Please help me with wifi!! - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I've got an SX66
ROM VER: 1.33.10 WWE
ROM DATE: 1/21/05
RADIO VER: 1.02.10
I setup wireless manager to work on my home network. At the heart is a linksys BEFW11s4 wireless router with WEP enabled (64 bit).
It asked for the security password which I entered but it kept telling me was wrong. Finally it stopped asking me and the wireless manager show that I am connected to the network. It shows the correct SSID, channel etc.
However I still cannot access the internet or anything else on my network. It seems that I am not really connected.
What the H$!! am I doing wrong??
Please help.

Did the router give you an IP address?
I.e. Is the router DHCP enabled?

Yes it does give me an IP address (SX66 set to auto assign)
In reading over your post I started checking my settings and realized the problem.
I have to manually enter the key.
Once I did that...boom I am online.
Thank you for your help.

Hi I have had some problems with wifi hope you can help. I couldn’t find anything on this forum about it (maybe I didn’t search well but don’t think so) Listen, I managed to find some hotspots, I used a lot of programmes, like Streethawk, or WIFIFORM(or something like that), and many more, but all I could get was windows popping up to select connect using that and that to internet or work. I tried work, but that is it every time I got the message I couldn’t give you IP or something. like that. My Ip settings is give IP automatically. Am I doing everything ok, or is this problem network issue because I was trying to connect on public hotspot(which might be not accepting connections). And how do I know if the hotspot is accepting connections free of charge? Hope you can give me detailed instructions.
Thanks in advance

ilijamn: I use a programme called "WIFIFOFUM" and when in the programme on the left side of the window is a column called "WEP" which will either say "on" or "off" for a certain connection.. now when it says "on" you cannot use it without a network key(basically a password) but when its "off" you should be able to use without a problem...To connect to a connection while in WIFIFOFUM jus tap and hold the connection and select connect...
now also when that window pops up, its better to sellect connect via "internet" rather than "work"....
I hope this helps you...

Thank you it helped me a lot! But sometimes in WiForum it takes a lot of time to connect, and I tryed a lot of programmes and then I downloaded Street HAwk, It is the best one, at least for me.(the progremme does everything automativly-which is cool). Anyways, i have to ask you smth. else (prob. stupid question), when a network(hot spot) is free of charge do I need to set up IP settings and DNS settings and what is VPN?

Thank you it helped me a lot! But sometimes in WiForum it takes a lot of time to connect, and I tryed a lot of programmes and then I downloaded Street HAwk, It is the best one, at least for me.(the progremme does everything automativly-which is cool). Anyways, i have to ask you smth. else (prob. stupid question), when a network(hot spot) is free of charge do I need to set up IP settings and DNS settings and what is VPN?
And is there any pocket web browser for internet that can open multiple widows(tabs)????
Thanks in advance,

VPN - Virtual Private Network, long explanation so just google search it.
IP and DNS should be setup automatically by the network, but some networks require a network key (WEP) which is like a password and without it you cant use their network...
hope this helps, any more questions jus ask!!!!
not sure about multiple tabs, if i find i will let u know

That should do it. Thank you


Unable to connect Wireless Lan when phone signal is weak?

