Phone Call w/Siemens re: SX66 Update & Other issues! - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I (literally) just hung up with WAYNE ACHACKA at Siemens San Francisco. I expressed my disappointment with the update in that if did not really fix the problems associated with the device.
The issues I SPECIFICALLY addressed were the lousy BT signal (noisy & short range) and the poor WIFI performance.
He expresses a high level of concern over the issues that I spoke with him about, and it was suggested that everyone who is having problems to call the Siemens call center and put in a complaint/trouble ticket. Only in this fashion can they address the issues and try to get HTC to fix the problems with the hardware.
Here is the phone number (US): 1-888-777-0211 / Toll Free
(you may have to highlight hte text, cut & paste into your browser)
I hope we can all work together to resolve the issues through Siemens - they certainly seem interested in making us happy!
Tom McElvy

I've gotten the impression that the BT problems are more hardware-related than software. Having gone through several BT patches, upgrading from 2400 to 3500 to 3900, I've noticed no significant difference in BT performance.
Two things that make me think it's a hardware issue:
Someone else has posted either here or over at HoFo that the antenna in the BlueAngel is poorly positioned; this may also explain the poor WiFi performance, as both BT and WiFi use the 2.4 GHz band, so it'd be possible to use one antenna for both.
I've used a couple BT devices (headset & GPS) with both the BlueAngel and my laptop, and the range with the laptop is at least twice that of the BlueAngel.
If the problem is in the hardware, there may not be an easy solution, although it may be possible to devise some kind of antenna booster that would help.

That is correct! It is a hardware issue. As for the device turning on automatically, that in fairness was a bluetooth stack issue. All the "BlueAngel" Devices should be recalled and everyone given a refund! They are crap!!!


Solution? low voice level issue

has anyone found a fix or an app or something to the low voice level issue during phone calls? we already know that a BT headset is a "workaround" but i was really hoping for a solution for the devide itself...
thanks in advance.
Press and hold the answer call button to enable the speakerphone. Should get your volume up to more than you need.
I hear ya about the voice problem. TERRIBLE.. Read my latest thread about the so many faults I found on the PDA2K..
'Blue Angel'.. LOL... I Would call it Dark Angel.
Try to replace the device
You should try to replace (change) the MDA III. Newer models does'nt have this issue. After 7 weeks of trying (...and crying), i've decided to bring the MDA III back to the T-Mobile Shop and asked for a replacement. 2 days later, i've got a new MDA III, now without any issues.
No Solution???
Thanks for your replies so far.
What i can´t understand is, why can´t we do something about it, a fix or a setting or an app... since it´s not an hardware problem ( the voice level when recording a video for instance is quite acceptable ((...well AVI not MP4...). After all, this is a developers forum! is it impossible to fix that issue?
I Think this is a very important feature for the Phone usability of the blue angel! must the 1000´s of units already sold be returned and exchanged?
ps - thanks 1234 but the voice level i´m talking about is from my own voice (the mic) and not the loudspeaker! other people when i´m in a phone conversation always say that i seem to be very far away and they hear me very low...!
This problem seems to be caused by the placement of the mic in a tiny hole next to the reset hole. Everyone complains that you sound faint when you're talking. If you try talking 'directly' into the hole or even hold the phone in your left hand things seem to improve ( closer to your voice-box? ) . You can also see this problem when making a movie with the phone. It sounds very quiet when compared to the same test with an XDA II. The XDA II had a mic in a much better position, next to the direction pad.
I think, it's a hardware issue
As i know, it's a hardware issue with the mic.
The position of the mic is bad, that's true, but some Shops will replace the MDA III against never models with some changes.
A Sales rep in a T-Mobile Shop told me, that devices with the voice issue WILL BE REPAIRED (mic change or something like this).
So, it may be a good idea to replace the device against a never model.
It's strange,
for me there are problems with cable headset.
If it's a problem with the phone mic, why I had the same problem, but only sometimes, with the headset ?
I will try also another headset.
Audio level - intolerable
Hello All,
I'm new to this forum but am a very frustrated PDA2K owner.
I cannot tolerate the issue of people complaining that my voice is too low during phone calls. The device has cost me an arm and a leg.
I bought it thinking it was the best PDA/Phone on the planet. The issue is there is no IMate service center in Egypt. I had it sent to me from Dubai...
If a software solution exists, then I would be very greatful for it.
PS. koponet says that he/she replaced their device. Has the microphone location been changed? Or is it still in the same spot?
Position is still the same
The mic position is still the same after the replacement , but the voice level is much better.
Before the replacement, the voice level was bad using the MDA III WITH or WITHOUT the cable headset (thats included).
After the replacement, the voice level is still bad using the MDA III WITH the cable headset (thats included), but much better WITHOUT this headset.
CALLING all Developers
I Think this is beacoming THE brain test for all the developer community out there...
If someone could come up with a software solution for this issue i´ll bet there would be several 1000´s of users ( all of QTEK, XDA, I-mate owners worldwide) thanking and respecting the "ONE"...
I would be happy if somebody could for sure tell whether this is a hardware issue or not.
For me, it can't be a hardware issue. Recording with the same mic and phone calls with Skype work well. Why should the same mic not work for GSM voice ???
I've contacted the italian distributor of Qtek 9090 about this issue.
They told me that they will release a patch in the next few days !!!
However, IMHO, it's a software issue, not hardware one because:
- the same mic with non-GSM apps works well
- With the mic in the cable headset you will experience the same problem.
fixed with new ROM
I've installed the new ROM with radio version 1.06.02
I've made a few calls and the mic problem seems over!!!!
However I'll made some other calls to see if it's really solved.
Manuel, can you send me the upgrade for radio?
[email protected]
You could always take the pointed end from a sharp x-acto knife and cafefully 'drill' out the mic hole making it bigger. Drastic? Yes. Does it help? Yup.
Please post the Radio ROM which fixes this issue!
Rom update from qtek seems to fix it
The rom update from this forum
seemed to fix my mic level issues. It came with the 1.06 radio version.
Thanks...hope it helps you
sound issue - quiet microphone
I still have this issue, even after upgrading to the latest ROM version (iMate 1.40.176)
Everyone I speak to says I sound distant or quiet, and plugging the standard wired handsfree doesnt seem to help at all. I spend all my time shouting into the phone to be heard!
Has anyone found a solution? should I upgrade the Radio ROM as well?
I have an XDAiis.
If you're using imate 1.40.176, then you should have radio 1.12 which is only one release back from the latest, so upgrading radio to 1.13 won't make a difference. I have an O2 XDA2s with radio 1.13 & sound level is fine, but it was also fine when using radio 1.06 (as shipped with phone)
Sounds like you have a hardware problem

