[Q] Battery consumption while playing music + charging question - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Might seem an odd question, but how much should I expect the battery to drain on the M8 while playing music?
Reason I ask is because I use my phone to help me sleep (brown noise) every night.
I use an app called "Chromadoze" which has been fine for me up until now.
My old Nexus 5, which I partially got rid of because of the battery life, would drain approx 25% in 8 hours using Chromadoze.
However, using the same app on the M8 drains 50% in 8 hours, which seems excessive for a phone touted as having far better battery life (and indeed it normally does under normal use).
Thinking it might be the app, I generated a (59 minute) brown noise file and converted to FLAC and copied to the phone, and set that to play on repeat. This still gave a drain equivalent to 50%. I thought the Snapdragon 801 was mean't to be very economical on the battery for music, but that ain't happening here. I even have the phone in flight mode (as always). The battery stats are telling me that indeed the "music" is to blame.
I'm disappointed with this as I could stream actual music from the cloud all night on the Nexus and get less drain than that.
The other thing thats proved to be disappointing is the time it takes to charge. I have a 2A blackberry charger that I used on my N5 that charged it in just over an hour, but this M8 takes well over 2 hours on the same charger. I realise it has a bigger battery, but its still only 10% difference and it should probably only take an extra 10 minutes or so, not double the time. Can I enable fast charging on this device, after all, the 801 again is supposed to be able to support it.
I am a tad disappointed with my move to the M8 so far because of these issues; it has better battery life overall but these issues make it significantly less useful to me.

I have such an issue with this phone, that whenever I use (so deep sleep isn't allowed) the 50% of the cpu time is always at 1036mhz, which is too much even for listening to music.
Check out by yourself, how the cpu is working, by installing cpu spy (additionally you can install wakelock detector).
If it's the cpu's fault then you may try to set custom settings (max speed) for cpu when the screen is off.
Sent from HTC One m8, or maybe not anymore

Thanks for the reply. I'll check those apps out you recommend.
My next move is to try again with the power saver turned on, and see how it goes, failing that as well, I could try without the boomsound activated, as I'm sure extra EQing will use CPU power.
I hope I can resolve it, as it will be disappointing if not, especially as I really liked the Nexus as a phone but thought this would be a nice upgrade in most respects (bar camera).

I personally think that this power saving mode just sucks, all it does is that it saves data, but not cpu, as it doesn't put apps to sleep, as stamina mode on xperia devices does.
Just make a quick test, turn on your app, then switch to cpu spy, reset the statistics (so you get statistics only while using your app) and turn off the screen and wait few minutes.
Sent from HTC One m8, or maybe not anymore

When your listening to music at night is your WiFi on and connected?
Ive noticed a strange bug on my device.
When my device is in stand by mode and wifi is connected my CPU usage never drops below 30%. I use SystemPanel Pro to check that.
Now with WiFi off and in stand by mode my CPU usage is between 3-7% with spikes to 10-15% every 20-30 minutes. To me that seems normal.
So if you do have WiFi on while its playing music for those 8 hours test it with WiFi off.

Hi, I would normally use Airplane mode, so no radios at all, unless I wanted to stream from cloud, I've not done that yet since I had the phone, though.
I've just done my first test with CPUspy as suggested, Over 35 minutes it spent 10 minutes @ 1,036 MHz and the remaining time (about 67%) @ 300 MHz.
I'm trying it again with the supposed "Power Saving" function on.

Result with Power Saving on
1,036 MHz - 7:32 - 17%
300 MHz - 24:29 - 57%
Deep sleep - 8:29 - 19%
BUT, i have a feeling the power save mode may have killed it off to go to sleep but I couldn't confirm as it hadn't occurred to me until I had messed about.
So it is slightly better provided it didn't kill the music.
All of this was with a program called "7digital" which appears to be built in. Going to try in PowerAmp next.

PowerAmp seems to look much more economical.
95% (just over an hour) spent @ 300 MHz with just 2:26 spent at 1036 MHz.

Tried my brown noise last night and it drained 34% in 6 hours. Still a pretty poor performance.
Looks like I'm going to have to try and find an alternative way to do this.
I do wonder if the Google play ROM would help as I never had a problem on the nexus 5.

Are those the statistics when your phone hasn't been used at all or was your program running at this time?
If the program wasn't running and you have such a cpu usage then it is probably some deep sleep issue (wakelock detector should help identifying the app responsible for that).
Anyway, just use some app to limit the cpu usage while the screen is off.
This phone likes to be stuck at 1036mhz and for example you could limit it to about 500mhz.
Ps. Power saving mode won't kill these apps, so don't worry.
Sent from HTC One m8, or maybe not anymore

mr.loverlover said:
Are those the statistics when your phone hasn't been used at all or was your program running at this time?
If the program wasn't running and you have such a cpu usage then it is probably some deep sleep issue (wakelock detector should help identifying the app responsible for that).
Anyway, just use some app to limit the cpu usage while the screen is off.
This phone likes to be stuck at 1036mhz and for example you could limit it to about 500mhz.
Ps. Power saving mode won't kill these apps, so don't worry.
Sent from HTC One m8, or maybe not anymore
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Those statistics were with the music player 7digital running a brown noise file, but nothing else was being used on the phone.
Later I used PowerAmp which does give a more efficient performance, but sadly, still not good enough really considering my N5 was OK under the circumstances.
I find myself in two minds as to whether to try the GPE ROM anyway, as I don't find the phone as responsive as the N5 either... and maybe it will help with this issue too.

