[Q] Questions about battery life and comparisons - Nexus 7 (2013) Q&A

I have a Nexus 7 32gb LTE, and I have a few questions about it's battery life compared to the other N7 devices.
I used to have a 16GB WiFi, and the battery life is MUCH better than the LTE's, is it because of the radio and/or storage size? If so, is there a way to make it so it'll have the same life? As stupid as that sounds. Could disabling the radio help? As when I tried with the 4636v2 app, there wasn't much change. I run the newest CM (deb) nightly every day, and I'm about to flash 12-30-13.
Thanks in advance,
Tony Sesek

You should have similar battery life if you are running WiFi when you are in your house. 4G LTE consumes more battery than WiFi. So picture myself running a 4G LTE variant Nexus 7 2013 and keeping my data plan on constantly, obviously I will consume more battery than my WiFi tablet.
You could try to find a kernel that supports your ROM but I personally don't think there is much you can do at this point.

codemonkey98 said:
You should have similar battery life if you are running WiFi when you are in your house. 4G LTE consumes more battery than WiFi. So picture myself running a 4G LTE variant Nexus 7 2013 and keeping my data plan on constantly, obviously I will consume more battery than my WiFi tablet.
You could try to find a kernel that supports your ROM but I personally don't think there is much you can do at this point.
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I would use ElementalX, but CM just flops over onto its back begging to be killed when you try it now.
If you could recommend me a good, energy-saving, kernal like ElementalX for CM11, I'd highly appreciate it.
Also a way to conserve more energy, as I don't even HAVE a data plan, I just keep the SIM in so I don't lose it. If I take it out, could that help? Maybe a combo of disabling the radio and taking out the chip.

Tony556 said:
I would use ElementalX, but CM just flops over onto its back begging to be killed when you try it now.
If you could recommend me a good, energy-saving, kernal like ElementalX for CM11, I'd highly appreciate it.
Also a way to conserve more energy, as I don't even HAVE a data plan, I just keep the SIM in so I don't lose it. If I take it out, could that help? Maybe a combo of disabling the radio and taking out the chip.
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I wouldn't know any kernels for your device. I have a Nexus 7 2013 but I do not actually have it rooted. I know, what a shame, but I do like to have a stock tablet around. Especially one that is running vanilla Android.
The SIM shouldn't have any issues. It isn't doing anything, as it isn't activated. You could try disabling the LTE radio by using airplane mode and seeing if that helps. With the LTE radio off, there shouldn't be a difference in power consumption between a WiFi Nexus 7 2013 and a LTE one. You also could try disabling bluetooth and all sorts of miscellaneous options you do not use.

codemonkey98 said:
I wouldn't know any kernels for your device. I have a Nexus 7 2013 but I do not actually have it rooted. I know, what a shame, but I do like to have a stock tablet around. Especially one that is running vanilla Android.
The SIM shouldn't have any issues. It isn't doing anything, as it isn't activated. You could try disabling the LTE radio by using airplane mode and seeing if that helps. With the LTE radio off, there shouldn't be a difference in power consumption between a WiFi Nexus 7 2013 and a LTE one. You also could try disabling bluetooth and all sorts of miscellaneous options you do not use.
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I have the same stuff activated as I did on my WiFi, WiFi, NFC, Location, and that's about it. The 4626 or whatever it was app seems to help, slightly. But now, another problem arises. It's charging unusually fast, my tablet. IDK if USB Fastcharge is somehow enabled or what, but it's suffering from what my phone has. As my Verizon Galaxy Nexus charges and drains quickly. Haven't disconnected the tablet from power yet to see if it really is draining even quicker. Updates soon.

Tony556 said:
I have the same stuff activated as I did on my WiFi, WiFi, NFC, Location, and that's about it. The 4626 or whatever it was app seems to help, slightly. But now, another problem arises. It's charging unusually fast, my tablet. IDK if USB Fastcharge is somehow enabled or what, but it's suffering from what my phone has. As my Verizon Galaxy Nexus charges and drains quickly. Haven't disconnected the tablet from power yet to see if it really is draining even quicker. Updates soon.
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I have heard of the Nexus 7 draining faster than charging, but I have not heard about it charging as fast as it is draining. Have you tried doing this by any chance?