Quality of Blue Angel Bluetooth Audio - Definitive Answer?

Hi all,
I bought my SX66 from Cingular two weeks ago and so far I LOVE IT. Bluetooth, WIFI, PDA, phone, and a QWERTY keyboard all in one slick package.
However, as you all know, the bluetooth audio has MAJOR issues. I have upgraded my radio to 1.13.00 and my bluetooth stack to 3900. The volume level of my bluetooth headset has improved, but one thing remains - the HORRIBLE snap, crackle and pop (noticeable on both ends of the phone call).
Because the radio ROM and bluetooth stack updates have not helped, I am beginning to fear that the problem is a hardware design flaw. However, I'm hoping that some bluetooth headsets may compensate for this better than others.
I have read through all the forums but have yet to come accross a consensus for the best bluetooth headset (the one that has the least crackle and pop interference).
So here's the question - has ANYONE used a bluetooth headset with the Blue Angel that does NOT suffer from the audio problems described above? I would love to settle this once and for all.
I hate to have to spend money on a new bluetooth headset when my Motorola HS820 has worked fine in the past with other phones. However, it would be even more of a shame to turn my SX66 into a glorified $500 PDA and go back to using my Motorola V600 for phone calls.
Thanks in advance for any advice. Also - I am a new member of the XDA Developers forums and I want to say that they have been INVALUABLE to me. The SX66 users manual from Siemens is nothing more than an overview of the Pocket PC 2003 OS. These forums (and the wiki pages) tell me how the SX66 REALLY works.
Bad news. I tried with 4 diferents blouthoot head set with the same problems (including the new jabra BT800). I use a cable headset and if I need my hands free I use my Sony Ericson phone.
So from now their is no good option to solve this problem.
FYI - I sent the following e-mail to Siemens customer support, just to see what they'd say:
"I recently bought an SX66 Pocket PC Phone from Cingular.
Everything works great, with one exception - the audio quality on my
bluetooth headset is TERRIBLE. Specifically, there is non-stap crackling
and popping. According to a web site devoted to SX66-like devices
( there is no known fix for this issue, and it is
a problem with the bluetooth antenna itself. Is this true? If so, the
product is defective and I will be returning it to Cingular for a full
refund. While it is a great device, it is useless to me if I can't use a
wireless headset to talk on the phone. P.S. I have already installed the
latest driver updates on the Siemens Web site."
Their response:
"Dear Mr. Webb,
Thank you for contacting Siemens Customer Care. I would like to thank you
for your trust and support by inquiring about the SX66. I will be glad to
assist you.
I understand that you are having problems with static while using a
Bluetooth headset.
Please understand that there are no settings on the phone that will improve
the function on the Bluetooth on the phone. It either works or it doesn't.
I would recommend trying to pair up another headset to see if the problem is
with the headset or the phone. If another headset gives you the same
problem the phone may be defective. Before taking it in for repair, you
will want to first try a hard reset on the phone. A full device reset
clears memory, deletes all data and restores the SX66 to its default
settings. Programs installed at the factory remain, erasing all data that
you have created and programs you have installed. To full reset the SX66,
press and hold the power button, and then use the stylus to press the soft
reset button at the same time.
**NOTE** Be sure you have backed up all your data in a SD card or on your PC
before performing a full reset!
If this does not resolve your issue and your phone is less than a year old,
then it can be repaired by Cingular. Please take your SX66 to your local
Cingular store for a warranty exchange or repair.
I hope this has brought resolution to your issue and that I was able to be
