4.3 OTA Modded Firmware - Verizon HTC One (M7)

If anyone wants the 1.55 hboot that has had the red dev text removed and looks like it is locked and s-on send me a pm. the zip also includes the new radio, its config, the new dsp software, and power management data. Requires being s-off. everything seems to be working fine for me.

jmstumme said:
If anyone wants the 1.55 hboot that has had the red dev text removed and looks like it is locked and s-on send me a pm. the zip also includes the new radio, its config, the new dsp software, and power management data. Requires being s-off. everything seems to be working fine for me.
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I dunno about taking a hex edit from a guy who typo'd "firmware".... 0.o

MasterXXXShake said:
I dunno about taking a hex edit from a guy who typo'd "firmware".... 0.o
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Ha, yeah spelling in the morning doesn't always work out the best for me. Luckily my hex reading and writing is spot on Take it or leave it, I could really care less at this point but it's available for anyone that wants it.

Being the bootloader you also check your work 5 times before flashing. I flash anything I post about first and it worked all day long on cm11 with about 3 hours of talk, plenty of texting, and a little xda'ing and now down to 34%

Why not just post it for all to try at their own risk?
Sent from my One using Tapatalk

santod040 already posted an hboot version 1.15 with the red text removed. Is 1.55 the hboot included with the 4.3 OTA?

And santod040 just posted the modified 2.10.605.1 hboot for both faux S-ON and just removing the red text.


