how to install twrp 2.4? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

i used rom tool box to download the latest twrp...
how do i install it now?

Download goo.manager an it will do it for you.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

i suppose il have to reflash my rom and gapps on the new twrp to fix my doubles of gallery pics and music songs??
and this means starting all over after i reflash my rom?

93fuelslut said:
i suppose il have to reflash my rom and gapps on the new twrp to fix my doubles of gallery pics and music songs??
and this means starting all over after i reflash my rom?
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Yes. You need to install/set up/adjust everything again after you do a full wipe and re-install a ROM. No need to re-flash recovery again, it will survive the wipe


[Q] Can I just update to CM10.1 M2 or do I need to boot into recovery?

Hey I am on CM 10.1 M1...Does anyone know if I can update to M2 via the native CM updater in the settings, or do I have to boot into recovery and do it the manual way? I know M1 required the manual way, but not sure about M2. Also, will I need to reflash Gapps?
lostinthoughtnyc said:
Hey I am on CM 10.1 M1...Does anyone know if I can update to M2 via the native CM updater in the settings, or do I have to boot into recovery and do it the manual way? I know M1 required the manual way, but not sure about M2. Also, will I need to reflash Gapps?
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best way is a clean install
dirty flash sometimes result in apps don't run properly.
so it's better if you download the zip, put it in your internal/external sd card, go to recovery, wipe clean(make sure backup) and install + gapps
Clean install is always best but I have been doing to the updates from cmupdater for a bit now with no issues just always do a back up before or update and u will be good to go
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Pbwizkid said:
Clean install is always best but I have been doing to the updates from cmupdater for a bit now with no issues just always do a back up before or update and u will be good to go
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Yeah I'm def going to do a full backup and then use CMupdater. Will I have to reflash GAPPS?
lostinthoughtnyc said:
Yeah I'm def going to do a full backup and then use CMupdater. Will I have to reflash GAPPS?
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Yes, always gotta flash the Gapps.


Hey guys, recently i tried to switch from cm10(stable) to PACman ROM. Unfortunately, it never works. I always get "flash aborted". When I flashed cm10, I flashed the at&t version and it works fine, and the PACman I'm trying to flash is the tmo one. Should i try the at&t PACman instead? Please help me guys
Oh BTW, I'm on wind if that helps
Thanks to all that help or attempt to!
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why don't you wipe? or maybe its your recovery?
mt3g said:
why don't you wipe? or maybe its your recovery?
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I did the wipedata, cache and dalvik, i wiped everything needed, i followed all standard directions for flashing new ROMs, but nothing works. And oh, im using CWM recovery and on rom manager it says im at the latest version, so everything is up to date and everything should work but it doesnt:crying:
I had same issue too. It never worked for me if I switch from CM to PACMAN ROM. But I had it working if I flash stock ROM first then flash PACman. Any stock based ROM should work. Its a pain but you should try it. Also I used TWRP and I always wipe system too not just cache, delvik, and data. Just make sure you have nandroid. Good luck.
Edit: also I never flash PACman ROM and gapps together. Flash ROM let it boot once and go back to recovery to flash gapps..
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myowin said:
I had same issue too. It never worked for me if I switch from CM to PACMAN ROM. But I had it working if I flash stock ROM first then flash PACman. Any stock based ROM should work. Its a pain but you should try it. Also I used TWRP and I always wipe system too not just cache, delvik, and data. Just make sure you have nandroid. Good luck.
Edit: also I never flash PACman ROM and gapps together. Flash ROM let it boot once and go back to recovery to flash gapps..
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Hey, thanks for the advice, ill try flashing back to my stock then flash PACman, hopefully that works
And also, could you teach me how to flash TWRP? Ive been meaning to replace CWM with TWRP but im kinda iffy on how to do it. Do i put the .zip on my sd and flash it through CWM and then bam, ill have TWRP?
Jaz-Crahh said:
Hey, thanks for the advice, ill try flashing back to my stock then flash PACman, hopefully that works
And also, could you teach me how to flash TWRP? Ive been meaning to replace CWM with TWRP but im kinda iffy on how to do it. Do i put the .zip on my sd and flash it through CWM and then bam, ill have TWRP?
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Install it with goo manager.
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Can't flash ANY JB custom roms