of assistance. Your case number is XXXXX. If you need further assistance,
please reply to this e-mail. If you reply, please ensure that your reply
contains a copy of this e-mail.
You can visit us on the web at We also have
our Customer Care Hotline available Monday through Saturday from 8AM until
7PM Central Time at 888-777-0211.
Thank you for choosing Siemens; have a nice day.
Siemens Customer Support
It either works or it doesn't. GREEEEAAAAAT.
My HS810 set has worked great with limitations. The phone has to be in close proximity to the headset. I have static issues when I have the phone hooked to my belt and am walking briskly. But as far as using the headset in my car with the phone sitting on the passenger seat it is great. I bought a secong set of HS810's and had the same good results.
I'm using the HBH-300 with very little static. The headset has noise-cancellation features which seems to help a lot... according to the folks on the other end of the conversation. Like the previous poster, the SX66 has to be in line of sight to the headset, otherwise I experience static. So for instance, if I carry the PDA in my left hand w/ headset in right ear, I need to make sure my body doesn't block the "line of sight". When the SX66 is on the desk, I have no problems, again as long as I don't block the line of sight.
Shouldn't be this way, but it solves most my problems.... I'm using Radio 1.13 and still 1.40.

HTC Universal constantly dropping calls????.

Does anyone with a Universal have issues with the phone constantly dropping calls. I have had my Universal for a while now and the phone seems to have a mind of its own as far as it drops calls constantly and its driving me mad, I updated my Radio Rom up to 1.06...but it is still doing it...please help!!
I do not know, if this can help you:
Sometimes I was touching the hangup button at the side of the phone. This happened especially, when I switched the phone position to other ear thus switching hands.
I have been extra careful as not to put my fingers anywhere near the hang up buttons on the side.
It started to happen to me and other guys here, but only after have upgraded the radio to 1.08.00, and when driving.
It seems to be related with bad handling of GSM cells handover.
If you fix the phone band to GSM or 3G (instead of auto select), it may fix the problem, but I haven't tried it.
Tried that also, did not work.
I also have that problem, but only after upgrading to radio 1.06.00.
I have noticed 2 problems (I use both 3g and 2G)
Immediately after sleep (the device has rested for 1 hr atleast) - first call get dropped within 10sec. So, this is issue with wakeup. If you are very serious on dropped call - dont let the device sleep at all.
Second issue - dropped call due to bad cell handling - some phones seem to be sensitive - and universal is !!!.
The best non sensitive(read rock solid) phone is Nokia 6210 (that bw one). I have tried it - Nokia wont leave the connection while Universal (and SEP900 also) will drop. This is at SAME time - all three phones talking.
Will a Rom update fix the bad cell handling?
I doubt regarding ROM update fixing the drop issue.
I am not very good at how Radio chips are designed(but do know how the towers wrk and their sw) - but I think its more of a chip design issue rather than SW. We may have to absolve MS here.
Any comments - any radio chip designers (esp TI guys - because I think radio chip in UNI is Texas) here bother to comment?
BTW bad cell handling happens when the radio constantly changes cells - selecting cells based on their strength - and the towers inabilty to keep up with the change.
There is a proggy on Symbian pateform which allows you to see all the cells that your radio is able to see - you will be amzed - a radio sees upto 10 cells at one time - and is able to select the best.
Anybody out there care to port this on MS?
so we all just have to live with this? My phone drops call regular, cant belive HTC would put out something that crap.

