I was looking throught the ROM choices for the droid incredible and I noticed a lot of them. I began looking through them and i couldnt decide which one i wanted. I currently have CM6.1 but it keeps looping. Any ideas on which is the best one and why?
I think it really depends on what you're looking for. Cyanogen is a great AOSP-based ROM. If you're looking for a Sense-based ROM, there's Skyraider or Redemptive Revolution. The three ROMs I've mentioned are just a few of MANY. They all bring something good to the table. It all boils down to what your preferences are.
Also, I'm currently running CM6.1 with no problems. You might try wiping your cache and Dalvik and re-flashing.
MrAwesomeMan said:
I was looking throught the ROM choices for the droid incredible and I noticed a lot of them. I began looking through them and i couldnt decide which one i wanted. I currently have CM6.1 but it keeps looping. Any ideas on which is the best one and why?
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If there was a "best ROM," everyone would be using it, so it would be the only ROM. What we need are criteria to help you select. Answer my questions below and I'll be able to give you some insight:
-Do you prefer Sense (stock UI), or vanilla UI (like in Cyanogen), or something completely different?
-Rank these three in the order of importance: speed, stability, features.
-Do you want a high degree of customization (above what a stock ROM offers), or do you just want it to work out of the box?
I tried that and it just keeps looping. I would like something that wont brick easy and with some features that i wont have with the stock ROM and pretty fast and smooth. The UI doesnt really matter just as long as its cool and i can add themes and i would perfer some customization. I hope Im not being to picky.
MrAwesomeMan said:
I tried that and it just keeps looping. I would like something that wont brick easy and with some features that i wont have with the stock ROM and pretty fast and smooth. The UI doesnt really matter just as long as its cool and i can add themes and i would perfer some customization. I hope Im not being to picky.
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Try these two:
They both look nice. is there any difference between them?
MrAwesomeMan said:
They both look nice. is there any difference between them?
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Yes, read the OP threads, since those tell you what each ROM contains. If you are looking for something specific, just flash one of them and use it for a few days. You can always create a nandroid backup of it, and flash the other to test it out.
You aren't really going to know the intricate details of the differences unless you just flash them.
Are you looking for a ROM that has something specific? You will want to look at the Theming threads too, cause there are quite a few themes for both of those ROM's as well. Those threads will also tell you what versions of the ROM it'll work on as well.
Not as of right now. I'm just looking for something thats cool and i can have some fun with. Also how would i know if my radio is on S-OFF?
MrAwesomeMan said:
Not as of right now. I'm just looking for something thats cool and i can have some fun with. Also how would i know if my radio is on S-OFF?
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It actually says in your hboot menu.
Kind of a subjective question haha... but I have been switching back between lous stuff. So redemptive revolution and redemption. The later uses the incredible framework and the first uses the evo framework. Both are super sexy with his kernel.
I thought so. Its on S-OFF but i dont remember doing it ha. and i just installed Redemption ROM v2.3
That's actually what I have been using for the past week and a half, decided to return to it and it's been flawless.
give both evervolv and OMFGB a try. they are two of the current Gingerbread (Android 2.3.2) roms and ive had great luck with both.
Anyone know of any cool themes and what are some awesome things I can do with redemption 2.3
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
MrAwesomeMan said:
I was looking throught the ROM choices for the droid incredible and I noticed a lot of them. I began looking through them and i couldnt decide which one i wanted. I currently have CM6.1 but it keeps looping. Any ideas on which is the best one and why?
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I started off trying to stay stock but rooted. Took off the bloatware. I then decided to take virtuous 3.2 a shot. I really liked it. I have the 2400 battery that with juice defender I was getting almost 36 hours with a good amount of use (txt and web surfing). I was reading up on Incredibly Re-Engineered v2.20 and I love it. Its everything everyone says. Its fast, the battery life is good so far but I am still tweaking it. I am a novice user but i guess it all depends what you want really. Re is solid and I have had VERY little problems.
Incredibly Re-Engineered v2.20
Running the SkyRaider 3.5 and loving it.
