Stock hboot - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I installed a custom hboot that removed the red text and I need to go back to stock. Is there a zip file or link to stock hboots for Developer's Edition? Thanks

ThePwnie said:
I installed a custom hboot that removed the red text and I need to go back to stock. Is there a zip file or link to stock hboots for Developer's Edition? Thanks
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unfortunately there is no full RUU for dev and international editions
but keep searching in forums some one might have it
frimware that comes with hboot

zhiarw said:
unfortunately there is no full RUU for dev and international editions
but keep searching in forums some one might have it
frimware that comes with hboot
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There is a RUU for the dev edition. I just used it a while back.

jshamlet said:
There is a RUU for the dev edition. I just used it a while back.
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did it workout for u? i wana try it

zhiarw said:
did it workout for u? i wana try it
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Worked fine, though it really does take the 10 minutes they warn you about. Just make sure you are S-off and have your CID set appropriately.
As an aside, there were several points where I thought the program had crashed. The main GUI went away for a distressing amount of time between button clicks. Just because it appears to go away, be patient, it probably hasn't crashed. At least on Windows 7, the icon will still be highlighted, indicating the program is still running.

jshamlet said:
Worked fine, though it really does take the 10 minutes they warn you about. Just make sure you are S-off and have your CID set appropriately.
As an aside, there were several points where I thought the program had crashed. The main GUI went away for a distressing amount of time between button clicks. Just because it appears to go away, be patient, it probably hasn't crashed. At least on Windows 7, the icon will still be highlighted, indicating the program is still running.
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it flashed like charm i dint have any reason to flash but im so addicted to it. :highfive:
edit:i cannot receive update y is that ?

zhiarw said:
it flashed like charm i dint have any reason to flash but im so addicted to it. :highfive:
edit:i cannot receive update y is that ?
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I got the first update almost immediately, though I did do a manual check. It may take a while before the automatic service pings the server and pops up a notification.


Problems with Wifi [Not scanning]

Hi guys,
This is my first thread here in XDA, so, forgive me by a possible mistake.
I recently bought a HOX, the seller said that is the international version.
I'm in 4.0.3, with software version 1.29.707.11 (already checked for updates, but phone says its up to date)
So, sometimes when i turn my wifi on, he doesn't connect in my network (already saved), i go to wifi settings, put to scan, and, aparently, the phone don't scan the networks and doesn't found my network too.
Obviously, im on the range of the network, and don't have that factory problem with bad wifi signal.
And, sometimes too, phone takes a lot of time to get carrier signal, so i turn on plane mode, then turn off, and finally get carrier signal.
My question is: is this normal? What can i try to fix it? (Thinked on a factory reset)
I don't tried anything yet.
If anyone could help, i'll appreciate and if the thread is on the wrong place, please move it
Just try flashing the RUU, which will delete everything and return it to stock.
BenPope said:
Just try flashing the RUU, which will delete everything and return it to stock.
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Thanks for the help Pope!
I am VERY noob in HTC tools, can you say me what exactly is this "RUU", and where i can get it?
Its basically, a factory reset right? What is the difference from normal FR to this RUU tool?
lock! said:
Thanks for the help Pope!
I am VERY noob in HTC tools, can you say me what exactly is this "RUU", and where i can get it?
Its basically, a factory reset right? What is the difference from normal FR to this RUU tool?
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The difference is that it will reflash the ROM from scratch, it's the first thing HTC do when you take your phone for repair. It's very safe (when flashed with decent remaining battery) and very thorough.
Check the Shipped ROM sticky in the development section.
I am searching about the Rom Update Utility, but i'm not finding a good tutorial to follow, explaining the whole process.
If anyone could help me in the process :laugh:
Thanks again Pope! I'll look in dev section
You just have to charge the phone, put the phone in fastboot mode (hold down the volume down key when switching on the phone, then navigate from there), plug phone into Windows PC and double click RUU.
You may want to do an "adb backup" (you'll have search for this) beforehand, flash RUU, test and then restore.
BenPope said:
You just have to charge the phone, put the phone in fastboot mode (hold down the volume down key when switching on the phone, then navigate from there), plug phone into Windows PC and double click RUU.
You may want to do an "adb backup" (you'll have search for this) beforehand, flash RUU, test and then restore.
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I'm not finding the correct RUU file for the One X, can you help me? Or just show me a place to search... (Some links here at job are blocked --') Basically finding the correct RUU file i'll do the rest without problem...
This "restore" you mean in the end, its the factory reset in the phone? Or another restore?
Don't need a backup, i got the phone 2 days ago hehehe
My HOX is totally clean.
No unlocked bootloader, no root.
This will not be a problem doing the flash with the stock RUU right?
lock! said:
My HOX is totally clean.
No unlocked bootloader, no root.
This will not be a problem doing the flash with the stock RUU right?
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No, that's perfect, you don't need anything other than stock, and it will remain stock.
BenPope said:
No, that's perfect, you don't need anything other than stock, and it will remain stock.
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Ben sorry for tons of questions hehe
I'm reading a tutorial, and on it said that i need my CID number, in order to download the correct RUU file for the correct region of my HOX. How can i know if this RUU you posted is the correct for my HOX?
I've tried to get my CID number (downloaded the fastboot flasher tool) but when i put the cid command he returns: CID > None lol
I Know that my HOX is from Shangai (has a SH in serial number) and got my MID number.
So, i just need to know which file i need to download, the right one of course hehehe
If i will need the CID to know, i'll ask for the files for fastboot commands (i don't found them)
If not, just confirm the link you posted ealier if its the correct RUU for my case.
PS.: This link posted is only for premium users, and i don't have a premium acc, can you provide in another mirror?
You can't flash the wrong RUU, the phone won't let you.
You don't need your CID as you are not unlocked, knowing that you are 1.29.707.x is enough. It's the right RUU.
I'm sure you don't need me to hold your hand whilst you use google to find that file somewhere else. The sticky dev thread I previously mentioned will likely have a ton of mirrors for the file.
So.. i'll look fot the file in other places.
Today, i've connected in my wifi network, and the phone says there's an update...
It's the same update announced days ago, but in my case with a different update number...
Phone has been upgraded to ICS 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1.
If the problems persist, i will flash the RUU anyway, but, because of this update, nothing changes right? The RUU file you posted still valid for my HOX?
Not any more, you've updated your hboot, so you'll need an updated RUU (you can't install on older hboot, packaged with an older RUU).
You're lucky:
BenPope said:
Not any more, you've updated your hboot, so you'll need an updated RUU (you can't install on older hboot, packaged with an older RUU).
You're lucky:
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I'll test for 2 ~ 3 days, if i note the same problem i'll flash it!
Thanks for all the help Pope!
With this 707 update I got better WiFi ..smooth, fast...amazing
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA Premium HD app
dragonesdenano said:
With this 707 update I got better WiFi ..smooth, fast...amazing
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA Premium HD app
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Same here man...
In a network that once stood in 40% signal, now i'm getting almost 100%!
Apparently, carrier signal is working fine too.. i'll test for more 3 days...