Tony556 said:
I have the same stuff activated as I did on my WiFi, WiFi, NFC, Location, and that's about it. The 4626 or whatever it was app seems to help, slightly. But now, another problem arises. It's charging unusually fast, my tablet. IDK if USB Fastcharge is somehow enabled or what, but it's suffering from what my phone has. As my Verizon Galaxy Nexus charges and drains quickly. Haven't disconnected the tablet from power yet to see if it really is draining even quicker. Updates soon.
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I'm not sure how much rooting & installing a custom rom on my N7 has affected battery life, as I did that immediately after getting the device (therefore no frame of reference).
Using Sinless 3.2.0 rom together with ElementalX kernel (CPU 1728, GPU 477, UV 850, DT2W) and my N7 has been pretty much completely in standby for 17 hours (at work and therefore no time to play ) with only 10% battery used (90% left). This is with Wifi, Sync, GPS always on.
Normal usage will use up approx 2% per hour of battery. Still pretty awesome in my book!
This custom rom :

daffie said:
I'm not sure how much rooting & installing a custom rom on my N7 has affected battery life, as I did that immediately after getting the device (therefore no frame of reference).
Using Sinless 3.2.0 rom together with ElementalX kernel (CPU 1728, GPU 477, UV 850, DT2W) and my N7 has been pretty much completely in standby for 17 hours (at work and therefore no time to play ) with only 10% battery used (90% left). This is with Wifi, Sync, GPS always on.
Normal usage will use up approx 2% per hour of battery. Still pretty awesome in my book!
This custom rom :
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I would use that, but it's not for LTE (deb).
For the last 2 days, I rarely used my tablet. But I binged it for up to an hour multiple times,Y and the battery drained wayyyy too fast. Screenshot of battery life soon

As I don't even USE the radio, should I just get some of my money back and buy a 32GB WiFi? Is it thinner than the LTE? Can I flash flo roms onto a deb? Disable the radio entirely? And don't say use airplane mode, I hate that stupid icon, and I think that disables GPS.
EDIT: Can I just: "fastboot erase radio"? Or format. Sounds SOMEWHAT logical.


Battery life since recent patch update?

I just purchased my inc today, coming from a d2. Iv read a lot about battery life not being so hot in the past but don't see much current feedback. So my question is since the recent patch update how has everyones battery life been, better or about the same? I'm loving this phone but the battery life for me will kill me wanting to keep it, iv been looking at the fascinate to so...
Managing programs and settings will cut down on battery life. The new update didn't see to make the battery "last longer" but it did make it charge much much faster.
So what about 2.2 in general did it really do anything worth mentioning for battery life or does it still suck pretty bad?
jmc2543 said:
So what about 2.2 in general did it really do anything worth mentioning for battery life or does it still suck pretty bad?
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Battery life still sucks pretty bad. Only thing I noticed about Nov update was more bloatware and battery charging is about 1% per minute vs the forever and a day prior to update.
Setting screen brightness lower and timeout sooner as well as stopping unneeded apps will improve battery life. Least that's the was it seems to me.
One big win on my batt life was choosing an undervolted kernel, like hydrakernel v0.5.
hydra kernel is your best bet, the only thing I can say is to monitor your 3g. turn it to mobile always-on, turn that setting off. its in mobile data in settings, wireless networks.. this will turn 3g off while the phone is sleeping. I get 2 days easily with this method with the stock battery.
ACD168 said:
hydra kernel is your best bet, the only thing I can say is to monitor your 3g. turn it to mobile always-on, turn that setting off. its in mobile data in settings, wireless networks.. this will turn 3g off while the phone is sleeping. I get 2 days easily with this method with the stock battery.
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I mght have to try that advise out then. Iv read about the data always on thing, my only concern was receiving email and then vvm (I use g voice). But I already rooted just have to read up on everything a bit more, HTC and MOTO are two way different areas when it comes to rooting it seems.

