Battery life - Verizon HTC One (M7)

What your on screen battery life? Seems mine drops 20 percent every hour so about 5 hours on screen time. Seems to drain a bit faster than my S4 did. I'm completely stock uprooted and using Nova launcher prime.


every phone is different.
every user is dfiferent.
every rom is different.
everyones battery results will be different.
Ive pulled off 7 sot time with my phone

everyone is going to be different. even different roms will use battery differently.
i would say 5 hours of screen time might be low, but what are you doing with that screen time? watching video, surfing web, playing games, etc..
can always go to settings and battery to see what is draining battery. so if your screen is constantly on you should have screen, and something else using a ton of battery.

I'm blown away by the battery life of this phone... I could only get about an hour and a half off screen time on my old rezound
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using xda app-developers app


My - Battery Sucks -

I have to charge it twice a day, and my use is for only couple of hours talking and few browsing.
I tried that with stock as well as
[ROM] cwm-Phantom-X-
is anyone else also experiencing the same?
a few hours being like 10 hours straight talking?
You're crazy. This battery is the best I've seen in a long time.
Deebo took your bike too?
im getting 12 hours with normal use and 8-9hours with very very heavy use(basically on my phone all day non stop)
I can drain a battery in 6 hours or less. I can't make it through a 8 hour work day without charging it. I guess you guys that go 12+ hours on a charge aren't power users. I tried every rom and kernel and my results are exactly the same.
Maybe the people who are complaining about battery life came from a flip phone or a blackberry. As far as smartphones go, this is the best you'll find for the features and enormous screen we have. Don't believe me then get an Amaze, Sensation, myTouch 4g Slide or G2x.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
jessejames111981 said:
I can drain a battery in 6 hours or less. I can't make it through a 8 hour work day without charging it. I guess you guys that go 12+ hours on a charge aren't power users. I tried every rom and kernel and my results are exactly the same.
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this is exactly what I am talking about.
Before I had HTC G2 and same amount of use it last for whole day (around 12+ hours) but this one hardly goes upto 7-8 hours with one charge...
I did the battery wipe with full charge, if that makes any difference.
jessejames111981 said:
I can drain a battery in 6 hours or less. I can't make it through a 8 hour work day without charging it. I guess you guys that go 12+ hours on a charge aren't power users. I tried every rom and kernel and my results are exactly the same.
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I drain mine in 6. But i'm on it constantly. That's damn good for a phone like this.
Deebo took your bike too?
Getting 24 hrs+ with a custom rom, juggernaut....
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I dont know bout anyone else... but the only battery problems ive experienced is the fact that ive become so damn lazy on keeping the phone charged.
The battery lasts so long that i forget to charge it, and then i run out of battery
I'm a heavy user literally all I do is watch 1080p movies and plays games on my phone. I get twelve to fourteen hours every day. I also get at least a text every fifteen minutes if not more. Maybe the developers didn't remove career ciq which bogs down performance and drain the battery. You can also try a different kernel.
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don't forget that in areas where you have crappy signal, you phone pumps up the power to try and compensate. you may notice your phone heating up in your pocket too. If you have no signal at all, i weep for your battery life.
go into airplane mode to save juice.
I too get 24 hours or more from light to moderate use with juggernaut.
Heavy use still nets me at least 10 hours. Although I toggle things off if I remember and don't need them. Like wifi, data, auto bright, sync, etc. although WAY lead important with this phone than it was with vibrant running cm7.
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I had some weird battery drain with the stock rom. I couldnt get more than 5 hrs with light usage or heavy usage. I flashed streamlined (a mostly stock rom) from teshxx and im back to having 9-10hrs of battery life with moderate to heavy usage (3hrs of on screen time)
Sent from my T-Mobile Galaxy S II 4G
I have a 12-14 hour work day and I have 25-35% battery life left when I get home, heavy usage. Best stock battery for Android I've ever had. This is my 8th Android phone.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
shyboy1 said:
this is exactly what I am talking about.
Before I had HTC G2 and same amount of use it last for whole day (around 12+ hours) but this one hardly goes upto 7-8 hours with one charge...
I did the battery wipe with full charge, if that makes any difference.
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Why don't you try adding another core to your G2 and see if you can even get 6+ hours!!!
Cmon man, this is a dual core's just common sense that it will use twice as much battery power to get it to run smoothly.
But honestly, I was able to get 21hrs out of a full charge. With heavy use but i had it UC'd @ 1.2max and 192min. Still ran pretty smooth tho.
I get about 18 to 20 hours from a full charge. Stock. Non-rooted, and no modifications of any kind. I have all my apps auto-sync every 4 hours, and my usual display "on time" is around 4 to 5 hours. Here are some screen shots. This is the best battery life I ever had.
Just to add. My brightness is at 40%
is it better to use autobrightness on our device or a set brightness setting to save battery?
immunityx said:
is it better to use autobrightness on our device or a set brightness setting to save battery?
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I'd say set it to certain level. Having the phone constantly adjust I would think would use more battery.

