[Q] Tuns of newbie questions! - Nexus 7 (2013) Q&A

So for Christmas I got a nexus 7 32GB tab, now ive been browsing the site for a couple weeks now reading about rooting, roms and kernals.
I saw the thread in general about one click rooting ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2381698 )
and have decided that is most likely the way ill go, how its shown in the first video.
Now for roms ive been thinking that paranoid android may be the best for me, as from what ive read and understood it doesn't have all those google apps the nexus comes with unless you install the google package? can anyone comfirm this? just want to make sure I didn't read it like a tard.
Now lets say that rom is a good one and I should be good to go, what kernals or kernals should I get?
if the kernel I download I don't like is it easy to switch them out for another or do I have to reset and reroot the tablet and reinstall the roms and kernel? same goes for the rom as well, are they easy to swtich for another? can you have more then one rom on a tablet?
and last of all so say I install paranoid, and decide on a kernel and it all goes well, and is looking good, how do I download apps? do I need the google apps to do this?
super new to this and any help would be much appreciated!

AngelicKnights said:
So for Christmas I got a nexus 7 32GB tab, now ive been browsing the site for a couple weeks now reading about rooting, roms and kernals.
I saw the thread in general about one click rooting ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2381698 )
and have decided that is most likely the way ill go, how its shown in the first video.
Now for roms ive been thinking that paranoid android may be the best for me, as from what ive read and understood it doesn't have all those google apps the nexus comes with unless you install the google package? can anyone comfirm this? just want to make sure I didn't read it like a tard.
Now lets say that rom is a good one and I should be good to go, what kernals or kernals should I get?
if the kernel I download I don't like is it easy to switch them out for another or do I have to reset and reroot the tablet and reinstall the roms and kernel? same goes for the rom as well, are they easy to swtich for another? can you have more then one rom on a tablet?
and last of all so say I install paranoid, and decide on a kernel and it all goes well, and is looking good, how do I download apps? do I need the google apps to do this?
super new to this and any help would be much appreciated!
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A lot of good questions. Before you start flashing roms and/or kernels you should read as much of each specific thread as you can stand. You need to have an idea of what kind of problems if any users are experiencing, that way you can hopefully make an informed decision. I personally would never read just the first couple posts and start flashing. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some good roms and kernels out there and there is nothing wrong with experimenting. And yes, some roms do require gapps. And you do need at least some of the google apps (gapps) to be able to use the Play Store. They will tell you if they are not included in that specific thread.
As far as kernels go you need to be careful. Read, read, read! If you start playing with overclocking and voltages you can easily create problems for yourself. Do you know what to do if you get stuck in a boot loop? Or start getting random reboots? Not trying to talk you out of doing anything, hell I use custom kernels myself. it's just that it's not that hard to end up with a really nice paperweight! Sometimes going from one kernel to another you will need to dirty flash your rom or flash the system image to get a clean start with a new kernel. Good luck!

Firstly, use
Since the Nexus 7 is pure stock already, if you have no reason for a custom ROM, you probably don't need it. Just use Closed Framework with Gravitybox module, you can get some customization. Also consider candy shop with zip themed, you can customize your navigation buttons and stuff.
As for kernels, use either elementalx or franco kernels. Those are probably the two most popular.
Sent from my Nexus 7
---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------
Ignore my post, won't delete for some reason.
Sent from my Nexus 7

very much appreciate the quick replies.
Not really trying to mess with voltages or cpu stuff or overclocking. Really just wanted to make it a bit more customizable. which is what I thought the paranoid android ROM would be used for.
Wouldn't mind perhaps better battery life, which is what kernals are used for as well from my understanding?
Ive literally read every forum ( nexus 7, nexus 7 2013, android forum as well ), the top forum stickies and also gone through the pages in the sub forums and such for search of questions I may have.
But from what im gathering I think I just need to delete(is that possible or is it just disabling apps?) and maybe download some more aps for customization like clocks and weather widgets(not sure if that's exactly what a widget is), instead of all this rooting and unrooting stuff.
like when I click the circle with 6 dots in it to show me all the apps on my tablet, I honestly don't want half of them even on my tab
Bascially what I just want is a minimalistic screen where I don't have tuns of icons everywhere as I wont use 3/4th of it such as gmail, keep, people, play newsstand, hangouts, and apps that the stock tablet comes with.
edit: also any way without unrooting to install and snes emulator or play pc or ps1 games? digging some super Mario or diablo clone hack and slashj

AngelicKnights said:
very much appreciate the quick replies.
Not really trying to mess with voltages or cpu stuff or overclocking. Really just wanted to make it a bit more customizable. which is what I thought the paranoid android ROM would be used for.
Wouldn't mind perhaps better battery life, which is what kernals are used for as well from my understanding?
Ive literally read every forum ( nexus 7, nexus 7 2013, android forum as well ), the top forum stickies and also gone through the pages in the sub forums and such for search of questions I may have.
But from what im gathering I think I just need to delete(is that possible or is it just disabling apps?) and maybe download some more aps for customization like clocks and weather widgets(not sure if that's exactly what a widget is), instead of all this rooting and unrooting stuff.
like when I click the circle with 6 dots in it to show me all the apps on my tablet, I honestly don't want half of them even on my tab
Bascially what I just want is a minimalistic screen where I don't have tuns of icons everywhere as I wont use 3/4th of it such as gmail, keep, people, play newsstand, hangouts, and apps that the stock tablet comes with.
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You can disable most everything, I have a lot of the google apps disabled that I have no plans on using and all of the apps you mention can be disabled. There are things you can do when rooted to help battery life but there are also things you can do without being rooted. Like turning off wifi always scanning, or always on while sleeping. Adjusting sync. Disabling apps. If rooted you can use Greenify to hibernate apps without disabling them. The paid version of Greenify allows you to hibernate system apps but you have to have Xposed Framework installed to get the paid version to work and Xposed only works with dalvik and not art. Lots of options! Sorry, I haven't used any emulators. Do a search of the whole q/a thread, you'll find something I'm sure.


