I performed the update on my brand new HTC Hero and I found out I am stuck in the middle of nowhere with no chance to root until somebody fixes the problem. During my reading, I tried almost everything, and the closest I got was to try and flash an with the original ROM back onto my device. Yet, at the moment of truth just a stupid white triangle with an exclamation mark appeared instead of the other icon meaning the thingh is working. I can't wait to root for a number of reasons, if I am getting this wrong and there actually IS another solution please help :-((
Same Boat
Hi mate,
I'm new to the Android OS and just got my hero as well. The first thing I did with it was to update the firmware (as recommended by Orange). Little did I know that this would prevent me from rooting.
I've tried several steps:
1. The One-Step Root Process
2. Flashing an image with the SDK
3. Rolling back to a previous version of the RUU
Nothing works, anyone have any ideas about how to get round this problem or if there's a way to 'un-update' the device, please help!
FYI: I have an HTC Hero on Orange UK running the latest HTC firmware, unrooted
Thanks in advance.
if your phone is NOT CID locked (no clue about orange) you can go here
and download an older RUU (1.76.405.1_R3) and downgrade, then root and upgrade.
problem obviously is that this only works if your phone is not cid locked, or somebody find away to bypass the cid check on the ruu process or finds a way to do this
on updated rom versions......
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look into it.
closing this one as currently it can't be solved.
I've started a thread that looks into this here:
Hi Guys
Does anyone on here have the official htc stock rom released with the phone. I had mine from vodafone and is covered in there crap so was trying to locate the original from htc.
Also if anyone has the vodafone ROM that would be useful to as i keep this incase i need to send in for warranty/repair.
Thanks in Advance
yeps. you can fine it here
Appsdroid said:
Hi Guys
Does anyone on here have the official htc stock rom released with the phone. I had mine from vodafone and is covered in there crap so was trying to locate the original from htc.
Also if anyone has the vodafone ROM that would be useful to as i keep this incase i need to send in for warranty/repair.
Thanks in Advance
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Before you download it make sure CID matches. Otherwise the install will abort.
Chi Scasedu
Nice one guys ill grab this now get the original rom put back on then run the battery fix.
How to remove bloatware
HI Guys
Ive read through the forum link above all 24 pages and downloaded the relevant Stock Roms, the original from HTC and the Vodafone one. Ive got a little confused reading through all the posts. To flash the original stock rom over my current vodafone branded one what steps exactly do i need to take. People are mentioning the unlock via htc dev in the forums is this required to take it back to the original stock rom. I didnt see any clear steps on how to get this done. Anyone provide any help. Ive flashed my old phone numerous times but at present am a little worried about using the htcdev way. I know the developers are working on s-off is any of this needed for what im trying to do??
Thanks in Advance
you don't need to unlock to flash an official ROM.
Best way is to grab the RUU file that is correct for your device and flash that way. Its a windows executable you run whilst your phone is connected via fastboot.
edit: that would bring you back to the vodaphone crap. whoops. disregard but yes you don't need S-OFF or unlocked blootloader to flash original rom
wintermute000 said:
you don't need to unlock to flash an official ROM.
Best way is to grab the RUU file that is correct for your device and flash that way. Its a windows executable you run whilst your phone is connected via fastboot.
edit: that would bring you back to the vodaphone crap. whoops. disregard but yes you don't need S-OFF or unlocked blootloader to flash original rom
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Hi Mate
Thanks for this, just a quick question then im currently running (vodafones ROM) and i want to use the original stock one from HTC 1.26.401.2 can i just overwrite vodafones with this one?
I too am a bit of a noob and have a voda branded hox on its way to me. I was under the impression that although we may be able to flash stock htc hox firmware onto the device, we won't be able to it 'properly' because of no proper s off or boot loader..... Or something..... And therefore won't be able to receive any OTA updates afterward....
Or am I talking rubbish and we CAN actually nicely and simply flash stock firmware on and forever after have no issues receiving offiCIAL OTA?
Also gav I don't even know if any stock RUU exist yet...?
EmperorK said:
I too am a bit of a noob and have a voda branded hox on its way to me. I was under the impression that although we may be able to flash stock htc hox firmware onto the device, we won't be able to it 'properly' because of no proper s off or boot loader..... Or something..... And therefore won't be able to receive any OTA updates afterward....