Do I have a bad battery or phone?

I get 3-4 hours battery life at best I see people saying they get 10 hours I don't see how that is possible? Is my phone a dud or what this is very frustrating. It does the samething On the extended 2100mah battery. I'm running aopk milestone 4 and glados kernel
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
It looks like you were had screen on for close to 2 hours and made a phone call, albeit short. This is normal battery life for as much as you use the device.
You should try manually sync or set the syncing interval as high as possible.
Wifi always ON doesn't affect the battery life unless your wireless connection is weak/unstable.
Lower your screen's brightness or use Auto Brightness.
Fully charge your phone and let it alone for 2, 3 hours and check how much battery drains. If it drains 3-4% in idle mode, it's normal. Check also if your phone wakes up a lot, maybe some apps are running in the background and they wake your phone up frequently.
Hope it helps.
I used to have really poor battery life and like you wondered how people managed to get the stats I was seeing here.
I recently decided to do a factory reset for a different reason and to my surprise my battery life has improved incredibly. Yesterday I got over 18 hours in total with over 4 hours on screen time. This was with the stock gsm battery. Granted I was using wifi throughout but I was lucky to get 8 hours before the reset, even with wifi. With 3g I'm now getting 14 hours easily with over 3 hours screen time.
My point is if you've never done a factory reset, you may want to give it a go.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
It's a bit hard to diagnose the problem based on only a screenshot of your battery stats.
Since your screen is using over 50% of your battery life, my guess is that you just had your screen on for about two hours of the total two hours and forty-five minutes. It's normal to not get more than about two hours of screen time. (Tap on the Screen part of battery stats to get more info on how long the screen was on for.)
In my experience with three Android phones (MyTouch 3G, MyTouch 4G, Galaxy Nexus), all the usual tips to conserve battery life pretty much do nothing to improve battery life: turning off syncing and background data, turning off wireless, don't use widgets, turn off GPS, etc.
Pretty much there are two big battery suckers on Android phones and particularly the Galaxy Nexus--the screen being on and LTE being on. If you dim the screen or just keep it off, you will seriously prolong the battery life. And if you use CDMA only, you will also seriously prolong your phone's battery life.
That said, it's also possible something is wrong with your phone... or your battery. We can't know just from the screenshot you posted.
This looks normal. How much screen on time do you have?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
My screen on time is about 1h 30 minutes with WiFi ON.. 3g/sync/gps off auto brightness
I can't stress this enough, every time.
Smokeey said:
I can't stress this enough, every time.
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These kids these days...

Bad Battery? Bad device?