[LTE]New GNexus owner - thoughts and (battery) issues

Coming from AT&T and a carrier branded GSII (i777) followed by an international note (N7000), I'm evaluating Verizon and the galaxy note. If the service is better, I'll jump from AT&T... otherwise, I'll go back to AT&T and my note.
However, this isn't about the service - but about the phone. I understand that some of this stuff might be CDMA/LTE specific (hence the reason for the title)
The biggest thing I see as an issue with this phone (so far) is the (stock) battery life. It completely sucks. 6% battery drain an hour with the screen on only 3 minutes? That's beyond horrible. I don't have anything loaded on here thats a "known" wakelock issue (such as skype, facebook, etc.) As a matter of fact, it's configured (mostly) the same as my GSII and GNote, so it's easy to notice the horrid battery drain. In the same 1 hour period, syncing the exact same exchange server (push email) account, but with 10 minutes display on time, the gnote drained 1%. (I realize that the note has a much larger battery [and display to drain it], but it's useful to compare anyway.)
If I actually use the gnote (display on), the battery drops much faster. With actual light usage (such as for reading email), I get about 6-8 hours of battery life total. If I use it heavily, I'll be recharging so often I might as well hard wire to a wall outlet.
I'm using the AOKP (m4) firmware - first with the kernel it comes with, and I installed the latest STABLE "lean" kernel last night hoping to resolve the battery drain (so far, it's not.)
BetterBatteryStats isn't showing me anything unusual other than a "modem_usb_suspend_block" kernel wakelock (5 min of 1 hour)
Is this what verizon galaxy nexus users typically deal with? Is the battery life on this device really THAT horrible?
Did I miss a "FABQ" (frequently asked battery questions) thread somewhere? Surely the "google experience" isn't only a quickie...
Battery drain while off should be between 1-5% per hour (From what I have noticed). Try enabling AOKP battery saver which will drop from 4G to 3G while the screen is off which should help with the screen off battery.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
disable LTE, and you'll watch your battery life double.
Or just return the Verizon version and buy the GSM version instead.
miketoasty said:
Battery drain while off should be between 1-5% per hour (From what I have noticed). Try enabling AOKP battery saver which will drop from 4G to 3G while the screen is off which should help with the screen off battery.
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Drain should be 1-5/hr with 4G enabled or disabled?
I'm kind of in shock at the battery drain on this thing. I'm pretty fluent with android devices, and I generally avoid any of the normal battery blackholes (such as social networking, skype, etc) I also know how to PROPERLY configure exchange so it doesn't drain battery/data. (make sure the IP number of the exchange server doesn't change when switching to/from internal wifi networks.)
However, this is my first experience with using a verizon android device - and first with LTE. My SGSII (GSM) could get 2days on a charge (2%/hr was normal when not on wifi.) and the Note (international version) could go for 3 days on a single charge.
With the LTE GNexus, 6%/hr drain with nearly no usage would give me about 15 hours of usage before 10% turn off. If I actually want to read my email messages or make a phone call (it IS a phone, you know), I might drop to less than 12 hours. I can't imagine that this is normal - or that google, verizon and samsung would endorse something like that.
(Okay, maybe samsung would... they seem to be going downhill lately.)
Surely I'm doing something wrong and the phone doesn't suck this badly. (I really hope I'm doing something wrong, as it will completely destroy my opinion of google if a "google experience" is a phone that lasts only 15 hours/charge when just left in standby.)
the problem with battery life is LTE... its a double edged sword: you get insane speeds at the cost of battery life. every CDMA phone takes a huge hit when LTE is enabled which i think is the reason that apple has been reluctant to release an LTE enabled iphone thus far until the tech matures. im using a GSM gnex (i9250) and i can use the phone all day and still be over 30-40% at the end of the day
even with franco kernel 121 on my miui gn, i still need to charge 3 times a day... this is android.
zeke1988 said:
even with franco kernel 121 on my miui gn, i still need to charge 3 times a day... this is android.
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its not android, its LTE.. as you can see both of you are on verizon
my older HTC sensation actually got over 2 days of constant use easily (dual core snapdragon running ICS) since it was GSM.. my galaxy nexus while not getting 2 days, easily gets 1 day no problem on GSM
AFAIK there is no LTE iphone which is why you see on average the insane battery life on those devices
norazi said:
the problem with battery life is LTE... its a double edged sword: you get insane speeds at the cost of battery life. every CDMA phone takes a huge hit when LTE is enabled which i think is the reason that apple has been reluctant to release an LTE enabled iphone thus far until the tech matures. im using a GSM gnex (i9250) and i can use the phone all day and still be over 30-40% at the end of the day
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I've made the change mentioned in another reply (turn off LTE when the screen turns off.) I'm charging the phone back up and will see how things go then.
