Internal Storage Folder DISAPPEARS - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

The internal Storage Folder & Contents Routinely disappears on my PDA2K. The only way to restore the folder is by doing a hard reset. After doing so, the contents of the storage folder re-appear as well.
Any ideas??

to my it happened to me several weeks ago the same thing...
And several times it has already spent...
but still nobody has told me anything
That you program you had installed in the Storage...

Okay, this has happened to me 4 times now in 1 weekend. Does anyone know what is going on here?
I hate this reset, sprite, use for a bit, gone again, etc business.
Driving me nuts.
Someone please help.

Well, when the battery gets lower, it shuts down the SDIO slot. Could that be it?

TheLastOne said:
Well, when the battery gets lower, it shuts down the SDIO slot. Could that be it?
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No we are not talking about the SDIO Memory. I am talking about the internal storage. It just goes away until you hard reset.
Well I figured out what was causing it, but I still don't know why. I installed the newest version of WebIS Mail 2.1, and when retrieving mail, it pauses, after that the storage is gone, then it's good old hard reset and sprite to the rescue. Funny thing is nothing is deleted and after a sprite restore it goes back to normal. But the story continues the next time I try and retrieve mail.
So what I did was store the mail folder on my SDIO (yes it is brutaly slow), and now it works fine.
Any thoughts?

Can you please take a look at your registry?
Does it read : \Release\\Storage\Windows ?
If it does not maybe you would like to try importing the attached key.

Just a note here, that should read,
Does it read : \Release\\Storage\Windows\ ?
and not
Does it read : \Release\\Storage\Windows ?
I believe.
Sounds to me as if you mail program is over writing your storage, trying to store too much info their. This is normal behavior with this type of storage.

TheLastOne said:
Well, when the battery gets lower, it shuts down the SDIO slot. Could that be it?
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Is there anyway to enable it again??
I'm not thinking when the battery is low, I'm thinking to try and re enable SDIO Slot when Windows cant see the SDIO card.
It's the funniest thing, i often loose the SD card in windows, but somehow when i'm running TomTom 3.7 which is installed on the SD Card, it never fails once it's running even though i'm sometimes not able to access the SD Card with file explorer.
So somehow it's there for TomTom onces it's running, but not for Windows???

Woops. Looks like I can't read. Sorry.

This 'internal storage' disappearing issues also happened on my Xda IIs (HK WWE), now with 1.33 + 1.06, in the past few days as well.... SINCE I installed the following two programs.
1. O2 Plus 1.6 - cracked by someone with his/her signature on the 'About page'
2. Tweak2K2 3.4
I am pretty sure that's the hacked O2 Plus does that. Since I had my splash screens customized on my IIs initially and after installed O2 Plus 1.6, after a soft reset, the 2 splashed will revert to O2 splashes then after some time, 'internal storage' disappeared.
Restored the unit back to the stage that I had version 1.5-hacked, never had a problem since. However, right after uninstalled 1.5 & reinstalled 1.6, same disaster happened again. Tried 3 times in a roll, never missed. Dont think that's the problem with Tweak2K2. Not an expert on manually tweaking the registry, but that's what I found out. I am back to 1.5-hacked & Tweak2K2 3.4. And running without a problem. Did you guys put on the O2 Plus 1.6-hacked or had it on before?
Anyway, my first post on this incredible forum, really appreciate on everyone sharing thoughts and knowledge here.
AND to whoever wipe out wiki, 'grow up and remember what your mama taught you! Get your hands off the site and be man enough to stand out and post a message WHY you destroy months of works by a few of us here, that most probably you'd NEVER contributed to, and YOU OWE all the nice folks here an apology! DON'T JUST ACTS LIKE A PATHETIC LUNATIC OR A RAT HIDES UNDER THE DRAIN. (excuse to my words to whoever find my words offensive to this jerk, but I feel much better letting it out...)

Cabrio said:
I am pretty sure that's the hacked O2 Plus does that. Since I had my splash screens customized on my IIs initially and after installed O2 Plus 1.6, after a soft reset, the 2 splashed will revert to O2 splashes then after some time, 'internal storage' disappeared.
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I'm pretty sure we are both wrong. Because I am running 1.6 right now, and I've been running all day with no problems. I am also running Tweak2K2 3.4. My problem disappeared when I set the WebIS Mail 2.1 mail storage folder to a SDIO card instead of the internal storage.
Someone, please help with this. There is a bigger culprit here, and I don't think Cabrio or I have a proper conclusion.
But I will try uninstalling 1.6, reinstalling Mail 2.1 and try it again. I just hate all this installing and uninstalling bit.

