[CLOSED] how to change the imei? - Lenovo P2 Questions & Answers

How to change IMEI, I tried many methods, but I can't switch to diag mode

gag250 said:
How to change IMEI, I tried many methods, but I can't switch to diag mode
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Hello and good morning, @gag250
Welcome to XDA! I hope you'll always get the support you require.
However, I've closed your thread and also moved it from the development section, for which it didn't qualify, to Q&A. Regarding the move of the thread, please review the XDA Forum Rules, to which you agreed to adhere when you registered less than a month ago, and I suggest special emphasis on rule no. 15. Prior to your next posting, please also read all announcements and guidances that are stuck at the top of every forum like
READ THIS FIRST - Development Rules
Rules for Posting in the Development Forum The following are a list of topics that we allow in the development forum [DEV] - Development for any special projects or Apps [ROM] - Custom ROMs [KERNEL] - Custom Kernels When possible please...
Edit or change of IMEI is illegal in quite a few of countries. For this reason, I've closed your thread! XDA doesn't allow and doesn't accept discussions about or support for such an edit or change.
XDA Forum Rules (excerpt):
9. Don't get us into trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things which will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably shouldn't do it here either. This does not mean that we agree with everything that the software piracy lobby try to impose on us. It simply means that you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with the legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users and those that write great code.
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In future, please refrain from starting such a discussion or requests for support on XDA.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator


[REF] The Rules...Whether you like them or not

~~~Welcome to the Android Development Forum for the HTC Vision & HTC Desire Z.~~~​
I am TheRomMistress (or TRM for short), your Forum Moderator
I am here to help in anyway I can, so please contact me if you have any suggestions, problems, comments, etc. with this forum. While I cannot promise you will get an immediate resolution, or that I will be able to act on every suggestion, I can promise it will receive my attention.
With that being said, Please take a moment to review XDA forum rule. Anyone found intentionally violating these rules will be punished.
The most important "rule" I urge you not to forget is, HAVE FUN and BE COURTEOUS! Thank you and I look forward to keeping "ORDer" and "Peace" throughout the forum.
What is development?
the act or process of developing; growth; progress: child development; economic development.
a significant consequence or event: recent developments in the field of science.
a developed state or form: Drama reached its highest development in the plays of Shakespeare.
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Some of you will have a problem with these rules (those are the ones who need to ingrain them in their tiny brains and deal with it like adults), others will be thankful for them (those are the ones that deserve lots of hugs and kisses, not from me of course). In either event, I expect everyone to follow these rules equally, this includes Junior Members, Members, Senior Members, Developers, Recognized Developers, and even Moderators. No one is above these rules.
While I understand there will always be situations that require a different view on the matter, or a more thorough examination, this does not mean the action taken is inappropriate or unwarranted.
Search before creating a new thread/post.
Do not create a thread in Development just to ask a question.Post in Q&A instead.
Do not create a thread in Development where no developing is actually going on. This includes pre-release ROM threads with no download link.
Treat everyone how you would like to be treated.
Do not go into another ROM thread for the purpose of putting down the Developers work or to boost traffic to another ROM thread.
Links to manufactorers release of source code are not considered development. Post these in General.
Always use propper title formatting when releaseing something in the Development forum. See below.
If you disagree with my action, please PM me so that we may discuss things in a civilized mannor. If needed, I will seek out help from a Senior Moderator.
There are many different age groups using this site, in any case, use comon sence when posting and keep in mind the following: "would I want my grandmother reading this?"
If you are having an issue with another member, please report the post/pm in question rather then handle the matter on your own. We have tools available that you do not.
Take it like a man...even if you are a woman, child or Alien.
Slandering another member will NOT be tolerated.
Spam WILL NOT be tolerated
Failure to cooperate with a Moderator WILL NOT be tolerated.
Laziness WILL NOT be tolerated.
Posting non-development threads in the Development forum will only be tolerated once.
Disregaurd of these rules, as well as XDA Forum Rules WILL NOT be tolerated.