Cannot access recover mode

So I've been trying to root my dads old Desire for a while now, with no success - it is locked to o2 and I'm on Orange. I didn't really want to pay to unlock it, and rooting it would have been nice. I've done two phones before, so I figured it shouldn't be too bad. Eventually I discovered it was HBOOT 1.03, and this was the problem, so the solution was to backdate the software to an earlier version (the phone is still S-ON and I cannot get this thing to take ANYTHING)
I was trying to roll back from Froyo to 2.1.
The current problem is that now the phone will not boot. With a simple turn-on it just sits at the white HTC screen, or if you go into Hboot it tries (what I assume is) 'fastboot' and checks the file on the SD card. If I say I don't want to update and go to 'recovery' it loads the screen with the exclamation mark in a triangle in it. The problem here is that pressing up+power does nothing. I've tried a quick press, and a long hold multiple times, and with no result except the first time. Unfortunately I didn't go through the proceedure the first time, assuming it'd work again. Damn!
If I start the update it says 'can not roll back the hboot version'. It also fails on the radio_v2.
Any help will be much appreciated, and if you need any details (I've probably missed something) please ask!
papercutout said:
So I've been trying to root my dads old Desire for a while now, with no success - it is locked to o2 and I'm on Orange. I didn't really want to pay to unlock it, and rooting it would have been nice. I've done two phones before, so I figured it shouldn't be too bad. Eventually I discovered it was HBOOT 1.03, and this was the problem, so the solution was to backdate the software to an earlier version (the phone is still S-ON and I cannot get this thing to take ANYTHING)
I was trying to roll back from Froyo to 2.1.
The current problem is that now the phone will not boot. With a simple turn-on it just sits at the white HTC screen, or if you go into Hboot it tries (what I assume is) 'fastboot' and checks the file on the SD card. If I say I don't want to update and go to 'recovery' it loads the screen with the exclamation mark in a triangle in it. The problem here is that pressing up+power does nothing. I've tried a quick press, and a long hold multiple times, and with no result except the first time. Unfortunately I didn't go through the proceedure the first time, assuming it'd work again. Damn!
If I start the update it says 'can not roll back the hboot version'. It also fails on the radio_v2.
Any help will be much appreciated, and if you need any details (I've probably missed something) please ask!
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If it fails with Radio_v2, then it's a radio brick, and that's the reason it won't boot. I'm afraid you can't do much, due to the hboot version.
abaaaabbbb63 said:
If it fails with Radio_v2, then it's a radio brick, and that's the reason it won't boot. I'm afraid you can't do much, due to the hboot version.
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I'm not too worried about getting a different rom on it, or rooting it or anything any more, currently I'd like to just put it back into a working state, as it was, probably locked to o2, if you've any suggestions on how to do that?
papercutout said:
I'm not too worried about getting a different rom on it, or rooting it or anything any more, currently I'd like to just put it back into a working state, as it was, probably locked to o2, if you've any suggestions on how to do that?
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First, try this:
abaaaabbbb63 said:
First, try this:
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The one step here I'm halted by is producing a Goldcard - the link to the website on the tool doesn't work any more (I've scoured t'internet, and that's the general consensus). Any idea where else I can input the CID to get a Goldcard Image?
Also how do I run the RUU on my computer? What file is it in the HTC Desire Android Upgrade folder I need to run? Afterall, there's no file titled 'RUU.exe'
papercutout said:
The one step here I'm halted by is producing a Goldcard - the link to the website on the tool doesn't work any more (I've scoured t'internet, and that's the general consensus). Any idea where else I can input the CID to get a Goldcard Image?
Also how do I run the RUU on my computer? What file is it in the HTC Desire Android Upgrade folder I need to run? Afterall, there's no file titled 'RUU.exe'
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Just realized that it wouldn't work, because you have to boot your phone for the downgrader tool.
You could try something else. Unlock your bootloader using the HTC Dev site :, and then try installing a custom recovery.
abaaaabbbb63 said:
Just realized that it wouldn't work, because you have to boot your phone for the downgrader tool.
You could try something else. Unlock your bootloader using the HTC Dev site and then try installing a custom recovery.
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I've unlocked the bootloader (although obviously I'm still S-ON and HBOOT 1.03), so how would I go about installing a custom recovery?
Everything I can find online implies I need to do it starting with the phone up and running...
papercutout said:
I've unlocked the bootloader (although obviously I'm still S-ON and HBOOT 1.03), so how would I go about installing a custom recovery?
Everything I can find online implies I need to do it starting with the phone up and running...
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You download this:
You extract the recovery.img from it.
You then use fastboot to flash it:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
abaaaabbbb63 said:
You download this:
You extract the recovery.img from it.
You then use fastboot to flash it:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
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That worked spot on! Have you got anything you'd recommend I put on there now? (factory reset didn't do anything, didn't really expect it to)
I tried cyangenmod7 for the desire, but with no luck. File 'BAD' or somethign when tried to read it from the SD card.
papercutout said:
That worked spot on! Have you got anything you'd recommend I put on there now? (factory reset didn't do anything, didn't really expect it to)
I tried cyangenmod7 for the desire, but with no luck. File 'BAD' or somethign when tried to read it from the SD card.
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Try a MildWild ROM. Maybe the CM7 download was somehow faulty.
Can ya post the link to the thread and not just post the PB99IMG file? Thanks
jmcclue said:
Can ya post the link to the thread and not just post the PB99IMG file? Thanks
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Sorry jmc. Will do
abaaaabbbb63 said:
Try a MildWild ROM. Maybe the CM7 download was somehow faulty.
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You're getting good at this
So, that's on and working, but it's still locked to the carrier, o2. I've just tried 'HTC Desire unlock v0.9.5' but that didn't work (despite the program telling me it went flawlessly).
Any more suggestions?
papercutout said:
You're getting good at this
So, that's on and working, but it's still locked to the carrier, o2. I've just tried 'HTC Desire unlock v0.9.5' but that didn't work (despite the program telling me it went flawlessly).
Any more suggestions?
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Try using a different USB port.
abaaaabbbb63 said:
Try using a different USB port.
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Nope, nada. I tried v0.94 too. Nothing again. I guess I'll need to get a key. Damn that hboot 1.03!
At least the phone is actually WORKING now though, thanks to you, appreciated.

How do I remove apps for good?