tameracingdriver said:
Those statistics were with the music player 7digital running a brown noise file, but nothing else was being used on the phone.
Later I used PowerAmp which does give a more efficient performance, but sadly, still not good enough really considering my N5 was OK under the circumstances.
I find myself in two minds as to whether to try the GPE ROM anyway, as I don't find the phone as responsive as the N5 either... and maybe it will help with this issue too.
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GPE (and other non-stock based ROMs) will be much faster, that's damn sure, however I don't think this will solve the problem, as HTC one m8 has some weird issue with it's CPU.
I also don't know why it's using this 1036mhz continously, but you can't go below 300mhz if the device is working (like playing music).
Tty to limit your CPU at all the time (not only when the screen is off), that should also save some battery, however the battery life is still nothing considering the one from Xperia Z1.

In case anyone is interested, I did the conversion to GPE. Much better, now feels as fast or faster than my n5, but it now charges much faster and the battery life seems as good as before. Will try and test with some music at some point in the coming week to see if there is any improvement but I have my suspicion that it won't make much difference as I think it could possibly be the more powerful output and boomsound that increases battery drain... But.... We'll see.

Final post from me on this thread.
Its been several weeks now since I've had the GPE firmware installed on my HTC One M8, and I don't regret it one bit.
The battery life is at least as good, but I possibly think better, I'm generally always averaging 4+ SOT, whereas it would be just shy of that with the Sense ROM. The phone is also noticeably quicker at all times...
Finally though, the high battery usage during music IS cured. Using the Chromadoze app I talked about in post #1 results in 20% drain in 8 hours (compared to 50% on a Sense ROM). That is much better. I also no longer wake up to a warm / hot phone. And it charges faster.
So, in summary, the GPE ROM turns the M8 into the phone it should have been since day 1. I just wish it had the Sense camera, but the stock one is perfectly usable.


Two identical phones with massively different battery usage. What's going on?

A friend and I both have a desire, updated to the latest version of Android and running 5.09 radio. Neither of us use it extensively and I can get easily through the day on a charge, mostly having upwards of 30% battery charge left when I go to bed, while his can barely do 8 hours before needing a recharge.
He's already taken it to the store to have it looked at once and it came back performing the same.
I've been looking at his currentwidget log and the consumption seems fine to me, however the battery drain is much larger than I'd expect in return.
Anyone have any idea what's going on? Please help!
Are you two using same ROMs..??
I'm rooted, he's not, but I'm using basically the same thing. My battery usage hasn't changed, while upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2, his hasn't either. But his has been crap from the beginning.
Swap phones for a few days. Perhaps he's in an area where by reception is poor compared to you. The phone would use more power trying to get a better signal?
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Does he play games all the time? Does he use GPS, Bluetooth, WLAN? And you?
how does it perform in airplane mode?
Install Android System Info and take a look at the task list, CPU load should hover around 10-20% after a few seconds. If it's higher find the task and report back.
He said if he just leaves it on the shelf with sync disabled, no calls and no notifications, it gets 12 hours tops. I get 48 like that.
Does he use Live Wallpaper? I found out that if I use a plain picture instead of live wallpaper, the power drain is much lower.
Has anyone even looked at the currentwidget log?
IceBone said:
Has anyone even looked at the currentwidget log?
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Yep, and you're losing battery very fast in what looks to be an idle phone. Every few minutes the power drain is shooting up for a period and then fluctuating to higher than it should be in idle (between 7-70mA drain in idle means the phone isn't idle). Many services and widgets that are known as power hungry seem to be running too. Due to the logging limitations, I can't see if they are the ones causing power fluctuations or otherwise.
I mean, have you done any one hour experimentation with cell on vs. cell off to see the battery loss differences?
What about cell off, display off for an hour vs. cell on, display on for an hour - what are the percentage drops in both cases for the device?
- HTC Desire via XDA App -
Can't really test like that, since he lives 150kms away. I'll see if he can lend the phone to me for a few days and I'll run both in an as identical manner as I can.
If people like andycted and bemymonkey have much spare time to reply, that would help you much since I consider them more expert in this area (they know far more than me).
- HTC Desire via XDA App -
Calibrate the battery?

Memory and Battery ... what do you get?