*** Disclaimer***
I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time. These rules written in print will not limit my action if your offence is not described in detail above. ​
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Read and search before posting a new thread
Redundant threads will be closed or DELETED without warning...even lead up to a BAN!!!!
|| Forum Rules || Forum Search || Google Forum Search || Forum Advanced Searching ||​
[REF] Read this before posting new ROM threads!
In order to keep Desire Z & Vision Android Development fora clean and avoid multiple threads for one ROM please do the following:
When posting a new ROM release or a link to a new ROM release, DO NOT create a new thread unless it is a completely different ROM.
If you are posting an update, please edit the active thread instead of creating a new thread. Include the following details:
[ROM][LANGUAGE][DATE]rom name and version (Build)[STATUS]
Thank you for your help in maintaining a clean and effective fora. ​
Rules updated. Now there should be NO QUESTION what is expected from this forum.
g1doobie said:
this broad takes herself way to serious. its a forum on the internet. get a life
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These rules are used throughout XDA. I am definitely not the only moderator who follows them. Just because this is the internet, does not mean you have free reign to do whatever you want. If that were the case, these forums would be even more difficult to navigate. Again, if you do not like them, you do not have to be here.

How can i be a moderater/senier member

How can i be a moderater/senier member/other higher rank..
Well the first would be to read more and help out more. Make yourself seen and help people who are in your forums.
For Moderator status:
Want to be a Moderator at XDA-Developers.com?
Although most if not all forums are currently covered by a Moderator, we will from time to time recruit "in-advance" which allows us to have Moderators ready to step in without delay as new device forums are added.
We to cover as many forums as possible with a named, dedicated Forum Moderator. A list of Forums and Moderators can be found here Administrators and Moderators
The Moderator Committee have revised the system for apointing Moderators.
1.It will no longer be possible to apply to become a Moderator directly and the Application process will remain closed (except in rare circumstances where we have an urgent need to recruit a group of new Moderators.)
2.Future Moderators will be recruited via recommendations from existing Forum and Senior level Moderators.
3.Those holding the Recognized Contributor title will be the main source of future Moderators.
4.Holding the Recognized Contributor title will be an initial indication that a person can be considered as a Moderator, but there is no automatic progression to Moderator and only a few will be given promotion throughout the year.
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For member status:
It is all explained out right here --> [GUIDE] How to be a New User (and not a noob)
User Titles
As you go around XDA and encounter people, you may notice that they have different titles under their avatar. Speaking of which, click here to upload a picture.
Here are the user titles explained by one of our mods.
0 to 29 posts - Junior Member
30 to 99 posts - Member
100 + posts - Senior Member
Originally Posted by juzz86
I'll sum it up for you (or try, anyway!)
There are Junior Members, Members, Senior Members first. These make up the vast majority of XDAs userbase.
Recognised Contributors are nominated by other users and/or Mods/Developers. They are recognised for their contributions which are not specifically Development, such as detailed guides, one-click utilities and other tools/mods.
Recognised Themers are also nominated by users/Mods/Developers, for their work themeing custom ROMs and providing standalone themes for flashing.
Recognised Developers are nominated and approved by the Developer Committee, for their work in Development whether it be ROMs, Root methods, bootloader unlocks etc.
Elite Recognised Developers are again assessed by the Developer Committee, and are deemed to have gone above-and-beyond in providing knowledge/hacks/tools/apps/ROMs for the XDA community.
Forum Moderators are appointed by the Moderator Committee, after submitting an application (see the 'sticky' at the top of this forum - currently applications are not open). They are the first-line of keeping the forums tidy, friendly and orderly.
Senior Moderators are the next step up the ladder, providing site-wide support for Forum Mods and looking after the nitty-gritty issues, as well as areas of XDA not policed by FSMs, such as the Marketplace.
Administrators are next. There are several Admins - each look after a specific part of XDA such as the Portal, the Members and the User Experience of XDA as a whole.
At the top is Mike Channon, who is overall Forum Administrator.
Other titles you may come across:
Moderator Committee - sits on the Mod Committee
Developer Committee - as above, but for Developer Committee
XDA Newswriter - publishes articles for the Portal (front page)
Retired xxxx - have since officially 'left' their XDA position
Hopefully that clears most of them up for you
Contrary to what a lot of people expect, the thanks-meter does not figure at all in determining a users tag.
