[Q] Per-App Density Change? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

I am almost 100% sure this does not exist but I wanted to be sure by asking the geniuses here on XDA. I have VUDU apk installed on my Note 2 and notice that to get the UI to function my LCD density has to be 260, but since my phone is normally 320, when i switch to 260 my phone lags bad with many force closings, does anyone have a solution where i can manipulate LCD density for only the VUDU app? Thanks in advance!

Do a search for xposed framework it has settings where you can change the dpi on a per app basis. Follow instructions when installing so you dont run into any problems.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using JellyBombed Tapatalk 2

mayhemonmyandroid said:
Do a search for xposed framework it has settings where you can change the dpi on a per app basis. Follow instructions when installing so you dont run into any problems.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using JellyBombed Tapatalk 2
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Oh my gosh, that actually worked! Thank You a million times over! This Exposed framework thing is actually really neat!

Multicm said:
Oh my gosh, that actually worked! Thank You a million times over! This Exposed framework thing is actually really neat!
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Glad I could help point you in the right direction.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using JellyBombed Tapatalk 2


Enabling Nav-Bar via .buildprop?

On my old T-Mobile Vibrant before it was an option in CM we were able to enable the nav bar by editing the .buildprop. Can you do this on the T-Mobile S3 running CM10?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
nick1217 said:
On my old T-Mobile Vibrant before it was an option in CM we were able to enable the nav bar by editing the .buildprop. Can you do this on the T-Mobile S3 running CM10?
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I believe like this
add that to your build.prop
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How do you adjust size?
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nick1217 said:
How do you adjust size?
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Got me there lol did you try Google?
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Run AOKP. All the options are built in.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using XDA Premium HD app
Mi|enko said:
Run AOKP. All the options are built in.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using XDA Premium HD app
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I hate people that do this, that's not a solution to the thread.
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elesbb said:
I hate people that do this, that's not a solution to the thread.
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I'm sorry if my reply wasn't up to your exemplary standards, but I fail to see how was this^ or "Got me there lol did you try Google?" are any better. What I posted was actually a viable option that the Op may not have been familiar with. It allows for an easy addition of the NavBar, customization of the icons, resizing of the bar, and it's based off of the AOSP just as CM is.
Not everybody that posts an alternative is screaming (if you want to do that, you're dumb of not using this). Some are really just informing.
Mi|enko said:
I'm sorry if my reply wasn't up to your exemplary standards, but I fail to see how was this^ or "Got me there lol did you try Google?" are any better. What I posted was actually a viable option that the Op may not have been familiar with. It allows for an easy addition of the NavBar, customization of the icons, resizing of the bar, and it's based off of the AOSP just as CM is.
Not everybody that posts an alternative is screaming (if you want to do that, you're dumb of not using this). Some are really just informing.
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Telling someone to run a completely different ROM is not a solution to "enable nav bar via build.prop" however making a suggestion in an alternative ROM is different then commanding someone to do something. My first post was very helpful thank you very much. As was my second. The op and I were throwing ideas back and forth, I asked if he tried Google because that's what my next option would have been. Not to mention Google is solving his issue, not commanding someone to change their ROM. At least my posts were on topic.
Now to remain on topic, I think the sizing is determined by framework files and values.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I believe size cannot be changed via build.prop. You have to change the dpi but that makes everything bigger or smaller.
Yes you have to decompile and recompile the framework-res.apk to resize the navigation bar or to add power button to it.
Thanks for the replies :beer:
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
zain0300 said:
I believe size cannot be changed via build.prop. You have to change the dpi but that makes everything bigger or smaller.
Yes you have to decompile and recompile the framework-res.apk to resize the navigation bar or to add power button to it.
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How Would I go about doing that? I'd like to just add the menu button to it.
elesbb said:
I believe like this
add that to your build.prop
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Thanks! Any idea how to add the menu button to it?
elesbb said:
Telling someone to run a completely different ROM is not a solution to "enable nav bar via build.prop" however making a suggestion in an alternative ROM is different then commanding someone to do something. My first post was very helpful thank you very much. As was my second. The op and I were throwing ideas back and forth, I asked if he tried Google because that's what my next option would have been. Not to mention Google is solving his issue, not commanding someone to change their ROM. At least my posts were on topic.
Now to remain on topic, I think the sizing is determined by framework files and values.
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He did not command he gave a suggestion stop being a butthurt kid he suggested using aokp which would be way more easier for him if he'd like to play whit navbar size look feel etc etc..
Your google answer was lame sir,
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
3bs11 said:
Thanks! Any idea how to add the menu button to it?
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Hello. This method works great and actually adds the Nav Bar menu to your phone settings, which lets you modify the position and functions of the Nav Bar (including adding a menu button). Just flash the appropriate zip in the below thread and you should be good to go. There is also a zip for removing the Nav Bar as well.