I believe that the problem is due to some applications you might be using.
I am experiencing problems with files disappearing/getting corrupt on mu SD-Card, where I installed all my apps and just found out that at least part of the responsability was a certain program...
Fact is that some tools/apps are not properly tested and have bug's that can mess up the filesystem, plus you should not try to use hacked/cracked programs, as they might contain routines that cause this effects on purpose.

Another approach
I don't think this is a rogue app.
I have had the same problem dating to the first synch I did this morning.
My files won't synch - they seem unable to complete the synch. Active synch won't "stop" in mid process - and when I remove the XDA from the cradle, it won't soft reset.
A hard reset maintains the contents of "My Documents" which is not what it's meant to do.
Having spent several hours on this, I am starting to suspect that the culprit is to do with the time change. The Calender can deal with it, contacts and notes can deal with it.
Files can't. And when it fails, it leaves the XDA unstable.
It's only my working theory. But three iPaq users in the same office had a similar issue and all had to hard reset and restore - which fixed their problem.
Users who don't synch with their local machine (i.e synch with exchange are fine). Users with earlier versions of Pocket PC are fine.
Hope this helps. I was expecting every iPaq user in the world to be up in arms - so maybe I'm wrong. Its where I'm looking now though.

Spoke too soon!
Okay, so I really have to learn to let things ride for a couple of days, before saying "No, mine is fine". Well and the story goes...
I woke up this morning, reached over to my trusty (ya right) XDA, and baam, it was just sitting there. Wouldn't do anything. I sat there, thought for a sec, thought about the last backup I had done, and off to the 2 button holy grail we go (power+reset). Restored, with sprite, uninstalled O2 Plus 1.6, and now I will sit and wait again, till tomorrow morning. I think I might have to buy this sprite backup program, it's saved my a$$ more than 6 times this week alone.
Okay, so back to the drawing board. My Plan is this.
All I need O2 Plus for is the auto msn sign in, everytime GPRS is enabled or a phone call is ended. Is there any way to do this without the O2 plus app?
I will not install O2 Plus again, I will leave everything alone as is and I am going to start uninstalling 1 app at a time.
BTW, PhoneDashboard also screwed up a few days ago, it would just sit there and process like mad. I uninstalled it and everything is fine now.
And though hacked software could have anti-piracy code inside it, but if the app has bugs why would I buy it? Fix the bugs, make it decent enough to be worth the price you are asking then I will gladly buy it. It's the same reason why I wouldn't buy Windows, I only have it cause it came free with my system some more info about our problem..this doesnt fix our problem but i just thought you guys should know, after you hard reset theres 4 shortcuts in the startup folder they are for the permanent save contacts, tasts apointments, connections. you get that flash manager error cause the permanent save program cant save it cause that was suppose to be in the Storage Folder..and the Storage Folder wont allow you to add delete or view files in it..i know ther are files in there cause if you look in memory you'll see that its ocuping 40+mb, then after a while or until your xda hangs the Storage Folder disappears
How can we unlock/view this folder? just like the Extended_ROM folder unlocker, i bet when we unlock this folder before it disappears everything will be fixed (YEA RYT!!!). :evil: well at least one problem down..

i forgot to tell you guys after you Hard reset try deleting that 4 permanentsave'll feel your erge to kick the crap out of your IIs a little less. :evil:

yes I always do that. that and the STK.lnk
So I uninstalled O2 Plus 1.6, and been running since yesterday morning with no problems yet. Storage is still there and things are running normally. If this goes on for another day or two, I will be convinced that O2 Plus caused the problem.

what else did you do? mine always disapears after the first soft reset..

It just happened to me for the first time while listening to music with PocketMVP. Storage disappeared and had to do a hard reset. I'm glad I had Sprite and a current backup handy. I also had O2 Plus 1.6 installed just a few hours before this happened. So as you guys suggested, I uninstalled O2 Plus 1.6, removed the 5 permanentsave files and STK.
Before I installed O2 Plus, my PPC was very stable. I only had to reset when my memory was running low since I refuse to buy an SD Card fewer than 1gig. We will see what happens in a few days.

nomadman..could you upload your backup? or maybe could upload a Flush image of your current running OS?( ) PLEASE help man..cause that myt fix my storage problem.


