Hello everyone,
Ok so I bought a brand new g2 on craigslist. Everything was working perfectly fine...until I decided to root it. I downloaded the necessary files and it all worked perfectly fine. Now I know some of you may bash me for this but thats not the reason im asking for help. I know I messed up by not reading more into depth ahead of time. I opened up visionary did the temproot, then proceeded to do the permroot. Phone rebooted but stayed stuck in the HTC logo screen. I seriously need help guys and I would greatly appreciate it if I could just make it work again. I went into the bootloader restored back to factory settings but same thing happens. I managed to get a copy of the original 2.2 stock rom for the g2 put it in the sd card then it seems like it updates fine..restarts a couple of times but stays in the htc logo again after like the second restart. I have the S-on...(prolly screwed). Anyway, im asking here because I searched a lot and I know there are other posts about people who ask this but then there are no concrete answers. I am wondering if there really is a way to fix it. Whether it be installing a custom rom or any other thing. If its not fixable as much as it hurts, Im going to have to put it up for sale and get at least something out of it (for parts or whatever). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Guys
I will give gou 10 dollars! But hey do a search for visionary bootloop fix. There was a great guide on how to fix that. It will require you to learn about adb. Adb will be your friend for fixing things.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
lol about the 10$...hey I greatly appreciate your help though...
Man, I just noticed there are lots of people stuck in this HTC logo screen. Having a hard time installing the damn adb......ahhhh this crap really sucks and its all my fault....hopefully there is someone out there who had the exact same problem and got it working.
ADB is quite easy to install actually, all you need to do is download the Android SDK, get the usb drivers, modifiy the inf files in the usb_drivers folder, and you're good to go.
As for rooting, I would suggest using the more updated gfree method.
I dunno why you have to modify anything. I plugged my phone in and everything just worked.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Only $10!
Man i would've given you @ least $11.
If anyone is having trouble with adb (and I know that it can be a struggle), I'm writing a guide to try and help - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865685
It's not finished yet, but there's enough information in there already to perhaps help a few people out.
Hello guys,
I had my HD rooted and did S-off according to the guide posted here in XDA. I am now using CyanogenMod 7 for HD and it works completely fine.
However, the problem is that I am still not able to change default fonts. At first I thought that I didn't make it correctly during S-off and then did S-off once again. But the problem remains same as before. I also changed R/W setting on the system folder using Root Explorer and then switched default fonts to ones that I like manually which eventually resulted in endless loop in booting process.
So it will be of great help if someone can help me.
Thanks in advance.
I develop Android app, last time i tried, some custom ROMs disable debugging via eclipse and adb.
What ROMs are recommended for a developer like me?
kenyi25 said:
I develop Android app, last time i tried, some custom ROMs disable debugging via eclipse and adb.
What ROMs are recommended for a developer like me?
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I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why I can no longer connect to my Desire HD via eclipse since I rooted my phone two days ago and installed the virtuous unity rom. It connects temporarily then gives the following errors:
[2011-06-29 23:23:44 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-06-29 23:23:44 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-06-29 23:23:44 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I can open up a shell and type commands on the device, but the debugging doesn't work. When you google these errors it is usually people not having enabled usb debugging on their phone. I have of course done this.
I spent a large amount of time uninstalling droid explorer and moving adb.exe and adbwinapi.dll's around today trying to fix this issue before realising it's the phone not the PC.
I took my wifes HTC ChaCha with stock ROM, connected it and it works fine in eclipse, same cable, just different phone.
I can't believe as this poster suggests that this is standard with custom ROMs.
I tried the leedroid sense 3 ROM but this too had the same issue. Each time I did a full wipe before installing the ROM, and I installed nothing on the phone before testing.
Whats going on?
Phew, finally somebody with the same issue. Could somebody try Raidroid 1.32.405.6 to see if it works then?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
jkoljo said:
Phew, finally somebody with the same issue. Could somebody try Raidroid 1.32.405.6 to see if it works then?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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Hi jkoljo,
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried Raidroid 1.32.405.6, but unfortunately I had exactly the same issue.
I also tried the suggestions in the following thread which suggested setting persist.service.adb.enable=0 in default.prop, but this didn't work either.
Any other ideas? I'm willing to try anything you can suggest. It's really weird that even with an almost stock ROM the issue is still there...
CheesyPeteza said:
It's really weird that even with an almost stock ROM the issue is still there...
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Exactly. There is basically no additional mods in raidroid, only root. Does it have unsecured boot.img? So if you go to terminal emulator (get it from market), does it open up with $ or #?
It starts with $, but if I sudo to root I get the superuser app requesting permission then I get root with the # prompt.
