So far I am very happy with stock, and I'm debating if I should even bother rooting this time around.
Anyone else?
I'm rooting only to install TWRP (for Nandroids) and Titanium Backup (for apps/data backup). Other than that, staying stock is my plan! Does that count?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
I was until I saw CleanRom.... Now its on and running like a dream.
I'd recommend you unlock and root. At some point there is an app you will need that requires root and than you will have to wipe to unlock.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I usually just stick with unlocking and rooting for the first couple of weeks, enjoying the new device until I go berserk, heh.
Valkurm Emperor said:
I usually just stick with unlocking and rooting for the first couple of weeks, enjoying the new device until I go berserk, heh.
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That's usually what I do; I'll definitely root and unlock it before I even bother thinking about setting it up, but won't put a custom ROM on until later down the road.
Sent from my Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk HD
I wanna root but I'm lazy.. it's all setup and unlocking the bootloader requires a full wipe.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
jayochs said:
I wanna root but I'm lazy.. it's all setup and unlocking the bootloader requires a full wipe.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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The longer you wait, the more work it'll be.
Unlocking is quite easy.
Need to root because I want to use my ps3 controller. Can't wait to make this a portable gamer. Has anyone heard anything about sixaxxis working on this device yet?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Requills said:
So far I am very happy with stock, and I'm debating if I should even bother rooting this time around.
Anyone else?
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I would at least do the unlock, even if you aren't rooting it at this time.
That way if you ever need to root, install custom recovery, or custom ROMs, you won't need to deal with the data wipe initiated by the unlock.
Better to bite the bullet now before you have accumulated months of data and configs.
I unlocked before my first boot, lol. It's my general rule with a Nexus device. I love Titanium Backup . Got up and running on this Mk 2 N7 real quick.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Unlocking and rooting is all I need. No plans to flash a custom ROM.
Nobody who frequently visits this forum will stay stock on his Nexus device.
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9070P
God no. Stock is terrible. This thing is going back in the box until CM alphas/nightlies are ready.
really? you won't use it until cm? lol ok..
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
jayochs said:
really? you won't use it until cm? lol ok..
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Nope. it's pointless. My backup was made on CM and to try and restore it onto a stock system, then wait for CM, only to have to start over again. No way.
I don't have this new Nexus 7 (I had the original one and currently have a Nexus 10), but with these Nexus devices I'm pretty much fine with stock OS. Having said that, however, I *ALWAYS* root. There's a lot more to root access than just flashing ROMs. The ability to do backups, modify system files, install custom recovery, etc., if definitely worth the time it takes to root.
With Nexus devices, I really do prefer to just run Android "as Google intended", though I'm certainly not against trying out ROMs or tweaking it to my liking, but I just don't have as much time any more to keep up with nightlies and different kernels as I used to.
If I did have a Nexus 7, I'd be pretty tempted to try out CleanROM on it. I've run CR on several different devices now and it's always a winner in my book. I was really disappointed (yet understanding) to see Scott drop support for the GS4 a while back, as I'm still running CR on my phone.
Just getting rid of ads with adfree or adaway is well worth rooting already for me.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I'm liking stock so far. Way better than the other Nexus 7
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using XDA Tapatalk
Ran stock rooted on my original N7, will probably do the same with this one. Might try cleanrom though, has run very well on my GS3
I know I could root and install 4.0.2 but I'm fairly new to android and bought my gnex unlocked from Negri so I don't think I have a warranty and don't really wanna chance anything. Anyone have any solutions or info on when and how I can update to 4.0.2? 4.0.1 has just given me quite a few problems and caused me to restore twice. Also I want Wallet
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Don't be scared. There's a whole world of flashing ecstasy waiting for you Come and join the fun. Worst case, you can always relock your bootloader and return to stock.
Manually flash 4.0.2. Thats what i did. May as well if you unlock bootloader because it wipes your phone. And you do have warranty through negri. You just need to deal with negri as your intermediary for support. If you go contacting samsung directly then you might lose warranty.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Your logic makes no sense, you won't mod because you don't have warranty. But modding voids your warranty.
