Problem with usb-c port? - Google Pixel 3 XL Questions & Answers

Recently my phone had been having an issue with the usb-c plug. It won't connect to my Jeep through the USB plug or an auxiliary speaker when using the adaptor and an aux cord. Had anyone else experienced this? I've tried different cords for both, powering off and on the phone and clearing cache for Android Auto. Nothing seams to help. I can still charge it through the cord so I don't think the port is bad. My next step might be a factory reset to see if that helps if I can't figure it anything else.

Did it ever work?

No it didn't. I contacted Google about it but I have not heard back yet.

Are you positive that your USBC/AUX converter has DAC?

Yes. It worked without any problem from when I bought the Jeep in October until this past Monday. It's a 2019 Latitude. Jeep said their is no reason it shouldn't work from their end. If I connect my wife's iPhone their version of Android auto, whatever it is, comes up. So it's not the USB port. On the Android forums it looks like allot of people are having the same problem. It seams to be an Android issue.

I had the same issue about 6 months ago. I tried everything and ended up warranty returning it.

Update: getting a replacement. From what I've read on other forums wireless charging is creating issues for some phones. All the problems I'm having match the problems others are having because of the chargers. Just something to keep in mind.


Touch screen extremely unresponsive when charging

So when the unresponsive screen when grounded issue came about, I didn't really notice the problem much myself. However, recently, and I'm not sure when this started, the screen has become horribly unresponsive when charging any time! Doesn't matter if it's on desk, in my hand, stock charger, 3rd party charger, etc., if it's charging at all, the touch screen only accepts half or less of my inputs, making typing impossible. Is this due to the last software update? Anyone else experience this issue? I would exchange the phone, but not if it's not going to help anything.
this happens to me when i use my cheap ebay charger
The fps lifting kernels fix this.
+1 for symtoms seen when using a wonky charger/cable.
+1 due to cheap charger - anyone know why this happens? is the OEM usb cable different spec from the cheap ones?
Hate to beat a dead horse, but the same happens when I plug my phone into the charger I got from eBay. Kind of disappointing, considering that I would otherwise be able to charge two batteries at the same time.
I notice this issue with the stock charger.
I believe the issue was when its not grounded..
Being plugged in is just about the most grounded your phone can get.
That's not the problem.
Starting to do it to me also now.
Just to be clear, this happens to me with the STOCK charger.
r546 said:
Just to be clear, this happens to me with the STOCK charger.
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I'm having the same issue. i just chocked it up to the new kernel.
one thing i did notice is it seems to be intermittent. Yesterday night, it worked fine. this morning(conveniently when my alarm went off) i could NOT get the dismiss thingy to slide down.
Anyone else experiencing this? I do think it got worse after last software update. Would be nice if the next one improved things.
I emailed support, they did not say anything about it being a known issue, and suggested a factory reset. If that doesn't help, they recommended using my warranty. Would like to hear from more people before going through with the reset.
It happens to me when charging via outlet. Charging via USB connected to computer does not produce the issue.
I think it has to do with grounding.
Same thing happens to me! I noticed it with my aftermarket wall charger.
Bringing this back up, happens to me with a Stock charger.
Is it really the kernel? :\
@Person who said charging is the most grounded, the stock charger is not grounded ( in AU anyway ) and therefore it is the LEAST grounded.
ive noticed this happening over the past month or so. i've got to admit i've only really noticed this when its plugged into a usb cord i got off ebay. relieving to think it might only be an issue with it being a cheap cable and not the phone but i'll verify tonight with the stock cable.
I've been plagued by this problem for weeks and just discovered that it only happens when charging. I use the stock charging cable and wall adapter. I'm very, very happy to know what the problem is. I'm going to start testing this at various locations.
EDIT: I've tried this on both the wall adapter at work and on my work computer's usb. Same problem, though it seems worse when plugged into the wall outlet.
The touchscreen is fine on my sprint brand car charger and on the usb charger on my laptop. However, it starts missing taps when I plug my usb cable into my usb car charger. I'm going to best buy tonight to buy a different charger and see if that helps.
Sent from my Virus Infected Evo using the XDA app.
I have these issues as well with the stock charger and cable regardless of which kernel I use.

