 23rd rom. im about ready to take this weather off cause i like the whole forcast thing, but not when it jumps from tuesday to saturday...
1) the last day is still on the second tab on the panel.
2) the text is still cutoff
showaco said:
You can edit the size of the icons in the .cpr files. Look in program files\NRG\chomeweather\cprs and edit the cpr that you are using(they're all in there). Doesn't make sense that clinks is oversized and weather is smaller, if that is case, can you upload copy of your current cpr that you are using(in windows\home.cpr.xml I think)? I would like to see something before you edit it. And after you edit, goto weather options and rechoose your layout to activate new cpr.
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i was actually looking at the cpr in the \windows, i totally forgot about the cprs in the program files .... btw, i forgot to mention that im using a 240x320 device
so maybe that's why it didn't change text/icon size (i'll upload the cpr file anyway for u to see).... thank u vry much for the help, i really appreciate it!
slater87 said:
yea... umm.... not sayin its a bad thing, but my color icon bar at the top went back to black and white, and it wont show saturday and sunday, then skips from tuesday to saturday of next week... maybe i did something wrong?? but i could see the setup option text either... all in all i like it
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Sounds like mine... Mine skips Sunday, June 1st on the forecast panel.
what to do syntaxx??
slater87 said:
what to do syntaxx??
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No clue! lol That's why I posted my issue along with yours--hopefully Org will work on this!
im removing the whole program now... sorry, but the thought is there. its just not workin out for me... maybe when the 3.0 thread comes out
oh, tryin to uninstall and it says it cant be completely removed... looks like im reflashin tonight
could be the operator and not the program tho... o well, the options text is too small and way too cursivey for me to read...
slater87 said:
im removing the whole program now... sorry, but the thought is there. its just not workin out for me... maybe when the 3.0 thread comes out
oh, tryin to uninstall and it says it cant be completely removed... looks like im reflashin tonight
could be the operator and not the program tho... o well, the options text is too small and way too cursivey for me to read...
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Before reflashing, try to install the weather .cab again. I had this problem with an older version and I just downloaded another over it--and SOMEHOW it uninstalled the whole thing! Try other methods before reflashing. It can be a headache to get your settings the way you like them again.
so let me get this straight.. just run the cab file again? and everything should go peachy?

NRG Weather 3.0 - "The pretty version..."

Here's Chome Weather 3.0 with a 10 day forecast. Download the cab and enjoy.
1) Install the cab in the link at the bottom of the post.
2) It should ask to reboot ! Press "Ok"
3) Go to your Start Menu and find "Weather Options", or go down to the Settings slide on your homescreen and the second slide will be the CHome Weather options slide.
Set your Zip / Location Code to your zip code if you're in the US or a "location code" if you're anywhere else (ex: ROXX003 for Bucharest). More info on finding your specific code is here . Set the "Fahrenheit / Celsius" option. This will only affect the reading of the current conditions panels, not the text descriptions in the forecast panels. Those will always be in Fahrenheit.
Specify whether you would like the application to attempt to connect your default GPRS connection first, before updating. If you have a constant data connection on, leave this on "N". Finally you can turn off the autoupdate feature with the last option #7.
4) Now it might be a good idea to go to Start and find "Update Weather" and run it to update the weather data! Alternatively you can click the center button while you're on any of the forecast panels.
5) The cab should set your Home Screen to "Sliding Panel + Weather!" automatically.
6) Enjoy and report any bugs you might encounter, please.
New features:
- New 6 day forecast layout (layout #7)
- Autoupdate using Yahoo's server time. No manual control over update interval anymore.
- Revised layouts to ensure correct wrapping
- HomeScreen update feature. No need to reboot to see forecast or layout changes. This option is turned off by default because it doesn't work for everybody. If you turn it on and you see problems with your phone's radio turning off, phone becoming very slow etc... turn it off. (it's option #10)
- Added new panel to the Settings panel at the bottom for easy access to the weather updates and settings.
- "Stardock icons" are default for forecast and regular panels.
Screenshot descriptions:
1- IPhone Layout (this is the default layout)
2- Forecast Panels screenshot
3- Slim Panels Layout with the background options enabled
4- HTC Slim Layout while updating
5- HTC Slim Layout in normal mode
6- The HomeScreen with the weather plugin in its "condensed" state at the bottom, showing current conditions
7- Regular Panel Layout with no background.
