Want to make sure before I buy this phone.... - OnePlus 5T Questions & Answers

Hi All!
So I'm just about to get this phone after a loooong time with my HTC One m7.
I'm not a massive fan of google as a company and their tracking so for my HTC I did the following:
Rooted, installed cyanogen
Installed minimal gapps package
Installed Greenify to hibernate apps I don't use often
Used Privacy guard to limit permissions for apps
I also disabled google play and all sorts of other things.
Now I'm not expecting to install cyanogen on the 5t but what about all the other stuff? Are there better solutions 4 years later?
Ideally I'd like to get the 5t setup similarly to how I had the HTC.
I'd welcome any thoughts from those who know

SGSII_LEDnotify said:
Now I'm not expecting to install cyanogen on the 5t but what about all the other stuff? Are there better solutions 4 years later?
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Because Cyanogen is gone. What was left of it became Lineage OS which is a continuation of Cyanogen, and it has Privacy Guard. Lineage OS for the 5t is currently in beta, but should be working soon.

Also, with battery optimization built into Android now, you probably don't need Greenify.
With Lineage (or any other custom ROM), you can forego Google apps or do a minimal install. Check out your options here: http://opengapps.org/

the Doctor said:
Also, with battery optimization built into Android now, you probably don't need Greenify.
With Lineage (or any other custom ROM), you can forego Google apps or do a minimal install. Check out your options here: http://opengapps.org/
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Thanks, so it sounds like it'll be a similar procedure then.
I'm hot on the trail, I found this page detailing how to remove google from a phone:
I didn't realize I could essentially get away with not even installing play store and the article shows some replacement apps for the stock things I use most like calendar, calculator, mail etc.
So I need Lineage if I want privacy guard, however I do see the way android handles permissions has changed:
Just trying to form a plan of action really, for example on my paid apps (swype and nova launcher) can I simply copy across the apks?

I guess more pertinent questions would be:
Do I need Lineage in order to completely remove google from the phone?
Are there equivalents to privacy guard or are the controls in the stock rom enough?
Will Lineage use the OP features like slider control and camera app?
The stock rom seems pretty snappy and optimised for the device, can I get the benefits of Lineage whilst sticking with the original OS?

SGSII_LEDnotify said:
Just trying to form a plan of action really, for example on my paid apps (swype and nova launcher) can I simply copy across the apks?
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Paid apps may depend on Google services for verification.

the Doctor said:
Because Cyanogen is gone. What was left of it became Lineage OS which is a continuation of Cyanogen, and it has Privacy Guard. Lineage OS for the 5t is currently in beta, but should be working soon.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think Lineage 15 had Privacy manager in it yet? It is in Lineage 14.1.
As for the OP, as the 5T arrives, you can unlock it, root it, and remove what you don't want. You can disable (or remove) the Google apps, and the OnePlus services, as well as block them from Cell / Wifi connectivity if you wish. You have some of the privacy features that are built into the stock android, but not as fine as the privacy manager that was included in Lineage.
This is why I had hoped Lineage 14.1 would be worked on, it's also the only way we will get an official release right now (Especially with the similarities to the 5 which already has an official release). Unless Lineage 15.1 is close to release? Either way 15.1 is still missing several features from 14.1.

Thanks for this.
i've learnt a bit more since last posting about blobs and shims etc.
What I'm seeing is that there are tradeoffs for ROMs in terms of functionality and features, particularly in relation to the camera.
So like you said, rooting isn't an issue and then I can use titanium to remove google from the phone and replace with alternative apps. This would also give me the chance to access the playstore and copy over my paid apps. I'm not sure how 'completely' I can remove google this way, I assume completely, if there's no account on the phone and no apps then that's it isn't it?
So that looks like plan A for now, although that way I lose the Privacy Guard features I really like.
Plan B would be to go with Lineage to get PG but then I lose the OP camera app. I don't know if you get face unlock, slider control and other handset specific functions with this ROM.
I really like the 'per-permission' approach to Privacy Guard but you seem to lose a lot in the tradeoff.
Thanks again for the input.

SGSII_LEDnotify said:
What I'm seeing is that there are tradeoffs for ROMs in terms of functionality and features, particularly in relation to the camera.
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There are, but it's getting there. You have to remember it's a new device. The 5T is first device I've bought that did not have official CM / Lineage support (or at least a fully working version) already out at my time of purchase. The only reason I bought it is because I know there will be a version at some point. I bought two 5Ts one for my wife, and one for myself. Mine sat in the box for a few weeks unopened as I really didn't think I would like it without Lineage.
So the Camera, quite frankly Snap in Lineage stinks on all devices. It takes pictures, and functions as a camera, but not a good one. On my Nexus 5X, I have to use a modded Google Camera, on my Wife's and son's old Honor 5X we use Open Camera. Even on the 5T you'll see in some situations some people are getting better pictures out of the modded Google Camera. Even on the OOS, I've been playing around with the Google Camera, and prefer it's pictures in some situations as well. They are still working out some bugs with it, however again a new device, they will get these bugs worked out. We are all still essentially "early adopters".
As for the privacy manager it's gone a little down hill in Lineage. See this Reddit Thread: Link Here.
I posted actual screenshots of the differences here. I posted these in a couple different threads here on XDA, but it didn't go anywhere.
As for what you can do in OOS, it's actually fairly similar to what's now available in Lineage. This is from the 5T in the latest 7.1.1 update:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Same thing, so I blocked Dolphin from being able to Change system settings:
All those pages are available for system apps as well. So if you want to block Play Services, or the Play store from the Internet you can. First thing I did was remove a lot of the Google apps from the phone, as well as the OnePlus stuff. Most of this stuff, I removed with TitaniumBackup, and I just removed it entirely rather than freezing it.
As for FaceUnlock / Slider control, that stuff I'm sure will get figured out. However, we're still just to close to launch, there will be stuff that won't work. Heck we don't even have a selection of brand name cases to choose from and people are wanting fully functional custom roms... Give it time, it will be sorted out.

Again, all valuable info, thanks.
So eventually everything will be sorted out? Is that a reasonable expectation or will there always be things that are 'compromises'?
I see that OP has no intention of releasing the camera 'blob'. I also saw the chinese ROM comes without gapps, maybe that's available somewhere with a language pack?
It's a world I only briefly dipped my toe into when I first did my HTC to get cyanogen so I don't keep up on all the latest news and developments so any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Bit worrying to see the lack of maintenance on PG in Lineage though, that's a red flag for me, basically PG is the only thing keeping it in the mix. From the videos I've seen custom ROMs are slower than stock too.

SGSII_LEDnotify said:
So eventually everything will be sorted out? Is that a reasonable expectation or will there always be things that are 'compromises'?
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I think everything will be sorted out. It will take some time. It's still way too close to release date to expect things to be fully ironed out, but things are already moving at a good clip honestly.
SGSII_LEDnotify said:
I see that OP has no intention of releasing the camera 'blob'.
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This is correct. Unless some mods the camera to work some how in a custom ROM you are out of luck. They already have Google camera partially working, taking better pictures in some instances with OOS and custom ROMs. Yes it still has some issues, like needing a separate app for front and rear cameras. Again it's still early we'll have to give it time. I don't see the OP camera coming to custom ROMs, I see a "third party solution" of some sort being a solution here.
SGSII_LEDnotify said:
I also saw the chinese ROM comes without gapps, maybe that's available somewhere with a language pack?
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I don't know... You can pretty much remove what you want from OOS as well as block what you want from connecting to data / wifi this would make me happy enough until Lineage gets up and running. Once Lineage is released, as with all their builds, it will be without Gapps.
SGSII_LEDnotify said:
It's a world I only briefly dipped my toe into when I first did my HTC to get cyanogen so I don't keep up on all the latest news and developments so any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Bit worrying to see the lack of maintenance on PG in Lineage though, that's a red flag for me, basically PG is the only thing keeping it in the mix.
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I agree. To me one of the biggest reasons to run Lineage is the privacy guard. I'm hoping they have just been shifting time and energy to get Lineage 15 ready.
SGSII_LEDnotify said:
From the videos I've seen custom ROMs are slower than stock too.
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I would disagree with this. Custom roms for me have always been faster and had better battery life. Admittedly I typically run custom kernels as well and spend time tweaking things which can impact battery life. I also tend to strip unnecessary things out of the OS as well. It's just like a PC, if you have a bunch of stuff starting up at bootup and running in the background your performance will be slower. I guess everyone's mileage will vary though.

