Yikes! 4.3 update pushed and I'm not ready! - Verizon HTC One (M7)

So, I am S-OFF, unlocked and rooted. I tried to postpone the 4.3 update until later, after I'd done some research, but the download started anyway.
I assume I'll lose root with the update but I wonder if re-rooting will be possible. Can anyone comment?
Voodoo OTA does not work with 4.3's security updates so that's out.

I have no idea if you'll be able to reroot or not, but if you have a custom recovery, the OTA will still download, but will not install. The OTA needs the stock recovery in order to install correctly, so as long as you have CWM or TWRP, you should be good.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk

jedifire said:
I have no idea if you'll be able to reroot or not, but if you have a custom recovery, the OTA will still download, but will not install. The OTA needs the stock recovery in order to install correctly, so as long as you have CWM or TWRP, you should be good.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk
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Quite right. That's exactly what happened. That should have been plain to me. Cheers.

I believe there is a ota nag removal you can flash. But jedifire is correct also in above post?
sent from my JAVA CARD S-OFF FAUX HBOOT BLUE HTC ONE! using the XDA premium app.

mordango said:
So, I am S-OFF, unlocked and rooted. I tried to postpone the 4.3 update until later, after I'd done some research, but the download started anyway.
I assume I'll lose root with the update but I wonder if re-rooting will be possible. Can anyone comment?
Voodoo OTA does not work with 4.3's security updates so that's out.
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you can disable the OTA updates by deleting, freezing or .bak ing:
in /system/app/ and rebooting.

murtaza217 said:
you can disable the OTA updates by deleting, freezing or .bak ing:
in /system/app/ and rebooting.
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Correct, or just flash the zip I made that does this for you.

mordango said:
So, I am S-OFF, unlocked and rooted. I tried to postpone the 4.3 update until later, after I'd done some research, but the download started anyway.
I assume I'll lose root with the update but I wonder if re-rooting will be possible. Can anyone comment?
Voodoo OTA does not work with 4.3's security updates so that's out.
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So long as you are s-off, you will be able to re-root after the update. It was already confirmed by someone else on another thread that the update does not change s-off status so you should be good
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk

even if you do get the OTA it wont install unless you have stock recovery. but yes you will need to remove the nag.

I was rooted S-off and unlocked. I reflashed the stock recovery and accepted the OTA. After, I still had S-off and Unlocked. The only issue was that my radio signal was horrible. My phone would switch from 3G to 1x and sometimes not detect the data signal. My 4G was intermittent. Prior to the update, my phone signal was pretty good. After my phone signal is down to 1-2bars where I used to get 3-4bars signal showing. Plus if I toggled from wifi back to just mobile data, the mobile data took a while to kick in. I was unhappy, I called verizon support just to see what they would say and of course...Factory Reset. I did it and that didn't help. So since I had still had root, I have reverted back to the .10 version of software(ran decrypted RUU). Now my phone is back to normal and better than before.:good:

murtaza217 said:
you can disable the OTA updates by deleting, freezing or .bak ing:
in /system/app/ and rebooting.
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I am running BoneStock and found the HtcOMADM* files but not Updater.apk. Is it in a different location or maybe omitted in bonestock? Will it matter as long as I rename the HtcOMADM* files?
I assume I also need to delete the OTA zip in the cache folder before I reboot?

gauchomark said:
I am running BoneStock and found the HtcOMADM* files but not Updater.apk. Is it in a different location or maybe omitted in bonestock? Will it matter as long as I rename the HtcOMADM* files?
I assume I also need to delete the OTA zip in the cache folder before I reboot?
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Yeah, I think i noticed that in Bonestock too. Just rename the two HtcOMADM files, reboot, and see if it works, it probably will.


