Mod. edit: Warez link removed. This is a beta, the developer didn't consent it's distribution. Consider this 1st warning!
Two things!
a) This should've been posted in the Applications subforum.
b) If you'd searched these forums you'd have found that someone had already posted about this in the Applications subforum.
foxmeister said:
Two things!
a) This should've been posted in the Applications subforum.
b) If you'd searched these forums you'd have found that someone had already posted about this in the Applications subforum.
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True it's an app, but for many people out there, it's basic functionality. I know that just like missing tasks and reminders as well as the lack of full Outlook synchronisation in Android, this lack of functionality has been a huge bone of contention for many who have taken the leap to Android only to find that they have been left up the creek without a paddle. For all it's hyped up "amazingness" how on earth can anybody release an OS with so many gaping holes, the lack of basic functionality which other OS's have as standard??
Anyway, I'm trying to spread the word. Especially because I see many people/admins have this strange idea of trying to censor this news (because it's a closed beta. - Who cares?).
Strange how there were some cryptic messages by a sysadmin on the Coreplayer forums about people keeping to the forum rules when there were no posts showing which appeared to have broken any rules! Check out pages five and six here http: // forum.corecodec .com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2885
We're here to help each other are we not?
What happens on other forums is immaterial! There are subforums here for a reason, and this news has already been posted there, which leads me to rule 1 of the XDA rules:
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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And I can understand why some might want to censor this "news" because it borders on warez! Yes, I'm being hypocritical because I've downloaded and installed this player, but the moment it gets onto the market I will buy it.
foxmeister said:
What happens on other forums is immaterial! There are subforums here for a reason, and this news has already been posted there, which leads me to rule 1 of the XDA rules:
And I can understand why some might want to censor this "news" because it borders on warez! Yes, I'm being hypocritical because I've downloaded and installed this player, but the moment it gets onto the market I will buy it.
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At the risk of repeating myself, I, and I am certain many others out there, consider AVI playback to be basic functionality, it's not just "another app" to do some silly thing which the world managed perfectly well without before it came along. Therefore I posted it in the general subforum and pointed to another subforum which had decent info.
As to the goings on on other forums, I was referring to a good number here on XDA too! As you said, search.
And I will buy it too!! This program ROCKS!
Well I for one am glad you posted this here, cos now there is an unwatermarked version available and I didn't know that.
Thanks OP, and thanks anonymous Dev for letting it slip
Will happily buy this from the market when the code is tightened
well, this thread is the 1st i heard of it and i just played an ep of tds perfectly.
is this a divx product? or someone elses?
agreed with others.. we shouldnt be told we are not allowed to know that ROCKPlayer exists. im fine with the link/attached file being removed.. but the WHOLE thread being deleted... ?
Thanks for posting it. The app is very buggy yet, certainly not fit for anything past Alpha. It does not even play 3GP and MP4 vids that the stock player does with ease. Not even what the phone itself records. Massive frame drops, stuttering and audio out of sync on even 600Kbps vids. It does play low bitrate DivX AVIs successfully though. I'll try MKVs and XviD soon. Currently, the latest Yxplayer is far ahead, yet.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
th3 said:
Thanks for posting it. The app is very buggy yet, certainly not fit for anything past Alpha. It does not even play 3GP and MP4 vids that the stock player does with ease. Not even what the phone itself records. Massive frame drops, stuttering and audio out of sync on even 600Kbps vids. It does play low bitrate DivX AVIs successfully though. I'll try MKVs and XviD soon. Currently, the latest Yxplayer is far ahead, yet.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
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I am using it for playing AVI Xvid files of TV episodes etc (from you know where) and it plays them all without a hitch.
No bugs, no nothing. It just works!
Perhaps they could allow it to remember the last folder you opened though!
BTW, does anybody know why it needs access rights to the internet when all it does is play video files?
david_inuk said:
I am using it for playing AVI Xvid files of TV episodes etc (from you know where) and it plays them all without a hitch.
No bugs, no nothing. It just works!
Perhaps they could allow it to remember the last folder you opened though!
BTW, does anybody know why it needs access rights to the internet when all it does is play video files?
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Agreed i was confused aswell. I've played standard HDTV avis fine with ROCK, and if i used YXPLAYER it would play with lots of stuttering
I happy for ROCK to only play DIVX i dont mind it cant do MP4s has i only ever use DIVX.