There is honestly nothing to be scared of...
Try one of the ROMs from developers section while you're at it. Android Revolution is what I'm on, and it's a great 4.0.2 ROM.
After you've gotten clockworkmod on your phone, Nandroid backup becomes your security. If you ever mess up, just restore, and you'll be back up and running as if nothing happened.
Actually it makes sense along the realm of if I mod and brick to the point of no return I'm **** out of luck...why so grumpy? Is a newbie to the ecosystem not allowed to get on here and learn?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
If you aren't comfortable doing it, don't do it. If you aren't comfortable enough after reading the rooting and unlocking guides, then don't do it.
You can't brick your phone, at most it'll be a softbrick that can be easily fixed.
If you really want it, you'll have to earn it. Nothing in life is ever free. And why 4.0.2? get 4.0.3
Actually that's not the problem. I bought a nexus s several months ago and did the works on it to get ics on it early so I'm not afraid of doing it...I'm just worried about getting myself in a situation at some point after that I can't fix. After I put the ics from on the nexus s using clockwork recovery I couldn't get the device to flash any other roms and all the research in the world couldn't help me so those are really the only things im weary of
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
There's a host of friendly people here who'd happily help you through it. PM me if you decide to take the plunge and I'd be happy to guide.
It's not just the bugs you'll be ironing out but you'll get other features like overclock and battery saving settings etc.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
crookone10 said:
Actually that's not the problem. I bought a nexus s several months ago and did the works on it to get ics on it early so I'm not afraid of doing it...I'm just worried about getting myself in a situation at some point after that I can't fix. After I put the ics from on the nexus s using clockwork recovery I couldn't get the device to flash any other roms and all the research in the world couldn't help me so those are really the only things im weary of
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Well, its hard to brick a phone. Always fastboot flash your radios and recoveries. If rom manager makes a bad flash, that is when you might have problems. Dont break fastboot and youre good to go. And i think with samsung, you have odin to fall back on if you do f up fastboot.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Root isn't technically required. You just have to unlock the bootloader (which doesn't void your warranty) then manually flash the update. That's what I did. The hardest part was getting the drivers to work properly on my PC. After that it was cake.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
also there is a fantastic toolkit to install CWM and unlock the bootloader, which makes it really easy. only thing you have to do is to install the adb/fastboot drivers and follow the guides.
if you need any help, feel free to pm me
Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
samizad said:
There's a host of friendly people here who'd happily help you through it. PM me if you decide to take the plunge and I'd be happy to guide.
It's not just the bugs you'll be ironing out but you'll get other features like overclock and battery saving settings etc.
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Exactly as @samizad said he is more than willing to help & so are most people here,That's what xda was setup for.Don't be afraid because every time you do something new you learn.Every phone I have ever owned I immediately unlocked & rooted and I have never run into a problem I couldn't fix myself,I have also owned every Nexus device & not once did I ever have to warranty any of them.Rooting provides so many benefits.If you need any help let me know.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Thanks for all the responses guys
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
crookone10 said:
After I put the ics from on the nexus s using clockwork recovery I couldn't get the device to flash any other roms and all the research in the world couldn't help me so those are really the only things im weary of
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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fastboot, fastboot, fastboot and fastboot. that and odin.
Learn to use more than just CWM
Also ... If you have fastboot working, there is no NEED to even flash clockworkmod recovery. Your Nexus can boot from code hosted outside it. That's how hard it is to brick.
Just try it!
fastboot boot recovery-clockworkmod-
And voila. No need to even flash alternate recovery to do recoveryish stuff. I love this phone.
Is there a way for me to add items on a lock screen (where I unlock screen and or can turn on camera)?
Ooh yeah, on stock phone(without root)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
This thread literally was created 15 min ago.
martonikaj said:
This thread literally was created 15 min ago.
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so it can't be done w/ stock? i dont really want to install 3rd party app for unlock screen
a1exus said:
so it can't be done w/ stock? i dont really want to install 3rd party app for unlock screen
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You need at least a rom cook
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I enjoy using MIUI Locker
Gforce083 said:
I enjoy using MIUI Locker
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He does not want a 3rd app
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Just root the phone for god sake .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
Okaay said:
Just root the phone for god sake .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
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Why? I don't want to run custom ROM
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
a1exus said:
Why? I don't want to run custom ROM
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Then you get no custom lock screen.