Remnant of old ROMs

I have flashed my Qtek 9000 several times and it seems that when reflashing with the say O2 ROM after it was flashed with the Qtek ROM, the machine retains some information. For example:
Initial ROM Qtek
Flash with O2, all information dissapears
Flash with JasJar, all information dissapears
Flash with O2 Rom again and the call history from the period that it had the previous O2 Rom reappears.
I have also noticed that some files in the Windows directory seem to reappear. Possibly because of these old files, since the last reflashing the machine has started behaving strangely. No phone signal, restoring contacts (using the copy pim.vol procedure) doesn't bring back the contacts and the contacts application doesn't work at all (clicking on contacts has no effect whatsoever).
Is it possible to clean the machine completely before flashing?
I and others have previously reported instances of some odd files and registry settings remaining over a hard reset. One guy even said pictures had stayed put. However, I wouldn't want to rely upon it happening. :roll:
Probably has something to do with persistent memory being just too persistent :wink: .
I don't know if it helps the memory loss, but I now have the habit of leaving the battery out for a couple of hours if I want to totally clear the device, and press the reset both without and with the battery inserted back in. Will probably get myself flamed for that, but hay, ho, whatever....
I and others have previously reported instances of some odd files and registry settings remaining over a hard reset. One guy even said pictures had stayed put. However, I wouldn't want to rely upon it happening. :roll:
Probably has something to do with persistent memory being just too persistent :wink: .
I don't know if it helps the memory loss, but I now have the habit of leaving the battery out for a couple of hours if I want to totally clear the device, and press the reset both without and with the battery inserted back in. Will probably get myself flamed for that, but hay, ho, whatever....