Trying to download the redemption 2.3 to give it a try, but the servers they host it on suck and it says its gonna take 4-6 hours to down load it
I'm currently on 2.3 and I like it. It's smooth and pretty fast. The only thing is that I cannot find any themes for it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Correct me if I'm wrong but as long as the themes are using the same framework shouldn't they install fine?
thats what i hear but im not 100% sure but i think redemption 2.3 does not have the evo frame work, i think it has its own and i couldnt find many themes for it.
Ultimate Droid is really nice.. Many tweaks for the user to further customize the ROM to your liking.
The cyanogen7 rom (I'm now using build 22) and its been about as solid as I could of hoped it could be. I tried omfgb and it was great as well. But like what others have said, decide what you want out of it and try a few different roms to see what works well for you.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
What do you think is a good entry level rom for a newbie like myself? I'm looking for a stable rom that I don't have to constantly mess with.
sah0724 said:
What do you think is a good entry level rom for a newbie like myself? I'm looking for a stable rom that I don't have to constantly mess with.
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Try Fresh or AvaFroyo. To be honest all the roms are pretty basic. They only need messed with if you want to mess with them.
sah0724 said:
What do you think is a good entry level rom for a newbie like myself? I'm looking for a stable rom that I don't have to constantly mess with.
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mostly all the roms are very easy to use, i recomend that you try CM7 RC1, i used to like sense but since i flash Cyanogen i never return to sense roms, even leaving on 4G area and now cyanogen almost got 4G fully working, promiss you, you gonna love it
Thanks, sorry for the noob question.
Stability is the main concern.
juancaperez2000 said:
mostly all the roms are very easy to use, i recomend that you try CM7 RC1, i used to like sense but since i flash Cyanogen i never return to sense roms, even leaving on 4G area and now cyanogen almost got 4G fully working, promiss you, you gonna love it
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Sounds good but I rooted with unrevoked3, I heard it sucks to use with roms, should I unroot then reroot with something else?
sah0724 said:
Sounds good but I rooted with unrevoked3, I heard it sucks to use with roms, should I unroot then reroot with something else?
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lol. No it does not. It does what any other way of rooting does, it roots it.
But if you don't like clockwork, dload ra's recovery.
Myn's is a pretty cool and easy to use rom, I use it and love it.
Really, anything labeled DEV you should stay away from.
Everything else is mostly the same. I recommend mikfroyo or Myn.
Stick with kernel #15 . It has the least issues in my experience at least
sah0724 said:
Sounds good but I rooted with unrevoked3, I heard it sucks to use with roms, should I unroot then reroot with something else?
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Unrevoked roots your phone just like any other way, except faster and less hassle. The only real difference is if you need to flash a splash screen.
How do I do a full wipe like they advise?
Might be best to ask these in the Q&A forum and not in Android Development.
juancaperez2000 said:
mostly all the roms are very easy to use, i recomend that you try CM7 RC1, i used to like sense but since i flash Cyanogen i never return to sense roms, even leaving on 4G area and now cyanogen almost got 4G fully working, promiss you, you gonna love it
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defintely agree with CM7.... I was never a fan on AOSP until gingerbread.. but i am having a hard time going back to sense (which i LOVE) cause CM7 is SOOOOO GOOD... but i would flash a savage-zen kernel
felacio said:
Really, anything labeled DEV you should stay away from.
Everything else is mostly the same. I recommend mikfroyo or Myn.
Stick with kernel #15 . It has the least issues in my experience at least
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If you want a sense ROM, AVA Z3, or MikFroyo, or Myn.... but I dont care much for Kernel 15... i like Net's 4.3.1 WITH SBC
Welcome to the crack... the best thing to remember is BACK UP (NAND) BEfore you flash.. as long as you do this, there is very little you can do to REALLY mess up your phone. Just learn to WIPE, and WIPE SOME MORE..
One last "noob" advice.. Buy titanium back up... it will save you MASS amounts of time if you do it right. Feel free to PM me if you have questions. be more than happy to help!
Hey everyone,
I've been doing lots of ROM homework since the ICS update popped up on my stock but rooted 2.3.6 on tmo. Anyway I decided to freeze that device updater and pick a rom since it sounds like so many people were having issues with stock ICS. However, all the other ICS roms that have come out seem to be lacking functionality with bugs and other problems. Do these really hinder? For instance, I've been eyeing Darkside evo 3 since it seems the best but it sounds like everyone still has app hangs. AOKP has random reboots and call echo, no video cam various other roms have a mixture of those problems. If everyone is reporting problems, I ask myself "What can those ICS roms do that my GB can't that makes it worth it?" Or on the other hand, is the vast majority happy and don't bother to post their happiness and I only hear of the problems which are minority?