How do I get the OTA? - Rooted Incredible running stock sense

I am running stock sense on a rooted phone. I only rooted so I could tether and run adfree, and actually like stock sense very much. Is there a way to install the ota without ruining my phone?
I'm wondering this, too. I'm all stock, rooted with S-OFF, removed crapware. I'm running ClockworkMod though, and I believe I've read that OTAs won't install if you're not running stock recovery. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do now.
Run the OTA
Reflash your recovery
Done. Re-rooted. OTA doesnt turn s-on.
Smokeey said:
Run the OTA
Reflash your recovery
Done. Re-rooted. OTA doesnt turn s-on.
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Will the OTA install if I'm using ClockworkMod?
I'm in the same boat as thevoiceless, and I'm curious of the same thing; I don't want to brick my phone >.>
And is there a link to download the ota?
I love my skyradier 3.3.3 final Rom and I am not interested in this update how do I get It to stop bothering me every half hour to update. It's annoying.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
johndiblasi said:
I love my skyradier 3.3.3 final Rom and I am not interested in this update how do I get It to stop bothering me every half hour to update. It's annoying.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Um... why did you post in this thread?
And to make it stop, I found this in another thread:
Get your build.prop from your /system/ folder
edit it
put this line in, not add it but replace the line that starts like this ro.build.fingerprint=verizon_wwe/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Replace it with this
Replace your build.prop and reboot. I did it by just using root explorer, copying it to the sdcard, editing on my PC, then copying it back to the /system/ folder then reboot. It might nag you once more upon reboot, but ignore and close it and it wont ask anymore.
Thank you. Sorry I posted it here I could not find anything relevant to my problem .
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Here you go
Applying November 2010 OTA to STOCK 2.2/FroYo rooted Incredible
Bob Denny said:
Here you go
Applying November 2010 OTA to STOCK 2.2/FroYo rooted Incredible
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Bob.... thanks a ton. As the brits say "you're a star".. just did it and everything went nice and smooth (well...except the link to the update itself... I kept getting an error when trying to apply it. Found the update on my phone and just used that)
Just did a backup... and removed the crapware again. Thanks a ton!
Can someone link to the crapware apk's? I didn't back them up before I removed them.
Bob, you saved my life. Thank you so much!
Thanks Bob, worked perfectly for me. I copied over some of my disabled apps to the wrong folder, so I got an error the first time trying to install the update. Moved them to the right folder, and the update worked perfectly!
Thanks for the info, it helped me as well! I knew being S-Off would come in handy!
Thanks Bob, worked perfectly for me as well
Question about the "** STOCK 2.2 ONLY - READ MY LIPS SUCKA! **" statement...
Does ODEX vs DEODEX matter?
I got a question regarding the link that Bob posted. in the step 13 where you need to Copy ClockWork Recovery (PB31IMG).zip to just plain PB31IMG.ZIP on the SD root.
When I do that and boot into HBOOT nothing is happening and when i go to recovery it just shows a red triangle and exclamation point.
am i doing something wrong or what? i am S-OFF and the update installed smoothly, i didn't have any of those apps running and i didn't remove my crap ware so i didnt' have to restore that either.
newbie question
What steps would be different if you were trying to do this on a Mac?
I rooted my Incredible using unrEVOked one click root to get wireless tether, that's all I have done. I would like the OTA, but still leery of doing this until I know what is different.
I'm reading all the posts trying to figure out what would be different. Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance from a total newbie.
So I'm in the same boat as some. I removed (through titanium backup) all the crap-ware including FriendStream. Unfortunately, I can no longer reinstall the apps via titanium so I need to know how to get them back on the phone. When I try to run the update, I always get the error that it was aborted because of FriendStream odex blah blah blah. Help please!
Problem solved. I downloaded the new RUU which includes the November update and just went from there. Yeah, it wiped the phone and I had to reinstall everything but it was worth it.
Jikkan said:
So I'm in the same boat as some. I removed (through titanium backup) all the crap-ware including FriendStream. Unfortunately, I can no longer reinstall the apps via titanium so I need to know how to get them back on the phone. When I try to run the update, I always get the error that it was aborted because of FriendStream odex blah blah blah. Help please!
Problem solved. I downloaded the new RUU which includes the November update and just went from there. Yeah, it wiped the phone and I had to reinstall everything but it was worth it.
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For future reference, this is what you were looking for: http://www.chadhaney.com/droidIncDefault/