VERY poor wifi signal on Universal

I am new to Universal (but not to HTC units ), so when I got a used one with a broken LCD last week I was very excited. But after I replaced the display and played around a bit with this toy - I thought it was not worth the hype.
But I got more & more suspicious about its wifi antenna and yes it definitely has some problem. It has 50% of the signal strength a half meter from my wifi router. From three meters it drops to 25%. And after 5 meters it's dead.
I upgraded the Radio stack to 1.14.10, but nothing's changed. Has anybody any suggestion?
The unit was taken apart by the previous owner and it is missing some screws - but all the screws around the antenna is in place...
If somebody needs photos I can post some.
Please advise!
Last state:
ROM 1.3.77 WWE
Radio 1.14.10
ExtROM 1.30.176 WWE
Have you tried going into wireless lan settings, then click on the power mode tab and change to best performance. That should do something. Maybe its set to best battery which would give you crappy performance and range. I am able to log into the internet wifi within my block.
HTC UNIVERSAL wifi power is very very ow i have the same problem and way to solve it. when my laptop says what signal is excelent my ppc cannot connect.
Xeon_IV said:
Have you tried going into wireless lan settings, then click on the power mode tab and change to best performance...
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Thank you for your suggestion - now it's in midway position. It should do better - 4 meter is deadly! I have tried out with an Alpine and a Wizard as well and both done a better job!
Can you do me a favour and test it? I measured it at 0.5 m - 1 m and 4 m without _any_ obstruction (no wall whatsoever) between Universal and my router... That is why I suspected a hw failure.
onlineemails said:
HTC UNIVERSAL wifi power is very very ow i have the same problem and way to solve it. when my laptop says what signal is excelent my ppc cannot connect.
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But _that_ low?!?
Very strange however, since both Alpine and Wizard do a better job than my Asus laptop with built in wifi. So this would be a big surprise for me from a HTC unit...
Today I will test it with a Pretec SD wifi card - if this beast let me install the card's driver at the first place
i can use my exec in bed which is 10 meters, one floor and one wall away.
the signal is at about 1/3 strength at that distance which is ok but not as good as my laptop.
have you changed any settings on your wireless base station as this could also be the problem.
Continuing Uni WiFi problem
Sorry to post in an old thread, but there doesn't seem to have been any resolution here. I have the same problem as the OP, in that my Uni will only detect WiFi about two metres from the router unobstructed. Any further, and the Uni loses the signal. My Laptop gets the signal up to 15 metres away, through walls & floors, and my desktop is in another room using the wireless aswell. If it's any use to possible helpers, i'm running KDS WM6, previously standard WM5, and the router is a TP-Link branded thingy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, it's intensely annoying being unable to use the WiFi functionality on the PDA.
Thanks in advance.
No real help sorry, but my Exec has terrible WiFi performance too. Within a couple of metres of the router it has max signal, but this drops off to 1/2 after 5m. (Laptop still shows full) And anything over 7/8m you may as well forget. Laptop seems to get twice the range. My old HP Ipaq 5xxx series PDA used to get much better perfromance than the exec, but lasted a lot less on WiFi. Maybe HTC have deliberately sacrificed range for battery life? Even with the device set to max performace? I wonder if anyone could do a registry hack to up the power to the WiFi, or would this potentially burn our the device?
Range issue - power of PDA or router?
Thanks for the reply anyway Steve. I reckon my range is even worse than yours - I mean, seriously, I have to be sat right nest to the router to get a signal. As may be apparent, i'm more of a 'consumer' than a developer when it comes to my Exec, but to continue your line of thought, is it an issue with the power coming from the Universal's Wifi, or from the router itself? I imagine if there are very few of us with this problem, then it's down to some poor router setup/cheap hardware on our part...
But yeah, if anyone with a little more knowhow could shed some more light on our problem, i'm sure we would all be very grateful.
wow i thought i only had this problem, a friend of mine said upgrading might help. any way i've posted a thread about the same problem here
doesnt it kills you not being able to use the wi-fi in such a device???????
GurneyHalleck said:
is it an issue with the power coming from the Universal's Wifi, or from the router itself?
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I would bet the Universal, as I've always had the same router, in the same place with every wireless device I've used. The Uni is the worst performing of the bunch by a noticable margin.
Then again, I wonder if it has something to do with where the WiFi antenna is in the Uni itself? If the phone is pointing the wrong way the the phone itself blocks the signal? Every other device I have used has an external antenna (even the Ipaq)...
Hmm help needed from some experts here me thinks!
Expert Help needed, I agree
I doubt it's anything to do with the orientation of the antenna in the device, my lappy has an internal antenna and gets the signal just fine. Also, to add to the list of 'working' wireless devices, even my Nintendo DS picks up the signal throughout the house... Does radio version have anything to do with Wifi reception? I'm using 1.10 - y'reckon I should try 1.18 see if that helps? Rhetorical question, sorry - I'll TRY 1.18 and let you know if it helps.
not only poor wifi signal, the gsm signal also poor at uni, any solution of the gsm signal become stronger??