I'm in the same boat you are. I rooted my phone, but at least for the time being, I don't want to use a custom ROM. With that choice comes sacrifices. I'll likely never get a % battery mod or a custom lock screen. Life is full of choices.
a1exus said:
Why? I don't want to run custom ROM
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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then you give up the custom lockscreen without using a third party app.
im trying to root my optimus v but i just made an account and can't post in the thread i want because i need 10 posts.
for me stability of my phone is very important and custom rom doesn't really give me that feeling just yet, there is always something issues going on...
back in the days the reason why i went w/ cm7 vs stock rom is because it was cleaner, now that I have ICS its pretty clean as it comes, developer puts in his own tweaks what he feels is important (may not be important to me) and with that comes some unstable/untested code which i'm not ready to do beta testing
so i'm fine w/ stock rom and i'm loving it, of course someone may not think this way and want to go w/ cm9 nightly or some other custom rom its up to this person (who am I to tell otherwise)
i just wanted to know if maybe i missed something and it can be done with stock rom, but apparently thats not the case (or at least doesn't seems so)
I think you might want to try out one of the custom roms first. I thought that too. But these roms seem to be a whole different level of professionally coded compared to the cm7 days. Aokp to start with, then expand if necessary to paradigm etc. I think you'll be surprised, you're getting stock stability with extras.
Hi all,
I'm still on the fence about rooting my t989 and so I'm looking for advice. I got the 2.3.6 update and I really want ICS but I'm willing to wait for it though. Also, I'm pretty conservative when it comes to risks such as rooting due to warranties, bricking, and losing functionality. However, I'll be traveling for a while and tethering could be handy and titanium backup has always been attractive to me. But what happens if ICS comes out? I think I loose root if I update OTA, but I should be able to get root again. I'm not a big fan of real 3rd party software because I don't want to work with bugs so if I got a new ROM, it may only be CM9 or similar as reliability is important to me. And then I don't want a new ROM if it doesn't use the Linux Kernel since Ubuntu is developing that OS to share that Kernel. Do I even need a new ROM? I think touchwiz is fine. Pages of apps are better than scrolling through them IMO.
So any suggestions on what I should do? Thanks!
Root it unless you plan on running stock ics. Chances are the ota will be releases here before it hits your phone we have a couple really nice ics roms right now. Don't know what your waiting for lol
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
If you want to root, root. More than likely you will be able to download the stock ICS rom from here before you get it on your phone. As soon as one person gets it, our awesome devs will be on it like flys on ****, and we will see a stock rooted rom almost immediately.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Towle said:
If you want to root, root. More than likely you will be able to download the stock ICS rom from here before you get it on your phone. As soon as one person gets it, our awesome devs will be on it like flys on ****, and we will see a stock rooted rom almost immediately.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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I was rooted however I dropped my phone last week and had to get a replacement now I am just gonna wait for ICS to drop...
It's all good with me, at least I have my wifi calling and no delay or echo while taking my minibath.
Rooted mine several weeks ago. Tired of waiting for official ICS from T-Mobile and Samsung. Once the official version is released, the devs will have a rooted version available for flashing so you won't have to un-root.
Sent from my HTC Flyer using xda premium
Just root, you won't be disappointed. Plus you can always go back if you want.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
This isn't iOS. Don't think about and root it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Just root it you will be happier plus its just as easy to unroot as it is to root
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Was on 2.3.6 rooted for months waiting on ICS update. We finally got a rom yesterday that doesn't have any call echo problems, or really any problems. Flashed darkside's newest 4.0.4 rom this morning and have had smooth sailing all day.