It plays flv files perfectly too.. I tested it with a bunch of stuff I ripped from xvideos with downloadhelper for firefox
It also plays Xvid just the same as divX.. I've not tried mkv yet
If you want to play mp4/3gp then use the stock player you strange person <rolleyes>
Thanks op for posting this. I say that because when I get home of an evening I have about half an hour to check my emails, news, and about 3 or 4 forums including this one. A post in the apps forum may well have got missed. My fault entirely I hasten to add. The fact remains though I would have missed it.
I am using it for playing AVI Xvid files of TV episodes etc (from you know where) and it plays them all without a hitch.
No bugs, no nothing. It just works!
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So you've only tested XviD AVIs?
What bitrate, resolution, FPS, ratio, audio format are those files using?
Stock ROM?
To be really honest, you'd need to post more details on the files you've played. That's why I mentioned the vid properties. That's exactly how it is with any +650Kbps vid that has action/movement on mine after comparing it to how they play in Act 1.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
th3 said:
So you've only tested XviD AVIs?
What bitrate, resolution, FPS, ratio, audio format are those files using?
Stock ROM?
To be really honest, you'd need to post more details on the files you've played. That's why I mentioned the vid properties. That's exactly how it is with any +650Kbps vid that has action/movement on mine after comparing it to how they play in Act 1.
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Hi I am using a stock Orange Rom.
Video properties:
624 x 352
Bit rate 124kbs
Audio MPEG Layer-3
23 fps
Data 1127kbs
Video sample size 12 bit
video compression FFDS
I have tested several .avis which I get from you know where. 350MB Tv shows. They all worked flawlessly.
Thanks fellas.
I can confirm two aspects of what they are saying. It plays ~640*270 ~1,100Kbps XviD and DivX movies using the AVI container, with MP3 and PCM audio, flawlessly. I've just finished two full movies, one of which is 1.7GB, no problem at all. I haven't tried bigger, better resolutions and bitrates yet.
It can also play low bitrate/resolution MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and WMV vids properly.
However, it cannot run H.264 vids above ~400Kbps at such resolutions and greater without the earlier mentioned problems.
Test these .MP4 and .3GP container H.264 and MPEG-4 vids for yourself. Thanks goes to those who have uploaded them, only one is my own.
Run them on your choice of vid apps, the stock app and the Rock player. Do they play and sound perfect on the Rock player? Do they run at the correct frame rates?
Vid 1:
Vid 2:
Vid 3:
One is a 720p vid shot by the Desire itself. All of them play flawlessly on Meridian, Act 1, etc, but not so in this app. It's missing H.264 acceleration by the looks of it.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
Thanks for starting this thread, had no idea about this app. Works great!!
going to try and see if this plays 800xwhatever divx after work today.
IT's NoT A BloOdy h264 player!!
jeez ffs
Is there an app? Or do you have to use the touch Youtube site?
from what i've read, the first time you visit a youtube clip, it will ask you to download an extension, and after this it will play it like would any other video. it's not a seperate application persay, but merely just an extension to IE to allow you to play the youtube clips.
I could be wrong on this, but I have seen videos of youtube playing, so it's definitely there.
The Gate Keeper said:
from what i've read, the first time you visit a youtube clip, it will ask you to download an extension, and after this it will play it like would any other video. it's not a seperate application persay, but merely just an extension to IE to allow you to play the youtube clips.
I could be wrong on this, but I have seen videos of youtube playing, so it's definitely there.
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I just read on Wikipedia it will run it in a sort of media player app, but they state that Adobe Flash 10.1 is on the way so this could be improved, or hell, there is the possibility updates will bring Youtube apps and better support.
There is built-in support for viewing the videos, but Google will need to develop a separate Youtube app if you want the off-browser experience.
Iridox said:
There is built-in support for viewing the videos, but Google will need to develop a separate Youtube app if you want the off-browser experience.
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Chances are that Google are already working on an application for YouTube.
App in Marketplace that plays Youtube over 3g is craptastic, horrible quality over 3g. Seriously over 3g the quality is worse than on a Blackberry. WTF MS?
Microsoft doesn't own YouTube, so I dunno why you're asking them.