I'm experiencing a weird problem and please let me know if it's only my problem or there is some work around for it.
My phone is SX66 upgraded to 1.40 ROM + 1.13 Radio stack
I can connect Wifi fine whenever I have some phone signal (at work). Whenever I go home where the phone signal is weak then the WIFI couldn't get connected (I believe I set up my home network correctly as I've been using it for so long and configure it for several computer/laptop in house). The network could detect the AP with the SSID but I just couldn't connect to it even I'm sitting right next to the AP.
ROM 1.40
Radio: 1.13
Are you sure it isn't connecting? What has led you to this conclusion?
Is it possible that it is connecting, but that you just can't browse the internet, in which case check your connection proxy settings. If your work uses a proxy server and you've enabled the pass-through setting in ActiveSync, your network connection may be configured with your work proxy server.
If you're sure you're just not connecting however, things to check are;
WEP/WPA Encryption - If you're using it and have other wireless devices on your network, you no doubt know what to do. If not, say so & I can help you.
DHCP - Does your router/AP support Auto-IP Addressing? Is it enabled? If not, you'll have to configure the WiFi card with a static IP within the same subnet as your router. Ask if you need help.
MAC Filtering - Are you blocking unauthorised MAC Addresses (on your router/ap)?
Interference - Wireless A/V Senders and digital cordless phones are common culprits for RFI. 802.11x APs support multiple channels (most default to channel 11), and you can change these in case of interference. Once again, if you have other WiFi gear already connected with good, strong signals, you can probably discount this one.
Sorry if this is all elementary to you - I don't know how technical you are.
Thanks for your reply.
> Are you sure it isn't connecting? What has led you to this conclusion?
Yes, I've check wireless status on the phone. "Connected to the network", and the AP with DHCP on showed the status of an IP has been allocate to the SX66 mac address. However I dont' really believe it then I check the "Adater", it said network available, and the WIFI icon just didnot show any traffic.
> Is it possible that it is connecting, but that you just can't browse the internet, in which case check your connection proxy settings. If your work uses a proxy server and you've enabled the pass-through setting in ActiveSync, your network connection may be configured with your work proxy server.
I've experience once with the internet connection via Active Sync so I disable the passthrough. Both home and work doesn't have proxy server so I selected not to have any on the phone.
> WEP/WPA Encryption - If you're using it and have other wireless devices on your network, you no doubt know what to do. If not, say so & I can help you.
At work, I have 128 WEP and the connection works fine with the key. At home, I open my network but using MAC filtering to protect it. I have problem with the open network one at home. Perhaps, I will try to setup WEP at home and see if it can work.
The only thing I'm not really clear is the difference between setting "WPA" and "WPA-PSK" from the phone.
> DHCP - Does your router/AP support Auto-IP Addressing? Is it enabled? If not, you'll have to configure the WiFi card with a static IP within the same subnet as your router. Ask if you need help.
Yes, DHCP enable as I don't want to change it back and forth when traveling.
> MAC Filtering - Are you blocking unauthorised MAC Addresses (on your router/ap)?
I do it and I already opened the network and then captured the MAC address into the AP memory. (that's why I think it's connected but will check).
> Interference -
Not really, I'm 6' away from the AP and I don't have any cordless device in my computer room.
> Sorry if this is all elementary to you - I don't know how technical you
No problem, I'd like to learn more about this PDA. The concept is about the same with PC, but the tools to debug is not there. I can't use tracert/traceroute, ifconfig or ping broadcast to really know if I'm the network.
Once again, thanks a lot.
Okay, well it sounds like you're on the right track & know what you're doing.
A useful troubleshooting tool, which gives you tracert, ping, whios, ipconfig and a host of other tools is "vxUtil", which is freeware. I'd give you a URL for downloading it, but I'm on my iMate now (sipping coffee by the Yarra in a Melbourne Cafe - oh what a techno-wanker am I!), but search these forums or Google it and you'll find it.
Now, regarding the proxy thing... These PPCs are a little tricky with their internet settings, and I had to create a different 'connect using...' connection profile, if that makes sense. The important setting within the profile, which is under the Proxy tab, from memory, is "This network connects to the internet".
Now for some reason, if you don't enter in a proxy server here, that check-box doesn't stay checked when you ok your way out. So what I've had to do is go into the advanced area & enter anything in the "wap" proxy, then ok out.
Strange, but it seems to work. Although I always leave my "Private network" on "My Work Network", I can now browse the 'Net through the WiFi AP/Router.
Download vxUtil & see if you can ping your AP, then go from there.
I've worked around the problem by using static IP address instead of depending on DHCP. Thanks to Hitchhiker software. I noticed that it was trying to obtain IP address from DHCP but failed. (The very same DHCP work wells for the rest of my network). Anyway, I will use Hitchhiker to switch IP back and forth if necessary.
Thanks a lot!
Great to hear you found the problem - well done.

