Adware Malware attacked to my q1010i. Please help! - Xolo Q1010i

I did the factory reset for 3 times and for the 4th time I did a hard reset, but still unable to remove that virus.
The virus automatically installs different apps and games on my device and show pop-up ads regularly. This begins when I turned on wifi.
Some unknown system apps have been installed on an android system that controls on wifi and automatically turns on wifi. But temporarily with the help of Quickheal antivirus somehow I have controlled and stopped those apps from working.
If anyone knows, how to solve this issue. Please, help me.
I have noted down more details about the virus. If you want to know more. Kindly ask me. Thank you, friends


[Q] Phone Freezing Over Night

Apologies if this has been posted before, I did look but couldn't seem to find the exact same issue.
I've had my phone for just under a year, no real problems. But late last month it restarted over night and since then it started freezing every night when I left it charging. At first I thought it was crashing but the charge light would still be on but all buttons would be unresponsive. The only thing I could do to regain control of my phone was to remove the battery.
I contacted HTC who suggested factory reset...which I don't really want to do. As my phone was only freezing once a day (over night) it wasn't all that bad. To be honest I thought it was an issue with it charging.
For reasons I can't remember, I removed an app that I never used; it was using 2mb space and couldn't be put on the SD. Once removed, the freezing stopped happening and there was much rejoicing...until last night.
I decided to download another app and the freezing happened again over night. I've since removed that app but here's the rub, why is this happening?
The fact it's happening whenever I download more apps to my phone seems to point to a memory issue but my phone has 1.6GB on the SD and 53mb on the phone itself.
I still haven't tried a factory reset and as I've had it less than a year, HTC said I can return it; but there's no guarantee this will fix it and I like my little phone, so if there's a way I can resolve this issue I'll rather do that before trying more drastic measures.
I hope someone can help.
Are you rooted? If that's the case, and, you are charging the phone when it is switched off, what you are experiencing is a known bug.
Also, although unrelated, it is really not recommended to charge your battery overnight or for extended periods. Charge only till it is full.
Nope, not rooted. Just a plain, bog-standard out the box Wildfire.
Thanks for the heads up regarding the charging though Since I bought it (July last year) I had been charging over night on most days but I'll switch to just charging it for a few hours till it's full now.
I guess in case it'll help I'll give a little more info: While charging I leave my phone switched on and I rarely restart my phone unless it drops signal. Only recently with the freezing have I had issues with using it and had to restart it frequently. I'm not a techie person so I've not played around with the phone other than putting on apps, where possible I put them onto SD. My phone is unlocked and I use it on the O2 network.
make a factory reset bro. it tells u whether the issue is with hardware or software. kept under charging mode just heats up the phone by a little level. this dont normally freeze the phone.
but if u r downloading something with data connection, or bluetooth, or wifi and kept charging overnight, then the battery gets overheated heavily which freezes the phone. it is quite normal and is experienced by people who keep overnight downloads.
and further there may be application conflicts in ur phone, which make it slow and freeze. i expect this is the issue with u.
if u r sure that u r not using any data connections, then i suggest u to factory reset ur phone. before that backup all the data. i dont understand what makes u from not doing the factory reset.
Over night my phone is idle while charging. Though I have data enabled (no wifi at home), it's not downloading anything and I have auto sync switched off.
I would have thought if this was an application issue it would have started after installing this dodgy app and also continue until I unistalled. This hasn't been the case. When it started happening I hadn't installed anything other than updates for weeks or maybe months. During the week while it was having this issue, I had installed 1 app (Photoshop).
It has only frozen once during the day, right after work; that was the time I finally thought I'll have to factory reset. So I was writing down all my apps in a notepad so I knew what I had and where they were (I'm fussy with my screen setup). I decided to remove 2 apps I never used (8Pen and Photoshop), I thought I'll leave it 1 night just in case and that night though it never froze, so I didn't reset.
Since then it's been working fine for 3 weeks till last night when I downloaded another app. So it seems random, it's not associated with a particular app and comes and goes.