Screen resolution?

What is the screen resolution? IE there is 360, 600, 720, 800 etc. I just got it today and I am messing with some theming and don't want to waste time on the wrong ones. I'm theming systemui right now
fryingpan0613 said:
What is the screen resolution? IE there is 360, 600, 720, 800 etc. I just got it today and I am messing with some theming and don't want to waste time on the wrong ones. I'm theming systemui right now
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I believe it was 320. I got mine set to 240 now Do u think you can mod the stock dialer and camera app to fit that!
Thanks ben
Can you explain why you lowered the dpi and how you did it. . One would think one would want more dpi not less?
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
screen densit
cherylbaker said:
Can you explain why you lowered the dpi and how you did it. . One would think one would want more dpi not less?
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
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The lower dpi = higher "resolution" gives you more screen space smaller icons looks way better then the stock huge icons.
You should try it.
I did it with rom toolbox under screen density.
vwgti18 said:
I believe it was 320. I got mine set to 240 now Do u think you can mod the stock dialer and camera app to fit that!
Thanks ben
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Thanks for the reply, but that's not what I'm referring to.
Themers will understand. The Numbers I listed are all in the stock rom, but only one needs to be themed
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
fryingpan0613 said:
Thanks for the reply, but that's not what I'm referring to.
Themers will understand. The Numbers I listed are all in the stock rom, but only one needs to be themed
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Lol oops sorry!
vwgti18 said:
Lol oops sorry!
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Its cool I should have named it Differently
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Stock Samsung keyboard ( Modfied )