Thanks, like you said, I guess it's still early days but hopefully we'll get some really comprehensive ROMs with good workarounds (like the googlecam app). I appreciate this is a lot of hard work with a lot of trial and error for the devs.
Looks like rooting and 'optimizing' the stock software is plan A for now. I'll investigate replacements for PG, if there are any.
I'm the same, I always tear a windows install apart, disabling services and optimizing the rest of the OS as needed. I was surprised to see the ROMs performing slower than stock (in terms of opening apps at least) but those were the videos I saw. I expect with time everything will fall in to place and patience is the key for now.
I guess I'm just excited to finally get a new phone after 4 and half years
OhioYJ said:
I think everything will be sorted out. It will take some time. It's still way too close to release date to expect things to be fully ironed out, but things are already moving at a good clip honestly.
This is correct. Unless some mods the camera to work some how in a custom ROM you are out of luck. They already have Google camera partially working, taking better pictures in some instances with OOS and custom ROMs. Yes it still has some issues, like needing a separate app for front and rear cameras. Again it's still early we'll have to give it time. I don't see the OP camera coming to custom ROMs, I see a "third party solution" of some sort being a solution here.
I don't know... You can pretty much remove what you want from OOS as well as block what you want from connecting to data / wifi this would make me happy enough until Lineage gets up and running. Once Lineage is released, as with all their builds, it will be without Gapps.
I agree. To me one of the biggest reasons to run Lineage is the privacy guard. I'm hoping they have just been shifting time and energy to get Lineage 15 ready.
I would disagree with this. Custom roms for me have always been faster and had better battery life. Admittedly I typically run custom kernels as well and spend time tweaking things which can impact battery life. I also tend to strip unnecessary things out of the OS as well. It's just like a PC, if you have a bunch of stuff starting up at bootup and running in the background your performance will be slower. I guess everyone's mileage will vary though.
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Btw, I'd be interested in a heads up on the BIB. Again, it's not a world I'm familiar with so if you could point me towards some knowledge it would be appreciated
OhioYJ said:
I would disagree with this. Custom roms for me have always been faster and had better battery life. Admittedly I typically run custom kernels as well and spend time tweaking things which can impact battery life. I also tend to strip unnecessary things out of the OS as well. It's just like a PC, if you have a bunch of stuff starting up at bootup and running in the background your performance will be slower. I guess everyone's mileage will vary though.
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SGSII_LEDnotify said:
Btw, I'd be interested in a heads up on the BIB. Again, it's not a world I'm familiar with so if you could point me towards some knowledge it would be appreciated
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On most of my current devices I've been using the ElementalX kernel and the EX Kernel Manager. It's what I'm using on my 5T as well, although I'm still tweaking the settings.
This is what I used on my Nexus 5X, Irrelevant for the 5T, but sort of will give you an idea of what I changed, and things I tested?
I know so far on all my devices, including my Nexus 5X (which supported fast charging, OEM charger was a 3 amp charger) my battery always lasted longer on each charge being slow charged (0.35 - 0.5 amp) so this is generally what I charge all my devices at. I haven't even used my "dash charger" yet. Although I guess I should try it for a few cycles and see if the same does apply to this device.


[Rom] Deviant v0.77 -2nd release (27/2/2011)

