HTC Prophet G4 CID Unlock - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I think i may have come up with a way to CID unlock the G4 version of HTC Prophet, but i need help to complete some gaps.
As far as i can tell (and please correct me if i'm wrong) the only reason why the "downgrade&unlockcid" procedure doesn't work is because "pdocwrite.exe" can't write back the unlocked file. So, if we could find a way to write that information the problem should be solved...
I think that by performing the following steps one could do the unlocking:
- create an ActiveSync connection;
- run "unlockcid.bat" to get the "acidunlocked.bin" file;
- get the checksum of the "acidunlocked.bin" file;
- restart Prophet in bootloader mode;
- run "Rom Update Utility" and cancel after a successful "Verifying information..." window;
- use a TTY program to connect to the PDA and issue the following commands:
>ruuformat ???? 10000
>wdata ???? 10000
>"acidunlocked.bin content"
>"4-byte acidunlocked.bin checksum"
>ruuflashdoc ???? 10000 "4-byte acidunlocked.bin checksum"
>ruurun 0
The knowledge i lack is the exact memory address to place the information.
Also, is the data retrieved by "pdocread" in a "raw" format? And can it be directly written to the DOC by this method?
I think i'm very close, but i really help with these few things before taking the last step... i don't want to end up with an expensive brick.
PS.: i would like to thank all the people in the xda-developers, modaco and spv-developers forums, and all the other guys who have been "burning their brains out" to find solutions, and without whom i could never have gone this far (if one can call THIS "far"... )


error accessing image when using ER2003Edit

firstly, i am trying to flash the rom following the guide from romkitchen.
after using dos command, i want to double check whether i set the operator correctly.
so i use er 2003 edit for fast checking
NK.nbf and radio.nbf have no problem
except that when i open MS_.nbf, with the correct password type in, it just prompt me
error access image.
i checked the setting is correct.
I want to confirm whether this error is normal
please advice
download he patched ER2003Edit from the thread mentioned in WIKI.
The original had this problem if you have file type = auto detect in the file open dialog. Choose Extended Rom and it will work.
dont use the romkitchen to get roms for xda2 devices it's ONLY xda1 roms which can be made in the romkitchens
if i dont follow romkitchens, then who can give me a brief explanation or can say easy way to upgrade from XDA 2 to WM2003SE
I used to upgrade my ROM before, but due to people giving a lot of ways to do it, i am getting confuse.
need someone to compile the overall documentation
what i did last time
1. unlock all files and change the operator name to O2
2. put or remove cab files into my extROM, including editing the config.txt
3. flash it
after reading so much, i am still thinking with the genuine WM2003SE, do i need to edit a lot?
i believe i need to change the operator name to O2.
as i am from Asian, i also believe i need to put in Asian Cab, so that my phone, will display local telco.
also when u say genuine WM2003SE, does it means is standard package ?
thanks for advice again
@Rudegar : I hope/think he means following the instructions in the WIKI HimalayaRomkitchen. which is maybe a confusing name, but a good starting point to learn about upgrading (At least that is my humble opinion)
the reason why you are getting this message is becaz after you click on file open rom image window pops up over there at the ottom thers an option giving different file names make sure you have WM2003 Extended ROM (ms_.nbf) selected there to open ms_.nbf or accordingly.
yeah thanks, i got it done

MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe error

Apologies in advance for the newbie question.
I have a new SPV-M5000 locked to Orange. I think I have all of the files that I need to unlock it, and using all three hands I managed to get it into bootloader mode, but when I try to run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe I get the following error: "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe is not a valid Win32 application"
I hope that I am making some kind of really dumb (and therefore easily fixable) newbie mistake here. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Upgrade utility
I have the same issue and posted the following on Buzz's site ( over a week ago but have had no replies. Hopefully someone with an answer will reply to you here?
Having read pretty much all the forums on Universal software optimisation starting with craigiecraigie4's excellent guide at and extensive reading on the wiki site and of course Buzz's brilliant work throughout this and other sites, I finally feel ready to take the plunge with updating my new o2 xdaExec using o2's 1.30.107 WWE ROM, Dopod's 1.11.00 Radio and my own Extended ROM creation (yet to be made as I want to do 1 bit at a time). I thought I'd put Jasjar's extended ROM (164 I think) on until I have got use to modifying the Ext ROM image as I want.
