Samsung Health after Factory Reset - Samsung Galaxy A3, A5, A7 (2017) Questions & Answe

Hi, if I do factory reset will the S Health data be lost? I have turned sync ON for S Account which i use for S Health. Thanks. Will it be gone if I turn sync of for S Account?

Hello, no, the S Health data will be NOT lost. It is stored on a Samsung Server.

Thank you for answering.


Remove and re-add google account to take advantage of google apps account transition?

Hi All
The main account on my Desire Z is the account I use for my business, which was setup as a google apps account, it works fine for email etc but was never able to be used for Picasa or other google applications.
However, they have just recently transitioned google apps accounts and now they can access all the google applications, however to get them working on your phone, the google website says I'd need to backup my phone, remove the account, factory reset and then readd the account...
I'm not sure I like the sound of this as potentiall I could lose things if I've not backed everything up etc...
Is there anyway I can do this without having to do a full reset? So I can use the newly accessible apps likes picasa etc
I am having the same issue - my calendar no longer sync's correctly as it's still attached to the me%[email protected] address, even though it displays the 'merged' account [email protected] Very frustrating!
valve90210 said:
Hi All
The main account on my Desire Z is the account I use for my business, which was setup as a google apps account, it works fine for email etc but was never able to be used for Picasa or other google applications.
However, they have just recently transitioned google apps accounts and now they can access all the google applications, however to get them working on your phone, the google website says I'd need to backup my phone, remove the account, factory reset and then readd the account...
I'm not sure I like the sound of this as potentiall I could lose things if I've not backed everything up etc...
Is there anyway I can do this without having to do a full reset? So I can use the newly accessible apps likes picasa etc
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If you're worried about losing things because you haven't backed everything up then back everything up, it's pretty simple.
Download Titanium Backup or My Backup Pro and back up your apps and data; after you reset your phone, restore your apps and data
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I realise that but was just wondering if a reset was actually necessary or not?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I’m running a gingerbread build and I can just go to Accounts & Sync and add a new gmail account and remove the old one.
I don’t know if that’s what you mean though.

[Q] HTC Desire HD Gmail Unable to Remove

Hi Every 1,
I have my company gmail registered to my phone
Now I no longer in my old company so I wanted to delete the gmail account
But it does not allow me to remove the account & the error message that I received is:-
This ccount is required by some applications> You can only reove it by resetting the phone to factory defaults( which deletes all of your personal data). You do that in Settings, under SD & phone storage.
I tried to check and HTC Market is the 1 that keep on asking me to relog my company gmail but this email has already deactivated by company
I could not delete the account yet unable to relog the company gmail
Any 1 can help to share some idea besides master reset the whole cell phone?
So my first guess would be... that company gmail your trying to get rid of is also the same gmail that your phone is setup with, if this is infact the case, maybe try adding another google account first, and swaping everything in the phone to the account i.e. market, and google sync, and then try deleting, if that doesn't work, simply add another google account, set up everything on that account, and under accounts and sync, uncheck all of the sync options for the old google account, try deleting it again then, or just leave it there to rot and do nothing
Noted your advice
But I could not find a way to switch my company gmail to my personal gmail in market.
This may be 1 of the limitation that Android faced
Just backup everything and do a factory reset. Bwahahahah *evil laugh*
Oopps, I went a little overboard there, sorry.
But that's the easiest way to do it.
garyfjh said:
Noted your advice
But I could not find a way to switch my company gmail to my personal gmail in market.
This may be 1 of the limitation that Android faced
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after a new account is added, market, menu, accounts, should get a popup, window that allows you to select which account to use. Now you are going to lose anything that you previously had purchased on the other google account, maybe a way to contact google and have them transfer purchases or something.
Thanks all,
But I believe the best method that drpsyko said is correct. Master reset it.
To xx_bluedev_xx,
I had tried many ways but still unable to have any pop outs says for me to switch email
You cant remove the email account used to set up device. Only way is factory reset.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Hi twiztedvvv,
Before I factory reset, how should I back up my sms and contacts & email address?
garyfjh said:
Hi twiztedvvv,
Before I factory reset, how should I back up my sms and contacts & email address?
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stock messaging app in Sense 3 provides backup option , you can backup your contacts by going to people>Menu>Export
alternatively you can use MyBackup Pro, its v good when it comes to resetting your device
Thanks atifhasan86
I manage to export my phone & company emails address to my SD card
I wonder how to import back once i factory reset it?
I will download My Backup Pro from market after i master reset it cause now i unable to download anything as my email used to set up this cellphone is deactivate

How to disable Samsung Cloud?

I'd like to disable Samsung Cloud.
I already turned off everything I could inside the Cloud settings in the phone - I set all toggle switches to off - but it still backs up about 1GB of data once a week out of the blue. When I look at what is backed up, it says Note 7, and I can delete that backup. But it still keeps doing it.
The last remaining option is Remove Account inside Cloud settings. But when I click that it warns me that my Samsung account and Samsung Pay data would also be removed. So, I didn't click final confirmation.
Does anyone know how to disable Samsung Cloud, turn off all backups, disable service that's responsible for these back ups, remove Samsung Cloud account w/o removing Samsung and Samsung Pay accounts, or any other way to stop this madness?
I second that. It annoys the crap out of me, also.
Sent from my SM-N930W8 using XDA Labs
I have mine turned off and I keep getting a message saying it's turned on and can't back up. Yeah.. because it's OFF! Really annoying.
Under Settings, Cloud and accounts, Samsung Cloud, I've even deleted my account and it currently shows, Sign into your Samsung Account to sync.... so I am not even signed in. I was signed in before and had it turned off. In every case, I keep getting a notification. I deleted the account under Cloud and accounts, Accounts.
I just went to Notifications and turned off Samsung+ (this is the only "Samsung" entry). I'd go into Advanced and disable more but none of specifically Samsung Cloud.
tcope12 said:
I have mine turned off and I keep getting a message saying it's turned on and can't back up. Yeah.. because it's OFF! Really annoying.
Under Settings, Cloud and accounts, Samsung Cloud, I've even deleted my account and it currently shows, Sign into your Samsung Account to sync.... so I am not even signed in. I was signed in before and had it turned off. In every case, I keep getting a notification. I deleted the account under Cloud and accounts, Accounts.
I just went to Notifications and turned off Samsung+ (this is the only "Samsung" entry). I'd go into Advanced and disable more but none of specifically Samsung Cloud.
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Try this.
Go to Settings/Cloud and accounts/Backup and reset/Back up my data.
Then turn off Auto back up.

Synchronize Google Account

I had to hard reset my Lumia 640XL with WMobile10.
Now I have to fix some problems, the most urgent and important for me is to synchronize the Google / gmail account.
Before the reset it worked, now I can't.
From Setting, I try to add the account, but everything crashes after entering username and password.
I remember that in the past it had already happened, but until yesterday it worked for me.
Can any of you give me suggestions?
I also tried adding an IMAP account, but it always stops.
From the PC, I gave the OK to Google's notice of a new mobile phone that would like to synchronize with the account.
I would at least like to understand if it is my problem or if it depends on Google and / or Microsoft.

galaxy 5g Samsung unsync google account

need help unsyncing my google account from my samsung 5g forgot password and dont have phone # connected to the account have reset the phone as iforgot password
Please restructure that question because it is all over the place thanks!