Deviant v0.77
Here is an attempt at changing the recent trend in Galaxy S (i9000) ROMs. It seams the focus is mostly on speed (not only speed of course but its definitely prioritized to the point of sometimes leaving little option but a stock ROM or a quick ROM), which is good for some people and great for improving OS knowledge and leading to advances all over the place but why have a modern phone with decent specs with the only advantage being the ability to load the MMS app a few milliseconds quicker? Don't get me wrong I think most of the ROMs available are great I just find there's not really anything like what I'm attempting to do (that I've come across at least). But the most experimental change I am trying to implement and my main focus in creating this ROM is to replace as many of the stock apps as possible with community made alternatives which has turned out to be quite a challenging process due to most apps not being designed to be used together in such a way and especially without the standard system apps being available to them (though some just work perfectly as full replacements many just don't, possibly due to certain system apps calling each other in ways that just causes repeated force closings at boot) but it's definitely do able as I've replaced almost all of the standard apps already but there's bound to be some issues so time will tell.
So in attempting to fill in this perceived gap I am working on a ROM that:
* Replace as many of the standard apps as possible with full featured free alternatives (SUPPORT FREE SOFTWARE!!!)
* Adding extras you may not even need but you might have fun fiddling with none the less
* Providing a ROM that you can flash then immediately just have fun with that still is fully functional and stable
* Is suitable for everyday use
* That isn't noticeably lagged
* Which contains a new custom theme (possibly to be started in the next release but it wont be a priority over useability and stability)
I hope this find at least a small appreciative audience. I am VERY open to comments and suggestions especially about good free apps that I may not have even heard of (and considering how many apps are available now days it is a definite possibility).
PLEASE NOTE! This is still very much in development, its going to have problems most likely petty little ones but there's going to be a few at least, most likely incompatibilities between apps or stock apps I've replaced that has broken the ROM in some way. But so far I'm definitely happy with the results and consider it usable and reasonably stable but there's definitely so much more I can do so hopefully there is interest in this ROM to motivate my continued work.
List of ROM changes and specifics below in following post.
Download Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21970648/Deviant_v0.77.zip
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Cheers everyone, The_Everlasting_End
Changes and Specifics:
Changed System (Stock) APPs
MusicPlayer.apk - Mort Player BETA
Gallery3d.apk - QuickPic
Browser.apk - Skyfire Browser
DialerTabActivity.apk - Dialer2
Camera.apk - Camera Magic
VoiceRecorder.apk - Voice Recorder (not stock just not very creatively named)
MyFiles.apk - File Expert
TouchWizCalculator.apk - RealCalc
ClockPackage.apk - Alarm Clock Plus
VideoPlayer.apk -mVideoPlayer
JobManager.apk - Advanced Task Manager
Email.apk - K-9 Mail
MMS.apk - GO SMS
Maps.apk - MapQuest
VoiceSearch.apk - ChaCha Droid
Added/Extra APPs:
Volume Control +
SGS Tools
Spare Parts
XDA forum app
Voodoo Control App
Foot Feed
Jota Text
LCD Density Changer
Quick Boot
Backup Everything
BLN Control Free
Download All Files
E-mail Notifier
Barcode Scanner
AnySoft Keyboard
Go Launcher Notifications
MortPlay Widget
PDF Viewer
Voltage Control
JS5 Base (WIPE)
Super Optimized Kernel v4.7.9
GO Launcher EX
Modified Phone.apk for call recording if desired
Default LCD Density changed to 200 (looks much nicer)
Custom made Deviant boot animations (one needs some work one isn't bad though)
Installation Instructions:
Flash via clockwork (at the moment the script wont flash properly with clockwork 3 it doesn't fail but it wont install the apps correctly so if your using a voodoo kernel or another kernel with version 3 (orange menus) just flash Speedmod or something else with cw v2.5 instead of 3). Prior to flashing make sure to do a full wipe. The app "backup everything" is included in this ROM so that you may use it to back up your apps and whatever else if you are following the deviant releases. If you do decide to flash a post saying that you have flashed this ROM would be great to give me some idea of how many people are using it.
There's probably a few little changes I've forgot to mention, if anyone notices any obvious ones could you please make me aware so I can list them
Some screenshots would be nice
rOck4n said:
Some screenshots would be nice
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There's nothing much to see screen shot wize as yet, stock theme with just a custom background... its the software differences that make it interesting so far. But yah I need to get some up thanks for the reminder!
theeverlastingend said:
There's nothing much to see screen shot wize as yet, stock theme with just a custom background... its the software differences that make it interesting so far. But yah I need to get some up thanks for the reminder!
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Try to use the gray icons in the menus (settings), they look better and elegant than the colorful one's. Try also to put some info about the battery usage, most of the users aim for a ROM with good battery performance regardless of the kernel.
Very interesting ! Sure a supa-cool theme would make your rom really different !
rOck4n said:
Try to use the gray icons in the menus (settings), they look better and elegant than the colorful one's. Try also to put some info about the battery usage, most of the users aim for a ROM with good battery performance regardless of the kernel.
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Yah I know what ya mean the stock colours are a bit rough on the eye, I'm keen to start doing some theme work as i go along but I may use a nice theme that's already available in the next release to get things looking nice before I get to it. Kernel: Most likely going to be changed anyway, possibly to something UV'ed by default but not necessarily OC'd which leads me to battery, drain doesn't seam bad at all... but I'm bin experimenting and testing different software mixes alot so I really haven't had the change to really gauge it but its not horrible at the moment (IMO).
crash-petard said:
Very interesting ! Sure a supa-cool theme would make your rom really different !
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Thanks for your support, its still early days but I'm hoping to have something after awhile with a really alternative feel especially with the software itself.
ADWLauncher with darkEdge themes look very sleek on my phone. Try it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hi again,
I think different proffessionals have different requirements. If you want this to to see a logical end, make a ROM for doctors, one for engineers, one for architects, one for politicians, one for social workers, one for kids, one for teenagers, one for single MOMs, one for divorcees, Etc, Etc.
One package doesn't seriously fit ALL.
EDIT1 : A seriously overweight woman would require a diet plan software.
EDIT2 : A scientist would prefer to have wolfram & use it.
While reading the first few sentences..
I was having the idea that this rom is working towards battery efficiency..
lol.. I see you're having fun replacing stock apps..
Oh, what app did you use for contact replacement ? I'm trying to replace samsung contact app with AOSP Contact App...but I fail everytime. Do you think it's possible ?
ragin said:
Hi again,
I think different proffessionals have different requirements. If you want this to to see a logical end, make a ROM for doctors, one for engineers, one for architects, one for politicians, one for social workers, one for kids, one for teenagers, one for single MOMs, one for divorcees, Etc, Etc.
One package doesn't seriously fit ALL.
EDIT1 : A seriously overweight woman would require a diet plan software.
EDIT2 : A scientist would prefer to have wolfram & use it.
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hmmm I see what your saying and perhaps I haven't quite expressed my intentions perfectly yet (this is very much a work in progress)... My main intention is to switch out as many of the standard apps as possible (from the dialer to Google maps) with free community developed alternatives, this is my main aim. My secondary aim is to have something with a bit of weight to it, not ridiculously full just full of nice useful apps that cover a decent range of uses but not anything so specific as to target a specific audience.
Also thanks for advising me about those themes, I am currently looking into a few options atm. Though unsure which to persue as yet.
Also a new build will be going up in the next hour or so (my upload speed is horrible atm) which has had quite a few changes since the first release... Also keep an eye out as I will be putting alot of time towards this and are hoping for daily updates (till things reach a point I'm alot more happy with).
So please come back now and then just to see whats bin done and your comments are definately more then welcome!
profi208 said:
While reading the first few sentences..
I was having the idea that this rom is working towards battery efficiency..
lol.. I see you're having fun replacing stock apps..
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Sorry though this will be something I look at down the line atm its not the highest of priorites. This is very much an experiment of sorts that may or may not develop into something good... Thanks for having a look anyway
crash-petard said:
Oh, what app did you use for contact replacement ? I'm trying to replace samsung contact app with AOSP Contact App...but I fail everytime. Do you think it's possible ?
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ahh i see we've run into similar problems, specifically the mms and contacts apps... Atm I've pretty well settled on just adding an extra two apps and leaving them (that reminds me I need to re-add contapps its quite good). There's definitely dependance issues with those two apks which there is possibly a way around but definitely not an obvious one, I've spent a bit of time reading around but yet to have any luck and quite a lot of experimenting has left me with no luck so far sorry... Would be wonderful to hear back if you find a solution
Ok. I was thinking about a dependance issue too, so I'm looking at the other files contained, for example, in the Gapps zip of CM7. There is a LIB folder, which could be related to. Following that track : in the Lib folder of CM7, we can find some lib files related to the keyboard, the camera app, etc... But no explicit "libcontact" file (for example).
I don't think that Etc and Framework folders could be useful.
However, I'm just groping.
crash-petard said:
Ok. I was thinking about a dependance issue too, so I'm looking at the other files contained, for example, in the Gapps zip of CM7. There is a LIB folder, which could be related to. Following that track : in the Lib folder of CM7, we can find some lib files related to the keyboard, the camera app, etc... But no explicit "libcontact" file (for example).
I don't think that Etc and Framework folders could be useful.
However, I'm just groping.
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Actually this is something I noticed aswell... When I replaced the gallery in Deviant I found I could use Floating Image as a replacement fine but that didnt cut it as a good full featured gallery (though it was cool to look at) so I decided to replace it with QuickPic which just force closed on boot, but by doing alot of reading around happened across a fix but putting a single library file from its APK into the lib folder of the rom and now it works flawlessly. Yet to find a way around the MMS or Contacts issue sadly, which is something I would really like to have fixed in a future release.
Very interesting .. we're on the right track. Maybe contacting a skilled developer (Darky, Doc,...) would be helpful? Or even the CM7 developers.
crash-petard said:
Very interesting .. we're on the right track. Maybe contacting a skilled developer (Darky, Doc,...) would be helpful? Or even the CM7 developers.
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That could possibly help (would hate to annoy them though they are doing some really great work)... It's definitely something that gets asked around the net a bit as I've noticed while doing some research but it seams the MMS apk sets up the messaging settings in some way on first boot and can often be replaced after that, I think the easiest way to do that would be to script something to remove/switch the apk after its done its job right at the end of first boot, though doing so could be somewhat of a challenge in itself and their doesn't seam be any obvious lib files in the apk. As for my issue with the contact app, I think that's really provably to do with a dependance but then again it could just be the way all the contact apps I've tried are coded (not designed to run by them self and perhaps depending on the stock app in some way)...