wireless problems on my Orbit

Hi All,
I have a problem with the wireless connection on my Orbit.
When I try to connect to the internet the first time via my router I am assigned an ip address via DHCP and everything works fine. After I have left the device for a couple of minute and try to connect to the internet I just get the message Locating from the internet explorer and it will not connect to the internet unless I reboot.
I have tried the following to try and resolve.
Assign Static IP Address and DNS Servers
Removed all Encrytion and Mac Address filtering from the router.
I have tried to stream internet radio to see when it drops the connection.
Tried continuously pinging the router deafult gateway.
Disabled powersave options.
I would like the device to always stayed connected so that I can send and recieve Skype calls
Has anyone else experience this problem ?
I have exactly the same problem with you (my device is the HTC P3300) and I have tried everything you mention -apart from the ping and streaming audio - but no effect whatsoever.
I suspect that the problem lies with my wireless modem-router (USRobotics 9108) but I have yet to find something useful for it. Others I have asked have no such problem.
Someone mentioned that in "my network connects to" in the wireless network adapter settings we should check "Work" instead of "The internet". Haven't tried that yet though.
Do you have the same problem with other types of internet connection e.g via usb?
USB and GRPS work fine! It is just the wireless that has the problem, it seems like the device is loosing it's connection to the router even though it retains an ip address. When you try to ping from the phone to the router you get timeout request.
Even when you release and renew the ip address it still will not work, the only way I have found to make it work is either to reboot or turn the wireless off then back on.
I just wonder if there are any timeout values that shutdown the wireless connection after a certain amount of time?
Some remarks...
I used Media player with streaming audio via wifi and guess what? It didn't stop a couple of minutes later as I expected but kept playing for 15-20 mins. The P3300 was on power supply all the time. Then I quit from Media player and browse the net for a while. After about 5 mins... here we go again. I beleive that IE has some kind of counter that when exceeded (data, time?) it stops connecting. The funny thing is that afterwards neither media player streams nor skype worked.
On the other hand I tried skype on a new session without ever opening IE and guess what? It worked like a charm for about an hour... It never stopped responding. Now what do you make out of this?
I thought it may be IE causing the problem so I installed Netfront 3.3.
Same problem! I don't think it is the browser causing I have the same problem with Netfront.
When the connection goes I use pocket lan to ping from the phone to the router and do not get a reply.
The fact that we can stream music/video and use skype for long periods of time with out problems leads me to believe that once you initiate a constant outbound session from the phone to the router it is fine but as soon as disconnect this session this is when the problems start.
I think there maybe a registry setting for the wireless card may need changing.
I will check later and post my findings....
Any luck with our problem?
Could it be a ram allocation thing to do with IE? As I don't seem to have this problem with the WIFI but I do find that my orbit slows down to an unacceptable rate during IE use or until I use space reclaimer etc.
JC#79 said:
Could it be a ram allocation thing to do with IE? As I don't seem to have this problem with the WIFI but I do find that my orbit slows down to an unacceptable rate during IE use or until I use space reclaimer etc.
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I don't beleive so, because my P3300 is working as it should except that it won't download any pages after a while. If I check RAM afterwards is pretty much acceptable. The machine will not slow down at all it just stops downloading as if the connection is broken (but its not).
make sure under settings/connections you have a a setting called MY ISP, if not then make a new one.
then go to settings/connections/advanced and "select networks", make sure BOTH say using "MY ISP"
then go to settings/wifi and click on network adaptors and make sure it says "my network card connects to the internet
Voila all problems solved !
hb328_dtdd said:
make sure under settings/connections you have a a setting called MY ISP, if not then make a new one.
then go to settings/connections/advanced and "select networks", make sure BOTH say using "MY ISP"
then go to settings/wifi and click on network adaptors and make sure it says "my network card connects to the internet
Voila all problems solved !
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I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
go to manage connections/add new
Thx for info, I figured it out...
no problem m8. any other problems give me a shout, I have only had the Orbit for around a week but have sussed most of the problems out including loop resets etc.
vaggoul said:
I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
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Even I havent found something like My ISP and tried but could not create one...
After connecting to WIFI when i use i-net, it starts with GPRS... similar to the problem explained above..
hb328_dtdd, could u please help...
vaggoul said:
I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
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Even I havent something like My ISP and tried but could not create one...
After connecting to WIFI when i use i-net, it starts with GPRS... similar to the problem explained above..
hb328_dtdd, could u please help...
I'm having trouble and can't figure out how to do the setting for the internet. Can anyone post a step by step guide on how to do it? TIA
When u say settings for the internet do u mean for wifi?
Yes, I mean for wifi
First of all read the manual. Or try the following. If all fails try to be more specific about your problem.
1. Make sure wireless network is up and running.
2. Press Comm Manager and press wireless icon.
3. Usually it scans automatically for nearby networks
4. If a network is found is announces the network's name and if a connection is desired.
5. You enter password (WEP, WAP, or whatever u have)
6. Connection established.
It is recommended to use in "start>settings>wireless network>power" the slider in "better performance" setting. Leave others as is.
Tip: if u open Internet Explorer before a connection is established (check for the apropriate icon) then it connects automatically with GPRS.
Network/Connection/Communication Manager for my HTC Artemis/XDA Orbit
I've got a problem with my device's connection Manager in Setting/Connection/Connection. I am able to add any connections using ISP, GPRS, bluetooth... but can only use the last one added. I have no facility to manage these connections or switch between these (this is rather strange, I've always been able to manage this on my previous devices).
I am therefore left confused with this. I have tried to download a communication manager, but this one did not work.
Any ideas from anyone?
Please reply

