4.3 stock sms question - Verizon HTC One (M7)

My daughter's HTC ONE locked & stock 4.3 I was hoping the would include emoji for her but nothing really changed. I was wondering is the a way to maybe install my 4.3 sms apk on to her phone? I have a idea but what happens if it don't work it's not like I can just restore backup lol. Any tips would be much appreciated!
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.

Have her try the Google hangouts app as her SMS client. It has emojis.

Tigerstown said:
My daughter's HTC ONE locked & stock 4.3 I was hoping the would include emoji for her but nothing really changed. I was wondering is the a way to maybe install my 4.3 sms apk on to her phone? I have a idea but what happens if it don't work it's not like I can just restore backup lol. Any tips would be much appreciated!
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.
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It would need porting IIRC, sorry

Fu5ion said:
Have her try the Google hangouts app as her SMS client. It has emojis.
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I want to use hangouts but mms not working for me on there. I found a thread on Google bout how to fix but I only skim thread so far something like change apn I believe. I'm going to read thread an attempt fix I just been living in the shop all Dec. Does your mms work for hangouts?
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.

andybones said:
It would need porting IIRC, sorry
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If I can find a thread on porting something like it if possible I will definitely give it a shot. I'm bout to search around see what I come up with..
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.

Tigerstown said:
If I can find a thread on porting something like it if possible I will definitely give it a shot. I'm bout to search around see what I come up with..
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.
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Best of luck. You can always just make a folder in /system called like backup and add whateveryou change into tthis /system/backup/ folder beforehand so you always can go back if needed. Unfortunately until we get S-OFFor if really, can't really edit much of anything on the phone.

andybones said:
Best of luck. You can always just make a folder in /system called like backup and add whateveryou change into tthis /system/backup/ folder beforehand so you always can go back if needed. Unfortunately until we get S-OFFor if really, can't really edit much of anything on the phone.
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Tigerstown said:
I want to use hangouts but mms not working for me on there. I found a thread on Google bout how to fix but I only skim thread so far something like change apn I believe. I'm going to read thread an attempt fix I just been living in the shop all Dec. Does your mms work for hangouts?
Update..I have successfully fix hangout mms not working. Lucky I bookmark that thread an it simply said in hangouts>settings,>apn pick vzw lte reboot is what I did I have sent/received 10 mms seconds after being sent! Fig I would try hangouts fix 1st way easier lol
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.
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sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.

Tigerstown said:
I want to use hangouts but mms not working for me on there. I found a thread on Google bout how to fix but I only skim thread so far something like change apn I believe. I'm going to read thread an attempt fix I just been living in the shop all Dec. Does your mms work for hangouts?
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using xda premium app.
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I'm not using it currently, because I like how the stock SMS integrates with the lock screen, but I just activated it again and yeah, my mms is working fine.

Textra is another great option BTW. They have an emoji plugin, as well. Lightweight, and it really never has issues.

Fu5ion said:
Textra is another great option BTW. They have an emoji plugin, as well. Lightweight, and it really never has issues.
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Cool I will have her check that out too..thanks
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using the xda premium app.

Tigerstown said:
Cool I will have her check that out too..thanks
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE using the xda premium app.
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make sure you have her install the emoji plugin as well (it'll come up if you search textra on the play store) otherwise you're defeating your own purpose

Fu5ion said:
make sure you have her install the emoji plugin as well (it'll come up if you search textra on the play store) otherwise you're defeating your own purpose
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Thanks for your help..she went an really likes 8sms.
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.

Tigerstown said:
Thanks for your help..she went an really likes 8sms.
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.
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Forgot all about that one!! Glad you found one that you like!

Fu5ion said:
Forgot all about that one!! Glad you found one that you like!
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sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.