Corrupt 2gb SD Card

Love my Orbit, but everytime I save around 600Mb of data on the storage card it gets corrupted (funny characters in file explorer, cant access any installed programs on storage card etc...)
This has happened three times in the last three weeks, pulling out the battery and restarting does not fix it, I've even hooked the sd card up to my laptop and it sees the corrupt data as well.
Has anyone else seen this?
EDIT - May 2007 - fix now found
HTC quote
An improved SD card handling mechanism is now available to all customers. To install this enhancement, please install the cab below:
There is a HTC fix for the corrupt card issue download here
I've been having some files become corrupted for about a week. I've had my compact III for about 4 weeks. Lost night I lost the lot while using TomTom! When I checked it on the PC It still had 700mb on it but the total of the files came to just over 1mb. This was with a 1GB card.
What other software do you have on yours? Do you use a2dp?
Its never failed during use, only during installing a new program or after charging, hence my thought it might have been a file size limit.
I also use tomtom stored on my SD card, this has happened three times and I have had a variety of software on it, but have been slowly dropping titles to see what the common app is (I thought it was omap, which it wasn't) it happend last night while installing AM Task+, I had tomtom and tcpmp and 300Mb of divx on the card, but nothing running.
Does this help? To be honest I was half wishing noone would reply so I could return the card and be on my merry way!!!
I just posted another thread about the same thing!
I also have had the crazy strange characters, but a soft reset would fix that. Now it's just data disappearing (the entire contents of my 2gb card was the victim this head almost exploded!)
Man, I hope we all just have crappy cards! I'll keep testing and post results. I hope my seller will switch it out for me - then if it happens again we will have a clue as to whether the Artemis or the card is to blame!
Let's keep this the official thread on this topic - please read my post above, but reply to this thread.
This (Sandisk 1GB) card always worked perfectly on my Hermes so I am a little concerned that it might be the internal location of the card. I am going to backup my card regularly. The reason I asked about installed apps is that I have been using Battery Status with scaled overclocking to 273mhz on it for a couple of weeks now. I was using A2DP last night for 20 minutes just before my card corrupted while overclocked and was worried that this may have caused it. Temperatures did not get as hot as they do during charging so I'm pretty sure that these programs were not the direct cause.
Interesting thought about the A2DP...
I have never used a bluetooth headset before I bought my Artemis. Now, bear in mind as I said, I have lost a few files prior to using A2DP and have also seen the strange characters as well. However, I got some bluetooth headphones yesterday and used A2DP for around 20 minutes or so for the first time ever. Then this morning, after soft reset....BLAMMO! everything gone on my 2gb microSD card. Oh yeah, I am using constant overclocking to 240mhz.
Could just be coincidence, but I am going to install a few files again and then use A2DP again. If it happens again, we will be narrowing down the cause!
I will report my findings later...
I have the same problem, but with the 512mb card that was supplied with my P3300 premium. Sending it back!
I don't use A2DP
I was experiencing the same problem some days ago. Now it seems that the microDS is stable. However, there is directory named Files to be deleted that is created automatically and I suspect that is related with Tomtom software. Is anybody that has not Tomtom preinstalled having the same problem?
I didn't have tomtom preinstalled, Whenever the card becomes corrupted I can see "Files to be deleted" which I think is actually a Windows Mobile system folder
Interesting though, there seems to be a tomtom common thread here, I may try and install another navigator and see how it goes.
I had this problem today. Lot of folders with strange letters appeared on my card. I soft reset the ppc, everything is back again. but some Chinese characters are not readable any more.
Did someone figure out already what is the reason for this?
PS: forgot to mention that I have tomtom preinstalled. My ppc runs a German system from O2 Germany
Same here, but I know why it happened
I also lost all data on my storage card, but was due to syncing with media player on my desktop. I synced music because some files were asking for certificates and that is the way to transfer those that don't play. Unfortunatly clicked the wrong button and card was replaced with music files!
Luckily and unexpectedly restoring the Tomtom backup from desktop restored most of the files on the storage card, and then resetting and syncing (excluded windows media player ) with pc brought the programs back. But there are two strange folders that cannot be deleted because they are "system files" in addition to the one called "FilesToBedDeleted". One is namedwith a square symbol and E (but longer name can be seen when explored from activesync).
The TomTom desktop backup really backsup the entire storage card so if you have it you should use it frequently.
Maybe a solution?
I have the same with my xda orbit, I have a 2GB microsd and once in a while suddenly I cannot access the data anymore, the folders and files are looking corrupt, weird names of the files and folders
What helped for me is, to take out the memorycard, insert it again and make sure it is tight in the lock. Then, when you switch it on again, the files should all be accessible again.
I was thinking it might be a problem that the card is not tight enough in the lock so it would lose the contact, so what I did is that I used a small pice of plastic a little thicker than the lock of the sim-card to give higher pressure on the memorycard under the battery. Until now it works fine for me, but I do not know if it is a solution yet, I will have to wait some more days to see if it really works like that.
A lot of people here said that after a softreset everything is OK again, never tried it, so maybe it was just OK coz I took out the battery, it would be similar to a soft reset.
So Now I am not sure anymore if my solution is one, but as I said, until now it is OK. I will post again if I know more.
Is this problem effect only O2 orbit, or all HTC artemis and Dopdo P800W??
I have also had this problem on my 1GB MicroSD
Just did a soft reset and then then everything appeared to be gone. When I checked how much storage was left on the card it still had 600MB shown in use but no files were visible.
I also have Tomtom 6 installed and had used it extensivley just before the card corrupted.
I have formatted it and reinstalled everything and have no probs since although I haven't used the sat nav since.
Its this occurs because of:
Micro SD brands Sandisk only, Transcend, or Kingston
MIcro SD storages size? 2 gb/ 1 gb
Device ROM: O2 orbit rom, HTC Artemis rom
Sandisk, 2 gb, O2 Orbit here
Until now still working fine after using my "trick" (I really hope it stays like that), but have to admit that I did not use TomTom since then. When thinking back when my card got corrupt (4 times all together) I was using TomTom all these days when it happened.
I have only installed TomTom on the card and its been fine for the last week. But to me this isn't a solution as I want 2gb of storage, I'm just scared to load stuff again, but I will this weekend and see how it goes
Mem: SanDisk 2GB
Phone: O2 Orbit
i am using a sandisk ultra2(!!!) 2Gb card in my hero(german) running the tmouk wwe rom and do not experience any problems whatsoever.
there is something definitely up with the orbit (maybe other variants as well) and micro sd. I have a kingston 1gb SD and i am getting the funny characters on folders. Do a soft reset and it's fine, doesn't take long for the gibberish to return though
orunner said:
I had this problem today. Lot of folders with strange letters appeared on my card. I soft reset the ppc, everything is back again. but some Chinese characters are not readable any more.
Did someone figure out already what is the reason for this?
PS: forgot to mention that I have tomtom preinstalled. My ppc runs a German system from O2 Germany
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The same story here to Greece with Ace Locked RoM
Tom Tom preinstalled and crazy character appears first time after upgrade Greek Rom Firmware.
I thing Tom Tom Extended RoM installation [email protected] our device .. :
My Solution Remove totally Tom Tom from my Artemis ..