The reason I'm cautious about factory resetting is that it deletes everything. Though I have backed contacts up to MyLookOut and to my SD card, I'll still loose my apps and data and so I'm not keen on doing it. Not using wifi means it's heafty on my 500mb data package to redownload them again and then I'm unsure if i'll have to upgrade to Froyo again.
End of the day it just seems like a "Turn it off and on again" answer and as it comes and goes and doesn't seem to have a reason why it happens so randomly I don't want to factory reset if there's another way.
Idavoll said:
Over night my phone is idle while charging. Though I have data enabled (no wifi at home), it's not downloading anything and I have auto sync switched off.
I would have thought if this was an application issue it would have started after installing this dodgy app and also continue until I unistalled. This hasn't been the case. When it started happening I hadn't installed anything other than updates for weeks or maybe months. During the week while it was having this issue, I had installed 1 app (Photoshop).
It has only frozen once during the day, right after work; that was the time I finally thought I'll have to factory reset. So I was writing down all my apps in a notepad so I knew what I had and where they were (I'm fussy with my screen setup). I decided to remove 2 apps I never used (8Pen and Photoshop), I thought I'll leave it 1 night just in case and that night though it never froze, so I didn't reset.
Since then it's been working fine for 3 weeks till last night when I downloaded another app. So it seems random, it's not associated with a particular app and comes and goes.
The reason I'm cautious about factory resetting is that it deletes everything. Though I have backed contacts up to MyLookOut and to my SD card, I'll still loose my apps and data and so I'm not keen on doing it. Not using wifi means it's heafty on my 500mb data package to redownload them again and then I'm unsure if i'll have to upgrade to Froyo again.
End of the day it just seems like a "Turn it off and on again" answer and as it comes and goes and doesn't seem to have a reason why it happens so randomly I don't want to factory reset if there's another way.
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u r worrying about loosing data on factory reset. but do u know that u can backup each and everything on the phone including the apps downloaded from market.
ok, i will try to give a software solution. first uninstall all the file managers and app managers in your phone. then go to market and download "ANDROID ASSISTANT". this little app has many features. explore it and u will know its potential. it has a nice option called QUICK BOOST. when u press this quick boost on a heavily stuck phone, u will feel like ur phone got a new life. it makes the phone response faster in seconds.
and further it has auto boost option, which can be set to a minimum of 10minutes. this auto boost will help u in preventing the freeze issue. hope it works. the present version of android assistant is 2.3.3
trying to attach u that one
Many thanks.
How do you backup apps? I know they'll appear in the download list but I'll rather not have to redownload them all, plus I have a few not from the marketplace. I've read that during a factory reset even apps which are apparently "saved" on the SD card are removed because they're not 100% saved onto it. So if you know of a way to back them up I would be most grateful.
Thanks for the Android Assistant.apk too, I'll be sure to look into that! Though I always thought anything that force closed apps wasn't always good - I previously used Task Killer and removed it after being told it could be the route of a force close email app issue I was getting.
Edit: Just got back home and during the journey my phone had frozen!! I had hoped it was a space issue but I've not downloaded any new apps and have even removed some during the day. So my previous thought that this was some how connected to storage on my phone must be wrong. So what on Earth can it be? It's not constant, in fact, like I said I've had this phone for 9 months give or take and it's been fine. So why now and why only sometimes does it freeze?
Idavoll said:
Many thanks.
How do you backup apps? I know they'll appear in the download list but I'll rather not have to redownload them all, plus I have a few not from the marketplace. I've read that during a factory reset even apps which are apparently "saved" on the SD card are removed because they're not 100% saved onto it. So if you know of a way to back them up I would be most grateful.
Thanks for the Android Assistant.apk too, I'll be sure to look into that! Though I always thought anything that force closed apps wasn't always good - I previously used Task Killer and removed it after being told it could be the route of a force close email app issue I was getting.
Edit: Just got back home and during the journey my phone had frozen!! I had hoped it was a space issue but I've not downloaded any new apps and have even removed some during the day. So my previous thought that this was some how connected to storage on my phone must be wrong. So what on Earth can it be? It's not constant, in fact, like I said I've had this phone for 9 months give or take and it's been fine. So why now and why only sometimes does it freeze?