Gingerbread update OTA update and rooted question

So my wifes phone is rooted with s off. When she receives her update will she be able to update and then I can just reinstall Su and CWM correct?
Sent from my DINC using XDA Premium App
CWM will stop your phone from updating from the OTA.
It downloads fine, but when it tries to reboot to apply the update it looks for the stock recovery. You'll need to go back to stock recovery before you update.
Going back to stock requires that you use the RUU found here which will bring you back to stock recovery correct, but you will still retain S-OFF.
Running the RUU WILL keep S-OFF. But on dougpiston's site there is also a stock recovery you can flash in hboot if you don't want to run the RUU. I haven't used it though. So I can't really say anything about it.
That should work, S-Off/S-On settings are only changed by Unrevoked apps.
The RUU should restore your bootloader, OS, and recovery back to factory.
If that doesn't work, I use the zip files off of dougpiston.com to recover my phone.
Final question. If I apply the RUU will it wipe her phone or will she retain all her apps and such.
cuban11182 said:
Final question. If I apply the RUU will it wipe her phone or will she retain all her apps and such.
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The RUU will wipe EVERYTHING! It takes it back to factory settings. Out of the box. Minus S-OFF anyway.
I have a ROM Manager restore point with stock froyo, but rooted. If I restore to this, will I be able to get the OTA gingerbread update?
Why do you all want to receive the ota? Just wait until a devs gets it and makes a rooted flashable zip. Updating the ota will s-off and make you unrootable. Then your gonna be stuck with the crapware Verizon tries to force down our throats. The will be nothing special with the ota except the 50 mb of wasted space for crapware. Just hold on to your shorts and let the devs do their work!
cvbcbcmv said:
that won't do anything to recovery, you must flash the RUU, or something similar to get back to stock and for it to work.
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Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
abtxpress said:
Why do you all want to receive the ota? Just wait until a devs gets it and makes a rooted flashable zip. Updating the ota will s-off and make you unrootable. Then your gonna be stuck with the crapware Verizon tries to force down our throats. The will be nothing special with the ota except the crapware. Just hold on to your shorts and let the devs do their work!
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
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benefits that i mainly want is the tv out (no real use for that anyway, since i'm not the kind of person who watches tv, let alone 80% of the time i moderatly use my phone.
I'm sure there will be a way to get the tv out being rooted.
Kiboe said:
benefits that i mainly want is the tv out (no real use for that anyway, since i'm not the kind of person who watches tv, let alone 80% of the time i moderatly use my phone.
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Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
Gingerbread update on stock rooted Incredible
Let me know guys when you have it figured out, I am willing to wait so I don't mess up this awesome phone ...
Thanks !!
The stock roms in the dev section are rooted... they have TV out

[How-to] Disable FF18 OTA update from downloading and bugging you (beta)