I've had my Verizon Galaxy Nexus since launch day. I've NEVER been able to get more than 3.5 hours of screen-on time with this thing. But lately it's been even worse. I'm seeing anywhere from an hour to two hours before I have to reach for a charger, usually right around 1.5 hours of screen-on time. It will sleep for a good long while (no wakelocks causing drain that I've found).
I keep sync on for some Google services, like Gmail, but not many. Battery life doesn't really seem to change regardless of using 3G or LTE, nor does wifi seem to improve. When the phone is awake, and the screen is on, the battery just drops like a rock. Literally every time I look at the battery percentage in the status bar, it's dropped another 1-2%, even if I'm not doing anything.
I've run everything from stock 4.0.2 to AOKP JB nightlies (which I'm currently running, with imo's kernel). I've tried practically every ROM/kernel combo out there and never seen an improvement. I've undervolted, underclocked, played with brightness settings, everything I can think of. It's been wiped, the battery has been occasionally cycled, etc, and nothing seems to improve the battery life--it's only gotten worse over time. I did, at one point, have an OEM extended battery, but it wasn't a significant improvement enough for me to get over losing "the hump" so I got rid of it (actually traded it for a Droid X, lol).
So I'm kind of at a loss with this thing. Does the battery really suck this much? The other day, a coworker with a Galaxy S III on Sprint used his phone for over 3 hours of screen-on time (I looked at his battery stats) leaving him at about 35% battery. Mine was also at 35%, with only 1 hour of screen on time. I understand the GS3 gets better battery life in general, but this is getting to the point of being unacceptable.
Not unusual. Big screen = big power requirement. Poor reception (i.e. bad coverage area) saps the battery the quickest, extended screen time on is a close second. Have you tried the extended battery? It adds enough to get well through a work day and commutes if you're not using the phone as a laptop. However if the phone is being used as a laptop, I'd suggest buying an actual laptop, or better yet a tablet. I get 10 hours of steady use out of my Xoom.
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Try completely wiping your device through download mode and setting everything back up
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Screen shots of apps running, processes running... Gsam battery stats, and etc...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
The phone doesn't have amazing battery life but what you're describing sounds pretty abnormal. It may be a bad battery.
Yeah seeing as the battery is around 9 months old, I would first try and get another battery and see if that makes a difference. Most batteries dont go bad that quickly but wouldnt be surprised if it did. Worst case you would have an extra battery that you can also keep fully charged as it seems though you have tried most everything you could regarding any software issue.

Hyperion battery under-performing?