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yes freezing also happens when there is very low phone free memory. when ur apps get filled in phone and keep on decreasing its memory, it is more likely that ur phone gets freezed. its always better to keep a 30MB free phone memory. remember data and cache also use phone memory, so the free memory will be generally unpredictable with minor errors. have u got any idea of a windows pc freezing. a windows pc freezes if there is some errors in registry. that is the reason why i have suggested u to make factory reset first to eliminate the software issues.
u asked me a solution to backup ur apps, right.
firstly i wanna introduce u about the backing up of applications.
android applications will be in the .apk file format and u know this. this .apk file is an installable archive just like .exe of windows OS. opening the .apk files from a file manager installs the program files of that application. but when u download the applications from android market, u will not get the .apk files. the android market installs the program files directly. but we can still create an .apk file from these program files and app managers will do that function. both the files im attaching u below will do that function.
here im attaching u two applications (.apk files)
one is APP CONTROL. i recommend u to use this. it can be used with android assistant installed. both of them work fine. the APP CONTROL version i gave u is an older version and is a full version. A newer version of APP CONTROL is available in the android market, but it is not free. so i strongly recommend u to use this. it has a great feature to backup all ur apps at a single click. the apps backed up by it will be saved as .apk files under the path
MEMORY CARD/backups/apps
i recommend u to back up all ur phone and mem card apps at a time with a single click. explore this APP CONTROL.
i dont want to give a detailed explanation of the other file ANDROID APP MANAGER, because i wont recommend u to use this. im just attaching u this because of only one reason, that APP CONTROL is presently not a full version. using of it is entirely at your personal intrest.
I took your advice and did a factory reset - backed everything up so it wasn't as painful as I first thought it would be. Managed to reinstall everything and so far so good (touch wood) but the original issue was sporadic and so only time will tell.
I have noticed since the reset that my phone memory, which was 50mb before, is now 100mb. So hopefully this will mean that I'm not forced to limit what I download.
Such a shame the Wildfire doesn't have more memory
Thanks again for the help and I'll post if the issue occurs again.
Idavoll said:
I took your advice and did a factory reset - backed everything up so it wasn't as painful as I first thought it would be. Managed to reinstall everything and so far so good (touch wood) but the original issue was sporadic and so only time will tell.
I have noticed since the reset that my phone memory, which was 50mb before, is now 100mb. So hopefully this will mean that I'm not forced to limit what I download.
Such a shame the Wildfire doesn't have more memory
Thanks again for the help and I'll post if the issue occurs again.
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that 50 MB and 100 MB may be due to app memory + cache memory. if u have interrupted the download android apps from market, and have every downloading app partly downloaded and interrupted. then that partly downloaded apps go to the cache memory of MARKET application. u can try and check this.
similarly there will be cache memory for every application. i expect all those cache memories got built up and ate 50 MB of ur phone memory. if it is so, it says that how vigourously u have used ur phone regarding applications.
these cache memories wont get cleaned just on restrating phone, and u should manually clean them either through the phones inbuilt process or through the applications having keywords of cache cleaner.
there is somewhat that i dont like in android apps. which is the application doing extra functions other than its name. now a days, u can see many file managers in android market. and those file managers suppose to have the fuction of explorer of android file system. but they will have additional features like combined app manager, cache cleaner, uninstaller, installer.
this makes the different applications conflict with each other and slow down the os. thats the thing i hate here. i have to choose priority in apps, and sometimes need to avoid nice apps due to that reason.
Well, my phone has just froze again Sent an email to HTC (already had an email chain going with them so I just updated my ticket) and asked them what to try next.
On the plus side at least they won't keep telling me to factory reset!
Idavoll said:
Well, my phone has just froze again Sent an email to HTC (already had an email chain going with them so I just updated my ticket) and asked them what to try next.
On the plus side at least they won't keep telling me to factory reset!