Modfied Samsung Keyboard.
Thanks to (Arsaw) for the smali edits.
Was able to modify the smali settings to enable:
*Long press from 500ms to 300ms
*System Font same as keyboard Keys
*Auto correction enabled.
*Space bar enables Highlighted words.
*Backup your Current Samsung Keyboard!*
*To Enable secondary keys you must have a Rom that has the feature.xml included..
Or add one to SYSTEM/CSC folder. Must change permissions and owner.. Reboot
Feature.xml http://www.mediafire.com/view/?c0hbhfcbuac0rv6
Place APK in SYSTEM/APPS change Permissions and Owner to Root/Root...And Reboot. ..and remember to enable samsung keyboard..
*Modified Apk alone*
*Flash zip*
Works on DLl1/DLL4 so far,Maybe others haven't tried.....
This is cool man, thanks.
Sent from my CLEANed GN2
meatlocker said:
This is cool man, thanks.
Sent from my CLEANed GN2
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Worked Ok for ya I take it?...You on the new clean rom 4.5 did you just side load it?...
Yeah, Clean 4.5. Flashed your mod in TWRP. Weird thing, though. ..my battery is now stuck at 28%. Would this have monkied with the 1% battery increments?
Resolved the battery issue by returning to stock theme, then re applying my theme.
Sent from my CLEANed GN2
Working on Jedi xpx.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
meatlocker said:
Yeah, Clean 4.5. Flashed your mod in TWRP. Weird thing, though. ..my battery is now stuck at 28%. Would this have monkied with the 1% battery increments?
Resolved the battery issue by returning to stock theme, then re applying my theme.
Sent from my CLEANed GN2
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Strange.. it shouldn't have anything to do with that..The zip only contains the apk and a script to install it and to change permissions...The keyboard is modfied with some smali edits... But might have just been coincidence..
No worky on SkyNote. Side loaded, set permissions, set owner, rebooted. Android was set as default, set Samsung, no keyboard. Rebooted to twrp, wiped caches, fixed permissions, no joy. Went into app manager, wiped caxhe and data, still no worky.
Can confirm keyboard works with clean rom 4.5. Good job wish.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
How do you change permissions & owner to root/root?! From where I'm setting, that isn't even an option using Root Explorer!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but doesn't work on skynote.
Sent from the TermiNOTEr 2!
Jabroni said:
How do you change permissions & owner to root/root?! From where I'm setting, that isn't even an option using Root Explorer!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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The option is available in root explorer, just long press it. I've noticed one issue with the keyboard. If you don't spell a word the way the keyboard has it, it will continue to auto correct no matter what, instead of allowing you to add the word.
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godfirst said:
The option is available in root explorer, just long press it. I've noticed one issue with the keyboard. If you don't spell a word the way the keyboard has it, it will continue to auto correct no matter what, instead of allowing you to add the word.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeh I starting to see that more often on my keyboard too... Not sure if there is any more edits within the smali gotta ask someone . I'm not liking to have to hit the screen for it not to enter a word it doesn't except.
wish777 said:
Yeh I starting to see that more often on my keyboard too... Not sure if there is any more edits within the smali gotta ask someone . I'm not liking to have to hit the screen for it not to enter a word it doesn't except.
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Lol, really great minds think alike I was doing the same thing, I switched back to SwiftKey for now.
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Links are not working. Its says its private
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Furioustylez said:
Links are not working. Its says its private
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This worked great on cleanrom 4.5 thanks!!
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bkeaver said:
This worked great on cleanrom 4.5 thanks!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
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Did it theme the keyboard too, on cleanrom?
wish777 said:
Did it theme the keyboard too, on cleanrom?
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Just tried it on CleanROM 4.5 and yes, the keyboard is themed!
Sent from my giant i317 Pocket Monster
wish777 said:
Did it theme the keyboard too, on cleanrom?
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Yes it is Themed
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Ok thanks guys...

Changing DPI in Jelly Bean

I recently finally switched over to jelly bean from gingerbread. I used to use lcd modder pro to change my LCD density to 200 giving me the perfect screen resolution. I tried using it on JB and all it did was give me a soft brick making me reinstall everything. Is there something that works well with JB now to do the same thing? Also I would need to fix the problem with market incompability (LCD Modder fixed this inherently).
Thanks for any tips.
iivisionii said:
I recently finally switched over to jelly bean from gingerbread. I used to use lcd modder pro to change my LCD density to 200 giving me the perfect screen resolution. I tried using it on JB and all it did was give me a soft brick making me reinstall everything. Is there something that works well with JB now to do the same thing? Also I would need to fix the problem with market incompability (LCD Modder fixed this inherently).
Thanks for any tips.
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Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=37706667
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
krazy_smokezalot said:
Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=37706667
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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Thanks, Looking into it now. For now i figure out rom toolbox does it but I may try yours as well.
iivisionii said:
Thanks, Looking into it now. For now i figure out rom toolbox does it but I may try yours as well.
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Yes, RTP sites a good job changing dpi. What you'll find, however cc is that some apps don't adjust properly, ie dialer, mail. For this I use the per app dpi changer. Great app found on here at XDA.
Sent from my SPH-D710BST using xda premium
Installed the per app dpi changer and works well so far. Interesting little program. Thanks guys.
iivisionii said:
Installed the per app dpi changer and works well so far. Interesting little program. Thanks guys.
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Awesome. Good to hear! Glad to help.
Sent from my SPH-D710BST using xda premium