With both wifi and LTE disabled, I won't be happy with drain higher than 2%/hr (assuming the screen stays off and I don't get a massive influx of email.)
For the person who said that's just the android is, you are VERY wrong. As I mentioned earlier, I'd get 2 days on a AT&T branded galaxy SII (i777) and I get 3 days on my galaxy note (international version.)
I don't know, it has to be something with your apps or your signal. I mean, 6% is fairly high in my opinion, even on LTE. I never turn LTE off unless I'm out of town (which is hardly ever). I usually get anywhere between a total of 15-20 hours of total time, and 2-3 hours of screen-on time. This is with auto brightness enabled, no GPS, no BT, just LTE. All my notifications are push as well. Make sure your signal is always a light yellow-green color (in the battery settings menu), otherwise that will definitely be the big battery eater. May I suggest trying different radios, or flashing a 4.0.4 rom? I think the new radios/4.0.4 roms have substantially increased my total and screen on time.
garyd9 said:
I've made the change mentioned in another reply (turn off LTE when the screen turns off.) I'm charging the phone back up and will see how things go then.
With both wifi and LTE disabled, I won't be happy with drain higher than 2%/hr (assuming the screen stays off and I don't get a massive influx of email.)
For the person who said that's just the android is, you are VERY wrong. As I mentioned earlier, I'd get 2 days on a AT&T branded galaxy SII (i777) and I get 3 days on my galaxy note (international version.)
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Definitely not just Android as my girlfriend on her Droid 2 with 2.3.3 easily get's a days use out of her phone with tons of Facebook/Twitter/Etc (On Stock Motoblur/Rooted).
If you use llama to configure auto actions for areas and screen off time, I get a whole day out the the lte version. Like 6am to 1 am.
I have LTE Galaxy nexus and I get 1 day 20 hours of battery life normally. About 3-4 hours of screen on time. I am using AOKP Beta 31 and have all syncing off. I have a weather widget that syncs every 2 hrs.
He I use JuiceDefender ...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
theherodrownd said:
I have LTE Galaxy nexus and I get 1 day 20 hours of battery life normally. About 3-4 hours of screen on time. I am using AOKP Beta 31 and have all syncing off. I have a weather widget that syncs every 2 hrs.
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What size battery?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
theherodrownd said:
I have LTE Galaxy nexus and I get 1 day 20 hours of battery life normally. About 3-4 hours of screen on time. I am using AOKP Beta 31 and have all syncing off. I have a weather widget that syncs every 2 hrs.
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Which kernel are you using? Which radios?
I just updated my radios to use the 4.0.2 for CDMA and 4.0.3 for LTE. Not sure if that will help battery life, but my LTE d/l speeds jumped from about 6mbps to 24mbps (as reported by the speedtest.net app.)
kbohinski said:
If you use llama to configure auto actions for areas and screen off time, I get a whole day out the the lte version. Like 6am to 1 am.
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I'm very familiar with llama, but I hope you realize that your message is kind of useless with more information. Perhaps if you tell us what types of auto actions you are configuring...
garyd9 said:
Which kernel are you using? Which radios?
I just updated my radios to use the 4.0.2 for CDMA and 4.0.3 for LTE. Not sure if that will help battery life, but my LTE d/l speeds jumped from about 6mbps to 24mbps (as reported by the speedtest.net app.)
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Imoseyon lean kernel 3.1.0 (I have used JameBond Kernel with similar results). I have the stock 4.0.4 radios (I515 V.FA02). Stock battery.
I also keep my screen brightness pretty low.
anton2009 said:
I don't know, it has to be something with your apps or your signal. I mean, 6% is fairly high in my opinion, even on LTE. I never turn LTE off unless I'm out of town (which is hardly ever). I usually get anywhere between a total of 15-20 hours of total time, and 2-3 hours of screen-on time. This is with auto brightness enabled, no GPS, no BT, just LTE. All my notifications are push as well. Make sure your signal is always a light yellow-green color (in the battery settings menu), otherwise that will definitely be the big battery eater. May I suggest trying different radios, or flashing a 4.0.4 rom? I think the new radios/4.0.4 roms have substantially increased my total and screen on time.
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No reason to turn your GPS off. It only gets used when needed so will not hurt you battery.
On lte with everything else disabled, sync disabled, cm9 with lean kernel 3.1.0exp1, I get just about a day of usage with about 2 .5 hours of screen life, I think it is possible o get decent battery life on lte.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
removing the "my verizon" app (and the associated "data usage" widget) seems to have helped the battery a bit. Now at about 4%/hr on LTE with BT/Wifi off, GPS on (but unused.) Perhaps changing the LTE radio to 4.0.3 also helped. Using that same "lean" kernel that seems to be popular in this thread... whatever he has flagged as "stable" as of this post.
The only thing that runs beyond exchange syncing is beautiful widgets (home screen with hourly weather and time.) No other widgets, weather turned off in AOKP.
Take care

