hi can sombody tell me what kitchen i would use to look into building my own roms for the d855 the ones i have seen say the devive is no supported and if there is any up to date guides on building roms thanks
Hi I like my DHD but I'm not very good with the technical stuff I want to root my phone on gingerbred and learn about kernels and roms any help would be good but a good guide would be handy
go to settings, scroll down last phone they are all the information you need
Hi guys,
I got my Desire Z since the very first day it was available and I am still very happy with this great handset. I can already tweak and adjust existing ROMs to my needs and I have some basic knowledge (at least I hope so ). Now I want to make the next step and try to port ROMs from other devices to the Desire Z. I already tired it but I just got stuck at the splash image.
So here are my questions: Do you guys have suggestions for guides to follow (is there anything DZ specific to keep in mind)? Also guides for debugging a port would be very helpful to me.
So long
PS: Maybe I have to add that my main interesst at the moment is to port the latest MIUIv4 to the DZ (so anything special in porting ICS ROMs?)
Iam looking for a noob-friendly and a newer Tutorial to build a rom for DHD (should be only for dhd)
I found some Tutorials but theyre for Linux. Iam using Windows, so only TuTs for Windows
Will try my best to build / port a rom for Desire HD
dear developers
i want start enter android develop i just start search im lost can u tell me what is the best android rom kitchen win7 easy use support 4.4 and what tools i need to start
Hi there,
I'm looking to start developing ROMs for Chinese based mobiles (MTK) and many other models.
I've downloaded android kitchen from a thread here on xda and I'm looking to gather a collection to try out others such as cyanlabs etc...
I'll keep an eye on this thread for future post
Hello all
I am a complete noob on porting roms, I am just using them
So, I need help on my first attempt on porting a rom to my device
I just need links for studying or (even better) someone to teach me through the basics
Thanks, just for reading this :laugh:
I would start here:
Plenty of materials to start with....