8- IPhone Slim Layout
Download link >
Vox Version (Currently still at 3.0.1) >
Current Version: 3.1
Changes in 3.1
- Rearranged the order the various subroutines run.
- Fixed autoupdate issue.
- Removed HTC icons and background PNGs from the cab. Please download them separately from the addons post if you plan to use those layouts.
- Added option to show extended forecast panels on the homescreen or not.
- Added detection routine to detect if your phone's keypad is locked and NOT to update the homescreen is that's the case. Should help with the "Phone - Incoming" message problem that's been reported
- Edited some CPRs for better alignment
- More verbose status messages
- Etc...
More to come soon. The next version will update your clock panel with current conditions info. Just wanted to get this update out of the way first.
Changes in 3.0.1:
- Added 6 day forecast layout.
- Autoupdate feature based on Yahoo server's time.
- Small bugfixes, revised Options panel.
- Compressed PNGs.
- Complete portrait support for the new 6 day layout.
- Background used in screenshots included in .cab.
Changes to 2.0.3:
- completely redesigned Options panel. Hopefully things will be easier to get around. Now it tell you what the current layout used is.
- Fixed HTC Layout (5) text not wrapping down issue.
- Added option NOT to check for internet connection before connecting.
- Options panel keeps track of what layout you're running.
- added blue, purple, WM7 style or original glass panel selection to options panel.
- updated portrait CPRs.
- forecast panels should now display "N/A" icons when a forecast is not available instead of a red x.
- ability to choose between european ("rest of the world pretty much...) or american style dates on the forecast panels.
If you like this application and feel the need to support my work, here's a link to donate to me via PayPal.
PayPal Donate Link
DO NOT install this to the storage card. It will not work that way!
p.s. Portrait support is included for the new 6 day layout.
p.s.s. The cab seems to take a few minutes to install, especially if you're installing over 2.0.3. So just be patient I guess...
Update to 3.1
Only install this if you have 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 installed. Otherwise, download the cab in the sendspace link above and install the whole app.
This is the "addons" post.
Added "NRG Power Key..... .cab This will add three options to the menu that comes up when you hit the power key on the side of your Excalibur. "Power off", "Reboot" and "Weather Update". I hope they're self explanatory Have fun. Take note your wireless manager might be gone, or might act erracticaly. If you have problems, just install the cab. Don't post in the thread about it, there's nothing I can do about it.
Download the Calibri font mod if you want your system font to look like the one in the screenshots.
The Yahoo, Spil, Novaweather and 7Degree icon sets are alternative icons sets for most of your layouts and extended forecast panels
Most of the icons sets install as a one time installation application. Which means you will not see it in the "uninstallable" list of program under "Settings". Once you run the cab, it will overwrite whatever icons are installed and that's it...
Reserved... the last one.. I promise
Looks niiice i will be testing on Portrait (tornado)
Good Job
So far so good on my Q9c. Last version had to be uninstalled due to a couple of crashes. The worst being when I plugged into the computer the home screen crashed and would not recover after a reboot.
Like the new layout.
Formatting on QVGA
Incredible progress!
I've attached two SS's from my QVGA, using your layout #9 (Standard 6 day which is only 4 day by the way). As you can see, the bottom Temps are not lined up in either F or C and I looked at the CPR, but it is like Greek to me... I see "Bottom Temps" but fiddling and restarting gives me either to the Right or Left - I don't suppose there is a GUI for modding these CPRs is there?
Can you assist in getting it all lined up?
Thanks and keep up the GREAT work! Expect some more PayPal coming your way!
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
Free service is at full capacity, hope someone can mirror it later.....
I'm anxious to try it
I installed on my Q9c and I still get that font issue with large text boxes in PIE, however, I'm willing to put up with it at this point since the 6-day layout means I don't have to reboot the phone to see the latest forecast.
Any idea what might be causing the font issue? Since this weather panel is basically just scripts reading XML files and making registry changes, I can't imagine that it'd be too hard to figure out what's causing the PIE font issue. The font issue isn't a huge deal and I'd completely ignore it if it weren't for the fact that the digital font makes no differentiation between upper and lower case and many special characters just show up as boxes.
I dumped the 10-day panel and added a link to the Weather Update in my links panel if I ever decide to manually update the weather.