Apparently, the battery life and the low internal memory are some major drawbacks of this otherwise great handset, so I though of putting up some experiences of what users report from their experiences with internal memory and battery life.
(After installing all programs and under normal usage)
System 260MB => 32MB free
Data: 150MB =>32.7 free
Strategy: rooted, uninstalled htc stuff.
Battery Life:
24-36 hours
I feel the battery behaves rather strange, think there is definitively room for improvement. Some days, it hardly uses 5% over 12 hours!! Then, on others, without touching it, it looses over 50%!!
I am currently playing around with the Network settings and will see what I find.
Underclocking on demand should further alleviate the problem I hope!
With the original WF I easily got 4-5 days and the battery is only marginally smaller so should be possible to get closer to this range
Here my results:
About 50 MB free of ROM.
About 100 MB free of RAM.
Stock ROM, S-ON (waiting for htc unlock and cyanogenmod)
Battery lasts under normal usage 2 days, light usage 3 days. (When i sleep phone is in fly mode and there's no battery drain)
Normal usage: little browsing, messaging, mailing, music listening, checking news and weather, maybe a phone call.
Light usage: messaging, mailing, a bit music listening, calendar checking, very very little browsing
The biggest battery drain is the screen, especially when playing games (15 minutes dragon fly gives 10 % battery drain) and browsing, market checking/updating.
Everything stock:
free ROM: 47
free RAM: 122
Around 2 days battery use if I don't play too much Airport Mania 2, or else 10 minutes play equals minus 5% battery
I changed some settings to maximize battery performance, notable
Location => Disable "Use Wireless Networks" (battery eater!!)
Wifi&Networks: Mobile Network Settings:
Network Mode: GSM only (OK I don'T need the fast one)
Enable Always-On: DISABLED
Plus I set it on Flight Mode during night (I used Gentle Alarm to do it before, but apparently there is a bug where it makes it consume engergy nevertheless so do it manually now for the moment)
For now, 3-4 days!
Will continue trying out (but now it will take a week or two to finish some cycles ;-) )
RAM : 241 free / 160 used
ROM : 70 free / 80 used
Cyanogenmod 7 / 1500mAh HD7 battery
1,5-2 days with fully wifi opened.
Sure you can kill 3G, WiFi etc but then why have smartphone and dumb it down?
Here are a few battery saving tips I've learned from owning a GSM Hero and Desire HD (my gf has WFS which is why I'm lurking here... just ordered a XTC Clip for it).
Unfortunately when the green light says you're phone is fully charged this isn't always the case. The battery is likely to be mis-reporting its capacity and % used, this can cause your phone to die when the battery still has remaining charge. So, we're going to fix that.
Assuming you have already rooted your phone, download Battery Calibration tool and CurrentWidget.
Place a CurrentWidget widget on your home screen and charge your phone until the widget says 0mA. This means it has reached fully capacity.
Once it hits 0mA on the widget, open Battery Calibration and wipe battery stats.
Reboot your phone whilst still plugged in and upon reboot it will recreate a new battery stats file, however now it will know the battery's max capacity and will correctly report battery % used.
I do this about twice a week. Maybe once a month I will also let it completely die and then fully recharge whilst off, before powering on and repeating the above steps.
Other things you can do to increase battery life are:
Change the sync interval of apps like Facebook, Weather etc. I usually set most things to every 3 or 4 hours, with Flickr only being once a day.
Don't run the screen at full brightness if you don't need it. On my DHD I find 40% to be best for most conditions, with only really bright sun making it hard to read... in which case I bump it up to around 75%. Auto-brightness if ok but it tends to be on the bright side on most Sense ROMs so hopefully someone will work out a way to tweak the values for WFS. I had a play about with custom values on DHD but after testing for a while I still prefer to control it manually. It's a personal thing though.
Remove crap you don't need. Stocks, News, eReader, Twitter etc are always the first to go when I install a new ROM. I use Root Explorer to delete them but there are various ways to do this including Titanium Back-up or by using ADB. You can find everything in /data/app & /system/app. Just be sure to do a nandroid backup in case you delete any system critical apks.
Change Wifi sleep policy to Never.
Limit your homescreen widgets to only ones you really need. Having 7 screens packed with widgets and apps will cause battery drain.
Turn off Power Saving mode. I tend to find it doesn't really help and just makes your phone quite useless when you hit the pre-set % where it activates.
Never use Task Killers. This link gives an excellent explanation.
Finally, wait in hope for an overclocked and undervolted kernel, different radios and custom auto-brightness values
If I can think of anything else I'll post it here
don´t know why so mutch people get worried about the battery. for me the only thing that counts is that the battry takes me over the day. i mean i go out an seven am and get bat at 5pm, so thats the time i need my battery to hold. maybe i need some backup to get until 22 pm and everything is alright.
for me i doesnt matter if i´ve to recarge after one day
Yeah, for some people it can become a bit of an obsession. However, it still think it's worth taking a few simple steps to get the best out of your device
For some people 8 hours between charges is fine. For me, I like a phone that can run for 8 hours between charges, but also run for 48 hours between charges (without having to go to dead mode by turning on airplane). I go camping, stay the night someplace else, forget my charger while going on a trip or just want the freedom of not having to find an outlet and drag my charger with me if I want to have a phone run for more than 8 hours. So I get off work, change my clothing and run out the door to my after-work sporting event, then head out for a few beers afterwards with the team and I barely have enough juice left to call my wife or check on a few game scores.
It's important. Not having it be important means your phone is running your life or you just always have the same routine, which is fine for you maybe but I like to head out.
About 7 hours running CM 7. Battery life is very bad at the moment.

