Hi guys, I just got my HTC One X, shiny and all, but came updated to 4.1.1.
I want to downgrade to ICS (4.0.4) for certain reasons, but I'm not sure how.
I searched and found this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1921781
But that thread doesn't seem right as I don't have a nandroid backup of ICS.
Is it possible to downgrade from 4.1.1 to 4.0.4 here? Assuming I am planning to unlock my bootloader using the tool here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604439&highlight=4+1+1
Well actually before you unlock the bootloader you can check the software number ! Not all phones are capable of running a 4.0.4 rom because of the updated touchdrivers.
If the software number is higher than 3.16 you can't revert to 4.0.4
Yes, that's true, i tried. ICS will flash and phone will boot but touch won't work so you can't use your phone. Because we don't have s-off we can't downgrade hboot (firmware) so you can't do anything about it, unfortunately.
Unfortunately my software number is 3.16. Looks like I'm out of luck.
Unless my phone has S-Off?
By the way, why is there "S-Off" option in the AIO toolkit found here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604439
Attached is a photo.
On photo it says that's for Htc one x Evita, not for ours (Endeavour).
You can easily check if you are s-off: boot into recovery and see if it say s-on or s-off.
3.16 can run ics mate
snebojsa said:
On photo it says that's for Htc one x Evita, not for ours (Endeavour).
You can easily check if you are s-off: boot into recovery and see if it say s-on or s-off.
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I haven't gotten to flashing recovery because I don't want to make a wrong move. For example, I was going to use that toolkit for the Evita I just linked to you.
But I wasn't aware of the evita/endeavour info you just told me of.
So I downloaded Hardware Info from the playstore, lo and behold, my HTC One X is Evita.
Mr Hofs said:
3.16 can run ics mate
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Sorry, that was a typo, it's 3.18.
Knowing my device is Evita though, do I have to downgrade my hboot to get to ICS?
Edit :
Evita can be s-offed and downgraded indeed. Then you can run ics roms.
But do it in the right forum. At&t forum
Sorry, i meant to reboot into bootloader, not recovery, you can see there what is your device, is it s-off or s-on, hboot version...
Mr Hofs said:
Edit :
Evita can be s-offed and downgraded indeed. Then you can run ics roms.
But do it in the right forum. At&t forum
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Oh. So technically, I have the HTC One XL. Well, this is embarrassing.
Thanks though, everyone. Big help.
No problem !
Happy downgrading
Hello guys,
i think this question is answered in another thread, then please give link, i haven't found everything
I now, that this is a noob question, but i ask in General section too.
Why it is impossible to downgrade the Wildfire S to HBOOT 0.90.000? And why the rom_01.zip with the modified radio does not work on higher HBOOTS?
Thx for answers!
i too have been wondering this, is there no way we could change the misc to say the phone has 0.00.0000 firmware so we could run any ruu we liked??
We can only change the so called "main version" in the misc partition. According to that version A RUU will know if it can be installed.
But that's just the half thing.
As you, ONeill123 know, a RUU uploads the rom.zip and let's the bootloader do the rest.
So in fact, when the hboot is updated, the RUU and the main version are out of scope. hboot checks the real version of hboot to be flashed. Somehow 0.90.0000 is too old.
I think when HTC changed from 0.90.0000 they KNEW it is exploitable and forbid under all circumstances to flash it (only s-off can flash). So from 1.03.0000 it is no more possible. hboot update bypassed is the error shown then.
So what happened? I can only guess, but an idea would be they changed the location of the secu flag some time. new hboots know about that, 0.90.0000 does not and is s-off.
but this is just a guess.
its terrible Maybe you and the other devs found a was to s-off our great phone
I made a downgrade only to 1.03.0000
So I'm assuming people have already tried to downgrade that?
Or would it be possible to edit the 0.9 hboot to read as a higher number in order to flash it?
sent from my android powered beast!
heavy_metal_man said:
So I'm assuming people have already tried to downgrade that?
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Sure. I have tried it (since I would never state something I have not tested without saying I haven't :-D )
I tried to downgrade from every available hboot to 0.90.0000. nothing worked.
heavy_metal_man said:
Or would it be possible to edit the 0.9 hboot to read as a higher number in order to flash it?
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No, that would change the checksum & signature of the hboot. If it was possible to flash edited hboots we'd have s-off for months now.
True. Hmmm. Dead end then lol.
sent from my android powered beast!
So, I'm running Android Revolution HD 6.0 and I want to get back to stock...