BIG problem with Activesync & memory card

I had a perfectly working TP2 (except a few irregular freeze, but I assume like everybody has) until this morning
I installed the splash screen shown at the therad below:
(I installed through installing the cabs)
A while later my device froze, I soft reseted it and... Two huge problems:
1. Activesync doesnt work. When I launche it it is grey and diappears nearly instantly from the screen (I can relaunch, the same thing happens. I would expect it to stay on screen)
2. When acessing my microSD card with explorer, after going in a folder, I very quikly (a few seconds) lose my card (an see it anymore)
I do not know if it is related to the splash screen installation (It may be just a coincidence and I do not see why it would have an effect). It;s more likely teh reset ****ed up something in the registry. That's why I post here and not in the thread I just referenced
I am just hoping the issues I am encountering will remind someone about a classic problem
FYI I removed the software (of course) and also tried to disable Manilla 3D, but didnt change anything...
In Manilla, whenever trying to launch SMS from the tab or emails from the tab, it crashes Manilla (But trying to launch them with Manilla disabled doesnt work either, so I do not think it is a Manilla issue... Just manilla doesnt manage to make them strat and reboots). If I am on contact tab, trying to look for events (lie Facebook) crashes Manilla
Hope this rings a bell to someone. Thanks in advance
And obviously without a SD card or a working Activesync, Backing up the device is going to be a F*@!%# pain (if not impossible). Plus all the crap to reinstall...
AAAHHHH this never happened with my Hermes !! (Granted, I was using trusted cooked ROMs and not the garbage original one...)
I liek this device... but hate the sh%$t that seem to happen with the sofware...
It seems
Sometimes it goes through... I managed to finally synchronize (finally !!) after trying 50 or 60 times to launch ctivesync. Things went well but I needed to reboot, which I did
And now back to the problem...
It looks like if Activesync doesnt ahve an immediate conection, it just "dies" and doesnt stay on screen...
Interesting (but depressing) to notice: If I launch PIM Backup it sees no email/MMS/SMS account
I just cant (_*!^*^$
OK, problem narrowed down to potential dtaa corruption on my microSD crad (Could be linked to my phne crash). when the card is out no problem (And I am storing my attachments on my card so this explains a lot...)
Going to try to read it directly on my PC and try to save what I can
It's been a long monologue, hopefully this will be helpful to some people

Internal Error :0

I have Sprint TP2. It's a stock install except I disabled touchflo3d and i'm using plain WinMo home screen.
Ever since yesterday I noticed that when I check my phone after its been in sleep mode for a few minutes there is a small popup window waiting for me on the home screen.
Title of that popup window is "Internal Error"
Body is a red X icon and text ":0"
If i press ok button that window goes away but then after a few minutes its back.
Rebooting the phone doesn't solve this.
How would i troubleshoot/solve this?
Have you installed any software that didn't come on the phone? If so, try uninstalling one by one to see if you find your troublesome app. If you have all stock software the best bet would be to hard reset. But be sure to backup all data (contact, text messages, etc) if you hard reset.
I have the same issue. mxxcon, did you ever determine root cause?
I'm getting the same thing on both of my Touch Pro 2's, one is with Verizon and the other is with U.S. Cellular, and it seems to have started for me tonight. It's not hurting anything that I can tell, just annoying. However, I'm not seeing it on my HTC Pure (AT&T), so it seems to be specific to the Touch Pro 2.
Edit-It looks like it might be related to the newest version of Google Maps, I wonder if leaving it running in the background is causing this?
I have the same issue on my ATT Fuze. It is definitely the goggle map application, I wonder if its cause i have it running on the SD card.
Anyone else having the problem?
i think its has to do with lattitude with google maps when you exit say no to keep shareing your location i just tried it let ya know what happens
well so far 20 mins later no error message
Tilt google maps :0 sd card
paul201 said:
goggle map application, I wonder if its cause i have it running on the SD card.
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Thanks for the idea.
ATT Tilt, WM6.1
I nominate for The 2010 Most Useless Error Message Award ":0" --> read: "I have no plonking clue." LOL!!!
Hard reset, install google maps 3.1 to SD, returns :0 on the first try.
(It -may- have even trashed my email and messaging - desktop icons stopped working - but not willing to re-re-re-re-reinstall to test that further.)
Just for fun, uninstall GM, install from CAB to SD and returns :0 simply on the **install**!!!!!!
Hard reset, changed install to main memory rather than SD, and it installed and ran perfectly on the first try. Several soft resets later it still runs like a bunny.
Actually GM is working better than previously. I used to get constant failures from GM to connect to the GPS in the phone ('not found' and such). I used to have to -first- turn on VisualGPSce, and -then- GM would find it immediately. GM is now aaallll grown up and can now do that aaallll by itself.
Have a day!
[email protected]