Tester needed

Anyone brave enough to test an hboot that removed the development test on boot?
fastboot knowledge
Brave soul
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Before flash
Durring flash
After flash
Video of boot
will be sent a link on pm
Commands to run:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip hboot_nonag.zip
fastboot reboot-bootloader
I'm not s-off, but what does this do?
crazyg0od33 said:
I'm not s-off, but what does this do?
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When you're S-Off there's a little warning message that pops up on the splash screen on bootup, I'm guessing this gets rid of that. I am definitely not brave enough to try it, but it'd be cool if someone could confirm it worked.
PapaSmurf6768 said:
When you're S-Off there's a little warning message that pops up on the splash screen on bootup, I'm guessing this gets rid of that. I am definitely not brave enough to try it, but it'd be cool if someone could confirm it worked.
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Exactly that. If we wanted to we could add a custom message to it as well.
why not try and make a plug in for this?
unless it's been confirmed to not work on newer HTC devices?
It was a lot of fun playing with it on the HTC Inc4G LTE
unfortunately I don't know how to make the plug-in or I'd make one and try it when my phone comes back from Sonic.
andybones said:
why not try and make a plug in for this?
unless it's been confirmed to not work on newer HTC devices?
It was a lot of fun playing with it on the HTC Inc4G LTE
unfortunately I don't know how to make the plug-in or I'd make one and try it when my phone comes back from Sonic.
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I used it on my Sprint HTC One, but I think it was only for hboot 1.44
sofla2 said:
I used it on my Sprint HTC One, but I think it was only for hboot 1.44
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it has to be made for that specific phone and hboot.
otherwise you're asking for a brick
actually anytime you flash hboot you're risking a brick..
but we'd need someone to edit our current hbot and make a patch for this phone and this hboot.
andybones said:
it has to be made for that specific phone and hboot.
otherwise you're asking for a brick
actually anytime you flash hboot you're risking a brick..
but we'd need someone to edit our current hbot and make a patch for this phone and this hboot.
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Agreed any time you flash hboot you want to pray to your god that there's no power outages, the laptop battery will last, no one will trip on any cord between the computer and phone, cross your fingers and hold your breath. This one was pulled from my phone and modified so it is 1.54 for vzw.
-- Edit --
It is also noted if for any reason you s-on with a custom hboot you brick.
jmstumme said:
Agreed any time you flash hboot you want to pray to your god that there's no power outages, the laptop battery will last, no one will trip on any cord between the computer and phone, cross your fingers and hold your breath. This one was pulled from my phone and modified so it is 1.54 for vzw.
-- Edit --
It is also noted if for any reason you s-on with a custom hboot you brick.
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always ruu before you s-on for warranty purposes, most people do not need a custom bootloader unless it is part of an exploit
Updated with screenshots and videos
123421342 said:
always ruu before you s-on for warranty purposes, most people do not need a custom bootloader unless it is part of an exploit
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So it works then?
PapaSmurf6768 said:
So it works then?
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Works for me, I would like some testers before general. Release thought.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk 2
PapaSmurf6768 said:
So it works then?
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I don't know how that relates to my comment. I was just letting people know there is no reason to flash a bootloader because of the HUGE risk of hard, hard brick and no benefits unless you are a hacker/developer. I am not unlocked but I would not try this anyway, no offense. What benefits does this carry? According to your pictures, this removed s-off and also locked the bootloader. Unless this removes all of those checks, it is stupid because we have no way to unlock.
123421342 said:
I don't know how that relates to my comment. I was just letting people know there is no reason to flash a bootloader because of the HUGE risk of hard, hard brick and no benefits unless you are a hacker/developer. I am not unlocked but I would not try this anyway, no offense. What benefits does this carry? According to your pictures, this removed s-off and also locked the bootloader. Unless this removes all of those checks, it is stupid because we have no way to unlock.
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Misquote, sorry. Meant to quote OP's post.
123421342 said:
I don't know how that relates to my comment. I was just letting people know there is no reason to flash a bootloader because of the HUGE risk of hard, hard brick and no benefits unless you are a hacker/developer. I am not unlocked but I would not try this anyway, no offense. What benefits does this carry? According to your pictures, this removed s-off and also locked the bootloader. Unless this removes all of those checks, it is stupid because we have no way to unlock.
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If you look closely there are a few extra spaces in those lines. Basically it makes it look like its s-on and locked. I've found that it's easier to walk into a verizon store and get help when they dont think you've unlocked. It also removed the nag string on the boot splash when you flash a custom rom. I've been using something like this on my rezound for over a year and from the ppl in that forum there was a want for it. Yes hboot is a very dangerous part if you don't know what your flashing. If it makes anyone feel better they can do a binary compare of this hboot with an original hboot and see that only the strings were manipulated.
Basically it was something I wanted so I did it for this phone. If others want to use it that is fine too, I just don't want to release something that could potentially brick based off of my mistakes, but it's been working fine for me for over a day.
jmstumme said:
If you look closely there are a few extra spaces in those lines. Basically it makes it look like its s-on and locked. I've found that it's easier to walk into a verizon store and get help when they dont think you've unlocked. It also removed the nag string on the boot splash when you flash a custom rom. I've been using something like this on my rezound for over a year and from the ppl in that forum there was a want for it. Yes hboot is a very dangerous part if you don't know what your flashing. If it makes anyone feel better they can do a binary compare of this hboot with an original hboot and see that only the strings were manipulated.
Basically it was something I wanted so I did it for this phone. If others want to use it that is fine too, I just don't want to release something that could potentially brick based off of my mistakes, but it's been working fine for me for over a day.
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Sounds good, thanks for this. I won't flash it now because I don't need to risk it but if I ever need to bring the phone to Verizon then I'll keep this in mind.
jmstumme said:
If you look closely there are a few extra spaces in those lines. Basically it makes it look like its s-on and locked. I've found that it's easier to walk into a verizon store and get help when they dont think you've unlocked. It also removed the nag string on the boot splash when you flash a custom rom. I've been using something like this on my rezound for over a year and from the ppl in that forum there was a want for it. Yes hboot is a very dangerous part if you don't know what your flashing. If it makes anyone feel better they can do a binary compare of this hboot with an original hboot and see that only the strings were manipulated.
Basically it was something I wanted so I did it for this phone. If others want to use it that is fine too, I just don't want to release something that could potentially brick based off of my mistakes, but it's been working fine for me for over a day.
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Oh okay this is a good idea but risky. May be good for people sending it in but it can't fool command line right?
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using xda app-developers app
123421342 said:
Oh okay this is a good idea but risky. May be good for people sending it in but it can't fool command line right?
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using xda app-developers app
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From what I seen in the rest of the hboot no, it looks like it's obvious that its custom, s-off, and unlocked. This should also not be used for insurance fraud in any form or fashion. This is more or less to get people to not freak out and for people that like the stock look. As far as risk goes, having an s-off phone is dangerous since you can access the raw devices.
Looks nice!
jmstumme said:
From what I seen in the rest of the hboot no, it looks like it's obvious that its custom, s-off, and unlocked. This should also not be used for insurance fraud in any form or fashion. This is more or less to get people to not freak out and for people that like the stock look. As far as risk goes, having an s-off phone is dangerous since you can access the raw devices.
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---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------
Is there an RUU for our phones that, when flashed, would bring us right back to factory untouched condition?
jmstumme said:
This should also not be used for insurance fraud in any form or fashion.
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godhamba said:
Looks nice!
---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------
Is there an RUU for our phones that, when flashed, would bring us right back to factory untouched condition?
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Looks like this one should work
Otherwise I still have the original hboot from my phone