My phone came with an Asian Rom of some sort and I have a Nandroid Backup.
I've tried to simply flash a Ruu "Europe_1.29.401.11" but it force close before any process start.
Do I have to get back to that stock, then relock the bootloader to do so???
Can I re-Unlock the bootloader if I need sometime??
It's my first HTC, I'm ok about using odin and rsd lite but never flashed any Ruu, so in HTC matters I'm pretty noob.
lucasmine said:
So, I'm running Android Revolution HD 6.0 and I want to get back to stock...
My phone came with an Asian Rom of some sort and I have a Nandroid Backup.
I've tried to simply flash a Ruu "Europe_1.29.401.11" but it force close before any process start.
Do I have to get back to that stock, then relock the bootloader to do so???
Can I re-Unlock the bootloader if I need sometime??
It's my first HTC, I'm ok about using odin and rsd lite but never flashed any Ruu, so in HTC matters I'm pretty noob.
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You have to re-lock bootloader to flash official RUUs, and you can unlock it everytime you want using the unlock.bin you get from HTCdev (on your mail).
But you have to be sure you are using the right RUU
Read the threads relating to ruu carefully. Pretty important.
One thing. You can't use any ruu. Your phone did have a Asian rom initially and so you need the ruu corresponding to that area. And if phone was branded, you need the ruu specific to that brand.
So like if you your phone was from Hong Kong region, you need Hong Kong specific and carrier specifi(if your hox was branded ) ruu.
One more thing, u can only use the ruu of your current os version.
So if you're on 1.29.11, you can't use ruu for 1.29.7
See stickies for in android development section for ruu.
Although I think re locking bootloader should be enough and you should be good to use ruu, do check it.
Not sure if it would require flashing stock rom or stock recovery.
Last thing... Why use ruu? It's probably the last thing you should do unless it's a try to reclaim warranty.
I just want to get my phone to a stock rom, that was why...
but I guess I'll just stick to custom roms, since the Ruu stuf is actually pretty scarring... I tought it was simple to do, since fhasing via odin was always fast and safe...
But that's ok!
So, that was my shipped Ruu...
Can I flash an European over it??
lucasmine said:
I just want to get my phone to a stock rom, that was why...
but I guess I'll just stick to custom roms, since the Ruu stuf is actually pretty scarring... I tought it was simple to do, since fhasing via odin was always fast and safe...
But that's ok!
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It's very simple really.
1. Find the correct RUU
2. Flash stock recovery(not 100% sure if needed, I did it though)
3. Relock bootloader
4. Run RUU while still in fastboot.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
lucasmine said:
So, that was my shipped Ruu...
Can I flash an European over it??
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No. You've already had it explains to you once lol. Ruu must match hardware. Read the threads
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
lucasmine said:
So, that was my shipped Ruu...
Can I flash an European over it??
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You can only flash the one that matches your region ... to find that out, you first have to find out your CID (something like HTC_001 or O2_002) out with THIS tool from the play store...and in the bootloader you will find the HBOOT version (0.94, 0.96 ...) ... post both here and ill let you know which RUU you need
lucasmine said:
So, that was my shipped Ruu...
Can I flash an European over it??
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You're likely going to need RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_ICS_40_hTC_Asia_WWE_1.28.707.10_Radio_1.1204.103.14_release_257076_signed which supports CID HTC__044.
afaik there is no 1.29 RUU for that region yet
as I said in the first post, I'm pretty noob in HTC...
just another question, can someone clarify what the numbers in the name of the RUU files means?
lucasmine said:
as I said in the first post, I'm pretty noob in HTC...
just another question, can someone clarify what the numbers in the name of the RUU files means?
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RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_ICS_........................_X.XX.707.XX_Rad io_B.BBBB.BBB.BB_release_...........
X= software version
Y= region and/or branding
B= radio version
muamers said:
RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_ICS_........................_X.XX.707.XX_Rad io_B.BBBB.BBB.BB_release_...........
X= software version
Y= region and/or branding
B= radio version
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Hmm... Mate all I see is Ys. I can't see any Xs or Bs.
Care to correct?
Electrostatic King said:
Hmm... Mate all I see is Ys. I can't see any Xs or Bs.
Care to correct?
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Hahaha sorry, it was late The 777 above is the region and/or branding, here again the right way:
RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_ICS_........................_X.XX.YYY.XX_Rad io_B.BBBB.BBB.BB_release_...........