jagerrom 1.7

Has anybody tried 1.7 yet? Wondering if Facebook sync works - seems like this doesn't work on any roms I have tried yet...
Don't believe you can sync Facebook in Jager 1.7
I can confirm it does not support syncing Facebook contacts. It also doesn't support live wallpapers. I just learned that a few minutes ago. Not a big deal to me, but I know for some that is a deal breaker.
ya, there's no HTC facebook option, and i can't select the regular facbook. i would just use his sense rom for facebook, plus it has hydras undervold kernel and wireless N included.
anyone been able to get titanium backup to work with this rom, for some reason app wont open then fc's after a bit
I've had no issues running titanium backup on jager 1.7. You might wast to try reinstalling it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
So no live wallpaper is confirmed?
I really want to go vanilla, and 1.7.3 seems to be a great rom. Just wish we could figure this damn facebook sync thing out..
Got it working on 1.7.3 - by using the facebookupdate that yeti put in his thread - sorry Yeti if I shouldn't do that
Which thread?
ncwildcat said:
Got it working on 1.7.3 - by using the facebookupdate that yeti put in his thread
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daftlush said:
Which thread?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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Yetirom thread...will post link when I am at pc. All credit goes his way...
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
ncwildcat said:
Yetirom thread...will post link when I am at pc. All credit goes his way...
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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can you explain how you did this and what facebookupdate on which thread.. thx tried searching the thread didnt find anything on it...
Tried flashing this ROM, got a endless loop of FC. Ended up flashing cyanogenmod test, worked fine.
I wonder if anyone else has seen this problem?
martirw said:
can you explain how you did this and what facebookupdate on which thread.. thx tried searching the thread didnt find anything on it...
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I really apologize, but it was not yeti's rom. It was a rom posted by pmf
The facebook-update worked great on JagerRom, and I am now able to sync and dont get the hanging notification of syncing.
All credit goes his way
ncwildcat said:
I really apologize, but it was not yeti's rom. It was a rom posted by pmf
http ://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=714961
The facebook-update worked great on JagerRom, and I am now able to sync and dont get the hanging notification of syncing.
All credit goes his way
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Thx for posting the link also I got it to work last.night.by just pushing the Facebook and friendstream apk and odex on mounted system part but it sure wasn't simple it just wouldn't take, it finally worked after I stopped renaming the files and pushed from the tools folder and not my c: directory even though when doing it from c it would transfer it just wouldn't work
Has anyone else had MMS problems? I've been looking for a change log to see if MMS was broken, but can't seem to find one. Thanks
I have noticed that Google Voice cannot seem to become/ circumvent the Default Dialer. I cannot convince Google Voice to dial-out via my Google Voice account instead of the native dialer.

Images Found But Still Need Some Help

I'm using linux and trying to edit these images with GIMP is extremely hard to make them look smooth. I never used GIMP I'm use to Photoshop and my laptop won't boot up with Windows 7 I think my partition is corrupted. So I'm stuck with linux until I can figure out how to fix my laptop. Would someone mind editing these 4 images with the color code 8d8d8d? To match my other Gingerbread icons the time it would take to fix my laptop I would already have left for work I just need those images to release the final to my rom.
Solved-Can someone help me find these four images in the status bar that has the charcoal blackground. I just need the name of the images or if you know exactly where they are that would be even better. I've been looking all day and can't find them. I've extracted 8 roms and some themes and still can't find them.
Thanks In Advance I really appreciate it.
Text message notification is in system\app\Mms.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\stat_notify_sms.png
4G icon is in com.htc.resources.apk\res\drawable-hdpi but I dont see the one with the !. There is another one in res\drawable\
3G icon. The only place I found it was in com.htc.resources.apk\res\drawable\
The USB icon is in framework-res.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\stat_sys_data_usb.png
Though I think I've changed this one before and it didnt take so there might be another one located somewhere else.
There also might be more of the other icons in additional spots but these are all I could come up with. Hope this helps.
dglowe343 said:
Text message notification is in system\app\Mms.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\stat_notify_sms.png
4G icon is in com.htc.resources.apk\res\drawable-hdpi but I dont see the one with the !. There is another one in res\drawable\
3G icon. The only place I found it was in com.htc.resources.apk\res\drawable\
The USB icon is in framework-res.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\stat_sys_data_usb.png
Though I think I've changed this one before and it didnt take so there might be another one located somewhere else.
There also might be more of the other icons in additional spots but these are all I could come up with. Hope this helps.
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Thanks A lot man I was would have been looking forever for the text message notification.
The 4G notification I found but I don't think that's the one that shows up but I'll try modifying it anyway to see if it works.
3G Thanks I wasn't sure if that was the hotspot image or not.
The usb samething happened to me also.
I'm trying to do the last fixes before I take my rom out of beta and those 4 images was giving me the hardest time ever. I appreciate it
nuggyunlimited said:
Thanks A lot man I was would have been looking forever for the text message notification.
The 4G notification I found but I don't think that's the one that shows up but I'll try modifying it anyway to see if it works.
3G Thanks I wasn't sure if that was the hotspot image or not.
The usb samething happened to me also.
I'm trying to do the last fixes before I take my rom out of beta and those 4 images was giving me the hardest time ever. I appreciate it
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No prob. There must be another USB icon in one of the system apps, but I have no idea which one.
dglowe343 said:
No prob. There must be another USB icon in one of the system apps, but I have no idea which one.
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roscoenr said:
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Good to know. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Supersonic
dglowe343 said:
Good to know. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Supersonic
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Took me a long time and never could find it finally had to ask
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
dglowe343 said:
No prob. There must be another USB icon in one of the system apps, but I have no idea which one.
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Somebody on xda knows the community always comes through.
Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!
roscoenr said:
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
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Appreciate it
Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!
roscoenr said:
Took me a long time and never could find it finally had to ask
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
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I'm glad you found it that'd something I have to write in my digital notebook
Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!
I need some help again sorry to be a pest
nuggyunlimited said:
I need some help again sorry to be a pest
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I will see shar I can do when I get home in a few hours
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roscoenr said:
I will see shar I can do when I get home in a few hours
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
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Thanks I really appreciate it I'm about to head out to work
nuggyunlimited said:
Thanks I really appreciate it I'm about to head out to work
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hows this work for ya
Perfect will include them as soon as I get home from work your definitely a beta tester fort my rom pm me your with the subject beta tester and your email so I can add you to my beta tester list.
roscoenr said:
hows this work for ya
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Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!

