[Q] Messages APK - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
Does anyone have the APK for the standard HTC SMS app from 4.4.2 (or at least know what it's called)?
4.4.3 seems to have introduced automatic emojis in the SMS app which I'm really not a fan of, so hoping that I can roll back to the 4.4.2 app which will remove them. Have tried looking for the apk in /system/app but I don't seem to have found the right thing?

Never mind, found it. It's under /System/Priv-app/.


Some stock/motorola applications on htc hero

Is there a way to get for example the normal text messaging or music apps to work on the htc hero? Or the motorola messaging app (with the facebook inbox and stuff) to work on it? i went through all the possible roms today and loved the motorola messaging app. i also loved the stock android one too. also if its possible to change the default phone app? and maybe the contacts? i love everything else about the phone. haha. i know some people will be like why did you get a hero? well i really like those apps alot and i love my hero for every other reason. i do know how to use adb and everything. i have tried removing the stock messaging app and putting the stock android one and it doesnt appear. anyone got an idea?
do you have the motorola apps? I would like to test these on Hero.
I have them and would gladly post some, but there is an .odex file to go along with it. if u want to deodexize i think tis called the file then ill gladly post them for you. i just don't fully understand how to do that. i do however have the stock android apps without the .odex in them and it still does not work on the hero after removing the defualt messaging app. anyone got an thoughts onto how to do this? it would be great to have a htc hero mixed with motoblur rom.
That would be awesome! I would atleast like the Happenings app/widget from blur. =)

[Q] Install stock apps from one phone to another?

Hey all...thanks for looking and possibly answering. Heres my question. The one and only thing I do not like about my Evo is the contacts app. and the dialer. I came over from the iphone and the best thing on it was the combination of the dialer and the contacts, call log and favorites all within one application. I was at best buy and noticed that on a Samsung fascinate the STOCK contacts app is exactly what I have been missing. I found a couple stock apk files for a samsung moment and fascinate from another forum and tried to install on my evo and they would not install. So..guess what my question is...why wont they install? Are they locked so you cant install on different phones? If yes...is there a way around this. Or simply...how do I get the stock contacts apk from a samsung to my Htc evo?
My Evo is rooted
PS...I have spent countless hours searching for this type of contacts app that has everything I want in the market..it does not exist, so please please dont reply look in the market for something similar. I am looking to put this exact stock samsung app on my Evo.
Thanks everyone!
Most of the time these "stock" apps are odexed files, I would suggest getting the system.img file from the phone/rom that has the dialer app you want and extract the odex file AND the apk file for the dialer then run it through an apk deodex script(I'm on a MacBook), then try to install it. Not promising this will work, but give it a shot and if it doesn't pan out politely ask a dev if they can port it, XDA is full of helpful and willing devs, as long as you aren't an ass about it like some people are, let me know if this helps!
Sent from my White Evo 4G
+1..... I'd like to see this ported over. I had a Samsung Captivate and I miss my contacts app much better than what I have on Evo.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Anyone had luck on this? I just upgraded to s5 from s2 and want the stock memo widget from s2 installed onto the s5 as the s5 widget can't go smaller than 4x1.
You might have better luck asking in the Samsung forums. The most recent post prior to yours was over three years ago and it doesn't seem that anyone has an answer, that, and the OP was looking for a way to use an app from a non-HTC device on a HTC phone.
Sent from my HTC device

[Q] [REQ] Dark Gmail and Gtalk (mdpi 320x480)

Hi, I would love to get some dark apps for my device (HTC Magic/Mytouch 3G 32b). Unfortunatelly, all I can find is for newer devices with higher resolutions, and I am not sure that they will work, so I preffer to ask.
Or can someone tell me how to modify Gmail, Gtalk and even sms app if that is possible?
I have found this for example, but would this work for 320x480? :
GMAIL Blacked Out..
Did it work?
looking at the same thing, if I understand correctly the gmail app will work as it is stock but modified, the update.zip however may not. I want to try but worried about fudgin it up.
So if you tried, did it work? Anyone else get a dark gmail.apk or theme of some sort to work on a mytouch? (currentli running GY 1.4, flawlessly)
Got it to work, simple process. renamed gmail.apk in system/app/ to gmail.bkp, replaced with dowloaded.apk, matched permissions w/original, reboot... dark gmail. Some sort of root file explorer will be needed

Did jelly bean somehow fix auto sms to mms problem?

after buying my gnex, my only problem with it was converting long sms messages to mms. by using another messaging app i've solved this problem for myself. however i would like to use stock messaging app.
is there any way to stop this app from doing that, without modding the app i mean?
That's not a problem; it's actually a feature.
On the stock Mms.apk in Jellybean, I can't see a way of disabling it. Although I did find a modified ICS Mms.apk that doesn't auto-convert the messages once it hits its threshold.
Awful feature, seeing as MMS cost money and SMS are included with your network tariff.
thx for fixin me for calling that a "problem". however as i see it, its not a helpful "feature".
what i meant with "did jb fix the problem" meant that, did they put a disable setting for this "feature".
i dont want to use all the "features" of my phone. i would like to choose which "feature" i want to use instead of being forced to use it.
edit: i ve just tried to send long messages to different phones and myself. seemslike stock messaging app doesn't convert sms messages to mms anymore.
kallshak said:
after buying my gnex, my only problem with it was converting long sms messages to mms. by using another messaging app i've solved this problem for myself. however i would like to use stock messaging app.
is there any way to stop this app from doing that, without modding the app i mean?
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I pushed this file to system/app using the root browser feature of ES file explorer. After reboot I have the original ICS mms app that works perfectly with long sms messages.
adeklipse said:
That's not a problem; it's actually a feature.
On the stock Mms.apk in Jellybean, I can't see a way of disabling it. Although I did find a modified ICS Mms.apk that doesn't auto-convert the messages once it hits its threshold.
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I just flashed my Galaxy S3 with Jellybean a couple of weeks ago and was disgusted to discover this "feature" of converting SMS to MMS. Thing is, I don't have an MMS.apk file on mine, only a SecMMS.apk. Is this the same thing? Would the modified MMS.apk file work for my phone? And would I need to rename it SecMMS.apk and overwrite the current one?
I must say I'm quite angry at the stupidity of this MMS conversion. Why on earth would I want my SMSs (which are free and unlimited) to be converted to MMSs (which cost £0.40 / $0.64 each) ???

[REQ] Truecaller CM dialer.

Back in the day when nightlies were the cool thing to flash, there was an app that Cyanogenmod released that included truecaller integration. I liked the app because I could get all the facts of who was calling all on one screen. Well that was way back when I was using my Oneplus One. When i tried flashing the zip with it, when i get a call or make a call with the app it force closes. Any help getting it on 7.1+? Here is a link to the apk file if anyone has any help they'd like to include or knows a way to update this would be greatly appreciated. http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/cyanog...-1-1_25-cyanogen-c-apps-android-apk-download/
P.S.: I tried replacing the dialer.apk in the system/priv-app and it still force closed.