Battery meter is just useless

On my One-X battery meter is completely inaccurate. Sometimes it sits for hours on one value (e.g. 90%) and then suddenly drops (with no CPU/data activity whatsoever) to for example 80%. This results with very jerky battery use graph (attached mine). I am on 1.29.401.7 and done multiple full discharge/charge cycles, but it does not make any difference.
I have never seen such bad battery meter behavior on any other Andoid phone. Have you got similar problem?
I have the exact same problem actually.
Same here. It's as if it doesn't update the battery meter when it's in sleep (fifth core running). I suspect it's because of the T3 architecture and power management. As soon as you wake it, after maybe a minute, it updates the battery status...
Mines does it. Can sit on a %age for an age then with little use it will plummet.
No I didn't notice such a problem on a unrooted One X and with no modifications running the latest OTA update 1.29.401.11.
Did you play with battery apps or did you modify something yourself which could cause this issue? Did you investigate what could cause it?
How long do you have your device, did you install apps? Can you provide more info about it maybe? Do you softreset your device?
Did the problem exist when you bought the device?
So it must be general problem then. It happens to me not only in sleep mode, but when browsing the web, etc.
I think these sudden percentage jumps and meter inaccuracy also contribute to all these battery life complains from various people. I was personally shocked when after a few minutes of web browsing battery dropped instantly from 30 to 20%. It looks like crappy battery, but in fact seems to be just dodgy meter...
Laurentius26 said:
No I didn't notice such a problem on a unrooted One X and with no modifications running the latest OTA update 1.29.401.11.
Did you play with battery apps or did you modify something yourself which could cause this issue? Did you investigate what could cause it?
How long do you have your device, did you install apps? Can you provide more info about it maybe? Do you softreset your device?
Did the problem exist when you bought the device?
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I have got the phone for almost a week now and I am pretty sure this problem has been there from the very begining. I initially though this is because a couple of full charge / discharge cycles are required to calibrate the meter, but it did not make any difference. My phone is not unlocked, no mods or battery apps. I did not try soft reset though.
It looks to me that meter is somehow not updating during the sleep. When device wakes from sleep, after a couple of minutes value drops significantly. This problem is probably a reason for various false claims that One X does not consume a single percent of battery during the overnight sleep.
Yeah, i have the same thing. Sometimes my battery drops about 2 or 3 percent at once, sometimes 10 percent...pretty annoying.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm new to Android but I do have some Windows Mobile experience.
It's weird to me seeing people having such problems because I realy don't experience it.
My battery meter is constant, also after a night sleep.
Maybe it's because I use my device different as others I don't know, it's strange to see all these reports in XDA forum as the One X to my opinion is a very cool device.
Maybe you could try some battery percentage apps and see if it realy is that insufficient?
aszu said:
I have got the phone for almost a week now and I am pretty sure this problem has been there from the very begining. I initially though this is because a couple of full charge / discharge cycles are required to calibrate the meter, but it did not make any difference. My phone is not unlocked, no mods or battery apps. I did not try soft reset though.
It looks to me that meter is somehow not updating during the sleep. When device wakes from sleep, after a couple of minutes value drops significantly. This problem is probably a reason for various false claims that One X does not consume a single percent of battery during the overnight sleep.
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No problems with the battery monitor whatsoever (unrooted)
Laurentius26 said:
Thanks for your reply.
I'm new to Android but I do have some Windows Mobile experience.
It's weird to me seeing people having such problems because I realy don't experience it.
My battery meter is constant, also after a night sleep.
Maybe it's because I use my device different as others I don't know, it's strange to see all these reports in XDA forum as the One X to my opinion is a very cool device.
Maybe you could try some battery percentage apps and see if it realy is that insufficient?
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I used your excellent ROMs on my HD2 in dark WM6.5 ages . I am glad to see you here with One X!
I installed Battery Meter Widget and (if the readings are correct), my One X consumes about 10-15mA during the sleep with Wifi and 3G on. I will keep an eye on the percentage.
Don't get me wrong - besides of erratic GPS and dodgy battery/power management problems, I really love this device.
I really wished that international One X version was based on S4 SoC (superb GPS with GLONASS and great power management as S4 is a 28nm chip). It is such a shame that dodgy Tegra 3 ruins this excellent device...
Hello, maybe this behaviour is only due to the voltage sampling/display ...
Someone here says the native battery app was only at 5% precision at display
and it looks like it updates in long time samples too ( 5 minutes ? ) ...
Knowing that Li-Ion goes from 3600 mV ( 0% ) to 4200 mV ( 100% ),
it means 600 mV of voltage variation from empty to full, with 1 mV precision.
So 1 millivolt is 0.2% of battery charge.
The display should be really more precise if all voltage precision was used.
aszu said:
and then suddenly drops (with no CPU/data activity whatsoever)
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looking at that screenshot you have posted the sudden drops appear to be perfectly aligned to the 'screen on' or 'awake' periods so the most likely (and obvious) cause is that using the phone causes most battery use. I have seen this with many phones, I think its normal. Being in standby doesnt use much power at all but lighting the massive 4.7" screen and running a quad core processor does, so when you use the phone it uses loads more juice... thats my analysis anyway
f_padia said:
looking at that screenshot you have posted the sudden drops appear to be perfectly aligned to the 'screen on' or 'awake' periods so the most likely (and obvious) cause is that using the phone causes most battery use. I have seen this with many phones, I think its normal. Being in standby doesnt use much power at all but lighting the massive 4.7" screen and running a quad core processor does, so when you use the phone it uses loads more juice... thats my analysis anyway
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No, this is different. Drop in fact seem to be related to wake up from deep sleep, but the point is that this drop is massive and instant i.e. battery instantly drops from 30 to 20, bypassing all other percent states in between. Also, I am sure battery state does not update properly in deep sleep in many cases. At some point I left my phone for almost a day alone (wifi, 3g, Gmail and exchange sync, etc) and it did not lose a single percent, but as soon as started using it I observed instant 20% drop.
Same problem here even after hard reset
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
d33f said:
Same problem here even after hard reset
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
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And I have even worse problem, can anyone help me?
Take a look at my thread (not highjacking yours, just want some help too), my current widget never reads a real value AFAIK.
It stay with -850 for more than an hour at times...
And my battery life is dismal...
So this means that seeing no battery discharge throughout the night in sleep mode isn't due to excellent power saving feature of the companion core but is in fact poor battery meter?
And yes, my One X shows fast and huge discharge (3-5% at once) when I use after being in long sleep mode
samuelong87 said:
So this means that seeing no battery discharge throughout the night in sleep mode isn't due to excellent power saving feature of the companion core but is in fact poor battery meter?
And yes, my One X shows fast and huge discharge (3-5% at once) when I use after being in long sleep mode
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I think it too. Phone on sleep with data and sync on for 1 or 2 hours and % don't change. Use it for 2 min. and it suddently goes down by 5/10%
In my opinion the battery meter lacks of accuracy. This brings to inaccurate real time current calculations and wrong information about what's consuming power when we use it. That's bad!
I'm also seeing these big drops. For me it seems to happen between 100%-60% battery, battery level will drop anything from 5%-10% chunks at a time. After 60%, it does seem to be more stable and drop in 1-2% increments.
I've recalibrated the battery through CWM a couple of times but still get this issue.
It almost seems like there's a bug in the code that is causing the fuel gauge to not update.
I can tell you this, I modified other HTC phones battery driver. The nexus one driver for example updates volt, percent, temp, every 50 seconds while the screen is on. When off the sample poll changes to 10 minutes per update. This is real easy to see in the driver code, and you can filter dmesg log for "batt" and see the time stamps do in fact match this.
But the one x looks to be getting hung up on that part. Anyone know if kernel code has been released yet?