I ask because I get really frustrated if things don't work, especially when they did before. I get about 2 days of battery life now anyway and if I can't extend, I don't see much point. If darkside is legit, or another ics rom, should I go ahead and flash v7 or wait till v8? Also, I'm leaving the country on the 7th for a few months so I'd like something stable before then, especially when my phone is practically going to be my mobile computer.
It's really up to u what u would like... Me personally want to try them all that's way I can make my own decision... For example I was running eaglesblood and went to darkside eco. Then came the Ics update which took my root. Rerooted and flashed juggernaut which by the way is a beast. But since I not one to sit back and just settle, I jumped on infamous... There's a lot to learn from each ROM but if u want the tools are there. Don't settle. Always something is getting fixed or updated but whatever u do thank the devs... Without them we wouldn't have any of this happening.
As I said juggernaut is a beast in it's own right, I never had any issues with it. But once I flashed infamous I was super impressed of how fast all worked. Nothing has yet to f/c or give me any issues. The key to doing this is just follow instructions to a T. That's my best advice. Im new to this too but every dev def does their best to answer question as fast as they can.
Darkside 3v7 with venom kernel has been as stable as can be for me.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
If you don't wish to tolerate any issues then i would stick with stock. The name of the site is xda-DEVELOPERS.
think i'm in the same boat as the op. want to try a custom rom instead of official ics. i tried to flash infamous v2.5 from gb 2.3.6 but i got the dreaded boot loop. flashed it multiple times with no different result so i'm restoring my nandroid backup right now.
i read the whole infamous thread and everyone seems to say it's super stable so i'm not sure what i might have done wrong.
tgdontap said:
think i'm in the same boat as the op. want to try a custom rom instead of official ics. i tried to flash infamous v2.5 from gb 2.3.6 but i got the dreaded boot loop. flashed it multiple times with no different result so i'm restoring my nandroid backup right now.
i read the whole infamous thread and everyone seems to say it's super stable so i'm not sure what i might have done wrong.
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you have to do exactly as op directs... im looking to switch here today with the new chimera rom. only issue i had was now with the infamous radio signal is lost. imma research on that later. love infamous but im so always ready to try new things i wana see what the fuzz about chimera is. just recheck your steps and enjoy. took me on the first try to get infamous. but again best of luck on whichever rom you decide to use. everything will have hang ups here and there. its developing, it happens. nothing is perfect but if you know any ways to make it so then implement your own time and start creating your own.
its best i can recommend. then again everyone is entitled to their own opinion.:good:
If you want stable with good support the only one to go with is Cyanogenmod 9.
If you want the second best ROM and the one I use its Root Box Rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Stay away from chimera , infamous, and of course juggernaut. Anything else your good. Don't let them fool you especially with the "opinion" BS. They are the same ones rushing for "first!" Bull**** On the OP and now starting with the "::good::" OR let them say that **** is good and you can can always re-flash another from not listed above good luck brother
volcomguyaz said:
Stay away from chimera , infamous, and of course juggernaut. Anything else your good. Don't let them fool you especially with the "opinion" BS. They are the same ones rushing for "first!" Bull**** On the OP and now starting with the "::good::" OR let them say that **** is good and you can can always re-flash another from not listed above good luck brother
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intended in full pun, i did say it was my opinion due to its what i have used, im currently on or wanna try. i didnt put a gun to his head stating he has to get any rom in particular. those are the ones i had flashed and tried out. how can i opiniate on any rom that i havent flashed myself..... does it make any sense? in regards of going for first? what does that even mean? as stated above, i only gave my opinion on working roms that i used. intended in full is the fact that the individual that asked the question asked for the responders personal opinions. so with that said i'll extend my freedom of speech to say, this site is for developers that help us out to get the maximum of our devices, if your a developer then create your own and publish it. dont bash nobodies work. their time invested is FREE. only thing they have its the donations we make. with that said i bid you well and happy flashings
datrapstar said:
dont bash nobodies work. their time invested is FREE. only thing they have its the donations we make. with that said i bid you well and happy flashings
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So true. Sorta want to put this in my signature. I was thinking the same thing. Whether ROMs are good or bad is mostly opinion, unless they don't boot or something. I tried most of the ROMs mentioned above and honestly, even though I'm not using any of them now, they were all okay. Just didn't fit my preferences.