Dees_Troy said:
I installed on my Q9c and I still get that font issue with large text boxes in PIE, however, I'm willing to put up with it at this point since the 6-day layout means I don't have to reboot the phone to see the latest forecast.
Any idea what might be causing the font issue? Since this weather panel is basically just scripts reading XML files and making registry changes, I can't imagine that it'd be too hard to figure out what's causing the PIE font issue. The font issue isn't a huge deal and I'd completely ignore it if it weren't for the fact that the digital font makes no differentiation between upper and lower case and many special characters just show up as boxes.
I dumped the 10-day panel and added a link to the Weather Update in my links panel if I ever decide to manually update the weather.
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It may be the chome_320X240.cpr file in your /windows directory. When you load a layout. his program pulls .cprs from the chomeweather directory and replaces your original chome_320X240.cpr file ... you may uninstall. copy over your chome320X240.cpr file do your PC's desktop and open it and whatever .cpr file you use for the weather layout and compare the differences.
Glad you guys like it. I'm sorry the portrait guys are still experiencing issues, like the misalignment of the bottom temps. However, the issue needs to be taken care of in the weather.mscr file, not the cpr file. I think I will switch to png rendering of the bottom temps instead of relying on text handled by the plugin. It's just not reliable at all and the temps are always a little misaligned....
Look for 3.0.1 at the end of the day... LOL
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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I was gonna say EXACTLY what you just said. lol.
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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I second that, the testui pluig in is enough for me, I already remove the welcome center because is no need to get it on the screen, anyway it looks besutiful, great work......
Great work as always, man. Amazing how you fit so much information in such a small place.
Personally, I'm sticking with the NRG Slim layout for now. Going for the "less is more" effect
Whats Vox version and how do i get my NRG Colored panels with the 5 day forcast like on PIcture 4?
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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Point taken. I will remove the "hi -lo" in the top left corner and make enabling the welcome center an option
Excuse me for the question, but will this app work on regular WM6, or it only works with WM 6.1 Chome?
No chances to have a version for WM6?
luckyland said:
Excuse me for the question, but will this app work on regular WM6, or it only works with WM 6.1 Chome?
No chances to have a version for WM6?
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this app is specifically written for the sliding panel homescreen. The sliding panel homescreen is only available on the WM 6.1 platform. So no. it does not and will not work on the WM6 interface
I've got the shakes...
Oh man... I SO wanna download this and "finagle" while I'm here at work, but I'll need to edit my cpr and it's too cumbersome trying to do it from the phone (instead of on my PC desktop). Blast! My love for boldened titles hinders me from enjoying this .cab this instant! lol

[APP] Theme Switcher Version 1.6 [2 Feb 2010]

I couldnt find an app so I wrote one.
This small app will give you the option to Save your current Settings or rather Mods to Manila/Sence or whatever you call it.
Im no good at graphics so I need someone to give me ideas on how to make it look better.
It will scan the windows folder for all *manila files that has a different date to the original Rom installation. It will take all these files and backup them to a specified folder. So when you flash and you had special clocks,icons,sliders, etc etc you can simply restore it instead of having to reapply all these custom items.
O yes please install on the Storage Card. Might waste too much space on the Internal memory.
I tested it and seems ok but all apps has bugs so please be nice. Leme know if any body wants the source code. Written in C# VS2008
Version 1.1
Please uninstall the old version. I changed the name to Theme Switcher so it will install into a different folder. You can just move the Backup Folder Across. Got some nice graphics and changed the wallpaper. The Config.txt file have some settings in it. Have a look.
Also Any files listed in extrafiles.txt will be backed up and restored as well so one can easily backup the current wallpaper etc
Version 1.4
Just added an Image so if you add a file by the name of "theme.jpg" in the folder where its backed up to it will show the image before you can apply it
Im sorry I re Uploaded the Cab File forgot to include the txt files.
If the Application Icon didnt show in the start menu its been fixed as well. Please show me some screen shots on a diamond
Version 1.5
Rebuild Cab file
- Icon Shows correctly
- All files included
- Added option to Exit without refreshing TF3D
Version 1.6
- Small Graphical changes
- Added following entries to extrafiles.txt which should backup the taskbar etc as well:
BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
Stereo headset.bmp
Stereo headset Mask.bmp
BT Stereo headset Mask.bmp
BT Discoverable Mask.bmp
BT On Mode Mask.bmp
Just a spare post incase of sumting
Can a Mod please move this thread to Software development please
Grumps, great job I love this app. Simple and works great.
