syncing notes via own server - Nexus 4 Themes and Apps

Hey there, I am looking for a note-taking app which lets me sync my notes to my own server. I wouldn't mind coding my own windows notes-manager.exe. I just need something on android that sync my notes on the server in a format (.txt ?) that a linux/windows note-app could open as well.
Any ideas?

I use Evernote...
Sent from my shiny new, scratch less Nexus 4!

The closest thing I've found is Epistle. It syncs to Dropbox and uses Markdown so you end up with text files that you can access on a Linux box as long as it's running the Dropbox client daemon.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


Taking little notes on S620

k, so we all agree that this phone does quite a lot,
but I often find myself wanting to take a few notes, just a line or 2 and I couldnt find a program in my phone that does it...
Is there some kind of notepad or sticky notes for this device on WM5?
Thanks for the help!
Install OneNote. You can install it if you have MS Office installed. Just open up OneNote on the desktop and go to its options and you will see the option to install OneNote Mobile.
Its great. It lets me attach recordings, pictures to notes, as well as jot down quick ones.
There's also PhatNotes for smartphone:
It's $40, but I've heard it's not bad. I use OneNote Mobile, since I get it free with my work copy of Office 2007. OneNote 2007 costs quite a bit (over $100) to buy separately.
If you can wait for a 1 week, I will post a note application I am currently working on. It will synchronise notes from outlook using active sync. And it will be free
Nexus30 said:
If you can wait for a 1 week, I will post a note application I am currently working on. It will synchronise notes from outlook using active sync. And it will be free
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If you get this working I will gladly donate for your time!
Oh wow, I had no clue I had the program. Thank you so much!!!
Ive had office 2007 for quite some time now and never bothered to open the program directory in the folder!!!
That is amazing, guess I wont have to buy a program to do it!!!
Thank you so much! You have all been great...
Btw, I used phatnotes for the day, not bad at all, but there are a couple of glitches I found while using it...
Wont complain tho, still did the job!
Nexus30 said:
If you can wait for a 1 week, I will post a note application I am currently working on. It will synchronise notes from outlook using active sync. And it will be free
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Hello what about your program? have you some news? I would like to test it. THANKS
I am still working on the synchronization part. I have finished the mobile app part. I will make it available soon, just working on some final touch. Cheers
Nexus30 said:
I am still working on the synchronization part. I have finished the mobile app part. I will make it available soon, just working on some final touch. Cheers
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If you need a tester let me know.
Happy to help!
Does One Note sync with Outlook?
OneNote & Outlook
edmondt said:
Does One Note sync with Outlook?
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No, it syncs with OneNote on the Desktop.
Smartphones do not have Notes built-in and all the 3rd-party solutions (such as SmartpHoneNotes) suck because they cannot sync over the air.
My solutions are:
1) Do notes online. If you have a free Yahoo account, you can use its online Notepad, not bad at all, just it does not support SSL. If you have an ASP web hosting, you can install my XinNotes:
2) Use PocketNotepad. If your phone does not have an Internet, then the best way to do notes is the free and great PocketNotepad from Tillanosoft. You don't need to sync it with your desktop as you can open the notes files directly via ActiveSync with Windows's Notepad. As it does not use a special file format but in plain text, it saves you all the troubles of sync and your dependance to a specific software. Peace of mind from now on.
PocketNotepad is also the best and only text edit tool for you to view/edit any text files on your phone. A must. Make sure you also install the tGetFile.dll which allows you to browse/open/save in all folders (without this dll PocketNotepad can only access My Documents folder which is enough for notes function). No need to mention its full features: copy/paste, search/replace, insert date/time... everything you've dreamed and beyond.
Notes App.
For my S620 I copied HTC Quick notes app. from the S710 and it works very well. It allows you to store notes on the storage card but it does not have the aibility to sync with Outlook.
Playing a bit with my SGH-i600, I noticed that they have an app. called Notepad and the i600 ships with an add-on to sync notes on Outlook called Notepadsync. I copied it on the S620 and installed the software on my computer but Activ Sync does not recognise the app. on the smartphone whereas it would detect it on the SGH.
I guess there must be some registry hacks to do to allow it to sync on the S620.
If someone the binaries I can send them, as I have very few spare time to dig on this.
I'm been using SmartphoneNotes from Syncdata and it works great (syncs wiith Outlook also).

