Hi!, i'm looking for a ROM with a good battery life, because, i like to plug on 3g all day and my actual ROM in 2 hours, spends about 20% of battery that's horrible!
Thanks so much guys!
I actually have this ROM:
And 44 radio.
Have you tried LeeDroid 3.0? I'm running that, I'm a heavy user and it works a treat. Plus, HTC Sense =)
The best battery-saving-rom is Redux 1.1.2. for me! Give it a try
Thanks to both, actually the LeeDroid 3.0 haven't shows spanish language 100%, so, it's a "problem" (not too important, but i'm spanish and i like have my phone in my language ) so, i'll try Redux 1.1.2 and later LeeDroid when shows spanish
Htc Desire
it's good and awesome man i think i must go for one.
Tbh I get 3-5mA usage on the stock sense 2.2x rom - so battery isn't bad on the stock roms. What can change is the radio/ril which determine how efficiently the phone handles mobile/wifi signals - after screen usage and wifi this is usually the biggest drain.
That said, I find it looks nice but don't need it all and prefer Redux
+1 for Redux defiently the best battery saving rom i've tried
What do people use to monitor app mA/battery usage?
I've tried battery monitor widget, and system panel; the former show's me - by monitoring every 60s - that something is pushing the battery from 3-4mA to 50, 80, even 150mA usage at seemingly random times (phone idle overnight) - any ideas of an app to shop which these spikes are?
Syspanel is ok, but doesn't show you what causes what usage when.
Battery life is also determine by what's running in the background. I'm running CM7 and I use wifi practically all day. If I don't use that then I use mobile network. My battery life can span up to 2 days or a little more if I'm careful.
Battery saving roms are ok but unless they're been heavily optimized for it, I don't see the real point.
Sent from CM7
Best ROM I've used is Amethyst. Could easily get 2+ days of usage out of it, but the dev went to a Nexus S, so stopped development on Amethyst, unfortunately.
I find that the stock kitkat rom on the s4 mini has pretty poor battery life .. cannot hold up a whole working day. What rom do you recommend for improved battery life?
For my galaxy s5, I found that touchwiz roms have much better battery life than aosp roms. Is it the case for the s4 mini?
yeahman45 said:
I find that the stock kitkat rom on the s4 mini has pretty poor battery life .. cannot hold up a whole working day. What rom do you recommend for improved battery life?
For my galaxy s5, I found that touchwiz roms have much better battery life than aosp roms. Is it the case for the s4 mini?
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For me, the best battery life is by far on cm13, marshmallow. I have been on stock kitkat, cm12.1 and now cm13. Battery easly hold up to 24 hours and with less than average usage maybe 36 hours.
ok thx! will try cm13 .. I did not try it because I thought it was not stable enough
it is this rom right?:
yeahman45 said:
ok thx! will try cm13 .. I did not try it because I thought it was not stable enough
it is this rom right?:
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Yeah that's the one. :good:
for baterry life ,maybe te last nightly of cm12.1 ....and parameters of kernel :
change interactive for ondemand ,row for fiops...and underclock (if you don't use some"big games" it's useless to have all the power of the cpu)
.......or maybe the last f4k kernel with more parameters but i don't know if it work fine....
yeahman45 said:
I find that the stock kitkat rom on the s4 mini has pretty poor battery life .. cannot hold up a whole working day. What rom do you recommend for improved battery life?
For my galaxy s5, I found that touchwiz roms have much better battery life than aosp roms. Is it the case for the s4 mini?
