I wanna install TWRP recovery ( Since CWM isn't available for the neo n7505 .. )
But, there's a thing keeping me away from this installation.
Is there any way, i can get back to the stock recovery if I install this TWRP Recovery?
If yes, how?
I just noticed a few things. The stock based roms are using the Dual Recovery in their rom, but CM based roms, like Resurrection Remix, uses Cyanogen Recovery.
So when I flash RR, it automatically replaces my recoveries with the Cyanogen Recovery.
Is there any way to avoid that? Or is there any way I can flash my Duel Recovery back after installing RR?
SethPDA said:
I just noticed a few things. The stock based roms are using the Dual Recovery in their rom, but CM based roms, like Resurrection Remix, uses Cyanogen Recovery.
So when I flash RR, it automatically replaces my recoveries with the Cyanogen Recovery.
Is there any way to avoid that? Or is there any way I can flash my Duel Recovery back after installing RR?
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It's not all cm-based ROMs that use cm recovery. Each ROM is different. It's discussed in the RR thread, and it's in the 2nd post that cm recovery is built in to that ROM. There's links there for other recovery options. I like to always have Rashr on hand to easily flash IMGs, so I can access my backups from other recoveries. Dual recovery is just not going to work on every ROM.
levone1 said:
It's not all cm-based ROMs that use cm recovery. Each ROM is different. It's discussed in the RR thread, and it's in the 2nd post that cm recovery is built in to that ROM. There's links there for other recovery options. I like to always have Rashr on hand to easily flash IMGs, so I can access my backups from other recoveries. Dual recovery is just not going to work on every ROM.
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Okay so here is what I did:
I flashed latest RR rom
This of course, overwrote my TWRP recovery so right now I have Cyanogen recovery.
Now I flash with Flashtool, the FOTA TWRP recovery which you pointed me at.
Device does not boot
I flash CM kernel from the multirom thread, which gives me acces to the previously flashed FOTA recovery BUT!
Device boots, Stuck at boot
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried flashing recovery with Rashr, it does nothing.
SethPDA said:
Okay so here is what I did:
I flashed latest RR rom
This of course, overwrote my TWRP recovery so right now I have Cyanogen recovery.
Now I flash with Flashtool, the FOTA TWRP recovery which you pointed me at.
Device does not boot
I flash CM kernel from the multirom thread, which gives me acces to the previously flashed FOTA recovery BUT!
Device boots, Stuck at boot
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried flashing recovery with Rashr, it does nothing.[/QUOTE
I haven't used RR since 1st build, but I know it's been addressed in the thread. I would be glad to try it out to help. Meanwhile, I would try to flash twrp with fastboot, (you said you used Flashtool - maybe the same, but worth a try), and also try flashing M5, (which you need recovery to do, but you could use a temp. boot.img to get into recovery, then flash M5), which may work better with recovery. There's also Nut's PC installer. And search the RR thread.
I'll attach a copy of twrp to try. Hope this helps.
(File too big to attach. Let me know if you want it and I'll send a link)
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levone1 said:
SethPDA said:
Okay so here is what I did:
I flashed latest RR rom
This of course, overwrote my TWRP recovery so right now I have Cyanogen recovery.
Now I flash with Flashtool, the FOTA TWRP recovery which you pointed me at.
Device does not boot
I flash CM kernel from the multirom thread, which gives me acces to the previously flashed FOTA recovery BUT!
Device boots, Stuck at boot
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried flashing recovery with Rashr, it does nothing.[/QUOTE
I haven't used RR since 1st build, but I know it's been addressed in the thread. I would be glad to try it out to help. Meanwhile, I would try to flash twrp with fastboot, (you said you used Flashtool - maybe the same, but worth a try), and also try flashing M5, (which you need recovery to do, but you could use a temp. boot.img to get into recovery, then flash M5), which may work better with recovery. There's also Nut's PC installer. And search the RR thread.
I'll attach a copy of twrp to try. Hope this helps.
(File too big to attach. Let me know if you want it and I'll send a link)
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You can't because CyanogenMod uses its own Recovery based of CWM ( I think? ). You could try however, using a custom kernel that has its own Dual recovery ( for e.g. PhilzTouch and TWRP )
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SethPDA said:
Okay so here is what I did:
I flashed latest RR rom
This of course, overwrote my TWRP recovery so right now I have Cyanogen recovery.
Now I flash with Flashtool, the FOTA TWRP recovery which you pointed me at.
Device does not boot
I flash CM kernel from the multirom thread, which gives me acces to the previously flashed FOTA recovery BUT!
Device boots, Stuck at boot
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried flashing recovery with Rashr, it does nothing.
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I just remembered something else. See my post here- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=62114382&postcount=534 - latest version of Rashr doesn't seem to work on some ROMs. Try this one...
Edit - I just successfully flashed twrp on latest RR using Rashr. Make sure to use this version, not the latest Play Store.
Okay so I tried what @levone1 said. I installed that Rashr which you uploaded. I tried flashing the recovery with this, and it worked! Thank you very much guys for your help!
hey thanks to levone1 i got twrp running on crDroid rom.:good::good::good:
i did it like he said: Use his Version of rashr and flash his twrp. done!
Hi everyone,
What do you think of flashify to flash a custom recovery or a custom rom / stock ?
Used flashify to backup stock recovery then flash custom recovery.
Need to have super su installed.
1. backup recovery if something goes wrong just in case.
2. Flash custom recovery. TWRP works fine for me.
Hello -
My Pixel 2 XL is still running stock but is rooted with Magisk. I have been looking at some custom ROMs. Stock is working fine for me, but the dorm in me REALLY wants to waste time flashing ROMs...
I was looking at the thread for AquariOS and a few others, and they each mention flashing TWRP after installing the ROM.