[Q] car charging for sm-t210

hi, does anyone have a solution. when i plug my note 3 7" in it doesn't even register as being plugged in. do other roms correct this problem? or is there another solution. I've tried different plugs with outputs that say they are the same as the wall outlets (which charges fine)
This is a major problem as i only got this tablet to replace my car stereo. I have everything done and wired up, but now I have a tablet that can't charge while in the car.
Any solution and I would be very grateful. thanks.
Sent from Gallifrey using TARDIS
chris45389 said:
hi, does anyone have a solution. when i plug my note 3 7" in it doesn't even register as being plugged in. do other roms correct this problem? or is there another solution. I've tried different plugs with outputs that say they are the same as the wall outlets (which charges fine)
This is a major problem as i only got this tablet to replace my car stereo. I have everything done and wired up, but now I have a tablet that can't charge while in the car.
Any solution and I would be very grateful. thanks.
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Sa, me issue. Nobody else care to use this as a GPS and not kill the battery?
mustangzrule said:
Sa, me issue. Nobody else care to use this as a GPS and not kill the battery?
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Chances are your adapter isn't putting out enough amperage.
What is it rated for? The tablet really wants 2A, though it seems to work ok with 1A. That said, it also seems to be a bit funny about cables.
I only just got mine yesterday, so early days, but have noticed some charging weirdness.
My charger says 2.1A and is capable of charging an iPad. I tried 2 different cables, both data cables but they both work in a wall charger.
I was hoping someone would tell me to update to CM and all would work fine because there are some odd UI glitches in the touchwiz, especially bluetooth disconnecting.
I dont want to root and ROM unless I know these problems will go away. I will return this thing if the problem is unsolvable. I have about a week left.

Is my Pixel 2 XL charging port damaged?