Hey there guys, new to Samsung devices (solid LG user here). Wifey got this phone and I'm trying to flash JB (it's in ICS coming from GB). As the title says, whatever custom JB rom out there for this phone won't work! I don't know, maybe I just missed something or what, but I followed, read every instructions there is (I don't have any problems flashing any roms on my LG's...)
Why can't I flash any JB roms? While I can flash any custom ICS roms on this phone..anything I missed? Need to be enlightened. Thank you in advance. Btw, I like to try Chameleon OS
You'll prolly have to give more info like the steps your taking to flash them. What recovery are you using if any.
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thakrew317 said:
You'll prolly have to give more info like the steps your taking to flash them. What recovery are you using if any.
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Oh sorry. Forgot to mention those. As of lately, I wanted to try Chameleon OS. the steps I did:
* factory reset
* full wipe (format /system & /cache)
* flash latest Chameleon OS nightly
* wipe davlik
* reboot, waited for 15 mins
I did this on all JB roms I tried...but none of them works. Btw, I'm on TWRP 2.5
Thanks for the reply.
djtreo said:
Oh sorry. Forgot to mention those. As of lately, I wanted to try Chameleon OS. the steps I did:
* factory reset
* full wipe (format /system & /cache)
* flash latest Chameleon OS nightly
* wipe davlik
* reboot, waited for 15 mins
I did this on all JB roms I tried...but none of them works. Btw, I'm on TWRP 2.5
Thanks for the reply.
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You're missing gapps after flashing ROM
If a ROM is aosp based you need gapps...there's a link for the latest 4.2.2 gapps in the chameleon thread or you can search for it on
Once you Dow load gapps and ROM do the following
Reboot into twrp recovery
Click on wipe
Click advance wipe
Check the first 4 (dalvik, data, system, cache)
Swipe to wipe
Flash ROM
Flash gapps
You can wipe dalvik/cache again after (I don't since the caches haven't been built yet for the newly flashed ROM)
Wait 10 mins after seeing the welcome screen (don't touch anything)
Reboot device again and setup :thumbup::beer:
EDIT: my fault..not flashing the gapps won't make you hang on boot but still try my method to flash and let me know if it worked.
Sent from my Infamous Hercules.
iburnhearts said:
You're missing gapps after flashing ROM
If a ROM is aosp based you need gapps...there's a link for the latest 4.2.2 gapps in the chameleon thread or you can search for it on
Once you Dow load gapps and ROM do the following
Reboot into twrp recovery
Click on wipe
Click advance wipe
Check the first 4 (dalvik, data, system, cache)
Swipe to wipe
Flash ROM
Flash gapps
You can wipe dalvik/cache again after (I don't since the caches haven't been built yet for the newly flashed ROM)
Wait 10 mins after seeing the welcome screen (don't touch anything)
Reboot device again and setup :thumbup::beer:
EDIT: my fault..not flashing the gapps won't make you hang on boot but still try my method to flash and let me know if it worked.
Sent from my Infamous Hercules.
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wow thanks! didn't saw that coming...only the gapps i forgot! thanks a bunch!
djtreo said:
wow thanks! didn't saw that coming...only the gapps i forgot! thanks a bunch!
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Don't thank me until you successfully flash it man.
Sent from my Infamous Hercules.
iburnhearts said:
Don't thank me until you successfully flash it man.
Sent from my Infamous Hercules.
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I already did when I said thanks! It was succesful
so was the problem caused by gapps not installed?
highly doubtful
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sam.balia1012 said:
so was the problem caused by gapps not installed?
highly doubtful
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using XDA Premium HD app
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No it was caused by not wiping properly on twrp. You need to make sure all 4 partitions are being wiped that's why my steps said click advance wipe and check the first 4.
Sent from my Infamous Hercules.