However, I need to use Buzz'y MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe program as the standard installer is telling me there is a country error. Fine, so I have that downloaded BUT when I try to run it, my Windows XP system tells me that it is not a valid win32 application. Am I missing something here? Have I downloaded the wrong program or is there a problem with my XP? I don't appear to have this problem with other programs.
Hope I have included enough info for someone to tell me where I am going wrong.
I have just downloaded a version from this forum (about half way down) - I haven't had a chance to test it yet but it IS different and if I run it without connecting my Universal, it does run the program but fails as no PPC device connected so it may be the better version. I will try it tomorrow but if you test it first, let me know
O.K., that file seemed to do it.
I have now flashed my ROM with the latest non-Greek QTEK build, UNI_QTEK_13077_176_10900_WWE_Ship.exe, and then copied UNI_Unlock_v1.exe onto a SD card and ran it. I got a successful unlock message.
However, when I put my SIM into the phone, it booted up to a plain screen with a title bar of "Simlock" and the following message: "Network is locked, Please input unlock code".
Did I miss a step somewhere? Is it possible that the SIM itself could be locked (it's a brand new Cingular SIM) somehow?
Yes you did miss a step, in fact you missed lots of steps.
Go back and read the readme.txt file that came with the unlock program, everything is explained very clearly in there what you need to do!

HTC Wizard/8125/(others) How-To....

As you can see below, it seems I have a lot to learn and the last thing I want to do is mislead n00b's like me. This was supposed to be an "easy" way to mod your HTC 8125 but unforunately you have to walk before run so I'm going to do more reading and hopefully I can help people like me who just want WM6 and an easy How-To to get this done. I'm going to keep the attachments as this may be useful, but the rest I'm removing.
Thanks again everyone for your constructive criticism. I will take everyone's advice and read more.
nnakao said:
Ok. So instead of posting a question, I figure I'd post a How-To.
Now I'm a n00b, so I did a lot of hunting these forums to get to where I needed to go. I will attempt to post all credits for work done at the end of the "How-To". If I miss anyone, send me an IM and I'll update the post.
First off, let me tell you what I have:
Cingular 8125 locked
CID Locked
G4 Version (look it up.... I forgot to document exactly)
Windows Mobile 5
T-Mobile 8125 Unlocked
CID Unlocked
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 8/11/06
Radio version: 02.25.11
Protocol version:
XMA 6 r 3
Now you may be asking yourself "What?!?!?!?". Yeah, me too. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what most of those means. Fortunately, if you're like me and just wanted to upgrade the damn thing from WM5 to WM6, you really don't need to know much more than the "Radio version" and SIM/CID Lock/Unlock.
Now for some terms. I've been searching this forum for some time and it took me a lot of asking and a lot of more searching to figure out what half the damn terms mean so I'll try to sum up what you'll need for this peticular procedure:
1. Wizard = The one of many names of the HTC 8125
2. nk.nbf = The image, or ROM, of the WM you want to use.
3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it.
4. Brick = You got a useless phone! No No, that may not be true. Try searching the forums to recover from a phone that won't boot.... scared ya, didn't i?
5. (reserved for terms that I just can't think of that are important)
Ok. So let's get into what exactly I did to get to this point. Register for this forum to get the attached links).
1. Get the Lokiwiz02b/03a (attachments below)
2. Get SoftSPL or sSPL. For G4 users, this will temporarily allow your HTC Wizard/8125/(others) to be upgradable. I say temporary because G4 users only have 1 option (other than SPL) to unlock the CID and that's to pay like 40 bucks and if you're here, you probably don't/can't pay for it. It's a good work-around (attachments below) (
3. Get a ROM in which you want to use to upgrade from WM5 to WM6. Here is a good link given to me (credits at the end of the instructions): ( Think of a ROM as a Windows Install Disk, except it's virtual, not physical.