JX10 and Dash
I'm having some serious problems using my Jabra JX10 Headset and Tmo Dash (WM6 Rogers ROM).
Basically I consistently get insane amounts of static interference whenever I am using the headset on a call which pretty much makes the headset unusable. The only way to mitigate the static is to place the phone on the same side of my body as the headset (which is totally ridiculous), and often I usually end up holding the phone in my hand which totally negates the benefits of a wireless hands-free.
Any thoughts? I've had the same problem with my iPaq 6315 and the JX10, but with my RAZR v3 and JX10 I've never had any problems at all!
ijustwannadl said:
I'm having some serious problems using my Jabra JX10 Headset and Tmo Dash (WM6 Rogers ROM).
Basically I consistently get insane amounts of static interference whenever I am using the headset on a call which pretty much makes the headset unusable. The only way to mitigate the static is to place the phone on the same side of my body as the headset (which is totally ridiculous), and often I usually end up holding the phone in my hand which totally negates the benefits of a wireless hands-free.
Any thoughts? I've had the same problem with my iPaq 6315 and the JX10, but with my RAZR v3 and JX10 I've never had any problems at all!
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ijustwannadl, you said your having problem with the JX-10, the Dash and WM6? Let me ask you this, I've got the same headset and the same blue tooth earpiece. Right now I'm using WM5 but with the Updated Rogers WM6 Radio and I'm not having any issues....
Did you u have WM5 before or did you buy the Dash with WM6 on it? Second, if you upgraded, which version of WM6 are you running? (Rogers/T Mobile's/HTC/Cooked) Please specify so we can see how to better help you
Rom Versions
I have been having the problems on my WM6 Dash, which was shipped to my from Tmobile with the
TMO WM6 1.22.531.6 ROM - I had the BT problems then along with a major memory leak so I downgraded to
TMO WM6 1.22.531.4 ROM - WM6 was still quite slow and the BT problem was still there so I just flashed to the
Rogers WM6 ROM - 1.30.631.2 - This is much faster and more stable than the Tmo ROM, but I'm still getting the static when on a bluetooth headset. This occurs whether or not the Wifi is activated on the phone.
My radio version is
So in short, I have always been using WM6 and always been having reception problems on the earpiece, although I did go through three different ROMs.
Is your phone or earpiece still new and under warranty? If so I'd have one or both of those swapped out bc the Dash and JX-10 work really well together under normal circumstances.
I haven't had any trouble with my units considering I'm still running WM5 plus the Rogers ROM which didn't mess up my bluetooth connection quality if I may add that
I had a JX-10 for a week and found it to be ridiculously quiet when I was in a semi-noisy area. I couldn't hear anything. I switched it for a Plantronics Discovery 665 and now I can't get my phone to ring normally when it's connected.
I blame the phone. And the loosely defined bluetooth standard. "Who designed this crap?"
lubs said:
I had a JX-10 for a week and found it to be ridiculously quiet when I was in a semi-noisy area. I couldn't hear anything. I switched it for a Plantronics Discovery 665 and now I can't get my phone to ring normally when it's connected.
I blame the phone. And the loosely defined bluetooth standard. "Who designed this crap?"
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I think the phone's supposed to be Bluetooth 2.0 Compliant. Whats the bluetooth version on that earpiece?