X= software version
Y= region and/or branding
B= radio version
edit ... If you still dont see, here:
The first 8 numbers are for software version and region/branding (region and branding are the numbers between the 2nd and 3rd dot, the other numbers are the software version) and the 2nd 10 numbers are the radio version
muamers said:
You can only flash the one that matches your region ... to find that out, you first have to find out your CID (something like HTC_001 or O2_002) out with THIS tool from the play store...and in the bootloader you will find the HBOOT version (0.94, 0.96 ...) ... post both here and ill let you know which RUU you need
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How do I find the CID? I have rooted my phone by htcdev and I have not experienced the basic way to find the CID of my phone.
ri123 said:
How do I find the CID? I have rooted my phone by htcdev and I have not experienced the basic way to find the CID of my phone.
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Sorry I misread your post with a link in it:thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA
I have software number 1.29.401.11, and hboot 1.12.0000
Please help me. What ruu i must to use.
Georgegalanos said:
I have software number 1.29.401.11, and hboot 1.12.0000
Please help me. What ruu i must to use.
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Before anyone gets to be smart ass, I have already tried searching forums. Searched google for quite a bit as well. Spent couple hours on the subject matter but still couldn't fully understand everything so that's why I am asking questions here.
I have gotten hold of a HTC one X which is acting up. Freezes up, screen goes all haywire, things get mixed up, screen banding. From what I have gathered it is on a custom rom ORDROID. I want to simply make it go back to stock rom and if not possible then to cyanogen rom. But the priority is to get back to stock rom and see if it fixes things up. I am a Galaxy series Owner where things r not complicated , HTC is not my forte. Please just guide me to a simple procedure it will be very appreciated.
Android Version : 4.1.1
Software number : 11.1.2
HTC SDK API : 4.63
Kernel version 3.1.10-gcc7c4b
baseband : 5.1204.162.29
build number : 3.14.401.27
HB BOOT 1.36
I believe phone is rooted and recovery is installed as well.
Quick reply with simple instructions and minus the sarcasm will be loved
PS: Any unbranded GSM English ROM will be fine.
well since you're rooted already and have cwm , I'd suggest you simply try and flash another Rom , there's a guide how to flash them easily in every roms thread by dev who made it. shouldn't be too hard , just don't forget to erase cashe. gl.
You say you 'got hold of it', which implies it wasn't yours from new. Check with whoever you purchased it from as to which original firmware it was on
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Why you didn't search the four... ok you did that, but how about Googli... ok you did that as well. How about understandin... ok you couldn't (joking here).
Your first sentence made me laughing when I read it, and yes it really starts getting out of control with those smarties (at least on HOX forums).
Sorry for the OT, now to your problem. I'll give you some guidelines and you could search the rest, which I don't consider it as a problem in your case.
* If your boot loader is unlocked, lock it first (you could find the guide here, and also posted many times on JB threads).
*(Skip this part and move to the next one) Download your RUU from here http://www.htcruu.com/?dir=Endeavor or from here http://www.filefactory.com/f/7cc7b2fbdd03c031/ (provided by [email protected]).
* I think this RUU is the right one for your, http://www.htcruu.com/securekey.php...Radio_5.1204.162.29_release_298897_signed.exe
* Install it.
That's all & Good luck.
Happy Christmas
Note: if you read the word [email protected] it doesn't mean you are rooted.
I relocked my bootloader and tried installing your rom but it is not installing, also i can't boot the phone anymore, it goes back to Hboot screen, did i miss something, was there a file to load before relocking the bootloader ?
hey guys. one of my firends is having a problem like this but woth one difference: he is on stock rom and unrooted..in short he has done donthing with his phone but experiencing almost the same problem said above. how can we fix this?
thnx in advance
Sent from my GT-I9103 using xda app-developers app
Try also installing CWM Recovery and do what neuTrue says.
sorry for noobing but i am all unfamiliar with one x and especially htc's so about this bootloader, it says *** LOCKED *** and ENDEAVORU PVT SHIP S-ON RL below that. should i assume that bootloader is locked (because of ***locked*** thing) or is it unlocked (s-on)?
rukenau said:
sorry for noobing but i am all unfamiliar with one x and especially htc's so about this bootloader, it says *** LOCKED *** and ENDEAVORU PVT SHIP S-ON RL below that. should i assume that bootloader is locked (because of ***locked*** thing) or is it unlocked (s-on)?