4. Get Active Sync 4.5. Google it and download it.
5. Get a Radio ROM (attachment below)
6. Get a mini-to-standard USB cable (for your phone.... did you get Active Sync 4.5 yet?)
Note: I've read that this process doesn't work for Windows Vista, but since I hate that damn OS, I don't have it and can't verify it doesn't work.
Ok. So now that you have all necessary tools, let's get started on the steps to SIM/CID unlock your phone. Why do you have to do both? I have no freakin' clue, but you do.
0. Unzip all .zip files (not .cab) to your computer (i.e. C:\Temp\HTC\(directory name).
1. Install ActiveSync 4.5 and connect your phone to your computer.
2. Copy the to your phone. You can use Windows Explorer to do this.
3. Run the on your computer.
4. Run the Lokiwiz.bat for LokiWiz02b.
5. Use "U." to SIM unlock.
5a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
6. Run the LokiwizMsl.bat for LokiWiz03a. (Write down the PIN!!!!!)
6a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
7. Check to see if you can use a different SIM card (if you have one).
8. Enter in the PIN you wrote down to unlock the Network.
Ok. Now we ca finally upgrade the OS/ROM/NBF to WM6.
0. Make sure you're phone is connected to the PC with Active Sync.
1. Copy the wanted nk.nbf/ROM/OS you downloaded to the SoftSPL-V0.1 directory.
2. Run the START-sSPL.exe
3. It will run throuth a RUU (ROM Update Utility) that you may or may not have seen before. Just check all the necessary boxes and "Next" your way through the wizard until it successfully updates your phone.
3a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
That's it! Your phone is officially updated.... I/you/we hope....
First off, I'm going to list the linked sites and who was the original poster. Then I will list the people who've helped me.
1. the-equinoxe = sSPL
2. rudegar = helped with the terms and links to HTC Wizard info
3. ??? = I'm sorry but I don't remember where LokiWiz2-3 came from. I didn't bookmark it!!! dammit! If someone knows, let me know and I'll fill in the ???
If I have incorrectly said something in the above, please let me know immediately and I'll change it.
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this is all very confusing and misleading,
Sry to say but you,yourself are not correctly,clear about the whole process of differentiating between the G3 & G4 devices.
SIM/CID Unlocking/ method and upgrading a G3 and G4 are entirely different.
The procedure you have posted is mix up of both devices but not explained correctly.You have posted all tools for unlocking but have not given there description as which one is to be used for which device.
The upgrading method is also not correct,as I gather it's more like it's for G4 devices,you cannot do this method for G3 device,it's misleading here.
I'll advise you to first understand it all fully yourself,You still need a lot of reading to do and fully consume the process,rather posting a guide for Noobies!!!
Check Red markings for corrections
nnakao, I like your effort of putting in answers in the forum. However, as what I've experience so far, it isn't much of a use, in most cases (i.e. some people just do not search). However, nice effort.
Further, I would also like to ask you a favour (probably a copy paste job), to check with the wiki (i.e. this page, top portion, "XDA-Wiki"), to see if there are relavant section (under Wizard) on stuff that you've just mentioned. If
(a) they already exist, double check it and correct them if necessary
(b) if they do not exist, add in there. Usually, others will just point newbiew into there, easier than to find your thread.
you got errors will post later more errors if more but here are some
"3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it."
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
A G3 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx
A G4 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx.xx
Wizard = The one of many names of the Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard)
Remember to post in big red letters "I am not Responsible for you bricking your device" and "That this is only for G4 devices" so post the difference of g4 and g3 on top.
After a couple of days of trying to search this forum for some basic explanation of some of the tools involved, I've come to the conclusion that it's next to impossible to find anything with the forum search engine.
The forum engine appears to filter out all three letter search terms, like ROM, IPL, SPL and NBF. Basically all the things I need to use as search terms get me nowhere. Put any one of those into the search box and you get no results, even though the forum is littered with references to them.
There are a couple of really useful threads, that have got me quite a long way, but I found them by searching the whole world with google, not by using the search engine in this forum. I'm sure plenty of other people have tried searching for the same information and just given up in despair.
Maybe some links to the correct information would have been more helpful than the criticism this thread received.
Here's quite a good place to start:
If anyone can add anything to help demystify the process of flashing phones and using this forum, I'd be grateful.
Yo, thanx anyway yo!