And the quality is probably poor because it's playing 240 or 360p version of the videos instead of HQ.
That's why Google needs to release a YouTube App.
Microsoft has more important things to worry about, like, the actual operating system.
The youtube experience on WP7 is amazing.. its the first phone i ever used that didn't require a full fledged app. I sort of like it that works out of the box and there isn't "an app for that" - with that being said, people are free to use the youtube api and make their own apps and google may do just that. However with the quality for me is amazing. I don't watch it over 3g since AT&T rapes us with 3g bandwidth costs but over wifi the quality is beautiful. also works with your login id so you can easily play your favorite and surf the website. It isn't a pretty package, but hell, sometimes its better that the web integration works this well rather than waiting for a required app
Apparently the youtube app adjusts the video settings if not on wifi. Which doesn't make sense since my 3g connection can more than handle youtube....
Maybe contact the developer and see if we can get settings adjustments.
edit: nevermind, it lists microsoft as the developer so I guess maybe an update will help?
So wondering what people have been able to find for free on the marketplace. I know there's the "Free Artists" on the music tab homepage, and yes it's an unknown artist. But what the hell, I'm sure it'll expand some peoples music taste.
I read on a page while at work that some music videos were free. But I can't find any of them. Anyone?
Also, the "what you missed last season" for some tv shows are free.
30 rock is one of them.
Anyone have any other things to share in on? BTW. Has anyone gotten to successfully get by the video downloading without having to VPN?
Since I've bought my first android (optimus one) I've kept wondering why youtube iOS app was allowed to play music in background and android one wasn't allowed to... So I've started doing some research and I've come up with an app called Queue tube which did exactly this, played just the music and not the video. Unluckily this isn't a very good app and with ics it slows down incredibly all the system.
So back again searching I've found this app PVSTAR+. This app for me is AMAZING it can do what I've just written like in iOS but can still play the video and it has many more features than youtube app also if you don't want to use it for background streaming.
I've shared this cause I've seen I'm not the only person interested in it
p.s. it's a free app so it's not ad! and it's chinese and I'm italian
Awful news.
Vanced apparently got a cease & desist and will be pulling all links in a few days. Current Vanced should still work until the api is updated. Possibly up to two years but Google could update it anytime. Really awful news since there is currently no good alternatives on Android other than Adguard (which thankfully I have). With Adguard, you can play a video and then click share and select Adguard and it will play the video ad free in the Adguard app but no background play and no sponsorskip.
We can only hope that somehow an alternative is released before the api is updated.
Starzboy77 said:
Awful news.
Vanced apparently got a cease & desist and will be pulling all links in a few days. Current Vanced should still work until the api is updated. Possibly up to two years but Google could update it anytime. Really awful news since there is currently no good alternatives on Android other than Adguard (which thankfully I have). With Adguard, you can play a video and then click share and select Adguard and it will play the video and free in the Adguard app but no background play and no sponsorskip.
We can only hope that somehow an alternative is released before the api is updated.
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There is an amazing alternative: NewPipe
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Personally Vanced caused more trouble for me (multiple casting device copies, etc.) than it was worth. How to get around it? Sub to YT. Just sayin'...
andreas__ said:
There is an amazing alternative: NewPipe
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Can't link your Google account with Newpipe unfortunately.
jimwebb said:
Personally Vanced caused more trouble for me (multiple casting device copies, etc.) than it was worth. How to get around it? Sub to YT. Just sayin'...
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YT Premium is priced to high for me to subscribe too. It's basically another Netflix sub which is ridiculous since it doesn't even include sponsorskip.
this is terrible news
Starzboy77 said:
Awful news.
Vanced apparently got a cease & desist and will be pulling all links in a few days. Current Vanced should still work until the api is updated. Possibly up to two years but Google could update it anytime. Really awful news since there is currently no good alternatives on Android other than Adguard (which thankfully I have). With Adguard, you can play a video and then click share and select Adguard and it will play the video ad free in the Adguard app but no background play and no sponsorskip.
We can only hope that somehow an alternative is released before the api is updated.
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Is this for real? Got any source you can reference for authenticity?
nevermind.. checked their official Twitter and confirms it. Kinda figured this would come eventually. Can't get in the way of a company making it's next million to put in the top execs pockets. This is definitely a punch in the balls.