[Q] Outlook Notes to Android Memos

Does know any App, software, tool or suggestion on Converting Outlook Notes to Android Memos?
in the worse case scenario, i'll have to manually copy and paste them over, i don't have that many.
Not as I know need to support naively by the email client I think.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Does EverNote Desktop support importing? if so use that
Anybody else found a solution for this?
the next closest thing i found was using Note Everything
very similar to WM notes, as you can enter Drawings, Voice Recordings, Text notes, etc.
only problem is that it can only import .csv files from Outlook Notes export, and those Drawings notes from Outlook notes wont get exported/imported properly.
copy paste
I cut and pasted 35 notes into today
then sync'd it with the Android app.
Pretty basic, attach photos, private or share.
Cons: no formatting, no audio.
seems pretty good @ the best price .. free.
using win7, no active sync, I don't use outlook.
I'm using gSyncit to sync Outlook to my google account. This tool syncs Outlook notes to Google Documents.
Then i can view&edit these docs with gDocs (Android app).

[Q] Syncing Tasks on Outlook and Exchange with OneNote on WP7?

So it looks like there is no way to sync Tasks from Outlook on the Desktop or from an Exchange Server to Outlook in WP7
I'm looking for a solution and I think that it may be possible to use OneNote for this. However I'm not sure if OneNote on WP7 will support Tasks; also I'm not sure of what will be required elsewhere for this to happen.
Firstly does anyone know if OneNote if OneNote on WP7 supports Tasks and Task syncing (with the online version of OneNote)? If it does does anyone know if it will be possible to use the online version of OneNote to sync with Tasks on an Exchange Server and then to OneNote on WP7 or would I need a desktop installation that would sync to my Outlook and then sync online?
Also if anyone has another idea I'd love to hear it
Thats not what onenote is for. Thats why outlook exists. No...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I forgot all about tasks and notes
Are they sync'd using Exchange? I don't have my phone yet so don't even know what the phones functionality is in this area
N8ter said:
Thats not what onenote is for. Thats why outlook exists. No...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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This is why Outlook AND OneNote exist on the Desktop but on Windows Phone 7 there is no syncing of Tasks (or Notes) from Outlook/Exchange, even with Exchange 2010.
On the Desktop OneNote does handle Tasks and it can sync Tasks with Outlook, with OneNote on Windows Mobile (although the WM version doesn't really know what to do with anything other than normal text or a list) and with OneNote in The Cloud.
I don't know what the OneNote version on WP7 can do (other than sync with The Cloud) or if it can handles Tasks but I do know that there are no Tasks in Outlook on WP7 or as a separate Microsoft application.
chubnut said:
I forgot all about tasks and notes
Are they sync'd using Exchange? I don't have my phone yet so don't even know what the phones functionality is in this area
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Notes and Tasks in Outlook/Exchange are not synced at all with WP7. This is the problem.
You can transfer your Notes to OneNote and use that rather than Outlook/Exchange for notes and that should sync with the cloud and with your device but I don't know if it will work for Tasks. [I think that you may need the desktop version of OneNote installed to transfer the notes across.]
Thanks for that.
I'm in the process of putting SBS 2008 on one of my machines at home which I think comes with Exchange too. If not I'll bung ES 2010 on there too and do some testing once I stick One Note on the machine.
So there are no tasks at all on WP7?
chubnut said:
Thanks for that.
I'm in the process of putting SBS 2008 on one of my machines at home which I think comes with Exchange too. If not I'll bung ES 2010 on there too and do some testing once I stick One Note on the machine.
So there are no tasks at all on WP7?
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Yes, SBS 2008 comes with Exchange but that is Exchange 2007. Exchange 2010 has a lot of new features but one that is of most interest to me is that it can finally sync Notes OTA via ActiveSync to a client, which would be perfect... if WP7 supported it.
There is a beta program for the next release of SBS, which includes Exchange 2010.
As for Tasks, no there are no Tasks in WP7 at the moment and no information as to if or when they will be added. You should be able to use OneNote on WP7 for Tasks as long as it has been improved over the Office Mobile 2010 version.
BTW I'm interested to know if I can search a server using ActiveSync from WP7. Engadget said that you can't but I got the impression that they were using Gmail, which isn't a complete implementation of the features of Exchange so if you have a handset or if you are about to get a handset, I'd love to know.