I will be using it, not only as a theme saver, but also as a theme changer.
I just tried it to switch themes and it worked great.
I haven't used it much yet, so I don't have much feedback.
The only thing that I have come across that needs fixing is that the drop down list for the restore saved theme.
It is hidden behind the restore saved theme button.
Everything else works great.
Thank you so much.
Wouldnt i be nice to save phcanover & the other dlls with icons, too?
Seems to be a great app that will save me a lot oft time,
Phonatic said:
Grumps, great job I love this app. Simple and works great.
I will be using it, not only as a theme saver, but also as a theme changer.
I just tried it to switch themes and it worked great.
I haven't used it much yet, so I don't have much feedback.
The only thing that I have come across that needs fixing is that the drop down list for the restore saved theme.
It is hidden behind the restore saved theme button.
Everything else works great.
Thank you so much.
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what phone did u try it on . i made it on my rhodium. if its a vga device ill fix it. have a diamond as well that ill try it on
borisku said:
Wouldnt i be nice to save phcanover & the other dlls with icons, too?
Seems to be a great app that will save me a lot oft time,
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i can do that if you can gimme a list of the files. or maybe i can create a text file and one can list all the files in there that it should include in the backup? does anybody know which files contain the wallpaper and the top and bottom bar. guess its called the taskbar. the ones thats part of the top icons and bottom buttons. then it could be a complete theme changer. i use it as that as well
Grumps, thanks for the app. I believe that I am having the same condition that Phonatic describes. I have a Rhodium with stock rom, manilla 2.1.
But that shouldn't matter, should it?
My screenshot has differences from yours, aside from the bottom bar difference between your sense and my manilla.
Mine has the top task bar and less space between the drop-down list and the "restore saved theme" button.
Also mine has nicer looking buttons.
Do I have the wrong version?
When you have more items in your drop down list, does your list stay above the button?
I still am using it. I just use my arrow down/up to make my selection.
Grumps, as a suggestion to fix the problem that I have,
would it be easier to adjust the layout?, than to change the drop down to render in front of the buttons.
Something like this.
Also, since you asked for graphic suggestions, what do you think about making all the buttons have the same look.
Another suggestion is for your startup.jpg.
Instead of your screenshot, which is very nice, how about something that displays the program name and authored-by info.
With a "tap screen to proceed" kinda instruction placed somewhere.
Here are quick mock-ups of the idea that I am trying to convey.
I'm actually using it for your app, they look good on my Rhodium, much better than this screen shot.
I used screenshots from this site to make these mock-ups. Thanks to the OPs.
If anyone minds that I used their image, please let me know and I will replace it.
Anyway, just some food for thought.
Thanks again for the great app, Tilt
This awesome and such a time saver, thank you so much! One thing is I can not delete theme i have saved, I store on storage card but it says I can not delete it is denied other than that it is exactly what I have been looking [email protected]
Thank you for this program!
Tilt ommarow said:
Grumps, as a suggestion to fix the problem that I have,
would it be easier to adjust the layout?, than to change the drop down to render in front of the buttons.
Something like this.
Also, since you asked for graphic suggestions, what do you think about making all the buttons have the same look.
Another suggestion is for your startup.jpg.
Instead of your screenshot, which is very nice, how about something that displays the program name and authored-by info.
With a "tap screen to proceed" kinda instruction placed somewhere.
Here are quick mock-ups of the idea that I am trying to convey.
I'm actually using it for your app, they look good on my Rhodium, much better than this screen shot.
I used screenshots from this site to make these mock-ups. Thanks to the OPs.
If anyone minds that I used their image, please let me know and I will replace it.
Anyway, just some food for thought.
Thanks again for the great app, Tilt
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Wow I like this. Think its a good idea. Maybe I should change the Name to Them Switcher. Dont you wanna do the images for me with the name Theme switcher? I dont know quote how to do all this but ill try and make graphics work as button thingys. Leme see what I can do.
Tilt ommarow said:
Grumps, thanks for the app. I believe that I am having the same condition that Phonatic describes. I have a Rhodium with stock rom, manilla 2.1.
