[Q] building custom rom for d855 - G3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi can sombody tell me what kitchen i would use to look into building my own roms for the d855 the ones i have seen say the devive is no supported and if there is any up to date guides on building roms thanks


[Q] i need help with roms kernels and rooting

Hi I like my DHD but I'm not very good with the technical stuff I want to root my phone on gingerbred and learn about kernels and roms any help would be good but a good guide would be handy
go to settings, scroll down last phone they are all the information you need

[Q] How to port a ROM

Hi guys,
I got my Desire Z since the very first day it was available and I am still very happy with this great handset. I can already tweak and adjust existing ROMs to my needs and I have some basic knowledge (at least I hope so ). Now I want to make the next step and try to port ROMs from other devices to the Desire Z. I already tired it but I just got stuck at the splash image.
So here are my questions: Do you guys have suggestions for guides to follow (is there anything DZ specific to keep in mind)? Also guides for debugging a port would be very helpful to me.
So long
PS: Maybe I have to add that my main interesst at the moment is to port the latest MIUIv4 to the DZ (so anything special in porting ICS ROMs?)

Any good Tutorial for porting/building a rom?

Iam looking for a noob-friendly and a newer Tutorial to build a rom for DHD (should be only for dhd)
I found some Tutorials but theyre for Linux. Iam using Windows, so only TuTs for Windows
Will try my best to build / port a rom for Desire HD

[Q] best android rom kitchen??

dear developers
i want start enter android develop i just start search im lost can u tell me what is the best android rom kitchen win7 easy use support 4.4 and what tools i need to start
Hi there,
I'm looking to start developing ROMs for Chinese based mobiles (MTK) and many other models.
I've downloaded android kitchen from a thread here on xda and I'm looking to gather a collection to try out others such as cyanlabs etc...
I'll keep an eye on this thread for future post

Help porting CM 13 on Elephone P8000 (2015 edition)

Hello all
I am a complete noob on porting roms, I am just using them
So, I need help on my first attempt on porting a rom to my device
I just need links for studying or (even better) someone to teach me through the basics
Thanks, just for reading this :laugh:
I would start here:
Plenty of materials to start with....