Or am I talking rubbish and we CAN actually nicely and simply flash stock firmware on and forever after have no issues receiving offiCIAL OTA?
Also gav I don't even know if any stock RUU exist yet...?
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Hi Mate
Yes i have the stock and vodafone rom downloaded i got it on here from the developers section. We should be able to install these RUU updates as it doesnt require s-off or to use the htcdev method as least from my understanding.
Sorry to bump this thread, but I'm currently looking for the Original Stock ROM for the HTC One X.
I came across this thread in my search, but the link in the first post is no longer active.
Is there an updated link ?
TRLOS said:
Sorry to bump this thread, but I'm currently looking for the Original Stock ROM for the HTC One X.
I came across this thread in my search, but the link in the first post is no longer active.
Is there an updated link ?
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Mate, first you must know exactly what are you looking for. There are numerous links around here with different versions of stock ROMs.
You need your phone's CID and main version.
Only after that you will search, download and flash the stock ROM that ffits your phone.
[email protected]|-|oR said:
Mate, first you must know exactly what are you looking for. There are numerous links around here with different versions of stock ROMs.
You need your phone's CID and main version.
Only after that you will search, download and flash the stock ROM that ffits your phone.
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I've checked my CID (Using command - fastboot getvar cid)
My CID comes up as : None
I am currently on Revolution HD 7.x ROM and wanted to update to the new 19.x ROM
The problem is when I try updating the hboot, it constantly fails.
I've downloaded the "x.xx.401.x - World Wide English (WWE)" version
A friend of mine has a stock standard One X from Vodafone and JB was just pushed out as an update for her.
I want to try and restore my phone back to the original ROM for that purpose. (also helps in case of warranty)
Have had a look but cant seem to find the original Vodafone ROM anywhere.
TRLOS said:
I've checked my CID (Using command - fastboot getvar cid)
My CID comes up as : None
I am currently on Revolution HD 7.x ROM and wanted to update to the new 19.x ROM
The problem is when I try updating the hboot, it constantly fails.
I've downloaded the "x.xx.401.x - World Wide English (WWE)" version
A friend of mine has a stock standard One X from Vodafone and JB was just pushed out as an update for her.
I want to try and restore my phone back to the original ROM for that purpose. (also helps in case of warranty)
Have had a look but cant seem to find the original Vodafone ROM anywhere.
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Download CID getter from Play Store. It should help.
Also fastboot getvar version-main is important for you, too.
Do not try to flash incorrect firmware!
[email protected]|-|oR said:
Download CID getter from Play Store. It should help.
Also fastboot getvar version-main is important for you, too.
Do not try to flash incorrect firmware!
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Found it
I tried downloading the right hboot for that CID to try upgrade to JB but still no luck at all. Having problems trying to update the
Really want to get this back to Stock ROM if you can help.
TRLOS said:
Found it
I tried downloading the right hboot for that CID to try upgrade to JB but still no luck at all. Having problems trying to update the
Really want to get this back to Stock ROM if you can help.
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This is good news! You need main version also. Then, go and check HERE. There are explanations and files that will help you. Download and flash (as per instructions) nandroid backup that matches your version. Once that finished, you will soon get notification about available update. Accept it, and you will have Vodafone stok JB. After that, do what ever you want with your phone
[email protected]|-|oR said:
This is good news! You need main version also. Then, go and check HERE. There are explanations and files that will help you. Download and flash (as per instructions) nandroid backup that matches your version. Once that finished, you will soon get notification about available update. Accept it, and you will have Vodafone stok JB. After that, do what ever you want with your phone
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Thank You very much for your help mate.
Much Appreciated.
I'm currently running an ICJ jellybean rom on my htc one x and I'd like to revert everything to stock because I'm having hardware issues with the screen(dead rectangular strip in the middle) and I want to send the phone for repairs.
I know that there are multiple guides for this but I can't seem to find the information I need.
Phone info:
hboot version: 1.12
cid: VODAP120
i can't find the proper RUU, i think that it hasn't been released yet
So you have updated your boot? If you did that You're unable to go back to stock (for the moment)
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
tommeke19 said:
So you have updated your boot? If you did that You're unable to go back to stock (for the moment)
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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your RUU for your CID isn't available... i have a different CID from your, but it's not a problem cause i won't ever go back to stock
matt95 said:
i can't find the proper RUU, i think that it hasn't been released yet
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Is it possible to go back to stock without it?
no, you need that RUU
Is HTC willing to repair hardware issues on phones under warranty even if the software on the phone is not stock?