Sent from the Darkside of the Sandwich
iLeopard said:
This isn't iOS. Don't think about and root it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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+1. Its easy to unroot and return to stock if need be. Till then we have fully functional daily driver ics roms already so what are you waiting for? Take control of your device. That's why you went with android over iOS and wp7 in the first place anyway isnt it?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for your suggestions. I'll go ahead and root. I really want titanium backup. Is this the best thread for a HOW TO root?:
bripod said:
Thanks for your suggestions. I'll go ahead and root. I really want titanium backup. Is this the best thread for a HOW TO root?:
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This is the thread i followed to root. Very simple instructions. but yeah same method one has pics one dont.
Edit: Unrooting the phone is the same process as rooting except you flash a different file to the phone.
My suggestion is to root. But don't sweat CM9 it is pretty buggy right now because its still beta and isn't officially supported on our phones. But there are plenty of stable ICS roms now and even if u don't care for the few bugs that some may have, there are also some amazing GB rooms out there too.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my iced out to perfection GalaxyS2
But I don't NEED a new ROM do I? Doesn't it just change the GUI? Basically I just want tethering and freeze bloat apps and ads, but a battery life boost would be great. How much does it change under the hood to expand capability? From what I can tell, root apps are the only thing that expands features.
Root and install a rom... If you think your phone is good, with a rom you'll see your phone is just great
Sorry for all my questions but is the kernel held within the ROM? And whatever ROM I choose, I can just flash to different just like that huh? Like it's an easy process?
My brother has Juggernaut, it didn't look any different than touchwiz except for flashy little things like the screen turn off and stuff. I just need function, not flash.
Some roms com with their own kernels, like TDJ's ones... You can flash a rom and then change it for another, but you have to wipe your data for a clean install (there's always the option to backup your info)
Questions go in the Q&A section
I have owned three Android devices before getting my GNex. Each of those three devices were rooted and rom-ed within the first one month. I have had my GNex for almost two months now on stock jellybean, no root or custom recovery. The flasher within me is itching to flash something new. The pragmatic within me finds no justification for flashing. The other devices had some issue or the other; everything works fine on stock jb on the Gnex. I am trying my best to side with the pragmatic.
Question to the community- I know what I gain from flashing a custom rom ( customizability, overclocking,etc) . Other than the warranty, what do I lose by moving away from the stock rom?
Sent from my UPC300-2.2 using Tapatalk 2
viskon said:
I have owned three Android devices before getting my GNex. Each of those three devices were rooted and rom-ed within the first one month. I have had my GNex for almost two months now on stock jellybean, no root or custom recovery. The flasher within me is itching to flash something new. The pragmatic within me finds no justification for flashing. The other devices had some issue or the other; everything works fine on stock jb on the Gnex. I am trying my best to side with the pragmatic.
Question to the community- I know what I gain from flashing a custom rom ( customizability, overclocking,etc) . Other than the warranty, what do I lose by moving away from the stock rom?
Sent from my UPC300-2.2 using Tapatalk 2
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Well, I for one won't be flashing any ROMs (at least for several months) once my GNEX arrives tomorrow. Whenever I had an unsolvable issue which was with the ROM I chose and would ask for help, I'd get the most cynical responses. "That's what you signed up for" seems to be the common theme. It's like people enjoy being in constant beta tester mode, even when they are supposedly running the stable build of a ROM. The only reason I would flash a ROM is if the default JB build the phone came with was horribly broken. Overclocking on something like a phone is a bit excessive, especially for something that is already a powerhouse and can run the most intense games available for it with relative ease.
viskon said:
I have owned three Android devices before getting my GNex. Each of those three devices were rooted and rom-ed within the first one month. I have had my GNex for almost two months now on stock jellybean, no root or custom recovery. The flasher within me is itching to flash something new. The pragmatic within me finds no justification for flashing. The other devices had some issue or the other; everything works fine on stock jb on the Gnex. I am trying my best to side with the pragmatic.
Question to the community- I know what I gain from flashing a custom rom ( customizability, overclocking,etc) . Other than the warranty, what do I lose by moving away from the stock rom?
Sent from my UPC300-2.2 using Tapatalk 2
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You don't lose the warranty if you know what you're doing........
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
viskon said:
Other than the warranty, what do I lose by moving away from the stock rom?
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You don't lose anything, but you gain a lot of nifty features.