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The best battery life I can get with this phone is with the last stable release of CM 12.1, and with the last f4k kernel for this ROM. This kernel allows undervolting. I can use a global offset of 150mV for all the frequency without any sign of instability (I have been using this settings for months). You should also deactivate wifi, bluetooth, NFC and so on if you are not using it. Also, use the power saving mode of you phone. With these settings and an extremely low using of my phone (only sms/whatsapp), it lasts for a week. I also put it in airplane mode during the night to save battery.
cgirerd said:
The best battery life I can get with this phone is with the last stable release of CM 12.1, and with the last f4k kernel for this ROM. This kernel allows undervolting. I can use a global offset of 150mV for all the frequency without any sign of instability (I have been using this settings for months). You should also deactivate wifi, bluetooth, NFC and so on if you are not using it. Also, use the power saving mode of you phone. With these settings and an extremely low using of my phone (only sms/whatsapp), it lasts for a week. I also put it in airplane mode during the night to save battery.
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You can also power off your phone to have unlimited battery life Oh, im just kidding. With average usage on cm13 i have 4h30m sot.
Is f4k's kernel compatible with cm13? Or do we have a custom kernel for that version of cyanogenmod?
Charlie said:
You can also power off your phone to have unlimited battery life Oh, im just kidding. With average usage on cm13 i have 4h30m sot.
Is f4k's kernel compatible with cm13? Or do we have a custom kernel for that version of cyanogenmod?
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Ahah you're right. I challenged myself to get the very most out of my battery . 4h30 is not a lot though, might be due to the early stage of development of cm13.
I haven't found a custom kernel for cm13 yet. The development of this rom started something like 1 month ago, so that's a bit early I think.
Please tell me which rom is overall gud for oneplus 3. Checking all the rom ia not possible for me it takes lot of time and i m really disappointed form oxygen os 4.0.3 it drain lots of battery please suggest me a rom with good battery life and performance i dont care much about customization
Iam afraid there is really nothing that can help you (or others like me..). I have tried allot of ROMS and they all result in somewhat the same result.
1 charge 1 day (or almost 1 day) Does not matter if i use custom kernel battery improvement tools or "special" tips and tricks at the end of the afternoon iam still running low. I know i use my phone ALLOT and i use allot of connectivity (WIFI, 3/4G, BT) that is properly the issue, but still its sad that the only thing that might help is buying the oneplus3T.
sauravid said:
Please tell me which rom is overall gud for oneplus 3. Checking all the rom ia not possible for me it takes lot of time and i m really disappointed form oxygen os 4.0.3 it drain lots of battery please suggest me a rom with good battery life and performance i dont care much about customization
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If you want to stick to MM then go for Sultan's CM & if you want to upgrade to N then go for Resurrection Remix. Both ROM's stock kernels have new good battery life but in the camera part they are out numbered. Sultanxda has done best job by optimising the inbuilt camera app at par with stock OOS & also he gives security patch updates too as soon as they are released.
Resurrection Remix on other hand works great with Android N but has buggy camera due to buggy camera on LOS & we know that till now OnePlus has not released blobs so can't do anything.
All this is my personal preference. You can try out both our any other ROM's from development section like Cypheros or AOSP extended which are AOSP & LOS based or for for Freedom OS or Experience ROM which are OOS based.
I have around 7h SOT with latest freedomOS and bluspark kernel. In my eyes thats pretty good and carries me easily through the day. And light use even 2 days.
If you have any heavy battery drain you should search for the reason. Check wakelocks and logcat too find out whats wrong.
sauravid said:
Please tell me which rom is overall gud for oneplus 3. Checking all the rom ia not possible for me it takes lot of time and i m really disappointed form oxygen os 4.0.3 it drain lots of battery please suggest me a rom with good battery life and performance i dont care much about customization
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Try VertexOS.. You wont feel a stutter and I'm not joking.. Als it scales way more efficient because of EAS. It delivers a near stock experience
Puddi_Puddin said:
Try VertexOS.. You wont feel a stutter and I'm not joking.. Als it scales way more efficient because of EAS. It delivers a near stock experience
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Can you tell me how is battery life
sauravid said:
Can you tell me how is battery life
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Well it has EAS.. Which means that the CPU can be really tamed.. Battery depends on standby but in my usage pattern I can easily get 4 hours SOT. I get an average drain of 13% per hour.
