Hey guys whats up namaste and I would like to share my aa.. Problem I have a Galaxy Note 2 2 GT-N7100 international model and I bought it just 8 months a ago and I had android 4.1.1 stock rom with touchwiz the battery was ok for me for daily use after an update to 4.2.2 my battery became terrible and my phone started heating. After a build number update I got heating problem fixed but I still had battery problem and I have no idea why. I have rooted my phone yesterday and installed cyanogenmod 10.1 because one of my friend told me that it has better battery backup on custom roms. But I still have battery problems even after installing greenify app and doing clean master.
Here is the page that I get in settings - battery
Flash a better kernel and then install an app called superpower from market.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Sorry for being a noob but what is kernels and how can I flash it. Sorry but I am new to this flash thingy I am not a dev ao pla tell me.
How did you installed 4.2.2 ?
As far I know there is no official 4.2.2 ROM for note 2
Your brightness is in auto mode?
Are you a heavy user of 3g internet ?
What is your screen on time which you will get after clicking on screen in battey usage tab
Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------
aviralsingh16 said:
Sorry for being a noob but what is kernels and how can I flash it. Sorry but I am new to this flash thingy I am not a dev ao pla tell me.
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I am also noob
Kernels provide communications between software and hardware ..when software need something from hardware then it send request to kernels
There are many kernels if you look at development section and you can flash them the same way as you flash custom ROM by going into recovery
Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2
Why Is there a big drop in battery in zero time on your PIC..... See under the r in battery.
Did you turn it off and then it still drains battery. This should not happen and sounds like a repair job-
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I had same problem. Try this.
Turn Auto brightness off and put brightness lowest.
Turn off 3g data (temporarily)
Turn off GPS
And Finally put phone in Airplane Mode
Now.. Reboot Phone.
Do this at night and keep track of the percentage it used and for how long.
Then slowly put brightness to Auto and turnoff Airplane mode.
Try to keep track of percentage and time once more.
Finally once everything functioning well, turn the rest of the setting on!!
I had exact same problem as you did and this fixed it for me
I use 50% of my battery for at least 8 hours+.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
i updated to jellybean LI8 from stock t999 LH2 version, but because of super heavy battery drain i flashed it back to LH2 thru odin.
However i still get same heavy battery drain. i use up 10% every 1 hr just with screen on. before i used up about 3~5% for 1 hr.
i was able to get about 14~16hrs with normal use before, but now i dont think i can even get 10hrs.
it seems that the sim card area gets hot whenever the screen is on, and cools down when off. before flashing my phone was never heated
unless i was playing heavy graphic games..is there a way to completely flash the system files? or to fix this problem...pls help. thanks
Your numbers don't make sense. Need a screenshot.
I also observe the battery drain.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
Aerowinder said:
Your numbers don't make sense. Need a screenshot.
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phone this morning for 2.4 hr usage and already 74% left...
Give it a few full charge/discharge cycles to work itself out.
How did you update to jb? How did you revert to ics? Custom roms, otas or full firmwares?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
DocHoliday77 said:
Give it a few full charge/discharge cycles to work itself out.
How did you update to jb? How did you revert to ics? Custom roms, otas or full firmwares?
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I did jellybean update thru OTA here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1850534, then i reverted to ics using odin and using the stock ota file here http://androidromupdate.com/2012/08/25/restore-back-t-mobile-samsung-galaxy-s3-sgh-t999-back-to-original-ics-4-0-4-t999uvalh2-stock-firmware/
Screen time is fine. I don't see a problem here.
Aerowinder said:
Screen time is fine. I don't see a problem here.
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yes the screen % is fine so i dont know where its draining the battery...
i think something wrong with system file because my phone really didnt get warm just from having the screen on.
is the method i reverted to ics correct? or is there another way to completly reset/overwrite my phone back to stock?
If your phone is working, your method wasn't incorrect. If you flashed the stock firmware through Odin, that's as virgin as it gets.
Battery Info and KakaoTalk are obvious culprits. Tell me about your wifi situation. Are you connected to a wifi network?
yeah usually i leave wifi and kakao talk on most of the day but it doesnt drain battery this fast...it just messed it up after the jellybean update., it was 100% this morning, 4 hours and now i got 60%. usually i would probably still have around 85%+
I'm in xquizit v26 and observed that I'm not getting a deep sleep and the battery drain in less than 5 hours. I reflash the rom with full wipe and still have the same issue. I step back and investigate what cause this problem. It seems that when I flashed the kitchen v6 with open vpn cause not to have a deep sleep. With out the open vpn I was able to get a deep sleep. On the first cycle I was able to get the 15hrs battery life. I will continue to observe this because the battery behavior can only be observed after 3 days.