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OK. hope the phone froze without even single app being installed.
suppose if the freeze was a software issue, then u have backed up the app causing freeze. let us think this like a virus. if u had reinstalled that app again, ur phone is likely to freeze again.
i haven't heard of virusses if android os, but i have seen many antivirus programs for android. even the great kaspersky recently added its support for android. the existance of antivirus programs proove the existance of virusses.
so, try to remember if u have installed any backed up app frm mem card.
Im personally guessing that ur phone freeze was not a software issue. ur phone might be having hardware issues.
giving to a service centre might solve the problem, but im not pretty sure. and moreover, if they update ur phone to froyo, u cant even root. (i dont remember what ur phone is on now). and even u cant make those service centre guys see ur problem, as u dont know when it freezes. i expect, what all they are gonna do to ur phone is factory reset, or reinstall the os.

[Q] Need some help finding an App

I am currently on the custom CM11 on my Samsung S3. My problem is that my son keeps playing with the cell and unknowingly installs apps or malware on the phone through the ads in the games. Can someone please suggest to me a way to lock this maybe a phone setting or an Apps that wont let him or anyone install anything new on the phone without a password.
amti366 said:
I am currently on the custom CM11 on my Samsung S3. My problem is that my son keeps playing with the cell and unknowingly installs apps or malware on the phone through the ads in the games. Can someone please suggest to me a way to lock this maybe a phone setting or an Apps that wont let him or anyone install anything new on the phone without a password.
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Maybe block the ads altogether with adaway or something similar?
Turn off WiFi and mobile data maybe?
I have tried the adaway and others like it but some apps will still have ads like talking tom etc. as for the second option of turning the wifi and data off that is the only way I currently have but if the phone is lying somewhere and he gets hold of it all bets are off. I am surprised there is no popular app to password protect launching or installing new apps.

360 Security Issues?

anyone noticed, after installing this software, we are unable to connect to wifi?
StormyKnight said:
anyone noticed, after installing this software, we are unable to connect to wifi?
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i use cm security its much better
I think its not its issue because I resetted my phone but it didn't work then I restarted my router and changed the IP and now it works
but anyway becareful when using those software ,they can terminate necessary apps.
I like this software, it seems awesome, it can lock our apps so if we lend our phone to someone else, they can't snoop in our private details.
good for save yourself from siblings, cousins, brother in law, parents.
don't use antivirus, memory cleaner, ram booster etc type apps android pretty much takecare itself ..
yeah but still android needs an antimalware because still some apps can steal your information.

S4 Mini behaves strangely

I apologize for my English, I'm Brazilian, and they told me to go to XDA to solve my problem.
In this case, I'm using Google Translate.
Hello, I have an S4 Mini, which is behaving in a very strange way and I already tried to make the two solutions that I found, that would be to put the Stock Rom, and the Hard Reset but that did not solve.
The symptoms I have noticed in him so far are:
1 - Battery behaves strangely (Sometimes I turn on and off the battery comes back with another charge). And it gets very fast when I'm using it. But the battery is new.
Android takes actions alone, for example, it is 0% I connect it, it unlocks the screen alone, and opens the native browser the "Internet", and goes to a page that is like a map, and starts to Write random things, like, McFWjham; KAMV.
3- The use of data has remained high when it is active.
4- Sometimes when it is working normally, it opens native programs for no reason, the most common is the "Internet".
So I do not know what else to do, the cell phone is very well preserved, no visible problems, no crumple of drops, the problem is just in time to use kkk. Help me pls.
#Edit :The screen when active uses 40% to 50% of the battery according to Android.
The "Android System" occasionally gets to spend 60% of the battery.
When the battery is locked it tends to remain, but when I use the smartphone, the battery tends to decrease with the second ones very fast.
The battery is new.
Please help me T.T
Luan532 said:
I apologize for my English, I'm Brazilian, and they told me to go to XDA to solve my problem.
In this case, I'm using Google Translate.
Hello, I have an S4 Mini, which is behaving in a very strange way and I already tried to make the two solutions that I found, that would be to put the Stock Rom, and the Hard Reset but that did not solve.