Puddi_Puddin said:
Well it has EAS.. Which means that the CPU can be really tamed.. Battery depends on standby but in my usage pattern I can easily get 4 hours SOT. I get an average drain of 13% per hour.
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4 hours really isn't good though...
Puddi_Puddin said:
Well it has EAS.. Which means that the CPU can be really tamed.. Battery depends on standby but in my usage pattern I can easily get 4 hours SOT. I get an average drain of 13% per hour.
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Hi, could you please direct me to some more information about this EAS feature?
I've had my T800 since pretty much launch day. It was my go to tab until recently when I got fed up with charging it every few hours and bought a Huawei Mediapad 5 10.8. I have passed the T800 on to my wife for reading, casual gaming etc, and I will still use it for monitoring my DJI Phantom 3 Pro flights. But the battery life is still a real bugbear. I have been considering replacing the battery, but a friend suggested using a different kernel to see if it helps improve the battery life.
So I would appreciate if some of you could give me your experiences with different kernels, and how they have affected your battery life.
This is not how things work.
The high battery drain is usually caused by two major reasons. First - the bad battery cell state, caused by extensive wear. This is fixed only by replacement of the battery. Second - the software locks preventing your tab from going into deep sleep state (aka "Doze"). These locks can be inside kernel but as a kernel developer and maintainer of Team Exynos5420 I closely keep track of patches applied to the kernel source and I have zero issues with sleep.
Much more probable, however, is a bad Android application you installed causing a wakelock. Say, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are known battery hogs. Identifying them is quite easy using Settings - Battery pane giving younthe app list consuming the most.
If you want an advice regarding the choice of kernel, I'd recommend using LineageOS official ROM for T800. Its kernel is the most stable and tested on many devices to have zero issues with sleep. And don't be afraid of replacing battery - after 3 or 4 years of daily use it surely becomes dead. New battery costs $35 to $50, and I am going to get one for my T805 anyway.
gellmar said:
This is not how things work.
The high battery drain is usually caused by two major reasons. First - the bad battery cell state, caused by extensive wear. This is fixed only by replacement of the battery. Second - the software locks preventing your tab from going into deep sleep state (aka "Doze"). These locks can be inside kernel but as a kernel developer and maintainer of Team Exynos5420 I closely keep track of patches applied to the kernel source and I have zero issues with sleep.
Much more probable, however, is a bad Android application you installed causing a wakelock. Say, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are known battery hogs. Identifying them is quite easy using Settings - Battery pane giving younthe app list consuming the most.
If you want an advice regarding the choice of kernel, I'd recommend using LineageOS official ROM for T800. Its kernel is the most stable and tested on many devices to have zero issues with sleep. And don't be afraid of replacing battery - after 3 or 4 years of daily use it surely becomes dead. New battery costs $35 to $50, and I am going to get one for my T805 anyway.
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Thanks for the advice. Its really hard to tell with the T800 whether the battery is on the way out, as battery life has never been great anyway. But yeah, I'm gonna stick a fresh battery in there and change the stock rom. Its a small price to pay for reviving such a good tab.
The battery of my OnePlus 3 has to be fully charged to survive a day. I want to keep my phone as performance, camera and display are still fine and new phones have so many downsides somehow (no headphone jack, weird notch situation, high SAR values, oversized,..).
What are my options to extend the battery life?
- replace the battery with a OnePlus 3T battery?
- which custom kernel or custom rom do you suggest?
- other suggestions?
Currently i am on the Pie community beta. Battery life has gotten worse when i updated, i can tell you that. My personal preference for the next OS would be a privacy-focused OS.
orawnnd said:
The battery of my OnePlus 3 has to be fully charged to survive a day. I want to keep my phone as performance, camera and display are still fine and new phones have so many downsides somehow (no headphone jack, weird notch situation, high SAR values, oversized,..).
What are my options to extend the battery life?
- replace the battery with a OnePlus 3T battery?
- which custom kernel or custom rom do you suggest?