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Since you are already a senior member by posting your 100th post, you could try to become a Recognized Contributor or Recognized Themer. How to apply to become a Recognized Contributor/Themer on XDA after putting in some more time and contributions such as guide threads.
mf2112 said:
Since you are already a senior member by posting your 100th post, you could try to become a Recognized Contributor or Recognized Themer. How to apply to become a Recognized Contributor/Themer on XDA after putting in some more time and contributions such as guide threads.
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Ok i will try it later

The OT thread

Seems like we need an off topic thread to keep up with other forums.
Sent from a 2.8 inch muffin
Yeah that's right
Hello everyone,
the moderating team assigned to your forum has decided to no longer allow any offtopic threads whether those were previously sanctioned by moderators or not.
We have come to this decision due to the fact that those threads offer absolutely nothing to the device specific forum or to development in general.
After all the name of the site is xda-developers.
If you feel the urge to engage in any offtopic discussion, the offtopic forum is always at your disposal.
As such, this thread will be closed in 24 hours from this post.
Please understand that this decision was made only to streamline the forums and to enhance the user experience.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,
Moderation Team Leader for the Sony/Motorola/LG devices
Hello everyone,
the moderating team assigned to your forum has decided to no longer allow any offtopic threads whether those were previously sanctioned by moderators or not.
We have come to this decision due to the fact that those threads offer absolutely nothing to the device specific forum or to development in general.
After all the name of the site is xda-developers.
If you feel the urge to engage in any offtopic discussion, the offtopic forum is always at your disposal.
As such, this thread will be closed in 24 hours from this post.
Please understand that this decision was made only to streamline the forums and to enhance the user experience.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,
Moderation Team Leader for the Sony/Motorola/LG devices
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This thread is now closed.
Any new OT threads in this forum will be closed or deleted without further warnings.
Please refer to the dedicated offtopic forum for all offtopic talk.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,
Moderation Team Leader for the Sony/Motorola/LG devices

A message from the moderators - All users please read...

Hello and welcome to the India Specific forums,
Before clicking the "New Thread" or "Post Reply" buttons, please take the time to read some rules / guidelines for posting in this forum:
1) Read and follow the Forum Rules:
Plain and simple. No further explanation needed​
2) Post your message in the proper subforum (see above):
All threads for Questions, Requests, and Help & Troubleshooting needs, go in the Q&A Help & Troubleshooting sub-forum, (if one exists for your device), and any misplaced threads will be promptly moved to their correct location. Users that continually post in the wrong forum will be addressed accordingly. If you're unsure of where your post or thread belongs, please read the Forum Rules again.​
3) No Off-Topic threads allowed:
While some moderator teams may allow the creation of Off-Topic threads, within these forums it is not permitted. There is an entire General Off-Topic forum devoted to this type of discussion and there are enough threads already available to meet anyone's off-topic needs. All Off-Topic threads will be deleted promptly and without warning. Users who continually create these type of threads will be addressed accordingly. A certain amount of Off-Topic discussion is permitted in other threads within these forums and will generally be allowed at the discretion of the thread creator (OP). If you're concerned with the amount of off-topic discussion and misplaced questions in the Development forums, please consider making a Q&A Thread for your ROM / Kernel / Project / etc.​
4) No threads or posts asking for the Best / Most stable ROM / Kernel / Mod / whatever, or created for the purpose of comparing Phones / ROMs / Kernels / Mods / whatever:
These threads / posts will be deleted promptly and without warning. They have a history of causing problems due to trolls, fanboys and various troublemakers, and are therefore no longer allowed. Regardless of this reasoning, there is really no way to judge whether or not a particular piece of work is better than another because it's all relative to begin with. If you want to know what piece of work is better for you, install something and try it out for yourself. If you don't like it, try something else. Our Developers work hard to provide us their contributions, free of charge. Please show them the respect they deserve by trying something out and giving them your Feedback.​
5) Don't ask for an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival):
Asking for an ETA is the XDA equivalent of telling a Developer that the free work they provide just isn't enough for you. It usually comes across as rude and / or demanding and most Developers will take offense to it. Even if a particular Developer doesn't mind being asked for an ETA, there are many that do, and there's a good possibility that it will incite arguments in the forum. In the end, it's just best to avoid doing it altogether. If you have no other choice but to ask for an ETA (i.e. the work you're doing absolutely depends on it), then please, do it through a private message and keep it out of the public forums.​