The symptoms I have noticed in him so far are:
1 - Battery behaves strangely (Sometimes I turn on and off the battery comes back with another charge). And it gets very fast when I'm using it. But the battery is new.
Android takes actions alone, for example, it is 0% I connect it, it unlocks the screen alone, and opens the native browser the "Internet", and goes to a page that is like a map, and starts to Write random things, like, McFWjham; KAMV.
3- The use of data has remained high when it is active.
4- Sometimes when it is working normally, it opens native programs for no reason, the most common is the "Internet".
So I do not know what else to do, the cell phone is very well preserved, no visible problems, no crumple of drops, the problem is just in time to use kkk. Help me pls.
#Edit :The screen when active uses 40% to 50% of the battery according to Android.
The "Android System" occasionally gets to spend 60% of the battery.
When the battery is locked it tends to remain, but when I use the smartphone, the battery tends to decrease with the second ones very fast.
The battery is new.
Please help me T.T
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Sounds like you have a malware infection (though can't be 100% sure) maybe adware, I would guess. Factory reset should have fixed it and reinstall stock rom would definitely fix it even if malware rooted your phone. So that means there is an easy way for reinfect to happen.
Reinfection can happen many ways eg via bad app, through your google account, cloud storage, wifi, other network you have joined etc. Unfortunately it can be very hard to stop if you don't know how it's happening.
1st lets assume it's a bad app you installed, try run a good antivirus like Avast, does it show malware? Clean anything it finds. If you are lucky it will only be adware app that you reinstalled yourself after the new rom, once removed you will be OK and phone clean. But if it comes back by itself then it will take more work to find how it happens.
[Note: You can also boot phone into safe mode which will only allow system apps to run, it is a way to test if it is a bad 3rd party app, is the problem stopped now 3rd party apps can't run?. (though if your phone has been rooted by malware and bad app installed as system app, then bad app will still run). If you think it might have been rooted, download a root checker app to test]
Change the software.
IronRoo said:
Sounds like you have a malware infection (though can't be 100% sure) maybe adware, I would guess. Factory reset should have fixed it and reinstall stock rom would definitely fix it even if malware rooted your phone. So that means there is an easy way for reinfect to happen.
Reinfection can happen many ways eg via bad app, through your google account, cloud storage, wifi, other network you have joined etc. Unfortunately it can be very hard to stop if you don't know how it's happening.
1st lets assume it's a bad app you installed, try run a good antivirus like Avast, does it show malware? Clean anything it finds. If you are lucky it will only be adware app that you reinstalled yourself after the new rom, once removed you will be OK and phone clean. But if it comes back by itself then it will take more work to find how it happens.
[Note: You can also boot phone into safe mode which will only allow system apps to run, it is a way to test if it is a bad 3rd party app, is the problem stopped now 3rd party apps can't run?. (though if your phone has been rooted by malware and bad app installed as system app, then bad app will still run). If you think it might have been rooted, download a root checker app to test]
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I have avast installed, and cleaned, but not changed at all.
My device was already rooted by me, when I gave the hard reset and soon after the exchange of the rom stock, the root was undone,
I installed Root Checker and it said root was not properly installed.
And as for the security mode, I turned the phone on in safe mode, and when the screen was unlocked, it automatically opened the "internet" browser, on the same page as always.
What should I do?
Luan532 said:
I have avast installed, and cleaned, but not changed at all.
My device was already rooted by me, when I gave the hard reset and soon after the exchange of the rom stock, the root was undone,
I installed Root Checker and it said root was not properly installed.
And as for the security mode, I turned the phone on in safe mode, and when the screen was unlocked, it automatically opened the "internet" browser, on the same page as always.
What should I do?
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ummm .... I was expecting it was just going to be a bad app serving ads, this is going to be hard
OK, that should rule out 3rd party apps (assuming you have avast set to find all PUP/PUA, etc & nothing white listed) but not finding anything may mean malware is embeded in ROM or malware was able to open port on your system but then uninstall itself or just that there is a line of code that points browser to a server that is serving adware so antivirus is not finding it. Some malware is able to hide from anti virus software in different ways. Try this app, it is not true antivirus, you run it manually, don't worry if one or two antivirus companies like white armour identify malware, they do often even on clean phone.
