Upgrade phone > TomTom license? - General Accessories

I want to upgrade my XDA2 to a IIs but I don't know whether TomTom will let me do this without buying another copy of the TT software. Has anyone done this before? Would I have to send all my TT CDs back to TT to get them swapped for new, unregistered ones?
As far as I know, my copy of TT (and all the maps I've bought) is registered to my specific XDA2 so it couldn't be re-installed on any new machine that I bought.
Thanks in advance.
PS. What would happen if I lost this XDA2 and got a replacement? Same situation, I guess.

For TomTom 3, you can install to a second alternative device after 7 days has passed from initial install and then a 3rd after 6 months.
So if you have only ever installed to the one device and 7 days has passed you won't have any problem.
You can of course re-install to the same hardware as many times as you wish without affecting the install count.
If you had your hardware stolen or replaced under warranty then TomTom will re-issue a new key if you can provide documentary proof that the hardware was replaced etc.
Having said all that, CeBit starts next week and there 'may' be some news on the TomTom front Registered owners of current versions may want to watch our site for news from Mar 10th.

Thanks for your reply, Darren. I bought TT3 itself from PCWorld so that's no problem. The additional European maps my Dad gave me - he bought them off some dodgy geezer on eBay. All original but seal broken. I guess this geezer will have installed them at least once, knowing that 7 days later I'd be able to install them on another machine and all would be happy. :scratchchin: Let's hope he doesn't install them on another machine in 6 months' time. Best I upgrade my phone nice and quickly! My wife will be pleased... NOT! :roll: :lol:

It is because of tomtom and their stringent rules that keygens have been created to overcome this problem, why should you be restricted to one or two changes of phone/pda once you have bought the software? I have a genuine copy of tomtom but I use a keygen to get new codes each time I change phones/pda's, otherwise I wouldnt be able to use legitimate software as I need and it saves me having to go through the process of contacting tomtom and being told I cant have another code for 6 months.

Changing units
Hi guys,
I've just done over 8 weeks in 19 countries without my TT BT Nav3 & TT traffic because O2 replaced my unit (because it wouldn't work with TT) unfortunately they classed it as stolen :?: & gave it a new ID, (in any case I have since read in forums that the problem was caused by Chinese made 1gb SD cards :evil: which won't run with TT and freeze everything!)
Decided to wait until I got home, upgraded to an XDA IIi, but, I've tried several uninstall & re-installs but each time it says 'You have not downloaded voice files, so your TT will not work properly'
I now have FOUR 1gb SD cards (bought from aria.com) which seem ok for anything else but no good with TT, Ye Gods!!!!
After problem after problem with TomTom I hope they sort all this out with TT 5!
Who knows, maybe they'll even manage their maps down from the extremely annoying 9 unmarked disks, OOPS! there goes another pig flying over :wink:


Anyone had problems with uprading/downgrading XDA2?

Well I thought I would relay MY experience today.
I'm selling my XDA2 after upgrading to the 2i but as it was on WM2003SE I thought it best to downgrade it to 1.72 - afterall this CAN be done and would make sense to give it someone else with the latest o2 update rather than custom ones.
I put the XDA2 in its cradle, checked country id issues and then proceeded with the upgrade. BANG....USB v1.01 screen comes up and it didn't shift for 6 HOURS!!! Nothing I did made any difference, until I came across someone's comment (not on here) saying the only thing they tried once they'd rebooted into bootloader mode was to do it on another PC. I'd initially tried to put WM2003SE on my own PC and had a very similar issue to this one, but when I tried at work it upgraded immediately. Luckily I had a spare laptop hanging around and thought s*d it, it can't do any harm!
IT WORKS!!! I don't know why it's blocked on my PC, and what's caused it...but the laptop worked first time. I would ask anyone in the future having these kinds of problems with the bootloader screen and the PC not updating / downgrading to try it on ANOTHER PC!!! Obviously I can't say for sure, but for me it's 2 / 2!