O2 Cosmo (Excalibur) ROM Update - How the Hell ?

Hello Experts,
i have read a lot of the Threads here, but i can't find a good information
about my O2 Cosmo. My Dash is Simlook free and SuperCID enabeld.
I found this instructions:
Tools you need:
- HexWorkshop from
the ROM of your choice
- Winzip or Winrar
- a valid UNL file for YOUR phone
a) install HexWorkshop and Winzip or Winrar on your pc
b) in explorer on pc, RIGHT click on the ROM of your choice and use: "Extract files to folder ..." from conext menu Now it will unpack all the files
c) in the new folder you will have ONE file like "HRUU_signed.NBH" (*.NBH) RIGHT click on the .NBH file and use: "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" from context menu
d) You'll see on the 5th row EXCA20000 ==> !!! make it EXCA***** (5 stars) and save the file
e) Now RIGHT click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe and use: "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" from conext menu
Search for word "BsaD5SeoA" (without quotes, case sensitive)
You'll find it around address 0x3FC6C ==> !!! replace "BsaD5SeoA" with "IMEICHECK" (without quotes) and save the file
1) take SIM card and SD card OUT of the phone
2) Connect the phone running windows ce to the pc (normal way).
3) Completely Unlock your phone using our unlocker <== REALLY IMPORTANT
4) After phone is unlocked run unlocker (again) BUT when the unlocker ask for UNL file, remove the USB cable from the phone THEN press "Cancel" on the unlocker select file window (unlocker will close on PC). NOTE: The screen on the device will not show something usefull when in this mode. Most probably it is complete WHITE. !!THIS IS NORMAL!! Don't touch phone, let it like it is!
5) After you closed the unlocker, attach usb cable again (phone has still white screen)
6) start (the modified) ROMUpdateUtility.exe
7) when update finished and device started you will get a message: "Data Crashed, contact service provider" (!NO PANIC!) ==> Simply fix this problem by running the unlocker again and this time select the key file normal way (full unlock process again). In case you have problems please indicate the step letter/number which is not clear/not working for you. If you REALLY do it STEP by STEP exact like described you will have no problem.
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When i edit the .NBH file, i get a "ERROR 270" message!
When i dont edit the .NBH file, i get a "Invalid Ventor - Error Message"
I try to install this ROM:
So my Dash is a German Device, and i want a German ROM, if it is possible!?
OK, i try to go manually in the Bootloader modus, disable ActiveSync for
USB Transfer...and run the RUU Rom...but it allways break down the flash
process at 4% !
...mmh...have i forget any info, that you can help me...i dont know?
Ah Yes...i read in the Thread:
"How to flash a new ROM to your Wizard... a little tutorial!"
Here the link to:
But i can see anything on the starting screen, if my dash ist a G3 or G4,
on my start screen ist "ABSOLUTLY - NO - Information" about it!
In the "System Information" i found a RIL Nr. 2.0002 ...
So i think my dash is a IPL/SPL G3...but i dont know it really!
I dont know what i can do anymore, to update my device to WM6.0 or 6.1
Plz, if anyone know what i can do, to fix my problem, plz then tell it to me,
thank you very much, and forgive me about my bad english!
Ok, i test many times this tool "Excalibur USPL- CID BYPASS" ...and yesterday
it works suddenly...i dont know "why" it works, i have done the same, like
every time i try it, but yesterday my dash move to the needed "WHITE
Screen"! And so i able to run the Rom Update, and it works fine!
Ah yes, my Phone tell me i'm in "SuperCID" "WHY" i must use
this "CID Bypass Tool" ....crazy??? Or is my Phone a Liar...?
I have now installed this Rom, it Works a bit faster i mean:
But it is the same Rom Vers, like my old O2-Cosmo Rom, WM5.0 (1) with
Future Pack. But i have now the HTC Splash Screen!
So i want now to install this Rom (with WM6.1) :
This is a "Kaiser" Rom... "Warum eigentlich Kaiser, hat der Beckenbauer damit
was zu tun...*g*
But when i try to run again the "Excalibur USPL- CID BYPASS" tool, my
dash show me only the "Linux Monkey" (Pinguin) Screen and hang up the
Phone, so that i must remove the battery....