Hi, first post in a long while.
I've got myself the HTC One M8 on contract with EE (Orange/T Mobile convergence here in the UK), after having it for a few weeks I've really got to the point where I want to mod it, remove apps and the like. So I went through the ballache that is the non root way of backing it up, HTCDev unlocked the bootloader and attempted to root it. Root doesn't stick it seems. I can't get S-off as I get the Whelp error. Sunshine says nope.
I've tried to extract the backups and mod them before restoring and they're either multipart tar archives that 7zip refuses to fully extract or with TWRP, the folders show up as files?!.
Reflashing to ARHD gives me a white screen with red text telling me it's internal software and shouldn't be public.
How do I gain control of my device? I'm fed up with having freaking kid mode on my power menu. I don't want Deezer on my phone.
Please, for the love of any deity that may or may not exist, please help me!
So no one knows how to get rw access on 4.4.3?
mrme01 said:
Hi, first post in a long while.
I've got myself the HTC One M8 on contract with EE (Orange/T Mobile convergence here in the UK), after having it for a few weeks I've really got to the point where I want to mod it, remove apps and the like. So I went through the ballache that is the non root way of backing it up, HTCDev unlocked the bootloader and attempted to root it. Root doesn't stick it seems. I can't get S-off as I get the Whelp error. Sunshine says nope.
I've tried to extract the backups and mod them before restoring and they're either multipart tar archives that 7zip refuses to fully extract or with TWRP, the folders show up as files?!.
Reflashing to ARHD gives me a white screen with red text telling me it's internal software and shouldn't be public.
How do I gain control of my device? I'm fed up with having freaking kid mode on my power menu. I don't want Deezer on my phone.
Please, for the love of any deity that may or may not exist, please help me!
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mrme01 said:
So no one knows how to get rw access on 4.4.3?
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I would try to get root working 100% first of all, as it sounds like something isnt right. I know you're not s-off but that should not stop you from unlocking your bootloader (which you appear to have done alright) and having root. Which guide did you follow to get where you are? Have you flashed SuperSU from recovery, did you check with a rootchecker app?
When did you try sunshine? Before you had made any modifications? I would have thought sunshine would have worked ok, it seems it requires a device running stock to run properly though, so I would use it before changing/flashing anything else.
gsmyth said:
I would try to get root working 100% first of all, as it sounds like something isnt right. I know you're not s-off but that should not stop you from unlocking your bootloader (which you appear to have done alright) and having root. Which guide did you follow to get where you are? Have you flashed SuperSU from recovery, did you check with a rootchecker app?
When did you try sunshine? Before you had made any modifications? I would have thought sunshine would have worked ok, it seems it requires a device running stock to run properly though, so I would use it before changing/flashing anything else.
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Here's what I've done so far,
I downloaded the toolkit, used that once I had unlocked the bootloader, flashed a recovery (can't remember which one now), made a backup (multipart tars), flashed the root zip, tried to remove apps and realised I don't have RW access even with root, chmod in FX Explorer didn't take with an access denied. Got fed up, attempted to flash ARHD 11.1 as I used it on my old Sensation, didn't work (sat there for 20 minutes with red text telling me it's confidential), investigated to no avail how to extract the tars from the backup,tried Firewater and got several Whelps in a row (screen goes off just before the Whelp, like it wants to reboot but doesn't). Got the nope from firewater twice, reflashed the recovery to TWRP, tried to extract that (got errors on the APK directories, folders showed up as files). Got annoyed again and posted here.
I had ORD from my Sensation for a long time, almost weekly I was trying out new ROMs, but this is just deflatingly humiliating as I don't have the foggiest to get RW access. And what's worse is I don't know who I should complain to, HTC or EE for making it as watertight as a ducks bum.
Hopefuly this should shine some light on what to do next.
Can you give the outcome of :
Fastboot getvar all
And delete the serial and imei before posting the picture !
Mr Hofs said:
Can you give the outcome of :
Fastboot getvar all
And delete the serial and imei before posting the picture !
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Is there anything I can give from the device itself? I'm at work and I don't have the right to install ADB or plug in any unknown devices into their machines.
mrme01 said:
Is there anything I can give from the device itself? I'm at work and I don't have the right to install ADB or plug in any unknown devices into their machines.
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Getting your software numbers from the OS will do. But that's only needed now if you are on your original stock rom. Custom roms are usually based on .401 wwe versions so that could lead to wrong info !
mrme01 said:
Here's what I've done so far,