datrapstar said:
you have to do exactly as op directs... im looking to switch here today with the new chimera rom. only issue i had was now with the infamous radio signal is lost. imma research on that later. love infamous but im so always ready to try new things i wana see what the fuzz about chimera is. just recheck your steps and enjoy. took me on the first try to get infamous. but again best of luck on whichever rom you decide to use. everything will have hang ups here and there. its developing, it happens. nothing is perfect but if you know any ways to make it so then implement your own time and start creating your own.
its best i can recommend. then again everyone is entitled to their own opinion.:good:
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yeah, i followed the exact instructions in the infamous thread. finally got it to work when i used the darkside superwipe prior to flashing the rom. had just been doing the "wipe data/factory reset" option in cwm recovery prior to that.
so far it's great. really smooth. not sure i'll ever take time to learn the programming skills necessary to do any software development so i'm glad there are lots of people here doing it for me. :good:
i just flashed chimera vs hercules and im has sooooo many tweaks enabled by user that it just blows your mind.. *just stating my opinion* ill be back later and will let you know how is the vanilla far im still loving this chimera with all hits user options but i have to try as many as i can so i can give a true opinion. might ned to do a lil radio research but other than that im deff making chimera my ride or die!!! happy flashings!!:laugh:
datrapstar said:
i just flashed chimera vs hercules and im has sooooo many tweaks enabled by user that it just blows your mind.. *just stating my opinion* ill be back later and will let you know how is the vanilla far im still loving this chimera with all hits user options but i have to try as many as i can so i can give a true opinion. might ned to do a lil radio research but other than that im deff making chimera my ride or die!!! happy flashings!!:laugh:
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Agreed. I had to revert back to Tuesday since I couldn't disable the touch key lights.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Thanks for the input. Now if info of problems by version could be consolidated to see what I might be getting myself into, to weigh the pros and cons easier...
bripod said:
Thanks for the input. Now if info of problems by version could be consolidated to see what I might be getting myself into, to weigh the pros and cons easier...
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between the 3 ROMs i addressed the only issue i have had its i lost my 4g on chimeravshercules. but imma do some research and find radios to flash unto it and see if that helps my issue. other issue i seen is the desktop f/c but since yesterday it has only happened twice. its lightning fast for the most part and i LOVE the fact that i can customize as i for juggernaut v5.0, itsa beast no issues i seen and for infamous the only prob i had was it installed team win recovery v*** which i dont care much for. reverted back to my backup and reflashed and worked great again. so until i get the vanilla ROM thats all i can input.:victory:
Im using Mr. X stock tmobile ics version, very stable and i havent had a problem with it so its been my dd since it came out. You should try it out...All you need to do is read the OP carefully and do what it says.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
racerx250 said:
Agreed. I had to revert back to Tuesday since I couldn't disable the touch key lights.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Out of curiosity... How is Tuesday better than an ics rom? Not knocking it trust me. I just wanted some info please. Also I hear he is working on an ics version as well
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
If your still in gb go with beastMOD 5.0. Hands down the best rom on gingerbread, followed by juggernaut 5.0. If you want a stable ics rom go with DARKSIDE v7. Amazing rom.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
AOKP is working out some final kinks, but once it is done I think it will be the best.
Same boat here. ICS is just trash for me. My calls suck on low signal and wifi calling has a 3-4 second delay and thats with stock. I did all clean installs to ICS and wiped and wiped and wiped and it didn't change a thing. I tried Darkside before the official ICS drop and wifi calling was worse but regular calls were better. I was hoping AOKP would be ready by now. I'm going to have to go back to GB. I don't really want to but I can't really use my phone as a damn phone most of the time. I guess the trade off is having it look cool and making calls with GrooveIP at home.
May try Darkside and Beastmod before restoring GB stock rooted. I really really want to keep Apex.