I tried to post this in the ROM section but XDA wont allow it because I only have less than 10 post.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
accrisostomo said:
I'm in xquizit v26 and observed that I'm not getting a deep sleep and the battery drain in less than 5 hours. I reflash the rom with full wipe and still have the same issue. I step back and investigate what cause this problem. It seems that when I flashed the kitchen v6 with open vpn cause not to have a deep sleep. With out the open vpn I was able to get a deep sleep. On the first cycle I was able to get the 15hrs battery life. I will continue to observe this because the battery behavior can only be observed after 3 days.
I tried to post this in the ROM section but XDA wont allow it because I only have less than 10 post.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
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You should pm this to wildchld. As far as i can remember this is the first ive heard of it and maybe the same for others.
Search the thread first to see if anyone else has reported. If not or if you think you have information to add shoot him a quick pm.
If you dont want to let me know and ill get the info to him so we can test it out.
Thanks man!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 10:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------
yjsjin said:
yeah usually i leave wifi and kakao talk on most of the day but it doesnt drain battery this fast...it just messed it up after the jellybean update., it was 100% this morning, 4 hours and now i got 60%. usually i would probably still have around 85%+
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If you can go without, try uninstalling those two apps and see if it settles at all. Also get cpuspy to see how often the phone goes into deep sleep.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
okay so i jus instaled the cpuspy and saw that theres a lot of deepsleep so i guess theres no problem..?
and i think its not the app but the thing with screen. whenever the screen turns on, it gets hot and the batt uses alot..
i tried re-flashing using odin while ago but still the same.
I would suggest flashing wildchlds XquiziT or DJintrigues Frosty JB. They both have done very good jobs at getting more out of your battery while still remaining stable. Being on the full stock leak i doubt you will easily find a way to acceptable battery life. At full stock i kind of remember LI8 being one of the worst for battery.
There are actually multiple causes, some depend on how you use the phone.
Another thing you can do to help hunt it down is get Better Battery Stats.
Also in Settings > Dev Options check show cpu usage and itll tell you what processes are using the processor in real time. You will likely see 2 or more that seem to stay at the top of the list.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
DocHoliday77 said:
I would suggest flashing wildchlds XquiziT or DJintrigues Frosty JB. They both have done very good jobs at getting more out of your battery while still remaining stable. Being on the full stock leak i doubt you will easily find a way to acceptable battery life. At full stock i kind of remember LI8 being one of the worst for battery.
There are actually multiple causes, some depend on how you use the phone.
Another thing you can do to help hunt it down is get Better Battery Stats.
Also in Settings > Dev Options check show cpu usage and itll tell you what processes are using the processor in real time. You will likely see 2 or more that seem to stay at the top of the list.
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i checked the XquiziT's ROM and i think lots of people are saying the battery problem was solved so mayb ill try it with this one, however when i went over the posts it seemd that theres prob with the kitchen? thingy and they took it down. is it possible to jus flash the XquiziT Rom without the kitchen features?
Yes you can flash rom without kitchen. Hes actually working on a new release hoping for today I believe.
Kitchen was taken down due to possible bricks when using wallet and mobile odin.
Also, battery problems are not 100% solved in either rom but are close!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
hey thanks for the replys...
ive tried to flash the v26 through recovery boot menu but it says E:verification error. i think its because i flashed back stock by odin, how can i solv this problem?
Have you reinstalled twrp or cwm? Stock recovery wont flash that.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Remove the battery for 5 min...and then check for the drain. Mine fixed itself up this way.
okay so i installed twrp and did the install but still same prob with the heating battery lose. i will try few more wipeout+install and the battery takeout thing too and post up
Hi guys, sorry for another battery thread but I'm sure I am not alone with this.
I had disabled location services in config (totally disabled) and I was getting good battery life I think (always more than 3 h screen time ) but I noticed that some tasker profiles based on location weren't working (obvious). So today I enabled Location but only by WiFi and network (didn't check gps) and after a while I checked battery status and got this. If that is true that drain is really big ! More than battery? It doesn't make sense to me.
What do you think?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
It's a relative statistic. It didn't use 37% of battery it used 37% of the battery used.