[Q] Phone Freezing Over Night

Apologies if this has been posted before, I did look but couldn't seem to find the exact same issue.
I've had my phone for just under a year, no real problems. But late last month it restarted over night and since then it started freezing every night when I left it charging. At first I thought it was crashing but the charge light would still be on but all buttons would be unresponsive. The only thing I could do to regain control of my phone was to remove the battery.
I contacted HTC who suggested factory reset...which I don't really want to do. As my phone was only freezing once a day (over night) it wasn't all that bad. To be honest I thought it was an issue with it charging.
For reasons I can't remember, I removed an app that I never used; it was using 2mb space and couldn't be put on the SD. Once removed, the freezing stopped happening and there was much rejoicing...until last night.
I decided to download another app and the freezing happened again over night. I've since removed that app but here's the rub, why is this happening?
The fact it's happening whenever I download more apps to my phone seems to point to a memory issue but my phone has 1.6GB on the SD and 53mb on the phone itself.
I still haven't tried a factory reset and as I've had it less than a year, HTC said I can return it; but there's no guarantee this will fix it and I like my little phone, so if there's a way I can resolve this issue I'll rather do that before trying more drastic measures.
I hope someone can help.
Are you rooted? If that's the case, and, you are charging the phone when it is switched off, what you are experiencing is a known bug.
Also, although unrelated, it is really not recommended to charge your battery overnight or for extended periods. Charge only till it is full.
Nope, not rooted. Just a plain, bog-standard out the box Wildfire.
Thanks for the heads up regarding the charging though Since I bought it (July last year) I had been charging over night on most days but I'll switch to just charging it for a few hours till it's full now.
I guess in case it'll help I'll give a little more info: While charging I leave my phone switched on and I rarely restart my phone unless it drops signal. Only recently with the freezing have I had issues with using it and had to restart it frequently. I'm not a techie person so I've not played around with the phone other than putting on apps, where possible I put them onto SD. My phone is unlocked and I use it on the O2 network.
make a factory reset bro. it tells u whether the issue is with hardware or software. kept under charging mode just heats up the phone by a little level. this dont normally freeze the phone.
but if u r downloading something with data connection, or bluetooth, or wifi and kept charging overnight, then the battery gets overheated heavily which freezes the phone. it is quite normal and is experienced by people who keep overnight downloads.
and further there may be application conflicts in ur phone, which make it slow and freeze. i expect this is the issue with u.
if u r sure that u r not using any data connections, then i suggest u to factory reset ur phone. before that backup all the data. i dont understand what makes u from not doing the factory reset.
Over night my phone is idle while charging. Though I have data enabled (no wifi at home), it's not downloading anything and I have auto sync switched off.
I would have thought if this was an application issue it would have started after installing this dodgy app and also continue until I unistalled. This hasn't been the case. When it started happening I hadn't installed anything other than updates for weeks or maybe months. During the week while it was having this issue, I had installed 1 app (Photoshop).
It has only frozen once during the day, right after work; that was the time I finally thought I'll have to factory reset. So I was writing down all my apps in a notepad so I knew what I had and where they were (I'm fussy with my screen setup). I decided to remove 2 apps I never used (8Pen and Photoshop), I thought I'll leave it 1 night just in case and that night though it never froze, so I didn't reset.
Since then it's been working fine for 3 weeks till last night when I downloaded another app. So it seems random, it's not associated with a particular app and comes and goes.
The reason I'm cautious about factory resetting is that it deletes everything. Though I have backed contacts up to MyLookOut and to my SD card, I'll still loose my apps and data and so I'm not keen on doing it. Not using wifi means it's heafty on my 500mb data package to redownload them again and then I'm unsure if i'll have to upgrade to Froyo again.
End of the day it just seems like a "Turn it off and on again" answer and as it comes and goes and doesn't seem to have a reason why it happens so randomly I don't want to factory reset if there's another way.
Idavoll said:
Over night my phone is idle while charging. Though I have data enabled (no wifi at home), it's not downloading anything and I have auto sync switched off.
I would have thought if this was an application issue it would have started after installing this dodgy app and also continue until I unistalled. This hasn't been the case. When it started happening I hadn't installed anything other than updates for weeks or maybe months. During the week while it was having this issue, I had installed 1 app (Photoshop).