I noticed that my Pixel 2 XL suddenly stopped connecting to the car via the USB cable (Android Auto). When I connect the cable, the phone charges but nothing happens on the monitor. When I try the same cable with my OG Pixel XL it works fine. I also tried connecting my Pixel 2 XL to my PC, and it didn't work either. Windows makes a sound, and then I get an error message saying "USB device not recognized. the last usb device you connected to this computer malfunctioned." Nothing shows up on the phone screen and I can't change the USB-connection type. I tried factory resetting the phone but I still have the same issue. I have tried many different cables, and all work with the OG Pixel XL but not the Pixel 2 XL.
Also the time estimate for how long a full charge will take is gone as well. It only says "charges rapidly" when I connect it to the charger that came with the phone.
Is my charging port damaged? Can I fix it somehow? I tried carefully cleaning it with water and a tooth brush and drying it, but still have the same issue. Could it be corrosion? Should I try using PRF TCC on the charge port?
YaKoStar said:
I noticed that my Pixel 2 XL suddenly stopped connecting to the car via the USB cable (Android Auto). When I connect the cable, the phone charges but nothing happens on the monitor. When I try the same cable with my OG Pixel XL it works fine. I also tried connecting my Pixel 2 XL to my PC, and it didn't work either. Windows makes a sound, and then I get an error message saying "USB device not recognized. the last usb device you connected to this computer malfunctioned." Nothing shows up on the phone screen and I can't change the USB-connection type. I tried factory resetting the phone but I still have the same issue. I have tried many different cables, and all work with the OG Pixel XL but not the Pixel 2 XL.
Also the time estimate for how long a full charge will take is gone as well. It only says "charges rapidly" when I connect it to the charger that came with the phone.
Is my charging port damaged? Can I fix it somehow? I tried carefully cleaning it with water and a tooth brush and drying it, but still have the same issue. Could it be corrosion? Should I try using PRF TCC on the charge port?
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Cable could be going bad or it's missing the 100ohm resister the phone just went into protection it will work again at some point but I recommend getting a new cable direct from Google
Tired of buying ones that should have the resister but still not having quick charge work and issues like that.
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
YaKoStar said:
I noticed that my Pixel 2 XL suddenly stopped connecting to the car via the USB cable (Android Auto). When I connect the cable, the phone charges but nothing happens on the monitor. When I try the same cable with my OG Pixel XL it works fine. I also tried connecting my Pixel 2 XL to my PC, and it didn't work either. Windows makes a sound, and then I get an error message saying "USB device not recognized. the last usb device you connected to this computer malfunctioned." Nothing shows up on the phone screen and I can't change the USB-connection type. I tried factory resetting the phone but I still have the same issue. I have tried many different cables, and all work with the OG Pixel XL but not the Pixel 2 XL.
Also the time estimate for how long a full charge will take is gone as well. It only says "charges rapidly" when I connect it to the charger that came with the phone.
Is my charging port damaged? Can I fix it somehow? I tried carefully cleaning it with water and a tooth brush and drying it, but still have the same issue. Could it be corrosion? Should I try using PRF TCC on the charge port?
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Check for these options, see if it got changed to charging only.
Unfortunately, I don't have these options available. Like I said, nothing happens. The phone only goes into charging mode. I've tried a bunch of different cables that works with my OG Pixel.
in developer options check to see if under "select USB configuration" you have it set to charging only.
I have also started to notice a weird charging issue with my Pixel 2 XL. First, I thought that it was the original cable - ordered a replacement via Google Support but today I started noticing a very similar issue. Basically, only 1 way of the reversible cable can charge my device, so if I turn it upside down it won't charge at all - no matter which of the sides I plug into it. When it's plugged in normally, it'll charge for a few seconds then off and on again - all of this at a very fast speed, so it'll keep my screen on at all times. I've noticed this as I've left my phone on the bed for half an hour to charge it then spot that my screen was on for like 5 minutes - when I picked up the phone, it was pretty warm and would charge and disconnect and then charge again - in a loop.
Meanwhile, if I plug in my Anker (a third party) USB-C cable, it will charge just fine - no matter which of the reversible sides I try it with. So having checked that, I thought it was the wall plug going crazy or something, so I plugged the USB-C cable into my computer (Thunderbolt 3) and it was the same issue - it would charge normally only with one of the sides, so when I turned it upside down, nothing would happen.
Also, what's weird is that the Pixel cable, both the old and the replacement one works fine with the Galaxy S9, but not my Pixel - so I assume it's a hardware (charging port) issue with my device, so tomorrow the UK team should get in touch with me to discuss my options :/
skimminstones said:
in developer options check to see if under "select USB configuration" you have it set to charging only.
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Tried doing it. No change.
I tried using some contact spray to see if it's because of rust/oxidation of the pins in the charging port, no change.
I still think it's an hardware issue though. Like I said, not even factory resetting the phone fixed it. I'll just live with not having android auto and USB, not super important for me anyway. Thanks guys.
I wonder if there is a defect in the charging ports of these. I just got a replacement because mine wouldn't charge on any c to c charger (I have two factory chargers). It would only charge when connected to a computer with an A to C, or using the same cable type to a wall charger. It was really weird... This is also the second or third post in the last week or two I've seen about something pertaining to the port.
gettinwicked said:
I wonder if there is a defect in the charging ports of these. I just got a replacement because mine wouldn't charge on any c to c charger (I have two factory chargers). It would only charge when connected to a computer with an A to C, or using the same cable type to a wall charger. It was really weird... This is also the second or third post in the last week or two I've seen about something pertaining to the port.
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There probably is .. I've read a lot of posts about people having similar issues.
Ok... So something weird just happened. I connected my phone to the charger as usual, and suddenly I could see the "estimated time until full charge" notification again, for the first time in weeks! I tried disconnecting it, and connecting it to my computer and I could browse the images on my phone! I thought my issue was fixed, so I disconnected it and connected it to the outlet again.. And now it is the same as before again. No estimate until full charge and windows says the device malfunctioned... What the hell happened there for a couple of minutes?
Pixel 2 XL and having the identcal issue as OP.
Phone charges only in car and computer. Once for just a few minutes the Android Auto just starter working and on PC I was briefly able to access phone storage. Then nothing. Went to dealer thinking it was car USB port but the technicians Samsung plugged in and Android Auto started right up.
Swapped cables, same isssue.
Wondering if I should even bother with factory reset or just pursue repair?
My Pixel 2 XL is from Verizon, anyone have any experience with warranty repairs?
(btw, checked in the developer sections and usb is set to MTP)
YaKoStar said:
I noticed that my Pixel 2 XL suddenly stopped connecting to the car via the USB cable (Android Auto). When I connect the cable, the phone charges but nothing happens on the monitor. When I try the same cable with my OG Pixel XL it works fine. I also tried connecting my Pixel 2 XL to my PC, and it didn't work either. Windows makes a sound, and then I get an error message saying "USB device not recognized. the last usb device you connected to this computer malfunctioned." Nothing shows up on the phone screen and I can't change the USB-connection type. I tried factory resetting the phone but I still have the same issue. I have tried many different cables, and all work with the OG Pixel XL but not the Pixel 2 XL.
Also the time estimate for how long a full charge will take is gone as well. It only says "charges rapidly" when I connect it to the charger that came with the phone.
Is my charging port damaged? Can I fix it somehow? I tried carefully cleaning it with water and a tooth brush and drying it, but still have the same issue. Could it be corrosion? Should I try using PRF TCC on the charge port?
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Same exact problem here with XL2. The phone will charge anywhere with any cable but can not access phone storage from laptop and Android Auto no longer works. It worked fine last week, now no go. I called Google as I bought phone from them and they are are sending a replacement to me which will be here this Monday.
Has to be hardware issue as my XL works perfectly.
Hey i have the exact same problem. Cannot access the phone with usb cable. The problem for me is, that i have Lineage OS installed without root and it installed its own recovery, so i'm basically unable to go back to stock. The google support told me that because it's not the original software on the phone its out of warranty and i should just reflash the factory image, but i already told them that as long as i can't access the phone with usb i can't do that. Will see what i can do else. Maybe i just have to pay to get it fixed. I'm very sad about that.
Also same here. I contacted support and signs indicate that this is a warranty issue.
No USB data for me anymore. Charging only. The interesting thing is although the USB-C is symmetrical only one of the two possible orientations is actually charging the phone.
Same problem just happened with my pixel 2 XL. I believe this was some kind of a weird update that Google did last night that screwed everything up. I've tried hard factory reset as well as resetting the phone changing cables Etc. Nothing works
I was one of those people that cursed out Google regarding this particular issue. I was getting windows 10 errors "device not recognized", the USB-C audio adapter didn't work for my car, not did the audio adapter, so I was gonna chalk it up to the fact I got a faulty phone, that was until....
I had searched around and saw some articles on how the USB-C port was a dust collector. I used s toothpick to knock out some of the lint that was trapped inside the port, nothing changed.
Just about to RMA my phone and I decide to try one last attempt.
1) find the thinnest cardboard / oaktag you can find that can fit in either side of the port without having use force ( if you have an old Google fi data sim card cardboard laying around, it works perfect )
2) Get some rubbing alcohol and dip about 2 to 3 cm of it in the alcohol
3) Gently move the cardboard against the connectors in a left right motion, too and bottom side, when you hit the corners drag the cardboard up to remove any additional dust or lint. I ended up extracting more lint and dirt that rolled off both sides of the connectors
I let the USB-C connector dry and cleaned again in the same method.
Now when I plug in my device it's recognized by my PC, all USB-C peripherals work, even my SanDisk USB-C flash drive.
Before you quit after all your efforts, give cleaning the port a shot. You can't really do any damage because the phone is moisture resistant , and alcohol evaporates quick.
It's very easy for dirt to get lodged in the port, and when you plug in your phone to charge, it's just going to compress and smear the dirt all over the connectors ( possibly fuse the dirt on the contacts ). This happens with all USB-C ports in similar situations.
If you guys are still reading this , give it a shot if you haven't returned your units.
ugh .... just happened to mine. While the bootloader is unlocked. hopefully i can clean or replace the port.
Anony58 said:
I have also started to notice a weird charging issue with my Pixel 2 XL. First, I thought that it was the original cable - ordered a replacement via Google Support but today I started noticing a very similar issue. Basically, only 1 way of the reversible cable can charge my device, so if I turn it upside down it won't charge at all - no matter which of the sides I plug into it. When it's plugged in normally, it'll charge for a few seconds then off and on again - all of this at a very fast speed, so it'll keep my screen on at all times. I've noticed this as I've left my phone on the bed for half an hour to charge it then spot that my screen was on for like 5 minutes - when I picked up the phone, it was pretty warm and would charge and disconnect and then charge again - in a loop.
Meanwhile, if I plug in my Anker (a third party) USB-C cable, it will charge just fine - no matter which of the reversible sides I try it with. So having checked that, I thought it was the wall plug going crazy or something, so I plugged the USB-C cable into my computer (Thunderbolt 3) and it was the same issue - it would charge normally only with one of the sides, so when I turned it upside down, nothing would happen.
Also, what's weird is that the Pixel cable, both the old and the replacement one works fine with the Galaxy S9, but not my Pixel - so I assume it's a hardware (charging port) issue with my device, so tomorrow the UK team should get in touch with me to discuss my options :/
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I had this exact same problem. I had never heard of anyone else having the issue. Both the original charger that came with the phone and a replacement from Google had the issue but the chargers I got with Nexus 5X phones worked fine.
During the same time period I also had issues with the phone only detecting the 3.5mm adapter one way or not at all. Others had reported this issue.
At some point recently, as randomly as it seemed to stop working (charger and 3.5mm adapter) both started working again.
jimv1983 said:
I had this exact same problem. I had never heard of anyone else having the issue. Both the original charger that came with the phone and a replacement from Google had the issue but the chargers I got with Nexus 5X phones worked fine.
During the same time period I also had issues with the phone only detecting the 3.5mm adapter one way or not at all. Others had reported this issue.
At some point recently, as randomly as it seemed to stop working (charger and 3.5mm adapter) both started working again.
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Indeed, recently it has started working again, although I am still waiting for an original response from Google (been waiting for half a year and really doubt they'd come to a conclusion after all....)
I had contacted them and they still told me to wait... Really disappointed about the way this serious issue was handled and it is still being handled.
Anyways, everything seems to be working out of blue, that's what matters.
Anony58 said:
Indeed, recently it has started working again, although I am still waiting for an original response from Google (been waiting for half a year and really doubt they'd come to a conclusion after all....)
I had contacted them and they still told me to wait... Really disappointed about the way this serious issue was handled and it is still being handled.
Anyways, everything seems to be working out of blue, that's what matters.
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The best guess I have is that the issue was caused by some bug in an update (the April or May update if my timeline is correct) and was fixed in the November Update.
Now I have a new issue that stated with the Pie update. Music metadata no longer shows up on my car's audio system when playing over Bluetooth. Many people are experiencing the issue. There is a work around but it's annoying.