[Q] Antivirus, Rooting, and Gingerbread questions

First of all, let me apologize for being very ignorant about most of the stuff on here, even though I am very interested. I have looked and can not find a definitive answer, although I believe I should have antivirus, I have no idea what to use. I have Norton Systemworks on my PC. I also want to root my phone to be able to get rid of some of the factory installed garbage on it. I have been told that it is not wise to delete some of the installed apps because android uses parts of some to make others work. Is there anyway to do a total recovery image of my stock phone so if I totally screw it up, I can fall back on it? I think so, based on what I have read here---but honestly, I got a headache yesterday reading on here and trying to learn. I am not a super-techy guy, I just want my phone to do what I want it to, and none of the extra crap that I don't want. And lastly, should I wait to root my phone until Gingerbread comes out, or will it really matter? While I do know what a rom does and is, I do not understand kernels or most of the other things on here, so i actually need 'hand-holding' through some of this. Thank you for your help...anything you can tell me will help out.
hey man. i am willing to help you thorugh this entire thing. pm me for any more questions, but here is a start. it seems you have a baisic computer working knowledge, so this wont be too hard. first, a kernel is the scripts that let the hardware communicate with the software. the nice thing about this is it can easily be modified and built upon. a few devs have added scripts and stuff to the stock kernels to make them much more powerful and battery efficiant.
this recovery image you are talking about wont fix you phone if you screw it, but it will take you back in time to when you made the backup. you can also unroot to take off any mods you have applied. always remember to MAKE A NAND BACKUP WHENEVER YOU DO ANYTHING WITH YOUR PHONE THAT COULD REMOTELY BE CONSICERED A MODIFICATION. otherwise, you can end up with a very expensive paperweight.
there are partitions on the phone's memory. there are things like userdata and cache, but there are three main ones that we will mess with: system, recovery, and hboot. system is the rom of the phone. it is the software. it si obvious why this would be altered: to get better, more efficiant, or cooler software. then, we have the recovery. this is a factory tool for resetting and manual updating. this is packed with security, but there is no security that keeps us from changing the recovery. get where i'm going? if we change the recovery to one that has been heavily cracked and maybe built from scratch by a very talented dev (i reccomend amonra's recovery) then we can make the phone believe it is being updated when we are really modifying it.
the hboot is a developmental factory partition that is used for total firmware updates and google/android development. removing the security from this is the first stage in rooting.
i would highly reccomend rooting, and would be happy to 'hold your hand' along the way. i hope this helps and does not just confuse you more.
oh, almost forgot. dont wait for gingerbread. the devs will make some roms that will include gingerbread packed in. i actually reccomend you root before gingerbread so you dont have to wait for a root method for that.
lookout antivirus can be found in the market.
Guys no offense. My galaxy doesn't even have froyo so I have no room to talk but I wouldn't get to worried about gingerbread yet. LOL it hasn't even been officially announced
Sent from my SCH-I500-Fascinate using XDA App
ksizzle9 said:
Guys no offense. My galaxy doesn't even have froyo so I have no room to talk but I wouldn't get to worried about gingerbread yet. LOL it hasn't even been officially announced
Sent from my SCH-I500-Fascinate using XDA App
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agreed. cyanogen will probably port it in about january or february. long time, no need to wait.
dkdude36 said:
hey man. i am willing to help you thorugh this entire thing. pm me for any more questions, but here is a start. it seems you have a baisic computer working knowledge, so this wont be too hard. first, a kernel is the scripts that let the hardware communicate with the software. the nice thing about this is it can easily be modified and built upon. a few devs have added scripts and stuff to the stock kernels to make them much more powerful and battery efficiant.
this recovery image you are talking about wont fix you phone if you screw it, but it will take you back in time to when you made the backup. you can also unroot to take off any mods you have applied. always remember to MAKE A NAND BACKUP WHENEVER YOU DO ANYTHING WITH YOUR PHONE THAT COULD REMOTELY BE CONSICERED A MODIFICATION. otherwise, you can end up with a very expensive paperweight.
there are partitions on the phone's memory. there are things like userdata and cache, but there are three main ones that we will mess with: system, recovery, and hboot. system is the rom of the phone. it is the software. it si obvious why this would be altered: to get better, more efficiant, or cooler software. then, we have the recovery. this is a factory tool for resetting and manual updating. this is packed with security, but there is no security that keeps us from changing the recovery. get where i'm going? if we change the recovery to one that has been heavily cracked and maybe built from scratch by a very talented dev (i reccomend amonra's recovery) then we can make the phone believe it is being updated when we are really modifying it.
the hboot is a developmental factory partition that is used for total firmware updates and google/android development. removing the security from this is the first stage in rooting.
i would highly reccomend rooting, and would be happy to 'hold your hand' along the way. i hope this helps and does not just confuse you more.
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Like mhoodie, I, too, am a newbie in need of hand-holding. How do I make a nand backup? My EVO is rooted 2.1 with XDA- WiFi Tether, no 147.651.~.~. How to upgrade to Froyo and maintain root? How can a friend with brand new Evo root and load XDA- WiFi Tether? AFTER these I'd like to know how to flash a ROM. You can communicate with me through this forum or [email protected] or 908-251-3532. Of course I'll contact you any way you like.
sounds good. i would love to help. i have finals coming up, so i might be a bit busy the next few days, but i will try to help as much as possible. gtalk seems like the way to do it.
these forums helped me when i was a noob, so i'm trying to help out now. next on to do list: pay back for all the roms. (i wish)
mhoodie said:
First of all, let me apologize for being very ignorant about most of the stuff on here, even though I am very interested. I have looked and can not find a definitive answer, although I believe I should have antivirus, I have no idea what to use. I have Norton Systemworks on my PC. I also want to root my phone to be able to get rid of some of the factory installed garbage on it. I have been told that it is not wise to delete some of the installed apps because android uses parts of some to make others work. Is there anyway to do a total recovery image of my stock phone so if I totally screw it up, I can fall back on it? I think so, based on what I have read here---but honestly, I got a headache yesterday reading on here and trying to learn. I am not a super-techy guy, I just want my phone to do what I want it to, and none of the extra crap that I don't want. And lastly, should I wait to root my phone until Gingerbread comes out, or will it really matter? While I do know what a rom does and is, I do not understand kernels or most of the other things on here, so i actually need 'hand-holding' through some of this. Thank you for your help...anything you can tell me will help out.