[VZW] Galaxy Nexus - Battery Life suggestions

I have a VZW Galaxy Nexus and I am trying to improve the battery life on the device. I really don't do much with it other then texting and some FB/email here and there during the day. When I am driving back and forth to work I use the device to stream my music or run Pandora.
The battery life during the drive is not the huge issue, I know that using LTE and streaming data is going to use battery quite a bit, but when my phone is still with Wifi off at the office and I may send like 5 texts the device can drop 20% in 10% in an hour.
I am using Winner00 - CM10 rom right now with the kernel. I am about to try AOKP Build 3 but wanted to get any idea of what others were using and their battery life results. I am running the stock battery in the device.
Battery life and Stability is the most important things to me. Running the phone at stock GPU and CPU speeds is fine for everything I do.
There are some things you can do to improve but nothing that's really going to be a game changer. Buy a few extra chargers. There are a plethora of battery threads already, use the search function.
Get a giant 3800 battery like I did. It's ugly but I get over 5 hours screen on time and a day of use
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
You should give lean kernel a try. I'm a heavy user on aokp b3 and always on 4g. Since using that setup I've seen improved battery. Every kernel is different but lean kernel seems to have consistent performance.
AOKP Kindle Fire Monster
BrokenWall said:
I have a VZW Galaxy Nexus and I am trying to improve the battery life on the device. I really don't do much with it other then texting and some FB/email here and there during the day. When I am driving back and forth to work I use the device to stream my music or run Pandora.
The battery life during the drive is not the huge issue, I know that using LTE and streaming data is going to use battery quite a bit, but when my phone is still with Wifi off at the office and I may send like 5 texts the device can drop 20% in 10% in an hour.
I am using Winner00 - CM10 rom right now with the kernel. I am about to try AOKP Build 3 but wanted to get any idea of what others were using and their battery life results. I am running the stock battery in the device.
Battery life and Stability is the most important things to me. Running the phone at stock GPU and CPU speeds is fine for everything I do.
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Dude, get AOKP build 3. It is really good with battery life and also, it is extremely smooth. Although, I do recommend using Franco's Kernel in combination with this ROM to get maximum satisfaction. I get around 3 hours of screen time, with 4G and WiFi in there. And also I have stock battery. Now thats saying something.
EpiclyEpic said:
Dude, get AOKP build 3. It is really good with battery life and also, it is extremely smooth. Although, I do recommend using Franco's Kernel in combination with this ROM to get maximum satisfaction. I get around 3 hours of screen time, with 4G and WiFi in there. And also I have stock battery. Now thats saying something.
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3 hrs! That's insane for stock and aokp.
AOKP Kindle Fire Monster
3 hours thats it .. i'm planinng to switch over from nexus s, now i will have to think