[ROM] CarbonROM Linaro GCC 4.7/-O3 JB 4.2.2 Unofficial 8.03.13

As good a place as any to post this.
Pio-masaki.com is being shut down due to a Cease and Desist order sent against the host by Google and homeland security. I have no idea why, however until this is sorted out, and to avoid any possible or further legal issues, the site is down for a period of time that can be a day or forever. This includes any and all ROMs, kernels, gapps packages, for any and all devices, that were hosted on pio-masaki.com.
I apologize in advance for this as I know some ROMs are only available at pio-masaki.com, but it is out of my hands, the host has to consider their own safety, and has my 100% agreement and backing in taking down the site until the matter is resolved.
As this is a very large matter, and one that has us incredibly scared, I'm retreating from android for the time being, until I know what it was that I did that was illegal, and may return once this is cleared up and blows over.
After this is cleared up the hosting for pio-masaki.com may still remain offline as the hoster has some personal issues with me at this point and may or may not continue to host for me, should we resolve our differences it may return.
If by some chance Google or whoever sent the C&D notices this, I urge you to contact me as I was responsible for what was hosted, and would genuinely like to know what the issues are so we can get them resolved immediately.
I will be making similar postings or editings to any other ROM threads that link to pio-masaki.com.
What is CarbonROM?
CarbonRom is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project. We are dedicated to fast, stable, and feature-filled roms, honesty and communication with our users, and openness with our code. We like frequent builds, with the very latest and greatest hardware support and fixes. We strive to not only provide you with the best rom we can build, but also to give back to the Android community and our fellow developers. For us, this is about creating something we can be proud of and hope you will enjoy.
Please feel free to look at, build, and use our code on CarbonDev GitHub.
We would like to thank CyanogenMod for their device trees, framework/settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.
Special thanks also go to Slim Rom for some of their features, PA, AOKP, and anyone else we may have borrowed commits from that hasn't been mentioned here. If you feel you have been unfairly left out, please - let us know.
While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device, family, pets, or perception of reality. We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash! If you have questions, ask your fellow users or ask us in #teamcarbon on freenode IRC.
1.6 is a pretty big update for us! Check out the changelog on our goo.im page for more, but here are the highlights:
-Floating Application windows (long press app in recent apps list)
-Lock screen rotation is back
-Dark Carbon! Huge props to Slim Roms for coming up with this unique and awesome feature.
-Lockscreen theming
-CM skinny battery is back!
-Volume key lock on silent mode option
-Backup tool - if you're flashing a new version of Carbon and already have the required version of gapps installed, it will be backed up and restored during install. This applies to system apps and custom host files as well. Please note that you should only dirty flash from Carbon to Carbon. It's ok if it's another version or a nightly - just not over other roms. Super handy for you crack flashers. Make sure you've got the most recent Gapps though, and if you're flashing from a factory reset, you'll still need to install it after install of course.
-Long pressing the "clear recents" button clears the cache
-AOKP's awesome new navbar settings
-NFC polling mode for when you want to keep your screen off and scan tags
-MMS and call "breathe" feature. Makes the notification icon fade in and out.
-Mute dings when changing volume
-Disable/enable CRT effect on screen on/off.
-3rd party keyboard bug fixed
-deodexed again
-stability and speed enhancements
-a million other little things as well - we basically don't even sleep anymore.
*not all features are available on the A100 tablet.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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Please clean flash this, there's so many extra settings that dirty flashing will likely cause problems. If you dirty flash, please don't report any issues until you flash clean and the issue occurs again!
Please use a proper 4.2.2 Gapps package, using inversed or any modded versions can and likely will cause issues, please use the current 4.2.2 from goo.im, if you use inverted or modded Gapps, please don't report issues until you clean flash with a proper package from goo.im!
Download the ROM
Download the current 4.2.2 Gapps from goo.im or pio-masaki.com
Place files someplace useful
Boot into recovery
This part assumes you know how to operate your installed recovery
Wipe system
Factory reset
Wipe dalvik
Flash CarbonROM
Flash Gapps
Let settle for a few minutes after booting
Setup device as usual
If you have issues on first boot, flash the ROM only, then after it boots, reboot and flash Gapps then manually setup your device in settings.
Change Log
initial build for experimenting, didn't boot.
Next try, boots, SystemUI crash makes it unusable, no nav/status bars
WiFi works, SystemUI persistent crashing still makes device unsable.
BT, WiFi, sound all work, persistent SystemUI crashes still occuring.
All works, SystemUI crash fixed, PIE crashing, battery mods missing, Torch doesn't work.
All works, Torch works
Fixed PIE crashing, fixed missing battery mods. Rom is now fully operational.
If you didn't read the bugs list below, go down and read that now, asking the same questions over and over is a trademark of xda and I hate it, please read the change log and bug list before posting questions or reporting issues.
Q. I want to use this build(s) as a base for my ROM, or I want to host/re release it in another country/forum, can I?
A. You may, but only if you send me a PM about it first. I've had a bit of trouble with people taking credit for my work, and I'm getting sick of it. I don't mind sharing and whatnot, but taking my build, adding a build.prop tweak and releasing it on another forum with no mention of my name is not acceptable. As for re releasing on another forum, you may if you just shoot me a link to the post about it, I would rather you link directly to this thread if possible. For those posting in forums of other languages (I know some users might in Russia, for example, use my ROMs) feel free to post for your native languages, and please include a link here also.
Q. I want to report an issue, can I just post it in your thread without reading or doing any basic troubleshooting, googling, reading or wiping?
A. Well you CAN, you may be ignored or flamed for it. Please read above, and please read the Bugs and Change Log lists before reporting anything. Please flash a clean download, flash a clean wipe, and don't restore stuff from TiBu, thats basic troubleshooting, check if the issue persists, if it does, then feel free to post about it.
Q. Is this daily driver ready?
A. Can't answer that, what a person needs from their phone varies from person to person, what I may consider fine for my use may be 500 kinds of broken for another user. Example, I don't use my camera often, maybe once a month, and my BT has never been turned on for the last 5 devices, for me broken BT audio and camera doesn't make it a non daily driver ROM. Please read and decide for yourself if features included outweigh the broken, or if broken things are required for your comfortable use of your device.
Q. How can I build my own versions?
A. I'm not going to write a guide, I did write one for CM9 which is 99.99% still a working guide aside from source urls for updated jellybean. Otherwise there are plenty of very well written guides on how to build ROMs, individual questions about build it can be asked here if you wish as this is a development thread.
Q. Can I use -insert kernel name here-?
A. You can probably use any kernel you want, but WiFi and such won't work. If you don't mind no WiFi feel free to use any kernel that will boot.
Q. Your files all download as index.php!
A. This happens on certain browsers, namely the stock browser and Chrome. You can either use another browser (naked and dolphin don't do this) or simply rename the file to something useful, like "piostotallyepicawesomesaucedrizzledromthatrocksyo urass.zip"
MIC doesn't work
Camera crashes when you change resolutions
WiFi may not connect after being turned off, needing a reboot to come back up
Google Search doesn't work (no MIC)
Headset MIC also doesn't work
ROM may get stuck booting, powering off and on will have it boot again, not sure where this is coming from.
More, I'm sure.
Please visit http://pio-masaki.com for all my ROM builds
WHOA BUNDY! This ROM is amazing! Finally some 4.2.2 action on the A100. Thanks!
This looks very interesting indeed. Without MIC support it can't be my daily as I Skype alot, but a working 4.2.2 on this old tablet is amazing in itself! Great work as always Pio.
MrCubbins said:
This looks very interesting indeed. Without MIC support it can't be my daily as I Skype alot, but a working 4.2.2 on this old tablet is amazing in itself! Great work as always Pio.
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Actually, try a headset, or plug then unplug headphones, it works on the thrive for audio to get working properly, may work here too, they use the same audio system, drivers and libs.
Well I didn't have time to play much last night but have had a proper look around the ROM today.
4.2.2 on A100 is FAST!! Very impressive. I noticed some issues so thought it might be helpful to catalogue them here.
MIC is definitely not working. Tried the headphone thing but nothing Voice Search force closes on launch and Recorder can't hear anything.
The Halo app (which I gather is one of the big draws in this ROM) force closes when you select it. Oddly, it's like it might be corrupted or something as the icon is showing as just a little droid and the app title is showing as HALO))).
Changing the camera resolution causes the camera to FC (front or rear camera) ... Afterwards a dialog box tells you that it "Can't connect to the camera". This was a problem in the older 4.1.2 ROMs as well but I believe Hardslog discovered a fix somehow so I am sure he will be able to give you the info.
If there is anything else I come across during my exploring I will let you know. I'm enjoying having new things to play with!
MrCubbins said:
Well I didn't have time to play much last night but have had a proper look around the ROM today.
4.2.2 on A100 is FAST!! Very impressive. I noticed some issues so thought it might be helpful to catalogue them here.
MIC is definitely not working. Tried the headphone thing but nothing Voice Search force closes on launch and Recorder can't hear anything.
The Halo app (which I gather is one of the big draws in this ROM) force closes when you select it. Oddly, it's like it might be corrupted or something as the icon is showing as just a little droid and the app title is showing as HALO))).
Changing the camera resolution causes the camera to FC (front or rear camera) ... Afterwards a dialog box tells you that it "Can't connect to the camera". This was a problem in the older 4.1.2 ROMs as well but I believe Hardslog discovered a fix somehow so I am sure he will be able to give you the info.
If there is anything else I come across during my exploring I will let you know. I'm enjoying having new things to play with!
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There's two parts of Halo))), the part you're talking about, doesn't matter unless you want a specific app always to be in Halo, otherwise HALO itself works just fine. The app itself isn't required or the "big draw" to the ROM, HALO can be managed just fine without it, and originally the app wasn't included, I hadn't noticed it was included now anyways lol