Tips to extend battery life with ICS

In case you haven't noticed, the battery life of the Nitro HD is kinda bad... Then, when you add ICS into the mix, it gets worse.
When i first flashed the Leaked ICS ROM, I noticed that I was only getting about 8 to 9 hours of battery life with very light use. So, I endeavored to find a way to extend that time without buying an expensive extended battery.
Here are my findings:
Settings > Location Services
Now we all like the convenience of being able to pull out our phone and find the nearest gas station or fine dining experience. But when you think about it, in our day to day lives, we don't need directions that much.
GPS and Location Services are huge data and energy hogs. If you have ever seen how much can go on in the background when it comes to Location Services, you would cringe. So, set up your GPS like the screenshot below and you will see a little battery life improvement and data usage go down.
Display Brightness
Settings > Display > Brightness
On my Nitro, the display uses up the most energy by far. So, it only makes sense to lower the brightness a bit to save power.
Developer Options
Settings > Developer Options
The Nitro has a powerful 1.5GHz CPU which uses a ton of energy when in heavy use. Some of you might say, "But Matt, I don't use that many apps that need the CPU." Well, it's not that you use them. It's that the ones you have used are likely still running. For example, even though I always use the 'Exit' menu item in Slacker Radio, it will always show up as a running process in Task Manager.
In the Developer Options, there are a few useful ways to fix this problem.
First, check the box next to 'Don't keep activities'. This will cause whatever app you are using to stop completely as soon as it is not on the screen anymore. This is useful if you have the habit of using the 'Home' button when you are done with apps.
Next, set the 'Background process limit' to something other than the standard limit. I have mine set to 4 processes. This will keep processes that are not tied to any specific app in check.
If you use a lot of apps and games that have to render video, it might be a good idea to check the 'Force GPU rendering' box. This will force apps such as games to use the slightly less powerful GPU in the Nitro for video. Thus letting your CPU relax a bit. I have also noticed that heat doesn't build up as much with this box checked.
Lastly, if you want to know about more of the processes that hang in the background that may cause performance issues, you can check the 'Show all ANRs' box. Personally, I found it annoying.
Power Saver
Settings > Power Saver
I was really excited for this feature but also very skeptical. But, I gave it a try anyway. What this feature does is when your battery level gets to a certain percent that you choose, it will turn off power consuming features and change some settings to use less power. I have mine set to engage at 20% battery life.
The tips I have seen say to check every box. But, because of my profession, I have to have 'Auto-sync' left on for emails and such.
With the settings below, I usually see the last 20% of battery last about 4 to 5 hours of medium use.
CPU Clock
*Requires Root*
Unlike all the tips above, this one will require you to root your Nitro.
As I said before, the 1.5GHz CPU uses a ton of power. When you think about it, unless you are playing games all the time or doing some kind of complex calculation as part of your Quantum Physics experiment on you phone, you really don't need all that power. So, what I did was underclocked the CPU to 1GHZ. This gives me the power I need to do what I do but with more efficient energy consumption.
I used SetCPU for this but there are a few other choices out there that do the job just as good.
As you can see from the screenshot below, I have set the max frequency to 1026MHz and the min frequency to 384MHz (I have since set min to 192MHz). I set the governor to 'conservative' based on this post: LINK. But, I think that any of them will help in different ways.
If you are curious, I'm also inserting a screenshot of my benchmarks after the underclock.
CPU Sleep (Suggested by rani9990)
*Requires Root*
XDA user rani9990 suggested an app called CPU Sleeper that, essentially, puts additional cores into an offline mode while the screen is off.
I can see how this would be advantageous because when your phone is in sleep mode, it really doesn't need all that extra power.
I have had it on my phone since i got up this morning and have noticed a significant jump in battery life already.
Before these tips, I was getting about 8 to 9 hours of medium use on a charge.
After, I get roughly 15 to 20 hours of medium use. (It varies from day to day but hovers between 15 and 20.)
If anybody has any other tips, please let me know so I can add them to the list.
You should also tell people to get CPU sleeper (root) saves tons of battery life for me.
Also, disabling haptic feedback saves battery.
Sent from my GT-I9300
! kick ass post!! well-done. fun read too.
Sadly, battery life on this phone really sucks even with the optimizations. having compared both, I can say that the Nitro HD with optimizations and 3800 mAh Hyperion battery gets about the same battery life as a Galaxy Nexus on the stock ROM and stock battery.