[ROM] CM7.1 Raw Build by DragonStalker Android 2.3.4 "TESTED" (5-2-11)

This is the first run "TEST" of the CM7.1 Android 2.3.4.
I am not a professional dev like most of your favs. I just like to make my own roms, and just happened to think would be nice to release.
This is based off the CM7.1 Android 2.3.4 build thats been in the making. It does not have the Video GTalk. That will have to come later. But this is VERY fast and VERY smooth IMHO.
I loaded this over RoyalGinger and all it did was speed it up a lil bit.
Loaded clean and works flawless. I saw no issues. If you find any please let me know and if it's in my power i will fix it.
Whats Working:
Phone Calls "CLEAR"
WIFI Calling
Not Working:
haven't found anything as of yet.
Thank You goes out to CyanogenMod Team, Rafy for the talk thru. GraffixNYC for the Gapps. And thank you to everyone that test and gives feedback.
To Get VIDEO GTALK to work on 3G/4G Via T-Mobile (TKS CODEBUTLER From Nexus S)
$ adb pull /data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases/gservices.db
$ sqlite3 gservices.db
insert into overrides (name, value) VALUES ('gtalk_vc_wifi_only', 'false');
(control-d to exit sqlite)
$ adb push gservices.db /data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases/gservices.db
If you would like to donate to the cause and to get a better download server please feel free.
Go to Paypal and donate to "[email protected]"
interesting... I'll give it a go later tonight.
welcome and ignore negative criticism !
I will be checkin this out during the lakers game
And here is my build ;-) http://db.tt/8VfbfIz
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Thanks a ton.
graffixnyc said:
And here is my build ;-) http://db.tt/8VfbfIz
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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graffixnyc said:
And here is my build ;-) http://db.tt/8VfbfIz
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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So is your build part of the OP or did you hijack the thread? I want to know so I know which one to download.
If it is not part of the thread, do you have a thread started that shows your build log so I can compare them?
dubie76 said:
So is your build part of the OP or did you hijack the thread? I want to know so I know which one to download.
If it is not part of the thread, do you have a thread started that shows your build log so I can compare them?
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We both worked on this at the same time. And got most our stuff from the same place. So i can assure you either you download is cool and will probably look the same.
dragonstalker said:
We both worked on this at the same time. And got most our stuff from the same place. So i can assure you either you download is cool and will probably look the same.
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Ok great. I did not mean any disrespect to either of you. Just wanted to know what was what. Thanks to both of you for your work. Im flashing now.
I take it I should wipe if coming from RoyalGinger?
Sent from my RoyalGinger myTouch 4G
dragonstalker said:
We both worked on this at the same time. And got most our stuff from the same place. So i can assure you either you download is cool and will probably look the same.
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We basically did the build around the same time. You could download either. I posted mine just as a mirror as I doubt anything changed in the source since dragon did his build. Only thing I've noticed so far is there is a little delay with the screen coming on when you wake it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Dl'd graffixnyc and there seem to be no issues. Thanks to both.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Here is the link to updated gapps with gtalk video chat http://bit.ly/m1m5Rc
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
99danman said:
I take it I should wipe if coming from RoyalGinger?
Sent from my RoyalGinger myTouch 4G
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I have Royal Ginger with this loaded on top of it. I didn't wipe and everything works fine. I did a wipe and still had fully functional device. So i went back and Restored RoyalGinger reloaded Android 2.3.4 over it so i can flash Updated Gapps.
Nice. Can't wait to try out video calling.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Im getting "421 resources temporarily unavailable 4.9.0" when setting up email. I tried auto setup and manual.
graffixnyc said:
Here is the link to updated gapps with gtalk video chat http://bit.ly/m1m5Rc
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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I don't have to do a full wipe to install this, correct?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
OK. The whole reason for me getting this build and putting in the work was for VIDEO GTALK. I got voice chat to work with no problem over wifi. Haven't tried 3g or 4g as i'm in Augusta, Ga and 4G sucks butt here. If somebody figures out how to get Video working on it. Please let me know. Kept saying i wasn't configured for vid chat at this time and wife is calling me for dinner so i gotta go.
Mistic99 said:
I don't have to do a full wipe to install this, correct?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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If you're flashing just the apps no
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dubie76 said:
Im getting "421 resources temporarily unavailable 4.9.0" when setting up email. I tried auto setup and manual.
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What email are you trying to setup. I'll look and see if i can duplicate the error and find out how to fix it.
dragonstalker said:
What email are you trying to setup. I'll look and see if i can duplicate the error and find out how to fix it.
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I flashed over build 58 and my email is fine. But it was setup before so the settings just transferred over.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