The camera issues are partly due to we're using camera parts from 5 versions of android ago, I'm sure it can be patched up again but it's getting annoying having to fix storage, audio, cameras, and kernels EVERY SINGLE MINOR UPDATE to android. We're not talking 4.1 to 5.0, its 4.1 to 4.2.
AFAIK it wasn't reported my 4.1.2 builds ever had camera issues, though. Keep in mind I was doing that blind, if no one told me I would never have known.
Google search doesn't force close for me, but it also doesn't hear anything, so that doesn't count for much lol
pio_masaki said:
There's two parts of Halo))), the part you're talking about, doesn't matter unless you want a specific app always to be in Halo, otherwise HALO itself works just fine. The app itself isn't required or the "big draw" to the ROM, HALO can be managed just fine without it, and originally the app wasn't included, I hadn't noticed it was included now anyways lol
The camera issues are partly due to we're using camera parts from 5 versions of android ago, I'm sure it can be patched up again but it's getting annoying having to fix storage, audio, cameras, and kernels EVERY SINGLE MINOR UPDATE to android. We're not talking 4.1 to 5.0, its 4.1 to 4.2.
AFAIK it wasn't reported my 4.1.2 builds ever had camera issues, though. Keep in mind I was doing that blind, if no one told me I would never have known.
Google search doesn't force close for me, but it also doesn't hear anything, so that doesn't count for much lol
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Does that mean I can safely remove the HALO))) apk without affecting the functionality of Halo itself?
I reported the camera res change issues quite awhile ago to hardslog, though I think at that point you had stopped development on the A100. I remember him saying he would look into a fix and I think awhile after he cured it. Can't remember if he listed on here what the actual cause of the problem is though.
This potential to customize how this ROM behaves is absolutely incredible. I spent the last couple of hours messing about with swipe bars and pop up menus and the various combinations possible... it really is clever stuff. Was rather confusing to figure out what is what at first. I've still not found a way to change the button size on the pie... any additional buttons added get squashed up at one end of it. Is there anywhere in the menu where this can be altered? Also, directly surrounding the pie buttons there is a thick bar which is partially blue... looks like a volume slider or something but I can't seem to get it to do anything??
All in all a very interesting ROM thank you Pio. Given that it is early days on 4.2.2 for the A100, do you think there is any chance that the MIC will be fixable in the future? Does it work ok on your Thrive?
MrCubbins said:
Does that mean I can safely remove the HALO))) apk without affecting the functionality of Halo itself?
I reported the camera res change issues quite awhile ago to hardslog, though I think at that point you had stopped development on the A100. I remember him saying he would look into a fix and I think awhile after he cured it. Can't remember if he listed on here what the actual cause of the problem is though.
This potential to customize how this ROM behaves is absolutely incredible. I spent the last couple of hours messing about with swipe bars and pop up menus and the various combinations possible... it really is clever stuff. Was rather confusing to figure out what is what at first. I've still not found a way to change the button size on the pie... any additional buttons added get squashed up at one end of it. Is there anywhere in the menu where this can be altered? Also, directly surrounding the pie buttons there is a thick bar which is partially blue... looks like a volume slider or something but I can't seem to get it to do anything??
All in all a very interesting ROM thank you Pio. Given that it is early days on 4.2.2 for the A100, do you think there is any chance that the MIC will be fixable in the future? Does it work ok on your Thrive?
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Well as I said unless it was reported (to me) I wouldn't have known. Hardslog wasn't reporting issues or fixes to me so I never knew it happened or how it was fixed.
The mic should be fixable, and yes it works on the thrive, so its likely a minor routing issue on the vangogh vs Antares or Picasso boards. Sound is my weakest point though, I always have troubles with it for some reason.
As for pie, there's options for all kinda shiz in there, just gotta go through them all and restart systemui to make them active in some cases. That bar is, I think, just decoration, though.
Sad thing is I don't really use the camera features on the A100 so that's probably why I never tested them when going thru stuff on the recent CM10 builds. But yes I am getting the same issues MrCubbins has reported with changing resolutions FCing the camera app on this current CarbonROM build.
The only thing I am hoping for down the road is some kind of updated version Linuxsociety's Jelly Bean kernel that works on 4.2.2. I'm pretty sure the current build will not work on 4.2.2 ROMs due to there being enough differences between 4.1.x and 4.2.2. Love how that kernel worked in making things run just a bit smoother. :good:
AngryManMLS said:
Sad thing is I don't really use the camera features on the A100 so that's probably why I never tested them when going thru stuff on the recent CM10 builds. But yes I am getting the same issues MrCubbins has reported with changing resolutions FCing the camera app on this current CarbonROM build.
The only thing I am hoping for down the road is some kind of updated version Linuxsociety's Jelly Bean kernel that works on 4.2.2. I'm pretty sure the current build will not work on 4.2.2 ROMs due to there being enough differences between 4.1.x and 4.2.2. Love how that kernel worked in making things run just a bit smoother. :good:
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I'm just curious why anyone
A: uses the crappy camera on these things for anything but Skype
B: bothers changing the resolution of the already low resolution cameras
The kernel included is already modified just hasn't had the juice turned on yet. I'm not a fan of his kernel for my personal device, it never got along with it. If you venture into its settings you'll notice it has some extras in governors and io, no longer stock CM.
Yeah I'm not really much of a fan of cams on tablets myself. Yet I've seen people using their tablets for taking pictures so what do I (and you) know, right?
I wasn't aware of what was going on with the kernel that you have in use. The Linuxsociety kernel or at least the one that was in hardslog's ROMs ran very well on mine. That's using Linuxsociety's kernel with mods done wasn't it? Then again we all know that you probably can have two A100's next to each other one will run the kernel perfectly yet the other one will have issues with it... so yeah.
AngryManMLS said:
Yeah I'm not really much of a fan of cams on tablets myself. Yet I've seen people using their tablets for taking pictures so what do I (and you) know, right?
I wasn't aware of what was going on with the kernel that you have in use. The Linuxsociety kernel or at least the one that was in hardslog's ROMs ran very well on mine. That's using Linuxsociety's kernel with mods done wasn't it? Then again we all know that you probably can have two A100's next to each other one will run the kernel perfectly yet the other one will have issues with it... so yeah.
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I think he used ezterrys kernel, why he chose to over the godmachine kernel you'll need to ask him about lol. It was a nice kernel for sure, but my a100 just didn't like it. My thrive kernels love mine but hate some others, such is electronics I guess.
I'm still testing the kernel for when the juice is turned on so its a pretty basic kernel otherwise, bit it should wake up real nice when its let loose.
Looking over the notes from several of hardslog's ROMs he's mentioned they have used godmachine kernels (or as I mistakenly called them "Linuxsociety"). No idea on the latest ROM that he's released since there's no mention. Let me know if you need to me to test any kernels here. My A100 is ready.
Well the kernel has some odd issues, for one lulzactive seems to just stay at top speed, it doesn't seem to scale at all. In the overclock enabled builds anychanges to min/max speeds will result in no deep sleep, the kernel stays awake at all times. Not sure whats causing either of those, lulzactive can be gone over but why the speed change locks the system awake I have no clue.
I really wish I knew what I was doing with kernels lol
Vote, who thinks I should just update the linux society/god machine kernel to 4.2 and leave it at that? lol
I was totally not aware about the deep sleep issue since I normally turn the tablet off when it's not in use. Does the ezterry kernel have the same issue? If not then maybe updating that to 4.2 might be better in the long run. As far as scaling I never seemed to have the issue at least from what SetCPU shows me. I'm about to go to my CYANOSAKI_FLEX_V2.0 backup and will let you know what I'm seeing as that I believe is using a godmachine kernel.
Also just noticed something weird. When I tried to backup the current CarbonROM build using TWRP it shows 0MB in cache is used. Could there be something wrong with the routing/paths/etc on cache use on CarbonROM?
AngryManMLS said:
I was totally not aware about the deep sleep issue since I normally turn the tablet off when it's not in use. Does the ezterry kernel have the same issue? If not then maybe updating that to 4.2 might be better in the long run. As far as scaling I never seemed to have the issue at least from what SetCPU shows me. I'm about to go to my CYANOSAKI_FLEX_V2.0 backup and will let you know what I'm seeing as that I believe is using a godmachine kernel.
Also just noticed something weird. When I tried to backup the current CarbonROM build using TWRP it shows 0MB in cache is used. Could there be something wrong with the routing/paths/etc on cache use on CarbonROM?
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The deep sleep issues are only on the overclock enabled kernel that I use, it shouldn't appear in the released build, it only shows up if min/max speeds are changed from stock. Scaling issues appear only in lulzactive, its defaulted to interactive so unless you change it, its scaling properly.
I'm not using the ezterry or god machine kernels, so its a problem unique to mine I think.
It uses cache or it wouldn't be booting at all, and you shouldn't back that up anyways I think twrp has some bugs no one ironed out and its causing oddness with older devices.
Oops. I thought you meant godmachine's kernel had those issues. My bad. I should read better next time. :laugh:
Also checking CYANOSAKI_FLEX_V2.0 the kernel it's using believe it or not is by ezterry. SetCPU defaults to interactive on this for me as well running at 1.5 ghz max speed, 312 mhz minimum. No idea if hardslog has done any mods/changes to the kernel however. Run perfectly fine on my A100. :good:
And you are right about cache let alone the TWRP bug. Just finished wiping and restoring my CarbonROM backup by the way. Successful swapping from 4.2.2 to 4.1.2 and back via TWRP backups.
Ugh I hate kernels, and I hate working IN them even more. But, it's coming along. It'll basically be the GM kernel all over again when I'm done lol.
So far vs the source I began with:
GPU/CPU/system speeds are tuned a little more, voltages tuned a little more
Adding in those missing governors, like Smartass and lagfree.
Converted/updated to BCMDHD from BCM4329
OC up to 1.5, UC to 216
I'm building this to include with my 4.2 builds, and I suppose I could just release a flashable version, it may even work on 4.1, who knows.