I downloaded the toolkit, used that once I had unlocked the bootloader, flashed a recovery (can't remember which one now), made a backup (multipart tars), flashed the root zip, tried to remove apps and realised I don't have RW access even with root, chmod in FX Explorer didn't take with an access denied. Got fed up, attempted to flash ARHD 11.1 as I used it on my old Sensation, didn't work (sat there for 20 minutes with red text telling me it's confidential), investigated to no avail how to extract the tars from the backup,tried Firewater and got several Whelps in a row (screen goes off just before the Whelp, like it wants to reboot but doesn't). Got the nope from firewater twice, reflashed the recovery to TWRP, tried to extract that (got errors on the APK directories, folders showed up as files). Got annoyed again and posted here.
I had ORD from my Sensation for a long time, almost weekly I was trying out new ROMs, but this is just deflatingly humiliating as I don't have the foggiest to get RW access. And what's worse is I don't know who I should complain to, HTC or EE for making it as watertight as a ducks bum.
Hopefuly this should shine some light on what to do next.
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Very strange, I can understand firewater not working as its seems to only work on pre-4.4.3 firmware, so sunshine should really work (its the one that costs $25). Its up to the individual whether they want to go down the sunshine route or not, but it seems going fully s-off is the best way to go to make sure you don't have any problems flashing etc. I found this on the Sensation also.
I s-off'd my sensation and the process seemed ridiculously dodgy and involved hooking up to a pc to run a program, whilst using a thin piece of wire on the back of the phone. Essentially it tricked the phone into thinking it was going into a certain service mode so an exploit could be ran to gain s-off.
Sunshine s off:
Mr Hofs said:
Getting your software numbers from the OS will do. But that's only needed now if you are on your original stock rom. Custom roms are usually based on .401 wwe versions so that could lead to wrong info !
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Running stock.
As I can't do anything outside ot the browser here,
gsmyth said:
Very strange, I can understand firewater not working as its seems to only work on pre-4.4.3 firmware, so sunshine should really work (its the one that costs $25). Its up to the individual whether they want to go down the sunshine route or not, but it seems going fully s-off is the best way to go to make sure you don't have any problems flashing etc. I found this on the Sensation also.
I s-off'd my sensation and the process seemed ridiculously dodgy and involved hooking up to a pc to run a program, whilst using a thin piece of wire on the back of the phone. Essentially it tricked the phone into thinking it was going into a certain service mode so an exploit could be ran to gain s-off.
Sunshine s off:
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I never did S-off my Sensation and it did everything I wanted it to do. I had 4EXT on there with some strange flashing mode that seemed to make it work.
I've noticed dumlock on TWRP. Would that work for flashing the SU zip?
Your firmware definitely supports the latest roms. Try some custom roms. Easiest way to get it working. Maxumus HD is also a "stock" rom. Maybe that's worth a shot. And with the stock recovery it also works to get s-off via sunshine.
Mr Hofs said:
Your firmware definitely supports the latest roms. Try some custom roms. Easiest way to get it working. Maxumus HD is also a "stock" rom. Maybe that's worth a shot. And with the stock recovery it also works to get s-off via sunshine.
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When I tried ARHD, all I got was a white screen and some red text like it was refusing to boot. What do I do if it happens? Dumlock? I always do a cache/dalvik wipe so it's not that.
When you install a custom rom you always need to perform a full wipe before installing it !
Mr Hofs said:
When you install a custom rom you always need to perform a full wipe before installing it !
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It could be that, it's been months since I've played with ROMS as I stuck with CM on the Sensation since the release of the M8 as I knew I was going to upgrade to it.
Mr Hofs said:
When you install a custom rom you always need to perform a full wipe before installing it !
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Nope, that didn't work. Still got the red text with ARHD 11.1 as it's the only ROM I have to hand.
I didn't say to try arhd again take another rom when you have time.
mrme01 said:
Nope, that didn't work. Still got the red text with ARHD 11.1 as it's the only ROM I have to hand.
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Where do you get the red text? When flashing in recovery or does it flash ok but not boot up?
gsmyth said:
Where do you get the red text? When flashing in recovery or does it flash ok but not boot up?
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I get the red text stratight after rebooting it Power and volume to do a battery disconnect. It seems to flash okay, sometimes it crashes and turns offafter exiting AROMA, other times it takes me back to TWRP. I just tried to reflash with Dumlock, no difference.
Turn off screen timeout option in the recovery. You got a pic from the bootloader and the red text
Mr Hofs said:
Turn off screen timeout option in the recovery. You got a pic from the bootloader and the red text
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I don't have a 2nd phone to take a picture on. I doubt the screen timeout will do much as I can unlock it and when it comes back to recovery it works fine. But I'll try both of those suggestions when I get home in 5ish hours.
Thank you for your help so far, both of you. Much appreciated

