Should I exchange my phone? - HTC 10 Questions & Answers

Hi, I've been noticing over the past few days that my phone has had difficulties connecting to my pc over USB and charges very slowly. I've tested multiple USB cables but the phone consistently drops out and I either get that repeating connecting/disconnecting or an error stating that the USB device cannot be recognised. If I place the usb-c connector just right, the phone will connect and I can copy files over, etc. However, during the last copy, my micro sd card corrupted which has given me no shortage of grief as it was a 128GB card filled with irreplaceable family photos and FLAC files that I ripped myself. I also noticed that my OTG adapters have difficulties connecting so I can confirm that the issue is not the cable or my computer but the connector on the phone. Understandably this issue has been incredibly annoying but I also don't want to take the phone back since I have a nice Orlzy protector and Dbrand skin applied. Is the port stuffed or is there some sort of fix? Any comments will help, thanks.

I'd take a look inside the connector and check for any obvious issues in there (dust, cloth particles, etc)
On the M7 the port kept filling with random crap which at some point made the USB connection very loose.
I had to scrape it out with a needle once in a while.
But yea, if that doesn't help, I'd send it in...


USB cable problems?

Hi folks,
i purchased a new usb cable today. its retractable, called 'Sync "N" Charge'. it is essentially the same connections as the stock usb connection cable.
the problem is when i try to connect my (Imate Jam) to my PC(winXPpro) it either freezes my pc, or puts up this msg.
USB device not recognised, one of the usb devices has malfunctioned, click here(opens up systems properties).
It does charge the Jam. well atleast the orange charge indicator lights up(i havent checked for actual charge).
The device drivers for my Jam are fine seeing as it still works when i connect with my original cable.
my original cable works fine, even if i switch straight back to it after trying to connect with the new cable.
I think the cable may be wired incorrectly eg postive and neg prolly fine but the data pins are screwie some how, sound like a reasonable guess?
Is there something else that im not thinking of/dont know about that could be causing the problem?.
bleh just typed all that and answered my own question. the data pins in the new plug are a little bit shorter than the power plug. I use a silicone case on my Jam which stops the plug from pushing in all the way by like 0.25mm. took off the case and bingo problem fixed.
I hate when that happens.
Ok well i might as well say that its a nifty little piece of hardware now that i got it working.
Which leads me another question, the reason i got this new cable was to be able to leave it in my bag and pull it out when i wanted to use my Jam like a 1gb usb card(1gb sd card). the times when i wanted to do this would be at university.
is there a way to make a pc recognise the jam like a usb drive instead of a pocketpc upon connection? i wont beable to install activesync on university pc's.

[Q] Micro USB mashed

I'm asking here because my googling doesn't find anything. I was very unlucky to drop my phone with my Micro USB charger put in. It landed on the floor directly on the cable, resulting the micro usb to bend 90 degrees. (I think this also resulted that the house housing the micro usb got widened too).. After this I can't charge the phone.
Is there any of you that know how to "fix" this? Can I "mash" the housing together again somehow without destroying my phone?
Thanks in advance

Audio & USB Storage Stopped Working

What to do I was using a usb hub and saw once it said something about usb storage and to eject, but now it acts like the usb hub isn't there and won't pick anything up not even the keyboard and I've tried two different hdmi cables and neither one of them will give me audio.
Sounds silly but just try turning the ouya on then removing the hdmi cable wait 5 seconds and reinsert whilst on.Had hdmi drop out on many devices, and yes although it's unprofessional it has worked for me before.Try the same with the hub but just reboot after reinserting after 5 seconds.
I turned it over on it's side and it fixed both my problems. LoL
You probably have some loose solder joints. I haven't had any issues with mine but pretty much everything you plug into it feels loose, might take it a part and put some heat to it soon.

[Q] Cables always come loose?

I have had my Nexus 7 2013 pretty much since launch date and I have always had a problem with the micro usb cables coming loose (I have tried various ones). This has never really been a major issue until recently I bought a OTG Y cable to connect it, and then to connect a Wireless adapater to it for using Kali Tools on my tablet.
The problem is, the slightest touch to the cable, and I mean you only have to look at the cable and it comes loose effectively disconnecting and interrupting the power from the OTG and wireless adapter.
Is this a known problem and is there a fix?
The cables just never seem to go far enough in and wobble side to side far too easily, so although it was never a major problem for me before I am finding it extremely annoying and frustrating right now!
Take the back cover off, use a pair of needle-nose pliers to GENTLY squeeze the connector back together, replace back.

No USB Options Anymore

Hey all, I'm having a really weird issue (Google searches give nothing but the static/generic answer on how to access this area), where my USB Options are no longer there, when I tap the three dots, in the Storage area.
Stock Firmware, Android 6.0.1, Rooted using TWRP Recovery. I've never had an issue with this before, and it was working fine a week ago. No new apps installed, since then.
When I plug the device into my computer, it says charging, but no other USB connection.
Any one have any ideas, as to why or better still, how to get it back?
EDIT/UPDATE: I did a factory reset, and it's still not there. I can't even completely wipe it, and start fresh since I can't access it at all, from my PC.
I had a similar issue. The tablet stopped charging and the data connection was being interrupted all the time.
It might happen that the female micro-USB connector (on the tablet) becomes unfirm/loose after some years of use. The micro-USB connectors are well-known to fail after some years, because there are two pins that fix the male connector inside the female one. They get loose over time. This is a general frailty of female micro USB connectors in all devices.
- Try an other usb cable. (Better: try out different cables, perhaps one will work.)
Also, the female connector might be dirty. There might be debris on the contacts.
- You can try to clean the female connector (at your own risk!), I did it carefully with a tissue soaked with ethanol.
In theory, it might be possible to replace/repair the connector if everything else fails.