Note III TW Theming Q&A

Come one, come all. Just an area to come to to ask questions about theming the Note III.
Please be courteous and respectful. If you can't answer the question then don't respond.
I will add links to stuff as we see fit and such..
Not a place to request mods and such, but a place to ask for help in theming the Note III..
2nd Post
Reserved 3rd
Last reserved Spot
Glad to see you here. I look forward to some Dark Horse and inverted apps.
Purple Green for me...nice to see you here, I will be a frequent visitor.:highfive:
Say if I wanted to theme my stock rooted touchwiz. If I found a theme for the s4 touchwiz, I obviously can't flash it! But if I used a root explorer can I drag and drop replacing the files and reboot? Or would it not work cause or dpi is set at 480p? I just miss themeing! I wish I could make the PCB circuit board theme work on our Note 3!
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 2
harosxcomp170 said:
Say if I wanted to theme my stock rooted touchwiz. If I found a theme for the s4 touchwiz, I obviously can't flash it! But if I used a root explorer can I drag and drop replacing the files and reboot? Or would it not work cause or dpi is set at 480p? I just miss themeing! I wish I could make the PCB circuit board theme work on our Note 3!
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 2
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I was wondering the same thing, just taking from the other n3 forums....just still trying to figure out where to put the files
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
harosxcomp170 said:
Say if I wanted to theme my stock rooted touchwiz. If I found a theme for the s4 touchwiz, I obviously can't flash it! But if I used a root explorer can I drag and drop replacing the files and reboot? Or would it not work cause or dpi is set at 480p? I just miss themeing! I wish I could make the PCB circuit board theme work on our Note 3!
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 2
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Sorry to say, no. Here is why sir.
1. S4 is still on android 4.2 based, while Note III is android 4.3 so things will be different.
2. The layout files will be different, which is a big piece.
Dpi wont come into play, becuase they both use xxHdpi images.. so the image part should for most part be fine to drag into Launcher3.apk. Not a guareentee all will be fine.. but should.
My suggestion..
1. If you have Root, have Nova or Apex loaded and make sure works.
2. With one of the above running, you can rename your launcher3.apk
3. I would only drag images from s4 launcher into Note III launcher.
4. Replace luancher apk on Note III change permission, reboot.
5. change back to TW Launcher..
With us just getting Root. You gotta give us a bit to get things going..
Bern612 said:
I was wondering the same thing, just taking from the other n3 forums....just still trying to figure out where to put the files
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You take a huge chance of messing up phone and getting fc's using apk from other carriers N3 stuff. Especially Framework/SystemUI is almost always different by each carrier. They add stuff into those files..
Gunthermic said:
You tak ea huge chance of messing up phone and getting fc's using apk from other carriers N3 stuff. Especially Framework/SystemUI is almost always different by each carrier. They add stuff into those files..
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Thanks for the advice. I will take out slow
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Bern612 said:
Thanks for the advice. I will take out slow
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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No problem.
Always give thanks to those that help you or answer questions..
Always Nadroid!!!!
I'm excited. I can't wait until there is a way to change this stupid white messages and dialer.
cragordon said:
I'm excited. I can't wait until there is a way to change this stupid white messages and dialer.
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I am working on it, but please this thread is for Theming Q &A's.
Could you point my in the direction how yo deodex my systemui.apk so I could theme it ? I used Google but came up with a bunch of different options wasn't sure which was the best route
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA Premium HD app
can someone lead me in the right direction for removing the app labels from the touchwiz launcher?! or if someone wants to remove them that would be awesome... Using Sbreen's Hyperdrive release 3... thanks
How can I theme my dailer?
Red and Black?
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chrisn91 said:
Could you point my in the direction how yo deodex my systemui.apk so I could theme it ? I used Google but came up with a bunch of different options wasn't sure which was the best route
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA Premium HD app
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Just go to the Dev section and you can download the whole Deodex ROM, it's already been done for you.
fresh401 said:
How can I theme my dailer?
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You need to have:
Android SDK
A graphic program like Gimp, Paint.Net, Photoshop
Apktool Manager
Java 6 and/or 7
That would be a start. Then you need to learn how to decompile Android Apk's
Menardo said:
can someone lead me in the right direction for removing the app labels from the touchwiz launcher?! or if someone wants to remove them that would be awesome... Using Sbreen's Hyperdrive release 3... thanks
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This thread is not the right area to request themign to be done, Use the Theme and Apps area fro that please.
The SecLauncher4.apk is the correct apk to decompile to get to labels for the launcher. I am not sure where those are at, haven't themed the Seclauncher since two versions ago..
I might suggest Nova whch will allow you to do things as well.