I recommend you always try stock out for a bit before trying anything else. Stock 4.1.1 is damn good.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
martonikaj said:
I recommend you always try stock out for a bit before trying anything else. Stock 4.1.1 is damn good.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Stock is great but I got tired of my phone giving me 15 hours of battery life on avg so I rooted to get a kernel
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
drzplaya1121 said:
Stock is great but I got tired of my phone giving me 15 hours of battery life on avg so I rooted to get a kernel
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Interesting. That is what i currently get. And did flashing a new kernel help?
Sent from my UPC300-2.2 using Tapatalk 2
I tried several highly regarded JB roms (ParanoidAndroid, CM10 nightly, the varieties of AndroidME), but keep coming back to stock + Nova Launcher. Don't even need to (re-)root for that. Just a great combination that you can rely on.
But when I get that itch, I play around with ParanoidAndroid for a few days here and there. A really interesting rom, which I'm sure you'll hear a lot about.
I was coming from a sgs2 that was on a custom ROM and surprisingly I'm happy with stock 4.1 and see no need to flash a custom ROM. Maybe just a kernel to get better battery life even tho it lasts me all day with about 4 hours of screen on time so I can't really complain.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I've been rooting, modding, and even custom ROM building since my Samsung Moment days and ever since. Since I got my Galaxy Nexus on Sprint, however, all I've done is flash a completely pure AOSP stock build of 4.1.1. With this device I have no desire other than to be running the most current Android source. Everything just works, and works well. I have no need for flashy features. Jelly Bean already has every feature I need.
Sent from my Stock AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
I love stock vanilla Android. All my other phones, I'd root and install Cyanogenmod asap. I'd always use the modified factory roms on offer as well, because Cyanogenmod often didn't work that well in the early days of a new device or Android version.
On the nexus I don't really need to flash, but I still use Cyanogenmod 10 anyway for the sole reason the power control toggles in the status bar are very handy.
Either way, only a nexus device can offer such high quality aosp based roms. I say have fun trying a few. Yes there are still issues sometimes but it's nothing like what I've experienced in other phones.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Definitely Cusome
Stock is always nice for a while, but the reason you get a nexus is to be able to have fun and do things that others can't :good:
CourtimusMaximus said:
Stock is always nice for a while, but the reason you get a nexus is to be able to have fun and do things that others can't :good:
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One of the reasons. For me it's just to have the latest AOSP software, and for me that is enough. The Nexus fills both plates very well.
Sent from my Stock AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
The reason I got a nexus was because I hated all the touchwiz/sense stuff and the pre-installed carrier garbage... thus removing my reason to root my phone (not that I don't like to tinker, but 18 credit hours leaves little time).
The only reason I ended up rooting was for PGM so I dont destroy my power button in 3 months like all my previous phones, and for the widgets to show up in apex/nova. Aside from those, I run a totally stock system...
On an unrelated note, sooooo many iphone owners in my classes ask me how to wake their iphone by swiping... i love telling them that they cant
Same boat. GSM stock ROM. Itching BUT I don't want to lock the phones secure element because Google wallet is pretty cool.
Night features are nice but not worth losing wallet over
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus (GSM) using XDA Premium.
CyberpunkDad said:
Same boat. GSM stock ROM. Itching BUT I don't want to lock the phones secure element because Google wallet is pretty cool.
Night features are nice but not worth losing wallet over
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus (GSM) using XDA Premium.
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With the GSM Galaxy Nexus, you can unlock, root, find a custom ROM and flash it, then find the Google Wallet APK and install it. It'll say "unsupported device" because Google wants to warn you about "rooting," but it'll activate and work .
I'm using NexusHD 4.3 with GApps and Google Wallet.
With Galaxy Nexus and Jelly Bean there is no reason to try custom ROMS. Only bug a can find is 2.4GHZ wireless.
I've tried to stay as close to JB stock as possible, flashing a vanilla deodexed build of JB and just a couple of mods (battery percent and louder speaker sound) that increase everyday functionality for me and a kernel change because it increases battery life and on demand performance by a practically useful margin. Everyone's personal preferences I suppose but that's the great thing about a nexus device, it can please different tastes/uses very well.