Huge battery life issues ]VZW] GNex

I have my Galaxy Nexus and I have noticed the battery has just been complete crap lately. Today for example my phone was at 50% and after a 2.5 hour long movie, my battery was down to 19%, and within 10 minutes from that I was down to 14%.
I can easily kill 40% of my battery in one hour driving to work by streaming pandora. I have tried:
CM10, Stock Roms, AOK
Different Bootloaders
Newest radios, older radios, hybrid mixture of radios
Different kernels with hotplug CPU (LeanKernel, FauxKernel)
I might as well walk around with a car battery in my back pocket. I have tried turning off LTE and its better but damn 3G is slow. The thing that pisses me off the most is my Wife's Droid RAZR (not MAXX) has a 1780mAh battery running an OMAP 4430 cpu at the same speed and running LTE all day and she gets a day of use almost out of her device.
BrokenWall said:
I have my Galaxy Nexus and I have noticed the battery has just been complete crap lately. Today for example my phone was at 50% and after a 2.5 hour long movie, my battery was down to 19%, and within 10 minutes from that I was down to 14%.
I can easily kill 40% of my battery in one hour driving to work by streaming pandora. I have tried:
CM10, Stock Roms, AOK
Different Bootloaders
Newest radios, older radios, hybrid mixture of radios
Different kernels with hotplug CPU (LeanKernel, FauxKernel)
I might as well walk around with a car battery in my back pocket. I have tried turning off LTE and its better but damn 3G is slow. The thing that pisses me off the most is my Wife's Droid RAZR (not MAXX) has a 1780mAh battery running an OMAP 4430 cpu at the same speed and running LTE all day and she gets a day of use almost out of her device.
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That's normal battery life on this phone lol. Get an extended battery
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Fire n mage said:
That's normal battery life on this phone lol. Get an extended battery
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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My Nexus S was a great phone with great battery, and hell even my HTC Sensation was a great phone but I felt weird with roms that were not true AOSP because of kernel sources having to be patched for newer versions of roms. So I switched and got a GNex when it came out.
So the new Google Nexus Experience is walk around with a charger in your ass, its sad that Google honestly let this device out like this, When and you can look at the S3 or One S/X and that Snapdragon S4 dual core is much better on battery then this OMAP
BrokenWall said:
My Nexus S was a great phone with great battery, and hell even my HTC Sensation was a great phone but I felt weird with roms that were not true AOSP because of kernel sources having to be patched for newer versions of roms. So I switched and got a GNex when it came out.
So the new Google Nexus Experience is walk around with a charger in your ass, its sad that Google honestly let this device out like this, When and you can look at the S3 or One S/X and that Snapdragon S4 dual core is much better on battery then this OMAP
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Verizon LTE man. Owns batteries on this phone. Radios aren't the greatest either, which doesn't help.
The GSM model of the Galaxy Nexus actually gets quite respectable battery life.
martonikaj said:
Verizon LTE man. Owns batteries on this phone. Radios aren't the greatest either, which doesn't help.
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Im about to just fess up and switch to AT&T, at least if you disable LTE you still have great speeds on HSDPA+ to stream pandora and surf the internet. I really only need LTE for Netflix, its even worse when your device uses more power than you are able to provide it while charging.
Turn LTE one and Stream Netflix while on a good car charger, it will just slow your battery drain, im about to drop the money on the 2100mAH battery on Amazon, the one that comes with the replacement door that makes the phone just slightly thicker. Anyone have battery recommendations
BrokenWall said:
Im about to just fess up and switch to AT&T, at least if you disable LTE you still have great speeds on HSDPA+ to stream pandora and surf the internet. I really only need LTE for Netflix, its even worse when your device uses more power than you are able to provide it while charging.
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Issue with switching to AT&T is losing your Galaxy Nexus if you want LTE. AT&T's HSPA+ is plenty fast enough for Netflix honestly. Much faster than Verizon's 3G.
But thats up to you. Battery life on the LTE Galaxy Nexus just isn't that good.
martonikaj said:
Issue with switching to AT&T is losing your Galaxy Nexus if you want LTE. AT&T's HSPA+ is plenty fast enough for Netflix honestly. Much faster than Verizon's 3G.
But thats up to you. Battery life on the LTE Galaxy Nexus just isn't that good.
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I rather not drop the huge money on another phone right now. Think I am going to go with This Samsung 2100mAH battery for now and see if we get a new Nexus Product this year. If not that new RAZR MAXX HD is looking quite nice
There must be something else going on. What is your per hour standby drainage like? I'm on vzw and have the 2100mah batt. But Pandora consumes bout 6~8% an hour if I don't wake the device up to much checking emails and such. My idle sleep drain is about 1% an hour with gmail sync on. I don't have any other apps i.e. Twatter, Face****, G+ and so on. My last 11 hours in the caps.
good day.
I used to get great battery but not recently. I don't load my phone down with anything crazy because it is a work phone. I disable 4G and have WiFi always on. A typical day at work:
8am off charger
push exchange, gmail, twitter and Facebook widgets.
Before I used a Winner00 kang. At 1:30pm, I would normally have about 75% left.
Seems with JB I'm lucky to have 30% and 45minutes screen on time.
Its bad. I've changed kernels, ROMs, super wiped, radios. Nothing seems to fix it. I'm wondering if its Google Now or some app update. I've done battery monitoring stats and I'm getting deep sleeps and nothing unusual.
I have VZW 2100mah battery BTW.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
Yeah I've been getting worse battery life...another thing you can look at is how good the signal is wherever you are. The weaker the signal, the more juice it uses. I realized this once I started attending a university.
I've started to bring my charger wherever I go now.
The CDMA Gnex are notorious for having terrible battery life. I personally can barely get a full days worth of juice from the stock battery, so the 2100 could probably get you by the day without much battery anxiety. But YMMV; I also don't use BookFace cuz I'm too cool for such silliness
I do use Google Now and its nice, though its not as helpful as Google made it sound, though being able to access it for other things like phone commands or searching is nice.
I have Exchange Sync for work, Two IMAP email accounts that are on Push via K9 Mail. Play store set to auto update.
I have a total of 42 apps on my phone, most of which are the default apps like calendar, people, etc. I will be trying out a new rom later today once I get my phone charged back to 100% and now that I think about it, battery has gotten worse after JellyBean.