But that shouldn't matter, should it?
My screenshot has differences from yours, aside from the bottom bar difference between your sense and my manilla.
Mine has the top task bar and less space between the drop-down list and the "restore saved theme" button.
Also mine has nicer looking buttons.
Do I have the wrong version?
When you have more items in your drop down list, does your list stay above the button?
I still am using it. I just use my arrow down/up to make my selection.
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Cool ill fix this
Grumps said:
Cool ill fix this
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I will patiently wait for the fix. It still works as is.
By the way I like the taskbar showing on top.
Would you please do me the honor of putting this Startup.jpg on your Rhodium.
I just want you to see how it looks on the phone.
The screenshot just doesn't do it justice.
@anyone that wants to see how this looks on the phone, just right click on the image,
save as Startup.jpg and use it to replace the one in your phones Theme Saver folder.
Tilt ommarow said:
I will patiently wait for the fix. It still works as is.
By the way I like the taskbar showing on top.
Would you please do me the honor of putting this Startup.jpg on your Rhodium.
I just want you to see how it looks on the phone.
The screenshot just doesn't do it justice.
@anyone that wants to see how this looks on the phone, just right click on the image,
save as Startup.jpg and use it to replace the one in your phones Theme Saver folder.
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Ihave and I am using it. Im batteling to make it look right on Windows 6.5 and 6.5.3 because of the topbar being smaller and bigger. Can you also give me one without any writing eg theme switcher and save/restore/switch and press any key. Trying to use it as a background image for the app and moving the controls to the menu items
Grumps said:
Ihave and I am using it. Im batteling to make it look right on Windows 6.5 and 6.5.3 because of the topbar being smaller and bigger. Can you also give me one without any writing eg theme switcher and save/restore/switch and press any key. Trying to use it as a background image for the app and moving the controls to the menu items
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I will alter it however you like.
I have time tommorow. For now I must get 3hours sleep before I go to work.
Here is a background.
Goodnight, Tilt ommarow
Tilt ommarow said:
I will alter it however you like.
I have time tommorow. For now I must get 3hours sleep before I go to work.
Here is a background.
Goodnight, Tilt ommarow
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You got a private message. Thanx for the image
What do you think of these buttons?
Here's a template that I made for you.The dimensions are exact to the current layout.
If you were to replace the current background with this, it would be functional.
Some graphics should be added, especialy to brighten the lower section.
The size of the top button looks off, I suggest either make it bigger to match
(which would look crowded with the task bar, unless you lower everything),
or I can change it into a text box or no box just text.
Do you need text added, or is the text part of the app?
Anyway, just let me know your preferences ie graphics, text, color, button style etc., and I will adapt accordingly.
Tilt ommarow said:
Here's a template that I made for you.The dimensions are exact to the current layout.
If you were to replace the current background with this, it would be functional.
Some graphics should be added, especialy to brighten the lower section.
The size of the top button looks off, I suggest either make it bigger to match
(which would look crowded with the task bar, unless you lower everything),
or I can change it into a text box or no box just text.
Do you need text added, or is the text part of the app?
Anyway, just let me know your preferences ie graphics, text, color, button style etc., and I will adapt accordingly.
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This looks very nice. The reason why there is such a big gap at the bottom is that im not sure if it will all fit on a vga device. The buttons look nice. I also cant use it as is because on different device with different os's like 6.1 6.5 6.5.3 the image moves slightly up and down. so you will have to include the images with the text on it, as individual images and they have to be square cause i dont know how to program transparency as yet. Hope it would be possible. Thanx soo much for the effort so far It looks awesome
Grumps said:
This looks very nice. The reason why there is such a big gap at the bottom is that im not sure if it will all fit on a vga device. The buttons look nice. I also cant use it as is because on different device with different os's like 6.1 6.5 6.5.3 the image moves slightly up and down. so you will have to include the images with the text on it, as individual images and they have to be square cause i dont know how to program transparency as yet. Hope it would be possible. Thanx soo much for the effort so far It looks awesome
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Grumps, I just read your pm. Gimme a minute. I think I have something for you.
Thanks for the info above.
As I understand it, you need buttons with text and the background seperate.
I am uploading a file for you. Please let me know how these work for you.View attachment