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I wouldn't worry about using an anti-virus on android, they're pretty much useless and will do nothing but eat up your battery. Once you root you can install a custom recovery that you have to reboot the phone in and that can create backups of all your partitions. Those are called nandroids and are basically a snap shot of how your phone is set up at that moment. You must be rooted to do any of this though.
Ok, just because I do not quite understand....why is it that I do not need antivirus on my Evo since I surf the web, download apps, and open emails.....on a PC, the same things without protection against virus, trojans, etc... will get my pc and life screwed in a very short time? And, by 'screw my phone up', I mean if I delete something that I need.....can I just go back---also, is there anywhere a list of the apps that android uses to run other things. Specifically, I want to get rid of the exchange mail, amazon mp3,qik, peep, friendstream, nascar, stocks, news, news and weather. I have no need for these apps, and as most of you know for whatever reason, evo will run them whenever it wants.
i have no idea about antiviruses, but you can delete anything that is either a widget or an app in your launcher. everything else is proceed with caution.
definitely root...antivirus is a personal thing...I do use lookout and its free in the market.
after you root...I suggest using titanium backup to uninstall most if not all of those apps you mentioned.
you could also go the custom ROM route...most ROMs out there already have most of those apps removed already.
mhoodie said:
Ok, just because I do not quite understand....why is it that I do not need antivirus on my Evo since I surf the web, download apps, and open emails.....on a PC, the same things without protection against virus, trojans, etc... will get my pc and life screwed in a very short time? And, by 'screw my phone up', I mean if I delete something that I need.....can I just go back---also, is there anywhere a list of the apps that android uses to run other things. Specifically, I want to get rid of the exchange mail, amazon mp3,qik, peep, friendstream, nascar, stocks, news, news and weather. I have no need for these apps, and as most of you know for whatever reason, evo will run them whenever it wants.
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Antiviruses being useless, so far, on android is just my opinion. If you feel better having one then by all means go for it.
There is a thread around here somewhere that has a list of all the apps you can safely delete, I don't have a link to it atm but you should be able to find it with a quick search.
Imo root now, nothing is holding us back with unrevoked forever, as for bloatware, have you tried flashing a rom? VirusRom Anthrax B4 is my poisen, and its bloat free¡
mhoodie said:
Ok, just because I do not quite understand....why is it that I do not need antivirus on my Evo since I surf the web, download apps, and open emails.....on a PC, the same things without protection against virus, trojans, etc... will get my pc and life screwed in a very short time? And, by 'screw my phone up', I mean if I delete something that I need.....can I just go back---also, is there anywhere a list of the apps that android uses to run other things. Specifically, I want to get rid of the exchange mail, amazon mp3,qik, peep, friendstream, nascar, stocks, news, news and weather. I have no need for these apps, and as most of you know for whatever reason, evo will run them whenever it wants.
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For me, personally, I never have and never will use antivirus programs on my computer. As long as you are knowledgeable, you shouldn't ever get viruses or anything. You just have to know what you are doing.
always willing to help
im no genius but i have been messing with rooting and android since the tmobile g1 and i had to learn all on my own. what everyone is telling u makes absolute sence but the main thing to stress is tell your friend to not update using sprints update firmware because all they do is patch the loophole to gain root access. dont wait for gbread. jump on team douche and cyanogen and enjoy the real power of android and the evo. any quetions [email protected]
Ok, so does it matter what procedure I use to root or do they all do basically the same thing, and then differences begin when I start changing the kernels and Rom around? I am going to try to root in a couple of weeks. Maybe next saturday, and I want to get as much understanding as I can before I jump in. I am sure once I play around with this for a bit I will have no problem, but I am very much a hands-on learner and its hard for me to learn something that is new to me just by reading, especially when most of what I am reading makes very little sense to me. So, thanks to everyone for their patience and help!
Myn's WarmTwopointTwo
Hi there. I was in the same boat as you are. I learned all by trail and error and by reading forum after forum. There is a ton of info out there and it can be a little too much and there are a lot of contradicting statements... I just rooted about 3 weeks ago using unrevoked3. It's the easiest way to root your phone and the safest, at least I believe that. There are other ways, but it include using the command line and things like that. With unrevoked its a very simple user friendly, 3 step process. I would highly recommend rooting your phone, once you do you will never look back. It bring out the full potential in the EVO. The best thing I like about it is I can get about double the battery life of the stock version. Check this ROM out - although it is the only one I tried I am so in love with it, I have absolutely no urge to try another ROM. Here is the second release of this ROM - the third one is in beta testing, which I am doing right now and it is 100% amazing. In order to become a beta tester, all you have to do is donate, or wait until this friday when the final version is released - FOR FREE! Here is the link for the release #2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=793471#. You can read the thread if you have any questions about it - I know there are 600+ pages. Check out the first page and all the features that are included in this ROM. All the bloatware you speak of are not installed with this ROM. You have the option to install them. Then the other thing is the kernel. With the release 3 of WarmTwoPointTwo it comes with an HTC kernel, which I found to actually be the best out there for this ROM. I have been getting about 29 hours with moderate use with a single charge on the battery!! Pretty good huh? Please let me know if you have any more questions....You can send me a private message if you wish...I'm here to help you. Everyone on this site has been great with helping me and it seems they are willing to help anyone. I hope this helps. Oh you I just remembered you might wait until saturday to root. If you do that, I would def. recommend release #3, but if I were you I would not wait that long!
Here's a screen shot of just my home screen. Notice how much you can customize EVERYTHING. I will post more screen shots when I get time tomorrow.
I am getting ready to root my phone and when I connected to the pc, it was the first time. Drivers installed except for ADB. Is this something that I should skip, or do I need to get a driver from htc for this?
adb is very neccesary. it is obtainable from android's dev page. sorry no link (ipad) just google android go to dev section and hit download sdk.

[Q] Can I get a ROM that WORKS???

To anyone that knows of a ROM that is 100% functional INCLUDING S PEN!
