Post kernels that are great with custom ROMs??? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

Hi I would like people to reply with kernels that they tried and are good for Note II as with battery and phone life
I would like to try different kernels to see how the battery plays
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Every kernel will be good for the user that experimented to find what is best for them. NO ONE can tell you what is best for YOU.
You will have to try each for a couple of days and figure out what is best for your phone, your signal, your apps and the way YOU use your phone.


Need a good kernel suggestion

Just flashed nocturnals shooter rom and battery life sucks any good sense kernels out there to undervolt or ocerclock to save battery all responses are geeatly appreciared as always
Sent from my rooted nocturnal/cm7 running evo using xda premium
Use chop suey. That's a a good kernel. Imo
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Just go around and test out a bunch of kernels for yourself. That's really the only way to find the best one that works for you. Reason being that no two phones are exactly alike. So while one kernel may work best for my phone there may be a different kernel that works best for yours. Also, different people have different expectations of their kernels. Yeah we all want better battery life. But our thresholds for tolerance rest at a different level. So in the end the only person who can tell you what kernel is best for your phone is you. Those of us replying to this thread are merely making you aware of kernels to flash and test.
Having said that, I recommend you check out the link I've attached below in order to get some ideas on where to start.
I like the Aggressive Freedom kernel.
I use chop suey 9.2.7 no setcpu or any of that. Just install and let it do its thing. Buy remember it takes a couple of charging cycles for the kernel to settle in. I get like 17 hours off of a charge with pretty heavy use. Also all phones arnt the same so what works on one might not work on another
Sent from my Gruesomes Shooter Rom using xda premium

[Q]What kernel do you recommend?

Im still new to the tmobile gs2, had it a couple days. Had a atet gs2 before, what kernel do you guys recommend? right now im trying faux's kernel.
what are you hoping to get with a different kernel?
there are many to choose from
and they are all similar in what they offer
so unless you know exactly what you want, there's no telling which one is the one you are looking for
AllGamer said:
what are you hoping to get with a different kernel?
there are many to choose from
and they are all similar in what they offer
so unless you know exactly what you want, there's no telling which one is the one you are looking for
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ok what would be the best kernel for great battery life, and also smoothness and speed. so yeah the best kernel for battery,speed nice and snappy smooth etc?
bullet, synergy and faux are the most popular ones. I personally use faux since i've historically used his for the g2x and sensation which gave me really good results. I've used bullet as well and it was pretty solid. the faux kernel is the newest of the three i've mentioned so it's not as "mature" as the other two yet. That being said, i haven't had problems with reboots.
goonx said:
bullet, synergy and faux are the most popular ones. I personally use faux since i've historically used his for the g2x and sensation which gave me really good results. I've used bullet as well and it was pretty solid. the faux kernel is the newest of the three i've mentioned so it's not as "mature" as the other two yet. That being said, i haven't had problems with reboots.
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what is your average battery life on faux? Also what governor,voltages etc? I need more opinions people!
anyone that's tried all 3 of thse kernels? info please.
armyms25 said:
anyone that's tried all 3 of thse kernels? info please.
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The question you ask is really hard to answer. Phones are like people. They are picky about what they like best on them. Certain kernels that may work the best for me. May not work the best for you.
Killbynature said:
The question you ask is really hard to answer. Phones are like people. They are picky about what they like best on them. Certain kernels that may work the best for me. May not work the best for you.
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I know that, just wondering what the majority of people's opinions are on which one has the best battery life, speed, smoothness etc. Of course I want speed and smoothness, but mostly want to know which one has the best battery life.
I really appreciate everyones replies, thanks alot!!
i tried several
my fav are bullet and/or synergy
both works well with most ROM available in the DEV section
AllGamer said:
i tried several
my fav are bullet and/or synergy
both works well with most ROM available in the DEV section
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thank you! ok almost done then ill leave you alone. out of the 2 which has the best battery life?
Synergy gives me the best battery life. I found it smoother than bullet.
Sent from my SGH-T989D using xda premium
Blue1k said:
Synergy gives me the best battery life. I found it smoother than bullet.
Sent from my SGH-T989D using xda premium
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I have found the same results. I run synergy with juggernaut
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
FAUX123 give me the smoothness of Synergy but better battery life.

Roms with the best battery life.