Invalid Version info in HBOOT

Having gone into hboot for the first time i notice that both radio and OpenDSP have "INVALID-VER-INFO" beside them.
Is this correct on an unmodified phone.
I've done a quick search but couldnt find anything.
I have hboot version
I have this also,
I'm using a stock htc one m8 from Vodafone.
The os is: os- Boot dated Mar 22 2014,00:08:55.0
Ethel the Aardvark said:
I have this also,
I'm using a stock htc one m8 from Vodafone.
The os is: os- Boot dated Mar 22 2014,00:08:55.0
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also have this gonna try rolling back roms thru twrp backup to see if anything related to latest rom flashed will report back
Any updates on this topic? I just bought this phone and been using it for about 2 weeks. I went into the HBOOT to see what differences there were from my previous phone and noticed the invalid version on the radio and opendsp. Again, completely stock unmodified phone.
That is the TWRP recovery bug..are u all install the twrp recovery or not?
Edit: I read it again,so u all using stock rom,Idk what caused it now
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
hdorius said:
That is the TWRP recovery bug..are u all install the twrp recovery or not?
Edit: I read it again,so u all using stock rom,Idk what caused it now
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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I just went into recovery for the first time on my new m8 stock and unmodified. I see the same thing. I'm in T-Mobile
Same thing here. Happened after 4.4.3 update. Stock international M8. I wonder if it has anything to do with the battery drain introduced with the update - I barely get 12 hours of usage hence, instead of 18.
shirreer said:
Same thing here. Happened after 4.4.3 update. Stock international M8. I wonder if it has anything to do with the battery drain introduced with the update - I barely get 12 hours of usage hence, instead of 18.
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same for me here
I noticed this on my phone today too. My phone is a completely stock verizon one m8.
My phone is not yet a week old.
Hi Guys,
which firmwares do you have. I'm running 2.22.401.4 in bottloader the hboot entries are the following:
Even after performing s-off they didn't change
HTCOne M8 Gunmetal: Sunshine S-Off, firmware stock 2.22.401.4, rooted with Chainfire SuperSu, CID HTC__102
HTCOne M8 Silver: HTCDev Unlock, S-On, ARHD/ViperOne (M8) (ever switchin'), firmware 1.54.401.10, CID HTC__102
Same here i am rooted and using TWRP recovery also have the invalid message like the OP so is this normal or something gone wrong somewhere ?
wakers said:
Same here i am rooted and using TWRP recovery also have the invalid message like the OP so is this normal or something gone wrong somewhere ?
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tonnytech said:
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Thanks i also went S-Off over the weekend (sunshine) but hadn't noticed the radio and stuff had changed
hi guys,
first off, thanks to everyone contributing to this forum, I've been able to find some truly useful help in here
Has anyone found a solution to this thread? My m8 has just changed for no apparent reason to "invalid-ver-info". I don't know how important the RADIO AND OpenDSP info is when it comes to un/re-rooting.
As it happens, I did take a photo of this info the day before it happened with my M7 ..will that be of any use to me?
Also, what information from the boot or software info, should NOT be shown on the internet E.G due to privacy/security reasons.
tw10 said:
hi guys,
first off, thanks to everyone contributing to this forum, I've been able to find some truly useful help in here
Has anyone found a solution to this thread? My m8 has just changed for no apparent reason to "invalid-ver-info". I don't know how important the RADIO AND OpenDSP info is when it comes to un/re-rooting.
As it happens, I did take a photo of this info the day before it happened with my M7 ..will that be of any use to me?
Also, what information from the boot or software info, should NOT be shown on the internet E.G due to privacy/security reasons.
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you can post fastboot getvar all (minus your Serial no. and IMEI)
nothing on the bootloader is secret
as said above. You need to provide more information to solve your issue.
ok, well here's what I have for you..if you need anything else, please tell me(see attached).
I was thinking about setting this back to stock rom, but I can't seem to find in here...do I have any possibilities?
tw10 said:
ok, well here's what I have for you..if you need anything else, please tell me(see attached).
I was thinking about setting this back to stock rom, but I can't seem to find in here...do I have any possibilities?
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Does the phone work ? do you have stock recovery ? Have you do a normal factory reset ?
yes the phone works but not the top speaker(for what ever reason) Hence I want to send it in for repair(if possible, still 18 months guaranty).
I don't believe I have a stock recovery(I'm too new to this game to really know), there is a twrp backup, but whether it's the original or not(I doubt it) because nothing changed as far as the boot or software/firmware version is concerned when I executed the recovery(only the basic content) and the date of the backup is just one week prior to when I purchased it!?!? which makes me believe that the original was overwritten.
no I haven't, the reset was apparently done by the seller.
tw10 said:
yes the phone works but not the top speaker(for what ever reason) Hence I want to send it in for repair(if possible, still 18 months guaranty).
I don't believe I have a stock recovery(I'm too new to this game to really know), there is a twrp backup, but whether it's the original or not(I doubt it) because nothing changed as far as the boot or software/firmware version is concerned when I executed the recovery(only the basic content) and the date of the backup is just one week prior to when I purchased it!?!? which makes me believe that the original was overwritten.
no I haven't, the reset was apparently done by the seller.
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Well if you have TWRP you can try a format data, But this will completely wipe the phone all your data and the system will be gone.
you would then flash a stock Rom back to the phone from the ext_sd card
To find the correct stock rom you need your phones basic info from fastboot getvar all
you can post the results here but exclude your serial no. and IMEI