EDIT: I'm having this exact problem with my screen:
Constantine. said:
Is HTC willing to repair hardware issues on phones under warranty even if the software on the phone is not stock?
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sometimes it will, sometimes have to complain very hard with them
I take it you don't have a backup of stock to restore?
You'll have to find one, maybe somebody else has a backup. Worth asking in the Endeavor ROM Collection thread, which should be sticky in the dev section (search first).
Try this.
faiz02 said:
Try this.
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I can't post in that thread because I don't have 10 posts yet so I decided to bump this thread.
I'm not sure that I understand step 2 in that guide, what should I download?
Also, while searching the internet for the past two hours I found this: and this . Is it helpful?
Constantine. said:
I can't post in that thread because I don't have 10 posts yet so I decided to bump this thread.
I'm not sure that I understand step 2 in that guide, what should I download?
Also, while searching the internet for the past two hours I found this: and this . Is it helpful?
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Nevermind, I have extracted the rom zip from the RUU I posted above and then I used this guide to get back to stock and it worked. I now have ICS again, I've relocked the bootloader, installed stock recovary and an OTA update to 4.04 version, but I still have one problem, when I enter the stock recovery a red triangle is visible and I have to push vol+ and the power button to enter the menu. Is there a way to remove the red triangle?
I have hboot 1.28 and the device is S-ON. Can I install Custom jelly bean and then go back to stock to get an OTA update when it comes on my device?
I checked, there is a RUU available for my device too, but i'm confused as some people say the updated hboot wont let you go back.
also, can i just make a nandroid back up and restore from it regardless of hboot, s-on or the RUU availability?
can anyone give me step by step of how to return to stock ? , my phone is htc one m8 At&t rooted , s off , super cid , update to 4.4.3 ( updated the firmware ,2.22.401.4 ) and flashed ARHD 11.1. There are a lot of tutorial but it so confusing
I wrote up my experiences here:
FreydNot said:
I wrote up my experiences here:
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kevintran.98 said:
can anyone give me step by step of how to return to stock ? , my phone is htc one m8 At&t rooted , s off , super cid , update to 4.4.3 ( updated the firmware ,2.22.401.4 ) and flashed ARHD 11.1. There are a lot of tutorial but it so confusing
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How many times are you going to post the same thing over and over again?
You already made threads for this exact same thing twice that I know of.
[Q] Back to stock for HTC advantage
[Q] HTC advantage ?
And you also made the same post in the AT&T section as well
At&t 2.23.502.3 - 4.4.3 Bootable RUU - No PC required - Mac friendly
Stop spamming the damn boards because you lack the ability to read what people are telling you and/or can't make out a simple step by step procedure.
Just run the damn RUU, lock the phone go back S-ON and don't bother to customize another phone ever again. You're clearly not out to learn anything for yourself.
OP please only create one thread. I'm closing this as you don't need three.
Hi there,
This is my first thread here, so sorry if anything in this post is not correctly.
I got the following problem: I installed CM12.1 on my HTC One M8S (M8_QL_UL) but now i want to go back to stock. I bought the phone at Amazon (Germany) and it was sold as unbranded.
However when I tried to flash the stock firmware (from over Hboot it told me "wrong CID" and Large Image Fail.
Then I got myself the phone's CID and it came out that it was not the HTC Europe Version (I tried to install the Europe build with Android MM as I had that one before) but the T-Mobile-DE version.
So the problem is, that there is a firmware for the T-Mobile-DE one, but it is still Sense 6 with Lollipop and so I am not able to install that, since I already have had MM with sense 7 on that phone before.
Now I cannot find a MM build for the T-Mobile CID online.
Beside of that I created a Backup with TWRP before flashing CM12.1 but now TWRP does not recocnize that backup.
If possible I would prefer to install the Stock Rom "clean" because my backed up one was very buggy anyway.
So my question is, how can I get back to Stock? Is there any proper build to download? If not, is it possible to get S-Off for that phone, to change CID? Sunshine does not appear to be working for the M8S...
And if nothing like this works, how can I access my backup with TWRP?
Thank you so much, hopefully anyone could help me!
Cheers, Fietipaldi
Im in the same situation but for Vodafone. We need some updated RUUs on the site