At present, I have the .img file for TWRP and I boot to it from my computer using fastboot. Is there a reason why ROMs installation instructions have the line to install TWRP? Is there any reason not to just fastboot to it as needed? My concern is how difficult is it to return to the factory recovery mode, and is there any downside to having TWRP on this model instead of the factory. Is it possible to return to the stock ROM and recovery after installing a custom ROM?
myk.robinson said:
Hello -
My Pixel 2 XL is still running stock but is rooted with Magisk. I have been looking at some custom ROMs. Stock is working fine for me, but the dorm in me REALLY wants to waste time flashing ROMs...
I was looking at the thread for AquariOS and a few others, and they each mention flashing TWRP after installing the ROM.
At present, I have the .img file for TWRP and I boot to it from my computer using fastboot. Is there a reason why ROMs installation instructions have the line to install TWRP? Is there any reason not to just fastboot to it as needed? My concern is how difficult is it to return to the factory recovery mode, and is there any downside to having TWRP on this model instead of the factory. Is it possible to return to the stock ROM and recovery after installing a custom ROM?
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If you only want to use TWRP when you have a fastboot-ready PC available, there is no need to install it. The reason why that is there is because since TWRP is embedded in the kernel (not flashed to a recovery partition like older devices), it will be overwritten whenever you flash a custom rom that includes a kernel, and I'm fairly certain they all do.
Returning the stock recovery menu is as easy as flashing the stock boot.img. There are no downsides that I know of of having TWRP on your device. And yes, returning to the stock rom and recovery is as easy as fastboot flashing the factory image.
myk.robinson said:
Hello -
My Pixel 2 XL is still running stock but is rooted with Magisk. I have been looking at some custom ROMs. Stock is working fine for me, but the dorm in me REALLY wants to waste time flashing ROMs...
I was looking at the thread for AquariOS and a few others, and they each mention flashing TWRP after installing the ROM.
At present, I have the .img file for TWRP and I boot to it from my computer using fastboot. Is there a reason why ROMs installation instructions have the line to install TWRP? Is there any reason not to just fastboot to it as needed? My concern is how difficult is it to return to the factory recovery mode, and is there any downside to having TWRP on this model instead of the factory. Is it possible to return to the stock ROM and recovery after installing a custom ROM?
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I dont install it anymore.
I run rooted stock and have no need really for a nand backup.
When I need it I just fastboot it and honestly I cant recall the last time I needed to do that.
On other deivces I have it installed for ease of updates for LineageOS.
My Pixel XL 2 swings both ways! I use TWRP on board and Fastboot!
I run stock rooted with flash kernel. I use my Nexus 6p terminal to fastboot boot TWRP on my Pixel when flash kernel pushes an update. I don't really see any reason to run a custom rom on this device as it runs great as is and there is an app for pretty much any custom rom feature you'd want.
Hey. I have a rooted with TWRP installed OnePlus 5T on OOS v5.1.1
I've been receiving the 5.1.3 upgrade for a while now and have decided to update. Can i dirty flash the package or do i need to wipe system and data? I'm guessing the root will not be retained and i will have to root again but will the TWRP recovery stay intact? Thanks for your answers
I guess you would be able dirty flash.
You have to flash the twrp and magisk root again. If you are going to flash latest Open Beta 11, you have to flash Beta 10 before to retain data.
XeniX_Force said:
Hey. I have a rooted with TWRP installed OnePlus 5T on OOS v5.1.1
I've been receiving the 5.1.3 upgrade for a while now and have decided to update. Can i dirty flash the package or do i need to wipe system and data? I'm guessing the root will not be retained and i will have to root again but will the TWRP recovery stay intact? Thanks for your answers
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I have switched from 5.1.3 to beta11 like;
1- download the rom you want to install from oneplus site.
2- also download the stock recovery image from oneplus site.
3- put both files into the phone.
4- flash the stock recovery you downloaded.
5- boot into stock recovery and install the downloaded rom without wiping or formating anything.
6- enjoy your new rom with all your apps and data.
After the above steps you can install custom recovery and magisk again.
I also highly recommend to take a full backup of your phone .
Sent from my OnePlus 5T using XDA Labs
llvllaster said:
I have switched from 5.1.3 to beta11 like;
1- download the rom you want to install from oneplus site.
2- also download the stock recovery image from oneplus site.
3- put both files into the phone.
4- flash the stock recovery you downloaded.
5- boot into stock recovery and install the downloaded rom without wiping or formating anything.
6- enjoy your new rom with all your apps and data.
After the above steps you can install custom recovery and magisk again.
I also highly recommend to take a full backup of your phone .
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Why was stock recovery flashed? Can the Rom not be installed using TWRP?
XeniX_Force said:
Why was stock recovery flashed? Can the Rom not be installed using TWRP?
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Well, i always got an error with twrp. No OS installed or something like that. Tried also a dirty flash with twrp and phone was not able to boot. So i found the way with stock recovery.
Sent from my OnePlus 5T using XDA Labs
llvllaster said:
Well, i always got an error with twrp. No OS installed or something like that. Tried also a dirty flash with twrp and phone was not able to boot. So i found the way with stock recovery.
Sent from my OnePlus 5T using XDA Labs
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Rom can be flashed with Blu Spark treble TWRP V8.78not normal TWRP. And after you flash reboot to recovery then flash magisk 15.3 and no verity V2 or version 3 if your not encrypted either work, I used V2 just fine.
If you try to flash magisk right after rom it will probably give you an error. Reboot only to recovery BEFORE letting the rom boot or you loose recovery, then magisk will flash, 15.3 is the least grievous version after a successful boot upgrading to 16.4 is easy.
16.6 has been giving people grief also.