Is anyone interested in testing a simple cwm update.zip that will disable the FF18 OTA update so it stops bugging you?
I tested the install under EL29+CWM-Rogue but it should work for other CWM variants.
It will theoretically disable your phone from thinking it needs to download the current OTA updates (including EK02, EL29, and FF18)
My phone hasn't been selected for FF18 so I haven't been able to confirm it'll skip that one, but it should.
There are actually 2 processes going on with the OTA update.
The first process checks with the Google servers to figure out if your phone should download an OTA update.
The second process takes over once an OTA download is complete and starts bugging you all the time.
This will bypass the first process, but if you already have the OTA update downloaded and your phone is bugging you, this won't disable that. To get rid of that either remove the OTA update from you /cache directory and choose to install or press "More Info", then pull your battery. Normally that'll get rid of the OTA update for a few days, but if you run the update.zip above, it should not come back at all (until the next OTA update)
sfhub said:
Is anyone interested in testing a simple cwm update.zip that will disable the FF18 OTA update so it stops bugging you?
I tested the install under EL29+CWM-Rogue but it should work for other CWM variants.
It will theoretically disable your phone from thinking it needs to download the current OTA updates (including EK02, EL29, and FF18)
My phone hasn't been selected for FF18 so I haven't been able to confirm it'll skip that one, but it should.
There are actually 2 processes going on with the OTA update.
The first process checks with the Google servers to figure out if your phone should download an OTA update.
The second process takes over once an OTA download is complete and starts bugging you all the time.
This will bypass the first process, but if you already have the OTA update downloaded and your phone is bugging you, this won't disable that. To get rid of that either remove the OTA update from you /cache directory and choose to install or press "More Info", then pull your battery. Normally that'll get rid of the OTA update for a few days, but if you run the update.zip above, it should not come back at all (until the next OTA update)
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Is there a process for me to do this? Any help will be gladly appreciated!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
So theoritically, this will make it seem like the phone got the update?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
cob11341 said:
Is there a process for me to do this? Any help will be gladly appreciated!
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Well ideally, you've already been selected to download the FF18 OTA update.
You'd just place the update.zip on your internal or external SD, boot into CWM recovery (or Rogue CWM), select install zip, choose the file, and confirm.
After you reboot, you should have a /system/build.prop and a /system/build.prop-backup
Assuming you do, the update did its thing.
Your phone should then not download the FF18 update. If you didn't have the change (and were selected for the FF18 update) within a few days of canceling the update, it would download again (slowing down your internet and eating your battery) then incessantly bug you about the update, and I think eventually automatically installing it.
If you were selected for the FF18 OTA update, installed this update.zip, and didn't see the FF18 update prompt for a week, then that confirms you won't be seeing the update again (until the next OTA update)
g_ding84 said:
So theoritically, this will make it seem like the phone got the update?
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Yes, the process that checks for updates should tell the google servers you are on FF18 and the servers will tell your phone there is nothing newer.
Is there a way to do this with stock EL29 plus root. I am not running CWM recovery or anything, just stock el29 + root.
I do not want the OTA ICS update.
Wizard220 said:
Is there a way to do this with stock EL29 plus root. I am not running CWM recovery or anything, just stock el29 + root.
I do not want the OTA ICS update.
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After it was tested a little I was going to add it to auto root. There is a shell script included in the update.zip which you can run from adb shell
/system/bin/sh disable-ota-update.sh
You could also just use Auto Root to install CWM, run the update.zip, then use Auto Root to install stock EL29 kernel back.
I have been selected after going back to el29. I definitely want to try this later however I am being nagged to do the install. So I guess I need to find this file in the cache and remove it.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
dbldown768 said:
I have been selected after going back to el29. I definitely want to try this later however I am being nagged to do the install. So I guess I need to find this file in the cache and remove it.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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Just hit more info then pull the battery
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk
My phone has not been selected yet..im rooted running wicked sensations can I still flash this so I wont ever see it or do I have to wait for it to pop up???
Sent from a galaxy touched by VeNuM
sbeekman said:
My phone has not been selected yet..im rooted running wicked sensations can I still flash this so I wont ever see it or do I have to wait for it to pop up???
Sent from a galaxy touched by VeNuM
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Flash it before your prompt comes up. Also if you flash a new rom, flash it again
K thanks I flash roms religiously so I gotta flash it each time thanks
Sent from a galaxy touched by VeNuM
Will try now, just got home. Getting nagged, but it already downloaded. Now it is just nagging me.
Sent from my SPH-D710
linuxtad said:
Will try now, just got home. Getting nagged, but it already downloaded. Now it is just nagging me.
Sent from my SPH-D710
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Place the update.zip on your sdcard, then when it is nagging you, click on More Info, then pull your battery. Then boot to recovery and apply the update.zip.
It should no longer try and download the update and thus with nothing downloaded, won't nag you again.
Works great. I also went into settings and tried to manually check for Android updates, it states that I already have latest version. Thanks!!
Edit: A few reboots and all is good.
Before I nandroided back I tried it out just to see what would happen, everything worked as expected. However, the downloaded OTA file was removed/deleted after applying the patch. And the nag screen was gone. Placebo perhaps?
Sent from my SPH-D710
linuxtad said:
Before I nandroided back I tried it out just to see what would happen, everything worked as expected. However, the downloaded OTA file was removed/deleted after applying the patch. And the nag screen was gone. Placebo perhaps?
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Once it installs, it will remove the update from cache. That is expected behavior.
If it didn't install right, some time in the future (usually a few days) it'll try again, contacting the Google server and asking if there is a newer update than your current.
Now with the update.zip you just ran above, when it checks for something newer, it will be asking, is there something newer than FF18, to which the Google server will say no, nothing newer, so your phone won't download the update again and nag you, like it would if you didn't run the update.zip above.
Thanks again, sounds like you have it completely automated. Great work! I will keep this a day or two and then move to ics for a bit to test. I really don't expect any issues, but will let you know if I ran across anything.
Sent from my SPH-D710
sfhub said:
Is anyone interested in testing a simple cwm update.zip that will disable the FF18 OTA update so it stops bugging you?
I tested the install under EL29+CWM-Rogue but it should work for other CWM variants.
It will theoretically disable your phone from thinking it needs to download the current OTA updates (including EK02, EL29, and FF18)
My phone hasn't been selected for FF18 so I haven't been able to confirm it'll skip that one, but it should.
There are actually 2 processes going on with the OTA update.
The first process checks with the Google servers to figure out if your phone should download an OTA update.
The second process takes over once an OTA download is complete and starts bugging you all the time.
This will bypass the first process, but if you already have the OTA update downloaded and your phone is bugging you, this won't disable that. To get rid of that either remove the OTA update from you /cache directory and choose to install or press "More Info", then pull your battery. Normally that'll get rid of the OTA update for a few days, but if you run the update.zip above, it should not come back at all (until the next OTA update)
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Is this different "superfreeze" ?
Ive had it forever, started offering it to people when they syaryed worring about the update, but.... per usual.. people just wanted to complain about it.and do nothing....
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks a lot for this, I just flashed it and it removed the OTA update from cache and obviously stopped the install reminder too.
PhAkEer said:
Is this different "superfreeze" ?
Ive had it forever, started offering it to people when they syaryed worring about the update, but.... per usual.. people just wanted to complain about it.and do nothing....
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Don't know what superfreeze does. This just tells google that you are already on FF18 even if you are not. Nothing is being frozen.