The "White Screen" (that is the Screnn you must have to flash your Rom),
will dont come anymore....i dont know how...??? I start this batch file,
"Uspl.bat" ... and follow the instructions....mmh....allways i get the Linux
Monkey Screen...and not the white screen, "WHY" ?
Anybody a hint, how i can move into the "White Screen" Modus?
And a Question, is this Kaiser Rom compatible to my HTC S620 ?
Please belive me, i read a lot here...but i cant figure out this..., this Forum
here is a bit confusing, on many Threads you can read other informations!
Plz anyone, tell me (who know it) how i move exactly in the White Boot Screen?
Thank you!
If I understand you right you flashed a rom from the HTC Kaiser on your Dash. That's Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional for Touch Screen Devices. You need a rom from this thread for your Dash, not the Kaiser thread. Those ROM's are specifically for that phone. I doubt they'd even work on other Touch Screen phones because of it has the radio (I believe Radio is like Drivers in Windows, I may be wrong.) for that phone. As to fix your problem. I have no clue. Maybe you can get lucky and reflash it with an Official Dash ROM for your phone, but better getting advice on that from one of the more experienced people here. I'm a bit of a newby when it comes to this phone stuff. Good luck...
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
If I understand you right you flashed a rom from the HTC Kaiser on your Dash. That's Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional for Touch Screen Devices. You need a rom from this thread for your Dash, not the Kaiser thread. Those ROM's are specifically for that phone. I doubt they'd even work on other Touch Screen phones because of it has the radio (I believe Radio is like Drivers in Windows, I may be wrong.) for that phone. As to fix your problem. I have no clue. Maybe you can get lucky and reflash it with an Official Dash ROM for your phone, but better getting advice on that from one of the more experienced people here. I'm a bit of a newby when it comes to this phone stuff. Good luck...
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Thank you!
But "NO" i don't flash my HTC S620 wit a Kaiser Rom..."What a Luck" ...i try
to do it...and now im Happy that this have not work for me!
I actually install this Rom:
RUU_Excalibur_HTC_GER_1.11.407.2_4.1.13.28_02.63.9 0_Ship.exe
I have now understand, what is a Kaiser ROM, it is the Device Name, oh
Man...i'm so a dummy....haha...
But i have a success, i change my O2 Rom to a HTC Rom
The Question now is, how i move in the "WHITE BOOT SCREEN" ?
That i'm able to Update my Rom to a WM6.1, if posible, a German 6.1 Rom.
Is here a German WM6.1 Rom?
Is a WWE a Multilingual Rom, is in such ROMs German Language included?
And how i can remove the CID forever, so that im able to update a ROM
without a CID Bypass Bootloader?
Any ideas?
The thing is, ...this CID Bypass Bootloader work "ONCE" and now that
Bootloader dont work anymore...i dont know why...i get only the Linux
Pinguin Screen...and this is a "Hang up Screen" so that i must remove
the Battery, for a new start.
But i get nevermore the "White Boot Screen" is this posible?
I do the same, like before i do...mmh...???
If I understand what's been said. You need to re-run the CID-Bypass anytime you reflash you phone. As for a German ROM. I am not sure. Ypu'd need to look around through the furom. You could try the "Seach" feature and see what you come up with.
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
If I understand what's been said. You need to re-run the CID-Bypass anytime you reflash you phone. As for a German ROM. I am not sure. Ypu'd need to look around through the furom. You could try the "Seach" feature and see what you come up with.
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Thank you,
but i try to run the "CID Bypass" but the "CID Bypass" run every time
into the "Linux Pinguin Screen" ...(i think it is programed in Linux?)
But the same "CID Bypass Bootloader" - work - for me "once" !
But now, not ! I dont know why?
With this CID Bypass Bootloader, i flash my Q2 Rom into a HTC Rom !
But that was only possible, as my dash move with this "CID Bypass Bootloader"
INTO a "White Boot Screen"...!
But "HOW" this was possible...i dont this CID Bypass Bootl.,
wont work anymore....
You know what i mean?
The same tool (CID Bypass) wont work anymore, it work one time only.