It has only frozen once during the day, right after work; that was the time I finally thought I'll have to factory reset. So I was writing down all my apps in a notepad so I knew what I had and where they were (I'm fussy with my screen setup). I decided to remove 2 apps I never used (8Pen and Photoshop), I thought I'll leave it 1 night just in case and that night though it never froze, so I didn't reset.
Since then it's been working fine for 3 weeks till last night when I downloaded another app. So it seems random, it's not associated with a particular app and comes and goes.
The reason I'm cautious about factory resetting is that it deletes everything. Though I have backed contacts up to MyLookOut and to my SD card, I'll still loose my apps and data and so I'm not keen on doing it. Not using wifi means it's heafty on my 500mb data package to redownload them again and then I'm unsure if i'll have to upgrade to Froyo again.
End of the day it just seems like a "Turn it off and on again" answer and as it comes and goes and doesn't seem to have a reason why it happens so randomly I don't want to factory reset if there's another way.
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u r worrying about loosing data on factory reset. but do u know that u can backup each and everything on the phone including the apps downloaded from market.
ok, i will try to give a software solution. first uninstall all the file managers and app managers in your phone. then go to market and download "ANDROID ASSISTANT". this little app has many features. explore it and u will know its potential. it has a nice option called QUICK BOOST. when u press this quick boost on a heavily stuck phone, u will feel like ur phone got a new life. it makes the phone response faster in seconds.
and further it has auto boost option, which can be set to a minimum of 10minutes. this auto boost will help u in preventing the freeze issue. hope it works. the present version of android assistant is 2.3.3
trying to attach u that one
Many thanks.
How do you backup apps? I know they'll appear in the download list but I'll rather not have to redownload them all, plus I have a few not from the marketplace. I've read that during a factory reset even apps which are apparently "saved" on the SD card are removed because they're not 100% saved onto it. So if you know of a way to back them up I would be most grateful.
Thanks for the Android Assistant.apk too, I'll be sure to look into that! Though I always thought anything that force closed apps wasn't always good - I previously used Task Killer and removed it after being told it could be the route of a force close email app issue I was getting.
Edit: Just got back home and during the journey my phone had frozen!! I had hoped it was a space issue but I've not downloaded any new apps and have even removed some during the day. So my previous thought that this was some how connected to storage on my phone must be wrong. So what on Earth can it be? It's not constant, in fact, like I said I've had this phone for 9 months give or take and it's been fine. So why now and why only sometimes does it freeze?
Idavoll said:
Many thanks.
How do you backup apps? I know they'll appear in the download list but I'll rather not have to redownload them all, plus I have a few not from the marketplace. I've read that during a factory reset even apps which are apparently "saved" on the SD card are removed because they're not 100% saved onto it. So if you know of a way to back them up I would be most grateful.
Thanks for the Android Assistant.apk too, I'll be sure to look into that! Though I always thought anything that force closed apps wasn't always good - I previously used Task Killer and removed it after being told it could be the route of a force close email app issue I was getting.
Edit: Just got back home and during the journey my phone had frozen!! I had hoped it was a space issue but I've not downloaded any new apps and have even removed some during the day. So my previous thought that this was some how connected to storage on my phone must be wrong. So what on Earth can it be? It's not constant, in fact, like I said I've had this phone for 9 months give or take and it's been fine. So why now and why only sometimes does it freeze?
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yes freezing also happens when there is very low phone free memory. when ur apps get filled in phone and keep on decreasing its memory, it is more likely that ur phone gets freezed. its always better to keep a 30MB free phone memory. remember data and cache also use phone memory, so the free memory will be generally unpredictable with minor errors. have u got any idea of a windows pc freezing. a windows pc freezes if there is some errors in registry. that is the reason why i have suggested u to make factory reset first to eliminate the software issues.
u asked me a solution to backup ur apps, right.
firstly i wanna introduce u about the backing up of applications.