996gt2 said:
Sadly, battery life on this phone really sucks even with the optimizations. having compared both, I can say that the Nitro HD with optimizations and 3800 mAh Hyperion battery gets about the same battery life as a Galaxy Nexus on the stock ROM and stock battery.
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Perhaps check your running processes. With these tweaks in place, I unplugged my Nitro at 7:45is this morning and right now, at 2:15pm, I have 79% battery left and I've made two 15 to 20 minute phone calls and rebooted about 6 times because of some testing I've been doing for another thread.
Also, the Nitro does have a faster CPU that would take more power than the Nexus.
I have done all of this, in addition to in Settings/Wireless & networks there's "more..." click that and theres "Mobile networks".. and the option for "Use only 2g networks" I'm using that for only texting while at work and doing pretty decent with battery life. since 5:45 to now 10AM texting all throughout that time I'm at 85% battery.
Kct385 said:
I have done all of this, in addition to in Settings/Wireless & networks there's "more..." click that and theres "Mobile networks".. and the option for "Use only 2g networks" I'm using that for only texting while at work and doing pretty decent with battery life. since 5:45 to now 10AM texting all throughout that time I'm at 85% battery.
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I actually don't have that option.
mattman86 said:
I actually don't have that option.
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Uhmm.. maybe its a CM9 only feature.. sorry hijacking then.
i found many of these settings are available in cm9 and after making the changes, it appears to me they work very well. thanks again eh.
UPDATE: I refrained from plugging in my phone all day yesterday and got 14 hours and 32 minutes of medium to heavy use.
Sent/Recieved 191 text messages.
Spent 2 hours and 47 minutes on the phone.
Updated 7 apps from the Play Store.
Played Dead Space for roughly 35 minutes.
Checked Facebook 3 or 4 times.
Read a news article online.
I think the battery did pretty good this time around.
Thanks for helpful tips!
The only problem I got is that the screen turned to back (with music still on) when I started NinjaJump with "Force GPU rendering'" checked.
You don't want force GPU rendering checked...
mattman86 said:
Display Brightness
Settings > Display > Brightness
On my Nitro, the display uses up the most energy by far. So, it only makes sense to lower the brightness a bit to save power
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What I`ve noticed is that when I set Brightness to 100% I have 3...3,5 hours of wake working screen active time before battery exhausted. It's on ICS leak V18F. But if I set brightness to 30% or "auto" mode I got about 2....2,5max hours of screen active, it exhausts quicker
And secondly, on CM9 it helps me to check off "surface dithering" in 'performance' options. But on official ROMs we haven't this option available to tweak
I found that JuiceDefender has seriously saved me a whole lotta battery. Like seriously. I was getting 12 hours of medium to heavy usage before, and now i can hit 30 hours of medium usage. Then again, Data isn't turned on for me, I use the phone for Wifi and Calling.
rani9990 said:
I found that JuiceDefender has seriously saved me a whole lotta battery. Like seriously. I was getting 12 hours of medium to heavy usage before, and now i can hit 30 hours of medium usage. Then again, Data isn't turned on for me, I use the phone for Wifi and Calling.
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JuiceDefender saved me tons of battery also. But I noticed that it was always waking my phone up for a second at random times. Have you had that issue at all?
mattman86 said:
JuiceDefender saved me tons of battery also. But I noticed that it was always waking my phone up for a second at random times. Have you had that issue at all?
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Nope, but I don't look at my phone every waking second. Maybe it did do it. But I'm getting a serious boost in battery life so I don't really care.
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda premium
For me keeping the wifi on (and thus connecting via wifi both at home and in the office) allows me to save battery..
To me it seems strange, because my old phone literally sucked battery while keeping wifi on, but on the nitro wifi consumes less than hsdpa data transfer.
I've added a link to my SetCPU Profiles file in the guide.
low antutu battery benchmark scores
Both stock and CM9 RC2 are disappointing: 250 and 328 respectively. I've applied the suggestions here and don't know if I'm doing something wrong.
I was rather happy with my phone with GB managed by Battery Defender from Infolife. I used to have 1,5 day with "Mostly Idle" usage. Now after upgrade to ICS I just got 10% down per hour on idle. So disappointed. I'll play with your settings a while. May be Battery Defender uninstall/reinstall can help too...