You can also submit any unknown app to virus total white this app for testing. Also you must submit the bad url your browser is connecting to for testing, this will help it spread to all anti virus database.
Good news is you do not appear to be rooted. But the ROM you flashed may still be bad. Where did you get the stock ROM you flashed? I would only use a trusted source like but even that is no guarantee. You could try flash another ROM, though as this happened on previous ROM it's probably a good ROM, unless you are getting all your ROM from same site that is not well known as trusted.
So that would suggest they are able to get easy access to your phone either via your google account, cloud service, local network at home/work/public, or through your modem/router.
Check your local network doesn't have a neighbour or other unknown device connected with this app Fing
Of course even if you recognise all devices that doesn't mean your brothers etc phone is not the source.
Do the same with other networks you have access to.. Talk to work, any one else infected? Change you password. If using public wifi always use a vpn.
Likely source is your modem/router, Log into your modem router check for updates for it, (if old and not supported you may need a new one), update or if latest firmware do a factory reset, now reboot and use a new password (do this at the same time you reset ALL your passwords, or you might just allow them to find new passwords and reinfect you)
Check your goggle account does not have someone else set for account recovery and/or two factor authentication. (set it up if not already on) Change password and ALSO change password on any other recovery account (write them down )
do the same for cloud storage, and scan storage for virus if possible eg dropbox local folder on pc. Unlink cloud storage from mobile until you are clean to block this route of reinfection.
Update any other device software & change passwords eg xbox, printers etc
I think there's something I'm forgetting
Now reflash stock ROM ( I would also suggest then flashing an up to date custom ROM with most recent security patches)
Things you can do that may help temporarily .....
Install a firewall app like netguard and block internet access to browser, through may not work as root etc is open by default. Oh yes, that reminds me of one thing I forgot, check your DNS has not been hijacked, netguard shows dns url in settings, change if you cannot find who dns server your phone is using, use google & if you don't know what to set.
Use an app like Link2SD, Titanium Pro to freeze apps, but you will need root for this.
It's a lot of work (& I think there is something I am forgetting), you may get away with just factory resetting your modem or something as it appears to just be adware so they probably don't have access to your accounts etc, but I tried to cover everything.
Hope I'm making sense through goggle translate!
Phone with mind of its own may not be hacked or haunted. It can in fact happen when it's exposed to moisture or water. Try putting the phone in a bag of rice for several hours, this will draw out all moisture. Hairdrayer may damage electronics because overheating.
If hacked, I would do following steps:
- modem update with odin (manuals search XDA)
- update latest TWRP (dito on XDA)
- start phone in Recovery mode and wipe everything, also Format Data on SD and external SD. Simple Factory reset my not delete it (use Advaced wipe)
- Install LOS14.1 from arco (check compatibility first, other version available for double SIM) It comes with latest security patches.
- Install Open GApps nano or pico. Install other Gapps later if you need.
- start phone, skip setting for WLan to see if everything works without Network.
Does it work? ...then an open WLan could be hacked, try a secure first or mobile network.
Good luck
Hello guys!
The battery drop problem is a common failure with this i9195 phone. I did a research but you have to help me as well by providing IMEI S/N (located under the battery) in PM to me!
New battery doesn't helps!
My current research: If your phone made in Vietnam in the 1-line ~2013, then you will have a dead motherboard soon, before that battery issue is occuring.
So please give me your details and I will look after it.
Do anyone know when they stopped producing i9195 and i9195i ? I need to buy the latest version, because my i9195 was made in 2013 and have that battery drain issue even with new batteries...

Phone hacked

I need help identifying what app or setting got me into this mess.
I think the hacker has adb access.
He shuts down apps.. etc
He is messing with the notifications.. i get ony a few. Sometimes they come in late.