flashable quick reply mms?

Has anyone here seen or have a flashable mms apk that has quick reply like in cm10 for stock 4.1.1 toroplus? I've been searching and searching but I cant find one and I dont know how to make it(but would be willing to try with some help). Any help is appreciated.
I think this is what you are looking for. Just flash.
t1.8matt said:
I think this is what you are looking for. Just flash.
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just wrecks messaging, am I missing something? Can anyone tell me what I have to do to make a flashable messaging zip with quick reply?
airtime82 said:
just wrecks messaging, am I missing something? Can anyone tell me what I have to do to make a flashable messaging zip with quick reply?
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why? is downloading handcent or go sms (or one of the dozen other similar free apps) not an option? seems like you are taking the long road for a simple solution.
Darunion said:
why? is downloading handcent or go sms (or one of the dozen other similar free apps) not an option? seems like you are taking the long road for a simple solution.
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I dont like those apps. I know its possible, somebody has to have some tips here
Try this then. Its just the app. Push to system/app and you might have to fix permissions.
t1.8matt said:
Try this then. Its just the app. Push to system/app and you might have to fix permissions.
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tried already
Flash paranoid android.
If I have helped you.... hit that sexy thanks button. ^_^
You could probably just build an aosp ROM and cherry pick that get hub change.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Already did gave me an issue. Back to stock now
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
brooksyx said:
You could probably just build an aosp ROM and cherry pick that get hub change.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Okay well that sounds easy
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Don't know if this will help but I downloaded Apps2zip from the market and just used it to create a zip of the messaging apk. Now when I flags a ROM I just add the zip to the queue.
(Assuming the ROM doesn't have the one I use which is the stock with customization)
airtime82 said:
Okay well that sounds easy
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Its really not that hard, there are plenty of tutorials on here..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Hangouts version 2 apk