Who has problems with the battery since nougat, too?

Since I have updated on nougat, my battery quickly goes empty.
I reach a maximum of 2 hours SOT.
According to "BetterBatteryStats", the operating system consumes the most energy.
No matter whether Stock Rom or currently with "PureNexus" and ElementalX Kernel with GhostPepper profile, the battery is still very fast empty.
I also wonder what the Wakelock *job delay* and *job deadline* mean.
Now is the question, do you have the problems since nougat, too.
And is the problem the operating system or rather the battery, what do you have for experiences?
With marshmallow I had up to 5 hours SOT, therefore I will downgrade.
Whether it will be better, I will report.
im finding that when my WLAN is off then my drain is negligible. Whilst with it on i see a steady drain overnight.
That might be how i have my phone setup, but not sure.
I now have tasker setup to disable wifi, location, data and swap to 2g at night (i have terrible 3g/4g reception in my bedroom). it seems to help for overnight drain but not daily usage.
I have never had good battery life with this phone, by the end of the day it is usually almost dead with only about 1.5 hours of actual use.
I have the same feeling.
If you confirm that downgrading solve the problem, I will try the same.
Battery has been fine for me. Your phone is never idling properly from the looks of it, despite not being show an awake. Not sure what that means though.
Is there some issue with your WiFi or data signal? I've not seen the WiFi X myself.
Downgrade successfully installed
bblzd said:
Battery has been fine for me. Your phone is never idling properly from the looks of it, despite not being show an awake. Not sure what that means though.
Is there some issue with your WiFi or data signal? I've not seen the WiFi X myself.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have not changed my settings so far, only slight improvements, which I have since I own the smartphone.
Mobile Data always to max 3g (have no LTE contract), GPS always on (only device), Wifi also always on and could reach thereby also up to 5 hours SOT.
Then I moved from the Google Stock Rom to PureNexus hoping it would help, well, wrongly thought.
And I have always done a clean installation. :silly:
I've been back for a day now on the last Marshmallow Rom (MTC20K) and I do not want to be too rash, but it seems to improve. :laugh:
I will continue to observe and report.