[Q] Charging Port Disconnects When Moving Cable

When I have my cable connected (both original and aftermarket) to the phone, data transfer will suddenly stop when I move the cable around due to moving the phone. Say for example I connected the phone to the car to use Android Auto, if I get my phone and move it a couple inches to change the music outside of Android Auto, my connection will be lost and I'll have to reconnect to Android Auto again. At first I thought it was a bad charging cable so I tried a whole bunch of cables, including OEM Samsung and LG cables but no luck. Thinking it's a bad charging port, I changed the charging port but it's still doing the same thing. What could be causing this issue? Did I get a bad phone when I purchased it a year ago?
geokilla said:
When I have my cable connected (both original and aftermarket) to the phone, data transfer will suddenly stop when I move the cable around due to moving the phone. Say for example I connected the phone to the car to use Android Auto, if I get my phone and move it a couple inches to change the music outside of Android Auto, my connection will be lost and I'll have to reconnect to Android Auto again. At first I thought it was a bad charging cable so I tried a whole bunch of cables, including OEM Samsung and LG cables but no luck. Thinking it's a bad charging port, I changed the charging port but it's still doing the same thing. What could be causing this issue? Did I get a bad phone when I purchased it a year ago?
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I totally understand what you're talking about, I've had the same issue since Dec '17.
No, it's not a faulty cable or even a faulty port. If you go to a service centre, they'll micro-clean the port which actually solves the problem albeit temporarily. It's just that the charging port on the 5T is way more sensitive to dust accumulation than most other phones. I had asked them if I could clean this out myself somehow and they said no, but I'm sure there must be some hack to DIY this.
I had the same issue, I used a plastic tooth pick to clean the charging port, some dust and cotton particles came out and since then charging works flawlessly
Well I changed the port and still having the problem despite using different cables. Guess I have a defective phone?