Stock hboot

I installed a custom hboot that removed the red text and I need to go back to stock. Is there a zip file or link to stock hboots for Developer's Edition? Thanks
ThePwnie said:
I installed a custom hboot that removed the red text and I need to go back to stock. Is there a zip file or link to stock hboots for Developer's Edition? Thanks
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unfortunately there is no full RUU for dev and international editions
but keep searching in forums some one might have it
frimware that comes with hboot
zhiarw said:
unfortunately there is no full RUU for dev and international editions
but keep searching in forums some one might have it
frimware that comes with hboot
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There is a RUU for the dev edition. I just used it a while back.
jshamlet said:
There is a RUU for the dev edition. I just used it a while back.
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did it workout for u? i wana try it
zhiarw said:
did it workout for u? i wana try it
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Worked fine, though it really does take the 10 minutes they warn you about. Just make sure you are S-off and have your CID set appropriately.
As an aside, there were several points where I thought the program had crashed. The main GUI went away for a distressing amount of time between button clicks. Just because it appears to go away, be patient, it probably hasn't crashed. At least on Windows 7, the icon will still be highlighted, indicating the program is still running.
jshamlet said:
Worked fine, though it really does take the 10 minutes they warn you about. Just make sure you are S-off and have your CID set appropriately.
As an aside, there were several points where I thought the program had crashed. The main GUI went away for a distressing amount of time between button clicks. Just because it appears to go away, be patient, it probably hasn't crashed. At least on Windows 7, the icon will still be highlighted, indicating the program is still running.
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it flashed like charm i dint have any reason to flash but im so addicted to it. :highfive:
edit:i cannot receive update y is that ?
zhiarw said:
it flashed like charm i dint have any reason to flash but im so addicted to it. :highfive:
edit:i cannot receive update y is that ?
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I got the first update almost immediately, though I did do a manual check. It may take a while before the automatic service pings the server and pops up a notification.

Running Lolipop ROM - No Wifi

Hey all
I've recently converted to S-OFF and want to run a 5.0.1 ROM and remove the RED TEXT on my splash screen. It should be simple ... but it's really not lol.
I paid the 25$ to Sunshine, but I'm not sure what else to do here.
Anyone able to dumb it down for someone new to this? I've never dabbled in HBOOT before.
The boot times are insane after a ROM flash, the WiFi not working is a problem.
Tips? For what its worth, I'm on ROGERS in Canada.
Long boot time and broken WiFi are a known and common symptom of outdated firmware. You need to update your firmware (easy to do with s-off) there are a couple threads in Development which will tell you how. Some firmwares probably already contain the "no red text" modified hboot.
redpoint73 said:
Long boot time and broken WiFi are a known and common symptom of outdated firmware. You need to update your firmware (easy to do with s-off) there are a couple threads in Development which will tell you how. Some firmwares probably already contain the "no red text" modified hboot.
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That's what I'm trying to do ... it's not that simple. I'll try to find that thread though. This is driving me insane. Paid the $25 to get S-OFF and I still can't run a 5.0.1 ROM properly ... seems wasteful.
ChrisDuffy20 said:
That's what I'm trying to do ... it's not that simple. I'll try to find that thread though. This is driving me insane. Paid the $25 to get S-OFF and I still can't run a 5.0.1 ROM properly ... seems wasteful.
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It sounds like you didn't thoroughly research what s-off was, before paying for it. S-off in itself doesn't effect the ROM or day-to-day the operation of the phone. Its just a security setting that allows you to access and modify certain partitions (that are normally write-protected). Nothing more, nothing less. S-off gives you the access to do something; now you need to go do that thing.
There are a couple different relevant threads in Development regarding the updating of firmware. Here is the one I prefer to point folks to: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2696282
Plus, many custom ROM threads mention updating firmware in the top posts; and its been discussed quite a bit in the ROM threads and other threads.
redpoint73 said:
It sounds like you didn't thoroughly research what s-off was, before paying for it. S-off in itself doesn't effect the ROM or day-to-day the operation of the phone. Its just a security setting that allows you to access and modify certain partitions (that are normally write-protected). Nothing more, nothing less. S-off gives you the access to do something; now you need to go do that thing.
There are a couple different relevant threads in Development regarding the updating of firmware. Here is the one I prefer to point folks to: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2696282
Plus, many custom ROM threads mention updating firmware in the top posts; and its been discussed quite a bit in the ROM threads and other threads.
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I explained I was unclear with this HBOOT / S-OFF stuff. Hence why I reached out to the community. I attempted to flash a firmware file, but the CID didn't match or something. I'm assuming ROGERS specific matters. I found the carrier specific one, and until I'm advised otherwise, I will download / flash it.
When flashing a Rogers Firmware, I save the file as 0P6BIMG.ZIP, place it on the SD card, boot into HBOOT and wait. It comes up saying Model ID is incorrect. Update Fail. Press Power to Reboot.
All I want is to run a 5.0.1 ROM as close to stock looking as possible, and rooted ...
Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT - For what it's worth, I see the following
ChrisDuffy20 said:
When flashing a Rogers Firmware
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Where did you get this file from?
redpoint73 said:
Where did you get this file from?
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That thread there. When it runs, it'll take forever, a small progress bar on the right shows up. About 7-10 minutes later, something written in green is covered up by red text "press power to reboot"
S-OFF is done. SuperCID is done. Firmware is still 4.4.4 and I can't seem to update it.
ChrisDuffy20 said:
That thread there. When it runs, it'll take forever, a small progress bar on the right shows up. About 7-10 minutes later, something written in green is covered up by red text "press power to reboot"
S-OFF is done. SuperCID is done. Firmware is still 4.4.4 and I can't seem to update it.
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Those are TWRP backups, you can't update the way you are trying.
They are just stock ROMs. Not the "firmware" we want and are talking about (hboot, radio, etc.).
I'm not having much success finding current firmware for Rogers. Although some posts seem to imply that the AT&T firmware might work just as well. Do you know what bands are used by Rogers for 3G and LTE?