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if it says it's locked than it's locked
One-X-master said:
than it's locked
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so then i think i should go on with the second step... but alirkar says i need to install cwm, then i need to unlock and then i have to choose a ruu file ( which i dont know according to what?) and then installing it.. could anyone pm me with all these things?
btw, i mean no offence but i am happy that i own a sammy
rukenau said:
so then i think i should go on with the second step... but alirkar says i need to install cwm, then i need to unlock and then i have to choose a ruu file ( which i dont know according to what?) and then installing it.. could anyone pm me with all these things?
btw, i mean no offence but i am happy that i own a sammy
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you dont need cwm to install the ruu. actualy you need to relock the bootloader if it isnt allready locked.
then you need to find out the correc ruu for your phone
fastboot getvar version-main this command should tell what version is the correct for you
i have a question. this phone is on stock rom, and as far as i understand we are flashing a "custom" stock rom.
but what is the difference? why does htc make a rom with major problems like these? and can we fix these problems better than htc?
hope this rom fix this problem, cuz its very annoying.. :s
like the title said I just moved back to my stock nandroid backup (3.20.401.1) to use my waranty because crackling speakers I know there's now software version 3.20.401.3 I flashed stock recovery and everything and im now relocked bootloader and unrooted why when I use search for updates it can't find any ? what am I doin wrong ? does S-OFF with supercid device dont get ota's ?
thanks in advance
If you have super ID and S-OFF device, you can flash any firmware update AFAIK!
However, wait for others to reply!! No idea about OTA though... hmmm
thats really anoying to flash all the time ota zip (firmware.zip) to update my phone my ota worked before I moved to custom rom I was on 3.18 and got ota to 3.20 now it cannot find the 3.20.401.3 update how come ??
hope it can be fixed...
any ideas ? =(
I think ota updates are send by imei number, you will not recieve ota if you have custom roms. anyway the update contains no firmware upgrade so its practically useless.
So how everyone get the update and me not im all stock just bootloader is relocked and dont locked
yuval111 said:
So how everyone get the update and me not im all stock just bootloader is relocked and dont locked
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Just flash the latest firmware m8! But why do you want latest firmware? There are lot of posts which say wifi has become worse with the update...
Nwys it's your device, your choice! :good:
The last ota is not really a firmware update, it's more only a software update. Download the ota and flash it over the stock rom with a custom recovery.....done
It doesn't contain a new recovery, kernel or hboot upgrade, therefore its installable from a custom recovery.
Mr Hofs said:
The last ota is not really a firmware update, it's more only a software update. Download the ota and flash it over the stock rom with a custom recovery.....done
It doesn't contain a new recovery, kernel or hboot upgrade, therefore its installable from a custom recovery.
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oh I cant do it with the stock recovery ?
and why I dont get the update by OTA ?? :crying::crying:
vin4yak said:
Just flash the latest firmware m8! But why do you want latest firmware? There are lot of posts which say wifi has become worse with the update...
Nwys it's your device, your choice! :good:
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I scared that I dont get the next update by ota damn maybe because Im now relocked and dont locked ? =\
everything is stock for me recovery boot.img only Im s-off and supercid 1111111
thats weird because I got ota before I moved to custom rom etc from 3.18 to 3.20
maybe use ruu ?
it keep saying that my phone is up to date and there are no updates available for my phone and there are I know this !!! XD
how to fix this ??
yuval111 said:
and why I dont get the update by OTA ?? :crying::crying:
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could be a few reasons. Firstly if you have a branded phone then you won't get the ota until your carrier decides to release it. However as this ota isn't important they may not decide to release it. If you've got an unbranded device then you get it when HTC releases it for your cid so maybe they haven't released it for your cid yet. Be patient, the update has only very recently been released. It takes time for them to push it to every phone
EDIT: Just found this post. It says you can't recieve ota updates with super cid???
yuval111 said:
I scared that I dont get the next update by ota damn maybe because Im now relocked and dont locked ? =\
everything is stock for me recovery boot.img only Im s-off and supercid 1111111
thats weird because I got ota before I moved to custom rom etc from 3.18 to 3.20
maybe use ruu ?
it keep saying that my phone is up to date and there are no updates available for my phone and there are I know this !!! XD
how to fix this ??
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OMG! Since you've got your One X, all you are doing is complain complain complain I have seen many posts/topics started by you...
Please read the forum, you will get your answers. For getting the OTA, you only need stock ROM + Stock recovery, that's it! It doesn't matter whether your bootloader is locked or relocked.
There is no RUU available for 3.20 base! It keeps saying your phone is upto date because the update might not have rolled out for your region?!!