Thanks android police
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Doesn't work freezes on sending mms and location and force closes. Will wait for official update. Only way to fix it after freezing is uninstall
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Bsmith0731 said:
Thanks android police
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Getting the same errors here
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
[post deleted -- wrong thread]
Bsmith0731 said:
Getting the same errors here
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
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It installs fine for me. Everything works except for sending a mms location file.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
MMS and Location crashing on me too. Also crashes while sending a message while its plugged into my computer also. Still like it. Simply clear data in App manager to get it going again. Excited for the legit release!
Mine is working 100%.
Only differance is I have already themed and inverted mine.. Sent a location to another via Hangouts this am..
Just sent another Mms as well. No issues.
Gunthermic said:
Mine is working 100%.
Only differance is I have already themed and inverted mine.. Sent a location to another via Hangouts this am..
Just sent another Mms as well. No issues.
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Any chance of you posting that in your awesome thread?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I've installed and it all seems to work fine except that I can't save animated GIFs.
I like that I can now use all the emoticons that were available to me from Hangouts with my SMS peeps.
jpjj225 said:
Any chance of you posting that in your awesome thread?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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+1 on that. I'll try it as well.
jedimyndtryx said:
MMS and Location crashing on me too. Also crashes while sending a message while its plugged into my computer also. Still like it. Simply clear data in App manager to get it going again. Excited for the legit release!
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Wait, I thought you mentioned in your thread it wasn't working for you? That it was crashing?
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
jpjj225 said:
Any chance of you posting that in your awesome thread?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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Yes, we need this apk. No one else can get MMS to work. Mind sharing my friend?
christianpeso said:
Yes, we need this apk. No one else can get MMS to work. Mind sharing my friend?
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Actually I believe he was talking about on his S4. He mentioned in his thread that no one has it working on note 3. So I'm just using his inverted MMS for now. It's really good.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Still crashing when trying to make a video call.
Swapped out the new kitkat lib file, uninstalled updates, updated from the market, etc.
still crashes..Any ideas?
Nothing but a Hassle with hangouts from the start,extremely frustrating.
I dont understand why Google just cant get things
right from the beginning, like I hate to say it, facetime/imessage. It works and is rock solid.
deathshead said:
Still crashing when trying to make a video call.
Swapped out the new kitkat lib file, uninstalled updates, updated from the market, etc.
still crashes..Any ideas?
Nothing but a Hassle with hangouts from the start,extremely frustrating.
I dont understand why Google just cant get things
right from the beginning, like I hate to say it, facetime/imessage. It works and is rock solid.
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There are two options for you at this point: rip it down and fix it yourself. Or switch to iOS. Oh wait, there is a third, stop complaining and be thankful for the things that you have the inability to produce.
Ha, you totally missed the point of the and took it as a "apple guy" post...
Billion dollar company = cant fix or launch a decent working messaging app.
No one is switching to IOS here, but IOS people aren't running to hangouts in droves either..
If google was serious about making hangouts a "standard" it wouldnt still be the abortion it currently is.
deathshead said:
Ha, you totally missed the point of the and took it as a "apple guy" post...
Billion dollar company = cant fix or launch a decent working messaging app.
No one is switching to IOS here, but IOS people aren't running to hangouts in droves either..
If google was serious about making hangouts a "standard" it wouldnt still be the abortion it currently is.
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You missed the point. the Hangouts app in this thread, IS NOT FOR OUR PHONE! It works fine on the Nexus 5, the phone it was MADE FOR. We are using an app that was not designed to work for our phones yet. Hence why it has not been released to the play store and why it's not on our phones stock. So sit back, grab a latte and wait for the official so we don't have to see you complain.
teejaymarx said:
You missed the point. the Hangouts app in this thread, IS NOT FOR OUR PHONE! It works fine on the Nexus 5, the phone it was MADE FOR. We are using an app that was not designed to work for our phones yet. Hence why it has not been released to the play store and why it's not on our phones stock. So sit back, grab a latte and wait for the official so we don't have to see you complain.
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You did it again homeslice. We are on the same team here. lol I AM on an "offical" play version of hangouts and lib..
It does not help the fact that hangouts in general is a disaster right now.
Although I do still have hope.
deathshead said:
You did it again homeslice. We are on the same team here. lol I AM on an "offical" play version of hangouts and lib..
It does not help the fact that hangouts in general is a disaster right now.
Although I do still have hope.
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Okay I got ya now. Weird though, because I didn't have any problems with the video hangouts or the app at all really. I did use it VERY limited though before the SMS version. Now with the SMS version, unofficial, I have NOT tried video. But MMS pictures do jack it up. However, I just send any MMS through stock app.
Sorry for the confusion brother lol
teejaymarx said:
Okay I got ya now. Weird though, because I didn't have any problems with the video hangouts or the app at all really. I did use it VERY limited though before the SMS version. Now with the SMS version, unofficial, I have NOT tried video. But MMS pictures do jack it up. However, I just send any MMS through stock app.
Sorry for the confusion brother lol
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haha its all Good sir. Its hard enough to setup and do Video chats with anyone anyways really if you think about it..
The in-laws are lazy and unwilling to use anything other than facetime to communicate with my 5yr old son.. So its tuff titties when I finally chuck the lame ipad 2 out the window as soon as the Note 10.1 2014 arrives..