Should I Get An Orbit

Hi all,
this is my first post on this site. I was planning on getting an XDA orbit through o2 this week as an upgrade to my current contract. This would be my first PDA phone and i was looking forward to it and all the possiblities it includes. However after reading the posts on here i'm having second thoughts. This is mainly down to the MicroSD memory corruption issue. First of all is the likely to happen to my orbit if i get one, will there be a fix for it and is it a big enough problem for me not to bother and look at an alternative instead.Also does anybody use there PDA though a mac instead of a PC and does it cause many compatibility issues?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
JimboXiii said:
However after reading the posts on here i'm having second thoughts. This is mainly down to the MicroSD memory corruption issue. First of all is the likely to happen to my orbit if i get one, will there be a fix for it and is it a big enough problem for me not to bother and look at an alternative instead.
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Much as I admire the technology and form factor of the Orbit, I certainly could not advise you to get one until the MicroSD issue has been resolved.
Can you really afford to have a device which functions as your telephone/calendar/to do list/phone book/navigation device, but which you never know whether it will be OK or corrupted when you need to use it? Read through the (> 46 page long) thread here and take a guess on how likely you are to experience this problem.
HTC were supposed to be developing a fix, but it has been a long time now and nothing has been forthcoming. There has also been speculation that WM6 will be provided free of charge to owners, but this is a HTC decision not an O2 one. If you buy an O2 branded Orbit, you will need to wait until O2 decide whether they will make WM6 available. If they do, it may or may not be a chargeable upgrade, and there will certainly be a further delay while they apply the O2 customisations to the build.
I have had my Orbit for around 4 months now. I read the tread mentioned above and did worry about card corruption. So far it has only happened to me once (touch wood) but I had synced my whole SD card to my pc, so all i needed to do was reformat it using either my phone or a card reader an copy all the data back again, worked a treat.
have a look for 'Mob Sync' i got a free version from http://www.xda-orbit.com/
Apart from the card issue I have been really happy with mine.
I strongly recommend you to wait with final decision until Windows Mobile 6 for this device. I bought HTC Artemis (unbranded) and I regularly read HTC's answers that they are working on SD card problem issue. If this bug will exist in HTC P3300 with WM6 I will return device. It's not possible to use this as "Personal Digital Assistant" when your data are gone from time to time.
I'm happy with all that great features of Artemis too and I wish you luck with your device, but remember that data corruption problem occurs randomly. My device worked flawlessly 2 weeks, other time 3 hours so you never know.
So stay tuned and save your money if you can...
I was in that delimma 2 weeks ago, saw extensive support for P3300 with the HTC itself committing to releasing the WM6 ROM's as well for it, so I ended up getting the P3300
jontymisra said:
I was in that delimma 2 weeks ago, saw extensive support for P3300 with the HTC itself committing to releasing the WM6 ROM's as well for it, so I ended up getting the P3300
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Well that's a level of commitment that I certainly haven't seen from HTC! They have known about the Data Card Corruption issue for quite a long time now, and they still haven't actually done anything about it.
Also, the original question was about getting an O2 Orbit, not a HTC P3300. Even if HTC do release a WM6 ROM, there is no guarantee that it will actually fix the data corruption problem or that O2 will decide to release it. And even if O2 do decide to release it, there is no guarantee that it will be free of charge to their customers. Plus there would be (another) delay while they add the O2 customizations.
The lifetime of a Smartphone or PDA is probably below 1 year now. Why spend money on a device that you cannot rely on, in the hope that there might be a fix some time in the future? If I knew then what I know now, I would not have bought my Orbit.
Sadly, in Canada these phones are not available to buy thru a contract, you have to buy them unlocked and at full price.

