Removing stupid o2 Active GUI from XDAII - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

My xda2 decided to crash (1st time in a year mind!) and i am currently reinstating it to its pre-crash look etc.
I remember when I first got it, i went to explorer/windows and found the o2 active GUI files and binned them, but this time its casuing me hassle and the damed thing wont dissapear. I hard resetted again a few times, no luck with this so I tried add/remove progs. via activesync, but then I lost half my screen......any ideas, I HATE THIS o2 SCREEN!!!

If i remember correctly i removed the o2ActiveUIEngl.CAB file from the extended rom. Then after hard reset its not there to install. You will have to use the extended rom unlocking tool to access it.
I can not check because i have put WM2003SE on the XDAII now.
If you do not want to remove the cab look in your windows/startup dir for a file called connections (i think thats it) this is what displays the O2 graphic at the top.
Then if you click start>settings and then the today icon then the items tab you can remove the active ui link. Soft reboot and you should be about there.
This is all from memory so details may be slightly different but you should be able to get there.

My extended rom is blank at the mo, but I always just used to uninstall o2 active from the "remove programs" tab. It'd come back after a hard reset , but at least then you wouldn't have to manually enter your GPRS settings.

You can cancel the installation while the device is setting up, i have to do that as i've got an o2 branded xda but with an orange sim.
A friend has WM2003 but it ha too many issues for me to risk upgrading yet



Can you get rid of O2 ACTIVE ????????????
I never use it
if u do hard reset and select corporate user and enter 0506 as pin. or if u dont want to do hard reset, there is a way to delete something from the windows folder but i cant 100% remember what it was, i think its connections.exe or something, this removes the o2 logo at top of screen and stops o2 active on startup.
if i remember correctly its in the startup folder within windows in file explorer.
i did it but cant remember how. lol
didn't think i would be back to this again. looks like i hace lost all my info
Well, I figure there should be a link or exe in the \Windows\Start Up folder for it. Remove it and it won't run.
I'm not 100% sure about this one though.
Yeah, LastOne, youre right. Remove the shortcut from windows\start up - active UI wont start any more on start up.
Bizarrely its called 'connections'!
I followed instructions here:
My XDAIIs was locking up several times per day, but since getting rid of O2 active its only locked once in over a month. O2 should be ashamed of themselves for putting this rubbish on their machines.
removing this does work and is the way i did it...... i had far too much info on my pda to do a hard reset and loose, but the best way really is to get rid of the software alltogether with a hard rest after a full backup... :wink:

CLEAN O2 XDA IIs Reset (Skip ALL crap o2 software install)

I was reading through some previous threads on how to get rid of the dreaded O2 Active software that installs upon a Hard Reset.
One of the options people gave was to do a hard reset and select the infamous "Corporate Mode". Unfortunately I did not have this corporate mode option with my version of the ROM (1.31 WWE).
What I did notice, however, was after the Hard Reset, all this crap O2 software installs itself with a convenient little "warning" message stating it will do so.
In order to skip the O2 software install, just do a quick soft reset right before the software begins to install itself, and score, a fresh CLEAN O2 free install!
PS: I was also having problems getting T-Mobile GPRS to work on this device. But after a nice clean install with no O2 crud, GPRS worked fine.
All good - one major problem...
No MMS Settings - not even the MMS Options in menu!
Someone suggested on another forum to copy the .cab from ext ROM first, I cannot do this with File Explorer.
On a Palm I would use Filez - any similar prog for PPC?
Alternatively - how did you overcome this yourself if you have another way?
The hard reset once re-booted should start to load the OS at the end of this you are presented with a screen (for around 30 Sec) it is at this stage you select Corporate mode and enter the 0506 key - if you leave the device unattended then it will time out and load all the active rubish that wrecks the phone - mike
All sorted thanks.
Did the Corporate start so clean machine. Still got some crap.
So, instead soft reset just after hard reset before ANYTHING installed. Then installed all the .cab files that did not have O2 in the name from ext ROM. The MMS details I wrote down prior to Hard reset this time.
Sorted! Yay!
After the hard reset and corp install - what remained on the unit that you didn't want? - just interested - Mike

WM5 on BA - Why Upgrade?

