always on display and lock screen notifications - Huawei Mate 20 X Questions & Answers

I just bought a mate 20x and happy with it.
My problem is the notifications.
On allways on display, most of the time, there is no notifications at all!
And on the lock screen, notifications are there, but you can't expand them, like in the notification tray or the lock screen of my old LG V30...
it's very annoying...
any idea?

Your only option is a third party lock screen. I really like Notific.

Ok, thanks


Lockscreen Q.

Im new to Android, just upgraded from a Blackstone to a Desire this week.
Im trying to figure out how to disable the HTC `basic` lockscreen that appears, with the lower curved bar and notifications. I want to just have the gesture lock when i power on, and not have to thumb down the first lock bar to get to a second lockscreen.
how can i get rid of it ?
I'm just looking for this myself... no luck so far but if I do, I'll post my findings
You can use NoLock. Unfortunately it does what it says. It disables locking. This way, all key will wake the phone!
I'm looking for a solution to this very same problem. NoLock won't help because it also disables the lock pattern. So how to disable lockscreen and just leave lock pattern?

[Q] [APP] Problem with widgetlocker and noled

Hi...this is my first post, except the presentation...
I have a problem with these two apps on my brand new galaxy s2.
The problem is: if I am using the phone and something arrives, the screen turns black and appears the notification of noled.
Foe example: I'm chatting with google talk, a message arrives and then the screen turns black with notification of noled...
It's a bit annoying
Are there any settings to change to solve this problem?!?
I have the same problem with NoLed, been trying all kinds of solutions but yet to get it to work.
If my screen is turned off and I get a message I can't wake the phone with the power button cause that causes black screen.
Have to use homescreen button, annoying.
in widget locker go to settings>advanced and disable "retain system keyguard". should help.

Stop Lock screen

Hi all,
Is there a way to stop the lock screen from turning ON after a missed call. I'm not talking about the message on the lock screen but the lock screen itself. I just want the missed call to end and the lock screen not to come on at all. Is this possible?
I do want the lock screen to behave normally otherwise.
BTW - S4 Mini is rooted.
ghines said:
Hi all,
Is there a way to stop the lock screen from turning ON after a missed call. I'm not talking about the message on the lock screen but the lock screen itself. I just want the missed call to end and the lock screen not to come on at all. Is this possible?
I do want the lock screen to behave normally otherwise.
BTW - S4 Mini is rooted.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I never use a lock screen but if I did I would probably use Tasker to get rid of the lock screen when the 'phone' becomes idle. You would probably need the Secure Settings plugin to do it. Probably

lock screen owner info vs notifications

If I enable notifications to be shown on the lock screen, my owner information gets overwritten on the screen and cannot be viewed. But if I disable lock screen notifications, then I don't even get message icons in the lock screen notification bar. (I'm using the Google Now launcher, if it matters.)
I suppose I could just tape my owner info to the back of the phone. That would have the benefit of continuing to work even if the battery drains. Still, it's slightly annoying to have this new conflict from the Lollipop upgrade.

Strange notification icon that disappears after unlocking phone?

When i unlock my phone i notice this notification icon that looks like a tornado/triangle in the upper left corner, it disappears quickly before i can even take a screen shot of it. If i wouldn't of sold my s8 i could of taken a slow mo video of it heh. Any idea what it could be?
Here's the little guy.
Weather app?
Maybe it does a quick update each time you unlock
Disabled the samsung weather app and its still there, never had this icon appear on my s8.
Hmm it almost looks like the lightflow icon, wonder why it behaves like this.
You'll probably have to go through your notifications turning them off one by one until it disappears.
looks like light flow logo to me, do you use this app ?