The ROM I have now doesn't have a working radio so I can't even use my data plan to download anything (sometimes doesn't even wake back up when it goes to sleep). The home internet is constantly blinking in and out, making downloading large files tedious; so if you are positive you know a ROM that has everything functioning (as if it just shipped from the factory!) and de-bloated then please please, do tell!
I'd like this to be a one-shot download kind of thing rather than having to download a mess of things, once I get something that works again then I don't care how many ROMs you suggest.
PS: Are the Note II ROMs naturally huge??? I have seen some as high as 1GB
PorscheHusky said:
To anyone that knows of a ROM that is 100% functional INCLUDING S PEN!
The ROM I have now doesn't have a working radio so I can't even use my data plan to download anything (sometimes doesn't even wake back up when it goes to sleep). The home internet is constantly blinking in and out, making downloading large files tedious; so if you are positive you know a ROM that has everything functioning (as if it just shipped from the factory!) and de-bloated then please please, do tell!
I'd like this to be a one-shot download kind of thing rather than having to download a mess of things, once I get something that works again then I don't care how many ROMs you suggest.
PS: Are the Note II ROMs naturally huge??? I have seen some as high as 1GB
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Have you tried reading through the development section for comments as to what works and what doesn't for each ROM? There are loads that work. And yes, many are quite large.
Android Revolution by Mike1986 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1925402) works flawlessly and is as you described. Near stock but completely debloated and optimized for better battery life and faster. Version 10.0 was just released yesterday with some updates.
If i ever need to use a Samsung ROM, i always use Android Revolution as i know it simply works.
Samsung ROMs are normally around 800 MB to 1 GB, completely normal.
apd said:
Have you tried reading through the development section for comments as to what works and what doesn't for each ROM? There are loads that work. And yes, many are quite large.
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The lot I have found actually didn't have a log at all, so I assumed everything worked, like SpaceX2 I searched the entire thread for reported issues and didn't find anything so I went ahead to get it then run into this mess I'll try to look harder next time (if my internet plays nice)
Moonbloom said:
Android Revolution by Mike1986 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1925402) works flawlessly and is as you described. Near stock but completely debloated and optimized for better battery life and faster. Version 10.0 was just released yesterday with some updates.
If i ever need to use a Samsung ROM, i always use Android Revolution as i know it simply works.
Samsung ROMs are normally around 800 MB to 1 GB, completely normal.
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I'll give it a go then! and I just wanted to be sure they were supposed to be that large, the SII I had had ROMs around 300-500 avg so when I saw SpaceX2's 900-something and another at 1.4GB my eyes nearly popped out of my skull and jaw slapped a hole in the floor LOL
but just to be clear, the S-Pen functions are normal then? Reason I got this phone was to do my illustrations on the go (Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop stuff) and if I can't us it then it was a waste lol
PorscheHusky said:
The lot I have found actually didn't have a log at all, so I assumed everything worked, like SpaceX2 I searched the entire thread for reported issues and didn't find anything so I went ahead to get it then run into this mess I'll try to look harder next time (if my internet plays nice)
I'll give it a go then! and I just wanted to be sure they were supposed to be that large, the SII I had had ROMs around 300-500 avg so when I saw SpaceX2's 900-something and another at 1.4GB my eyes nearly popped out of my skull and jaw slapped a hole in the floor LOL
but just to be clear, the S-Pen functions are normal then? Reason I got this phone was to do my illustrations on the go (Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop stuff) and if I can't us it then it was a waste lol
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Yes, all S-Pen functions are in the ROM.
Moonbloom said:
Yes, all S-Pen functions are in the ROM.
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Alright! Thanks for that bit! Headed over to try downloading now!
One last thing, might you know of any download managers I could get? Chrome doesn't have one and when the internet blinks I have to start all over again
Why not stick to stock? Custom roms are nice if you are looking for certain features, but they often come at the expense of being less compatible with certain apps and for the note specifically, you lose apps like s-note.
Sent from my iPad 4th gen using Tapatalk 2
A number of reasons really...
EP2008 said:
Why not stick to stock? Custom roms are nice if you are looking for certain features, but they often come at the expense of being less compatible with certain apps and for the note specifically, you lose apps like s-note.
Sent from my iPad 4th gen using Tapatalk 2
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A number of reasons, really.
~While stock is wicked fast and no doubt stable, too many apps run in the background. I did a memorydump once and at any given time (after its sat idle for about 2min) there are usually 40-50 or more apps running in the background.
~Want to be able to continue using Google Wallet (started using it on my Nexus 7 and instantly fell in love). This Isis crap that the carriers are forcing us to use seems like the works of a halfwitt jacked up on drugs and their rollout methods are awful.
~Apparently the stock ROM with all the bloat/branding sucks up the onboard memory like it's going out of style. I don't even use most (if any) the carrier junk but I can't delete them. Thats where de-bloated and slimmed-down-to-essentials ROMs come in for me
~Ability to fully customize how I want MY phone to look and react rather than be just another carbon copy with the rest of the crowd. You wouldn't believe how many people, that have gotten a good look at my old SII w/ SBean AOKP, oooh & ahh over some visual features I could do that they couldn't, especially with battery readouts rather than guessing what percentage you're at with that vague battery bar.
That's just scratching the surface but come-ooooon! This is XDA, what are the majority of us here for anyway?
The Revolutions ROM mentioned above sounds promising and the fellow said all the stock things worked, including the phone's signature ability, the Wacom digitizer and S Pen. Without that working, thats like selling me a factory fresh Porsche but minus all the bits that make it go
Moonbloom said:
Android Revolution by Mike1986 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1925402) works flawlessly and is as you described. Near stock but completely debloated and optimized for better battery life and faster. Version 10.0 was just released yesterday with some updates.
If i ever need to use a Samsung ROM, i always use Android Revolution as i know it simply works.
Samsung ROMs are normally around 800 MB to 1 GB, completely normal.
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Is it normal that the installation keeps freezing around the bit about efs backups?
Man i stupid threads like this.
"Waaa waaa my FREE rom doesnt work boo hoo...."
First off if I was a dev and saw this thread id be like "fu then enjoy your stock rom bish"
Its one thing if a rom is bricking your phone cuz the dev did no tests bit seriosly , your title really is unfair.