Thanks. But don't you think its high anyway?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
peikojose said:
Thanks. But don't you think its high anyway?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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You used 50% of your battery in almost 8 hours and you think that's high? Check your screen on statistic. Most people only get 3-4 hours of screen on for the entire life of their battery.
Perhaps unchecked currents under your Google account, that was causing battery drain for a lot of. Nexus 7 peoples
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Thanks... But I checked and currents is not even associated to my Google account... But it's active... Good guess... Should I disable it?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Regardless of whether your screen was on 4 minutes or 4 hours, it should not be that high.. I don't know how to fix it though, because this happens to me on multiple roms.. My only solution is turning Google now off, but it sucks cause I used to use it a lot
063_XOBX said:
You used 50% of your battery in almost 8 hours and you think that's high? Check your screen on statistic. Most people only get 3-4 hours of screen on for the entire life of their battery.
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That usage is good, but what would happened if I had disable "Location Services"? I would had 37% more battery! Much better!
Screen time when I took the screenshot was about 1:20h.
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joshuajones said:
Regardless of whether your screen was on 4 minutes or 4 hours, it should not be that high.. I don't know how to fix it though, because this happens to me on multiple roms.. My only solution is turning Google now off, but it sucks cause I used to use it a lot
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Yes, looks like the same happens here. And it's very strange that other people don't seem to have that problem, I really not understand.
Today I'm still testing and it's the same, Google Services uses more battery than screen, anyone who knows about electricity knows that if you are using the phone it's almost impossible.
And what is more crazy is that I'm not using GPS, it's always turned off. Locatization is only done by network and wifi.
It's obvious a bug and I hope that they fix it. I prefer not using Google Now than wasting almost 1 hour of screen time.
peikojose said:
Thanks... But I checked and currents is not even associated to my Google account... But it's active... Good guess... Should I disable it?
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Wouldn't hurt
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
peikojose said:
That usage is good, but what would happened if I had disable "Location Services"? I would had 37% more battery! Much better!
Screen time when I took the screenshot was about 1:20h.
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No you wouldn't have. At most you could potentially have 18% more battery. And that's only if the battery usage statistic is 100% accurate which is never is.
I have an HTC EVO 4g LTE and I have the same problem. I can't find a solution for it and it does it even if I turn off all location, google now, google sync. I think it has something to do with google play, but I don't know for sure.
Any ideas on how to fix it? It's not very common and I don't think it is caused by any one thing. It only started after the JB update btw.
---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------
I've discovered that Google services turns on even if you are in airplane mode and you have the wifi on but not connected to a network. I did a factory reset yesterday and nothing. I might have to unroot and take it in if I can't find an answer.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I kept enabled Google Now and Location service and these were the results... My battery life is good even with this drain... Stock 4.2.1 and Franco Kernel...
If I had disabled Location and Google Now I would have had (what location services drained) 30% more! More than 3:30 h of screen time.
So sorry Google ... With this drain I won't keep them enabled...
Its a shame because I used network location to turn on and off WiFi automatically when I was entering and leaving home. Will have to do it manually..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Today I disabled location services and Google now.. See the difference... This is what battery life is meant to be ... With stock 1750mah battery!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
peikojose said:
Today I disabled location services and Google now.. See the difference... This is what battery life is meant to be ... With stock 1750mah battery!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Looks good. What's your rom and kernel profile?
namtombout said:
Looks good. What's your rom and kernel profile?
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Franco kernel 361 stock ROM 4.2.1
I want to move to cyaogen mod but I don't want to mess it hehe
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
That makes sense but you can always go back. New ROMs are like
new phones. Sourcery with ak is stable and gets good batt life.
The day is about to finish and here are the final results... As predicted disabling Google now and location gave me 0:30 of screen time and more than 1 h idle.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I solved it
I had this issue with my S4. I found it was the new update of Google play service that caused this issue. The battery usage of google services came back to normal after I delete the update. However, the new hangouts requires the latest google play service.
peikojose said:
Hi guys, sorry for another battery thread but I'm sure I am not alone with this.
I had disabled location services in config (totally disabled) and I was getting good battery life I think (always more than 3 h screen time ) but I noticed that some tasker profiles based on location weren't working (obvious). So today I enabled Location but only by WiFi and network (didn't check gps) and after a while I checked battery status and got this. If that is true that drain is really big ! More than battery? It doesn't make sense to me.
What do you think?