- other suggestions?
Currently i am on the Pie community beta. Battery life has gotten worse when i updated, i can tell you that. My personal preference for the next OS would be a privacy-focused OS.
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Have a go at the skydragon ROM it's normally very good with battery but for more privacy focused you'd have to flash lineage with no gapps and use alternatives from f-droid or yalp store for things like playstore and messaging etc...
Xceeder said:
Have a go at the skydragon ROM it's normally very good with battery but for more privacy focused you'd have to flash lineage with no gapps and use alternatives from f-droid or yalp store for things like playstore and messaging etc...
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Thank you for the answer. I've heard of both Skydragon and Lineage OS. I was hoping for something like LineageOS with a battery-saving Kernel (I've no experience with flashing kernels).
orawnnd said:
Thank you for the answer. I've heard of both Skydragon and Lineage OS. I was hoping for something like LineageOS with a battery-saving Kernel (I've no experience with flashing kernels).
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u flash a kernel like a rom thats it just do it at separate times
I wouldn't advise a 3T battery. It may create issues. In addition, the 3 and 3T batteries were likely manufactured a couple of years back and sitting on the shelf all this time. So they may deteriorate fast. Still a better option than going for 3rd party batteries.
Regarding ROMs, the OOS Pie Open Beta has been excellent in all respects, including battery drain, for me. May be a clean flash and not restoring apps will make a difference for you.
As for SkyDragon, I was using it for sometime and it was also excellent in all respects. But, of late, there are complaints of unexplained battery drain in its thread, not for all but atleast for some. I have not tested LOS in my OP3 though I run it in my N4. Again excellent results.
tnsmani said:
I wouldn't advise a 3T battery. It may create issues. In addition, the 3 and 3T batteries were likely manufactured a couple of years back and sitting on the shelf all this time. So they may deteriorate fast. Still a better option than going for 3rd party batteries.
Regarding ROMs, the OOS Pie Open Beta has been excellent in all respects, including battery drain, for me. May be a clean flash and not restoring apps will make a difference for you.
As for SkyDragon, I was using it for sometime and it was also excellent in all respects. But, of late, there are complaints of unexplained battery drain in its thread, not for all but atleast for some. I have not tested LOS in my OP3 though I run it in my N4. Again excellent results.
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This is true. Settled on LOS after trying all other roms, they had explainable battery drain issues with time. Even tho, I don't see a plus in battery saving on LOS. Battery performance is "OKAY". LOS is just smoother.
IMHO stock is the best for battery. :good:
I recommend you install accubattery from the play store( free app) and check your battery health before you decide on a battery change. It also lets you see how much the battery has degraded over time. My OnePlus 3 is currently at 86% life
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
1. Replacing OP3 with OP3T battery won't work. This is debunked already - don't try it.
2. Sadly your only options:
a) Replace battery with new one.
b) Flash custom ROM onto your phone. Read comments about latest build on every ROM thread - people point out things like battery life etc. e.g. SkyDragon latest build seems to have battery issues (people reporting it in comments).
c) Power bank. Really. Things like this is also an option, but I don't see any on ebay for OP3.
I'm ordered a battery for my op3,this battery it's for op3t,in about a month I will tell you how it's it.
CZK 298.70 | 2019 NEW LEHEHE BLP571 BLP597 BLP613 BLP633 BLP637 Battery For Oneplus 1 2 3 3T 5 Cell Phone Batteries With Tools Gifts
marian daciu said:
I'm ordered a battery for my op3,this battery it's for op3t,in about a month I will tell you how it's it.
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Still awaiting for the response/review.
MrPokeboy8 said:
Still awaiting for the response/review.
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Sorry for the late response,the phone with the new
battery not booting.
I'm on official pie rom from OnePlus.
Have you got anything important on the device
use any custom kernel that supports cpu frequency changing. Underclock cpu to 60%(bit cluster have huge impact on battery) when you dont heavily use your op3/t . You will notice significant battery improvement.