[Q] ATT software update with rooted phone

I keep getting a notification about an ATT update and I was wondering if it will affect my rooted phone. I just have a basic 'stock' odin root, not a custom Rom. The update will not let me disable notifications and will only let me delay the reminders 8 hrs........... I am getting tired of seeing the notifications and dont know what it will do if I update. Any advice is appreciated!!!
Chasoscar said:
I keep getting a notification about an ATT update and I was wondering if it will affect my rooted phone. I just have a basic 'stock' odin root, not a custom Rom. The update will not let me disable notifications and will only let me delay the reminders 8 hrs........... I am getting tired of seeing the notifications and dont know what it will do if I update. Any advice is appreciated!!!
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Yeah it will remove the root but you can re-root it after the update or use supersu pro to conserve root (though not guaranteed).
Have you modified any system apps or files at all? If not i don't see why you won't, just be sure to run Voodoo OTA Keeper before installing the update and restore it after the update. As this update patches the ExynosAbuse exploit
Download OTA root keeper from the play store.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Chasoscar said:
I keep getting a notification about an ATT update and I was wondering if it will affect my rooted phone. I just have a basic 'stock' odin root, not a custom Rom. The update will not let me disable notifications and will only let me delay the reminders 8 hrs........... I am getting tired of seeing the notifications and dont know what it will do if I update. Any advice is appreciated!!!
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That update (from like 2/18 or something) is a baseband update (to MA4) and didnt mess with root on mine.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
I went ahead and accepted the update and it didnt effect my root, but I did get a notification on the 'pull down' screen that the update was unsuccessful.
ReggieSmith said:
That update (from like 2/18 or something) is a baseband update (to MA4) and didnt mess with root on mine.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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So you are saying that you were on a rooted stock LK2 ROM, and ran the OTA update successfully without losing root? And this was without using RootKeeper OTA or SuperuserSU set to protect root?
Chasoscar said:
I went ahead and accepted the update and it didnt effect my root, but I did get a notification on the 'pull down' screen that the update was unsuccessful.
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Same here. My phone kept rebooting to TWRP also, which may have something to do with it.
ChefJ said:
Same here. My phone kept rebooting to TWRP also, which may have something to do with it.
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Your phone will not correctly install an OTA update if you have a custom recovery. You will need to find it in the development forums, already rooted, and as a flashable ZIP in custom recovery.