In all the excitement of the hacked ROM coming out - I need to ask one question. Why should I upgrade my BA to the WM5 ROM? What benefits does it offer over the existing WM2003SE ROMS?
I'm tempted like everyone else just to bung it on and update it every day for the next few weeks until it's working properly - I'm also tempted to wait for the official O2 1.4 ROM that works properly.
I must admit that I'm going to wait before upgrading to WM5. I see no compelling reason to upgrade other than "beacuse I can". I wouldn't necessarily wait for the official O2 1.40 ROMs though, you might be waiting forever. I use the imate 1.40 ROMs with no problems.
Having said that, I hope to get hold of a "spare" Blue Angel this week & might experiment with WM5 on it
The existing 1.4 ROMs are annoying for me because I have problems with GPRS and disconnections and a few other niggles that are hard to live with - whereas tghe O2 ROMs have these niggles fixed - hence the wait for the O2 1.4 ROM.
I was thinking of tinkering with the WM5 ROM, but not for a little while until a few things are sorted out, just to see what the interface was like but if it's too much hassle.....
I've got my heart set on an O2 Exec which looks like it might be out soon.
I use it and apart from lack of camera function and a longer boot up time, I MUCH prefer it over 2003SE. First it has a revamped design and it makes 2k3se looks boring.
OK, there are some stability issues but what can you expect for a leaked rom?
If you don't vitally depend on your BA i'd give it a try, and if you don't like it, get activesync 4 and flash back.
Now, seeing how we came accross WM5, is there reason to believe we will be getting the FINAL version of the WM5 firmware for the BA??
In other words, is Mamaich's patched WM5 version the best we're going to get??
What do y'all think?
man(darkblak) is askins simple...if someone knows what benefits gets with wm5...if someone had experience should tell interested in that to... will be blueangel with wm5 faster or slower how will be in performances and itc...
10x in advance
WM5 on SX66 (Blue Angel)
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
MRwheeler2: Where is the edited rom on the FTP site? I cannot find it where it says it was, BA/test or something like that. Where can I get it from
Also, I have noticed that using the standard rom I cannot change bootup images. It is constantly the stupid colour thing (how about that for a name!) and it's more like a TV test screen.
Download locations for patched ROM
Sorry for the delay... I was out.
You can download the patched ROM from:
There currentyly isn't a fix for the boot screen... I'm looking right now at the MSDN site for CE5.0 and searching their registry settings for Bluetooth and boot screen. Nothing yet... I'll post a new thread if I figure it out.
Hope this helps...
any reason that I'm getting permission denied errors?
I'm logged in but can't do it withe IE or FF, and firewall on or off.
One says permission denied, the other says can't find.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
Looks as if it was moved... Try the BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates folder and look for WM5_pack_v1.rar
That should do it...
Good luck.
Still says 530 permission denied. I tried looking in some of the higher level folders and still no joy.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
A 530 error is an incorrect login... Go to the "File" pull-down in Internet Explorer and click on "Log In" then when prompted, enter xda for both user name and password.
The default setting for Internet Explorer is to log in anonymously... most non-public FTP sites require some type of non-anonymous log in to ensure that the user has been referred from a site and not someone searching FTP servers.
Once you've logged in, you should be able to see a list of folders/files. You can use the "Folders" button if you would like to see a directory tree in the left panel.
Post a reply if you're successful (or if you're not)...
10x mwheeler2 i will hawe that what u write in my mind...but 530 error i hawe still in ftp ... hope that will solve soon...
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
For those still looking for the patched ROM...
try this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates/WM5_pack_V1.rar
The above link is on the wiki page for the upgrade:
There is a walkthrough on the site and some helpful information...
Well - after reading all the stories about persistent storage and speed I was about to go ahead with the install until I found out that my main application TomTom 5 would not install - a quick search later found a workaround - seems like everyone is pulling together on this.
So I'm now running WM5 on my O2 XDA IIs and it's not too bad - it's no worse that O2's existing "beta/official" ROM (1.31) and there is very little reason not to go for the upgrade as it's easy to install - just a little hairy with the funny screens at the start.
I can't say that the I have noticed much difference with the speed issues once all my baggage is loaded on the machine. I'll keep checking the reg fixes etc from time to time.
The interface is much the same as the old interface apart from a few nice touches - but as someone said earlier the ability to re-map certain keys is a pain - until you become used to the context sensitive buttons.
All in all - probably worth the upgrade - you just have to get used to the new ways that some things work.
Where can I download the files to update my SX66 to WM5
I did try to search the fourm but can someone please send me the web link to where I can down load the files to upgrade my Cingular/Siemens SX66 to WM5?
Thank you and I have donate to BA***
mwheeler2 said:
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
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Exec O2 Active UI Uninstall