Battery Draining very fast - Hardware issue or software ?? help me please :)

Hi all,
So i got a HTC 10 UAE edition from a guy two days before. He was selling it at a reasonable price and i bought it from him.
The battery was draining quite fast and i thought it might be a software issue and i installed venom rom, but problem still existed, so i turned back to stock 2.41.401.41 (Which was very hard though) .
Still the battery is draining so fast. The charger came with the phone( Quick charger ) was also not working and now i'm facing the phone's battery is draining so fast. I'm very confused whether that guy have cheated me or not. If this is a hardware issue i think i have to contact that guy soon.
adb battery stat gave me 2580mah full charge capacity and here, i'm attaching the GSAM battery logs.
Please help me on this
Edit: Since the original charger isnt working, im using a oppo 5v- 1A charger, is dat matters on battery drain?
Mine was doing the same as yours, quick charge also stopped working. I changed the cable and it solved it for a few weeks, but the drain started again and quick charge stopped again. Tried ruu etc but no luck. I've sent mine in for repair under warranty and should get it back Monday. My guess is either the charging port is faulty or motherboard but will find out next week.
I was having the exact same problem. I downloaded an app called Lspeed (It's also on the playstore) and did some tweaking in that app as well as used the Enable doze for GMS Magisk Module and now my kernel and android system are on par with each other as far as battery drain goes. Not sure why there are only a handful of people that experience this problem but i'll edit this post with screens of my lspeed config if you want to give that a go!
Edit: Config uploaded. Some of those options are personal preference but take a look around and test it out. What you'll most likely want is to enable the light doze optimization and disable the debugging. That will most likely help in your situation.
Very strange, I'm experiencing this issue too, always receive around 2-3hrs of screen on with very high kernel use during standby. Tried flashing Leedroid, Element X to no avail.
timbohobbs said:
Mine was doing the same as yours, quick charge also stopped working. I changed the cable and it solved it for a few weeks, but the drain started again and quick charge stopped again. Tried ruu etc but no luck. I've sent mine in for repair under warranty and should get it back Monday. My guess is either the charging port is faulty or motherboard but will find out next week.
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Mine is out of warranty. Dunno what to do now. Tried almost everything.
bilibox said:
I was having the exact same problem. I downloaded an app called Lspeed (It's also on the playstore) and did some tweaking in that app as well as used the Enable doze for GMS Magisk Module and now my kernel and android system are on par with each other as far as battery drain goes. Not sure why there are only a handful of people that experience this problem but i'll edit this post with screens of my lspeed config if you want to give that a go!
Edit: Config uploaded. Some of those options are personal preference but take a look around and test it out. What you'll most likely want is to enable the light doze optimization and disable the debugging. That will most likely help in your situation.
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I'm currently running on pure stock. Will try this method soon. How was your battery standby before doing the tweak ?
Have you tried wiping cache? Mine drains fast depending on the load, which is usually pretty heavy daily. Plus, I don't dim my screen much. Never knew the advice command for battery. I gotta try that.
Stock Rom
Okay, so I got fed up with the battery life I've been getting and have looked more into it, I've managed to reclaim a lot of the longevity I had before updating to Nougat without hampering UI fluidity. For reference, I'm using Leedroid 3.9 with Element X v1.08 and was getting around 2hrs screen on, android system and kernel had the highest usage under GSam.
bilibox has the right idea, my idle drain was very high, L speed and Greenify both have options to enable a more aggressive Doze which worked pretty well, I lose ~10% battery overnight vs a shocking 20-30% before. I still felt battery drain was too high when active, I combined ivicask's PNP mod (balanced) with some little governor tweaks in EX Kernel manager, basically, I'm using interactive on the little cluster and elementx governor on the big cluster (which tends to be slightly more conservative in my uses). I also set min performance to 0% and downclocked the big cluster to 2Ghz, I'm focusing on these cores since they were draining a lot of power in my case.
