how can i simulate keyboard sliding out (without actually opening it) to obtain the landscape state with all programs so that i can switch from portrait view (4all) to landscape (4all) apart from the G sensor.
I have tried all rotation programs ( Gyrator2, changescreen, G-config, G list) and i'm really disappointed they have issues with the phone dialer and with switching to certain programs they return to portrait view even if this program is enabled for rotation by above software.
If i can do what i mentioned above it will be great hack that will resolve many problems
where r the developers
DonĀ“t need a developer for that, a simple search might have yielded the results you are looking for....
Get a registry editor, then change HKLM>System>GDI>Rotation>HideOreintaionUI from 1 to 0. Now you can assign the left hardware key long press action (under Settings>Buttons) to rotate your screen.
edit for not completely reading your post.....
Get a registry editor, then change HKLM>System>GDI>Rotation>HideOreintaionUI from 1 to 0. Now you can assign the left hardware key long press action (under Settings>Buttons) to rotate your screen.
even that doesn't prevent the phone from switching to portrait view specially with the phone dialler
As far as I know, Gyrator2 is currently the best option out there. It doesnt work perfectly in the TF3D interface tabs, but everywhere else, it works pretty well.
Hopefully a better solution will come out soon, cause I agree, this thing should work like an iphone in switching between portrait/landscape modes.
honestly, im using g config and g list and dont have any problems out of it...the only thing i dont like about it is that when im making a phone call itll switch to landscape mode when i put it to my ear bc i never hold the phone str8 up and do i disable it from switching from portrait to landscape while n the dialer screens....other than that, no problems this way...please explain ur problem more in depth and hopefully i can help
hopefully someone can help me with my question tho about how to disable g config and g list from swtiching while the phone dialer screens are opened (during a call mainly)...thanks n adavance
by using registry editor delete "Dialog" string from
the problem that the "dailog" string is responsible for rotation of other programs than the phone dialer for example u will discover that the favorite page of Opera browser will rotate no more after deleting this string.(and many other things that share this string)
there is another idea but i don't know how to do it through the registry?
By changing the horizontal rotation angle threshold to a minimal angle so you have to put your phone nearly horizontal to obtain landscape view.
meromar said:
there is another idea but i don't know how to do it through the registry?
By changing the horizontal rotation angle threshold to a minimal angle so you have to put your phone nearly horizontal to obtain landscape view.
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this would be a great idea and if someone could figure that out and make a cab that would be great...a cab that makes it to where u have to have the phone "horizontal" (or nearly that so theres not as noticable of a lag) would be great because thats the only time i need the landscape is when im holding it horizontally...can someone PLEASE help????
Where are the EXPERTS
Gyrator2 can be configured to not switch while making a phone call. My problem is that I couldn't figure out how to get it not to switch in the lock screen. I'm sure that with enough help from the Gyrator experts I could have completely configured Gyrator to work the way I wanted it. Even if Gyrator had worked the way that I wanted it to, there were still issues with returning to portrait view even if I had the phone in landscape. But I believe that this is a known issue with Gyrator and touchflo 3D. But since I have the Tilt2, the easiest solution for me was mapping the PTT button to rotate my screen. At this point in time I don't think there is a perfect bug free solution and there might not be until HTC decides to implement that functionality.
thedon0369 said:
Gyrator2 can be configured to not switch while making a phone call. My problem is that I couldn't figure out how to get it not to switch in the lock screen. I'm sure that with enough help from the Gyrator experts I could have completely configured Gyrator to work the way I wanted it.
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very easy : run Gyrator menu-->events-->add new event-->choose Orientation-->Edit Event-->(name it as u want)choose Application-->choose >Learn Widow Class-->click on task bar (Modify Event) to get out from Gyrator(but the program still running)-->lock ur screen-->withdraw ur stylus then reinsert it-->the Gyrator come back with ConfettiLockScreen in the application name (u can simply add it as new application for gyrator without doing previous steps.
Don't forget to make Orientation--> Portrait (only)
& Actions-->Rotate screen.
don't forget to promote it to become above rotate line.
meromar said:
how can i simulate keyboard sliding out (without actually opening it) to obtain the landscape state with all programs so that i can switch from portrait view (4all) to landscape (4all) apart from the G sensor.
I have tried all rotation programs ( Gyrator2, changescreen, G-config, G list) and i'm really disappointed they have issues with the phone dialer and with switching to certain programs they return to portrait view even if this program is enabled for rotation by above software.
If i can do what i mentioned above it will be great hack that will resolve many problems
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I run CM6 Nightlies and love it ADW launcher is nice, i like how customizable it is, and it being open source is a plus as I am looking to modify it a touch. Currently running a 6x6 grid with a 180 LCD Density (as low as i would like to go, dont want to squint to read my phone). It looks great while in Portrait (normal) mode, but when you go landscape i lose the titles to all my widgets/shortcuts. What i'm proposing is when you go into landscape setting you leave the icon alone, but move the title, well rotate the title 90 deg. I say to the right but either direction would work possibly with the option of choosing the side and the orientation (text read up or down) of text of the title. this would allow me to see the title of my widgets while in landscape mode without lowering my Density to an unusable/undesirable value.
If this feature is available on another launcher excuse my ignorance. If however this is an option lacking in the android community I would gladly throw a few bucks your way if you feel like programming the code, I would but my vast knowledge of Q-Basic programming (Thanks highschool for teaching a ancient language) does me little good for writing this code.
I'm sure there's more of you out there that would like to see something like this.
I borked something... For some reason when my keyboard (any keyboard that uses full screen) goes full screen the font color is changing to white. If it wasn't for the white background this would not be an issue. This happens in landscape, but portrait doesn't go full screen so it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea on how to change the font color in full screen only?
As a work-a-round I have installed a keyboard manager that changes the keyboard based on orientation. I am using SlideIt in landscape and FlexT9 in portrait. Occasionally I use hackers keyboard, but having same issue there. I have a habit of switching keyboards depending on my needs at that time.
dharr18 said:
I borked something... For some reason when my keyboard (any keyboard that uses full screen) goes full screen the font color is changing to white. If it wasn't for the white background this would not be an issue. This happens in landscape, but portrait doesn't go full screen so it works fine.
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What do you mean, ''keyboard that uses full screen''? Can you give an example of which keyboard app, which editor app (does it happen when you post on this forum, for example?), and what do you do to make it ''go full screen''?
(By the way, I am using Hackers' Keyboard. All the keys are there, and you can move the cursor with onscreen keys.)
In landscape using hackers keyboard or flext9, when the keyboard expands the entry field goes from web page/ app/ entry field to the fill screen mode where the keyboard takes up half the screen and the other half is a separate input screen, not the web page view.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
Hey guys. I really like zooper, but the widgets dramatically shrink when I go from landscape (default) to portrait on my tablet.
The nice big clock I make ends up becoming really small when orientation changes. Is there any way around this? I tried searching for landscape stuff but haven't been able to find anything.
Any help would be appreciated
Hi, I'm trying to create a multi-screen wallpaper setup like in this build ( but how does one shrink their desired wallpaper to fill just half the screen? I tried bitmap but the scaling makes it difficult and blurry.
Thank you in advance.
I just noticed that the on-screen home buttons are gone but it doesn't appear to be the auto-hide key app cause that would leave a red line. I'm using a LG G3 and would love to mask it somehow.