Hello everyone, just like in thread title, I have a really big trouble. Accidentaly, I deleted recovery (or overwritten CWM 5.0.x, bcs I cant install custom ROM on this) and I dont have any Android system. I'm looking for a flashable stock ROM using ODIN. Can anyone help? I dont have much time
Hi Guys,
i have a quick question, i installed rom maneger too see and when i tryed to see what roms were available it asked me to install the cwm recovery.
question is:
is it save to install the recovery true rom maneger? have anybody done it on the et4g?
can we use rom maneger at all with our phone?
It has been highly suggested by many well known devs that you should NOT use this app.
The CWM it wants to install is designed for a phone with a recovery partition which our phone does not have.
You will most likely brick your phone and would be better off dropping it in a toilet.
Thanks for the reply guys, i appreciated.
Hi guys,
I got my Gio back from repair, after I bricked it with ROM Manager. I have now been trying a lot of different CWM's, but none work with ROM Manager on my device. Now I have decided that I don't really need ROM Manager, but I would like to have CWM recovery, so I can back up my ROM before installing anything else, and still be able to go back to my stock rom a bit faster than the whole procedure with Odin.
My stock rom is S5660XXKTK_S5660XXKT6_S5660COVKS1_HOME.tar.md5
I have tried different versions of CWM Recovery, including this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1421650. Since I am on stock rom, I have installed the versions cwm- (installed with Odin) and signed_cwm- (installed from stock recovery).
In both cases I can make a backup, but I can not restore it again. Recovery fails when it is trying to format the system partition - and after that, of course it is back to Odin and the stock rom !
If this is a kernel issue, can you recommend another kernel that will work ?
Hope somebody can help me with this !
Its impossible to restore stock ROM backup from CWM . Whichever CWM u use to backup u can't restore or neither flash it so u will have to use Odin to flash stock ROM. The reason is that when u flash CM9 or any other ROM it changes ur file system to ext4 and stock ROM is RFS file system.
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
batman38102 said:
Its impossible to restore stock ROM backup from CWM . Whichever CWM u use to backup u can't restore or neither flash it so u will have to use Odin to flash stock ROM. The reason is that when u flash CM9 or any other ROM it changes ur file system to ext4 and stock ROM is RFS file system.
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
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Thank you so much - I think I have spent 50+ hours to get this working. At least it's nice to know, that it was not me (or my telephone) that did something wrong.
Now I'm looking at Adrenaline, to see if it can become my new "standard system".
Hi all!
Sorry for posting a new thread about this, but I'm really confused about what should I do.
I'm currently on P6-U06V100R001C00B111 - rooted, and I would like to use KitKat stock or custom, doesn't matter. Can I just put ROM files on SD and go on "Local update" in settings? Or do I have to install ADB and fastboot as described here
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
soul_train said:
Hi all!
Sorry for posting a new thread about this, but I'm really confused about what should I do.
I'm currently on P6-U06V100R001C00B111 - rooted, and I would like to use KitKat stock or custom, doesn't matter. Can I just put ROM files on SD and go on "Local update" in settings? Or do I have to install ADB and fastboot as described here
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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First of all, wrong forum..
Second I belive there are many ways of doin this update.
This is what I did:
1. Placed the update.app on a Sdcard and did a locale-update by going into settings
2. The phone will reboot and the update will start.
3. You are know on KK, but you will not have a working PlayStore since the old one is for JB.
Basicly this is what u need to do to be on KK, but if you want Playstore etc you have to install TWRP and flash gapps, and if I remember right you need to flash TWRP via fastboot.
I wanted a clean install so after I had installed TWRP I did a factory reset and wiped the internal memory and installed KK (.zip-file) and Gapps via TWRP from my Sdcard.
This is how I did and maybe someone else can tell u a better way to do it.
Can anyone post the link for what rom can i flash?
Fancy Pants said:
First of all, wrong forum..
Second I belive there are many ways of doin this update.
This is what I did:
1. Placed the update.app on a Sdcard and did a locale-update by going into settings
2. The phone will reboot and the update will start.
3. You are know on KK, but you will not have a working PlayStore since the old one is for JB.
Basicly this is what u need to do to be on KK, but if you want Playstore etc you have to install TWRP and flash gapps, and if I remember right you need to flash TWRP via fastboot.
I wanted a clean install so after I had installed TWRP I did a factory reset and wiped the internal memory and installed KK (.zip-file) and Gapps via TWRP from my Sdcard.
This is how I did and maybe someone else can tell u a better way to do it.
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So I posted a thread here months ago asking for help but got no help so I'm trying again. Basically the official kitkat update from samsung severely messed up my tablet to the point where it's almost unusable. My question is, is there any way i can do like an ultimate, complete wipe of the tablet? Like wipe partitions, recovery, everything?
I've tried installing nolekat and tranchidakat with still the same problems. I've flashed both the jellybean stock rom and the kitkat stock rom through odin with still the same problems. I even clicked re-partition under odin hoping that would help but still no luck.
Also the problems I'm having are constant reboots, processes and apps just stopping such as systemui, settings, and basically all of my system apps and apps installed from the playstore.
This is a very irritating problem I'm having to the point where I just wanna destroy my tablet. I don't have the money to send it to samsung so I've been trying to find another solution.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
I maybe not have the answer but the reason. How did you update you device kies or OTA. If a custom recovery was install your device it's maybe brick. Me i probably test something like flash a custom recovery only and them flash a rom through to there. Or search to unbrick flash somethings like that.
nannaniel said:
I maybe not have the answer but the reason. How did you update you device kies or OTA. If a custom recovery was install your device it's maybe brick. Me i probably test something like flash a custom recovery only and them flash a rom through to there. Or search to unbrick flash somethings like that.
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It was an OTA. I had no custom recovery installed prior to the update
Hey guys, how can you full factory reset that it will revert back to stock recovery without accessing the custom recovery because it can't be open. Please i need a quick response to this, I noticed that my phone became buggy after a while after I flash custom recovery from this forum. Maybe a step by step with details because I'm not really good with this rooting, flashing and custom recovery thingy eheh
So you want to restore only the stock recovery and not the full rom?
Why can't the custom recovery you have now be opened?
What have you flashed on your phone, why is it buggy? What rom do you have etc..
Does your phone work? Like can you use it?