Adhoc Wifi internet sharing, HELP

I've been looking endlessly to find out how to share my internet connection with my mobile device over an adhoc wifi connection. I know most will say get router as they are very cheap but there must be a way to do this without a router.
I have enabled ICS on my internet connection in vista but the IP's that are assigned to both the pc and mobile connection when the devices are connected are temporary in the range of 169.x.x.x
The bright side of things is that I can share files seamlessly between the pc and the mobile device, which means all is good except for the internet. There must be a way to bind the device's ip to enable it to share the internet of the PC.
I have searched and searched and I have found nothing. Your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, in other words HEEELLLPPP
You need to bridge the Wi-Fi and internet connection. You do this in Control Panel, Network & Sharing Center then 'Manage Network Connections' on the left hand side.
A new page will open showing your internet connection and your wireless connection. Hold down shift and left click on each of them. Next right click on one of the icons and select 'Bridge Connections'
Thanks MaskedMarauder, sadly though my broadband internet connection is through a dialup and hence I cannot bridge the dialup and the wireless connection. If that only can be done somehow, the problem would most definitely be solved.
Thanks for your help.
the way ya doin it with ICS will work. you need to goto properties/advanced...Internet connection sharing and hit the settings button..then tick the DHCP boxes, that will broadcast the IP so ya winmobile will get a DHCP IP address. thats for XP but it should be pretty similiar. I was having heaps of probs getting ics to work adhoc...
you may need to re setup ICS thou, because it wont work unless it uses the IP given when ya first set it up, eg. you cant have manually setup IP addresses in the wifi card.
Thanks Speedn, it looks like you've been through what I'm going through now. Unfortunately again on vista there's no way to adjust the DHCP for ics. I remember having similiar problems on xp but I've resorted to setting the ip's manually and all worked fine, downside was that I had to manually undo everything to connect to a regular access point. On vista that doesn't work though.
Vista is certainly doing something weird here with assigning the ip's.
Thanks anyway for your input.

Getting internet working in wifi through proxy

Hi guys.
I'm trying to get my TP2 to work over wifi using my works proxy server...
I've managed to get it to connect fine at home, and can get it to connect to sites which do not require the proxy to access, but when I need to use the proxy, it just won't access (as if the proxy server is not set up correctly).
Now maybe I don't have it set up correctly?! This is what I've got:
Settings -> All Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks:
Programs the automatically connect to the Internet should connect using: mobile web
Programs the automatically connect to a private network should connect using: My Work Network
The "mobile web" option was set up by the Settings -> Communications -> Data Connection, and allows me to use gprs/hsdpa to connect to my provider (O2).
Is there something I have set up wrong? Or is there a way that I can get it to connect to the internet using the work proxy?
Many thanks,
Surely someone can help me to get the correct set up for this?
Another bump in case someone decides that they might know a way?
i am also having the same problem, my uni requires all http traffic to go through a web cache proxy script. iv tryed all sorts and it generally just ends up freezing as soon as i try connect to a remote web page
Me too, having the same issue. I managed to connect to my company WiFi after spending the effort of downloading and installing the certificates.
With a big breath, when I connected to Internet, nothing worked. And spent nearly an hour searching this forum for a resolution but couldnt get hold of anything.
Our company uses a URL with the option of 'Use automatic configuration script' in IE. And I dont how to configure this in my TP2.
Man, just checked with my colleague having an iPhone. It was a breeze. The HTTP Proxy has 3 options 1. On, 2. Off 3. Auto and when you enable Auto, it allows to enter the URL with the field label URL. Its a breeze. Why is it so difficult in WM????
Please, anyone can give some pointers or if it is not doable? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
yogam1 said:
Me too, having the same issue. I managed to connect to my company WiFi after spending the effort of downloading and installing the certificates.
With a big breath, when I connected to Internet, nothing worked. And spent nearly an hour searching this forum for a resolution but couldnt get hold of anything.
Our company uses a URL with the option of 'Use automatic configuration script' in IE. And I dont how to configure this in my TP2.
Man, just checked with my colleague having an iPhone. It was a breeze. The HTTP Proxy has 3 options 1. On, 2. Off 3. Auto and when you enable Auto, it allows to enter the URL with the field label URL. Its a breeze. Why is it so difficult in WM????
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Reply from HTC on this....
Thank you for contacting HTC.
With reference to your query, we are sorry because HTC phone can only automatic receive the Wifi signal or use SSID to access to the Wifi network, it cannot check the URL to get the connection.
You can go to Start - Settings - All Settings - Connections - Wifi. Please turn on Wifi there first. Then go to Advanced. Please take a note for the MAC address there and go to your server to add this MAC address to connect it with your phone.
Thank you for your continuous support of our products and services. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Hotline: 1800 238 7788
Service Hours: 8 am - 8 pm, Monday - Saturday (except Public Holidays)
Dear All,
Managed to resolve this. My issue was that we had an Automatic Configuration Script in the IE. Hence managed to look into the script for the Proxy Server and the port and set it up in the 'My Work' connections. Also edited the WiFi connection to connect to 'My Work' and i got it working.