I was wanting to know which ROM has the best battery life on the Gnex the CDMA version.
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They are all pretty much the same IMO. The screen sucks up juice so keep it off as often as possible lol
xero925 said:
I was wanting to know which ROM has the best battery life on the Gnex the CDMA version.
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If you want the latest software, most stable, and best battery life ROM, go with MMuzzy's AOSP ROM. Using it now, and its amazing
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
ROMs themselves rarely ever have an actual impact on battery life. Most postive effects for battery come from the kernel, and negative ones from rogue apps.
Before you ask which kernel offers the best battery, it really depends on the requirements of the user and the phone itself. You'll just have to try a few.
Marisa said:
ROMs themselves rarely ever have an actual impact on battery life. Most postive effects for battery come from the kernel, and negative ones from rogue apps.
Before you ask which kernel offers the best battery, it really depends on the requirements of the user and the phone itself. You'll just have to try a few.
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That's very true, IMHO LeanKernel is the absolute best.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
How do I switch out the kernel. I'm kind of a noob at this stuff...
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Flash it like you would a ROM. Make sure you find one that is for the version of android your ROM is based on. I would suggest tying Franco kernel, but there are many good ones.
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xero925 said:
How do I switch out the kernel. I'm kind of a noob at this stuff...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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FYI....this thread goes in general.
Flash kernel in cwm the same as you would have a rom. Be sure to clear cache/dalvik first.
For the moment the ROM with the best battery life is SlimRoms 2.7
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
I've tried many ROMs and Kernels with no success in the battery life department.
My phone charger died so I downloaded an app...Easy Battery phone was still at 34% after 1 day and 7 hours. I was NOT heavily using my phone but still this is the best battery life I have ever experienced. I was always on the "battery saver apps are useless" team until recently.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still flashing
Just love my new app.
i tried miui, pa, vicious, aopk, smooth, and now using cm10. tried out different kernals too,but at the end, all the roms cant pass 1hr 50mins of screen time.
zeke1988 said:
i tried miui, pa, vicious, aopk, smooth, and now using cm10. tried out different kernals too,but at the end, all the roms cant pass 1hr 50mins of screen time.
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Hmm.. thats strange. I'm on MMuzzy's ROM which is pure AOSP and I get around 2 and a half hours of screen time. And some people around the forums have gotten around 5 hours of screen time with different combinations of ROMS and Kernels.
I have tried numerous roms, if not all of them for the galaxy nexus, and there is a difference between roms, even using the same kernel.
I have been getting amazing battery life using Eclipse.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
The mods can move this thread, but in the mean time, it is a good question.
I used to get some awesome battery life. VZW + 2100mah. Typically 4 hours screen on time was normal.... now I'm lucky to get 1hr. I can't remember if it was the jelly bean update or the inclusion of Google Now.
Does letting the ROM settle really help? I have been getting terrible battery life out of my 2100mah. The battery just drains when the screen is off. No rogue apps, but this is a fresh install as of 24 hours ago
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I believe use what you like as long as you use Lean Kernel you should get good battery life.
ir13 said:
I believe use what you like as long as you use Lean Kernel you should get good battery life.
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I wasn't going to put my 2 cents in but because there are so many complaints about this being in the wrong place, I just have to now.
I have tried many different ROM's and kernels and found there always seems to be the "right" combination sooner or later. Right now I am on AOKP w/Franco M6 and getting about 14 hours with 24% battery left, 2.5 hours screen time, mostly LTE and moderate phone use, best I have seen of any combo for me on this ROM. For CNA the right kernel for me was lean kernel. A little experimentation and patience and you will find that sweet spot soon enough.
Edit: the whining drew me to it, sucked me in so I couldn't stop myself from answering
If someone can get 4+ hours screen with mostly 3G, let me know. haha.
Wrong section
However as for battery life slim ROMs work great but I'm on jbsourcery built in trinity and I've definitely had worse d: the only ROM I've used that's had has battery is pa however they've had multiple updates since then so I'm sure its not horrible now
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
2 things here:
1) OP, wrong section. Questions belong in their own section, the Q&A section. Development is reserved for Roms, kernels, tweaks, etc.
2) If you guys see something posted in the wrong section, report it. No need to get in an internet gang war about it. Us mods have a life too and we can not be here 24 hrs a day to watch over you. When you hit the report button, we see it.

[Q]Kernel for BEST BATTERY LIFE on TW Rom?

Got my S3 3days ago, rooted it the next, and now currently running "JB Wicked V7".
New to this phone and would like to knpw if any one out there knows of a kernel thats compatible with TouchWiz and has the best battery life. MANY THANKS
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Re: Kernel for BEST BATTERY LIFE on TW Rom?
Trinity or xone dx give me the best results
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Re: Kernel for BEST BATTERY LIFE on TW Rom?
Just matter of what works vest with our phone....lean kernel works best for me personally where as the others make my phone hot or drain it faster. Deviant works best for my friend whereean makes her phone hot....just try all the popular kernels for two full charges and see which gives better battery life.....and doesn't blow up your phone with the heat
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Re: Kernel for BEST BATTERY LIFE on TW Rom?
Infamous with instigator x kernel found in at&t section
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
mgbotoe said:
Just matter of what works vest with our phone....lean kernel works best for me personally where as the others make my phone hot or drain it faster. Deviant works best for my friend whereean makes her phone hot....just try all the popular kernels for two full charges and see which gives better battery life.....and doesn't blow up your phone with the heat
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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agreed. i've found that lean or kor kernel works best for me.
Not sure why this was bumped but in case anyone is still following along, all kernels preform differently for all devices. Your best bet is to try them all. When I have a new device it may sound weird and all, I flash the kernel with the most thread views and try them in descending order. This way you are trying what appears to be giving most people the best results and if you don't like your results ,continue your venture.
For Touchwiz I prefer however kt747 simply because Team Kernelizer has some awesome files for undervolting. The other kernels are pretty swell too.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


The past week, I've been trying to find a rom and kernel that would increase my battery life. I use my phone for many different things. However, I gave up trying to do so and I am reverting back to the stock rom and kernel, as I have heard that it gives decent battery life and offers the best stability. The only problem I have with this is that the stock rom is no where as smooth as aosp roms. Sometimes it laggy and it loads stuff slowly. Any way I can get around this? I know it isn't a big deal, but to me it makes a big difference.
In my opinion use a custom ROM based on stock firmware.and just test.
Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 4
maniacopr said:
In my opinion use a custom ROM based on stock firmware.and just test.
Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 4
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Believe me, I've tried. I haven't tried all roms, but what I do know is that I love custom roms because they are quick, responsive, and offer tweaking and customization. However, it isn't as stable and usually for me doesn't offer good battery life.
Have you read Woody's Battery Thread? I not, do so, it has tons of good info.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
DocHoliday77 said:
Have you read Woody's Battery Thread? I not, do so, it has tons of good info.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Yes, I have tried much of what he listed in his thread.
I basically posted a new thread that relates to this topic so would a forum mod please close this thread.