Gnex is so boring ...there is no compelling reason to flash .. everything works just great without any tweaking
Life with galaxy s was more fun...flashing every nightly..dealing with bugs..spending hours on xda forum to find the fixes/work arounds / tricks to improve battery life..I miss all these.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I always run a custom ROM on my phones because of all the bloatware n such. But what is the need really to do it on this device? Stock android is smooth and does everything I need. Battery life is great too. So am I missing out on something by having a custom rom on this device? Convince me!
Well there are simple things that I like about custom ROMs.
I like trying new things. I also enjoy tweaking the various features that are available with most custom ROMs. There is expanded desktop and PIE controls which makes gaming full screen which is really nice. I don't know if you've ever been bothered by this but games always have the bar at the bottom of the screen which is annoying and gets in the way sometimes. Sometimes it is just nice to have a full screen to use even if it means losing some functionality.
To get rid of the google stuff.
Speed, battery life, expanded desktop, theming, tablet mode, etc.
I find it a little annoying that the stock kernel supports NFS, but they've arranged everything to run in a unique namespace so you can't make a NFS mount visible outside the shell where you ran the mount command. I don't really need NFS enough to want to replace the ROM, but I can imagine that being a reason to do so.
Quiet Hours
Advanced reboot menu
Custom DPI Settings
Making the bars transparent.
And I could just go on and on.
Need? I don't need a custom rom. I want it. Google bare minimum is awesome only to a point.
There isn't so much of a need as a desire. The device stock benches around 5475. With CM and a custom kernal installed I not only have better battery life, and quicker charge - but it benches at 7510.
May I ask what kernel you're using?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
cesarmanilla said:
May I ask what kernel you're using?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Are you asking me?
In my case I don't need and/or want a custom ROM. I got a Nexus to run and enjoy Android tablet as Google intend to. For custom ROMs I use my SPH-L710 (SGS3)
And even there never keep one more than 10 days, don't like to be troubleshooting every day and a half.
Well that's just me.
Most of the time I keep stock rooted just to use Freedom app.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4
I used to custom everything but since jellybean I've not bothered. The only things I really miss is a few root apps like ad block
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Is the CM nightly's stable enough yet? Or should I wait for a official build?
I'm not rooting my tab yet, I'll give it a month or 2 before I do first. N7 is perfect for me as it is atm
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I unlocked mine, flashed custom recovery, rooted.
I am leaving it stock rom and stock kernel for quite a while. :good:
I would like to use it stock for a while. Then I I want to put whatever rom I want. I think it is a matter of personalization. I feel it is totally mine only when fully customize my device
One word: Customizable Quick Settings!
fixyourtech said:
I unlocked mine, flashed custom recovery, rooted.
I am leaving it stock rom and stock kernel for quite a while. :good:
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I have read conflicting info on rooting the N7 2013. If I unlock and flash TWRP will the stock ROM not be wiped? What about if SU? Noob here on the Nexus but expert on the HTC T-Bolt and B&N Nook Tablet. What a upgrade from the Nook Tablet. It just sits on my desk now.......
Bobflan said:
I have read conflicting info on rooting the N7 2013. If I unlock and flash TWRP the stock ROM not be wiped? What about if SU? Noob here on the Nexus but expert on the HTC T-Bolt and B&N Nook Tablet. What a upgrade from the Nook Tablet. It just sits on my desk now.......
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Yes, your data will be wiped, but not the stock ROM (/system). fastboot oem unlock will basically do a factory reset for security purposes.
Nitin985 said:
I'm not rooting my tab yet, I'll give it a month or 2 before I do first. N7 is perfect for me as it is atm
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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Waiting for the roms to reach a certain point in stability and for some step by step guides to go up also on getting from stock to CM or somethin. Also, enjoying some google stock for the first time to..always had samsung so this is new to me(and will be getting my first nexus on next release to)
As someone who has only been on stock or mostly stock phones, I'm not in awe by what stock Android brings to the table. CM is what stock should be while other ROMs go above and beyond in what they offer.
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