[Q] I think I'm in so much trouble.... Need help please!

Hey guys,
I dropped my HTC One M8 today, and now it has a crack in the screen.
Well, I wanted to go back to the store to get it replaced under warranty, but I needed to unroot & go back to stock first.
So at home I tried to go back to stock and stuff, but it just didn't work. That is where **** hit the fan.
Right now, I can't boot into Android, can't boot intro recovery. Everytime I start my phone it boots into FASTBOOT USB, and I have the following screen: *see attachment*
I really don't know what to do, I've been searching for serveral hours and my guess is I hard-bricked it...
Please, please tell me there is a way to make it boot into android again...?
KodoKevin123 said:
Hey guys,
I dropped my HTC One M8 today, and now it has a crack in the screen.
Well, I wanted to go back to the store to get it replaced under warranty, but I needed to unroot & go back to stock first.
So at home I tried to go back to stock and stuff, but it just didn't work. That is where **** hit the fan.
Right now, I can't boot into Android, can't boot intro recovery. Everytime I start my phone it boots into FASTBOOT USB, and I have the following screen: *see attachment*
I really don't know what to do, I've been searching for serveral hours and my guess is I hard-bricked it...
Please, please tell me there is a way to make it boot into android again...?
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Did you try to run a ruu? See if you can find a ruu for your device model and carrier you can run ruu.exe from a windows computer in fast boot USB mode
bbell101584 said:
Did you try to run a ruu? See if you can find a ruu for your device model and carrier you can run ruu.exe from a windows computer in fast boot USB mode
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I've tried to find the correct RUU, but everytime I get an error along these lines: 'Could not verify signature'
Where could I find a correct RUU?
KodoKevin123 said:
Hey guys,
I dropped my HTC One M8 today, and now it has a crack in the screen.
Well, I wanted to go back to the store to get it replaced under warranty, but I needed to unroot & go back to stock first.
So at home I tried to go back to stock and stuff, but it just didn't work. That is where **** hit the fan.
Right now, I can't boot into Android, can't boot intro recovery. Everytime I start my phone it boots into FASTBOOT USB, and I have the following screen: *see attachment*
I really don't know what to do, I've been searching for serveral hours and my guess is I hard-bricked it...
Please, please tell me there is a way to make it boot into android again...?
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Do you still have TWRP installed? Boot into recovery from your bootloader, and restore a backup. (You should have made one before you tried returning to stock)
xunholyx said:
Do you still have TWRP installed? Boot into recovery from your bootloader, and restore a backup. (You should have made one before you tried returning to stock)
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I can't boot into recovery, it goes back to FASTBOOT / HBOOT every time.
KodoKevin123 said:
I've tried to find the correct RUU, but everytime I get an error along these lines: 'Could not verify signature'
Where could I find a correct RUU?
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I got the one I use from HTC website I'm on T-Mobile and it works just fine for me maybe try changing your cid to supercid then run ruu
Did you check the ruu thread in m8 general forum
bbell101584 said:
I got the one I use from HTC website I'm on T-Mobile and it works just fine for me maybe try changing your cid to supercid then run ruu
Did you check the ruu thread in m8 general forum
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Click to collapse If you are talking about this thread, yes I checked it.
I downloaded several RUU's and they all say : 'MODEL-ID error, please download the correct RUU for your device'
I am going to try to change the CID to SuperCid but don't think it will work since I can't change my S-ON to S-OFF
KodoKevin123 said: If you are talking about this thread, yes I checked it.
I downloaded several RUU's and they all say : 'MODEL-ID error, please download the correct RUU for your device'
I am going to try to change the CID to SuperCid but don't think it will work since I can't change my S-ON to S-OFF
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Yea being s-on I don't think you can what is your cid and what carrier do you have maybe someone can modify one of the ruus to work with your cid cause it seems the ruu is checking your cid and it doesn't match for the ruu so it isn't working. Have you tried reflashing twrp and seeing if you can enter recovery again then maybe restore one of the backups from the backups thread. I don't know how much help I can actually be cause I'm just a flasher hopefully someone with more experience and knowledge can jump in and help you I'm just suggesting what I would do in your situation. I hope you get your phone booted again though
Omg i did it
I just started the whole process again of unlocking my bootloader and stuff, using the AOI Toolkit, and I am in the PhiliZ Touch CLockworkmod now ! Thank you all for helping me, I will carefully unroot now and bring my phone back
bbell101584 said:
Yea being s-on I don't think you can what is your cid and what carrier do you have maybe someone can modify one of the ruus to work with your cid cause it seems the ruu is checking your cid and it doesn't match for the ruu so it isn't working. Have you tried reflashing twrp and seeing if you can enter recovery again then maybe restore one of the backups from the backups thread. I don't know how much help I can actually be cause I'm just a flasher hopefully someone with more experience and knowledge can jump in and help you I'm just suggesting what I would do in your situation. I hope you get your phone booted again though
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I just got it working again, I am going to be so freaking carefull this time :S
KodoKevin123 said:
I just got it working again, I am going to be so freaking carefull this time :S
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Glad to hear I didn't think it was hard bricked but I know it's a real frustrating feeling when you can't boot into anything
Something f**king similar here....
help needed please!!
Cool. Glad you got it working again.
xunholyx said:
First of all, he can't boot into system.
Second of all, everything you've mentioned needs S-Off. He is S-On.
Third of all, HTC US is different than other regions. Most of the other RUUs that have been made available are not found on HTC's websites. Most are leaked versions, I believe.
And no. It isn't in any RUU threads on XDA.
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First of he got it fixed and booted again if you actually read the thread second of all why are you even quoting me coming at me like that with this bs as I replied in one of my posts I might be the best to help him but I was offering suggestions as no one else was helping him. Do me a favor and don't quote me no more bs like that when all I'm trying to do is help. Thank you for your unnecessary two cents
bbell101584 said:
First of he got it fixed and booted again if you actually read the thread second of all why are you even quoting me coming at me like that with this bs as I replied in one of my posts I might be the best to help him but I was offering suggestions as no one else was helping him. Do me a favor and don't quote me no more bs like that when all I'm trying to do is help. Thank you for your unnecessary two cents
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I edited it as soon as I posted it and read ahead. I agree I should have read ahead first, but as far as nobody helping.....
I started by helping him in another thread. I would have continued helping him here, but I had to go out to do real life stuff.
Anyway, the suggestions you gave wouldn't have worked.
xunholyx said:
I edited it as soon as I posted it and read ahead. I agree I should have read ahead first, but as far as nobody helping.....
I started by helping him in another thread. I would have continued helping him here, but I had to go out to do real life stuff.
Anyway, the suggestions you gave wouldn't have worked.
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That's fine my suggestions wouldn't have worked but as I said I was just trying to offer help my suggestions wouldn't have harmed him any further either but posts like the one you quoted me on makes me not want to help or offer suggestions to no one else. I've posted some useful stuff on xda though. I'm not the most technology savvy person but sometimes I do have some useful information. Like I told him I might not be the best person to help. But there's no reason to attack me for trying to help
Hey guys, thank both for the help....
But pls keep calm and "you just know what's the best for you"
bbell101584 said:
That's fine my suggestions wouldn't have worked but as I said I was just trying to offer help my suggestions wouldn't have harmed him any further either but posts like the one you quoted me on makes me not want to help or offer suggestions to no one else. I've posted some useful stuff on xda though. I'm not the most technology savvy person but sometimes I do have some useful information. Like I told him I might not be the best person to help. But there's no reason to attack me for trying to help
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Oh. By no means did I mean to make you feel attacked.
I'm sorry if I came across that way. I was telling you that the suggestions wouldn't work and explaining why. No offense was intended whatsoever.
xunholyx said:
Oh. By no means did I mean to make you feel attacked.
I'm sorry if I came across that way. I was telling you that the suggestions wouldn't work and explaining why. No offense was intended whatsoever.
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It's cool I'm already over it. I know there are alot more people on here smarter then me about this phone stuff. All I really know how to do is read search and flash. This is the first phone I've unlocked and rooted and stuff like that so all this is new to me anyway. So no problem man.
bbell101584 said:
It's cool I'm already over it. I know there are alot more people on here smarter then me about this phone stuff. All I really know how to do is read search and flash. This is the first phone I've unlocked and rooted and stuff like that so all this is new to me anyway. So no problem man.
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Chances are, I'm no smarter than you are. Read and search and learn. That's what we all do here.
And sharing knowledge is what this site is based on. Please continue to try to help others.
Just don't be offended if someone corrects you. I do agree that I could have done it in a more tactful manner though. I can see how my post might have come across as abrasive, but that was not intended.