You shoukd read a luttle more about custom roms as this is the nature of "custom roms".
Why dont you make your own rom??
Oh dont know how?
Dont have the time?
the roms are free and the devs work for free, so dont bash them when things dont go the wsy you want.
Much respect to all devs who put out ANY ROM.
Now diaf.
Need Help
Hi.....all....i just got this amazing phone last 2 weeks, and this is really good phone. And i just root it too.
I wanna change the custom ROM with Omega ROM, and change the Kernel too.
My question in here is : I can flash the custom ROM ?? Or i must unroot first ? And sorry, i really newbie about that, flashing or wht.
Thanks for advice
NB : I feel my baterry drain faster with the new firmware of that (
freakboy13 said:
Man i stupid threads like this.
"Waaa waaa my FREE rom doesnt work boo hoo...."
First off if I was a dev and saw this thread id be like "fu then enjoy your stock rom bish"
Its one thing if a rom is bricking your phone cuz the dev did no tests bit seriosly , your title really is unfair.
You shoukd read a luttle more about custom roms as this is the nature of "custom roms".
Why dont you make your own rom??
Oh dont know how?
Dont have the time?
the roms are free and the devs work for free, so dont bash them when things dont go the wsy you want.
Much respect to all devs who put out ANY ROM.
Now diaf.
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Wake up on the wrong side of the bed elsewhere, chum. Maybe if youve read my above comment to the other bloke of why I want what I do then you might get a clue.
Asking for something that actually works as intended is not that much to ask for.
PorscheHusky said:
Is it normal that the installation keeps freezing around the bit about efs backups?
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Your signature reads "Galaxy Note II (T889)" and AFAIK Revolution HD and this whole section really is about the GT-N7100. Could you please clarify this point?
PorscheHusky said:
A number of reasons, really.
~While stock is wicked fast and no doubt stable, too many apps run in the background. I did a memorydump once and at any given time (after its sat idle for about 2min) there are usually 40-50 or more apps running in the background.
~Want to be able to continue using Google Wallet (started using it on my Nexus 7 and instantly fell in love). This Isis crap that the carriers are forcing us to use seems like the works of a halfwitt jacked up on drugs and their rollout methods are awful.
~Apparently the stock ROM with all the bloat/branding sucks up the onboard memory like it's going out of style. I don't even use most (if any) the carrier junk but I can't delete them. Thats where de-bloated and slimmed-down-to-essentials ROMs come in for me
~Ability to fully customize how I want MY phone to look and react rather than be just another carbon copy with the rest of the crowd. You wouldn't believe how many people, that have gotten a good look at my old SII w/ SBean AOKP, oooh & ahh over some visual features I could do that they couldn't, especially with battery readouts rather than guessing what percentage you're at with that vague battery bar.
That's just scratching the surface but come-ooooon! This is XDA, what are the majority of us here for anyway?
The Revolutions ROM mentioned above sounds promising and the fellow said all the stock things worked, including the phone's signature ability, the Wacom digitizer and S Pen. Without that working, thats like selling me a factory fresh Porsche but minus all the bits that make it go
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I hear you. I was into custom ROM's for many devices, but I found the problems with incompatibilities to be too much of a hassle to use on "daily driver" devices - especially my phone, which I use for business.
Now, I use Titanium to freeze bloatware and system apps that I don't want running. I use the Xposed framework mod to get unlimited multiwindow apps on my Note2 as well as add other features like per-app settings (dpi, full screen, resolution, etc.). I use a Nova Launcher instead of touchwiz, and several other tweaks on my stock firmware.
I found this to be the best option for ME, because the stability on my phone is perfect, battery life is great and I know that all apps will work properly.
Good luck on your quest to find the best rom - you'll likely have to try a bunch before settling down
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Androssama said:
Your signature reads "Galaxy Note II (T889)" and AFAIK Revolution HD and this whole section really is about the GT-N7100. Could you please clarify this point?
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Forgive me if I am wrong but aren't they the same thing?
PorscheHusky said:
Forgive me if I am wrong but aren't they the same thing?
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They're not, the T-Mobile Note II has a dedicated forum at http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1877
GSM Arena says : The device will have a model number SGH-T889 and will reportedly pack the same specs as the international Galaxy Note II (except for the LTE connectivity, of course). Feel free to check out our preview of the Note II for more details on the device.
The most common problem after crossflashing is losing signal. You have to flash a compatible ROM now, maybe even restore your efs partition.
<insert rageface X~infinity>
Androssama said:
They're not, the T-Mobile Note II has a dedicated forum at http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1877
GSM Arena says : The device will have a model number SGH-T889 and will reportedly pack the same specs as the international Galaxy Note II (except for the LTE connectivity, of course). Feel free to check out our preview of the Note II for more details on the device.
The most common problem after crossflashing is losing signal. You have to flash a compatible ROM now, maybe even restore your efs partition.
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Excuse me while I go sit in the corner of shame with this lovely cone shaped hat atop my noggin that reads 'jackass' on it >.<!
What you just said was both relieving and bothersome at the same time LOL. I'll give it a-go and THEN maybe I can finally get some sleep and rest easy knowing the thing should be working again!
I may just go back to Stock ROM for now and sit with it for a while until I dig deeper into Android; have been wanting to get away from Windows lately
EP2008 said:
I hear you. I was into custom ROM's for many devices, but I found the problems with incompatibilities to be too much of a hassle to use on "daily driver" devices - especially my phone, which I use for business.
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I'm in the same boat as you. I would rather not mess with a custom ROM and the attendant incompatibilities on a daily driver device.
Now, I use Titanium to freeze bloatware and system apps that I don't want running. .
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The version of Titanium that does not require root allows you to "freeze" bloatware? What exactly do you mean by that? In other words, what does "freeze" mean in this context specifically?
I use the Xposed framework mod to get unlimited multiwindow apps on my Note2 as well as add other features like per-app settings (dpi, full screen, resolution, etc.).
