[Q] Auto Brightness - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 4

Is anyone else having the problem if you select auto brightness the screen is very very dim and doesn't adjust?


Auto Brightness

Is there an app or a fix, for the auto brightness? when in dark the screen is at full brightness where it should be dim.

[Q] Auto brightness error... Auto brightness NOT on

I've had a problem with the t989D since I got it. Here's what I want:
**Auto brightness turned OFF and the brightness remain at minimum setting.**
However, with all the roms I've tried (Stock, Juggernaut 4.1- 5.0, Tuesday) I always have the auto brightness OFF and the screen always brightens up to about 75% whenever I turn the screen back on.
Note: the settings still show as if the brightness is set to 0%, but the actual brightness coming from the screen is the same as if I turn the bar up to 75%. When I start to move the adjustment bar a slight amount for the brightness, the actual screen light drops right away. It only stays on 0% as long as I'm using it, but then is really bright again when I lock, then unlock the screen.
Is anyone else noticing this? Beyond that, is it possible to prevent the screen from adjusting it's brightness while the auto brightness nis off?
Thanks for any assistance!!

Is it possible to have auto brightness?

Can Gio able to have auto brightness?
auto brightness needs brightness sensor which is absent in GIO..so sorry mate no its not possible..auti brightness is a hardware issue
Not possible cuz gio doesn't have a "ambient light sensor" hardware which controls the auto brightness feature.

[Q] Screen Auto Brightness Turns Off

I notice that my auto brightness function automatically turns off for some reason. At first I thought I was accidentally unchecking it in the notification bar, so I hid it but it still turns off automatically for some reason. Anyone else having this issue?

Auto brightness

When my auto brightness was on i changed the brightness manually and since then the auto brightness is not working properly.. What should i do?