Full stock Dev Ed M8 won't take OTA or RUU for MM

I have a Dev edition M8 that i zip RUU'ed back to lollipop. i took a security update successfully, then the 3 preinstall updates in prep for marshmallow. however, I now get an error when taking the actual OTA for marshmallow. I am s-off and bootloader unlocked. I then downloaded the RUU from HTC to run the exe, but i always get error 155. I read @Sneakyghost post about firmware and it said it was either region ID's not matching, or the bootloader being unlocked. I don't see why the unlocked bootloader would be a problem when im s-off and its a dev edition, which is bootloader unlocked out of the box. Anyone know what is causing this?
fyarf said:
I have a Dev edition M8 that i zip RUU'ed back to lollipop. i took a security update successfully, then the 3 preinstall updates in prep for marshmallow. however, I now get an error when taking the actual OTA for marshmallow. I am s-off and bootloader unlocked. I then downloaded the RUU from HTC to run the exe, but i always get error 155. I read @Sneakyghost post about firmware and it said it was either region ID's not matching, or the bootloader being unlocked. I don't see why the unlocked bootloader would be a problem when im s-off and its a dev edition, which is bootloader unlocked out of the box. Anyone know what is causing this?
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Haha nice man I just finished downloading that exact RUU and I have that exact phone in the exact same state. I got it from someone in the US.
I'll let you know how it goes on mine...
Sneakyghost said:
Haha nice man I just finished downloading that exact RUU and I have that exact phone in the exact same state. I got it from someone in the US.
I'll let you know how it goes on mine...
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heres my recovery message, just to maybe help troubleshoot it. it mentions userdata being busy (i got an error in the zip ruu flash for userdata, had to flash the ruu zip twice to get an okay), then kidmode missing. not sure what to do besides flash the firmware from
Modified system apps, sir. That's what it is. Did you root your system?
Maybe not. Maybe just can't find those apps cuz it can't mount data.
Something wrong there.
No idea.
I'll see where I end up.
Sneakyghost said:
Modified system apps, sir. That's what it is. Did you root your system?
Maybe not. Maybe just can't find those apps cuz it can't mount data.
Something wrong there.
No idea.
I'll see where I end up.
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i did a factory reset from stock recovery, and kid mode is present now, maybe im onto something...
Edit: not rooted directly from a factory ruu zip (well, hopefully the zip creator did a factory dump and was unmodified) but kid mode wasnt an option before the factory reset
fyarf said:
i did a factory reset from stock recovery, and kid mode is present now, maybe im onto something...
Edit: not rooted directly from a factory ruu zip (well, hopefully the zip creator did a factory dump and was unmodified) but kid mode wasnt an option before the factory reset
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Unfortunately, I'm with family tonight and won't be able to assist until much later. But note this: the factory reset could well help. I can explain later.
Sneakyghost said:
Unfortunately, I'm with family tonight and won't be able to assist until much later. But note this: the factory reset could well help. I can explain later.
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ok so i got mine to work.. apparently the zip RUU isnt good. i ran the exe 4.16.1540.8 from here and then updated ota from there without issue. so my guess is the RUU zip wasnt perfect system-wise,while the exe is straight from htc.
fyarf said:
ok so i got mine to work.. apparently the zip RUU isnt good. i ran the exe 4.16.1540.8 from here and then updated ota from there without issue. so my guess is the RUU zip wasnt perfect system-wise,while the exe is straight from htc.
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ok. Where you got that zip from? Cuz I downloaded the 6.xx RUU.exe straight from HTC USA...
Sneakyghost said:
ok. Where you got that zip from? Cuz I downloaded the 6.xx RUU.exe straight from HTC USA...
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zip was from the same thread, i tried the exe instead because it was an HTC file instead of a contributor. now on MM sense. The 6.xx RUU refused to work no matter what i did, so i OTA'd to the latest version.
fyarf said:
zip was from the same thread, i tried the exe instead because it was an HTC file instead of a contributor. now on MM sense. The 6.xx RUU refused to work no matter what i did, so i OTA'd to the latest version.
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I seem to be having an entirely different problem. After swapping cables, phones and laptop ports as well as updating drivers, it appears that the usb port of my M8 is broken. I'll have to see at someone else's computer, maybe tomorrow. Pretty frustrating right now as I'm liking the M8 better than my M9 and M7.