Phone won't charge with original charger

Hi, I've been having this problem with my pixel 2 xl that won't recognize any usb-c to usb-c cables. It will only recognize a usb-c to usb-a cable but will keep restarting the moment I plug it in. I've tried many things like restarting, trying to charge while it is turned off, booting into safe mode, and even updating to the Android Q beta (hoped they would've fixed it then), but nothing seems to work. I'm confident that it's a software issue since there would be random glitches where the original charger would actually work, but every other time it doesn't.
Also, I'm actually considering switching to a custom software. I'm thinking since the software is the issue, maybe it might help to fix it. Has anyone ever experienced this issue as well?
Clean the usb port on the phone
siggey said:
Clean the usb port on the phone
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That's the very first thing I did
siggey said:
Clean the usb port on the phone
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That's the very first thing I did. It's not an issue with the port since it works perfectly with a Usb-c to usb-a cable. Just it doesn't fast charge and it constantly reboots with it.
I'm having the exact same prob. I've cleaned my port, tried it in safe mode, and did several resets (soft and hard). I spoke with Google and they offered an exchange since it's under warranty but my glass is cracked so that voids it out until I get it fixed. They said it would restart afterwards? I'm stuck trying to figure out if I want to fix it and do a swap, try different firmware or just get a different phone all together??
I'm having the same issue. Started this week.
Ali7000 said:
Hi, I've been having this problem with my pixel 2 xl that won't recognize any usb-c to usb-c cables. It will only recognize a usb-c to usb-a cable but will keep restarting the moment I plug it in. I've tried many things like restarting, trying to charge while it is turned off, booting into safe mode, and even updating to the Android Q beta (hoped they would've fixed it then), but nothing seems to work. I'm confident that it's a software issue since there would be random glitches where the original charger would actually work, but every other time it doesn't.
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Your testing methodology is flawed. The restart loop occurs at the P2XL splash screen, which means control of the device is still in the hands of the bootloader. Since the bootloader is outside of Android, Android cannot be the culprit. As a result, neither safe mode nor Android Q would resolve the problem.
Have you attempted moving your data off the device's internal storage and reinstalling a stock ROM using the included flash-all bat with the -w flag present? While we have determined that Android itself isn't the culprit, Google's ROM images also install bootloaders and basebands, either of which could be the source of your issue.
Once a stock ROM from Google is installed, test your device. If the restart loop occurs, then your issue is NOT software, but hardware. So then you'll have to test the hardware. Find a charger from a different device and, using a USB-A to USB-C cable attempt to charge the phone. If the restart loop does not occur with this combination, then you know the P2XL charger is faulty. Otherwise, the charging circuit in the P2XL has malfunctioned and thus service will be required.
Are you all on Android q beta or is this happening to stock non rooted too? I'm on q
FYI, I had this same problem a few months ago and it turned out this is a relatively common hardware issue on Pixel 2 XL.
It usually starts by occasional failures to charge (original charger), then it becomes more frequent, then you can't charge and find that the only option is an usb-c/usb-A cable (less power involved). Finally every time you plug a cable it restarts the phone.
Did all possible known troubleshooting, cleaned the port, engaged Google remote support, ...
At the end, the conclusion is that sometimes the port gets loose and related wiring becomes unstable.
To fix it, I had to send the phone for a port replacement.
Working fine since then.
Ali7000 said:
Hi, I've been having this problem with my pixel 2 xl that won't recognize any usb-c to usb-c cables. It will only recognize a usb-c to usb-a cable but will keep restarting the moment I plug it in. I've tried many things like restarting, trying to charge while it is turned off, booting into safe mode, and even updating to the Android Q beta (hoped they would've fixed it then), but nothing seems to work. I'm confident that it's a software issue since there would be random glitches where the original charger would actually work, but every other time it doesn't.
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I had a similar issue after the July update. If I plugged the original charger and cable in the phone turned off. The only way I could charge it was to use a USB-A to USB-C cable with a slow charger (non QC) and the phone had to be off. Did RMA with Google after doing safe boot, reset and other things. They noted the security update as reason so maybe that's the problem?
I have the problem since pie and even though Google accepted to RMA the device at first they then declined to do it because I didn't have the the purchase id of the device.
I'm doing the rma while I can. The more I read about it, the more I think it's due to the faulty fast charging. It might be damaging the charging port and causing these problems. What I find strange is that some other users also started having these problems a week ago like I did.
Ali7000 said:
I'm doing the rma while I can. The more I read about it, the more I think it's due to the faulty fast charging. It might be damaging the charging port and causing these problems. What I find strange is that some other users also started having these problems a week ago like I did.
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Port overheating may be causing it to become loose. That's my impression due to what happened to me.
Mine started working again. Weird
I just did RMA because of this... The new (refurbished) device is working now....
I edited the post because when I first tested my charger wasn't plugged in and I though that the new device had the same issue... ....:silly:
In any case do RMA..... Before this happened my pixel only charged with one side of the cable connector (any cable) then it magically got fixed and after two weeks it didn't charge with originals chargers (only when it was turned off)... Definitely was something hardware related...