Sync Camera Photos to Google Drive

I want to do something really simple with google drive.
I want to setup a permanent sync so my phone camera pics are synced with the google drive. So whenever i take a pic it just appears in the drive without having to do anything.
I am damned if i can figure out how to do it!
Can it be done?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
This can't be done (yet). But Google is pushing Google+ hard so I think they might keep that feature separate to get more users there as what you want can be done via the Google+ app
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I am not using G+.
Maybe folder sync may appear in the future on GD
I can still manually select images to upload for the time being.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Drop box does it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
If you want photos to go to google drive i dont wee what you wouldn't just use google+. It saves unlimited amount of photos to Picasso/google+ and you dont have to use it as a social network. No one is going to talk to you if you dont talk to them. You want get any alerts about anything. Also you can edit photos right from the web. But if your concern is to not be in the cloud but on a local computer, like mentioned above...Dropbox is the best for that.
Camera photo sync
Dropbox is the best way to go.
Just use google+ on your phone. Then it will autokatically upload your photo, everytime you yake a photo it will ulpoad it. Your uploaded photo won't be published unless you do so. Hope this helped you.
Sent from my GT-S5830
I'm trying to do the same thing so my photos on the iphone are automatically sent to google drive. I have google drive synced with my work and home computers. I am envisioning all my iphone photos immediately available on all my computers google drive sync folders. I think I will try the photosync app. It looks like it will be the bridge I'm looking for until the google drive app for iOS is released.
Update: Tried photosync by touchbyte. Works well with google drive but lacks automatic syncing. Autosync has been suggested by many on the touchbyte support bulletin board.
Note: I have jailbroken iOS 4.8. Don't want to move to iOS 5
+1 for Google +, it works great! I have it set to upload when on WiFi and charging. It has never failed me yet.
If you don't want to use G+, then you could use a folder sync app and sync your DCIM folder with Google Drive...
I use this app for the same reason, and other uses:
the problem with G+ is that it scales your photo's, which is probably why they are trying to use google drive.
I wanna do the same thing. any new word on this now that google released the sdk? I would assume something exactly like dropbox will turn up soon i hope!
Yes, there are 2 issues with G+ instant upload:
1. Photos are downscaled to 5 Mpix, not sent as original files.
2. No sync to desktop like Goole Drive or Dropbox.
It can be done!
Another thing you can do is use Google Drive and Dropbox together. This works really well! Just install Dropbox on your phone and computer, but on your computer make Dropbox point to a subfolder somewhere within Google Drive. Then set the option on your phone to always sync your photos into your Dropbox. Have both sync clients running on your PC simultaneously, and the following will take place:
1) You take picture with your phone.
2) Dropbox app uploads your photos to Dropbox automatically.
3) Dropbox client on your PC downloads photos locally, saving them within the Dropbox subfolder of Google Drive
4) Google sync client on your PC spots new local files, uploads files to matching location on Drive.
5) Viola!
It's not perfectly clean but it gets the job done well!
There's a simpler way
steven6702 said:
It's not perfectly clean but it gets the job done well!
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Or you could just use this app:
There is also a free version.

Outlook Sync?

Any suggestions for an app that will sync MS Outlook (Calanedar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes, etc) from an XP/Win7 machine? I wouldn't cry if it also replaced the native Calendar and Contact apps... which imo, are pretty weak. Not concerned w/ email.
Btw, new to the Nexus 7... this is one cool machine!
Calendar, Contacts, and Mail (if you do want it anyway) can be synced natively through Android, with the AOSP e-mail app.
For the other exchange tools, you could find one by searching Exchange ActiveSync on the Play Store.
In the odd case that this WASN'T your answer, and you aren't using Outlook for Corporate purposes, I'd imagine the way to sync your contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes would be to export them through Outlook itself and importing them into Google's services.
Contact export is simple in outlook, all major mail clients support import/export anyway. Calendar I'm not sure if you can set a URL to synchronize on Google Calendar or not, but you could probably export it, too. Same with tasks, and notes, but if those two fail you could probably copy and paste.
Microsoft office is currently in the works for android and iOS believe it or not. Release early next year.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
Thanks Asovse1. I'm not Exchange/Corporate based. Searching the app store, I hit on the likes of VC Organizer, mOffice, Android-Sync, Local Sync, Deja Office, etc and was hoping for some user reviews.
Wonder if MS Office will include Outlook? or just the Word, Excel, Powerpoint components?
I use Touchdown for our company Exchange users on Android. It integrates fully and synchronizes with Exchange and Outlook good. Closest to Balackberry Exchange services on the market.
gcorth said:
Thanks Asovse1. I'm not Exchange/Corporate based. Searching the app store, I hit on the likes of VC Organizer, mOffice, Android-Sync, Local Sync, Deja Office, etc and was hoping for some user reviews.
Wonder if MS Office will include Outlook? or just the Word, Excel, Powerpoint components?
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I have used VC Organizer Pro. Its been a while though. I originally bought it because it syncs everything including tasks. I have since moved on to Linux, gmail and the native Google tasks.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I use this on a daily basis MyPhoneExplorer for Outlook on XP/Droid on JellyBean combo which puts a client on both the PC and Phone/Tablet. It just works.
I'm using Moxier Mail for about 2 years now and it is one of the best Microsoft sync tools available. It is syncing everything you listed in the first post.
The only draw back is that is quite expensive (it is by far the most expensive app. I have on my android devices ).
This is how it looks on my N7 ...