I could stabilize the connection enough to run another, international RUU. The RUU worked fine while the 6.12.1540.4 kept getting stuck at either "checking header" or "sending" - both times with a successfully established connection. I already tweeted HTC asking to have that RUU checked. I assume your findings were correctly indicating a bad RUU, since a.) It also didn't work here and b.) people from my team have confirmed seeing several fail scenarios with that RUU spread over XDA.
Guess that's that then. Thanks for raising the issue. I would have messed around with it much longer otherwise since the error messages are not clearly pointing towards a broken RUU.
More updates: searching the M8 forum for 6.12.1540.4 turned up this:
That'd mean the RUU fails at the hboot pre-update reboot. All that's needed apparently is to flash only the hboot manually first, so it can proceed. Hence also error 155 which usually indicates issues with the system image. You experienced that most likely because the older hboot couldn't extract the system.img from the
Usually, the procedure is:
RUU updates hboot
RUU reboots to boatloader
RUU updates rest of firmware
RUU sends over the system image in parts
Hboot now decrypts and flashes the part.zips
It just looks like mandatory hboot-first-flash didn't happen right, either not rebooting after it or not flashing it at all.
However, this seems to be fixable by running the hboot/firmware package first and then the complete RUU.
Sneakyghost said:
I seem to be having an entirely different problem. After swapping cables, phones and laptop ports as well as updating drivers, it appears that the usb port of my M8 is broken. I'll have to see at someone else's computer, maybe tomorrow. Pretty frustrating right now as I'm liking the M8 better than my M9 and M7.
I could stabilize the connection enough to run another, international RUU. The RUU worked fine while the 6.12.1540.4 kept getting stuck at either "checking header" or "sending" - both times with a successfully established connection. I already tweeted HTC asking to have that RUU checked. I assume your findings were correctly indicating a bad RUU, since a.) It also didn't work here and b.) people from my team have confirmed seeing several fail scenarios with that RUU spread over XDA.
Guess that's that then. Thanks for raising the issue. I would have messed around with it much longer otherwise since the error messages are not clearly pointing towards a broken RUU.
More updates: searching the M8 forum for 6.12.1540.4 turned up this:
That'd mean the RUU fails at the hboot pre-update reboot. All that's needed apparently is to flash only the hboot manually first, so it can proceed. Hence also error 155 which usually indicates issues with the system image. You experienced that most likely because the older hboot couldn't extract the system.img from the
Usually, the procedure is:
RUU updates hboot
RUU reboots to boatloader
RUU updates rest of firmware
RUU sends over the system image in parts
Hboot now decrypts and flashes the part.zips
It just looks like mandatory hboot-first-flash didn't happen right, either not rebooting after it or not flashing it at all.
However, this seems to be fixable by running the hboot/firmware package first and then the complete RUU.
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I'm not sure about OP, but that worked perfectly for me. I wonder how HTC let a broken RUU.exe past testing?
Double_a2013 said:
I'm not sure about OP, but that worked perfectly for me. I wonder how HTC let a broken RUU.exe past testing?
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They frequently do. Nothing exciting. That's why I notified HTC. They take their time with fixing them. The earlier the better.
Sneakyghost said:
They frequently do. Nothing exciting. That's why I notified HTC. They take their time with fixing them. The earlier the better.
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Wow, I didn't realize that. Now if only they'd fix the ATT LTE issues on the dev rom :silly:
Double_a2013 said:
Wow, I didn't realize that. Now if only they'd fix the ATT LTE issues on the dev rom :silly:
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My ota to the latest dev version got lte on at&t no problem, sure your apn settings are correct?
fyarf said:
My ota to the latest dev version got lte on at&t no problem, sure your apn settings are correct?
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I've never had to reconfigure them before, regardless of if I'm using GPE or Sense RUUs. I'll give it another shot, and get back in a more timely manner
Edit: Apn settings seem fine. It's using the Nextgenphone one from ATT
Edit #2:
Found this thread about a similar issue. I guess I'll disable HD Voice (Honestly, its borderline useless anyway) and see if that solves anything