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The Xposed framework also doesn't require rooting the device? My Note2 just got updated (I'm with Rogers in Canada) with the multi-window feature and I would love to add a bunch of apps to this multi-window coolness. Can you please shed some more light on what I need to do here? Thanks
I use a Nova Launcher instead of touchwiz, and several other tweaks on my stock firmwareI found this to be the best option for ME, because the stability on my phone is perfect, battery life is great and I know that all apps will work properly.
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I love Nova Launcher. I use it as well. TIA
CayenneGTS said:
I'm in the same boat as you. I would rather not mess with a custom ROM and the attendant incompatibilities on a daily driver device.
The version of Titanium that does not require root allows you to "freeze" bloatware? What exactly do you mean by that? In other words, what does "freeze" mean in this context specifically?
The Xposed framework also doesn't require rooting the device? My Note2 just got updated (I'm with Rogers in Canada) with the multi-window feature and I would love to add a bunch of apps to this multi-window coolness. Can you please shed some more light on what I need to do here? Thanks
I love Nova Launcher. I use it as well. TIA
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Root is required of you want to get the most out of your device. If you want to "freeze" apps on an unrooted device, go to your application manager in your device settings, click on the system app you want to "freeze" and select disable. If you don't see the disable button, then click Uninstall updates first. Use this with caution as freezing or disabling important apps may cause problems.
Xposed requires root, but it doesn't mess up your system like some hardwire mods which replace system files can do.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] ROM advice please - switched from Evo 4G to Galaxy S2

I've been using the S2 for a couple weeks now and although I'm satisfied with it for the most part, I want the bloatware gone and I want it rooted. Easy enough, except for one thing; there are TONS of ROMs for it and I have no idea where to start as far as which ones are best, and don't want to have to flash dozens of them to find out.
A few things to note;
1 - I'm looking for ease of use, something that includes minimal apps or at least allows me to delete apps that are packaged with it if I don't want them, and something that gets good battery life. I read this thread here and may try Slim Beam Unofficial due to it's better battery life.
2 - Or is there a way to just rip the stock ROM off, remove what I don't want, re-package it and flash it back to the phone? That's what I did with my Evo but it's been over a year and I was VERY familiar with that phone and what tools to use for such tasks. A point in the right direction (ie: link to an informative thread on this subject) would suffice, but specific replies are very much appreciated.
3 - Useful apps would be nice. Perhaps not packaged WITH the ROM but just names of useful apps (I see Titanium Backup mentioned a lot on here) would be helpful. Something to easily copy contacts & texts/call records to my PC would also be nice - the Evo didn't have much as far as that went, at least not that I could find. Maybe some music mixing apps and memory editor suggestions too. This phone is new and exciting to me, capable of WAY more than my old Evo 4G. :victory:
4 - HTC and Samsung have much different interfaces. HTC's was more customizable...I'd like to get that back. Anyone know of any HTC interface ports? Specifically the way the icons on the screen are - I don't like being forced to keep the 4 it came with on the bottom, I'd like to change them to something more useful. Also some switches for a quick data network toggle (not by going into Data Usage to toggle) and stuff like that would be nice. I can do it the Samsung way if I have to, but HTC's interface was more user friendly for me.
Anyway, I'm glad to be back at xda. Thanks for any help/suggestions! :fingers-crossed:
Try AOKP 4.2.2 :thumbup:
AOKP B5 3/10nightly NOS V0.0.7
Suppose I'll try that or a stock Samsung ROM. Surprised at the lack of replies and suggestions...usually everyone has something to say on this forum.
Cl3kener AOKP 1.3 is very good. Has good audio apps, and several built in useful apps.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Try aokp 4.1.2 everything works perfectly. 422 was great but bluetooth, specifically bluetooth tethering does not work. No issues with 412
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I don't know anything about CM or AOKP roms cause I need Wi-Fi calling so I stick with TW. Ptmr3 has some good roms and puts out loaded and stripped roms. There is a lot of development here so your gonna have to do some research. Read the op's list of what's included and what doesn't work if any. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
You need Jedi Jelly. Trust me. Best ROM in my opinion
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
If you want to be able to customize most of the ROM you want PAC man. The best ROM for your needs.
Phone: Galaxy s2 t989
Rom: PACman 21.0.1
Kernel: PAC
I'm full of great idea's, but don't have the time to create them or learn the coding to create them. If you want to make one of my ideas a reality just message me and I will give you my idea as specific as possible.
-launcher/lock screen
-line rider type game where you control the character
-2d fighting game like art of fighting for the SNES
-multiplayer fps where you create your own map with a creative mode (minecraft style)
-roller coaster tycoon style game
-get phone out of sleep mode
-many more!
Just message me which idea you want info on and I'll tell you!
In reading your post it seems as if to me 1 you need to simply root your phone. From that point forward you can do anything you want to it. Now coming from an Evo which I myself came from, at first things seem different but when its software related its relatively all the same. I know you said you were shocked at the lack of responses but I think thats because your questions/feelings are a simple fix and more personalized than just sending you somewhere.
You dont have to use the 4 at the bottom they can be switched and data toggles are all over the web. Not for nothing but you really need to do some homework on android and the amount of customization apps out there...You are missing out on quite a bit
Steps to personalizing your phone below:
Root your phone
Install Root Explorer
install Titanium Backup
Install Android Commander on your pc (if you like)
Just use Google or Google Play to look up apps
Hundreds of way to simplify your rom and I only named a few.
Use the SGS2 toolkit, install a custom recovery, and root your phone. From there you can delete all the Tmo bloatware and clean up the stock rom.
see how that is for a little while, and if you still aren't satisfied, you can try some of the other roms in the dev section.
As far as apps, I have all my contacts in gmail, which automatically syncs to my phone. Airdroid is a neat app that lets you manage stuff on your phone through a PC that is connected to the same network. Evernote, quickpic, photoeditor, titanium backup, and google drive are a few apps I always install.
refyused said:
I've been using the S2 for a couple weeks now and although I'm satisfied with it for the most part, I want the bloatware gone and I want it rooted. Easy enough, except for one thing; there are TONS of ROMs for it and I have no idea where to start as far as which ones are best, and don't want to have to flash dozens of them to find out.