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And I am pretty disappointed in the battery life of this thing. I used a htc one for a few months and I actually think it did better than this beast. I got to say though, the display on this thing kills everything I have ever used as far as the enjoyment from the massive size. But when I was looking into this thing I kept hearing 2 days easy with this guy. I am at 23% at 250pm when I took it off at 630am. Is there something I have set wrong or is this typical. My htc would be at 25-30% when I went to bed at night usually. I do have automatic brightness checked just an fyi because that is the first thing people will prob ask.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
I am rooted fully stock. Here is a screen shot of the battery info
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sand1303 said:
I am rooted fully stock. Here is a screen shot of the battery info
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I can't comment on the original battery because I ordered a 7960mah battery off ebay the same day I bought my Note 2. I take off at 6:30 am also but my battery is at 73% and it's 3:28 pm. I knew I was going to abuse my battery so I replaced it before it even had a chance to let me down lol. Also, I'm running Paranoid Android 3.96 (Android 4.3) which is one of the custom roms that gets good battery life.
Wish I could be of more assistance?? Well here you go.
1) Disable daydream in your display settings
2) Flash a custom kernel for stock roms...I would suggest Saber or Perseus
3) Download STweaks after installing a custom kernel and perhaps underclock your processor to 1.2 Ghz, you shouldn't see a big difference in performance but should get a HUGE savings on battery life.
3.5) You can also allow your device to go into a deep sleep at 200Mhz while you're not using it. It's kind of like having your phone completely off but will instantly wake when you get an email, txt, etc. And afterwards after a user set time, it will sleep again until either you wake it or get another message.
4) Last but not least, if you really want to tweak your stock rom into tip top shape and aren't comfortable flashing alot of mods...download Pimp My Rom from the Play Store and let this app do the work for you.
Hopefully some of this will help you out.
**If you one day get familiar with flashing custom roms, this will be a huge savings on battery. I would recommend 4.2 roms or 4.3 roms because they aren't bloated with alot of the Sprint/Samsung junk that is running in the background, ultimately killing your battery without you ever knowing it.**
Ok found allshare cast and toggled that off. Didnt see a daydream anywhere in the display settings
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
sand1303 said:
Ok found allshare cast and toggled that off. Didnt see a daydream anywhere in the display settings
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This is correct. Lol. Daydream is a 4.2.2 feature, you wouldn't see that in 4.1.2, my bad.
Make sure there is nothing trying to sync if you dont have a good signal. Go to settings 》data and restrict background data. Keep facebook and other things from syncing when you really don't need them to sync.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
These are my battery status using stock rooted mc2 deox rom with saber kernel [email protected]
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Rooted stock with a couple mods saber kernel clocked at 1800
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Still not as good as some of the others but much better after turning off allshare. I flashed the crap out of roms with all my other rooted devices but never much fooled with kernals. Is it really beneficial for battery life to flash a different kernal?
Sent from my Kraken using xda app-developers app
I can't really say if the kernel affects the battery life that much, unless your underclocking which am overoclocked and still get great battery life but as of the smoothness saber kernel is great for me. I cant remember the last time I restarted my phone because of slowing down or just somthing wierd everything is smooth and fast all the time. Plus voodoo sound is very nice. Alot of users recomend the perseus kernel also but I personally had some random issues with it so saber is my daily driver kernel
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Bs if you use your phone heavy then battery will drain. If you use it with sync and all that other bs on it will drain I get about 22 hours out of my phone a day. I'm light to heavy use to
iTz Amazed On Note2
---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------
It all depends how you use the phone
iTz Amazed On Note2
I am 100% Stock/Deodexed and Rooted. I can get ~ 3 days with little to no usage as side from phone calls. On moderate to heavy usage " 5-6 hours screen time with Netflix or N64oid/SNESX" I can swing around 20 hours with 5-10% battery left.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------
Oh... I also don't have anything syncing asside from exchange server every 10 mins and Facebook push notifications. Auto brightness and no location services turned on. I am also on LTE in our building via an LTE BDA
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
sand1303 said:
Still not as good as some of the others but much better after turning off allshare. I flashed the crap out of roms with all my other rooted devices but never much fooled with kernals. Is it really beneficial for battery life to flash a different kernal?
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You fail to show your screen on time. You probably have like 3hrs worth and at 55% for all we know. Which is what I actually get from this bad boy before I hit the 50% mark. On a good day I can get 6.5hrs of screen on time and I have lots of stuff syncing in the background.. 3 email accounts, Google services, Weather, Facebook, Samsung account, Skype, Tango, Twitter, ubersync, Voxer, what's app, YouMail and fring.