android applications will be in the .apk file format and u know this. this .apk file is an installable archive just like .exe of windows OS. opening the .apk files from a file manager installs the program files of that application. but when u download the applications from android market, u will not get the .apk files. the android market installs the program files directly. but we can still create an .apk file from these program files and app managers will do that function. both the files im attaching u below will do that function.
here im attaching u two applications (.apk files)
one is APP CONTROL. i recommend u to use this. it can be used with android assistant installed. both of them work fine. the APP CONTROL version i gave u is an older version and is a full version. A newer version of APP CONTROL is available in the android market, but it is not free. so i strongly recommend u to use this. it has a great feature to backup all ur apps at a single click. the apps backed up by it will be saved as .apk files under the path
MEMORY CARD/backups/apps
i recommend u to back up all ur phone and mem card apps at a time with a single click. explore this APP CONTROL.
i dont want to give a detailed explanation of the other file ANDROID APP MANAGER, because i wont recommend u to use this. im just attaching u this because of only one reason, that APP CONTROL is presently not a full version. using of it is entirely at your personal intrest.
I took your advice and did a factory reset - backed everything up so it wasn't as painful as I first thought it would be. Managed to reinstall everything and so far so good (touch wood) but the original issue was sporadic and so only time will tell.
I have noticed since the reset that my phone memory, which was 50mb before, is now 100mb. So hopefully this will mean that I'm not forced to limit what I download.
Such a shame the Wildfire doesn't have more memory
Thanks again for the help and I'll post if the issue occurs again.
Idavoll said:
I took your advice and did a factory reset - backed everything up so it wasn't as painful as I first thought it would be. Managed to reinstall everything and so far so good (touch wood) but the original issue was sporadic and so only time will tell.
I have noticed since the reset that my phone memory, which was 50mb before, is now 100mb. So hopefully this will mean that I'm not forced to limit what I download.
Such a shame the Wildfire doesn't have more memory
Thanks again for the help and I'll post if the issue occurs again.
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that 50 MB and 100 MB may be due to app memory + cache memory. if u have interrupted the download android apps from market, and have every downloading app partly downloaded and interrupted. then that partly downloaded apps go to the cache memory of MARKET application. u can try and check this.
similarly there will be cache memory for every application. i expect all those cache memories got built up and ate 50 MB of ur phone memory. if it is so, it says that how vigourously u have used ur phone regarding applications.
these cache memories wont get cleaned just on restrating phone, and u should manually clean them either through the phones inbuilt process or through the applications having keywords of cache cleaner.
there is somewhat that i dont like in android apps. which is the application doing extra functions other than its name. now a days, u can see many file managers in android market. and those file managers suppose to have the fuction of explorer of android file system. but they will have additional features like combined app manager, cache cleaner, uninstaller, installer.
this makes the different applications conflict with each other and slow down the os. thats the thing i hate here. i have to choose priority in apps, and sometimes need to avoid nice apps due to that reason.
Well, my phone has just froze again Sent an email to HTC (already had an email chain going with them so I just updated my ticket) and asked them what to try next.
On the plus side at least they won't keep telling me to factory reset!
Idavoll said:
Well, my phone has just froze again Sent an email to HTC (already had an email chain going with them so I just updated my ticket) and asked them what to try next.
On the plus side at least they won't keep telling me to factory reset!
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OK. hope the phone froze without even single app being installed.
suppose if the freeze was a software issue, then u have backed up the app causing freeze. let us think this like a virus. if u had reinstalled that app again, ur phone is likely to freeze again.
i haven't heard of virusses if android os, but i have seen many antivirus programs for android. even the great kaspersky recently added its support for android. the existance of antivirus programs proove the existance of virusses.
so, try to remember if u have installed any backed up app frm mem card.
Im personally guessing that ur phone freeze was not a software issue. ur phone might be having hardware issues.
giving to a service centre might solve the problem, but im not pretty sure. and moreover, if they update ur phone to froyo, u cant even root. (i dont remember what ur phone is on now). and even u cant make those service centre guys see ur problem, as u dont know when it freezes. i expect, what all they are gonna do to ur phone is factory reset, or reinstall the os.