A few things to note;
1 - I'm looking for ease of use, something that includes minimal apps or at least allows me to delete apps that are packaged with it if I don't want them, and something that gets good battery life. I read this thread here and may try Slim Beam Unofficial due to it's better battery life.
2 - Or is there a way to just rip the stock ROM off, remove what I don't want, re-package it and flash it back to the phone? That's what I did with my Evo but it's been over a year and I was VERY familiar with that phone and what tools to use for such tasks. A point in the right direction (ie: link to an informative thread on this subject) would suffice, but specific replies are very much appreciated.
3 - Useful apps would be nice. Perhaps not packaged WITH the ROM but just names of useful apps (I see Titanium Backup mentioned a lot on here) would be helpful. Something to easily copy contacts & texts/call records to my PC would also be nice - the Evo didn't have much as far as that went, at least not that I could find. Maybe some music mixing apps and memory editor suggestions too. This phone is new and exciting to me, capable of WAY more than my old Evo 4G. :victory:
4 - HTC and Samsung have much different interfaces. HTC's was more customizable...I'd like to get that back. Anyone know of any HTC interface ports? Specifically the way the icons on the screen are - I don't like being forced to keep the 4 it came with on the bottom, I'd like to change them to something more useful. Also some switches for a quick data network toggle (not by going into Data Usage to toggle) and stuff like that would be nice. I can do it the Samsung way if I have to, but HTC's interface was more user friendly for me.
Anyway, I'm glad to be back at xda. Thanks for any help/suggestions! :fingers-crossed:
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All Star Devs or Jedi Knight Roms. I ran Slim Bean for a little bit, but the bugs, as insignificant as they may seemed, would occur too frequently. I'm currently testing out Jumping JellyBeans and lets just say I'll be flashing back to Jedi Knight this evening. Good luck on your ROM Quest.
Yeah I rooted it but it still doesn't function entirely the way I want it to.
In using this phone for a couple weeks now, one BIG complaint I have is the clock & weather widget on my Evo allowed me to check the weather OR change thje time/date/alarm simply by clicking it...unless I'm blind, the SG2 didn't even come with an alarm clock, let alone a way to click the clock widget and edit alarms.
Is there anything like that for the SG2? And yes, I do need to do more research and find out what's out there...which is kinda why I'm asking here instead of spending countless hours which I don't have, reading through tons of forums and trying tons of bunk apps. Anyway, thanks for the advice, it's been helpful so far!
Mr. bird said:
I don't know anything about CM or AOKP roms cause I need Wi-Fi calling so I stick with TW. Ptmr3 has some good roms and puts out loaded and stripped roms. There is a lot of development here so your gonna have to do some research. Read the op's list of what's included and what doesn't work if any. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
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Same here - I need Wifi Calling.
What Rom are you running? I'm still on Darkside Evolution 3.8 (Andoid 4.0.3)
I've been looking for something a little more current, but haven't been able to find anything that has Wifi Calling.
mavblues said:
Same here - I need Wifi Calling.
What Rom are you running? I'm still on Darkside Evolution 3.8 (Andoid 4.0.3)
I've been looking for something a little more current, but haven't been able to find anything that has Wifi Calling.
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Evolution is still a good Rom. I have recently gone back to stock cause my phone has been acting up since it went for a swim but I was using jedi knight and jedi mind trick.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk HD
refyused said:
Yeah I rooted it but it still doesn't function entirely the way I want it to.
In using this phone for a couple weeks now, one BIG complaint I have is the clock & weather widget on my Evo allowed me to check the weather OR change thje time/date/alarm simply by clicking it...unless I'm blind, the SG2 didn't even come with an alarm clock, let alone a way to click the clock widget and edit alarms.
Is there anything like that for the SG2? And yes, I do need to do more research and find out what's out there...which is kinda why I'm asking here instead of spending countless hours which I don't have, reading through tons of forums and trying tons of bunk apps. Anyway, thanks for the advice, it's been helpful so far!
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You could always flash a better rom that is newer, like others have suggested. Any rom with ICS or above will have a clock that allows you to tap the widget and get the alarm, and can display the weather below it. If you're looking for a fully loaded rom, "PACman" (see the link in my signature at the bottom of this post) is the way to go. It it 3 roms built into one, "Paranoid Android, AOKP, Cyanogen Mod". I literally bought my SGSII just to be able to use the PACrom, (I came from a Tmobile MyTouch 4G (Doubleshot) which didn't have a working PACman rom link, so far as my patience to find one allowed).
Other options are to install a new launcher for your phone, like the "Go Launcher" from the play store, or an htc clock widget from the playstore or online. Either of the 2 will instantly provide you with your clock and weather settings.
I have world weather clock widget on my lockscreen. Has weather and time. I think there might be a way to configure it to set alarms, but I'm not sure. I don't really ever set alarms on my phone.
I am using JB 4.1.2 with build Jedi Mind Trick JB2 and the beta kernel as a DD and it is fast and smooth. Prior to I was using Jedi Mind Trick X4 by the same dev and I prefer JB 4.1.2 over the X4 but everyone is different.
---------- Post added at 03:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------
refyused said:
unless I'm blind, the SG2 didn't even come with an alarm clock
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go to the clock and create an alarm

[Q] I want to de-google my Nexus 7

I don't use a single google service on my tablet.
I would like to remove the apps completely.
I never use Talk, Now, Plus, Hangouts or any of that stuff. I also don't want a big search bar on my home screen. I tried disabling google search in settings and the bar is still there.
What all do I need to do this? I like the tablet itself but I have no interest in all of the google apps.
Root and uninstall them?
k3lcior said:
Root and uninstall them?
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Anything I should read besides the flashing tutorial link in the FAQ? This will be my first time rooting an android device, but I've been wanting to learn for a while now so I'm excited.
You should look at this series of articles hosted by XDA itself:
I haven't done any of this myself since I rely on my Google apps to be there, but I was definitely interested in how it could be done.
As for the search bar in the home screen, I suggest getting a 3rd party launcher like Nova Launcher or Apex launcher. They have options to disable the persistent search bar.