Got the Hyperion last week from Amazon and overall I was impressed with its initial performance. It was a huge boost from the oem battery as I didn't have to recharge my phone at all during the day.
My only concern is that I've noticed I haven't been seeing similar numbers as others have mentioned with their Hyperion. I mean, I'm not getting 24+ hrs of use with 8 hrs of on screen time. I'll take a photo next time when its at its lowest charge but I am averaging about 5-6 hrs of on screen time, and thats with basic use, surfing the web, texting, couple phone calls, no games or movies, wifi/gps/sync on, and 30% brightness, non rooted as well.
Does anyone else feel their Hyperion isn't performing as others have claimed?
Pagaldesi4life said:
Got the Hyperion last week from Amazon and overall I was impressed with its initial performance. It was a huge boost from the oem battery as I didn't have to recharge my phone at all during the day.
My only concern is that I've noticed I haven't been seeing similar numbers as others have mentioned with their Hyperion. I mean, I'm not getting 24+ hrs of use with 8 hrs of on screen time. I'll take a photo next time when its at its lowest charge but I am averaging about 5-6 hrs of on screen time, and thats with basic use, surfing the web, texting, couple phone calls, no games or movies, wifi/gps/sync on, and 30% brightness, non rooted as well.
Does anyone else feel their Hyperion isn't performing as others have claimed?
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24+ hours with 8+ hours screen is is down right impossible. The reason people get extended batteries is because they want more than the stocks screen time for 4-5 hours without worrying about their phone dying.
Not really... With the correct kernel and ROM I can push that if not surpass it. Paranoid 2.51 leankernel 1.6 been home all day from the storm... That's 3 hours 12 mins screen on time @ 67% juice left.
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For me, not so much. Today for an example, I got a little over 12 hrs until I hit the 5% mark with almost 6 hours of screen on time. Home all day too with wifi on and screen brightness at 30%.
One thing I did notice though is that the "sdcard" used 1 hr and 17 mins of the battery. I've never even seen the sdcard on the activity list before, this is the 2nd time I've seen it since installing the Hyperion battery. Hmm what could it be?
I almost made it.. I'm running Aokp build 4. Not sure what the kernel is.
Plus the batteries have to go through a charging period... I noticed the first day it lasted a long time almost 2 days. (1day22hrs)I forget what the screen on time.
P2o8wer said:
I almost made it.. I'm running Aokp build 4. Not sure what the kernel is.
Plus the batteries have to go through a charging period... I noticed the first day it lasted a long time almost 2 days. (1day22hrs)I forget what the screen on time.
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Off topic..sorry..What font are you using?
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rlatjs17 said:
24+ hours with 8+ hours screen is is down right impossible. The reason people get extended batteries is because they want more than the stocks screen time for 4-5 hours without worrying about their phone dying.
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No, it is very possible, as I get that all the time on my hyperion.
Pagaldesi4life said:
For me, not so much. Today for an example, I got a little over 12 hrs until I hit the 5% mark with almost 6 hours of screen on time. Home all day too with wifi on and screen brightness at 30%.
One thing I did notice though is that the "sdcard" used 1 hr and 17 mins of the battery. I've never even seen the sdcard on the activity list before, this is the 2nd time I've seen it since installing the Hyperion battery. Hmm what could it be?
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Have you looked at any wakelocks your getting with better battery stats? That is pretty bad for the 4200 batt. Did you do the charging cycles that were detailed in the user manual?
Hey I was just passing by and reading threads, although I don't have this battery, a very possible reason that your battery life might not be as good is that you're still on stock. Notice everyone else who posted is on a custom rom + kernel. The GS3 stock roms are nice but come very bloated with apps. I read somewhere that on stock when you start up your phone, by default it starts a very impressively high number of processes ~50ish. I could be wrong on that but yeah a bloated stock rom MIGHT be the problem. Just my thought.
Neverender326 said:
Have you looked at any wakelocks your getting with better battery stats? That is pretty bad for the 4200 batt. Did you do the charging cycles that were detailed in the user manual?
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No I have not tried that app yet.
And yes I did follow the initial charging instructions as well.
It has to be something with the phone because even with the stock battery I had terrible performance, it'd last me only 3 hrs of on screen time where I've heard most users receive around 5.
He is my cpu time, it seems normal since the phone is spent most of its time in deep sleep.
Good at first/No so good after a couple months?
I havce the Hyperion, and have experienced close to 48 hours of life, albeit with very little use. With moderate use, I've experienced 30 hours. My screen time never surpasses 3 hours per day.
A few weeks ago I installed the Serenity 1.1 ROM. I have not been able to get more than 15 hours with that ROM.
This morning, I put in my stock battery, and it has been in for 9 hours so far, and is currently at 83%. I did a reboot about 4 hours ago, so don't have accurate screen-on stats. But I'm never at 83% this time of day with the Hyperion.
ANyone else experience good, then later, poor performance from this battery?
In the beginning I head awesome battery power. Now the battery is horrible I only get 2 hours screen time at 65 percent. Any ideas? Also undervolted and running 1.8mhz but battery still runs hot.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

N7105 Battery life

I know there is threads about this. Most of the reviews I have read state Note2 has amazing batterylife that last almost a day in hard use.
I have 1,5 month old Note 2 lte and despite if I use 3g or 4g, my battery lasts about 8-9 hours. I use my phone pretty much but not hour to hour
since im on study. I got brightness to auto, power saving on, no widgets except clock/weather and screen timeout set to 30s.
Phone runs on latest stock and is not rooted.
So what do you think: is my battery just bad?
Most probably its just because of rogue apps. Search in the forum where a member has disabled some apps to get good battery life. I am getting a haircut right now. Will post my own list in a while
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
If you're using it for all that time, then no, your battery is normal. Big screen means big battery requirements when the screen is on.
4G especially is a real battery sucker!
muppetmania said:
If you're using it for all that time, then no, your battery is normal. Big screen means big battery requirements when the screen is on.
4G especially is a real battery sucker!
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Yea. That is "just" what I said in the opening post.
I use it about 2 hours for web surfing and 1 hour for music around the day. Except that, it just lies on the desk screen turned off..
Maybe 1-2 calls and some text messages. And like i said, its pretty much the same with 4g or 3g. :good:
Then no. I'd say yours is not normal. I get 12 hours with at least 2 or 3 of that playing games. Music for an hour Web surfing etc. As had been said probably a rogue app. Mine was viber.
Get better battery stats for the answer