Just got an M9 today and need some tips...

Hello everyone, I I just got an M9 at my local Telus store and I would like to be able to do everything with it like I am able to do with my M7, so I know I will need to use sunshine to get S-OFF and I would also like to be able to change everything from the rom to the kernel to the OS, everything, so I was just wondering if someone could let me know the best order to go about doing things, meaning should I do sunshine first then worry about flashing a recovery and all that, or should I do the recovery first so that I can backup the phones current state? The phone currently says this in the hboot screen:
*** LOCKED ***
and this is what it says on the phones Setting-About-Software screen:
Android version
HTC Sense version
Like I mentioned before, it would probably be best if I can make a backup of the phones current state just in case there are any issues, so to do that I know I need a recovery, but do I need to do the HTC Dev unlocker before I can do so? or do I have to flash a recovery first before everything else?
Now, before anyone gets upset with me for asking these questions because they have most likely been asked 1000 times before, I am not asking to be spoon feed all the details step by step, I am just asking to be pointed in the right direction and asking for you guy's opinions on the best way to go about doing things so that I do them right the first time... So if anyone could please take a minute to help me out and get me pointed in the right direction then it would be greatly appreciated... thank you very much...
apaquette420 said:
So if anyone could please take a minute to help me out and get me pointed in the right direction then it would be greatly appreciated... thank you very much...
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First thing you should do is unlock your bootloader. After that you can install twrp and flash supersu (most can be found here) Once you are rooted run sunshine. After that the sky is the limit. You will be free to flash anything and everything. I know because I've done it. If you want to convert to a developers edition there is a post here. Personally I do not use my stock recovery or system image backups to download ota's. I prefer to run an RUU and do fresh installs. Reason why is because I am constantly changing firmware and roms. A lot of roms are based on the WWE firmware.
let me know if you have any more questions
bigp951 said:
First thing you should do is unlock your bootloader. After that you can install twrp and flash supersu (most can be found here) Once you are rooted run sunshine. After that the sky is the limit. You will be free to flash anything and everything. I know because I've done it. If you want to convert to a developers edition there is a post here. Personally I do not use my stock recovery or system image backups to download ota's. I prefer to run an RUU and do fresh installs. Reason why is because I am constantly changing firmware and roms. A lot of roms are based on the WWE firmware.
let me know if you have any more questions
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Thank you very much for the tips.. Do I use the HTC Dev website to unlock the bootloader? I seen a link in the dev thread that said Unlock bootloader without HTCDev(root required), but I bet that the HTCDev way is probably the best best. which did you use? I'm not at home right now so I will begin when I get home later on tonight and if I need anything else I will post back, plus I post back to say how everything goes.. Thanks again for help, it is very much appreciated...
apaquette420 said:
Thank you very much for the tips.. Do I use the HTC Dev website to unlock the bootloader? I seen a link in the dev thread that said Unlock bootloader without HTCDev(root required), but I bet that the HTCDev way is probably the best best. which did you use? I'm not at home right now so I will begin when I get home later on tonight and if I need anything else I will post back, plus I post back to say how everything goes.. Thanks again for help, it is very much appreciated...
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I've used htcdev for all 2 out o 3 of my m9's. third one is a developer edition so it wasn't needed.
just note download mode is fastboot mode on the m9. htcdev says to boot to fastboot mode and if you do not know than you can waste hours trying to figure it out.
bigp951 said:
I've used htcdev for all 2 out o 3 of my m9's. third one is a developer edition so it wasn't needed.
just note download mode is fastboot mode on the m9. htcdev says to boot to fastboot mode and if you do not know than you can waste hours trying to figure it out.
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lol I so would have gotten caught up on that lol thanks again man!!! will post back later on...
cool..let me know if you get stuck anywhere
Ok so I got the bootloader unlocked and TWRP installed, right now I am taking a backup of the phones current state just in case. Now I just need to flash the SuperSU beta from the link you provided and then run sunshine, after that I would like to flash the latest OS for my phone, but I am not sure which version to use, I think this one is correct http://forum.xda-developers.com/one-m9/development/firmware-red-t3097678 but I am not 100% sure, do you know if this is the correct latest version for my phone?
Also should I supercid my phone before updating the firmware by entering "fastboot oem writecid 11111111" while in download mode? because my cid is TELUS001 and I do not see that cid listed in the androidinfo.txt file that is in the firmware zip...
Thanks again for all your help...
**UPDATE** I now have S-OFF, I can't believe how smooth the whole process is now with sunshine compared to almost all of my other HTC phones, hats off to those guys for sure... Thank you very much for getting me this far!!! I appreciate it very much...
apaquette420 said:
Ok so I got the bootloader unlocked and TWRP installed, right now I am taking a backup of the phones current state just in case. Now I just need to flash the SuperSU beta from the link you provided and then run sunshine, after that I would like to flash the latest OS for my phone, but I am not sure which version to use, I think this one is correct http://forum.xda-developers.com/one-m9/development/firmware-red-t3097678 but I am not 100% sure, do you know if this is the correct latest version for my phone?
Also should I supercid my phone before updating the firmware by entering "fastboot oem writecid 11111111" while in download mode? because my cid is TELUS001 and I do not see that cid listed in the androidinfo.txt file that is in the firmware zip...
Thanks again for all your help...
**UPDATE** I now have S-OFF, I can't believe how smooth the whole process is now with sunshine compared to almost all of my other HTC phones, hats off to those guys for sure... Thank you very much for getting me this far!!! I appreciate it very much...
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I was actually just going to tell you to type
fastboot getvar all
while in download mode and to copy and paste that into a file a text file somewhere so you always have it. then you can supercid. I actually have never seen any firmware for your carrier. what is your mid? this is where I get all of my firmware from. I learned how to remove the red text using hex editor and I also throw in a custom splash screen before I flash.
Here is a link for your stock firmware. not sure what the most up to date is but most custom roms are using the WWE firmware anyways.
p.s. either quote me or tag me if you need a faster response. I'm not getting notifications otherwise.
bigp951 said:
I was actually just going to tell you to type
fastboot getvar all
while in download mode and to copy and paste that into a file a text file somewhere so you always have it. then you can supercid. I actually have never seen any firmware for your carrier. what is your mid? this is where I get all of my firmware from. I learned how to remove the red text using hex editor and I also throw in a custom splash screen before I flash.
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My mid is 0PJA11000 but the one that is listed in the androidinfo.txt file of the firmware that I linked earlier is 0PJA10000, does this mean I cant use it? in all I plan to flash ViperOneM9 3.5.0 for the rom and it says it requires 2.10 but my phone is currently at 1.32
apaquette420 said:
My mid is 0PJA11000 but the one that is listed in the androidinfo.txt file of the firmware that I linked earlier is 0PJA10000, does this mean I cant use it?
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I honestly don't know if the hardware is any different but it looks like your mid is the same as the dev ed. check this one out. @clsA is very knowledgeable on the m9. I learned a lot of what I know from his posts.