I thougt that was the way it was supposed to work, should I be going straight in as root? Should I uninstall the superuser app?
OK. With everything else ruled out clutching at straws I tried taking the sdcard out and it started working!
I put the sdcard back in and immediately it stopped working.
So it's something to do with the sdcard...
This should be solvable through a process of elimination.
I need to go to bed now, but tomorrow I'll try a spare completely blank sdcard and start the elimination process from that. Hopefully it is just a file on the sdcard causing the problem, not the presence of an sdcard itself.
I spoke to soon, looks like I just got lucky and it happened to work when I took the sdcard out. Occasionally it will work for a minute then it will stop working again. I'm no closer to solving this.
Same issue
I have installed custom ROM on my SPICE MI 270 and it does not connect to ADB. Though it showed only once in the "list of devices" but thereafter i have never been able to connect it. Please help.
ajparag said:
I have installed custom ROM on my SPICE MI 270 and it does not connect to ADB. Though it showed only once in the "list of devices" but thereafter i have never been able to connect it. Please help.
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Unfortunately, you're in the Desire HD forums, so it's hard to help you when you're using different hardware. For all I know, the Spice MI could have known ADB connection problems. I would recommend finding forums specific to your hardware.
Hi everyone!
I hope I'm not opening an inuseful thread but I searched online and in the forum without any results. I followed this guide and it worked like a charm. I didn't have any problems.. until now. Yetserday my phone reached a low battery status and went into a Bootloop within the TWRP. I don't know how to figure this out and the only thing I've understood is that or the ROM is damaged (which is not since it worked the first time) or I'm missing the update.app file, either way I don't know how to proceed and it would be great to have some help.
Thanks in advance!
Hi guys n Gals How you all doing? Staying safe i hope!! Im posting this incase it is of any use to anyone who happens to stumble upon an old tablet as i did, But is absolutely bamboozled with what to do next.
Well then i had been looking for help on this issue with regard to Kindle Jem and done my fair share of reading before signing up here.
I am right out of the wrapper and wet behind the ears with Kindles and the like(1st time rooting anything at all) however i managed to install TWRP on su rooted kindle using the bin4ry method.
I followed step by step a tutorial on Youtube named " KindleFireHD89 to pure android"
1. At first i was getting read/load errors:
when attempting to flash cm10.1 cm11/12 through adb sideload i was getting the error message "unable to read cm 11/12" or "unable to load cm11/12" each time i try to flash the rom.
So I done some research on XDA and found a thread to do with the \LARGEADDRESS issue , so downloaded the program to use more than 2GB ram for the flash process, all to no avail. (THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY NO USE AT ALL)
I soon figured i was copying and pasting the commands for flash/fastboot wrong ( i was forgetting to add .img to the name of the image files i was pasting into the command prompt to flash lol)
2. I done a bit of reading around and saw that most , if not all the files were severely obsolete (like the Jem) so i searched around and first upgraded to TWRP from which i feel made a big difference if not just for a smoother gui alone.
3. As my determination and curiosity got the better of me i began replacing the roms also , flashing newer ones each time in this order:
cm 10.1 (success)
cm 11(success)
cm 12.1 (success)
And finally onto Lineage OS 14.1 along with GApps 7.1 Pico where i remain , however i am unable to fix the bluetooth issue as i dont know the commands/ paths or method to alter the LTE file replacement. (any help with this would be great guys or girls (i know Ladye made a fix i think) i just dont know how to go about editing these files.
I got into the menu brand new , though weirdly it wasnt by the volume up button, it was by turning on/off about 5 times and then holding the POWER button in and finally the TWRP Recovery screen would popup.
### edited### i know this is an old kiindle hence why there is no replies .....
####23rd May 2020 EDITED YET AGAIN ##### So i wondered whether there was a recent newish kinda Rom for the JEM after managing to flash (with great difficulty and beginners syndrome) custom rom in TWRP
As i said earlier this was a kindle that was found and when i got it in out the rain and dried off with the hairdrier treatment , was amazed it still worked. So i figured it was a tough mofo and deserved to live outwith the bin since he made it this far.
Anyway when i checked it out the firehd 8.9 was blacklisted ((((Which i am assuming will mean i at least dont need to worry about disabling OTA updates??????))))
So bottom line and after all the fuss above trying to root etc i got 14.1 lineage os without the bluetooth but ill figure that out soon.
For anyone out there this post may help if you can be bothered to read through it haha.
###Last but not least I would like to thank all the guys n gals who make these mods possible and xda themselves for not binning these old posts for noobs like myself . Respect people . thanks again man ###