I'm sure someone will come along with a new alternative.
Starzboy77 said:
Can't link your Google account with Newpipe unfortunately.
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True, but it is possible to import all subscriptions from youtube into NewPipe.
andreas__ said:
True, but it is possible to import all subscriptions from youtube into NewPipe.
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True but Newpipe is just not an ideal alternative. It's slow, the background popup player is buggy and doesn't allow any touch inputs behind the pip screen other than pulling down the notification window and selecting an app through settings. The feed doesn't include what I would expect based on my subs and watch history. I'm thankful it's available for us but it's not even close to being a good alternative to Vanced.
Mod Edit: Quote removed since post removed.
Tried using this just now but it still shows adds and has no background play. Not sure what is needed to get what you and their website claim?
Potential alternative:
Brave Browser blocks all ads and will allow PIP background play as long as you minimize video while it's playing in Fullscreen mode. Seems to work well. Just wish we could get sponserskip and dislike counter but still, this will be usable once Google updates the api.
RIP Vanced. I have Premium but i'll miss the dark OLED theme and the sponsor/reminder skips.
This sucks
Hopefully apkmirror won't take the links down, I've used it for 4 years and had no issues, my grandma uses it too haha
I've got YT vanced on all my family members phones both for root and non root
Sad news, seems all apk links have already been removed from their site already? (Can't download anything from api.vanced).
With their code being available on GitHub & old devs/mods already distributing their own builds earlier in the year, I don't doubt that this will be back in some shape or form (probably by an anonymous dev) when an update is actually needed. I can't really understand Google's decision to take this action though; no one I know personally who owns a Android device knows what Vanced is when I mention it (even the techy people) & whenever a company goes on the warpath in a attempt to destroy something, multiple clones always pop up (sometimes even becoming bigger than the original because of news stories, etc).
I downloaded the Vanced Manager apk and saved it to my Google drive so I will have it to install on phones I upgrade to in the next couple of years. I have YouTube Premium but use YouTube Vanced so I can override the video codecs and watch 4K 2160 videos in 4K instead of the limit of my phone.
DanielF50 said:
Sad news, seems all apk links have already been removed from their site already? (Can't download anything from api.vanced).
With their code being available on GitHub & old devs/mods already distributing their own builds earlier in the year, I don't doubt that this will be back in some shape or form (probably by an anonymous dev) when an update is actually needed. I can't really understand Google's decision to take this action though; no one I know personally who owns a Android device knows what Vanced is when I mention it (even the techy people) & whenever a company goes on the warpath in a attempt to destroy something, multiple clones always pop up (sometimes even becoming bigger than the original because of news stories, etc).
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hell Id say I'll start taking over the project, but the whole me vs legal Google thing is a little terrifying to think about. I can only imagine how many thousands of people use Vanced, now that Google has focused it's attention to this, they are more than likely looking at each download as potential lost revenue. My thoughts are with the dev who created/maintained this. I really hope Google doesn't try to destroy him financially. I'm certainly not a law student, but I could see them put together one massive lawsuit to try to bury the person/people responsible.
truckerdewd said:
I downloaded the Vanced Manager apk and saved it to my Google drive so I will have it to install on phones I upgrade to in the next couple of years. I have YouTube Premium but use YouTube Vanced so I can override the video codecs and watch 4K 2160 videos in 4K instead of the limit of my phone.
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Vanced manager is just a front-end "installer" that links to a download url or api. This will probably stop working in a few days or weeks (hopefully I'm wrong). Hopefully, there will be a decent fork of vanced. It has to be completely anonymous though - and that's the tough part.
i'm still using it on my samsung galaxy core prime run 4.4.4 because youtube is no longer supported as below screenshot.I used older version of youtube vanced because it isn't compatible with latest version of it.I tried to install newpipe,youtube go.But newpipe do not have google play services to sign in google account because i want to i want to comment on video live stream on youtube.Youtube go use google play services so it allows sign in google account but it doesn't allow sign in multiple accounts.I installed vanced and it is great when it allow me to sign in google account and use multiple accounts.I'm so sad to hear that youtube vanced will cease
I hope there will be an app to replace youtube vanced when the api is updated and it will support older android like my smartphone because youtube is no longer supported on my device