Personally I have gotten so relaxed that I just change my mid and cid to whatever it is I want to flash and just go for it. But I also understand that I'm risking a brick by doing so..lol
bigp951 said:
I honestly don't know if the hardware is any different but it looks like your mid is the same as the dev ed. check this one out. @clsA is very knowledgeable on the m9. I learned a lot of what I know from his posts.
Personally I have gotten so relaxed that I just change my mid and cid to whatever it is I want to flash and just go for it. But I also understand that I'm risking a brick by doing so..lol
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took a look at the thread and it looks like all I need to do to flash 2.10 which is the international version is type fastboot oem writemid 0PJA10000 while in downloader mode because like you said and which I also confirmed in the other thread that my phone is the same as the dev ed and I should be able to switch back and forth with the same command
apaquette420 said:
took a look at the thread and it looks like all I need to do to flash 2.10 which is the international version is type fastboot oem writemid 0PJA10000 while in downloader mode because like you said and which I also confirmed in the other thread that my phone is the same as the dev ed and I should be able to switch back and forth with the same command
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If going to dev ed I have had better luck running an RUU and accepting ota's as far as the radio goes. my reception went from 2 bars to full bars doing it that way verses just flashing the newest firmware. But it is a very long and tedious process and since you just got your m9 I'm sure you want to use it already..
What rom are you thinking about flashing?
bigp951 said:
If going to dev ed I have had better luck running an RUU and accepting ota's as far as the radio goes. my reception went from 2 bars to full bars doing it that way verses just flashing the newest firmware. But it is a very long and tedious process and since you just got your m9 I'm sure you want to use it already..
What rom are you thinking about flashing?
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I am hoping to flash ViperOneM9 3.5.0, it was the only rom I ran on my M7 and I loved it, so I'm really hoping to have it on this phone too... I just asked in the roms thread to see if anyone else there is on my same network to see how they got it working... and to be honest I don't mind waiting in order to get things done the right way the first time, know what I mean...
apaquette420 said:
I am hoping to flash ViperOneM9 3.5.0, it was the only rom I ran on my M7 and I loved it, so I'm really hoping to have it on this phone too... I just asked in the roms thread to see if anyone else there is on my same network to see how they got it working... and to be honest I don't mind waiting in order to get things done the right way the first time, know what I mean...
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Viper is one of my favorites. Was using it for months. They are good about replying too... A little too good because you get spoiled. Then when you post on other roms and nobody ever replies you realize how good those guys are..haha
check out the second line on this thread to reclaim 3 gb of data after using sunshine. I've been s-off for months and just saw this today.
bigp951 said:
Viper is one of my favorites. Was using it for months. They are good about replying too... A little too good because you get spoiled. Then when you post on other roms and nobody ever replies you realize how good those guys are..haha
check out the second line on this thread to reclaim 3 gb of data after using sunshine. I've been s-off for months and just saw this today.
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do you know where I can find the latest international RUU? what rom are you running now?
Ok so I got the firmware updated to the latest international version 2.10 and was able to flash the ViperOne Rom and I love it just like I did for my M7... Everything is working great, except I have the problem that you mentioned would happen, I only show 1 bar for my signal strength, could you please let me know exactly what you had to do to fix it? Also, I would just like to say thank you once more, you helped me out a great deal and you made my upgrade to the M9 an absolute cake walk, so thank you very much for everything and for explaining the proper steps to take, I appreciate it very much...