Darkside is nice. Camera is better, wifi calling echo is gone too. Getting the weird dialing out after calls drop though.
Well after doing TONS of reading, soul searching, and complaining about this under performing phone, I have decided to flash my first rom ever. I don't know if I am just tired of TW or maybe that what the problem is after all . I guess I will soon find out. Battery is charged to 92% and can't wait! BTW I will be flashing XTREMEPERIA V5 . I love the look of this particular rom and it seems to function well. I'm just tired of the same look day in and day out of my phone and need something different.
Flash a cm 9 rom u can change the theme and over all the first experience is simple
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Mahkus said:
Well after doing TONS of reading, soul searching, and complaining about this under performing phone, I have decided to flash my first rom ever. I don't know if I am just tired of TW or maybe that what the problem is after all . I guess I will soon find out. Battery is charged to 92% and can't wait! BTW I will be flashing XTREMEPERIA V5 . I love the look of this particular rom and it seems to function well. I'm just tired of the same look day in and day out of my phone and need something different.
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A good ROM (is currently my DD). I wish this was my first ROM.
TheLastSidekick said:
A good ROM (is currently my DD). I wish this was my first ROM.
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Good to know. I'm glad I made a good choice.I have had a few android devices, nothing like some people. I thought this phone would be the answer, but with it randomly rebooting and freezing all the time, I'm just fed up. If this experiment works, I'm stoked, if not, then I may be off to WP8 and a Lumia 920 or HTC 8x.
I would recommend CM9 or AOKP ICS, but that's mainly because I'm an AOSP nut. I've heard good things about the Xperia rom but to me it just doesn't have that clean AOSP look that I love (and wish I had bought a GNex for!)
I would suggest an AOSP ROM!
CM9.1 Stable - awesome ROM. Better battery life than CM9. Major plus over TW based ROMs is the theme chooser.
CM10 - not really DD material as many people have mixed results from phone to phone. Prone to have Sleep of Deaths and Random Reboots. Aside from the bugs, it's the fastest and snappiest ROM available (in my experience).
CM10 Superlite - the latest version (4.0) is based off a pretty stable build. Once you tune it right and break it in, it's FAST! Lots of features/bloat that I never really used were taken out... some that I did use though, but I can live without em (Browser sync is the only one really, well that and Picasa but I think that could be added DLing Google+, but not sure as it may be missing some dependencies).
Jedi Mind Trick - the BEST TW based ROM out in my opinion. Can't speak much on V9 yet since I have yet to flash it, but V6-V8 were all excellent. If you don't want to go the AOSP route and prefer faster data speeds (aside from decent battery life, this is probably AOSPs biggest flaw, slow data), then this is the way to go imho! I think it also has better battery life than all AOSP ROMs (CM9/10/AOKP).
And that's it. I've tried other ROMs but these ones all ran the best for me. I also want to check out Eugene's Vanilla ICS, but waiting on him to upload the newest version before giving it a try . Apparently he fixed the data issues that plague all AOSP ROMs. Anyway, good luck! We have quite the selection at our disposal.
AOKP ICS Milestone 6 July 15. Plus I added Google Now with a separate zip.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I will certainly keep them in mind. I flashed XTREMEPERIA v5 last night and it all works flawlessly. I was in the mood for something different and that rom certainly is different.
Mahkus said:
Well after doing TONS of reading, soul searching, and complaining about this under performing phone, I have decided to flash my first rom ever. I don't know if I am just tired of TW or maybe that what the problem is after all . I guess I will soon find out. Battery is charged to 92% and can't wait! BTW I will be flashing XTREMEPERIA V5 . I love the look of this particular rom and it seems to function well. I'm just tired of the same look day in and day out of my phone and need something different.
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Well this is my first post
..I have to say i am a self taught newby flasher and i was extremely nervous and anxiety hit after i did my first flash and i'm like OMG did i brick my phone?,lol
I didn't thank god but now i am addicted. My fav developer thus far ptmr3 he's awesome. I'm trying to get my posts up so i can "advance" lol to the developers forum..I want to be able to test ROMS and give my opinions.