There is nothing new in the .3 update! Only minor software update! If you really want that update then lol here's the way:
1. Unlock bootloader.
2. Flash custom recovery
3. Flash the OTA (Download from the ota thread)
4. Reboot!
BeatsByMessi said:
could be a few reasons. Firstly if you have a branded phone then you won't get the ota until your carrier decides to release it. However as this ota isn't important they may not decide to release it. If you've got an unbranded device then you get it when HTC releases it for your cid so maybe they haven't released it for your cid yet. Be patient, the update has only very recently been released. It takes time for them to push it to every phone
EDIT: Just found this post. It says you can't recieve ota updates with super cid???
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I recieved ota befroe like I told from 3.18 to 3.20
vin4yak said:
OMG! Since you've got your One X, all you are doing is complain complain complain I have seen many posts/topics started by you...
Please read the forum, you will get your answers. For getting the OTA, you only need stock ROM + Stock recovery, that's it! It doesn't matter whether your bootloader is locked or relocked.
There is no RUU available for 3.20 base! It keeps saying your phone is upto date because the update might not have rolled out for your region?!!
There is nothing new in the .3 update! Only minor software update! If you really want that update then lol here's the way:
1. Unlock bootloader.
2. Flash custom recovery
3. Flash the OTA (Download from the ota thread)
4. Reboot!
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is there a way that htc won't release it for supercids ? or maybe it has been dont released yet ?
and I heard that I can downgrade software version because im s-off thats mean I can for example use ruu 3.18
There is no 3.18 ruu. Only the 3.14. And yes you can usr it.
Questions Questions Questions questions questions!
You have an S-Off Hox you're one of the very few people who does! Stop complaining about every little problem.
No offence but I've seen you posting for every little problem on Dev threads and it shouldn't be allowed as some are bordering on ridiculous! 99% of your questions have already been answered elsewhere!
Just think yourself very lucky that you have an S-Off Hox as most people don't.
You do realise it's easier to brick a phone with S-Off? Once you've done that you're screwed so be careful with what you're doing and I suggest you read up on things a LOT more or you'll end up ruining your phone!
yuval111 said:
like the title said I just moved back to my stock nandroid backup (3.20.401.1) to use my waranty because crackling speakers I know there's now software version 3.20.401.3 I flashed stock recovery and everything and im now relocked bootloader and unrooted why when I use search for updates it can't find any ? what am I doin wrong ? does S-OFF with supercid device dont get ota's ?
thanks in advance
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HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE Super CID AND S-OFF ON A HTC ONE X !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Is far as I know it is impossible to have s-off on the Tegra HTC ONE X UNLESS someone at HTC does it for you.
desmond1303 said:
HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE Super CID AND S-OFF ON A HTC ONE X !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Is far as I know it is impossible to have s-off on the Tegra HTC ONE X UNLESS someone at HTC does it for you.
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Dude relax
Some phones just come as s-off out of the factory, or are s-off after repair.
Why would they come with S-OFF ?
That's kind of not fair, and how do the S-FF it when repairing, any way for us on S-ON to gain S-OFF that way ?
desmond1303 said:
Why would they come with S-OFF ?
That's kind of not fair, and how do the S-FF it when repairing, any way for us on S-ON to gain S-OFF that way ?
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I don't know the exact details but basically HTC repair centres have the right tools to S-Off a phone. Unfortunately these aren't made available to the public. Each repairer is issued one of these tools with a unique code/id so they can't be leaked out. Otherwise the person leaking them would easily be known and it's bye bye job. That's why it's so difficult to get S-Off and the Hox probably never will get it now.
Sent from My Calculator!
desmond1303 said:
HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE Super CID AND S-OFF ON A HTC ONE X !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Is far as I know it is impossible to have s-off on the Tegra HTC ONE X UNLESS someone at HTC does it for you.
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Yeah don't stress. I paid an extra 50 quid over the going rate to get an soff one and other than being easier to restore nandroids and not having to wait around for a jb ota I'm in the same boat as the rest of you. So lets say I've restored 50 nandroids its cost me 1 pound each time to save a few mins laptop faffing, maybe not worth it
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Okay, so I have a One X, International with quad-core. CID is HTC__001.
I've had a few problems over the passed year with the phone and I had to send it into HTC twice, and on the second occasion, they replaced everything except the plastic frame.
Ever since I've received the phone back it has had 4.0.4, and I haven't been able to update. I manually search for updates but it says it's up to date.