New Nextbin Robin Owner

My phone should arrive tomorrow and while the Cloud feature seems interesting, I am not sure I will find it very useful. On top of that I know that since Razer bought the Nextbit brand/company it is unknown just how long cloud support will be supported.
So is it recommended to put a custom ROM on it, I assume esp on XDA it is highly advised just due to the nature of the community, but what custom ROM is regarded as the best? I am sure if is up to personal opinion but generally speaking? Also, what features are hindered besides the cloud backup by using the recommended custom ROM?
Lastly, just assuming I stick with Stock OS for now, what tips and tricks does everyone have for me? Thanks in advance!
Saix_XIII said:
My phone should arrive tomorrow and while the Cloud feature seems interesting, I am not sure I will find it very useful. On top of that I know that since Razer bought the Nextbit brand/company it is unknown just how long cloud support will be supported.
So is it recommended to put a custom ROM on it, I assume esp on XDA it is highly advised just due to the nature of the community, but what custom ROM is regarded as the best? I am sure if is up to personal opinion but generally speaking? Also, what features are hindered besides the cloud backup by using the recommended custom ROM?
Lastly, just assuming I stick with Stock OS for now, what tips and tricks does everyone have for me? Thanks in advance!
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Omni is considerably recommended by pretty much everyone, but you should check out some new roms like AICP, which was just released. The only thing that doesn't work is the cloud as you mentioned. Unlock your bootloader before setting anything up when you first get it so you can flash roms and stock images as well with fastboot.
VenomMOD said:
Omni is considerably recommended by pretty much everyone, but you should check out some new roms like AICP, which was just released. The only thing that doesn't work is the cloud as you mentioned. Unlock your bootloader before setting anything up when you first get it so you can flash roms and stock images as well with fastboot.
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I like versions of Android that are light and speedy, stable, and very few of no bugs. Don't need a ton of bells and whistles. Is there a rom that allows the fingerprint scanner, NFC, and even the Android pay to work( I think I read it isn't possible for Android pay to work with custom roms? Which custom ROM is best suited for that?
While I have flashed custom roms on a few devices over the years I am no expert. Are there "idiot proof" guides out there to make sure I don't brick my new phone?
Saix_XIII said:
I like versions of Android that are light and speedy, stable, and very few of no bugs. Don't need a ton of bells and whistles. Is there a rom that allows the fingerprint scanner, NFC, and even the Android pay to work( I think I read it isn't possible for Android pay to work with custom roms? Which custom ROM is best suited for that?
While I have flashed custom roms on a few devices over the years I am no expert. Are there "idiot proof" guides out there to make sure I don't brick my new phone?
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NFC and Fingerprint work on pretty much every ROM, I can't say the same about Android pay though. If you really need everything to work and be stable, I'd stay on stock.
VenomMOD said:
NFC and Fingerprint work on pretty much every ROM, I can't say the same about Android pay though. If you really need everything to work and be stable, I'd stay on stock.
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So far on stock I am liking it. I can see what people say about it getting warm, but it cools off fast. Also battery seems decent but I play some games and watch youtube on my phone so I am used to not amazing battery life. The one thing I can't seem to get used to is how bright the notification panel is. Is there a way in the settings to change this? I looked but I can't find anything, I tried some apps that do it, but they change the aesthetics way too much outside of changing the color. I tried developer options, System UI Tuner, and even an app that enables night mode but the notification area is still bright white.
Not sure if there is a way to do it but figured I'd ask.
Saix_XIII said:
So far on stock I am liking it. I can see what people say about it getting warm, but it cools off fast. Also battery seems decent but I play some games and watch youtube on my phone so I am used to not amazing battery life. The one thing I can't seem to get used to is how bright the notification panel is. Is there a way in the settings to change this? I looked but I can't find anything, I tried some apps that do it, but they change the aesthetics way too much outside of changing the color. I tried developer options, System UI Tuner, and even an app that enables night mode but the notification area is still bright white.
Not sure if there is a way to do it but figured I'd ask.
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There isn't such a way to change the notification tint yet. Maybe it will be in an upcoming version.

Question Rooting... Worth it? Or hassle?