Desire: Connecting to WiFi Unsuccessful [SOLVED]

Hey everyone,
I just got a brand new HTC Desire yesterday and I can't seem to connect my phone to the internet via WiFi. I don't know why but I entered the right password and everything... Every time it goes 'Obtaining IP address from (router name)', but ends up unsuccessful. I tried forgetting and doing it again but still does not work. Anyone have any ideas? Please let me know what information I should post to solve this matter quicker. I'm running on 2.1 update1
It seems that most HTC Android phones are very fussy about the routers they will reliably connect to. Whether it's a really a phone problem, or the router that is at fault isn't really known.
Try changing the channel and/or encryption method on your router, as this may help.
I found my way around solving this issue. Here's how I solved my problem:
Problem: Unable to connect to WiFi. Able to scan network but 'Unsuccessful' everytime WiFi attempts to 'Obtain IP Address from (network name)'.
1) Press Menu key under WiFi window on HTC Desire
2) Choose Advanced Settings
3) Under IP Settings, Check 'Use Static IP'
4) Insert all the information below that: IP address, Gateway, Netmask, DNS1, DNS2 (it should all be in numbers)(I only had one DNS1, so I typed the same numbers in DNS2)
You can get the information via Laptop:
Right Click on your network>select 'Status'>select 'Details' under signal quality>All the information you need
5) Once all information is filled in, press 'Return' key and it SHOULD connect successfully.
Additional Notes: I selected the WiFi network and entered the passkey before I did all the steps above.
Hopefully this helps those who had the same problem I did!
Haven't you just given your Desire the same IP address as your laptop??
If your wireless network is set up to use DHCP, you shouldn't need to do any of this.
I dont understand why also but IT WORKS! Rightfully, mine is running on dynamic IP. Will it have any problem connecting again once IP address is refreshed?
jxleung said:
I found my way around solving this issue. Here's how I solved my problem:
Problem: Unable to connect to WiFi. Able to scan network but 'Unsuccessful' everytime WiFi attempts to 'Obtain IP Address from (network name)'.
1) Press Menu key under WiFi window on HTC Desire
2) Choose Advanced Settings
3) Under IP Settings, Check 'Use Static IP'
4) Insert all the information below that: IP address, Gateway, Netmask, DNS1, DNS2 (it should all be in numbers)(I only had one DNS1, so I typed the same numbers in DNS2)
You can get the information via Laptop:
Right Click on your network>select 'Status'>select 'Details' under signal quality>All the information you need
5) Once all information is filled in, press 'Return' key and it SHOULD connect successfully.
Additional Notes: I selected the WiFi network and entered the passkey before I did all the steps above.
Hopefully this helps those who had the same problem I did!
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A BIG THANK YOU..have been trying to connect with all possibilities minus setting up the static as Im using dynamic which doesnt make sense.
Keep in mind that you have to give all your devices on that network then a static ip-adres, because otherwise you run the risk of another device already having the ip you assigned to your phone.
So is there a valid (non-static IP) solution????
I just got this problem both at home and at other places as well.
I can't find any errors in Android, and wifi scans as it should, it connects but as the topic starter stats, it can't assign an IP-adress!
Static IP is not a solution for me, nor should be for anyone, this is basic function that should work with out issues.
Please advise if there is any, thanks in advance!
Connecting to Wifi Unsuccessful [NOT SOLVED]
boas said:
Static IP is not a solution for me, nor should be for anyone, this is basic function that should work with out issues.
Please advise if there is any, thanks in advance!
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I was able to connect but noted that my phone wouldn't even completely charge, got hot and emptied in about an hour, so I installed "Startup Auditor" and" JuiceDefender" but somehow these seem to have broken the Wifi. I uninstalled JuiceDefender and there's nothing disabled in Startup Auditor that could explain it. But the phone can see Wifi points, but can't connect.
Of course it's possible that as the phone is rooted, juicedefencer changed something as root and I have no idea how to change it back.
glad u got it fixed!