Can't connect to camera error
Hi I was trying out the new 4.3 camera and this happend.
I downloaded the apk. It couldn't install so I backed up the original camera and installed the new camera. After installing the new camera freezes, everytime I open the camera again it says Camera could not connect. So I uninstalled the new camera and went to titanium backup, but the backup wasn't there, so I went to system/app but there was no gallery or camera app. My last hope was gapps. I went to recovery flashed gapps, wiped dalvik/cache and still no camera or gallery. And also before installing the new camera I disabled the old camera. I tried to reset app perference but it did not work.
EDIT: Factory reset did not help.
Sounds to me like the problem is you disabled the old camera instead of deleting it outright. You have to completely remove it for the new one to work. I just did a quick backup of it and uninstalled it. Installed the new app and its working perfectly. No having to click focus before taking a picture or anything :good:
Can anyone find a working camera for 4.2.2? I have been searching for hours. Every camera I install, I get can't connect to camera.
xXFl4sh said:
Can anyone find a working camera for 4.2.2? I have been searching for hours. Every camera I install, I get can't connect to camera.
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Seriously?? You're the first person I've heard say that... Besides me and my post I made a few hours ago.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Why not flash rom/gapps again in recovery? I'd wipe cache & dalvik then flash and reboot. This should restore the camera and will only take 2 minutes
I just reflashed the whole ROM to fix it.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Try the camera I posted in the themes and apps section.
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xXFl4sh said:
I just reflashed the whole ROM to fix it.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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Did you do a full wipe while on 4.2 and then just reflash the ROM and gapps or just he ROM?
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AaronYoLungz said:
Did you do a full wipe while on 4.2 and then just reflash the ROM and gapps or just he ROM?
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The whole rom. Installing other camera or gapps didnt work.
AaronYoLungz said:
Did you do a full wipe while on 4.2 and then just reflash the ROM and gapps or just he ROM?
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xXFl4sh said:
The whole rom. Installing other camera or gapps didnt work.
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you dont have to do a full wipe for this procedure. simply wipe cache and dalvik the flash the rom and gapps. this will replace the (rom) packaged camera that has been removed. you have to flash gapps when you flash your rom. thats the only reason you're even flashing it at this moment.
xBeerdroiDx said:
you dont have to do a full wipe for this procedure. simply wipe cache and dalvik the flash the rom and gapps. this will replace the (rom) packaged camera that has been removed. you have to flash gapps when you flash your rom. thats the only reason you're even flashing it at this moment.
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I tired this..
Flash gapps
dalvik and cache
I fixed it btw.


I accidentally deleted the download file on my phone from titanium backup now i cant go on android market plus also whenn i start up my phone i get something like a gapp error
Deleting the download folder shouldn't effect the ability to open/use the play store.
The only thing I could think of that should fix the issue, is to do a full wipe and eflash the ROM (and gapps if required for the ROM you are using).
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Or try to just reflash gapps first.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I think he deleted the download apk which is an essential system component. If reflashing gapp doesn't work, I would suggest reflashing the ROM.
S-beamed from my GSIII via xda premium
Reflash the rom wothout wiping, then flash gapps. It won't delete anything of yours
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
i have stockorama...I'm sorry I'm new to this so I would have to go into the zip and find the gapp folder then flash it???
The ROM and gapps are two separate zips. Flash the ROM first,then gapps package.
xfreedom said:
i have stockorama...I'm sorry I'm new to this so I would have to go into the zip and find the gapp folder then flash it???
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after i reflash which i did where is the "gapp" zip
xfreedom said:
after i reflash which i did where is the "gapp" zip
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There are no gapps zip for touchwiz ROMs, the apps are already included in the ROM.
Do a full wipe and reflash the ROM.
You could just wipe cache and dalvik cache, but I would recommend just doing a full wipe and starting over to avoid further issues.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Da Kine said:
There are no gapps zip for touchwiz ROMs, the apps are already included in the ROM.
Do a full wipe and reflash the ROM.
You could just wipe cache and dalvik cache, but I would recommend just doing a full wipe and starting over to avoid further issues.
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+1 didn't think about it being a two ROM. Been on aosp for so long. Lil. Yeah always nice to start fresh and clean, especially after something goes awry.
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none of that worked =( luckily i had a backup of my phone before stockorama but now when n i try to readd stockorama doesnt work or if i do get it to work google play store doesnt work =(
also it just reboots into recovery each time but also during the installer it doesnt download any google apps
Touchwiz comes with the playstore and other samsung apps. You flash gapps when you are using an aosp based rom like jellybean. If reflashing the Stockoroma rom does not help my only suggestion is to download stock rom and firmware and then from there reflash the Stockorama rom. I'm pretty sure there is an easier solution to this but that is what I would try.