Last device I ever rooted was the op6, I loved rooting the phones to have overall controll,
But is it worth it these days? And If I wore to root I know there's a module you can install to keep gpay and things but what about otas and things, and then re rooting? Is it a hassle just to get that extra bit of functionality? Or is there new great things on magisk manager I don't no about?
Sorry, this p6 pro is my first ever pixel device,
It's abs awesome, besides the FPS lol.
Depends what you do with root. It's essential for me for adblock, titanium backup and device clock synchronization. So for me worth it
Nergal di Cuthah said:
Depends what you do with root. It's essential for me for adblock, titanium backup and device clock synchronization. So for me worth it
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for me titanium backup went to trash so had to use a new solution when i was rooted. So swapped to
[APP][ROOT][5.0+][1st Nov 2020] Migrate - custom ROM migration tool
Jumping from one custom ROM to another can be a challenging task. So I decided to make an app to simplify the process. Introducing Migrate! Migrate-GPE (v4.0) is on Google Play It was temporarily suspended. Read more here...
and adblock been working perfectly fine non root via vpn
so until i development kicks in properly im happy where i am
kevinireland11 said:
Is it a hassle just to get that extra bit of functionality?
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Are gpay and those "secure" apps worth the hassle of lacking that extra bit of functionality?
Srsly, if some app tells me it won't work because my phone is rooted or just won't start because I use an up-to-date LineageOS 18 aka Android 11 instead of a years old Android 6 from the manufacturer, then something is very wrong.
Izy said:
and adblock been working perfectly fine non root via vpn
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Nope, on 1 of my 3 devices it was causing serious problems: Any app would **** up and do funny things (not starting was the least annoying). The catch was that it was working for some hours after a fresh boot. Once deleted, everything was running smoothly again.
Izy said:
for me titanium backup went to trash so had to use a new solution when i was rooted. So swapped to
[APP][ROOT][5.0+][1st Nov 2020] Migrate - custom ROM migration tool
Jumping from one custom ROM to another can be a challenging task. So I decided to make an app to simplify the process. Introducing Migrate! Migrate-GPE (v4.0) is on Google Play It was temporarily suspended. Read more here...
and adblock been working perfectly fine non root via vpn
so until i development kicks in properly im happy where i am
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Adblock chews far more battery then passive ad blocking, like Adaway (root).
Swift backup is the best backup solution bar none.
Viper alone makes rooting worth it.
Being able to modify deep system or root files is essential as it allows you to fix things that Google should have fixed.
When you $1,000 phone, And you don't root it, You're buying/using a phone at like 70 to 80% of its true potential.
Burt Squirtz said:
Adblock chews far more battery then passive ad blocking, like Adaway (root).
Swift backup is the best backup solution bar none.
Viper alone makes rooting worth it.
Being able to modify deep system or root files is essential as it allows you to fix things that Google should have fixed.
When you $1,000 phone, And you don't root it, You're buying/using a phone at like 70 to 80% of its true potential.
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im using adaway vpn and battery drain has been fine
swiftbackup is better now but at the time is had a ton of issues
viper is good yes but only hits true potential with proper profiling for your specific headphones
"Being able to modify deep system or root files is essential as it allows you to fix things that Google should have fixed."
yes but what have you actually fixed deep sytem or root so far, literally theres been nothing done in system so far other than theming atm
When you $1,000 phone, And you don't root it, You're buying/using a phone at like 70 to 80% of its true potential.
we have like 3 PoC kernels and an AOSP rom theres literally none of the true potential unlocked give it literally a a good couple of months when we have actual dedicated roms and kernels developed.
phones been out 3 weeks and you think we are limiting the phones potential by not rooting
also thats a lie potential from from rom/kernel not root just root is required for most custom roms
i've been using custom roms since eclair, the transition to ICS and hardware acceleration was a gamechanger.
before that i was literally using a phone on maemo linux
also playing the google pay game with rooted devices is good fun
From 2010 to now, I have never regretted rooting. After using the horrible software on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, I'm glad to be back in Pixel and rooting land again.
roirraW edor ehT said:
From 2010 to now, I have never regretted rooting. After using the horrible software on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, I'm glad to be back in Pixel and rooting land again.
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yeah if it wasn't for the fact this rom is pretty much debloated as it is and with 12gb of ram and a new cpu
i would consider rooting
but as it is the phones really snappy and reliable, any ui customizations that were similar to goodlock and notistar i have done with fabric overlay
also android 12 is pretty new for everyone including devs so id rather have stability down the line.
give it a good solid few months and we should have some great roms/kernels sorted out
Root vs non-root is totally subjective like battery life.
If a person likes to tinker with cpu, gpu, rootable apps, or mods, or just have the option to do these should they choose to, then yes, root is worth the trouble.
If a person doesn't use root-required apps, or tinker with system settings, or doesn't care about over/under clocking, custom kernel setting, or doesn't have the patience and/or ability to follow root instructions, then it's probably not for that person.
As with anything, update the factory image and re-root a few times, it becomes easier, quicker, and less "scary" for those worried about bricking a $1000 device.
Izy said:
yeah if it wasn't for the fact this rom is pretty much debloated as it is and with 12gb of ram and a new cpu
i would consider rooting
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Debloated? I (still) disabled (hide) 87 APKs on the phone ... but you're absolutely right, there is not much on there that you would call bloatware, just stuff that I simply don't use ... and out of these 87, there are obviously also overlay APKs
pag I already unlocked and put the kernel
Kirisakura And this is the best for me battery and in performance and I put Android 12 kdrag0n​
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If you want to adblock without root, then use a private dns server that will do it for you.. doesn'r cause battery drain and the adverts are blocked before they ever get downloaded.
I use nextdns for that,, but there are others
Depends on just how much tinkering you like doing. Easier ad blocking and hotspotting are my main uses, and the process seemed easy enough for me. But if the worry about breaking apps and having to sit by a computer for every update seems annoying, maybe you can skip it.
Take a look through the rooting guides and see if your needs are worth following those steps monthly.
This is quite handy for blocking ads to without installing anything at all, I no it doesn't block ads built into apps but it blocks all and any ads on the web like on Chrome and all other browsers,
And thanks for feedback guys!
I've been rooting and flashing since the OG Droid. I've always said I would never buy a phone I couldn't unlock and root, but Android has evolved to the point where I no longer feel the need. I'm enjoying the fact that everything works and to upgrade all I have to do is tap the install button.
For my usage, root is an XDA life style! Cheers
I've answered this quite a few times. I've been rooting since the Eris days. But the P6P is the now second phone I haven't rooted. I have 3 main reasons for rooting and I've found a way around each one, so I just don't care any more.
1. Backups. I was a TiBu user for years. Recently switched to Swift and both were perfect for what I needed. But now the built-in Google backup gives me everything I need. I made a list of all of my apps that I backed up and as of ~4 months ago, all of them are backed up naturally by Google
2. Custon kernels (big one). You don't need to be rooted to flash a custom kernel. I can flash one of the current kernels as long as they're not a flashable zip. Or I can use @tbalden 's CleanSlate. I've used my own kernels in the past but I haven't been able to get a working img currently.
3. Ad-blocking. I have a pi4 running pihole and wireguard. Furthermore, my pi4 is a client of Mullvad. So, I have dns level ad blocking, secure connection to my home network and obfuscation all on the go. This bypasses the limit of 2 vpns being active because vpn based ad blocking sucks.
I absolutely unlock the bootloader because I want to be in charge of the updates. Never trusted OTA's and absolutely want the ability to recover pretty much no matter what.
It really depends on what you are looking for to get from rooting. I use it to enhance sound with ViperFX, block all ads in apps with AdAway, control permissions of specific apps with Permission Manager X, and System apps remover. Having a rooted device also helps me to use apps like Button Remapper and Hex theme installer without having to use adb or sketchy workarounds. As far as I know you can root your device and keep OTA updates, but don't take my word for it. Although a little hassle can give certain modules that require you to reflash them after such update. Can't really tell you which ones though as it is quite rare.
Overall I'd recommend you to not root your device just yet. You can block ads with private DNS servers or VPNs, which don't require root. It is less effective but good enough.

[ROM][Android 11][Z00T][Z00L] crDroid v7.30 [16.05.2023][STABLE]