TyTN (HTC Hermes 200) IMEI Wizard

Hi All,
I am interested in writing a new IMEI Update Wizard for the HTC Hermes 200 product line. Some of you might remember me from last year, when I undertook a similar project for my HTC Wizard (imate kjam brand).
Well, regretfully last week, my HTC Wizard's USB port "died"...I found out about it as I plugged in the USB cable to charge the battery and, lo and behold, no juice was flowing. A closer look showed a very "flotational" USB port, which upon further inspection, came totally loose. Without any way to re-charge the Wizard, or connect to it from my PC, the device became useless. Luckily I had two spare batteries so I was still connected while waiting for the new Hermes to arrive.
Its now been just a couple days since I came back to Turkey, and a-ha-ha, now its taken them barely 3 days to shut the phone down. Oh joy Last time at least it took a couple months before they did anything about it, and they were kind enough to send a courtesy SMS.
So anyways...without boring you with the backstory any longer. Please feel free to PM me, or reply directly to this thread, if you are interested in contributing to the development of the new IMEI Update Wizard. Like the previous one it will be released as a freeware tool (and without source to protect the anonymity of the people who help build it).
Also, if any fellow Turks browsing this forum have any useful information on how to legally register the phone with the Turkish authorities, I'm up for that information also. It took me a month to build the IMEI Update Wizard last time round...as long as the bureaucracy and response times aren't totally inane (one would hope they have improved over the course of the past year), I might just register the phone for a change. A month is a long time and a lot of sweat and I'm definitely feeling lazier this time
Take care people!
cool, i was just tryin 2 use your old tool 2 on my hermes (M3100) and couldnt do it i gues thats cuz it doesnt work on it . Sorry that i cant help as u can probs tell. Good Luck
Good luck on your work!
I'm still waiting for your new IMEI Wizard for Hermes since your last posting. Hopefully, you're still working on and about to finish sooner or later. Just remember we xda-developers on your back. Cheers!
edit edit edit
Waiting for you
I'm waiting for you, just waiting for you, I think you will be OK, you're genius
what is this wizrd used for?
herm wizard come ?
Hi mimarsinan, are you still work on this project ?
I am willing to help, I have a hermes (jasjam) for testing etc, I know a bit about coding etc. PM to discuss please.
to Muf,
i buy on ebay..
i do not get any gsm signal.. maybe imei blocked (i do not understand if..)
I try with two sim vodafone and when i turn on the device star serch for a gsm network .. after few mintus a point "!" come near to the gsm icone.
Thats all.
Lat me know if you can help ?
I what try to replace the imei to check if this is the problem.
I try call mya operator to, to know if the imei is blocked, but they said that can't give me this type of information ..
please help.
tool is neeed updatefor new generations

Welcome to the Samsung i780 Bricked club!!!

Some of you may have read elsewhere that there is a problem hard-resetting the Samsung i780. I bought mine 3 days ago in NYC. All seemed fine (nice device, well specd) until I ran a regular WM6 app which by chance locked up the device (how unusual for a WM6 device). Normally i would hard reset using a combination of buttons, but couldnt find out how to do it as its not in the manual. i checked online and turns out there are numerous complaints from people with the same problem and no solution. I finally called Samsung UK who told me that there is a special number for dealing with this device, and specifically this problem. I called this number and they told me that:
(a) There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO DO A MANUAL HARD RESET ON THIS DEVICE and the capability cannot be added!
(b) To get it fixed, Samsung will send me a prepaid envelope, I have to send the i780 to them, they reset it and send it back!! only takes 2-5 days (and what am i supposed to do then?)!!! But this is a WM device. it WILL lock up every so often, they ALL do. I asked 'am I supposed to send it to you every week?'. Of course, he said this is the only option. And they wont give me my money back.
(c) The best part: They have known about this problem for OVER A MONTH - which is before they started selling them!
Guys, we have been conned!
I spoke to the retailer. he claims it is not his problem. he also wont give me my money back. So im stuck with a bricked device that if I get fixed will go wrong again, and no one seems to take responsibility. Clearly its faulty design: how could they miss this?
I smell a class action suit coming...
So for all of you out there with this device, know that our model cannot be hard reset and take real care. For all of you thinking to buy this device, I wouls suggest you think long and hard about buying a device that you cannot hard reset.
Anyone with any ideas??
strange, really.. but some quy on modaco wrote:
Anyone tried this (as posted in the XDA forum)?
"with the i780 completely off, press SEND (green) + END (red) + Power ON - it will show up the hard reset confirmation."
many times... didnt work.
ekerbuddyeker said:
Some of you may have read elsewhere that there is a problem hard-resetting the Samsung i780. I bought mine 3 days ago in NYC. All seemed fine (nice device, well specd) until I ran a regular WM6 app which by chance locked up the device (how unusual for a WM6 device). Normally i would hard reset using a combination of buttons, but couldnt find out how to do it as its not in the manual. i checked online and turns out there are numerous complaints from people with the same problem and no solution. I finally called Samsung UK who told me that there is a special number for dealing with this device, and specifically this problem. I called this number and they told me that:
(a) There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO DO A MANUAL HARD RESET ON THIS DEVICE and the capability cannot be added!
(b) To get it fixed, Samsung will send me a prepaid envelope, I have to send the i780 to them, they reset it and send it back!! only takes 2-5 days (and what am i supposed to do then?)!!! But this is a WM device. it WILL lock up every so often, they ALL do. I asked 'am I supposed to send it to you every week?'. Of course, he said this is the only option. And they wont give me my money back.
(c) The best part: They have known about this problem for OVER A MONTH - which is before they started selling them!
Guys, we have been conned!
I spoke to the retailer. he claims it is not his problem. he also wont give me my money back. So im stuck with a bricked device that if I get fixed will go wrong again, and no one seems to take responsibility. Clearly its faulty design: how could they miss this?
I smell a class action suit coming...
So for all of you out there with this device, know that our model cannot be hard reset and take real care. For all of you thinking to buy this device, I wouls suggest you think long and hard about buying a device that you cannot hard reset.
Anyone with any ideas??
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Funny haha, how similar is your case to mine (98%? the only diff here is locations)
Well, yes, we already made a few post about it, I am gonna start up a page for the i780 hard reset issue soon!!
Let all "Bricked club" member join!! and Sansung, you heard us, do something..
Or else....... (We will do it our own way, haha)
this is the equivalent of a hard reset
i have a i780 , dead, because flashing with drain battery, how to put mode boot ,
Go after them!
This is ridiculous! If there is a class actions suit, count me in!! I am appalled by Samsung. I switched from being a long time Palm user (who have been very supportive if the device has been faulty) to the i780 because finally I thought here is the all-in-one device I have been looking for that had all the Treo 750 lacked.
They need to recall without questions, and provide everyone with new versions. I am so pissed off right now as the device is only 2 days old ... I will spend a lot(!) of time and effort to go after Samsung.
Calm down people They have fixed the hardreset issue in an updated rom released in Asia. So the green and red button works for making a hard reset. I am sure that Samsung in Europe soon will put this in an updated roms for us Europeans. I talked to Swedish Samsung today and an update to WM 6.1 is coming late summer.