I have made reset from samsung setting and the boot menu, AND I INSTALLED A NEW ROM (the one for my phone) WITH ODIN. Still the issue resurfaces.
I think my roomate installed smthg in it. He is on the house wifi and he is got a degree in networking (i think thats what it's called, we study in french in my country)
Please i need help.
If someone needs any further details, please ask.
Avoid the wifi network you suspect your hacker friend is on, reinstall the rom downloaded on another network and stay on 4G and see if it still happens? Also suspect your PC to be hacked...
Thx for replying,
I did format my pc but i have connected it to house wifi.. didn't notice anything out of order though.
I found out about the "Revoke USB debugging authorisations" option in Developer Options. I think it is working.
Today, since i made a new instagram account, i added a mutual friend. Turns out it was an old and lost account, and thats when i got the error from the video.
Fortunately, i fixed it by un.following the account and clearing the app storage.
I need to know what access does he have?
Can't upload the video, here's some shots.
Look no further than yourself for the cause of this... one way or another.
RX: Factory reset, change Google account password.
Stop with the social media crap and go mingle with real people.
This not about social media, it's about getting my phone back.
With my old account, I couldn't even talk to my messenger friend. Today, thats like having your phone number unreachable all the time, frustrating.
Please if you don't want to help don't, but no need for quick unhelpful replies.
Carch921 said:
This not about social media, it's about getting my phone back.
With my old account, I couldn't even talk to my messenger friend. Today, thats like having your phone number unreachable all the time, frustrating.
Please if you don't want to help don't, but no need for quick unhelpful replies.
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How was it compromised?
Understand if it was compromised it's more than likely because you left yourself vulnerable to attack.
A compromised OS needs to be cleaned or wiped... I gave you the solution(s).
No need to say thanks but don't give me lip about your screw ups.
Thank you.
I tried factory reset more than 10 times, different ways. No luck.
I think he is got access to one of my friends account but i don't know how he is using this connection with me ( message, notification.. i don't know)
@blackhawk what you said is true, and i didn't mean no offense.
Carch921 said:
Thank you.
I tried factory reset more than 10 times, different ways. No luck.
I think he is got access to one of my friends account but i don't know how he is using this connection with me ( message, notification.. i don't know)
@blackhawk what you said is true, and i didn't mean no offense.
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Reflash the firmware especially if it is Oreo or below.
If it's not embedded in the firmware, it's being added by you albeit inadvertently.
Your Achilles heel is social media... don't be so predictable. Break the link in the chain.
None of the social apps should be running on the device, they are malware. At least keep them in the cloud.
Email must always be kept in the cloud and any attachments downloaded from it scruntinized or preferably not downloaded at all. All downloads are suspect.
At this point your data base is suspect as well.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Android 11.
I am trying.
Carch921 said:
Android 11.
I am trying.
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Unless someone physically got their hands on it, there's no known way the Android 11 stock factory image can be compromised by a rootkit or virus. A factory reset is all that is needed.
The problem happened after the reset.
blackhawk said:
Unless someone physically got their hands on it, there's no known way the Android 11 stock factory image can be compromised by a rootkit or virus. A factory reset is all that is needed.
The problem happened after the reset.
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That is exactly what i suspect did happen. I often leave my phone home and my pattern is known for him.
How can i undo a modification of that level.
(I intend to go to a phone repair shop and install new soft with the "box". Is this recommended or is it a bad idea)
Carch921 said:
That is exactly what i suspect did happen. I often leave my phone home and my pattern is known for him.
How can i undo a modification of that level.
(I intend to go to a phone repair shop and install new soft with the "box". Is this recommended or is it a bad idea)
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Never leave a phone physically unsecured as that's the only real security there is.
You need to have the firmware reflashed then be careful what you put back on it.
Change all your passwords and use secure passwords.
I ithink i this is the problem.( in the pic below)
There was an app called android device.. don't know if this is normal. So i deleted it and restarted and things are back to normal.
Sorry i can't upload the image, the app closes automatically.

Scan it online with Virustotal.
Sell the phone Facebook