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*** Disclaimer
I am not responsible for any damage you made to your device
You have been warned
crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today
Flashing Instructions:
TWRP(Z00T) (Download from here)
TWRP(Z00L) (Download from here)
NikGapps core (Download from here)
Backup your data to PC, OTG flash drive
Flash recovery and boot to recovery
Wipe system, data, cache and dalvik, then reboot to recovery
Copy crDroid and Gapps to internal memory then flash them in TWRP in same order
Reboot and enjoy
Google Drive Folder
What's working?
What's not working?
You tell me...
Known minor issues:
Rarely, opening the settings from quick settings can crash the system-ui. This issue is not persistent and if it happens, only happens after a reboot or restarting system-ui(like changing ui elements from customization options).
Opening a notification will solve this issue until the next reboot, also this problem didn't happen when i had a password/pin protection.
Info about the down-clocked kernel:
My device can't run 1.1GHz on the little cores so i'm using a modified version of the kernel. Previous builds of the rom were using that downclocked kernel, so just in case if the previous builds were working and the latest doesn't you can use that downclocked kernel. added in the google drive folder... normally you shouldn't need it but personally i'm using the down-clocked one.
Info about encryption(based on my own limited testing with 1 device):
ROM OS Version: Android 11
crDroid Version: 7.30
Android Security Update: May 5 2023
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.108
SELinux: Enforcing
Status: Stable
I made this rom for personal use and can't regularly update or maintain it. Don't have enough time or storage space on my drives for it. So, if you find some other bugs feel free to report it for other users but i probably won't be able to fix them. Apart from the hotspot problem i didn't encounter any major issues...
also made an ArrowOS build for these devices. wanted to see if it was performing better or not but didn't notice any differences in terms of performance. also ArrowOS is a bit behind in terms of security updates... still, i already compiled it so why not share it? more options the better... if you want a vanilla rom you can check it out...
link to the ArrowOS thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...s-v11-0-unofficial-20-04-2023-stable.4578273/
Thanks so much for your effort and great work.
good news! i guess...
while i won't be able to fix the built in hotspot feature, there's an alternative and no root required. tested it and got a connection. it's a bit inconvenient but if you're not connecting a lot of devices to your mobile hotspot shouldn't be a huge deal i hope?
the app is called PDANet+ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pdanet&hl=en
you have to set the proxy settings on the client device and that proxy info changes every time so you can't set it once and forget it sadly...
@str4610 you said it was an important feature for you...
so now we know there's a workaround. if you guys find a better alternative app feel free to share it.
Hello, I could not install ROM version 3.3.1 with TWRP. I used version
Also, Nikgapps Hannibal did not allow restore backup from Google Drive and I used the basic version.
Battery consumption is high.
The ROM has a bit of lag
Also, after turning on and off the hotspot for test, Wi-Fi did not turn on until after rebooting the device.
The charging speed is good
I did not see another case
str4610 said:
Hello, I could not install ROM version 3.3.1 with TWRP. I used version
Also, Nikgapps Hannibal did not allow restore backup from Google Drive and I used the basic version.
Battery consumption is high.
The ROM has a bit of lag
Also, after turning on and off the hotspot for test, Wi-Fi did not turn on until after rebooting the device.
The charging speed is good
I did not see another case
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is your device a Z00T or Z00L?
about the issues... did you disable the blurs? i don't have any ui lags unless there's a background process like app update from play store etc. but blurs are causing a big lag problem. it requires a reboot after disabling the setting to take effect btw.
yes, trying the hotspot breaks the wifi and requires a reboot. i already listed hotspot as not working. since it doesn't cause a permanent issue i didn't give details. hotspot is not working anyways so normally you wouldn't touch that setting at all after trying it once.
i just recently charged my phone so only have a short idle drain info. i was constantly flashing roms and the phone was connected to my pc most of the time. but at least the idle drain looks great on my end
if you didn't disable the blurs that would explain the lag and maybe the battery drain? since it's working hard and use lots of power?
zenfone selfie said:
is your device a Z00T or Z00L?
about the issues... did you disable the blurs? i don't have any ui lags unless there's a background process like app update from play store etc. but blurs are causing a big lag problem. it requires a reboot after disabling the setting to take effect btw.
yes, trying the hotspot breaks the wifi and requires a reboot. i already listed hotspot as not working. since it doesn't cause a permanent issue i didn't give details. hotspot is not working anyways so normally you wouldn't touch that setting at all after trying it once.
i just recently charged my phone so only have a short idle drain info. i was constantly flashing roms and the phone was connected to my pc most of the time. but at least the idle drain looks great on my end
if you didn't disable the blurs that would explain the lag and maybe the battery drain? since it's working hard and use lots of power?
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and disable the blurs fix lag
str4610 said:
and disable the blurs fix lag
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did it help with the battery consumption?
zenfone selfie said:
did it help with the battery consumption?
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It seems that the process of draining the battery has improved a bit. The thing that caught my attention is that when working with a non-gaming phone, the back and top part next to the volume buttons gets a little warm. I am experiencing it for the first time
str4610 said:
It seems that the process of draining the battery has improved a bit. The thing that caught my attention is that when working with a non-gaming phone, the back and top part next to the volume buttons gets a little warm. I am experiencing it for the first time
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you mean the right side? that's where the soc is... it's normal for that area to be the warmest. didn't notice an unusual warming tho. it's like it's always been for me. so far i'm not having any problems with this rom except for the built-in hotspot. also made 3 phone calls since then, battery is still at 91%
were you using this phone daily? or just trying the rom?
zenfone selfie said:
you mean the right side? that's where the soc is... it's normal for that area to be warmest. didn't notice an unusual warming tho. it's like it's always been for me. so far i'm not having any problems with this rom except for the built-in hotspot. also made 3 phone calls since then, battery is still at 91%
were you using this phone daily? or just trying the rom?
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If you say so, then it's not a problem, but for me, it's the first time outside of the game that I feel the heat. Regarding the battery, it has been 3 months since it was replaced. I didn't have a problem with Rom RR running fast. However, after turning off the blure, both the lag and the battery drain have improved. You may not believe it, but I must say yes, it is my main phone and is used daily. However, apart from Instagram, Telegram and calling, I don't do anything special and that's enough for now.
str4610 said:
If you say so, then it's not a problem, but for me, it's the first time outside of the game that I feel the heat. Regarding the battery, it has been 3 months since it was replaced. I didn't have a problem with Rom RR running fast. However, after turning off the blure, both the lag and the battery drain have improved. You may not believe it, but I must say yes, it is my main phone and is used daily. However, apart from Instagram, Telegram and calling, I don't do anything special and that's enough for now.
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i lended this phone to someone else and it was in active use as well... still enough for basic tasks imo.
then he broke it's charging port and needed a working phone asap. he got a new phone, i got this back and repaired. he was running the groovy android btw, the nougat rom. that rom was fully functional and stable as well. but personally i like the notification categories a lot. so anything below oreo is a big no-no for my use.
my main phone is a poco x3 pro now. snapdragon 860 is pretty fast compared to this old device
str4610 said:
If you say so, then it's not a problem, but for me, it's the first time outside of the game that I feel the heat. Regarding the battery, it has been 3 months since it was replaced. I didn't have a problem with Rom RR running fast. However, after turning off the blure, both the lag and the battery drain have improved. You may not believe it, but I must say yes, it is my main phone and is used daily. However, apart from Instagram, Telegram and calling, I don't do anything special and that's enough for now.
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so, how's the crdroid compared to rr? in terms of customization options i mean... is it missing any of the features u had on rr?
zenfone selfie said:
so, how's the crdroid compared to rr? in terms of customization options i mean... is it missing any of the features u had on rr?
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Let me say this, if I were to give a score out of 10. RR 10 and Crdroid 5
str4610 said:
Let me say this, if I were to give a score out of 10. RR 10 and Crdroid 5
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wow i didn't expect that big of a difference. so what are the extra features rr had over crdroid?
sadly rr is no longer around. they didn't release 11-12-13... and crdroid is the most feature-rich rom to my knowledge.
zenfone selfie said:
wow i didn't expect that big of a difference. so what are the extra features rr had over crdroid?
sadly rr is no longer around. they didn't release 11-12-13... and crdroid is the most feature-rich rom to my knowledge.
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Maybe 5 is exaggerated, I will give it 7. I can't list them all, you must have used them before to understand what I mean. However, crdroid is worth using. Security update. Choosing the function of the physical keys and solving the problem of the speaker during a call. And thanks again for your effort. All these are advantages, I just wish there was a way to solve the hotspot.
str4610 said:
Maybe 5 is exaggerated, I will give it 7. I can't list them all, you must have used them before to understand what I mean. However, crdroid is worth using. Security update. Choosing the function of the physical keys and solving the problem of the speaker during a call. And thanks again for your effort. All these are advantages, I just wish there was a way to solve the hotspot.
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well as i said i wasn't using the phone. ofcourse tried rr, but the loudspeaker problem was a big deal since the user of this phone wasn't tech savvy. i tried it and just moved on. not having any problems was more important than the features. he was messing up the basic settings so i even locked the settings menu of his phone lol he was accidentally turning off the wifi and using mobile data etc. so i removed the quick setting tile of the wifi as well and removed the quick settings modification option. basically made a locked down phone for him.
so i don't remember much about the rr. but crdroid seems to have almost all of the same features and all of em works, unlike rr for zenfone. what features are that important, even though u can't remap hw keys rr is above the cr?
also, have u tried the PDANet+? it works for hotspots. yeah it's inconvenient compared to the built-in hotspot but its better than nothing...
zenfone selfie said:
well as i said i wasn't using the phone. ofcourse tried rr, but the loudspeaker problem was a big deal since the user of this phone wasn't tech savvy. i tried it and just moved on. not having any problems was more important than the features. he was messing up the basic settings so i even locked the settings menu of his phone lol he was accidentally turning off the wifi and using mobile data etc. so i removed the quick setting tile of the wifi as well and removed the quick settings modification option. basically made a locked down phone for him.
so i don't remember much about the rr. but crdroid seems to have almost all of the same features and all of em works, unlike rr for zenfone. what features are that important, even though u can't remap hw keys rr is above the cr?
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I agree . I am only talking about RR because I care a lot about appearance and coloring, otherwise it would have had many problems. And I'm not trying to downplay your hard work for this ROM. I am using it now my friend.
Without hesitation, I suggest other users of this phone to use this ROM
What caught my attention is the shape of signal bar style zig zag and wifi bar style really something
Report: The phone was reset twice during the installation and update of apps from Google Play when connected to the charger.