Not exactly sure where to go from here, I've been hesitant to do anything about it because last time I updated to 4.0.4, which is when I had the problem, HTC had to replace the phone.
Anything will be appreciated. Not the most tech savy when it comes to this kind of stuff
Look for the 3.14.401.31 ruu and run it. It will flash the phone (if successful) to stock jellybean and wipes the phone. So back up stuff you need. Better to be safe than sorry.
Mr Hofs said:
Look for the 3.14.401.31 ruu and run it. It will flash the phone (if successful) to stock jellybean and wipes the phone. So back up stuff you need. Better to be safe than sorry.
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Hey sorry, but just want to clarify, how exactly do I go about doing this, do I just plug in my phone and run the .exe. Also do I need to be rooted?
GAngeloni29 said:
Hey sorry, but just want to clarify, how exactly do I go about doing this, do I just plug in my phone and run the .exe. Also do I need to be rooted?
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Your bootloaded should be locked or relocked and you just start .exe file. You don't have to be rooted.
Since you got phone from HTC, bootloader is locked so you can start .exe file right now.
Hey, so I tried to run the ruu. I went through the process and got a "signature error 132" on the Update Utility. So after some research apparently the ruu that I downloaded was the wrong one, which was "RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_JB_45_S_HTC_Europe_3.14.401.31_R_Radio_5.1204.162.29_release_302015_signed"
In the attached image it has all the information.
From what I understand, something about 2.17.1900.1 is important, but I have no further knowledge and I'd love to hear what you guys think.
Thanks a lot,
GAngeloni29 said:
Hey, so I tried to run the ruu. I went through the process and got a "signature error 132" on the Update Utility. So after some research apparently the ruu that I downloaded was the wrong one, which was "RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_JB_45_S_HTC_Europe_3.14.401.31_R_Radio_5.1204.162.29_release_302015_signed"
In the attached image it has all the information.
From what I understand, something about 2.17.1900.1 is important, but I have no further knowledge and I'd love to hear what you guys think.
Thanks a lot,
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When you start bootloader are you S-ON or you are S-OFF. And are you Endeavoru XE or PVT
I sssumed because of the cid he was on 401 but has a variant the 1900......not sure that the 401 works indeed
Okay, so after looking around I couldn't find anything with 1900. Would anyone be able to redirect me?
And to answer Thant's question, I am S-ON and Endeavoru PVT.
From what I understand, you need to be rooted to become S-OFF, but this will allow you to run any ruu as it is no longer dependent on the "1900." Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'd love to hear the best course of action from you guys.
Well i would check with your provider/HTC ! I assume your bootloader is still locked atm, keep it that way and return with the statement that you can't update it while the update should be there. And if there is no available update then they should give a reason why it's not available !
If they can't help you at all you can try to unlock the bootloader and flash the 3.14.401 firmware to upgrade the hboot. Don't know if it works but might be worth a try
GAngeloni29 said:
Okay, so after looking around I couldn't find anything with 1900. Would anyone be able to redirect me?
And to answer Thant's question, I am S-ON and Endeavoru PVT.
From what I understand, you need to be rooted to become S-OFF, but this will allow you to run any ruu as it is no longer dependent on the "1900." Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'd love to hear the best course of action from you guys.
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Look what I found for you CLICK read third post. The guy say he have the same problem end he fixed with instal RUU 2.17.401.2.
Download this RUU from the link and run it fallow the instruction. You must to be with LOCKED or RELOCKED bootloader I think you are with LOCKED!!!
EDIT: Please report back to know for future
Thant said:
Look what I found for you CLICK read third post. The guy say he have the same problem end he fixed with instal RUU 2.17.401.2.
Download this RUU from the link and run it fallow the instruction. You must to be with LOCKED or RELOCKED bootloader I think you are with LOCKED!!!
EDIT: Please report back to know for future
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Hey, just ran the 2.17.401.2 ruu and it worked! I'm going to run the 3.14.401 ruu soon, I'll report back with the results.
Thanks a bunch guys
EDIT: Hey so I tried to run the 3.14.401.31 and it didn't work, another signature error. So what I did was scanned for software update and I found an update for ICS, so I updated 4.0.4 further, restarted the device, scanned again for software and there it was 3.14.401.27, downloading as we speak
Thanks guys for the help
Awesome ! And thanks @Thant for this nice find :thumbup:
Don't forget to make a nandroid backup of the stock rom when you decide to install a new custom rom !