It's not a super extensive list of tweaks nor something we haven't seen before, but I manage around 3.5hrs of screen on now which gets me through the day. Before I would have to top up around early afternoon, the phone is also really smooth and I'm happy with how everything is running. I hope this helps some people out!
ryanjsoo said:
Okay, so I got fed up with the battery life I've been getting and have looked more into it, I've managed to reclaim a lot of the longevity I had before updating to Nougat without hampering UI fluidity. For reference, I'm using Leedroid 3.9 with Element X v1.08 and was getting around 2hrs screen on, android system and kernel had the highest usage under GSam.
bilibox has the right idea, my idle drain was very high, L speed and Greenify both have options to enable a more aggressive Doze which worked pretty well, I lose ~10% battery overnight vs a shocking 20-30% before. I still felt battery drain was too high when active, I combined ivicask's PNP mod (balanced) with some little governor tweaks in EX Kernel manager, basically, I'm using interactive on the little cluster and elementx governor on the big cluster (which tends to be slightly more conservative in my uses). I also set min performance to 0% and downclocked the big cluster to 2Ghz, I'm focusing on these cores since they were draining a lot of power in my case.
It's not a super extensive list of tweaks nor something we haven't seen before, but I manage around 3.5hrs of screen on now which gets me through the day. Before I would have to top up around early afternoon, the phone is also really smooth and I'm happy with how everything is running. I hope this helps some people out!
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Still its bad that a 3000mah battery with a smaller screen compared to other flagships giving a very low battery backup just because of software bug. From reviews, i can see that MM is giving fine SoT as well as standby. One thing i really cant is the standby. I cant even go out for a day trip. The battery will die in just 10-12hrs even on standby.
$tark3 said:
Still its bad that a 3000mah battery with a smaller screen compared to other flagships giving a very low battery backup just because of software bug. From reviews, i can see that MM is giving fine SoT as well as standby. One thing i really cant is the standby. I cant even go out for a day trip. The battery will die in just 10-12hrs even on standby.
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That's unfortunate to hear, my battery life is pretty much in line with my friend's S7 now, newer devices can get away with larger displays because the 835 is a bit more efficient.
ryanjsoo said:
That's unfortunate to hear, my battery life is pretty much in line with my friend's S7 now, newer devices can get away with larger displays because the 835 is a bit more efficient.
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Soon i'll have to ditch htc.
$tark3 said:
Soon i'll have to ditch htc.
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I restore my phone and did all updates again. My battery still seems to drain very quick .in an hour with some navigation, and little screen use It went from 20% to 1 percent.
I've taken excellent care of my HTC. Before this, I had HTC 8 and loved it, until right at the 2-year mark, a small area of the screen stopped working.
This is the second time I` experience this, and sadly there won't be a third., especially after new HTC removed the headphone jack like the iPhone ... RIP HTC
Well to be honest the past couple days were to weird to me usually i get 5 - 6 SOA over 13 hours
now i get 3:30 - 4 SOA over 13 hours, same usage, and i have noticed that google service consume most of the power, i have installed doze program and kept my eye on GSM battery Monitor, after all the google service kept the kernal wake up for a long time, and keep running the hardware on the full abilities
I unistalled Gsam battery monitor and kernel usage is back to normal...
AggelosGR said:
I unistalled Gsam battery monitor and kernel usage is back to normal...
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I have uninstalled ForceDoze and Gsam Bettery this morning but still feeling that there is something wrong, i might do some battery calibration on my free time, because i charge my phone only for 90% and it did not get lower than 20% i feel like i am losing the battery capacity
Was having the same issue, and had been searching for weeks to try and solve this. Tried rooting, factory resets, ROMs, everything.
For me the issue was Google Sync, in particular Contacts and People syncing. I disabled those and everything is back to normal. There was a program called Google Contacts Sync (Apps > Show System > Google Contacts Sync). I cleared the data on that, and then went into Accounts and Sync and turned everything off. That fixed the battery drain. I have tried turning back on Gmail, Keep and a few others and still have great battery.
I have the same issue and I don't know how to fix it. Please help