When i now try to run this CID Bypass, i get a "Linux Pinguin Screen" in
Black. So there is a little Linux Pinguin "Preloader" ...and then the Phone
have a SOD..."Stand of Death" you Guys call that so, i think so!?
To search here, is very strange for me....i get results of all Forums here!
That was the reason why i want to try the Kaiser Rom, while i search
here in the Excalibur i had think so, that was wrong, you know!?
Sorry, my english is not good enough to tell exactly my expirience!
But Thank you for Advice!
Hum, does it still look like windows mobile? If so they may have just changed the load screen. Either way when you run the bypass program, there' one step that'll show a screen on the phone when in windows mobile itself and you must press the center soft button to "continue" and then it'll enter the white screen mode. Sometimes I forget this step and bounce through the steps missing that. If you can't get into windows mobile, try reflashing with your phones official ROM first. They don't require the white screen. There's also a way to enter the bootloader screen by holding down a button, I forget which, while you press power to turn the phone on.
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
Hum, does it still look like windows mobile? If so they may have just changed the load screen. Either way when you run the bypass program, there' one step that'll show a screen on the phone when in windows mobile itself and you must press the center soft button to "continue" and then it'll enter the white screen mode. Sometimes I forget this step and bounce through the steps missing that. If you can't get into windows mobile, try reflashing with your phones official ROM first. They don't require the white screen. There's also a way to enter the bootloader screen by holding down a button, I forget which, while you press power to turn the phone on.
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Click to collapse no, this ROM runs great! I have no Problem with this Rom!
But i have found a Solution "Yeah" !
For all who want to flash a O2 Cosmo!
Try this Link: Click
Thanks to the Uploader, found it by searching!
The last in line: "" !
Follow the steps in the text document!
Work fine for me!
But when you want to flash, and you get a connection ERROR, remove
the USB cabel, and put it back on your Dash, and run then only the
"ROMUpdateUtility.exe" again and it will work.
(Your srceen are allways WHITE!!!)
I had flash for 10min the "RUU_Excalibur_SPL-1.11_UpgradeOnly.exe"
You must extract the exe file, and copy the *.nbh file to folder 3!
After you run the "Auto.bat" and the Connection Error, click finish,
remove the USB cabel, put it back on the dash and run again and only
the "ROMUpdateUtility.exe" !
All work fine!
Thank you Developers!

diamond stuck by htc debug tools

1. Run Debug Tool
2. Set [5]Debug flags to '435' as 0b110110011
3. Set [8]Radio Flags to '1795' as 0b11100000011
According to the help, it enables "Enable ATCMD Log", "Enable RIL Ioctl Log","MARM use UART","MARM use USB","MARM use SD", I don't know their meanings.
4. Reset device
then my diamond stuck on bootloader screen, i reflashed the rom and it doesn't help. I am sure at least the hardspl works.
can anyone help to unbrick it?
I'll repeat the same here as on MSN so it's useful for others maybe:
if you dont know the meanings why are you playing? I know you have MFG SPL, so warning here, if anyone wants to play like this, make sure you have MFG SPL installed first because then it is easy to fix the problem. (non MFG SPL : still possible to fix but then you'd have to flash a file via lnbs command, a bit more painful.)
basically, you have to set the flags back to get OS booting; in MFG SPL, using mtty or qmat, simply send the following command: eraseconfig
PS: "MARM use USB","MARM use SD" -> these two are not a problem, one of the rest is what ****ted OS (not sure which). and, when you set marm use USB / SD, windows mobile will not have access to them (but SPL will), so that is kind of pointless.
thanks a lot to cmonex.
I found i am not the first one play too much with htc debug tools.
here is another thread with similar problem that solved by cmonex too..
I've been on this board a few years now and I have never even heard of htc debug tools. I also don't know its purpose so I wouldn't play with it, period.
I made a big mistake,
2. Set [5]Debug flags to '435' as Wrong:0b110110011Right:0b10000110101
3. Set [8]Radio Flags to '1795' as Wrong:0b11100000011 Right: 0b1011110010101
the field in debug tools is intepreted as in hex format.
BTW, I confirmed "MARM use UART"(Radio Flags to 1xx) may stick the mobile.