But anyway goodluck and don't worry it's easier then it look's..:laugh:
Hope i'm doing this right
excellent nkoxto
Danilynne said:
Well this is my first post
..I have to say i am a self taught newby flasher and i was extremely nervous and anxiety hit after i did my first flash and i'm like OMG did i brick my phone?,lol
I didn't thank god but now i am addicted. My fav developer thus far ptmr3 he's awesome. I'm trying to get my posts up so i can "advance" lol to the developers forum..I want to be able to test ROMS and give my opinions.
But anyway goodluck and don't worry it's easier then it look's..:laugh:
Hope i'm doing this right
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Awesome and congratulations! I first taught myself with my old MyTouch 4G and have rooted friends phones and have flashed ROMs. I finally got the courage to sign up to do what you are doing, to test ROMs and give my opinion on them.
dsg32 said:
Awesome and congratulations! I first taught myself with my old MyTouch 4G and have rooted friends phones and have flashed ROMs. I finally got the courage to sign up to do what you are doing, to test ROMs and give my opinion on them.
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The first phone I ever rooted was a MyTouch 3g. Man I hated that phone also. I'm really enjoying XTREMEPERIA rom. Just about everything works with the exception of not receiving email notification and an auto rotate bug. The auto rotate I fixed by fixing permissions. I'm still working on the email. This can certainly get addictive with all the new roms coming out recently, so happy flashing.
Mahkus said:
Well after doing TONS of reading, soul searching, and complaining about this under performing phone, I have decided to flash my first rom ever. I don't know if I am just tired of TW or maybe that what the problem is after all . I guess I will soon find out. Battery is charged to 92% and can't wait! BTW I will be flashing XTREMEPERIA V5 . I love the look of this particular rom and it seems to function well. I'm just tired of the same look day in and day out of my phone and need something different.
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Stock ICS is the best. I tried almost all ROMs. Battery life is best in Stock ICS. UI is imp but kills battery.
Mahkus said:
The first phone I ever rooted was a MyTouch 3g. Man I hated that phone also. I'm really enjoying XTREMEPERIA rom. Just about everything works with the exception of not receiving email notification and an auto rotate bug. The auto rotate I fixed by fixing permissions. I'm still working on the email. This can certainly get addictive with all the new roms coming out recently, so happy flashing.
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The MyTouch 4G was and still is a great phone, I had a DD jellybean rom, only problem was camera was twitchy and no video recording but I never use it. I switched to the GS2 because my friend upgraded to the GS3 and gave me his gs2. I'm really liking the bigger screen lol.
I'm using a modified Jedi rom. Battery life and speed are way way improved over stock ics. I tried custom visuals, but they killed the battery. So no more of these. Go launcher eats battery.
Sent from my ARCHOS 80G9 using xda app-developers app
Danilynne said:
Well this is my first post
..I have to say i am a self taught newby flasher and i was extremely nervous and anxiety hit after i did my first flash and i'm like OMG did i brick my phone?,lol
I didn't thank god but now i am addicted. My fav developer thus far ptmr3 he's awesome. I'm trying to get my posts up so i can "advance" lol to the developers forum..I want to be able to test ROMS and give my opinions.
But anyway goodluck and don't worry it's easier then it look's..:laugh:
Hope i'm doing this right
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Welcome to the madness
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
I have to agree with Steve about GoLauncher. I used to love Theme'ing my s2 with all kinds of designs, but after I found out about how much RAM it uses I just got rid of it completely. I love having more battery life than performance, especially when it comes to large touchscreen phones such as the s2.
When I flashed my first rom I think I bricked my phone, lol. Even after all the reading I did, there was just too much information that I read up on, and I think that actually confused me as to exactly how I should go about rooting and flashing my first rom.
In the end it turned out all right, and now I use the latest Jedi Knight rom from ptmr3. I found that this one gives me the minimalistic theme that I've always wanted and the essential apps that don't take up a lot of memory.
I've been running stock for the few months I've had this phone but keep wondering if flashing a custom rom is worth the effort? Is there one that's the best?
acheney1990 said:
I've been running stock for the few months I've had this phone but keep wondering if flashing a custom rom is worth the effort? Is there one that's the best?
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Yes it is and no there's not. It's all down to personal preference and only you know what you like best.
It depends on your preference. Ever since safetynet, custom roms have been a nightmare with security issues or being up to date with making it pass.