untill the orange ROm comes out i am stuck with the Exec for now. (better colour than that m5000 anyway).
does anyone know how to remove that bloody O2 ActiveUI tho , its doing my head in and when i try to remove it from Add/Remove it says ininstalled but its still there after a reset
Not sure if you can remove it - i think it has to be done via hard reset and then choosing basic or corporate install with pin code 0506.
any links to where i can get this info to do this or can someone tell me. im gathering its the same as the old jornada 928 when u hold the reset and push the power button
Havent got one of the devices yet - looking to see what O2 can do for me soon.
From what I've read through some of the threads, you need to clear permanent storage or something like that to flush out all the settings.
If i'm wrong, anyone feel free to correct me.
i did a clear storage and it flashed for like 2 sec if i want basic or corp , but i couldent click on it.
anyone got any ideas?
NXSmiggy said:
i did a clear storage and it flashed for like 2 sec if i want basic or corp , but i couldent click on it.
anyone got any ideas?
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Following is my way to uninstall O2 Active UI
firstly clear storage
then it will restart automatic
next after restart it will automatic install O2 Active UI at the same press the restart button
finally restart again and O2 Active UI does not install

O2 Orbit German to english

Hello friends,
I am not new but this is my first thread.
I have just bought a sim-free O2 Orbit from germany and it is working fine.
How can I turn the OS language into english? and I also get a failure connection to the internet since I arrived home in australia. it is 0x8007278.
Please the experts any advice is appreciated. thanks for sharing the science.
I was in the exact situation as you, this is how you change your ROM to English.
Get this program called USPL, it was created by a member of this bard called Bepe. Look on the first post for the program AND the them.
What this program does is it unlocks the phones carrier lock so that it will take a ROM that is not OEM.
Once you have this, look for the ROM you want to run, I can personally recommend Bepes WM6 or WM6 Black and Blue v3.
Bepes rom...
PDA Viet WM6 ROM (super freaking cool, way better than I thought it would be)
Once you have these two things, put them all on the desktop for easy access, then run the USPL according to the instructions. You MUST have Active Sync installed, running and sync'd with your phone (plus its a great idea t have all your contacts backed up with Outlook). Once the USPL program has completed its process and the phone has restarted, you can then load any ROM you want. Simply plug in your phone via USB to your computer, then run the Rom Upgrade Utility that installs on your desktop when you download the ROM. It will show a progress bar, once you make it past 3 or 4 percent you know you are in the clear and the ROM will load right.
I cannot stress enough the importance of running USPL, if you dont you run an almost guaranteed risk of turning your phone into a cool looking paper weight.
If you follow these instructions, read a little in the Upgrading and the WM6 sections of this board, you will have an English phone in your hands by the time you go to bed tonight. Good luck and feel free to PM me if you need and help.
Oh and PS - For the data, once you have changed you ROM to English, you need to either find the settings or the CAB file for your data connection. Most of the time these can be found on your service provenders site, if not, run a search of this bard, almost anything you need - world wide - is on here somewhere.
THANK YOU Itschcase. your responce was brilliantly quick.
I was trying since yesterday. read most of the eplanatory threads. tried not to bother you again. but I am stuck at the USPL. after fist step the screen goes black or grey and the activeSync disconnects and it remains like that. if I continue the process nothing happened if I soft reset then continue I get error 270 "image file corrupted" and the pda reboots automatically and goes back to its state. tried 10 times. reinstalled my xp after formatting the computer. tried on my other computer vista . still no change.
any ideas please