6) Keep your signatures at a respectable size:
While members are given a great deal of freedom in creating personalized signatures, it is expected that this freedom is not abused. Abnormally large signatures are obnoxious to most users and they tend to be a major distraction from the topic at hand. If your signature is double the size of an average post or larger, you can expect to be asked to change it. If you're not sure whether the size of your signature is within respectable limits, feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum and ask for clarification.​
7) Be nice:
It's not that hard. If you've got nothing constructive or civil to say, don't even bother posting. If you feel the need to respond negatively to someone, please refer to #8.​
8) Report all violations of the aforementioned rules / guidelines and DO NOT respond to them in the open forum:
If you happen to notice a rule violation, use the "Report Post" button in the upper right hand corner of the offending post, or send them a polite reminder through private message so they may resolve the problem on their own (for minor violations of course). Please do not respond publicly to posts that are in violation of the rules. Regardless of the fact that it creates more work for moderators to do when cleaning the forum, responding to them in public only compounds the issue and it puts you at risk of getting into trouble yourself. Moderators have much more effective ways of dealing with these situations, than by arguing back and forth and disrupting the entire thread, so please, let us handle it.​
If there are any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum.
You can find a list of the assigned Moderators at the top of each sub-forum page.
With that, here are a few great threads to help you get the most out of your experience here... Please take advantage of them:
Get the most out of XDA!!
How to make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION or POLL
Why you get short/one word answers! (The Long Answer)
How to give constructive feedback to developers
How To Logcat
GPLv2 tips for developers
Getting a moderator's help
And as always...
Thank you, and enjoy your time on XDA

Are Vanced and similar apps exceptions to the rule on Warez?

Just saw a post that was closed for violating Rule 6 on XDA:
6. Do not post or request warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit members to request, post, promote or describe ways in which warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained or used. This is a site of developers, i.e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community.
In order to better understand and comply with rules of this forum, I would like to know in the larger interest of the community, how is the app referenced in the post linked above different from Vanced and all of its variations, which are probably one of the most downloaded apps in this forum?
1. Can mods/ staff make exceptions at their discretion?
2. Can subjectivity override written rules?
Thank you.
Please note that I'm personally against any form of tampering with original software that deprives the creator of their rightful income.
1. I always buy the Pro version (or in-app purchase) of apps that I like and use regularly.
2. I have two YouTube subscriptions, and yet I used Vanced/ Revanced because of the features they bring in (such as swipe gestures).
@TheMystic The XDA forum staff follows the internal policies of the private website - if required after an internal discussion. I'd be grateful for your understanding that the XDA staff doesn't make internal policies publicly available. The knowledge about the publicly posted XDA Forum Rules is sufficient to be able to comply with them as 99% of the XDA members daily prove.
If you're interested to learn more about internal policies and procedure, I suggest to apply as a forum moderator. The knowledge would be shared with you once accepted.
Generally, every member who was affected by a moderator action (like the closure of a thread) has the possibility to privately contact the respective moderator for further information like you personally did in the past.
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator
Oswald Boelcke said:
the XDA staff doesn't make internal policies publicly available.
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I'm sure they are not/ shouldn't be in conflict with rules laid down for the forum posts.
Oswald Boelcke said:
If you're interested to learn more about internal policies and procedure, I suggest to apply as a forum moderator. The knowledge would be shared with you once accepted.
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I may consider it in future when I'm ready for it. Thank you.
Oswald Boelcke said:
Generally, every member who was affected by a moderator action (like the closure of a thread) has the possibility to privately contact the respective moderator for further information like you personally did in the past.
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Sure. This post isn't about the referenced post in particular (or its closure), but more so for general understanding of why one app is considered Warez, while another isn't if it has many of the same properties.
TheMystic said:
I'm sure they are not/ shouldn't be in conflict with rules laid down for the forum posts.
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Be assured they aren't in conflict.