★ ☆ [MOD] M7vzw OTA Killer | Recovery Flashable Zip ☆ ★

Don't want the OTA right now?
Tired of deferring the update?
How can you stop it or get rid of it before or after it downloads to the device?
M7vzw OTA Killer - Flash in Recovery
Enjoy! :good:
santod040 said:
Don't want the OTA right now?
Tired of deferring the update?
How can you stop it or get rid of it before or after it downloads to the device?
M7vzw OTA Killer - Flash in Recovery
Enjoy! :good:
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Awesome thanks! Is there a way to get OTAs back after flashing this? Just curious.
Cares said:
Awesome thanks! Is there a way to get OTAs back after flashing this? Just curious.
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Flash my full odex stock rom...they won't apply to much else anyhow.
santod040 said:
Flash my full odex stock rom...they won't apply to much else anyhow.
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I am going to flash this with Bonestock. Shouldn't be a problem right?
Cares said:
I am going to flash this with Bonestock. Shouldn't be a problem right?
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You can flash this on any rom.
santod040 said:
Flash my full odex stock rom...they won't apply to much else anyhow.
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which rom of yours is full odex stock?? i;d love to try it
sant0d, you are da best. Not that I need this, but you've done a lot to ontribute to this model phone. So thank you.
This work with your KitKat ROMs too?
I just went through and flashed your Odex Debloated KitKat ROM, and downloaded this to block the OTA from happening. However, I just noticed the last update of this is from December. Is it still OK to flash this on top of the KitKat ROM, or is that going to muck up things? (Or did you already "bake" it in by getting rid of some of the stuff in the debloat process?).
Thanks again!
Robertjm said:
I just went through and flashed your Odex Debloated KitKat ROM, and downloaded this to block the OTA from happening. However, I just noticed the last update of this is from December. Is it still OK to flash this on top of the KitKat ROM, or is that going to muck up things? (Or did you already "bake" it in by getting rid of some of the stuff in the debloat process?).
Thanks again!
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It should still work fine on KK.
But the debloated rom already has the OTA stuff removed.
Look in Settings > see anywhere to even check for a software update? No you won't...
It's already been removed.
santod040 said:
It should still work fine on KK.
But the debloated rom already has the OTA stuff removed.
Look in Settings > see anywhere to even check for a software update? No you won't...
It's already been removed.
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Thank you so much!!!!! Finally something that actually works to get rid of the OTA Thank you so much Santod045 you are the best!
Oh yeah. Will this still work with sense 6.0?
Sent from my HTC ONE.
onthehole said:
Oh yeah. Will this still work with sense 6.0?
Sent from my HTC ONE.
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Yes, it should work just fine.
santod040 said:
Yes, it should work just fine.
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It does indeed!
Thank you very Much :good:
Stock Un-Rooted HTC One..?
My husbands phone (which he refused to let me root when we had the chance, has been giving him a lot of grief with this latest OTA. It keeps downloading, attempting to install, and there errors 410 update failed, and exits software update. When I checked his phone after the latest attempt by the phone to install 4.4.3 to see if the download was still ON his device, it had disappeared with the failure of the update.
My question is, he's just sick of getting the prompt, error, and reboot - as a temp fix, can I push this OTA Killer onto his phone even though it isn't rooted and have it work, or do I need to find a signed RUU of the 4.4.3 and flash in bootloader (as I was originally planning on doing, but came across this...)
Thanks in advance!!!
xenacick said:
My husbands phone (which he refused to let me root when we had the chance, has been giving him a lot of grief with this latest OTA. It keeps downloading, attempting to install, and there errors 410 update failed, and exits software update. When I checked his phone after the latest attempt by the phone to install 4.4.3 to see if the download was still ON his device, it had disappeared with the failure of the update.
My question is, he's just sick of getting the prompt, error, and reboot - as a temp fix, can I push this OTA Killer onto his phone even though it isn't rooted and have it work, or do I need to find a signed RUU of the 4.4.3 and flash in bootloader (as I was originally planning on doing, but came across this...)
Thanks in advance!!!
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If he has a custom recovery installed, then it will work. Have you tried downloading the OTAzip to his SD card and running the ota directly from stock recovery?
Get into recovery, select install update from SD, select OTAzip.
Sent from my HTC6500LVWBLU using XDA Free mobile app
Uzephi said:
If he has a custom recovery installed, then it will work. Have you tried downloading the OTAzip to his SD card and running the ota directly from stock recovery?
Get into recovery, select install update from SD, select OTAzip.
Sent from my HTC6500LVWBLU using XDA Free mobile app
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NO, no custom recovery installed, everything is 100% stock. He spent a good part of 3 hours with tech support with Verizon and HTC and they were both dumbfounded....go figure!
Problem is because it's a virtual SD, I have no way of verifying (without root) that it's even downloaded to the virtual one on the M7. Would it hurt anything to take a shot at it from stock recovery.....?
Or is there a link someone could suggest to a download to the OTApkg file?
xenacick said:
NO, no custom recovery installed, everything is 100% stock. He spent a good part of 3 hours with tech support with Verizon and HTC and they were both dumbfounded....go figure!
Problem is because it's a virtual SD, I have no way of verifying (without root) that it's even downloaded to the virtual one on the M7. Would it hurt anything to take a shot at it from stock recovery.....?
Or is there a link someone could suggest to a download to the OTApkg file?
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@dottat uploaded it to his android file host account.
Sent from my HTC6500LVWBLU using XDA Free mobile app
would this help my problem??
I recently read a post, I don't know where now, but it had to do with a hidden Trojan/malware. That was started in 2013... After reading, thinking back to when this really started affecting me Feb,26, 2015. I noticed some strange things mentioned in my service log from around that date. The post mentioned how it places a high tracker in some obscure app. Unfortunately I got the bug, BAD!!! So not knowing about this until I made it worse by plugging my phone into my computer... I'm sure you can figure out the rest. My everything is screwed now. My HTC one m7, is the only device I can use period, now. I tried to root, and couldn't. Then downloaded another root checker, and it said my device was already rooted. Is there anything I can do(on my knees begging). This has to be the worst inter-web experience ever. Any and all ideas, advice, similar problems, links, and time are greatly appreciated. Thank you