By the way did you get a brand new note or did you buy a used one? Battery could be faulty or another thing could be you are in a bad coverage area which drains batt.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
I dont no.
Why the Hell, My Phone Lags When i connect to A wifi.
I have to remove my battery from back and start the pgone.
Then my phone works normally .
4.2.2 stock indian firmware. Latest J3.
Isn't it a weird Issue?
Any solns for this are Welcomed.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk 2
ArcMan09 said:
I dont no.
Why the Hell, My Phone Lags When i connect to A wifi.
I have to remove my battery from back and start the pgone.
Then my phone works normally .
4.2.2 stock indian firmware. Latest J3.
Isn't it a weird Issue?
Any solns for this are Welcomed.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk 2
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I am on mi1 firmware no lag great battery backup. I also try mj3 firmware less battery backup battery get heated and some lags mi1 is the best firmware downgrade or wait for new firmware
Downgrade the firmware
N other thing is reset :beer:
I noe dats d worst thing bt no other choice
Plz hit thanks
Sent from my GT-I9082 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
U all Guys. Just Reply to My to MY post for just sake of Thanks.
Not worth It.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk 2
ArcMan09 said:
I dont no.
Why the Hell, My Phone Lags When i connect to A wifi.
I have to remove my battery from back and start the pgone.
Then my phone works normally .
4.2.2 stock indian firmware. Latest J3.
Isn't it a weird Issue?
Any solns for this are Welcomed.
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This is probably happening because the apps installed might have permissions to get activated with "Connectivity Changed" or "Wi-fi state changed".
A LOT of apps use Connectivity Changed permission, if you are facing lags specifically when you are switching your Wi-fi on, you should look at apps Android Tuner or Autostarts which let you alter specific permissions for each application. Personally I prefer Autostarts because it is specifically made for this. It's clean and easy to use, but make sure you know what you are altering when you are disabling permissions because it might cause limited use for an app (for example, limiting Connectivity Change for messenger would limit you getting your notifications on time).
Safer and less technical alternative for this would be Greenify which lets you hibernate the apps and limit their activating permissions.
Greenify : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2155737
Autostarts : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elsdoerfer.android.autostarts
Android Tuner : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=32103786
Before you try this, make sure you have tested if this is happening when you are simply on a clean ROM/firmware with no additional apps installed, because then it might not be because of multiple app triggers.
ArcMan09 said:
I dont no.
Why the Hell, My Phone Lags When i connect to A wifi.
I have to remove my battery from back and start the pgone.
Then my phone works normally .
4.2.2 stock indian firmware. Latest J3.
Isn't it a weird Issue?
Any solns for this are Welcomed.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk 2
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you can use scripts like fly on mod or crossbreeder or pure performance to increase performance
or more simple install no frills cpu from playstore and set cpu governor to performance to see any change in speed
also use the last tip if you have no battery problem cos it will give speed but suck the juice
good luck :good::good:
Hi all
I Been using note 2 for past 10 months.....last month I got android 4.3 update I was very excited. ....but what happened was just the opposite.....i find a marked reduction in battery life......earlier I used to get almost 2 days of battery if I turn off mobile network.....but after update even after not using mobile Internet, all I get is maximum 1 day of battery. ...All my apps r same before nd after update......don't know what happened....can u help me????? I now regret for updating my phone.......
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
arshadazeeeza said:
Hi all
I Been using note 2 for past 10 months.....last month I got android 4.3 update I was very excited. ....but what happened was just the opposite.....i find a marked reduction in battery life......earlier I used to get almost 2 days of battery if I turn off mobile network.....but after update even after not using mobile Internet, all I get is maximum 1 day of battery. ...All my apps r same before nd after update......don't know what happened....can u help me????? I now regret for updating my phone.......
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check the Wifi advanced setting.
Turn off the always scanning. This always do the tricks.
Everytime you flash 4.3 rom, this checkbox will always default to "checked", try to manually unchecked it.
Sent from the corner of this rounded earth behind my PC.
Try do several restart your phone and observe if problem still occur. I experienced this problem too and you also notice after the update RAM usage is higher. Mine normalize after several restart. Hope this solve your problem but don't worry there are plenty ideas to be share to you..
Wifi scanning was already unchecked......hope the restarting trick works....thanks......
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