---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------
Oh yeah... I forgot to add:
My suggestion would be to flash an AOSP ROM like CyanogenMod, but just don't flash the corresponding Google Apps package. That way, you'll have a version of Android devoid of all Google services. I've also never tried this myself since, again, I rely on Google apps, but it should work. I can tell you're new at the custom ROM scene, but don't be afraid of doing anything wrong to your device. If you just follow the directions in tutorials and in the OP of custom ROM threads, you'll be fine. The Nexus is virtually unbrickable, so if you mess something up, you can always flash the factory restore images from Google themselves.
boneless9000 said:
Anything I should read besides the flashing tutorial link in the FAQ? This will be my first time rooting an android device, but I've been wanting to learn for a while now so I'm excited.
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Use Wugfresh Toolkit, it's super easy it will tell you everything you have to do.
Then you just click "Root" and it will do everything for you.
Awesome, really appreciate the help guys. Asked at another forum and they all jumped my **** and said I was an idiot for buying the tablet in the first place etc., when it was a gift and I love the hardware, just not big on the software.
I've modded iphones and PSP's and setup linux dual boots on laptops so I'm alright tinkering with ****. I think you guys pointed me in the right direction. Thanks again!
boneless9000 said:
Awesome, really appreciate the help guys. Asked at another forum and they all jumped my **** and said I was an idiot for buying the tablet in the first place etc., when it was a gift and I love the hardware, just not big on the software.
I've modded iphones and PSP's and setup linux dual boots on laptops so I'm alright tinkering with ****. I think you guys pointed me in the right direction. Thanks again!
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I would like to suggest rom toolbox pro. *It is a great piece of software. *If it were me I would begin with freezing one app at a time and find which are required on your tablet. *If you have problems you can defrost that one and continue. *If everything is good then you can leave as is and defrost just to take the next update or uninstall completely.
You will find on the stock firmware some of the google software is required. *I am not sure about custom roms being completely devoid of google although most do flash gaaps (myself included).

[Q] So many questions. Total rookie here.

Ok, so I just rooted my tablet, my first time too. But I have a few questions.
I have no idea what custom recovery is? How do I get it, and what are some apps and stuff I should not do before I get it.
What are some apps you recommend? Keyboard apps, uh...any apps I guess.
My biggest question is, I downloaded a emulator called dolphin emulator, so I could play the old gamecube Pokemon Colosseum. But it wont work. I do not know if any of you use this program, but any help would be appreciated. The game actually starts, shows the nintendo symbol, goes to a weird grey screeen instead of the studios logo animation, and then turns black. The fps is around 21, and during audio or the grey screen, it goes to 13 - 15 fps. Any Ideas on what might be wrong? Maybe RAM or something of that nature.
What are things like Nova and Apex?
Also, what do i need to do to install roms? What should I have before I install a rom? And what kind of roms do you recommend?
um...and I guess anything else you could tell a complete rookie. I have no idea what I'm doing. OTL
also, what is the bloatware that i can get rid of?
ugh, basically, what have you done for your rooted note? What are some things you would recommend to another person for their device.
and for some reason i cant download SetCPU, so I downloaded CPU Tuner. What are some settings you recommend.
ryandoodles said:
Ok, so I just rooted my tablet, my first time too. But I have a few questions.
I have no idea what custom recovery is? How do I get it, and what are some apps and stuff I should not do before I get it.
What are some apps you recommend? Keyboard apps, uh...any apps I guess.
My biggest question is, I downloaded a emulator called dolphin emulator, so I could play the old gamecube Pokemon Colosseum. But it wont work. I do not know if any of you use this program, but any help would be appreciated. The game actually starts, shows the nintendo symbol, goes to a weird grey screeen instead of the studios logo animation, and then turns black. The fps is around 21, and during audio or the grey screen, it goes to 13 - 15 fps. Any Ideas on what might be wrong? Maybe RAM or something of that nature.
What are things like Nova and Apex?
Also, what do i need to do to install roms? What should I have before I install a rom? And what kind of roms do you recommend?
um...and I guess anything else you could tell a complete rookie. I have no idea what I'm doing. OTL
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ryandoodles said:
also, what is the bloatware that i can get rid of?
ugh, basically, what have you done for your rooted note? What are some things you would recommend to another person for their device.
and for some reason i cant download SetCPU, so I downloaded CPU Tuner. What are some settings you recommend.
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Ok, my first bit of advice is to start reading. Things like custom recovery are easily figured out with a little research. As far as I know, the only custom recovery we have for our tablets is TWRP 2.6.x.x, not sure what version they are on now since I am not using it.
As for what to do after root, that is up to you. Get the pro version of Titanium Backup, and SuperSU at the very least, they will be very important if you want to freeze/delete bloatware and modify your phone at all.
Can't help you with the Pokemon thing.
Nova and Apex are launchers. Try them out and see if you like one better than the stock launcher. I run Nova on mine.
To install a ROM, you will need to first download TWRP, then flash the ROM. Read the directions for flashing the ROM fully before you do anything.
As for bloatware, start by freezing things you don't use in TiBu, and go from there.
In all honesty, you need to read, read, read and then read some more. You don't want to turn your tablet into a $600+ paperweight.
As for me? I am rooted running the stock ROM, Nova Prime launcher, and I froze a bunch of bloat. It is plenty fast, smooth, stable, and it looks great.
lol the dolphin emulator won't work because it requires an extremely powerful machine. It will only work with maybe 2 or 3 devices currently.
The developer posted this in the app description:
"If you're expecting reasonable speeds out of this, you are sorely mistaken. This will run slow on every single Android device, no matter if it is the most powerful one in the world.
Some caveats
- It will crash. Alot.
- It might need to be force closed and ran multiple times to work.
- It will run slow"
Why immediately install new ROMs? There are no many ROMS for this device anyway. Rooting will help you to freeze unnecessary Samsung software, as already mentioned above (using Titanium). To try different launchers (Nova, etc.) you don't need to be rooted, just install and play with them. You have a powerful machine, learn to use it, use all the features (S Pen, multi-window, pen window, etc.) before playing with other ROMs.
Since you are rooted you must get this app:
Makes multi window way more useful.
Also Xposed Framework and multi window manager so that you can add any application to the multi window menu.
Actually there are a lot of cool things you can do with Xposed.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