Desperately lost and at wits end

OK, since Sunday when the clocks went forward my SatNav has stopped working. It has worked flawlessly for the past year and I suspect my GPS reciever has stopped working. However, when I start up TomTom Navigator it tells me it is "waiting for a valid GPS signal"
I have already:
Soft reset my device
Hard reset my device
Reinstalled TomTom Nav
waited for over an hour for it to aquire the satellites
downloaded the latest Epherimis info from QuickGPS
What next?
I have to say that Google maps does not seem to find any satellites either.
I am at my wits end and without my SatNav I dont know how to get back to normal sanity
alchopop said:
OK, since Sunday when the clocks went forward my SatNav has stopped working. It has worked flawlessly for the past year and I suspect my GPS reciever has stopped working. However, when I start up TomTom Navigator it tells me it is "waiting for a valid GPS signal"
I have already:
Soft reset my device
Hard reset my device
Reinstalled TomTom Nav
waited for over an hour for it to aquire the satellites
downloaded the latest Epherimis info from QuickGPS
What next?
I have to say that Google maps does not seem to find any satellites either.
I am at my wits end and without my SatNav I dont know how to get back to normal sanity
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flash radio 1.14
flash topix 3.5.6
Hmm, by the fact that your location stats you're in Cambridge UK I'd say you've got a bit of an issue as the clocks don't change until 28th March!!!
Sorry, guys
I should have stated two more things
1. I am currentlu=y using Topix 3.5.6
with Radio 1.13
And I have been in the USA for the past month. I have tried all combinations of clock i.e.
putting clock back an hour
unchecking daylight saving in synchrotime so the time is -5GMT
By the way US clock went forward on 14/3/2010
as stated before googlemaps no longer finds satellites either.
Can anybody tell me if the radio for GPS is the same chip as all the other radio's or are they separate chips (seems to me they should all be on the same chip)
Updating your radio updates all radio functions (phone/wifi/gps/bluetooth etc).
I'm in the UK too and using radio 1.17 with no problems at all.
gonna flash stock and see if that works, always did before so should now. If not then I will know my GPS radio is toast!
will this work with a bluetooth gps unit by the way?
its been about 2 weeks now since my first post in this thread and nothing I have tried has fixed my GPS. My phone is over a year old now so I dont think its under warranty any longer. Do you guys think I can get it exchanged under my insurance in the UK (I pay something like £26 a qtr for insurance from CPW) or should I just hold tight and wait for my upgrade in September and use a bluetooth GPS receiver in the meantime?
I don't want to shell out for a new GPS since I already have maps for Europe, UK and north America that I spent over £200 on.
Thanks for all you help so far even though I found no solution so far. :-(
why not claim the faulty phone if youre sure its def a hardware fault.
sell the replacement
buy what u want
DontHate said:
why not claim the faulty phone if youre sure its def a hardware fault.
sell the replacement
buy what u want
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not sure thats legal
course its legal
you have an insured phone that is faulty.
they replace it. thats the point of insurance.
then you can do what you want.
if one day you dont want that phone anymore, just sell it