Also, having a Google device, you'll be giving up running the latest software updates as you would have to wait for when the developer has the time to integrate it.
Android has matured much since it's induction and the use of EZ Root for a one-click root as it now has ways to customize it in a functional matter in ways that you needed a custom rom for.
If you enjoy changing colors or themes and are willing to sacrifice security and some functionality, then you have your answer.
To me honestly, it's no longer worth it. Having to scour the forums every time there's a bug, troubleshooting issues, or for updates takes way too much time that I no longer have. I just want a phone that does eveything I need to simplify my everyday life, not make it complicated. Don't care for red, blue, green status bars or settings app, or having a custom boot animation for a device that never needs a reset. Function over form for me.
acheney1990 said:
I've been running stock for the few months I've had this phone but keep wondering if flashing a custom rom is worth the effort? Is there one that's the best?
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I've flashed most all of the popular ones, and while I like most of the features they offer, I have settled on plain ol stock + root with some substratum themes to darken things up. I don't think it's particularly difficult to flash a custom rom now that I've pretty much got the A/B partition thing figured out, but I like to update my device the day a new factory image comes out, then just flash twrp and root again, and I'm up to date in about 20 minutes time with no data loss. But it's like P70shooter's really up to your personal preference, and what your looking for :good:
I haven't flashed any ROMS recently, but it's because of the reasons mentioned before. They don't offer enough benefit over stock + rooted to be worth losing GPay and monthly updates. Root access basically let's you tweak any part of the phone to your liking anyway.
I think ROM developers realize this and it's contributing to a scarcity of quality ROMs anyway.
I've thought about this also. But Stock is so good on this Phone. That just Rooting to use Edge Sense to change squeeze actions and TWRP, black Bootmation. I'm good. Plus installing custom ROMS isnt easy with the A B partion stuff. Stock + Root:good:
p70shooter said:
Yes it is and no there's not. It's all down to personal preference and only you know what you like best.
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P70shooter, are u the maker of the screwd ROM on angler?
AquariOS had been Rock solid for me, and I know @Badger50 would agree. I get his position about the updates process though so your best bet in my opinion is to try one and see what your own opinion is. The squeeze thing is missing from custom roms, so if you dig that you might miss it. I'm still on Feb. Update and might just hang here for the summer unless I get bored. Lol again I would at least try one before you decide...
shooterlgk said:
P70shooter, are u the maker of the screwd ROM on angler?
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That's not me I'm afraid. I use to be the maintainer for Candy on angler but now I'm just a tester and thread bouncer for AquariOS.
I've tried most the ROMs available and I find stock with gravity box is the perfect combo for me
rickysidhu_ said:
I've tried most the ROMs available and I find stock with gravity box is the perfect combo for me
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Absolutely agree
I like Stock rooted and Custom Roms! Now if only we had Dual boot... A=Stock B=Custom
galaxys said:
I like Stock rooted and Custom Roms! Now if only we had Dual boot... A=Stock B=Custom
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That my friend would be the "Bees Knees" :good:
Not worth it anymore. Haven't unlocked bootloader or did anything since the first pixel release.
I've tried most of the custom roms as well. Most of them have some nice touches that I use. However, the one thing missing for the last several months on all custom roms is verizon wifi calling. You should try them out yourself and decide.
I used to run Gravity Box when I had xposed installed on a previous device, but from what I understand, it's not possible to use xposed and pass safety that still true?
skaforey said:
I used to run Gravity Box when I had xposed installed on a previous device, but from what I understand, it's not possible to use xposed and pass safety that still true?
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That's right
I've been a big time custom ROM user, flashed them as often as I could on previous phones. Stock+root+xposed does every single thing I need on the p2xl though.
has anyone noticed that display quality seems better on custom roms?
specifically Carbon rom vs Stock for me.
screen looks more bright and clear.
It really depends on your usage. I used to flash custom roms on all of my devices, primarily for themes and debloating. Up until the Nexus 6, it was well worth it. However, with Google's monthly security patches, maintaining a custom ROM is a lot more work. If you use custom themes, expect to have to disable themes every time there are app or rom updates, then reapply. With a busy work schedule, it simply became too much of a hassle and to be honest, stock ROMs have gotten a lot smoother.